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Ultimate Cruise Snob Stories


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Sorry to disappoint you, but effective January 1st, it is $2.49 in California


It is with great sadness that I have to report the death of one of this boards great heros. Yes folks, Two Buck Chuck has taken his last bow. As of Saturday the 19th of January our hero Two Buck has now become $2.29 Chuck.


Yes, That is in his home state of California, and due to the "high" cost of producing it. Reported on all the local news channels last evening.


R.I.P. Two


I haven't priced it since November when MIL passed. We now have a supply of the Chardonnay that will cover two backyard BBQs, so I need not mourn just yet.;)

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I have a big group of lefties in the family. We put them all on one side of the table at family dinners so they can avoid elbow-bumping with the rest of us.


Sigh....tell me about it............


My husband won't sit on my left side at any table. I finally forced myself to be ambidexterous when eating. I can now do almost everything but write with my right hand. It was a matter of survival!!!

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For your information,

Fish knives aren't designed to 'cut', more to flake or separate the sections of fish and for filleting or removal of skin and scales. The twist in the handle makes it

comfortable for use by right handed people as etiquette dictates. The fish fork should be slightly smaller than a meat fork and often only has three tines.


A lot of places don't supply them as they aren't necessary any longer, the design (and originally material) was due to fish and some of the sauces used would taint the utensil and render them unsuitable for eating other dishes. Modern materials and cleaning methods have eliminated those issues.


On another note,

My wife and I once beat the 'resident' trivia champs on a holiday in Spain, they claimed they'd won every year they visited this particular resort. When we beat them by three points they demanded a recount and also argued that some answers to music questions were incorrect due to the omission of "the" in some of the band names....petty or what?


Sorry to add this - but an awful lot of school teachers I know would not be my choice of team mate in a trivia quiz....they're often clever but not necessarily smart.

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When she passed in November, we found almost two cases that her caregivers (who disapproved) had hidden.:mad: She was 96, for heaven's sake. It wasn't said the wine was going to kill her...


I just moved my 93+ father from assisted living to the other side of the building into the Alzheimer's/Dementia area. The staff are amazing, and I made it VERY clear that he gets to eat ANYTHING he wants! His blood suger is amazingly low. The nursing director agreed with me, and says when they get to be that age it's all about quality.


So, I bag up a ziplock sandwich bag full of packages of nuts and a bunch of those mini size candy bars, and put it in a plastic container in his top dresser drawer once a week. He is so cute: he gets so surprised and happy when he finds his "gift". I hope he dies when he's about 100 with a mouth full of chocolate and smile on his face! :D

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Feb 2012 we sailed on the Disney Dream. Was a family vacation, 7 of us in all. We had a few things to celebrate. On the first night of the cruise we had a special cake delieverd to the table (pre ordered it) along with a bottle of champagne that I had brought on board and the MD was nice enough to chill for us for dinner. The 6 people at the table next to us were starring and one of the women piped up and said "well I guess they think they are just all kinds of special" well our waiter, Richard, overheard her. He told us to please give him a minute and he walked off. Turns out he went to the MD and the next thing we know the MD is on the mic asking for everyone's attention. He then proceeded to let everyone in the dinning room know that we were celebrating my husband's 20 years of active duty in the US Navy. My hubby then got a standing ovation and the men at the table next us promptly apologized for the woman's comment and the next day bought him a bucket of beer LOL


I think at least some at the table apologized very nicely.

Congratulations on all your reasons to celebrate.

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I’ve had a few jaw-dropping moments, but my favorite was the time I was making general conversation with a gentleman while on the promenade deck (Sun Princess 2005), and the gentleman asked me where I was from. When I answered “West Virginia” he looked at me with amazement and said “I didn’t know that people who lived in West Virginia could afford to cruise!” I just couldn’t help myself I started laughing so hard. Mortified the man beat a hasty retreat, and I never saw him on deck again.:)

On Cruise Critic on the Holland America board a few years ago someone posted the comment “Unless you have a credit card with a $25,000 available line of credit you cannot afford to cruise.” This was on a thread that started being about someone’s less than stellar experience on a cruise and somehow got turned into a discussion of the poor man’s finances. :eek:

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Which price is it? Thirsty minds need to know.





Your worst fear has become a reality !!!!:D


SACRAMENTO (CBS13) – Two Buck Chuck will no longer cost two bucks. Trader Joe’s is raising the price on its famous Charles Shaw wine from $1.99 per bottle to $2.49 per bottle.

CBS13 set out to answer the question: Were there sour grapes from wine lovers about the suddenly pricier pour?

“Big deal,” laughed one Trader Joe’s customer.

You could call it the end of an era. For the first time since its debut 11 years ago, a bottle of award-winning Charles Shaw wine will run you more than two bucks at Trader Joe’s.

