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Celebrity Cruisers don't like kids


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Just compare television commercials or the home page for X, RCI, Carnival - it's pretty evident who X is trying to target - BUT, that does not mean X "hates" kids. It's the parents who turn a blind eye to their child's ill-behavior who are far more annoying than the kids.


Personally, I don't cruise when there may be a large # of kids on board and I don't want to dine with kids unless I am related to them, but I certainly don't mind seeing them on board. Just remember, no one thinks your kids are as cute and perfect as you do - grandparents excluded :).

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Can you imagine if this thread were about how people don't like seniors on cruises because they walk too slow or speak to loud because of hearing loss, or become irritable too quickly because of aches or pains?!:eek:


Or if it were about females because they like to chat and I can't enjoy my dinner because of the constant chatter from the two women at the table beside me :mad:


Or about persons with physical disabilities because the cruiseship is not universally wheelchair accessible and think of the inconvenience of having to accommodate


etc. etc. etc.


Really, it's about tolerance (or intolerance), and if a parent chooses to bring their kids along, more power to them. And don't tell me yeah, but we're talking only about those kids that misbehave, because way more adults misbehave and they aren't being targeted by saying "I'd prefer an adult free cruise".

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Can you imagine if this thread were about how people don't like seniors on cruises because they walk too slow or speak to loud because of hearing loss, or become irritable too quickly because of aches or pains?!:eek:


Or if it were about females because they like to chat and I can't enjoy my dinner because of the constant chatter from the two women at the table beside me :mad:


Or about persons with physical disabilities because the cruiseship is not universally wheelchair accessible and think of the inconvenience of having to accommodate


etc. etc. etc.


Really, it's about tolerance (or intolerance), and if a parent chooses to bring their kids along, more power to them. And don't tell me yeah, but we're talking only about those kids that misbehave, because way more adults misbehave and they aren't being targeted by saying "I'd prefer an adult free cruise".


Hab Fan - Great Post :)


What always amazes me is when people, who would not have been welcome on a typical cruise, not all that long ago, for various reasons, complain that their cruise was ruined by children, who shouldn't be allowed to cruise.

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There is a thread on the Carnival board about many cruisers not wanting kids on Cruises. It was started on March 22, and it already has over 450 posts. A few of those posts intimated that people that sail Celebrity really don't like to see kids cruising. We are taking our first Celebrity cruise a week from today, please say that it isn't so.


I cannot speak for Celebrity just myself. If the kids are well behaved, then by all means bring them along. If they are not, then teach them some manners before doing so. No screaming, yelling or crying in the dining room etc. Keep in mind their behaviour impacts everyone around them and not everyone finds a brat amusing. It's all about courtesy and respect for others. Enjoy your cruise:)

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On our Celebrity cruise 6 years ago, there were about 200 kids. We never saw any of them - including the son of one of our CC Meet N Greet couples. He was 4 at the time and LOVED the Fun Factory so much he never joined his parents on any of the excursions or shopping etc.


Last year on our RCI cruise, we took our kids for the first time (ages 10 & 14 at the time). It was Easter/Spring Break and there were quite a few kids on board. I don't remember seeing too many misbehaved kids - granted I was paying more attention to mine when they weren't in Adventure Ocean. Did I see my kids running through public areas? Yeppers sure did - they were on a scavenger hunt for AO. Did I say something to them about that? Yeppers - sure did. I know they want to "win" the scavenger hunt, but that didn't give them the right to run around like banshees. (Side note: I was a little disappointed that the AO staff would break up the kids into groups of 2-3 and encourage them to scour the ship on a scavenger hunt without proper adult supervision. If they can't break the group up into manageable teams with an adult, then they shouldn't have scavenger hunts.)


In 2013, we will be sailing again to Alaska and right now I am leaning toward the Millie. The kids will be going with us and will be 17 & 13. I don't know that they will have too much interest in the kids club then. Just as on the RCI cruise, my kids will abide by the dress code for dinner (and oh how handsome they look in their suits). We will probably do Celebrity's version of My Time Dining (Select?) as we did last time. They will have a little bit of say in this particular vacation as far as excursions are concerned only because they are old enough to know what they would and would not like to do. The final decision will be mine and DH based upon our budget though.


