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A Warning and Advice

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As my yearly cruise looms -- this year on Mariner out of Galveston on Jan 22 -- I'm reminded of the post I wanted badly to make last year but never got around to it.


Last year we went on Voyager out of Galveston, first week of February. Everything went well, so I thought. I was especially smug in thinking that I managed to pack everything needed. It seems always there is ONE item I miss. Well there was one item I missed and it turned out to be a very crucial one.


Bear with me, I'm gonna do mystery diagnosis, or maybe House. :)


About a week and a half after we got back, I started having these odd symptoms. Inexplicably appear and then just as abruptly, clear up. (this is why I should have done this last year, I don't remember them all). I remember some really nasty stomach upset & diarrhea, lasted half a day.


Then at work a few days later, I came down with severe flu symptoms. Really odd, cause I'd had my yearly flu shot. I felt terrible, stuck it out at work, went home and promptly fell into bed. Malaise, chills, feverish, achy, you name it, I was positive I had the flu. Next morning I rolled out of bed and felt fine. This is getting curioser and curiouser.


It was getting out of bed was when I saw the rash on my ankle. I'll see if I can post a picture but it was already starting to form the classic "bull's eye" pattern. That was what drove me to the computer to try to put all the symptoms together.


Have you guessed it yet?


This is a self-diagnosis mind you, but I'm pretty sure I contracted Lyme Disease. Took a bit of researching to try to figure out what country I could have picked up it from, but I believe it was in Belize during the cave tubing excursion. Quite a bit of walking through the Belizean rainforest during that tour.


And the item I forgot? Insect repellent. Did not notice any tick bite, I'm fortunate it bit me on a visible location and rash did come up. Fortuitously, and felicitously, I happened to pick up some of the recommended antibiotics in Cozumel. So I self-treated as well and self-diagnosed. A Z-pack for 5 days, then 1000mg of amoxicillin daily for about another 2 1/2 weeks. Was planning for the antibiotics I snagged in Cozumel to last longer than that, but I was glad to have them.


Our upcoming cruise is the Cozumel/Jamaica/Grand Cayman run. I think I'll stay out of the rainforests. And I won't forget the bug repellent. :)


Picture one is what the rash looked like when I discovered it. Picture 2 is what it looked like after 3 days on the antibiotics.



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As my yearly cruise looms -- this year on Mariner out of Galveston on Jan 22 -- I'm reminded of the post I wanted badly to make last year but never got around to it.


Last year we went on Voyager out of Galveston, first week of February. Everything went well, so I thought. I was especially smug in thinking that I managed to pack everything needed. It seems always there is ONE item I miss. Well there was one item I missed and it turned out to be a very crucial one.


Bear with me, I'm gonna do mystery diagnosis, or maybe House. :)


About a week and a half after we got back, I started having these odd symptoms. Inexplicably appear and then just as abruptly, clear up. (this is why I should have done this last year, I don't remember them all). I remember some really nasty stomach upset & diarrhea, lasted half a day.


Then at work a few days later, I came down with severe flu symptoms. Really odd, cause I'd had my yearly flu shot. I felt terrible, stuck it out at work, went home and promptly fell into bed. Malaise, chills, feverish, achy, you name it, I was positive I had the flu. Next morning I rolled out of bed and felt fine. This is getting curioser and curiouser.


It was getting out of bed was when I saw the rash on my ankle. I'll see if I can post a picture but it was already starting to form the classic "bull's eye" pattern. That was what drove me to the computer to try to put all the symptoms together.


Have you guessed it yet?


This is a self-diagnosis mind you, but I'm pretty sure I contracted Lyme Disease. Took a bit of researching to try to figure out what country I could have picked up it from, but I believe it was in Belize during the cave tubing excursion. Quite a bit of walking through the Belizean rainforest during that tour.


And the item I forgot? Insect repellent. Did not notice any tick bite, I'm fortunate it bit me on a visible location and rash did come up. Fortuitously, and felicitously, I happened to pick up some of the recommended antibiotics in Cozumel. So I self-treated as well and self-diagnosed. A Z-pack for 5 days, then 1000mg of amoxicillin daily for about another 2 1/2 weeks. Was planning for the antibiotics I snagged in Cozumel to last longer than that, but I was glad to have them.


Our upcoming cruise is the Cozumel/Jamaica/Grand Cayman run. I think I'll stay out of the rainforests. And I won't forget the bug repellent. :)


Picture one is what the rash looked like when I discovered it. Picture 2 is what it looked like after 3 days on the antibiotics.



Wow, I hope you have some medical background because that could have been anything. I have a friend who has been diagnosed with Lymes Disease and it's not that easy to get rid of....she's had problems with it for several years now. If you really feel it is Lymes, you should follow up with a doctor and make sure. JMHO.

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Maybe I missed something but with all those symptoms you never saw a doctor but just diagnosed yourself? Sure hope you're better by now.


