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Smoking in cabins on balconies, irrespective of cruise line.

Brian Raine

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"Cigarettes should be illegal if they are that dangerous but our local governments love the tax revenue they collect from tobacco. "

Many things are dangerous and are not illegal (motorcycle racing, mountain climbing, etc) BUT there isn't such things as second hand racing our climbing.

That's all what matters here.

Btw, yes, governments all over the world love taxes.:D


But we're tallking about smoking outside here. Surely no one is seriously suggesting there is any risk whatsoever to health from a spot of cigarette smoke wafting from a balcony?


Even the experts who are trying to keep themselves employed by invoking fear about everything haven't thought of that one. Yet.



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But we're tallking about smoking outside here. Surely no one is seriously suggesting there is any risk whatsoever to health from a spot of cigarette smoke wafting from a balcony?


Even the experts who are trying to keep themselves employed by invoking fear about everything haven't thought of that one. Yet.




There have been a couple of major studies carried out on this - effects on others' health was the same as that produced in a car park - and a long way below effects of standing next to a busy road. A long, long way below effects in an enclosed room - can't remember exact figures though.

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There have been a couple of major studies carried out on this - effects on others' health was the same as that produced in a car park...


Good Grief! Does that mean that if someone smokes on the next door balcony you could be hit by a car! :eek:


I can certainly understand the objections now!



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Good Grief! Does that mean that if someone smokes on the next door balcony you could be hit by a car! :eek: J
Yes, it's true :eek: .


(of course...

In Queens Grill... you're hit by the car of your choice... a Rolls Royce Phantom is, quietly, with respect, suggested... and afterwards the butler leaves a selection of canapes, with champagne, for the mourners...

In Princess Grill... it's a Volkswagen Phaeton that runs you down... someone will chuck a small platter of snacks at the funeral guests...

In Britannia Class... a Lada drives over you without stopping... wake held at McDonalds (buy-yer-own)... )


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Wow some response to my maiden post, it just goes to show how this topic is of interest to cruisers. That was the whole point of my first post, not to ruffle the feathers of "smokers" or to make a "hit and run" post to complain as suggested. I thought the idea of a forum was to inform other cruisers of your own cruise experience so that other people can decide whether the cruise company is for them or not.


Just to recap, overall we had a fantastic cruise on QE to Iceland except for the issue of our neighbours chain smoking on adjacent balconies. Yes we have cruised on the Queen Victoria with no problems back in 2009. No it does not say in the Cunard brochure that you may not be able to use your balcony if you happen to be next to chain smokers who are upwind/downwind or above or below you. Yes we were naive to think it would not be a problem (even if we had read Cunards's smoking policy before we booked.)


Is it so wrong to inform others who may be considering spending £6000 on a future cruise with Cunard that the balcony option may not be unusable or unsuitable if you are unlucky enough to be situated next to chain smokers.The point I am making is Cunard's current policy of allowing smoking on balconies did unfortunately spoil our cruise and will influence our decision to book with Cunard again. I believe 80% of Cunard's customers are non smokers and 20% are smokers. Cunard's smoking policy does not reflect this fact in my opinion.


If you haven't read the following post by Peter Shanks President and Managing Director of Cunard already you should do, I wish I had before I booked. (It is published on this site if you wish to check)



17th February 2013

Smoking is a tricky subject. It is fact these days around the world that whether you are in a hotel, restaurant or bar - smoking is no longer allowed. We reflect that on our ships. We withdrew smoking from cabins a few years ago - we still allow smoking on balconies at this point. A number of cruise lines are now reviewing this and I think that over time all lines will move to stop smoking on balconies and only allow in designated outside areas. We will continue to review it. We make an exception on Queen Mary 2 in allowing smoking on the upper level of the G32 Night Club - the reason for that is that often on a crossing it is simply too windy to go out on the balcony. In the next refit of the ship we will look at this again - and if we maintain smoking in that area we will most likley have it as a separate area. We have to follow the trends across the world on smoking and making sure that we have as healthy an environment for our guests as we can. I know that our guests who do smoke may not like this - but it is not something that the cruise lines can be singled out for - it is part of every day life now. Peter


Peter Shanks

President and Managing Director

Cunard Line




For what it's worth, I thought both this post and your first one were excellent. What a shocking response you received. That's enough to put anyone off Cunard! We also favour Celebrity, one of the reasons being their ban on smoking on balconies. We are reluctant to try other cruise lines that don't have such a policy. Well done for coming back to the forum and continuing the debate! :)

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I had a feeling my original post about my recent cruise would end up with me having to defend myself on the subject of smoking. This is very sad because this website is here for past cruisers to express their experiences for others to learn from. I would like to post a full cruise review which was excellent overall but if I mention smoking no doubt I will be shot down again.