I can't wait to sail Celebrity again. It has been my favorite line so far. I know my kids will love it too.

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Maybe it's time for RCI/Celebrity to consider a new "product:" a cruise with the upscale experience of Celebrity but more inviting to families with children and with a few more family-friendly amenities. This cruise would offer the excellent service, high quality food, chic but low-key atmosphere of Celebrity, but with some extra family touches. Maybe it's a more upscale RCI experience. Not exactly sure. But, I think there are lots of parents who want an upscale family vacation, but don't want to feel like they're at a theme park.

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Kids? or behaved kids?


Kids are part of Life on Celebrity or not! We had almost 800 on our Sailing March of this year and it was not a problem. I will take kids over rude complaining "adults"


Where is the box to tick to choose one or the other? :D I find that we normally get rowdy kids and rude adults.

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But I didn't start having kids until I was 35 so I'm comparatively old too... I'm determinedly crotchity!


I've been on a dozen cruises of several lines in the last decade, usually during high youth traffic school breaks, always with kids of my own - sometimes with nephews also.


I've never seen egregious ill behavior of kids onboard. I've heard stories on CC, but I've personally never witnessed genuine problem conduct. A couple of times, I've seen children running or be a bit noisey. I don't mind politely admonishing kids (running) and they've always conformed (politely, sheepishly).


I have seen far more numerous loud drunks, line cutting adults, and various other 'adults behaving badly' (nearly every cruise). I've been on a ship (HAL Ryndam) where a 'wasted' 40-something managed to endanger everyone by dropping the stern anchor while the ship was underway thus necessitating an early AM full ship muster.


Personally, I don't understand the antipathy of some adults toward kids. In my personal experience, they're better behaved than their elders!


I think Celebrity's crew treat kids great. I think the lion's share of X pax have no problem with kids. But, in my limited experience, I do think X has a slightly few more misanthropes than other lines (but still a generally insignificant minority) that unreasonably squawk about any number of things. Actually, some squawkers qualify as 'adults behaving badly'; but these types are a small small group and they are best (and easily) ignored.

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I cannot speak for Celebrity just myself. If the kids are well behaved, then by all means bring them along. If they are not, then teach them some manners before doing so. No screaming, yelling or crying in the dining room etc. Keep in mind their behaviour impacts everyone around them and not everyone finds a brat amusing. It's all about courtesy and respect for others. Enjoy your cruise:)


Same is true for adults then :) If well behaved welcome aboard! If not perhaps better to stay home. No whining, yelling, demanding, arguing or drunken behaviour please! And please don't treat the staff with disrespect or push your way through lineups. Some of the worst behaviour I have seen while travelling is from adults - was on a cruise recently where 2 middle aged men spent hours around the pool bar- one then fell off his chair and pulled the other down with him! When ship's staff tried to help them up they became argumentative. Then one of their wives (I think) came over and started yelling at them and the staff! No one finds a rude or drunken adult amusing and it is about courtesy and respect- sometimes it is easier to teach that to a child than a cranky adult set in his/her ways

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I mentioned it a while back that if you threw a brochure in front of a bunch of kids of the Celebrity ECLIPSE or the Oasis of the Seas which one do you think the kids would pick?


I am the "head chaperone" for my DD's high school band and had the opportunity to do something very similar with 180+ 14-to-18YO kids just a few months ago. We were planning a trip for this summer the band had been asked to march in two different parades in the Twin Cities area of Minnesota. There are a couple of days between parades -- the group chose against AppleValley (an amusement park) in preference to hiking in an area associated with the National Riverways park nearby. :eek:

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Maybe it's time for RCI/Celebrity to consider a new "product:" a cruise with the upscale experience of Celebrity but more inviting to families with children and with a few more family-friendly amenities. This cruise would offer the excellent service, high quality food, chic but low-key atmosphere of Celebrity, but with some extra family touches. Maybe it's a more upscale RCI experience. Not exactly sure. But, I think there are lots of parents who want an upscale family vacation, but don't want to feel like they're at a theme park.


alji, there is a product like that "Disney Cruise Line" but it is substantially more expensive than Celebrity. Disney is more likely to appeal to people who travel on luxury cruise lines because of its pricing.