Once in Cozumel going to some of the smaller ruins we were told that the tour guide had to spray us down with bug spray. He came at us with an industrial HUGE metal can, no markings on it and began to spray folks up and down their bodies. No thanks. DH, our daughter and I just meandered around the "town square" until the tour came back. Didn't know bugs bite at ruins :confused:


Knitttinggirl, see you a week from this Sunday :)

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I think I had my previous post removed because I used the H word singularly..

I should have used the full terminology

Herpes zoster, also referred to as shingles, is one thing that everyone can get if they have had chickenpox

you can get it ANYWHERE on the body.

this pic of "Zoster" looks very similar to your pics


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Please please see an infectious disease specialist ( hopefully one who specializes in travel med) There are so many infections possible, and I'm not sure Lymes disease is even endemic in that area. Actually my travel med specialist tells me to see him for any flu like infection I have anytime in the 6 month following travel, or to at least mention where ive traveled when having something treated. The problem is some things look like stuff we have around home, but without knowing your travel history, the actual diagnosis can be easily missed. Hope you are feeling better soon!

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I'm not a doctor, just a Minnesotan, and we know our ticks!

Insect repellent won't repel a tick.

Lyme's Disease is typically transmitted from a deer tick and they are very, very small and hard to detect.

My daughter had Lyme's Disease last year and she never had the rash.

It was detected via blood test.

There are also other tick borne diseases that present similar symptoms.

Don't mess with Lyme's Disease..it can have serious consequences.

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That doesn't look like an EM rash associated with Lyme Disease (not Lyme's- it's singular)

But only about 30% of Lyme cases ever get the bullseye rash.

Go to lymenet.org for details on preventing, accurately diagnosing, and successfully treating Lyme- which does recur if not treated properly.

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I'm not an MD, just a lowly veterinarian, but even if that was Lyme (doesn't look like a bullseye to me), zithromax and amoxicillin are not the best antibiotics for Borrelia burgdorferi. And the treatment for Lyme is longer than 2 weeks. I will echo other's advice to see your MD. Lyme can stay latent in your system for years. Like lots of veterinarians, I am guilty of occasional self diagnosis and self treatment, but even I would not buy meds in Mexico. You have no idea what you are really getting.


When you first started your story, I thought the missing item was going to be birth control pills. :)

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When you first started your story, I thought the missing item was going to be birth control pills. :)


ROFLOL!!! Good one!


Having been to Belize before (and going again shortly) you do want to watch out for the bugs. Having a good guide helps, but so does having some form of repellent if you can get away with it. Some places don't like repellents getting in the waters so you wind up taking your chances.


Go see the doc OP. Can't hurt and might save you some major troubles down the road. (This from someone who doesn't like to go to doctors either.)

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ROFLOL!!! Good one!


Having been to Belize before (and going again shortly) you do want to watch out for the bugs. Having a good guide helps, but so does having some form of repellent if you can get away with it. Some places don't like repellents getting in the waters so you wind up taking your chances.


Go see the doc OP. Can't hurt and might save you some major troubles down the road. (This from someone who doesn't like to go to doctors either.)


I was in Belize in Nov. and we went to the Belize zoo (really, it's an animal sanctuary). Anyway, we were supposed to bring insect repellant, but left in onboard the ship. I got several bites from flies! Our guide said if you get bit, no worry, just bleeds a little bit. :eek: LOL! Yes, it did bleed a little bit but I had those bites for about 2 weeks. Definitely will take the bug spray next time! BTW...I was the only one out of our party of 4 that got bit! Go figure... :rolleyes:

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I was in Belize in Nov. and we went to the Belize zoo (really, it's an animal sanctuary). Anyway, we were supposed to bring insect repellant, but left in onboard the ship. I got several bites from flies! Our guide said if you get bit, no worry, just bleeds a little bit. :eek: LOL! Yes, it did bleed a little bit but I had those bites for about 2 weeks. Definitely will take the bug spray next time! BTW...I was the only one out of our party of 4 that got bit! Go figure... :rolleyes:


And you live in Lake Jackson?? :D I have bad memories of skeeters big enough to carry off cattle around there. (Joking of course ;))

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When you first started your story, I thought the missing item was going to be birth control pills. :)


I thought the same thing!! Too funny!



OP, bug spray is definitely important but I hope you mentioned this to a doctor! I go to Africa every year and bug-related illnesses can be very serious and can wreak havoc on your system if left untreated.

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I think the bite you presented and your symptoms are probably unrelated. I don't think it even looks like a tick bite. Not at all a Lyme disease area in Belieze...more like no see um bites which can also carry (flu-like) disease. you can look that one up too, for tropical countries.


Anecdotal and no controls, but thanks for posting. It is interesting anyway. :)

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Whatever it is.....I hope that it's not spreadable! The Mariner has had it's fair share of Noro so far, and unfortunately, it's people like you, that like to self medicate, after self diagnosis, that "could" get many more passengers infected as well.


This, to me, is a pretty classic example of someone who feels that they know more than the doctor. I really hope that you get it checked out, and let everyone know that you have a clean bill of health, from your doctor, before taking your next cruise.


I thing that you are only being fair to the other 3200 passengers that will be sailing along with you.


