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My Sincerest Apologies


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Aw Folgy, I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. We have always had a dog and a cat (fish, turtles etc.). Our pets are so much a part of our family. We call our Ginger the queen because she completely rules our house. My thoughts are with you at this time.


My fellow canuck, you know I always love to read your responses about the crumb crunchers (even though I cruise with mine.) We definitely have a good laugh about it all now and then. I definitely know your opinion but I've never once been offended by it. Please pass condolences along to your wife as well.

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Folgy: We understand how you feel.

We lost our two brother cats 3+ years ago. One was almost 17 years old and the other was 17 1/2. Both due to kidney failure. It was one of the hardest things I've ever had to do to tell the vet to put Tye to sleep. His brother, Bailey had died at the vets when we were away the year before. It took us three years, but we adopted 2 sisters from the Humane Society last August.

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I'm so sorry for your loss. When my cat Sparky died, I cried for days. She was the meanest cat in that she wouldn't let too many people near her without hissing. But I loved her so. We also had a ferret that we had to have put to sleep. We were so depressed afterwards and didn't want to go back home to face the cage where he used to be, we went out and bought a new car. (We had been looking anyway and it was a way to get our family's mind on something else.) A new pet, a new car, or anything other new thing will never replace the loss you're feeling, but time will help to ease the pain so you can remember the good times with a smile.

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We too are making decisions to put our little Sasha down as she is 15 and finding it hard to get around. I cant bare to see her suffer but I also cant bare to put her down
our remainig dog is also Sasha ( white bicon mix) and 15 has the same problems, it is never an easy decision.
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Folgy - so sorry about your cat. I have always had animals in my family. We have our two Newfs and a cat. Our older Newf, Annie, is 10 (very old for a giant breed dog) and in failing health. We almost lost her a few months ago and were beside ourselves with worry. We know we won't have her much longer and treasure the time remaining. I know that people who don't have the same kind of relationships with animals that we do think we're crazy, but they really are members of the family. Our hearts go out to you.

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Thanks to you all for not making me feel so strange...


we are a couple without children (married somewhat late in life) that never cared for cats and felt owning a pet would be more responsibility than we wanted to take on. Neither of us have had had a pet since we were children living at home. Then our next door neighbor took in a stray Persian cat that ...well let's just say only a relative could love that face. The poor thing looked like he ran into a wall! He began to hang out on our deck and I swear-watch television through the patio door. His favorite was Tom Brokaw. He would sit there and watch him during the entire news show! Even though we weren't fond of cats you had to laugh at this creature watching the news like he was going to report on it. He managed to work his way into our hearts. As time went on he also had a special spot in our garage with a nice mat to sleep on. Oh- how they do sneak into our lives! Even though we're not "cat people" (well, maybe we weren't cat people- the future remains to be seen) we fell in love with this rather raggly taggly Persian that could have been gorgeous-- but he refused to be in indoor cat so couldn't stay groomed.


over the years we became VERY attached to him--much to our surprise. He spent lots of time on our deck and on my lap in the summer weather (the deck is very nice but I'm taking a wild guess here and thinking that my DH who put pieces of chicken breast on the deck for him to snack on might have been part of the attraction).


Last January I was on a business trip and came home to be told he had passed away. Because he had been a stray, we were never to sure of his age or background. I can not share how sad we were-- again, much to my surprise. The vet said he was older than we might have thought, additionally he had cancer throughout his body. He died in his home with one of the children petting him-- not a bad way to go I must say.


We were so devastated-- but we had some nice pictures of him and put one in a frame as a gift for his real family and also made a contribution to the local Humane Society in his memory. I have his picture above my desk and am shedding a few tears as I write this. We refer to him as our "grandcat" -is there such a thing?


I still dream about him-- just last night I dreamt that he hadn't died but rather got lost and found his way home. I can't explain the attachment but I'm glad for the happy memories.


Many of you are right in your feelings- be thankful for the good memories. I just wonder how it's going to feel this summer when he's not looking up at me hoping to jump in my lap. I know it's going to be difficult but I hope between us and his real parents we made the last part of his life the best.