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Re: post number one. I know about them, but have never seen them. What's funny is that DH and I were given those personalized tags way back in 2004 on the Pacific Princess. They lie very quietly in a drawer and we have never thought of wearing them.



We have personlized Disneyland tags, in the drawer just enjoy them as the gift they were.


Sad people have to be so insecure and flaunt their insecurties.......

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I've experienced some of the entertainers act like snobs in the HC. Recently on the Emerald, one sat with his arms extended in such a way that he took up two complete tables by himself. I'm not sure why he sat the way he did because his body odor would have guaranteed him privacy. When staff came over to ask if he wanted anything, his negative response was condescending. I guess he thought he was God's gift and people would ask for his autograph.

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What drives me crazy is people who book Suites and brag about them extensively how superior they are because of it. They think the whole ship should bow to them. Then they constantly complain about service and how room stewards are not spending enough time in their room as they have inferior individuals rooms to clean. Then they get upset when inferior people are upgraded to suites. They claim that these inferior individuals abuse suite privileges because people who book suites have never abuses this in the history of Princess.

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For your information,

Fish knives aren't designed to 'cut', more to flake or separate the sections of fish and for filleting or removal of skin and scales. The twist in the handle makes it

comfortable for use by right handed people as etiquette dictates. The fish fork should be slightly smaller than a meat fork and often only has three tines.


A lot of places don't supply them as they aren't necessary any longer, the design (and originally material) was due to fish and some of the sauces used would taint the utensil and render them unsuitable for eating other dishes. Modern materials and cleaning methods have eliminated those issues.


On another note,

My wife and I once beat the 'resident' trivia champs on a holiday in Spain, they claimed they'd won every year they visited this particular resort. When we beat them by three points they demanded a recount and also argued that some answers to music questions were incorrect due to the omission of "the" in some of the band names....petty or what?


Sorry to add this - but an awful lot of school teachers I know would not be my choice of team mate in a trivia quiz....they're often clever but not necessarily smart.



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I’ve had a few jaw-dropping moments, but my favorite was the time I was making general conversation with a gentleman while on the promenade deck (Sun Princess 2005), and the gentleman asked me where I was from. When I answered “West Virginia” he looked at me with amazement and said “I didn’t know that people who lived in West Virginia could afford to cruise!” I just couldn’t help myself I started laughing so hard. Mortified the man beat a hasty retreat, and I never saw him on deck again.:)

Speaking of the West Virginia comment, back in 2002 my wife and I took a Med cruise. We were 42 and 32 at the time, and both of us are maybe a bit young looking. We attended the wine tasting and one or both of us were wearing "Ole Miss" t-shirts.


Anyway, we sat with two brothers from California and their wives, all a bit older than us. They were nice and not intentionally rude or snobbish. Just making conversation the older brother asked, in a rather long question, "So, what made the two of you want to come all the way from Mississippi and get on an airplane and come all the way over here to Europe and get on this cruise ship?" I was kind of baffled and just answered honestly by telling him that it seemed like my wife and I were visiting Paris almost twice a year and we just thought we ought to do something different.


After the wine tasting my wife said it was all she could do not to say, "Well, a couple of months ago Daddy bought me a pair of shoes. I was so excited that I said, 'Oh, Daddy, now that I have a pair of shoes could you please buy me a cruise?' "

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I'm glad I'm not the only one who sticks up for the crew. The last night of my trip on the Ruby, we were leaving the dinning room and another passenger was tearing Godwin a new one. I'd wanted to stop and talk to him all week but hadn't had the chance. I'd have kept walking but due to the guy being a jerk, I made a point of standing there, not caring if I was being intrusive. After I let him finish, I especially made a point to tell Godwin all kinds of nice stuff. He instantly cried, not expecting to have those negative emotions so quickly thwarted. I'm very possessive of those crew who have made a difference in my vacations....unfortunately I'm finding said list is very extensive! :p

We love Godwin!! it makes me sad to hear that some boorish passenger brought clouds into his usually sunny day.

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I am super Elite!" He was a hot mess, toupee akimbo, and a total boor!


That is great. I haven't seen the word akimbo used in a very long time. We have never had any bad problems. But several years ago on a HAL ship two of our dining companions, made it very clear, in unspoken words thay did not like the fact we were a gay couple. But we stayed at that table just to annoy them

Good for you...my son is gay and I would like to think he would do the same thing instead of being rushed off.

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Speaking of the West Virginia comment, back in 2002 my wife and I took a Med cruise. We were 42 and 32 at the time, and both of us are maybe a bit young looking. We attended the wine tasting and one or both of us were wearing "Ole Miss" t-shirts.


Anyway, we sat with two brothers from California and their wives, all a bit older than us. They were nice and not intentionally rude or snobbish. Just making conversation the older brother asked, in a rather long question, "So, what made the two of you want to come all the way from Mississippi and get on an airplane and come all the way over here to Europe and get on this cruise ship?" I was kind of baffled and just answered honestly by telling him that it seemed like my wife and I were visiting Paris almost twice a year and we just thought we ought to do something different.


