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Live from the Prinsendam as the wizard & witches cruise May 17 - June 17, 2013


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I would LOVE to hear a report on your experiences yesterday at the Normandy beaches. That is really high up on our bucket list!


Jacqui - I was a few days early in my birthday wishes...but I know you understand I meant today:rolleyes::p A birthday in Paris, now what more can a girl ask for!!!



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Hope your Birthday was fantastic!

Also know you are having a ball on our favorite ship..

Hugs.. Betty

P.S. Hooray, we booked another Collectors Cruise on the Ryndam for Nov...Figured our Prinsendam cruise was it for this year, but this time our good Buddies are going with us..LOL

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May 25 - 27th - days at sea as we cross the pond.


Did you all think I died? I'm guessing that you figured out that we got busy and were just having too much fun? Well, if you guessed that you guessed right!


Actually the last sea days ended up being very busy. So many things to do and so little time.


Plus, we had to catch up on some sleep. So, the person who is always up at 6 am actually slept in until 9 am. Just grabbed a quick, light bite in the Lido as...


We were invited to a special lunch on May 25th in the Crow's Nest - it was for the people in suites and the sweet people as Firmin likes to say. Suites, 5* and people whose names they selected. It was a very nice buffet and each table was escorted by a waiter from the Pinnacle Grill so there was no real line up. Some were trying to understand why they were invited and the Captain explained that he and Firmin take all the guests names to the luggage room, hang them up and practice their dart throwing and that is how they are selected.


A very nice luncheon with the flowing chocolate fountain, flowing drinks and delicious food. Several of our roll call members were there so we all had a great time.


Then on May 26th, we were invited to the Indonesian Ristafel Lunch in the Pinnacle Grill. I don't know how they know this stuff but they had our seats reserved with Georgina & Gerry (gigianne) which was wonderful. We all enjoyed our Indonesain Lunch without question. The decorations set up in the Pinnacle were really nice and set the tone. Of course, Firmin was offering Belgian beer (for those who preferred beer) to go along with it.


Then in the afternoon I headed to the Stuyvesant room for the Question and Answer session. Firmin headed this and any questions, comments, etc. were forwarded to Seattle. So, between this and other things this is what I learned. The Elegant Explorer is not only the ship with the highest repeat passengers, she is also the most profitable in the fleet. Who would have thought it? It also seems that Seattle is dictating some things to the Prinsendam and a general feeling among the group seems to be that this is the Elegant Explorer and she should set her own rules. Hopefully that gets passed on to Seattle too! INteresting to hear that at her drydock some things were done by the ship on it's own. For example, despite certain instructions, they created more two tops in the dining room. Smart in my opinion as the two tops on this ship seem to be in high demand. Lots of interesting comments - important to some - and not to others - it just shows you that people are different as are their priorities.


By now the weather has taken a turn for the worse. Those that were sunbathing on the aft sea view pool (you know who you are) can no longer do so. The sun is gone, the clouds have moved in and the wind is very cool. So, it was a great day for these 'inside' activities.


Our last sea day we were invited to the Crow's Nest again for cocktails before dinner. This is really bad - it could become habit forming!


By the last sea day, it was still noticeably non sun bathing weather and we were all hoping that the rain would stop and the temps would warm up for our first land day.


We had escaped the dining room one other day when the menu didn't appeal and visited the Cannaletto. I can't believe I have gone to the Canaletto twice! It was very good again.


Before I forget - on May 16th, Firmin was Gene's guest on the morning talk. It was a memorable morning as this will be the last time that Firmin does one of these talks and you could tell he was truly touched.


Entertainment - yes, I know inquiring Ruth's want to know - we had Minda Larsen from the stages of New York (singer), the Prinsendam entertainers with the Stardust Lounge and NOW I have to to save the BEST for LAST...


May 26h was the finale for Dancing with the Stars and our very own Jeanette (maygrovecruisers) won with an overwhelming 3 10's by the judges. They had a clap/cheer meter and she won based on that too (and yes, we were there cheering). The fix was NOT in. She is a gracious, elegant dancer with a lot of poise and finesse. Gene told us that so far she has the highest score of any dancer for the Prinsendam so she has a very good chance to win the cruise for the Finale. There will be another Dancing with the Stars contest on the next segment and we are all encouraging her to compete again.


We were all very happy and proud of her. Three cheers for Jeanette!

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LAND HO - Tuesday, May 28th.