Thanks for letting me share the sadness and the good memories. And since Tom Browkaw is retired....well, perhaps our wonderful grandcat just couldn't adjust. (only an excuse...we miss him every day!).


He taught us compassion and to understand how people can be so attached to their animals. I hope we contributed to his life as much as he did ours.

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Thanks to you all for not making me feel so strange...


we are a couple without children (married somewhat late in life) that never cared for cats and felt owning a pet would be more responsibility than we wanted to take on. Neither of us have had had a pet since we were children living at home. Then our next door neighbor took in a stray Persian cat that ...well let's just say only a relative could love that face. The poor thing looked like he ran into a wall! He began to hang out on our deck and I swear-watch television through the patio door. His favorite was Tom Brokaw. He would sit there and watch him during the entire news show! Even though we weren't fond of cats you had to laugh at this creature watching the news like he was going to report on it. He managed to work his way into our hearts. As time went on he also had a special spot in our garage with a nice mat to sleep on. Oh- how they do sneak into our lives! Even though we're not "cat people" (well, maybe we weren't cat people- the future remains to be seen) we fell in love with this rather raggly taggly Persian that could have been gorgeous-- but he refused to be in indoor cat so couldn't stay groomed.


over the years we became VERY attached to him--much to our surprise. He spent lots of time on our deck and on my lap in the summer weather (the deck is very nice but I'm taking a wild guess here and thinking that my DH who put pieces of chicken breast on the deck for him to snack on might have been part of the attraction).


Last January I was on a business trip and came home to be told he had passed away. Because he had been a stray, we were never to sure of his age or background. I can not share how sad we were-- again, much to my surprise. The vet said he was older than we might have thought, additionally he had cancer throughout his body. He died in his home with one of the children petting him-- not a bad way to go I must say.


We were so devastated-- but we had some nice pictures of him and put one in a frame as a gift for his real family and also made a contribution to the local Humane Society in his memory. I have his picture above my desk and am shedding a few tears as I write this. We refer to him as our "grandcat" -is there such a thing?


I still dream about him-- just last night I dreamt that he hadn't died but rather got lost and found his way home. I can't explain the attachment but I'm glad for the happy memories.


Many of you are right in your feelings- be thankful for the good memories. I just wonder how it's going to feel this summer when he's not looking up at me hoping to jump in my lap. I know it's going to be difficult but I hope between us and his real parents we made the last part of his life the best.


Thanks for letting me share the sadness and the good memories. And since Tom Browkaw is retired....well, perhaps our wonderful grandcat just couldn't adjust. (only an excuse...we miss him every day!).


He taught us compassion and to understand how people can be so attached to their animals. I hope we contributed to his life as much as he did ours.


Of course there is such a thing as a "grandcat"! ;) I have one!...lol My 24 yr old single daughter does not like kids and at this point in her life says she will never have children (I know...never say never...lol) Anyway...she was living at home last year for a while and while she was living here, she adopted a kitten. "Luka" is my "grandkitty"! I also refer to him as my devil cat, because he doesn't like to be held, and he will attack me as I'm walking up the stairs, or he will dart out of the closet and attack! But he's just soooo darn cute!;) My daughter will even bring him home for visits because she knows I love him so. And he's an indoor cat, so when she will be out of town for a few days, instead of having her roommates watch him, she will bring him home for me to "kitty-sit".


MY cat, "Taz" (I didn't name him...he was originally my sister in law's cat), is the most sweet gentle cat. He sleeps with me every night (hubby doesn't care for it...but sorry...hubby loses on this matter...lol).


I've had other cats over the years, and it does hurt when they are gone. There is just something about those little critters that just creeps into your heart and stays there....forever.

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Here's a little poem I have on my "fridge with my Buff's picture and read it every day--I think it's beautiful. I hope it might comfort you......


Grieve not,

nor speak of me with tears,

but laugh and talk of me

as if I were beside you...

I loved you so -----

'twas Heaven here with you.

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I'm so sorry to hear about the death of your beloved cat. Thank you for your apology and new found understanding. It takes a pretty special person to see through their own pain and understand the pain of others. God Bless You.

