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What do you think.. should I complain ?


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Ok, I have a dilemma and I am not sure how to handle it. First of all, I am not sure if everyone knows that if you make a purchase from Diamonds International in Cozumel, you can get almost 8% back from the city by filling out a form and handing it in before you leave.




So last month my hubby and I went on a cruise and we had 4 cabins total, we are D+ and take our adult kids on a cruise each year. They love RCCL as much as we do or did. I go to all the port and shopping lectures to make sure I get the best deals; my hubby likes to buy me pretty sparkled things.




We attend the first port and shopping lecture and it was on Jamaica and Grand Cayman. They said that they will do the Cozumel talk the morning we get off the ship at Cozumel. So it’s all fresh.




Ok, so they go thru all the shops etc etc. My hubby and I get off the ship in Grand Cayman and he buys me this ‘OGM’ totally beautiful 24.8 ct. tanzanite tennis bracelet. It has 32 .75 perfect IC round AAA tanzanite’s, ELG cert and all. TOTALLY beautiful. It has actually appraised / replacement here in the states for over 3 times what we paid for it, which I almost couldn’t believe but I was added it to my insurance policy so I needed to know its real value.



ok, so we get on the ship, and enjoy our day at sea, and get ready to hop off in Cozumel. That morning we go to the Cozumel port and Shopping lecture. And the guide says, you will love shopping here, the values are amazing … if you make a purchase at Diamonds International here you get almost 8% back on your credit card. Shopping here is the best !! No one can beat the prices here with the almost 8% back.




I almost passed out. Are you saying that had I bought my tennis bracelet here instead of at Grand Cayam, I would have gotten almost 8% back ???? REALLY ?? I am the type who would wait and make sure that I get the most for my money. So I was really upset when I found this out.




Don’t you think that they are holding that info back from us. Its like not telling us so we don’t wait and shop in Cozumel instead of the other ports?




I was so mad, afterwards the port and shopping guide told me that they purposely hold that info back in case they (Cozumel) decided to change the policy at the last minute and RCCL doesn’t give out bad info; they that confirm it before they share that info so we don’t get off the ship with incorrect information.




What a bunch of crap. They purposely held that info until that morning so we would spend all our money on the other stops and then spend more on Cozumel.



Do I have a right here to be mad ?

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Sadly that sounds like normal practice with any store home or abroad.


You can buy something one day for one price and the next day the price is slashed. Not much you can do about it and at least you have a beautiful bracelet as a memento of your holiday.

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A couple of thoughts:


As a D+ member who cruises each year you probably have cruised enough to know that each port does things differently.


As a D+ member you probably have enough experience to know that if you see something that you like in one port it might not be available in the next port.


As someone who can afford to cruise and purchase expensive items you probably have plenty of shopping experience.


With that much background in cruising and shopping, I'd say you have no reason to complain.


The bracelet that you have is valued at 3 times what you paid for it….be happy.

Edited by beachnative
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Ok, I have a dilemma and I am not sure how to handle it. First of all, I am not sure if everyone knows that if you make a purchase from Diamonds International in Cozumel, you can get almost 8% back from the city by filling out a form and handing it in before you leave.




So last month my hubby and I went on a cruise and we had 4 cabins total, we are D+ and take our adult kids on a cruise each year. They love RCCL as much as we do or did. I go to all the port and shopping lectures to make sure I get the best deals; my hubby likes to buy me pretty sparkled things.




We attend the first port and shopping lecture and it was on Jamaica and Grand Cayman. They said that they will do the Cozumel talk the morning we get off the ship at Cozumel. So it’s all fresh.




Ok, so they go thru all the shops etc etc. My hubby and I get off the ship in Grand Cayman and he buys me this ‘OGM’ totally beautiful 24.8 ct. tanzanite tennis bracelet. It has 32 .75 perfect IC round AAA tanzanite’s, ELG cert and all. TOTALLY beautiful. It has actually appraised / replacement here in the states for over 3 times what we paid for it, which I almost couldn’t believe but I was added it to my insurance policy so I needed to know its real value.



ok, so we get on the ship, and enjoy our day at sea, and get ready to hop off in Cozumel. That morning we go to the Cozumel port and Shopping lecture. And the guide says, you will love shopping here, the values are amazing … if you make a purchase at Diamonds International here you get almost 8% back on your credit card. Shopping here is the best !! No one can beat the prices here with the almost 8% back.