Well we anchored at least, to try to get to land - St. Malo, France is our stop. This is a tender port and thankfully our only one. The weather is not nice and the seas are very choppy. The Captain was given a different spot and assured by the shore people that their new tender would take care of us. Wouldn't you know it, the Captain and staff were not satisfied with the tender provided by the port and felt it was not safe enough so they opted to use their own. Delay number one.


I had a private transfer arranged to get 30 of us to Mont St. Michel with a meet time of 9 am. As the minutes started to tick by, I was getting concerned that our private transfer was not going to be there. The minutes turned into an hour as the crew battled the weather and seas to get the tenders off. And then another hour. I had made arrangements to have the first tender for our group after the shore excursions (the shore excursions went first - even the 4* mariners had to wait) but, alas, even the best laid plans. Finally we made it to St. Malo around 10:30 (1 and 1/2 hours late) and miracle of all miracles - there was our private transfer waiting for us! How do you spell relief??


Off we went to see that huge monument to Saint Michael - Mont St. Michel. If you haven't been there go. It is truly majestic. I had pre-purchased abbey tickets (at the top) for many in our group (not everyone planned on climbing to the top) and once we got through the crowded first level (thank heavens this is 'low season' - I'd hate to see how busy it is in the summer!) we headed up. I actually began to doubt that I could do it, but we got to the top. The abbey is gorgeous and we continued our tour and then, there were more steps!! aghh!!! Once you head down their is a narrow, circular staircase so this is definitely a place where you have to be very careful.


The weather was horrible here. Pouring rain and the winds were very high. In fact high enough to break several Holland America umbrellas. Just so you don't think that it's because these umbrellas are poorly made, there were many broken umbrellas that were turned inside out. I think I was wiser taking my smaller one as it held up. The wet weather made the steps and the cobble stones quite slippery so you did have to take care. Despite the miserable weather everyone enjoyed their visit.


I had planned to take my Ipad with me in the hopes of finding free wifi - but the rain threw out that idea as I didn't want to chance it getting wet.


Everyone was back at the meeting point on time and our transfer took us back to St. Malo so that we could explore this enchanting city for a bit. I, like many others got a bit lost and kept hitting the ramparts that go around the city but we did manage to make our way back to the ship in plenty of time./


Knowing that tomorrow would be an early start we had pre-booked the Pinnacle Grill for an earlier dinner time.


Wouldn't you know it - they scheduled our disembarkation talk for the collectors cruise 15 minutes before. I went to find out what to do with the plan to leave in time for dinner and get the scoop. Instead of starting with the instructions, they decided to talk about the shore excursions - aghhh!! Fortunately I was next to another roll call member Barbara THSMASTER) who told me to go to dinner and she would take notes for me. It's so nice to have helpful cruise critic friends on this cruise. What a great decision the Pinnacle Grill was. . The PG on this ship is still marvelous. Fabulous dinner. The choices for our party of 6 ranged from lobster to Steak Dianne and no question that everyone's experience was the same.


In the Showroom at sea tonight was "It takes Two" with the Prinsendam Entertainers.


We are crossing our fingers for better weather tomorrow but no matter what we will proceed to Normandy.


Despite our best intentions, we did not go to bed early as planned. Bopped around, played the casino with our friends for a bit (they are a really bad influence) and then hit the sack later than we should have.


Signing off from the Elegant Explorer as we approach Zeebrugges desperately trying to catch up on my live thread!

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Wednesday, May 29th, 2013 - Cherbourg, France.


Here we are in Cherbourg France which is for some a huge highlight. This is the gateway to the Normandy beaches for many (especially those on private tours as for whatever reason the private tour operators prefer Cherbourg to Le Havre).


It's a very early start so it's room service breakfast as it was in St. Malo. Very prompt. Everything that should be hot is hot and everything that should be cold is as well.


For the Canadian contingent I have arranged a private tour with Eva Ruttger of Welcome to Normandy to the Canadian beaches, their highlights and the Bayeux Tapestry.


Barbara (THSMASTER) comes to the Ocean Bar with the instructions for disembarkation for me as promised. She has taken meticulous notes and made my life easy! According to her notes, the new name for the Explorer is going to be the "On Location Guide".


Georgina (giganne) has made poppies for everyone on our roll call who is going to the Normandy Beaches. They are really beautiful and well done. She is a very talented lady. We all wear them proudly. There are several private tours for this port that different members of our roll call have arranged. The rest are all going to the U.S. beaches of course. We are the only ones heading to the Canadian beaches.