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My heart goes out to you! It is really painful to loose a beloved pet!


When I married my ex he had 3 cats who were sisters that he had rescued from death after they had been abandoned as kittens, locked in a shed in summer with no food or water. I already had a young male cat (also abandoned, left to die in a ditch at a very young age) so we had a cat family of four (our children). When we split up we talked about custody issues. I ended up with my male cat and he got the "girls". His favorite passed away (cancer in her mouth). I still think of her often. I think of her as a cat angel. She was always the nurse-type cat who took care of everyone else, feline and human. She seemed to know intuitively when someone else was becoming ill.


Please accept my condolences...



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You have my sympathy as well, I too am a huge cat lover. We are lucky to have "Whisker", 1/2 maine coon cat.. She is 8 yrs. old and 30 pounds of fun loving fur... She's our best friend and family member too....

I know I have been an advocate of NO children on cruises.Which in my dogmatic way has ruffled some feathers.


My wife and I lost our cat (Tommy) to kidney failure today .With all the veternary care imagined he could not be saved.


Tommy was our 'child' . We have been married for 16 years and cannot have children. To us Tommy was our child.


We are crying so heavy with tears right now . That I realize for the first time how very important time together is.


Please forgive my child bashing . I take it all back.


God Bless




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SO sorry about your loss.


I lost my MacTavish after 15 years, he was a shepherd/lab mix and just the most wonderful dog. Even DH who doesn't like dogs says he was the exception. The day he died I dug out all his pictures and made a collage of his life which still hangs in a prominent place in the house.


We went out and got a Maine Coon Cat a few months later. Walter was 7 years old when he developed the first known case of "Multiple Myeloma" in a Maine Coon. University of Florida wrote a paper on him and hopefully what they learned will help some other cat owner in the future. He had become my "buddy", slept on my head every night. I sat with him and watched him die one Monday afternoon, it was awful.


A few months later we "rescued" not 1 but 3 Maine Coons, we had decided that since we like to cruise it wasn't fair to leave a single cat alone for that long, which is why we got more than 1. Emily, Lucas and Gabrielle are 3 now and great company. Funny thing is, the homeless kitty we adopted after the hurricanes last September is the most affectionate kitty we've ever had. His name is Brodie and I think he is just so appreciative that he has a home again that he expresses it constantly.


They are all essential parts of our family so I understand your grief. When the time is right you'll find another who will help fill that empty place.

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I'm so sorry for your loss. I've enjoyed your anti-children posts in the past, but especially laughed over the "My Cat is Giving Me Heck" thread you started a while back. I think folks like us are just meant to take care of the world's fuzzier children.

I know how much you and your family are hurting right now, but take comfort in the fact that you gave Tommy a life of pampering and love, and you are a better person for having known him.

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Folgy, I am so sorry. I have lost three beloved kitties in the past few years to old age(kidney failure in two cases) and I cried my eyes out after each one died. I am also the mother of two and grandmother of 5 and I know most of your "child-bashing" posts were supposed to be funny and I did not take offense. In fact, many times I would agree with you. I am quite certain if there were a child in danger or needing help, you would be right there. The pain you are feeling right now will lessen with time. Be comforted with knowledge that you gave Tommy so much love and comfort while he was with you.

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[quote name='Folgy']I know I have been an advocate of NO children on cruises.Which in my dogmatic way has ruffled some feathers.

My wife and I lost our cat (Tommy) to kidney failure today .With all the veternary care imagined he could not be saved.

Tommy was our 'child' . We have been married for 16 years and cannot have children. To us Tommy was our child.

We are crying so heavy with tears right now . That I realize for the first time how very important time together is.

Please forgive my child bashing . I take it all back.

God Bless



So sorry to hear about your Tommy. Every one of us who has a pet knows how attached you become to them. They are our kids......they bring us so much joy and unconditional love that we can't help but be nuts over them.