After the wine tasting my wife said it was all she could do not to say, "Well, a couple of months ago Daddy bought me a pair of shoes. I was so excited that I said, 'Oh, Daddy, now that I have a pair of shoes could you please buy me a cruise?' "


I just laughed so hard I nearly fell off my chair! I am going to remember this and I do declare I will use it my very first opportunity! ;)

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It is with great sadness that I have to report the death of one of this boards great heros. Yes folks, Two Buck Chuck has taken his last bow. As of Saturday the 19th of January our hero Two Buck has now become $2.29 Chuck.


Yes, That is in his home state of California, and due to the "high" cost of producing it. Reported on all the local news channels last evening.


R.I.P. Two


Probably more in L.A. County. Gotta love that 9.75% sales tax.....





Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD

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What drives me crazy is people who book Suites and brag about them extensively how superior they are because of it. They think the whole ship should bow to them. Then they constantly complain about service and how room stewards are not spending enough time in their room as they have inferior individuals rooms to clean. Then they get upset when inferior people are upgraded to suites. They claim that these inferior individuals abuse suite privileges because people who book suites have never abuses this in the history of Princess.


All suite people arn't evil,,,,,,,:rolleyes:




Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD

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Maybe he wasn't a cruise snob, but we were seated at a table with a couple that lived in the next town over from us. Go figure! Another couple came up at the end of the first dinner and asked if they could join our table. This was way before personal choice dining on Princess. Anyhow, we told the other couple that if the seats weren't taken by someone that just didn't show the first night, they were more than welcome at our table.

Ended up that they talked to the maitre'd and the next night they joined us. They lived on the other side of the country -- both us and the original couple living in the SF bay area and they in Florida.

So, they joined us the next night and that is when all behavior from the other couple had declined. Thank goodness the other couple decided to join our table. We've become life long friends -- even though we live 3000+ miles away from one another. The couple that lived near us were so rude, yelled at the waiters constantly about everything. They got in a fight with each other around day 3 -- and yelled and argued all through dinner. One day we saw her at tea time and she refused to join our table -- like we were the nasty ones. The kicker was the last formal night -- he saw my husband and I outside the jewelry store and he made some comment about how men make all the money and the stupid women spend it all. Well, that didn't fly with my husband and he put him in his place. Needless to say, he did not enjoy this and was on fire with his insults that night at dinner. He criticized anyone that wasn't a white male, a different religion, of different sexual orientation, etc, etc. And, he showed up for dinner wearing a bright pink sweatshirt on formal night. What a slob. Well, the waiters again couldn't do anything right and he was fighting with his wife, again or still, and he got up and just walked out of dinner. Oh....good ridance. Guess the coca cola was always too flat for him -- what could the poor waiter do. We tipped him extra just because we knew this other couple wasn't going to give him anything. Argh!!

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Oh no.....you should have compared with P&O, dear boy! ;)


Most Carnival folks I've come across

are too ordinary for snobbery (myself included)


It doesn't matter which cruise line you are on. Snobs are snobs and they are on every ship. Perhaps this thread will make some of them realize just how they should really treat people or act -----otherwise one day they may receive a taste of their own snobish medicine.:rolleyes::D

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It doesn't matter which cruise line you are on. Snobs are snobs and they are on every ship. Perhaps this thread will make some of them realize just how they should really treat people or act -----otherwise one day they may receive a taste of their own snobish medicine.:rolleyes::D


One can only hope!

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What drives me crazy is people who book Suites and brag about them extensively how superior they are because of it. They think the whole ship should bow to them. Then they constantly complain about service and how room stewards are not spending enough time in their room as they have inferior individuals rooms to clean. Then they get upset when inferior people are upgraded to suites. They claim that these inferior individuals abuse suite privileges because people who book suites have never abuses this in the history of Princess.


May I say that perhaps you are the snob. We know many people who book suites, don't advertise that they do and treat the staff with more respect (and probably higher gratuities) than many other passengers. Have you considered that the people who book those suites perhaps have worked very hard to afford to book them and perhaps don't cruise more than once a year or less frequently. To generalize and disparage a group of people with no supporting data is inane.

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Every time I see a lady who is carrying a handbag around the ship I wonder what in the world she feels she has to have on her person, other than her cruise card, maybe a coffee card and sometimes a book or kindle. Small bags might carry those things - it's the ones with the big handbag that I can't figure out.


Well, on my first cruise some time ago, some women carried carpet bags to the buffet and filled them with fruit and other food to take to their cabins. I never understood that. Maybe the round trip from their cabins to the buffet or other venues must have been too much work. They literally took the fresh fruit and breads as fast as the crew could replenish them. It was amazing.

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