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Does it Ever Bother You?


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I've been noticing so much that people with complaints aboard seem more eager to get the "reward" of COMPENSATION. While that is one of my least favorite words, it seems to be the prize/reward/goal of some cruisers who almost hope something will be less than perfect on their cruise so they can make a sweetly worded, oh so tiny request for whatever they think to be enough to repair their injury?


I'm sorry for sarcasm but it really irks me sometimes to get the impression (and maybe I am wrong) but I sense they really are not looking for the situation to be made better; they are looking for something back. They paid for their cruise and it darn well better not have a single glitch or they are going to chew someone out for it. They want refunds; they want to get their cruise for an even LOWER price.


Isn't the goal to have the best cruise possible? Have the most fun? Enjoy in the ways you like best?


If something is irritating you or not up to your expectation, SPEAK UP immediately. Don't wait until the last day to demand compensation...... speak with the Dining Room Manager if the dining room is where you are having an issue. Speak with Housekeeping Supervisor or Chief Housekeeper if your cabin is not being cleaned well. Speak with Guest Relations Manager....... Speak with someone as soon as the issue arises and hopefully you will have the situation corrected so you can enjoy your cruise.


Why in the world would someone wait until last day to speak up unless their real goal is a 'gimme'?


I ABSOLUTELY KNOW I will be lamblasted for this but, so sorry..... It is something I wish to discuss. It is a common situation and has gone on for years and I still don't get why ships go out of their way to placate and pat these complainers of minor, silly situation they did nothing to address early in the cruise. I find it ludicrous they have created this pattern of handing out 'gimmes' to the complainter.


THIS DOES NOT APPLY TO THE REAL SITUATIONS of plumbing that doesn't work, air conditioning in the Caribbean..... things we all acknowledge as legitimate and real discomforts. I'd be the first one hollering if our Air conditioning didn't work.


Does anyone else ever feel that way after hearing how horrible HAL treated them?

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Unfortunately it is a sign of these Economic Times we all live in and no matter what country we reside in most are facing a deline in their financial situation. Sadly I have known people that what ever they do they look for a problem so they can get something back :(

The last several years as brought the worse out in many people.

Thankfully cruising is still a great value but on the reverse side sadly it is a great value because it brings out those who badly want a vacation but really cannot afford it so they are constantly looking for ways to get money back.

I unfortunately do not see this going away and sadly even cruise lines such as Crystal and Regent are having the same things happening.

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I'm with you, Sail. Yes, people experience real problems that need to be addressed and compensated, but then there are others who seem to want to "get one over" on HAL.


For example, if a cruise I have booked waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay in the future is chartered, I'm annoyed and I take it personally. :) But there is NO WAY I should get anything beyond the actual COST TO ME of the change. If I had airfare booked, or a nonrefundable hotel, I'd sure expect reimbursement, but beyond that? Nope. Nothing. Yes, I may have put in hours of planning, but that was for MY benefit.


I agree that there are people who spend time looking for "deficiencies" in order to get their "reward" :rolleyes:


It bothers me, too, that cruise lines do the "here's your credit/money/spiff -- please go away" routine. That simply encourages bad behaviour, IMHO. And can reduce the importance of legitimate complaints (e.g., no hot water, no A/C, bad plumbing, surly staff).

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I have not cruised as much as many of you, however I have been on about 10 or so cruises. Some with Princess, some with RCL and most with Holland America.


Some of those cruises have been full of complainers, some just full of really nice people. I agree, if something is wrong - have it fixed immediately or be quiet about it.


As you say, some issues such as plumbing and A/C can be ongoing. However, given all my days at sea, I have only ever found one employee I really needed to complain about and I did so immediately. Not looking for compensation, but wanting to know that she would be corrected. That was the end of it, although, I did add it to my comment card at the end along with the comment that I was happy with the way it was dealt with.


I think that people go on these cruises expecting perfection. They forget that ships are large machines that sometimes break down. Repairs are made the best that they can while at sea. People also tend to forget that the staff, like the people complaining, are human. All humans make mistakes, have bad days and I do not know a single person that has not said something they wish unsaid when they are having a bad time.


I have, in the past, worked in many facets of the hospitality industry. Yes, the customer is always supposed to be right and yes, the waitress, front desk clerk, black jack dealer, etc. are always supposed to be happy and friendly. But they are all people and if we remember that we, ourselves, are not perfect, perhaps it would be better.