It is unbelievable to me that smokers cannot see the wood from the trees and always look for a way out with irrelevant counter arguments to justify their habit. Only yesterday I was speaking to one of my own business customers in an outside area, he was telling me about his wife who sadly has terminal lung cancer. Whilst telling me the story he was holding a lit roll-up cigarette in his nicotine stained hands, twice I had to alter my standing position to avoid the smoke/fumes entering my lungs. Yes I was outside. Yes it is a true story. No I did not mention his smoking habit nor his wife's smoking habit to him, perhaps one day he will work it out for himself.


This will be my last post as it is a pointless exercise continuing on this thread, if you want to catch up with me I will be on a Celebrity Cruise sometime in the near future among like-minded people.

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I would like to post a full cruise review which was excellent overall...This will be my last post as it is a pointless exercise continuing on this thread, if you want to catch up with me I will be on a Celebrity Cruise sometime in the near future among like-minded people.
Sorry to read that, as I was hoping you might have had the courtesy and politeness to reply to my post, and also to post your "full cruise review which was excellent overall"... Thank you. I look forward to reading it... ...
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It is unbelievable to me that smokers cannot see the wood from the trees and always look for a way out with irrelevant counter arguments to justify their habit.


Quite a few of those offering alternative opinions have stated they don't smoke, so are not justifying their habit. That includes moi, who gave up 728 long weary days ago. Not that I'm counting...


Anyway, observing a long and much-loved tradition on this part of the forum, we have now moved on to death by motor vehicle. So much less controversial, don't you think?:D



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...If Celebrity can adopt a no smoking policy on their balconies and still fill their ships as they always do, with many more ships than the "Cunard only" brand I don't think Cunard need worry about loss of bookings.


Cunard will change its smoking policy when the equation:

(# of new passengers due to a smoke free policy)

minus (# of passengers lost due to a smoke free policy)

= a positive number.

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I had a feeling my original post about my recent cruise would end up with me having to defend myself on the subject of smoking. This is very sad because this website is here for past cruisers to express their experiences for others to learn from. I would like to post a full cruise review which was excellent overall but if I mention smoking no doubt I will be shot down again.


It is unbelievable to me that smokers cannot see the wood from the trees and always look for a way out with irrelevant counter arguments to justify their habit. Only yesterday I was speaking to one of my own business customers in an outside area, he was telling me about his wife who sadly has terminal lung cancer. Whilst telling me the story he was holding a lit roll-up cigarette in his nicotine stained hands, twice I had to alter my standing position to avoid the smoke/fumes entering my lungs. Yes I was outside. Yes it is a true story. No I did not mention his smoking habit nor his wife's smoking habit to him, perhaps one day he will work it out for himself.


This will be my last post as it is a pointless exercise continuing on this thread, if you want to catch up with me I will be on a Celebrity Cruise sometime in the near future among like-minded people.


I think this has been a remarkably restrained smoking thread considering how they usually turn out. No-one has asked you to defend yourself, they have merely pointed out facts and voiced their opinions - yet just because they differ from your opinions you consider it 'pointless'. As the old saying goes, 'you are entitled to your own opinion, you are not entitled to your own facts'.


Thanks for the warning wrt Celebrity though.

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Quite a few of those offering alternative opinions have stated they don't smoke, so are not justifying their habit. That includes moi, who gave up 728 long weary days ago. Not that I'm counting...


Anyway, observing a long and much-loved tradition on this part of the forum, we have now moved on to death by motor vehicle. So much less controversial, don't you think?:D




Well done you! :thumbup:

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Yes, it's true :eek: .


(of course...

In Queens Grill... you're hit by the car of your choice... a Rolls Royce Phantom is, quietly, with respect, suggested... and afterwards the butler leaves a selection of canapes, with champagne, for the mourners...

In Princess Grill... it's a Volkswagen Phaeton that runs you down... someone will chuck a small platter of snacks at the funeral guests...

In Britannia Class... a Lada drives over you without stopping... wake held at McDonalds (buy-yer-own)... )



If the Lada hits a Grills guest is there a complaints desk at the pearly gates? It just wouldn't do you know...

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But we're tallking about smoking outside here. Surely no one is seriously suggesting there is any risk whatsoever to health from a spot of cigarette smoke wafting from a balcony?


Even the experts who are trying to keep themselves employed by invoking fear about everything haven't thought of that one. Yet.




I don't think it's dangerous, I was just pointing out that some people advocate that many dangerous stuff are more tolerated than smoking ignoring that it's dangerous for other. Again, not in this case.