We all get in Eva's comfy van and head out for that long trip to Juno Beach. It takes about 1 and 3/4 hours but Eva keeps us entertained by pointing out some highlights in our scenery and talking about the war and D Day. She knows a lot of history and there isn't a question she can't answer!


We reach Juno Beach and do some imagining and visioning of what it was like as Eva helps invoke visions of those days. Breakwaters from when they built their floating docks so that the ships could land are still there as are some of 'bunkers' (wrong word I know) that were buried in the sand so that they were hidden and could attack the enemy.


Off to the Juno museum and more sights. I think the most moving moment for all of us was when we visited the Canadian cemetery. France has given the land for the cemetaries in perpetuity and Normandy has taken loving care of those who have fallen. Everywhere you look in this area you see Canadian flags outside of homes. The cemetery is beautiful. I have never seen such an exquisite lawn, such beautiful flowers, etc. It really is beautiful, peaceful and meticulous. There were tears in some eyes and words simply cannot express this place adequately. Thank you Normandy.


Then off to see a few other spots in the beaches and finally the Canadian house. Yes, it's been nick named the Canadian House as it was the only house on the beach in that area at the time and was used as a sighting spot for the troops to land. Somehow the house was never destroyed during the war. There are Canadian flags hung on it and in windows. poppies in front of it with a lovely commemorative monument, pictures on the wall around it of the building back then. Eva tells us that people still live there and take loving care of the house.


She offers us lunch in Bayeux or lunch the 'French' way which we opt for and we stop at a bakery she knows for the baguette sandwiches and head to a nice spot overlooking the water to eat our lunch. Many have also gotten sweets at the bakery as well! Lucky (or unlucky if you count calories) for me they share some of their sweets with me. Everything is delicious.


Soon, it is time to start back but we are stopping to have a visit at Bayeux. This is a charming town with a gorgeous church, homes and of course, the famous Bayeux Tapestry. Although I have certainly seen documentaries on it, you really don't realize how long it is and how intricate the work until you see it up close. What an incredible piece of work and so detailed!


We head back to the ship and one of our group can't find her key card. Oh! Oh! Fortunately she had her passport (the ship had instructed us to take our passports with us) and security called through to the ship and they confirmed her as a passenger so we were able to pass through. After we paid her and headed to the ship, Eva came running and calling - she had found the missing key card in the door. What a champ! Everyone had been thrilled with her, her service and her knowledge but this was the icing on the cake.


I think she was tipped well (and deservedly so). If anyone plans on visiting the Beaches (Canadian or U.S.), we would all highly recommend Eva.


We lucked out a bit with the weather today. It was dreary again and poured rain as we drove up to Normandy but just as we arrived the sun started to peak out from the clouds which made the temperature much nicer. As we headed back the dark clouds formed again with that ominous threat of rain.


Tonight's show was comedian Jeff Burghart. None of us went. We were pretty tired after 8 hours of touring - so it was casino only for a bit and then off to bed as we have Le Havre to visit tomorrow.

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Just back from Edmonton--hope you had a WONDERFUL day Jacqui--LOVE the updates --feels like we are (almost) there.

Wendy & Al

you two are BAD! thank you. Wish you were here!

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Actually the last sea days ended up being very busy. So many things to do and so little time.


As I said in my blog, this short English Channel section is a rehearsal for the Baltic section - Port Intensive.



Belgian beer
Ah, the real stuff. Just love Belgian beer they have so many different ones.


finale for Dancing with the Stars and our very own Jeanette (maygrovecruisers) won with an overwhelming 3 10's by the judges. ... Three cheers for Jeanette!
Well done Jeanette. That 48 hour endurance ordeal to get to the cruise was worth it. Your picture made my blog.

I look forward to meeting you and Ken when we come on board tomorrow.

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Sorry for the poor weather but happy the tours were so enjoyable. Hope your

second segment is as much fun for you. Of course, you'll have a new Hotel Director. Firmin is officially retired and headed home after a long and successful career. I hope he had a very special send off. :)


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Excellent reports, Jacquie. I have enjoyed reading them, especially the Normandy report.

Thanks, too, for the info re: entertainment on board. I love reading about that part of a cruise! :D

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Well, today is our final day and evening onboard. :( Tomorrow we head off for London for 4 days with Gigianne and Gerry. We've had a WONDERFUL time with all of our new CC friends. Other passengers are envious of the good times we've enjoyed for the past two weeks.


This trip was a dream and the ship was perfect. No complaints here. :D:D

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