Please keep up with the "poopalupa' posts.........I always get a big chuckle when I read them, and if you don't continue posting about 'poopalupas', who could possibly take over for you?? I can't even spell it right! I have 3 of my own but I could never even slightly be offended by your posts.......

Take care----give the Wifey a hug and try to find comfort knowing that you gave Tommy a wonderful 16 years and he was blessed to have you both.
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Folgy, we are so sorry to hear of your loss of your kittie. We do not have any kids either and we have our kitties, and it so hard to lose them. Our name Magicat is named in memory of one of our kitties that Mike had to put down, Magic. We really feel for you. Take care - Mike & Tracey
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Folgy, we all share your sorrow. We won't get another dog because of the heartache of holding our Sam of 12 years in my arms as he left us for the big playground in the sky.

No apology for your posts is necessary; it was your opinion. Some people claim they take the kids on vacation to spend "quality" time with them and then you see the kiddos running around the ship at all hours.
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My heart goes out to you Folgy, and all the others who have lost thier precious furry faced children.

I also lost my precious Mitzi last year of whom I had since she was one day old. She was 20 when her kidneys just could not go on any longer. Then to make it even worse, I lost my beautiful Taffrence of 17 years to the same illness just 4 months later.

I also do not have the two legged type children, and cannot have them, so my sweet little whiskered faced loving girls are my children.

Within two months, I adopted Katie from the ASPCA and Moggy from an unhealthy living situation from someone who could not care for an unwanted litter of kittens.

I am now once again the most blessed "cat Momma" with these two beautiful girls.

My SIL once told me that we will get to join all of our precious babies in the next life. That was a great comfort to me and always will be.
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[font=Comic Sans MS][color=darkorchid]There is a fantastic website called petloss.com. It has a message board & a great chat room. Everybody there understands the pain of losing a beloved member of the family. They helped me so much. I can't say enough wonderful things about all of the supportive, generous people on that site. If you think the people on these boards are helpful, (& you all are -- bless you), wait until you talk to these angels! [/color][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][color=darkorchid][/color][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][color=darkorchid]For everybody who is grieving, I am so very sorry for your losses. Kudos to whoever posted about Rainbow Bridge -- it's such a magical, healing place. [/color][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][color=darkorchid][/color][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][color=darkorchid]{{{{hugs to the whole boad}}}}[/color][/font]
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I have read all the posts here this morning . I cannot tell you all in words how much every post has meant to me.
I got up this morning around 5a.m. to put Tommys litter box and many,many toys away so my wife did not have to see.
I just cannot stop crying.Tommy is always on my lap as I type here in my office.

Everyone here has contributed to my healing in a very special way.

This house feels so empty right now. My wife and I are so used to him talking to us for his morning needs (pampering /food of his choice/being let outside for abit , etc.).

We contribute to the SPCA and Cancer societies as they are our favorite charity.

Truly a wonderful group of people on these boards.

God Bless you all.

Halle and Lyann
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[quote name='Folgy']I have read all the posts here this morning . I cannot tell you all in words how much every post has meant to me.
I got up this morning around 5a.m. to put Tommys litter box and many,many toys away so my wife did not have to see.
I just cannot stop crying.Tommy is always on my lap as I type here in my office.

Everyone here has contributed to my healing in a very special way.

This house feels so empty right now. My wife and I are so used to him talking to us for his morning needs (pampering /food of his choice/being let outside for abit , etc.).

We contribute to the SPCA and Cancer societies as they are our favorite charity.

Truly a wonderful group of people on these boards.

God Bless you all.

Halle and Lyann[/QUOTE]

My eyes have tears in them for grieving for your precious Tommy and the memories that linger still of my girls, as I went through the same thing with the litter box, toys, food dishes, etc. when I lost my girls last year.

Perhaps you will only have to put them aside for a small amount of time while you grieve. As you mentioned the ASPCA, I also have wonderful praises for them. They were wonderful to me as I went through the adoption process with my precious little Katie a few months ago.

I don't know if you will be thinking about another cat in the future as of yet, but in case you are, they are a great place to find a new family member that will not only benefit from having a warm and loving home that you will offer, but also one that will help heal your broken heart.
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