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alji, there is a product like that "Disney Cruise Line" but it is substantially more expensive than Celebrity. Disney is more likely to appeal to people who travel on luxury cruise lines because of its pricing.


Bridge Maven:


Disney isn't what I am talking about. Disney is definitely more expensive than X, but IMHO, the extra money doesn't buy great service and food, it buys Mickey Mouse. You're paying for the Disney brand. To me, Disney is a theme park on a boat: people running around in costumes, Disney music playing, etc. I am not disputing that Disney does a great job with families, but some of us parents want a more refined experience and still want to be able to bring the kids. What I'm looking for is X with a little bit of Royal Caribbean sprinkled in....... or...... maybe Royal Caribbean with a more upscale, X feel.

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  • 10 months later...
There is a thread on the Carnival board about many cruisers not wanting kids on Cruises. It was started on March 22, and it already has over 450 posts. A few of those posts intimated that people that sail Celebrity really don't like to see kids cruising. We are taking our first Celebrity cruise a week from today, please say that it isn't so.


It's not true! :D

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Bridge Maven:


Disney isn't what I am talking about. Disney is definitely more expensive than X, but IMHO, the extra money doesn't buy great service and food, it buys Mickey Mouse. You're paying for the Disney brand. To me, Disney is a theme park on a boat: people running around in costumes, Disney music playing, etc. I am not disputing that Disney does a great job with families, but some of us parents want a more refined experience and still want to be able to bring the kids. What I'm looking for is X with a little bit of Royal Caribbean sprinkled in....... or...... maybe Royal Caribbean with a more upscale, X feel.


I'll find out soon enough when we take our three generation Disney cruise this spring.

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I am taking my boys on a Celebrity cruise in June, and am hoping they will have a great time! If anyone has any suggestions, please let me know.


Onecrazymomof2, rather than resurrecting this old thread, how about starting a new thread? Give us some more particulars about what you want to know. How old are your boys? Where are you going? Any past cruising experience? That would help people give you better answers.

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I am taking my boys on a Celebrity cruise in June, and am hoping they will have a great time! If anyone has any suggestions, please let me know.


My kids are pretty well behaved but I think all kids get a little silly/mischievous at times. To try and combat that I made up list of rules/guidlines, printed it out on Celebrity letter head. I told my older boys that Celebrity Cruise line has a list of "rules" that all minors under 18 needed to read and sign before they were allowed to board.

We sat down as a family a few weeks before our sailing and read over the "rules" We also discussed how there was a lot of security in the ways of video cameras all over the ship and that they would need to be on their absolute best behavior. Basically said the eye in the sky was watching them all the time and that we would know if they were misbehaving.

It worked perfectly! I was so pleased w/ how well their behavior was on the cruise.


Here is the letter I made up if anyone else wants to try it with their tweens/teens. Of course you can add or remove anything that doesnt pertain for your family.

__________________, the undersigned, agree to the terms of this contract allowing me the privilege to be aboard the ship, Celebrity Summit, without adult supervision. I understand there are rules of the ship which must be obeyed at all times. Failure to obey the rules of the ship will result in an immediate termination of this contract and suspension of all non-adult supervision privileges.

Celebrity Cruises Rules for non-adult supervision privileges:

• Do not leave the ship without a parent or adult.

• No one else is to enter our cabins.

• Treat all staff with respect.

• You are expected to be well mannered at all times. Please, thank you, no thank you, etc… Please hold doors open for adults, stand back allowing people to exit the elevators before entering, etc…

• Floors are for walking upon/standing upon. Chairs, tables, railings, etc are not. Do not climb onto / stand upon anything that is not designed to be stood upon. Do not climb onto / stand upon anything that is a restricted area.

• Do not go into any restricted areas or Celebrity staff areas.

• Do not throw ANYTHING overboard the ship.

• Inside voices in the hallways between the hours of 8pm-9am (Regular voices may be used around the cabins during the other hours)

• You are not to enter any cabins other than ours. (Unless you are given prior approval).

• Do not go out onto balcony w/ out a parent/adult present.

• If you are in your cabin alone – hang the do not disturb sign on the door. This should prevent any Celebrity employee from entering. Please ensure you remove it when you leave the room.

• Please carry your SeaPass card with you at all times. Guard it as you would cash$$.

