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Question for former crew members about signing off.


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I know this is your actual life but it read like a mystery novel. Will the damsel get her B-2 or will the evil bar manager prevail ? ;)

Glad everything has, as of now, worked out. If this is the case and she wants to go back to Carnival, how long would she be

off before the next contract started ?


I hope you will forgive me for being nosy.:o

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Wow! I came home from work and wanted to hop on and give you all the good news right away. But it looks like you've already heard! I'll give you some of the details anyway :)


I received a call from my GF about 10:45 this morning. She had just left a meeting with her boss and the Hotel Director. She was quite thrilled to say that her boss signed her B2 form! :D John Heald came through alright. I'm not sure what was said in the email between him and the Hotel Director, but after a small lecture on proper procedure pertaining to booking passage and acquiring a B2 form, her boss signed! Immediately after speaking with her I got an update on facebook from Mr. Heald that simply said "it's taken care of". Rather ominous. I've never seen John Heald as a 'Godfather' type figure before, but now.... hehe. Here's something I found amusing... after the meeting was over the Hotel Director asked her a bunch of questions about me! "Does he work on the ships? Where did you meet? What does he do for a living?" etc. I guess John's letter must have said something about me! lol ;)


Thanks to everyone here at Cruise Critic for your support, guidance, and information. You've been a great help and I don't mean that lightly. I don't doubt that 8,000+ views on this thread didn't go unnoticed by someone at Carnival. Regardless, we are an awesome community and I am humbled. I thank you, and Sartsiri from Carnival Victory (you can say hi to her in the disco every night) also thanks you!


Now I will write a heartfelt thank you to John Heald and take a shower... I smell awful!


That's awesome news! Congrats!:D

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In my opinion, if Carnival aren't paying for the flights, they don't really get much say in what your girlfriend does after disembarking.

With all the other Carnival Corp brands, and most other cruise lines, they company repatriates, and if they refuse to allow you to transfer onto a B2 visa, then generally you have to go along with it, as their responsibility is from doorstep to doorstep, with all expenses for travelling and meals en-route covered.


That being said, it wouldn't surprise me if Carnival were to be difficult with your girlfriend after this. The cruise lines don't particularly have a good track record of the way they treat crew, and there is no real employment terms and conditions ensuring continued employment after the end of each contract onboard.


The laws are slowly changing for the better, and this is the only way that cruise lines and shipping companies will change.


In real terms though, if the terms and conditions were brought inline with US or European domestic labour law, I'd see myself unemployed very quickly and a rapid decline in the cruise lines.

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In my opinion, if Carnival aren't paying for the flights, they don't really get much say in what your girlfriend does after disembarking.

With all the other Carnival Corp brands, and most other cruise lines, they company repatriates, and if they refuse to allow you to transfer onto a B2 visa, then generally you have to go along with it, as their responsibility is from doorstep to doorstep, with all expenses for travelling and meals en-route covered.


That being said, it wouldn't surprise me if Carnival were to be difficult with your girlfriend after this. The cruise lines don't particularly have a good track record of the way they treat crew, and there is no real employment terms and conditions ensuring continued employment after the end of each contract onboard.


The laws are slowly changing for the better, and this is the only way that cruise lines and shipping companies will change.


In real terms though, if the terms and conditions were brought inline with US or European domestic labour law, I'd see myself unemployed very quickly and a rapid decline in the cruise lines.


you misunderstand American law on this. She was given a special visa that the cruise ship is a sponsor for that allows her to enter the US at all. The cruise lines are responsible for her following all the arcane rules on those visas. One of the rules is that once they leave the ship they have to be out of the US in 24 hours period. (when they leave the ship they have to go through a special immigration line and show their airline ticket- since the airline ticket is more than 24 hours after leaving the ship the cruise line has to endorse her visa to show that they will be responsible for her leaving. That is why the supervisor has to sign.... the cruise lines don't want to get into a fight with US Customs and Border protection. if she fails to follow the rules one of the penalties that can be imposed is barring her from any entry into the US for 10 years or more.... you really don't want to fool with the CBP

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you misunderstand American law on this. She was given a special visa that the cruise ship is a sponsor for that allows her to enter the US at all. The cruise lines are responsible for her following all the arcane rules on those visas. One of the rules is that once they leave the ship they have to be out of the US in 24 hours period. (when they leave the ship they have to go through a special immigration line and show their airline ticket- since the airline ticket is more than 24 hours after leaving the ship the cruise line has to endorse her visa to show that they will be responsible for her leaving. That is why the supervisor has to sign.... the cruise lines don't want to get into a fight with US Customs and Border protection.