Having said that, we all know that human nature being what it is, there will always be people like this in any public venue that you attend. It is a sad commentary on society, but it is the way it is and unlikely to change.

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Maybe I can add something here that may have some bearing, realizing it's not completely addressing the points/concern that S7S is speaking of.


I know that when things aren't exactly 'perfect' with, for example, the housekeeping of my cabin.....I usually don't complain while on board to anyone other than the steward, and if I do have to speak with them, I try to do so in the friendliest and most polite manner. The matter is usually quickly resolved and I believe the steward appreciates that I worked it out with him, and not his boss. I've been lucky in that is usually the end of it, and no further action is required. And I can honestly say there has been nothing extreme that required any major action.....other than the sofa bed being turned the 'wrong way' over and over:confused:. I had to show the steward one time how I thought it should be turned, in order to have some actual padding......he laughed, apologized and made it 'my way'. But....the next night, same thing. And the next:D


But I do think it speaks to a lack of confidence, perhaps, on the part of the folks who won't address an issue while on board, but come back all puffed- up and indignant, that things weren't perfect. I hate having potential conflict....thankfully, there has been so very little. But I wonder if that's part of it? That pax are just too afraid to deal with something at the time, but in ruminating over it after the fact really feel they've been wronged somehow. Some accountability is certainly in order, and perhaps that's the bigger issue? We all must assume some accountability in the experiences we choose for ourselves. If you say nothing, you really are foolish to expect that anyone can read your mind. Hope this made sense!

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This "what are you going to give me?" attitude annoys me, too. Airlines never give compensation beyond what they are legally required to do, and people sure have more legitimate complaints about air travel.


I don't know why the cruise industry is so quick to give compensation, but there are definitely people who take advantage of this. It's a form of extortion, IMO.


When friends sailed NCL to Bermuda 6 or 7 years ago, their ship lost power for a few hours while they were docked in St Georges. I don't know how bad it was--probably minimal lights, maybe no AC, possibly no power toilets. But most people were ashore when it happened. Despite this, our friends said there was a near-riot of people at the pursers' desk DEMANDING OBCs or other "compensation" for the problem.

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I'm so happy I am not the only one who has observed this and become disturbed about it.


I've thought about this for a while and decided to take the chance and post it as I really wanted opinions.

Thank you.

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Unfortunately it is a sign of these Economic Times we all live in and no matter what country we reside in most are facing a deline in their financial situation. Sadly I have known people that what ever they do they look for a problem so they can get something back :(

The last several years as brought the worse out in many people.


Thankfully cruising is still a great value but on the reverse side sadly it is a great value because it brings out those who badly want a vacation but really cannot afford it so they are constantly looking for ways to get money back.


I unfortunately do not see this going away and sadly even cruise lines such as Crystal and Regent are having the same things happening.


I don't think it's necessarily a sign of the economic times, but simply a sign of the times. During the late 20th Century, we developed some character weaknesses that I don't see in earlier generations.


I have been doing some genealogy research lately and what I have found is that rich or poor, in different countries/cultures, highly educated or not at all, my ancestors did not appear to have any sense of entitlement. They knew the difference between "want" and "need." The motto appears to have been "When the going gets tough, the tough get going." And believe me, those people had rough times we have never even imagined!

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have to agree - there is such a 'what are you going to give me for it' attitude by some of our society. it is really, really sad.


if you're unhappy or have an issue, then address it. Get it fixed, carry on and have a good time. Who wants to ruin a trip by letting something fester?


Unfortunately I have seen it too. not by everyone, but definitely by some:(

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I think I need to be more clear:


Personal accountability: Good

Deal with problems as they arrise: Appropriate

Demanding compensation for minor issues: Sad, and unfortunately, typically frequent. Says a lot about the way humanity is evolving.(or not :()

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I also agree with what is being said here.


I find it happens in lots of places now, not just cruises. 'Compensation' seems to be what most people want nowadays.


I also agree that if something is wrong on a cruise then speak up. Talk to the person/people involved in the first instance. If that does not solve it then go to their supervisor. But, do this with the intention of having things put right and not what can you get out of it. Also, don't bang your fists and shout angrily. You are more likely to get things resolved if you go about it in a calm and controlled way.