I almost passed out. Are you saying that had I bought my tennis bracelet here instead of at Grand Cayam, I would have gotten almost 8% back ???? REALLY ?? I am the type who would wait and make sure that I get the most for my money. So I was really upset when I found this out.




Don’t you think that they are holding that info back from us. Its like not telling us so we don’t wait and shop in Cozumel instead of the other ports?




I was so mad, afterwards the port and shopping guide told me that they purposely hold that info back in case they (Cozumel) decided to change the policy at the last minute and RCCL doesn’t give out bad info; they that confirm it before they share that info so we don’t get off the ship with incorrect information.




What a bunch of crap. They purposely held that info until that morning so we would spend all our money on the other stops and then spend more on Cozumel.



Do I have a right here to be mad ?



Yes, you should be mad. It seems to me you have only yourself to blame. If it truely was an expensive purchase, you should have done your homework before you left home. Find out which port has the best deals? If you don't do that, then why would you expect to find the best deals. BTW, how do you know they had the same piece of jewlery in Cozumel? Do you think they herhaps charge more in Cozumel because of the 8% rebate? Perhaps you need to do some more homework before you write to Adam.

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What does RCI have to gain from "withholding information"? I can understand being disappointed, but complaining? Nope.


A) What if they didn't have the item you wanted in Cozumel?

B) What if they had the item you wanted in Cozumel but they charged you more?

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Guys and Gals, there is no need to jump all over the OP here. She simply ask a question and hoped for some civil replies.


From what I understand the Mexican program is a sales tax rebate program where is selected tourist cities you can get most of the sales tax back (less a processing fee). As for Grand Cayman I don't think they have a sales tax (please correct me if I'm wrong on that - not a big shopper!) So net, net is that the all in price between the two ports for the OP's tennis bracelet was probably close to the same.


So OP, enjoy your bracelet and don't sweat the small stuff. :D

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With all your cruising experience, I'm kind of surprised you put so much stock in what they tell you on the ship. It seems unlikely you'd get the best deal shopping at preferred stores of ANY cruise line because the customer ultimately pays for the advertising.


I'm sure there are many, many other stores on the islands that are also honest who might offer better value for your money, but they suffer and lose business because, for whatever reason, they can't/won't buy a spot on a cruise line "where to shop" map.


To answer your question, no, I don't think you have a valid complaint. But thank you for putting your story out here as a cautionary tale to take those port shopping talks with a big grain of salt and to do your own homework.


I've had many good experiences shopping with small merchants NOT on the maps and have never gotten ripped off on jewelry purchases.

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Since you asked, I will say this...


I think by the way you described your bracelet, it's beautiful and you love it. You've also stated that is is worth 3 times the value that your husband purchased for. This is a major win for you and your husband. I'd go w/ this and enjoy it to no end.


Purchasing goods overseas, especially at Ports can be tricky w/ so many different rulings and laws that are in play. 8% maybe a chunk of change, but bottomline you have an absolute piece of jewelry that you'll treasure forever. Enjoy it and count your blessings!

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Wow I really thought this board was for people to talk to other cruisers and get advise, I really wouldn't have thought people would be so rude in their replies.


I am just lost for words, even if you didn't think I had any ground to complain, you didnt have to be rude and attack me personally. Sad that people act like this. I hope no one treats you all this way.

Edited by Astona
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Prices vary on consumer goods depending on where. Did you price your exact bracelet at the second port of call and determine what the price difference was; and was it actually 8% lower?


Many credit cards feature price protection where if you can show that a legitimate retailer sells the same item you purchase for less within a certain time frame the credit card company itself will refund the difference. You can check your credit card coverage to see if you have this benefit. This will only pertain if you did the first step (get the price difference in writing/advertising).


Other than that, no, I don't believe you have any reason to complain to RCI. The port and shopping talk is a sales pitch for a few stores and gives a basic brief intro to types of jewelery people may not have seen before or be aware of. After that it is caveat emptor; let the buyer beware. Part of due diligence in this case would be asking the port and shopping guide if prices are static or if one port is less expensive for the same goods than another port. I would not expect one port to have the same prices as another to begin with honestly. Any seasoned (more than one) cruiser would know that.