No, I'm afraid you misunderstood. She was on C1-D visa, which would have resulted in the situation you described. If you enter the US on a C1-D there is no alternative but to catch a flight within 24 hours, no matter what anyone signs, unless its the president perhaps.

What the intention and request is for, is to sign off the crew agreement at the final port prior to entering the United States, then she will enter the USA as a passenger using her B2 visa which means she can legally stay in the USA for upto 6 months at the discretion of the CBP officer. From the moment she embarks on that change from crew to passenger, the responsibility and relationship between her and Carnival Corp change.

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Why do I know this? Because I'm a UK citizen, Master Mariner and Passenger Deck Officer (ex Holland America Line), with a C1-D and B1/B2 visa. Ridiculously, even as a British citizen who can enter the USA under visa waiver, if I arrive as crew on a C1-D and disembark, I have to also be on the flight within 24 hours, no way around it unless I did as explained in above post.

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Why do I know this? Because I'm a UK citizen, Master Mariner and Passenger Deck Officer (ex Holland America Line), with a C1-D and B1/B2 visa. Ridiculously, even as a British citizen who can enter the USA under visa waiver, if I arrive as crew on a C1-D and disembark, I have to also be on the flight within 24 hours, no way around it unless I did as explained in above post.

but that is why he had to sign...if he didn't sign she couldn't get the B visa at all.

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I know this is your actual life but it read like a mystery novel. Will the damsel get her B-2 or will the evil bar manager prevail ? ;)

Glad everything has, as of now, worked out. If this is the case and she wants to go back to Carnival, how long would she be

off before the next contract started ?


Haha! This made us both chuckle. Very nice! Should I write a children's book? "Once upon a time in a buffet line far away..."


She will be starting her next contract on the Magic out of Galveston in mid-June, I forget the exact date.

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Haha! This made us both chuckle. Very nice! Should I write a children's book? "Once upon a time in a buffet line far away..."


She will be starting her next contract on the Magic out of Galveston in mid-June, I forget the exact date.


Is she joining for first Triumph sailing? That's slated for June 5th last time I saw an update. Glad it all worked out.

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Is she joining for first Triumph sailing? That's slated for June 5th last time I saw an update. Glad it all worked out.


Thanks I am too! Unless things change between now and then, and often times they do, she will be on the Magic. I think she is embarking on June 9. She wouldn't mind working on Triumph again though, we both spent a lot of time on that ship before and quite enjoyed it.

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Question for the OP:


You mentioned being able to relax with your girlfriend in the evening. Does she get to change into regular clothes without any Carnival name tags when she spends time with you? Is she required to carry something that says you are an "approved parter" so that she is not accused of fraternizing with the guests?


Hope that's not considered to personal, just curious.

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Question for the OP:


You mentioned being able to relax with your girlfriend in the evening. Does she get to change into regular clothes without any Carnival name tags when she spends time with you? Is she required to carry something that says you are an "approved parter" so that she is not accused of fraternizing with the guests?


Hope that's not considered to personal, just curious.


She has to make a request a few days before I arrive that is sent through multiple channels via email. Once I arrive we fill out some paperwork that allows her to spend time with me in the guest areas. When off the clock, she is required to wear normal clothing, not her uniform, but she must wear her name tag at all times. We've been able to hang out in the disco, steakhouse, sports deck, etc a few times. Generally, I'll be issued a Crew Family pass that allows me to spend time with her below decks as well. This is extremely useful when she happens to be working the crew bar, as I can loiter around and annoy her on the clock :)

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Haha! This made us both chuckle. Very nice! Should I write a children's book? "Once upon a time in a buffet line far away..."


She will be starting her next contract on the Magic out of Galveston in mid-June, I forget the exact date.


You crack me up!:D Glad it worked out but why in the world is the big CD John the one who has to get this guy moving?


Is this on the Fantasy? Anyone going should say something to the creep who has a history of being obnoxious. And shove a rum runner in his face while you're at it.

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She has to make a request a few days before I arrive that is sent through multiple channels via email. Once I arrive we fill out some paperwork that allows her to spend time with me in the guest areas. When off the clock, she is required to wear normal clothing, not her uniform, but she must wear her name tag at all times. We've been able to hang out in the disco, steakhouse, sports deck, etc a few times. Generally, I'll be issued a Crew Family pass that allows me to spend time with her below decks as well. This is extremely useful when she happens to be working the crew bar, as I can loiter around and annoy her on the clock :)



Thanks for answering. final nosey question: do you get some sort of family discount to cruise or do you pay full price?

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Thanks for answering. final nosey question: do you get some sort of family discount to cruise or do you pay full price?


Not nosy at all. I don't mind :) I cruise for free. HAH! I wish.