Also, when things are resolved it is a good idea to say "thank you for sorting that for me".

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Sail, I agree completely. I will never forget the passenger on my recent Rotterdam cruise who actually "hurled" a plate of chocolates that had been sent to his cabin at one of the people working at the Front Desk! Apparently, he and his wife had issues with an A/C problem in their cabin, it was still not fixed to their satisfaction (which was entirely possible), and HAL had sent a tray of chocolates to them since they were inconvenienced. To hurl a plate of chocolates at a staff member who has nothing to do with fixing the A/C is inexcusable. I was stunned, the Front Desk Staff was stunned, and I could not understand why he did not sit down and follow up with the Customer Relations Representative or Hotel Manager. I wonder how the passenger treats his auto mechanic or doctor's office staff! Bravo, Sail. Things go wrong on any moving vehicle, including a ship. Blaming people who can't fix the problem is inexcusable. :mad:

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I also agree with what is being said here.


I find it happens in lots of places now, not just cruises. 'Compensation' seems to be what most people want nowadays.


I also agree that if something is wrong on a cruise then speak up. Talk to the person/people involved in the first instance. If that does not solve it then go to their supervisor. But, do this with the intention of having things put right and not what can you get out of it. Also, don't bang your fists and shout angrily. You are more likely to get things resolved if you go about it in a calm and controlled way.


Also, when things are resolved it is a good idea to say "thank you for sorting that for me".[/quote]


Yes! It makes the person you dealt with more willing to help the next person with a problem. When I was a little kid, I watched a TV show whose host always said the "magic words" were please and thank you.


In any business, things can go wrong. It's how problems are handled that separates good management from bad management.

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I think some of the complainers and agitators may also be people who are not comfortable with direct confrontation, so let a problem fester and annoy them through a whole cruise. Then they write letters, come on the CC boards and complain, which makes them feel better.


Or they just enjoy being the "poor me, everything happens to me" victim so need to find a reason to complain.


Usually these folks don't seek compensation though, they just want an audience so they come to CC and stir things up for a while.

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While I completely agree with the theory of dealing with issues as they arise I think sometimes people don't want to spend their vacation time sorting out problems. I'm not talking about a quick word to someone to get an issue resolved. I'm talking about some of the people who have posted on CC of how much time they had to put in to get a situation straighten out. Multiple phone calls, standing in line at the front desk etc.. I don't think I would want to spend my holiday in that way and in those cases I might just give up and write a letter at the end of my cruise addressing those issues. OK possible exception of a broken toilet!!

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And these people do not realize that when they open a complaint with a cruise line, and are not satisfied with the resolution, they go on a list, which is watched when they cruise. Enough complaints and they are invited not to cruise with that line, or family of lines. EM

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Had a funny thing happen this week. Recently I enjoyed a river cruise with a line which touts itself as fairly upscale, and on their newest ship. The experience really was very good. On the eval. form overall I gave high ratings with a couple of minor exceptions. I then sent an e-mail outlining areas the might need tweaking and my suggestions for doing so. I worked as a manager in a service field for many years and always appreciated comments that helped improve my business, so I do this. I expected no response.


Yesterday, I received a very gracious reply and, much to my surprise, an apology that everything was not perfect and an offer of on-board credit if we choose to cruise with them again. I'm kind of embarrassed.

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Had a funny thing happen this week. Recently I enjoyed a river cruise with a line which touts itself as fairly upscale, and on their newest ship. The experience really was very good. On the eval. form overall I gave high ratings with a couple of minor exceptions. I then sent an e-mail outlining areas the might need tweaking and my suggestions for doing so. I worked as a manager in a service field for many years and always appreciated comments that helped improve my business, so I do this. I expected no response.


Yesterday, I received a very gracious reply and, much to my surprise, an apology that everything was not perfect and an offer of on-board credit if we choose to cruise with them again. I'm kind of embarrassed.


Your river cruise was Uniworld? Glad to hear they were so responsive. We liked them, too. Want to do more, but other things get in line ahead of them, like HAL finally going back to Bermuda, a great price on HAL to Alaska, etc. And if by the circumnavigation of Australia you mean the QM2 trip this winter, that's another thing getting in the way of another river cruise.

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