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Wow I really thought this board was for people to talk to other cruisers and get advise, I really wouldn't have thought people would be so rude in their replies.


I am just lost for words, even if you didn't think I had any ground to complain, you didnt have to be rude and attack me personally. Sad that people act like this.


I attempted to word my response in such a fasion as to not upset you. Having said that.... it appears that you want a specific answer or no answer at all. Perhaps I'm wrong as this internet message board can be tricky at times.


You are a very blessed person and IMO, there is no reason to complain about your purchase or much of anything really.

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I once fell in love with something overseas, but it was for sale at an international retailer, so after staring at it in the shop window every day for a week and despite my husband saying 'buy it, you're on vacation', I declined and decided I would just buy it when we got home, since there was a local store I could purchase from.


Imagine my surprise when I got home and found out that it was an 'international only' item, they don't sell in the US. I spent 8 months tracking it down online and finally was able to purchase it (on Ebay of all places!) but I paid a premium for it.


Moral of the story - even if it would have been cheaper in Cozumel, you don't know when you fell in love with it at Grand Cayman that it would have even been available in Cozumel, or that it would have been any cheaper even with the tax rebate - it may have been more.


Buy what you love when you see it. You may never have the chance again. Don't second-guess your purchase.

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Did you look at the DI in Cozumel to see if the price was the same or less? I don't think you have anything to complain about but I'd definitely watch pricing next time. FWIW, I don't shop so my answer is pretty useless.

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Is this about validation or a serious inquiry? It 100% reads like validation.



I'm pretty sure someone with as much experience as yourself should have considered this possible. Especially since you have so many shiny things your husband likes buying and have been on so many cruises.


It seems like Tiger Woods complaining there was a water hazard at the dog-leg on Hole #14. Dude, you are one of the best golfers in the world... you didn't look at the course before your round? You aren't a rookie.

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Ok, I have a dilemma and I am not sure how to handle it. First of all, I am not sure if everyone knows that if you make a purchase from Diamonds International in Cozumel, you can get almost 8% back from the city by filling out a form and handing it in before you leave.




So last month my hubby and I went on a cruise and we had 4 cabins total, we are D+ and take our adult kids on a cruise each year. They love RCCL as much as we do or did. I go to all the port and shopping lectures to make sure I get the best deals; my hubby likes to buy me pretty sparkled things.




We attend the first port and shopping lecture and it was on Jamaica and Grand Cayman. They said that they will do the Cozumel talk the morning we get off the ship at Cozumel. So it’s all fresh.




Ok, so they go thru all the shops etc etc. My hubby and I get off the ship in Grand Cayman and he buys me this ‘OGM’ totally beautiful 24.8 ct. tanzanite tennis bracelet. It has 32 .75 perfect IC round AAA tanzanite’s, ELG cert and all. TOTALLY beautiful. It has actually appraised / replacement here in the states for over 3 times what we paid for it, which I almost couldn’t believe but I was added it to my insurance policy so I needed to know its real value.



ok, so we get on the ship, and enjoy our day at sea, and get ready to hop off in Cozumel. That morning we go to the Cozumel port and Shopping lecture. And the guide says, you will love shopping here, the values are amazing … if you make a purchase at Diamonds International here you get almost 8% back on your credit card. Shopping here is the best !! No one can beat the prices here with the almost 8% back.




I almost passed out. Are you saying that had I bought my tennis bracelet here instead of at Grand Cayam, I would have gotten almost 8% back ???? REALLY ?? I am the type who would wait and make sure that I get the most for my money. So I was really upset when I found this out.




Don’t you think that they are holding that info back from us. Its like not telling us so we don’t wait and shop in Cozumel instead of the other ports?




I was so mad, afterwards the port and shopping guide told me that they purposely hold that info back in case they (Cozumel) decided to change the policy at the last minute and RCCL doesn’t give out bad info; they that confirm it before they share that info so we don’t get off the ship with incorrect information.




What a bunch of crap. They purposely held that info until that morning so we would spend all our money on the other stops and then spend more on Cozumel.



Do I have a right here to be mad ?


I would contact Diamonds Internation Directly. They have US offices and find out what to do.

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