I pay full price just like everyone else. I book my cruises online at Carnival's website and hope I got the best rate. I am listed on her file as her fiancee, so she could book for me using some discounted F&F rate. If she does that the conditions are very specific, however. It has to be low season, has to be made a month in advance, if that cruise books up Carnival can sell my cabin and refund my money, and ultimately we could end up waiting a month for an answer and it could be "no". At least, this is what I'm told, we have never actually tried it. I always thought it to be less stressful and just book myself. Also, if we go that route I lose my Platinum perks! haha

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Not nosy at all. I don't mind :) I cruise for free. HAH! I wish.

I pay full price just like everyone else. I book my cruises online at Carnival's website and hope I got the best rate. I am listed on her file as her fiancee, so she could book for me using some discounted F&F rate. If she does that the conditions are very specific, however. It has to be low season, has to be made a month in advance, if that cruise books up Carnival can sell my cabin and refund my money, and ultimately we could end up waiting a month for an answer and it could be "no". At least, this is what I'm told, we have never actually tried it. I always thought it to be less stressful and just book myself. Also, if we go that route I lose my Platinum perks! haha


I have read a few comments on here that seem to suggest that her line manager had an ulterior motive for not signing her forms. Can you clarify as this is such an interesting story that your girlfriend was happy and content after everything was settled and she was treated respectfully? Thank you for allowing us into your life, this has been fascinating especially as I am new on this website. And it seems that John Heald had a big heart here and he's had helped you both. I am meeting him in a few months and look forward to it very much. Enjoy your vacation together.

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As part of the ISM system that all shipping companies must have, most companies appoint a DPA or Designated Person Ashore, who is tasked with being the contact for crew who feel that their concerns are not being taken seriously aboard. If there is a DPA, this is usually "required knowledge" for the crew. Ask her if this is true for Carnival.


However, the first step is to follow the chain of command onboard. She needs to ask her supervisor for enlightenment as to where in the ISM manual, or the crew rules and regulations where it states that she needs to clear her flight arrangements with her supervisor. He needs to also show where if at all, there are any restrictions on travel arrangements made by the crew. If the bar manager cannot provide this, she needs to request the same information from the Food & Beverage Director, the Hotel Director, and finally the Staff Captain. If no one can tell her where these regulations are, and why she has never been required to follow this procedure before, then she should contact the DPA.



This is the best advice...

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I have read a few comments on here that seem to suggest that her line manager had an ulterior motive for not signing her forms. Can you clarify as this is such an interesting story that your girlfriend was happy and content after everything was settled and she was treated respectfully? Thank you for allowing us into your life, this has been fascinating especially as I am new on this website. And it seems that John Heald had a big heart here and he's had helped you both. I am meeting him in a few months and look forward to it very much. Enjoy your vacation together.


To be clear, she has told me specifically that (so far) there have been no ramifications to her because of what has transpired regarding her B2. For the first couple days after the meeting, her boss was a little... I'm not even sure how to put it... absent, I guess is the best word. She would barely see him around, and when he did show up it was a quick word and then he'd leave again. As of now things are back to normal and she is happy.


Are far as ulterior motives, I am not sure. They have worked together once before in the past, and his personality and disposition was the same back then as well. I think he is just one of "those" type of personalities. Maybe a little power hungry and overbearing with a need to control. Unfortunate, but there seems to be these people popping up when you don't need them!


Enjoy meeting John Heald, welcome to Cruise Critic, and thanks for your warm wishes! Less than two weeks to go and I'll be meeting up with her in Miami! I have decided that since we have to hang around in south Florida for 3 days until the 9th when our flight leaves, I might as well take advantage of it. I'm thinking about surprising her with a trip to Orlando's Disneyworld. What do you think, good idea?

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To be clear, she has told me specifically that (so far) there have been no ramifications to her because of what has transpired regarding her B2. For the first couple days after the meeting, her boss was a little... I'm not even sure how to put it... absent, I guess is the best word. She would barely see him around, and when he did show up it was a quick word and then he'd leave again. As of now things are back to normal and she is happy.


Are far as ulterior motives, I am not sure. They have worked together once before in the past, and his personality and disposition was the same back then as well. I think he is just one of "those" type of personalities. Maybe a little power hungry and overbearing with a need to control. Unfortunate, but there seems to be these people popping up when you don't need them!


Enjoy meeting John Heald, welcome to Cruise Critic, and thanks for your warm wishes! Less than two weeks to go and I'll be meeting up with her in Miami! I have decided that since we have to hang around in south Florida for 3 days until the 9th when our flight leaves, I might as well take advantage of it. I'm thinking about surprising her with a trip to Orlando's Disneyworld. What do you think, good idea?


Fantastic idea! Disney world is a must if you are in the area. Have fun.:D

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