• Your SeaPass is tied to our credit card. It is to be used only by you. You have a budget of $_____. This amount is expected to last you the entire cruise. You are not to you exceed this budget without prior approval. (Please keep all receipts)

• If you lose your Seapass you are to immediately notify one of us.

• You are not to drink any beverage unless it is handed to you by a family member or a Celebrity staff member.

• You are not to drink from anything you have left out of your sight. Some people have been known to slip drugs into other people’s drinks.

• We expect to know where you are on the ship. We will use notes in our cabin to let each other know where we can be found.

• You are not to loiter or play in the stairwells, hallways, or elevators. Activities such as “knock and run”, pressing all the buttons in elevator, calling other cabins to hang up will not be tolerated.

• The curfew will be decided on each day. It will vary depending on the organized activities that are planned on the ship for the teens, and what time we need to start the next day.

• You will be expected to be washed and dressed for dinner 15 minutes before our allotted dining time of _______. You must be on time to be courteous to other guests who are dining at the same table.

• If you order room service, you must tip the delivery person. We will provide a small amount of money for this use only. (please do not order more food than you plan on eating)

• There will be pre arranged check-in times if for some reason you miss one of these you will lose your privileges for the following 24 hours. This means that you must stay with us or in your cabin.

• Absolutely no visiting upper/open deck areas in the evening w/ out parent/adult supervision

• Please stay out of adult only pools & Jacuzzis

• While swimming please be courteous no diving, belly flops, cannon balls, splashing, etc…

• Please make good use of hand sanitizing stations on the ship. Before eating all meals and snacks please sanitize your hands.

By signing this contract I agree to the follow all above said rules.Failure to obey the rules of the ship will result in an immediate termination of this contract and suspension of all non-adult supervision privileges.

Parent/Guardian_______________________________ Date_________

Minor Passenger_______________________________ Date_________

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I have to say that I have only seen very well mannered kids on the two Celebrity Cruises I have taken. Granted the first cruise was a 14 day one to Canada/New England, but what few were on it were great. Last year on the Summit, most, if not all the kids were well behaved. They dressed for supper, they listened to their parents, etc.


Well mannered and well behaved kids are always welcomed.


It seemed that the parents on the Celebrity last summer did their best. In other words, they didn't look the other way and were active in keeping the kids in check.


Now, having said that, could it be that the kids on Carnival and other lines are not as well behaved? Everyone knows the parents that I am talking about. The ones that think it is cute that their kids run wild and almost knock over people, parents that want to be 'pals' with their kids. Like I love to say, I love my kids, yours....well, I am not so sure about. That is why I have never and will never take a Disney cruise. Not my cup of tea. Same goes for old ship and short trip RCCL and any and every Carnival cruise.

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I don't mind cruising with adults, so long as they are well behaved and well mannered. It only takes a few bad apple adults to spoil the bunch, like those that smoke where they are not supposed to, are rude to staff and other pax, wear flip flops to dinner in the MDR, complain loudly about the smallest annoyance, etc, etc. Oops, this thread is about kids :o sorry, my mistake.




Well played.

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We love kids. After all, we were kids ourselves once!


Behavior is the issue, not the ages of the passengers.


Allow me to illustrate with an anecdote: friends of ours were on a recent cruise (Princess), when two girls started being very obnoxious by the pool area. They ran, screaming in high pitched voices, trying to flick wet towels at each other. When carrying beverages, they spilled them either accidentally or quite deliberately, on or near sunbathing passengers. They were loud, obnoxious and demanding in the MDR, and managed to spill beverages and create quite a scene at table. :eek: Our friends heard that on the third day of the cruise they were put off the ship. We wonder what else they did?


These "girls" were in their late twenties! There were ten year-olds on board whose behavior was impeccable, according to our friends


BTW the kids program and teen program on Celebrity are both so excellent, and so well done that you hardly see the young folks, never mind hear them.

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I love kids and have three of them, but deliberately chose a cruise line that is not child centric. Kids getting the idea that everything is all about them I where the problems start.


Sarah, your letter is AWESOME! I am going to copy yours for my 12 year old and make a separate version for my younger children as well. Eye in the sky will be very effective. Thank you, thank you thank you!

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