What is sad about this story, is that let's say that she had Noro, but did not seek doctors assistance, gave herself antibiotics, and as soon as she felt a bit better, was up and touching the tongs, handrails, her door knob, and the list goes on.........and because she never said anything to anyone (let's guess what this is?) she started an epidemic of Noro.


Thanks for sharing your story, and sorry if I don't feel sorry for you. You would be the type that Royal Caribbean is not looking to have cruise with them.


I just came from a B2B2B on the Mariner, where it not turns out, because someone did not go to the doctor, the ship has had an epidemic for a month.


Just something to think about! Thanks for sharing your story.:rolleyes:



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Seeing as this happened in February, I really hope the OP is healed by now.


OK I'm not going crazy, I went back and re-read the OP's post twice because I thought the first time around it was a story related from last February.


Hopefully whatever he/she had been completely resolved. If it happens again, or to anyone else I encourage them to see a doctor rather than self-diagnose. I would worry that I would be using the wrong antibiotic and do more harm than good.

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OK, OP with all due respect:


For gosh sakes, see a doctor!!


Everyone's speculations are just that, speculations. Mistreated illnesses can be dangerous, and you, OP, unless you are indeed a doctor, (and if you are, you would know better than to post what you posted) might seriously consider being treated by a doctor, not your self! To me, it doesn't look like Lymes. To me, it doesn't look like herpes zoster. We could debate this forever. But what do I know? I'm not a doctor!


Be safe, and happy New Year to all.



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I did loads and loads and loads of research trying to figure out what was wrong with me. Lots of stuff on how Lyme is hard to detect, blood tests aren't accurate, you have to find a doctor that's familiar with Lyme, but it's hard to find info on that! Lots of confusing symptoms but the 2 that kept coming up were the flu-like symptoms which I definitely had and the rash which I had too (the rash doesn't always form a bulls-eye).


It's just starting to come up, if you look at it closely you can see half a bulls-eye, it's semi-circular. I don't know absolutely, but I felt if I let the disease progress, it would have become more clear - keep in mind that was the first day the rash showed up. And yeah, I looked at tons and tons of pictures of rashes. Yuck. To the poster who suggested it was zoster, my rash didn't look like that, it was flat, no bumps.


I took the antibiotics for over 3 weeks. I would have gone longer but I've suffered a superinfection before from taking antibiotics for about a month straight. Like I said, I did loads of research. Z-packs were on the preferred list of antibiotics, amoxicillin was on the secondary list. I only had one Z-pack, it was the first time I had seen it in a pharmacy in Mexico and since it was about 30 bucks, only bought one. After I went through those, I continued on the amoxicillin.


To the poster(s) who commented about bedbugs, I was at home when all this was happening. To the poster who was concerned about communicable diseases, you couldn't have gotten Lyme from me unless a tick jumped on me and bit me then immediately jumped on you and bit you. To the poster who says deer ticks are common, yes, but Lyme shows up in other ticks as well. To the poster who said Lyme isn't in Belize, like I said I did loads of research and I found that it is.


I was initially confused cause I thought I had picked it up on Roatan and Lyme isn't there, and I did a water excursion, no ticks in the water. Belize makes more sense, we were at least an hour walking through the rainforest. The funny thing about bugs is our tourguide said we didn't need repellent cause there were no mosquitoes in the rainforest! As for insect repellent not repelling ticks, I dunno, I'll have to research that! :)


Yes, I realize I was foolhardy for self-diagnosing but I have encountered too many imcompetent/less than knowledgeable doctors to trust your average doctor anymore. Especially with all the stuff about about Lyme being hard to diagnose, the blood testing being inaccurate, I could imagine going to see one, walking in saying "I think I may have contracted Lyme while I was in the Caribbean" and having him/her react just the way most of you did just now!


I am obsessive to the point of paranoid about washing my hands and not touching handrails and the like in the cruise ships (I have asthma is why). So I've never gotten Noro. This upcoming cruise will be my ninth on Royal Caribbean, tenth overall. I've gotten more than a little complacent about cruising. Need to be a little more snapped into focus. :)


I am fine. I am reasonably sure the antibiotics knocked out the infection. Look how fast the rash faded - that is indicative of a bacterial infection, not a viral. Thank you for your concern! Gosh, I wasn't really expecting this sort of reaction from the thread, it wasn't meant to be about me. More about hey, you can pick up nasty (word-I-can't-say) in the Caribbean. More about protecting you all. I know those of you who live in the Northwest, esp those of you who go hunting or hiking in the deep woods can relate to Lyme.


I think I hit all the comments I meant to address.


And to make this more RC on-topic - I booked my shore excursions today! In Grand Cayman, gonna make a third attempt to see the rays and hope we don't get side-lined yet again by rough seas. In Cozumel we're doing the Segway thing, sounds silly and fun at the same time. In Jamaica, I think I'll break from my penchant for pre-booked excursions and walk out and find a native guide - one who'll hopefully help us find some authentic Jamaican food, since one of my other passions is eating!

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