I NEVER had a problem with neighbors smoking in their balconies, that's on-board, sometimes I have it in my own apartment

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Well done you! :thumbup:


Thank you. To keep on topic, the only pleasure left in life is lurking on my balcony, hoping to pick up a stray whiff or two, and hoping not to encounter anything less pleasant. Unpleasant smells are so subjective, don't you think?


So far, unlike those who have been less fortunate, I've failed dismally. All I ever seem to get are ancient delusional chaps who believe their balconies are completely private, or that their bodies are still up to public (and I typed that word very carefully) scrutiny:eek:.



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This will be my last post as it is a pointless exercise continuing on this thread, if you want to catch up with me I will be on a Celebrity Cruise sometime in the near future among like-minded people.


Have fun. Thanks for settling the question in my mind as to whether I'd enjoy Celebrity or not. :cool:

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I smoked cigarettes for many years; I quit in 1989; at one time I used to smoke 2 packs a day. I know how hard it is to quit, I quit cold turkey, and it wasn't easy.


I've been on many QM2 cruises where people next door to me have smoked on their balconies. I have no problems with that, the only thing I don't like is when people throw their cigarette butts over the rail. Not good. Put them in the ashtray, that's what it's there for. Most of the time when people smoked on their balconies, I didn't even smell the smoke, and unless you're a chain smoker, you only smoke for a few minutes and then it's over. I don't like smoke in enclosed spaces, but I don't have issues with doing it on balconies.


BTW, on the QM2 I've seen women sunbathe topless, and once I think I saw two people have sex on their balcony. But my mom and I just laughed, life's too short, that's what I think.

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the only thing I don't like is when people throw their cigarette butts over the rail. Not good.
Indeed, less than "not good". I know that some people get very upset about smoking on balconies (;)), but... given what happened to Star Princess... throwing butts "over the side" can "seriously damage your health" (ie death) very, very quickly (not just over time like a ciggy). Not just your's... and the couple on the balcony next door... but everyone on board. There is NO excuse for throwing anything over the rail. Ever :mad: .

(well... with the exception of certain nominated passengers... :D)

BTW, on the QM2 I've seen women sunbathe topless,
And, what's worse, I've seen certain men (who shouldn't.... ) sunbathe topless :eek: .
and once I think I saw two people have sex on their balcony. But my mom and I just laughed
Because they weren't doing it right? :D .


Thank you for your post, as you can guess, I really enjoyed it, all best wishes to you. Happy sailings :) .

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... BTW, on the QM2 I've seen women sunbathe topless, and once I think I saw two people have sex on their balcony. But my mom and I just laughed, life's too short, that's what I think.
You're right, we must direct our righteous indignation only in the direction of such cosmic abominations as green tuxedos.
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I am a non smoker but have many friends who smoke so am not opposed to smoking but I do agree with the OP in that time on your balcony can be severely restricted if your neighbours are constantly smoking on their balcony.

It seems that the wind will always blow the smoke directly into my balcony space and I've even had to go in because of this and shut the door to stop the smell going into the cabin.

I've cruised with other lines where smoking is banned on the balcony and its extremely pleasant to sit out here at anytime without the possibility of inhaling smoke.

I've paid for my balcony too so should be able to use it whenever I want and agree with others who have suggested that all smokers should be placed in one area of the ship. However I do think soon Cunard will ban smoking on their balcony's too.

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Seasidegal... thank you :o . Your post means so much to me; so very, very kind of you



You are most welcome.



(Ladies and gentlemen, I had the honour to meet Mr and Mrs seasidegal recently; a wonderful couple, warm, generous and such fun to be around. I know they intend to sail regularly on QM2 in the future , I hope you all have the pleasure of meeting them, as I did, and taking away some fantastic memories of great friends).

Thank you again .



:D LOL Not too sure of how 'Mr. Seasidegal' will adapt to his new name, however, I like it and will start to refer to him as such! ;)


Wow...not sure if we will be able to live up to that 'billing' you gave us.:eek:

You caught us on a good day....most days we are just tired & boring. ;)


However, you were spot on with the fantastic memories...we had such a great time.


Thanks, pepper...Mrs. Seasidegal is looking forward to our next sailing...a bit more nagging:rolleyes: and Mr. Seasidegal should be agreeable to it being sooner than his 'later'.


best wishes,

Mr. & Mrs. Seasidegal :-)

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P&O apparently plan to introduce a ban on balcony smoking from April 2014; it would be unsurprising if Cunard did likewise. Mary

I think, but could be wrong, but Cunard do seem to make such changes, and cabin re-gradings, at the end of the world cruises.

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