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Gained 7-8 pounds on last cruise

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[quote name='Fat Paul']I am a 52 year old man with multiple sclerosis. In the last year I have lost 90+ pounds. I have made certain lifestyle changes (diet and exercise). I don't diet, I eat whatever I desire except soda pop, just a lot less. The wife and I are cruising in three weeks from today. I am in the process of pre loosing 10lbs. The plan is to weigh no more than 160lbs at the end of the cruise. If a middle age man with MS can loose weight and maintain a healthy lifestyle....anyone can. Live long enough to spend your kids inheritance.
Signed Fit Paul.[/quote]

Congratulations to you on the weight loss.....what you did was change your 'daily diet', not go on a 'crash diet program'.....commendable for sure. Your systematic approach to what you put into your mouth to eat, resulted in wonderful results. It isn't a matter of 'if you can do it' -- others or anyone can....it simply is good you found a way to do it...and a healthy one at that
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[quote name='BobnJac']Wow! If you never use the elevator, how do you know which day of the week it is?:confused:[/QUOTE]

LOL Very funny.

DH and I get asked us about gaining weight on cruises all the time. We never gain much or any weight on our cruises (usually within 2 lb up or down)and we never feel like we don't allow ourselves to have anything we want either. I love the almond cookies and will enjoy a couple a day but never 10 in one sitting.

Maybe because we are not skinny to begin with and eat a diet with moderation being the rule not high this, low that.

Except we try and limit sugar since doing so I lost 60 lbs 2 years ago and making sure I don't gain that back matters to me.
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I would like to think that others do not criticize people who take the elevators for only 1 or 2 levels. One never knows if there is a medical condition that prevents someone from using stairs. Some people may not appear to have a medical issue, but they certainly do. Likewise, not all overweight people eat too much. There are necessary prescriptions or medical conditions that cause weight gain even if that person goes to the gym. I have a friend that would love to bound up and down the stairs and be skinny again, but as her doctor as said to her, "You're alive and as small as you can be while taking the necessary prescriptions that you need." I wish people would be a little more tolerant of others and not be so quick to judge.

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[quote name='CruiseAddict1982']Again, when did I slag off about anyone's weight? Do you even know what an alcoholic is? Please if you're going to quote me please do it correctly. You can drink moderately throughout the cruise like I did and not even get drunk. You know the package also comes with non alcoholic drinks, right? Smh

When did you slag off? Right here:
[QUOTE][B]Another thing that I noticed was that there were lots of overweight adults and kids on the ship I went on. It was a shame.[/B][/QUOTE]

And, if you really didn't touch alcohol, then my apologies, but as you said you got the 'premium' package which is $55/day, to make it worth your while you need to be consuming a hefty number of alcoholic units per day. As you also specifically said you didn't live by the Freestyle soda machines, suggesting not much soda either, then I'm guessing most of what you drank had more than a few drops of alcohol in it.

[quote name='CruiseAddict1982']What I said about kids was they shouldn't get a soda package. I'm different than a kid and can easily burn off the extra calories. What I said about adults was that I see some with tons of food on their plates on cruises. What's wrong with that? Am I lying? Am I hurting someone's feelings because I care about my health? Oh I see, it's ok for you to say people that drink are drunks, but I can't mention the large amount of servings on someone's plate. [/QUOTE]

Ultimately, you have every right to slag off people about eating too much, and I therefore have every right to slag you off for drinking a lot. If what I say hurts you, maybe it hurts others by what you say. You feel it's okay for you to indulge in drinks during your cruise, but no one else can indulge in food. I'd personally rather gain the 7-8lbs off the delicious foods, instead of the alcoholic beverages, but we all have different preferences.
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Interesting thread...I hope you all continue using the stairs since I'm one of those who uses the elevators :D Actually, I have arthritis in both hips and spinal stenosis in my back and have had to admit that I'll need a rollator for my next cruise as long distances have gotten too hard. That said, I do (at turtle speed) use the stairs for a flight or two when I'm feeling ok.

However, I find that I normally lose weight on a cruise. While I walk a lot more - slowly, but I walk! - the big thing is that DD & I don't change our eating patterns. We never eat dessert at home so we don't usually on the ship. When we do, we share it. We drink quantities of water, have maybe one cocktail on board, and eat at the MDR (appropriately dressed, of course :)). If I'm not very hungry I order an appetizer for my entree. If we're not hungry, we don't eat. Let's face it, there's always food available so if we're hungry later we can get a snack!

But really, it's a vacation! Enjoy yourself, take all the elevators you want, eat what you want, let other people enjoy themselves, and know that reality will set in when it's over :( Edited by cooncat_mom
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I would like to think that others do not criticize people who take the elevators for only 1 or 2 levels. One never knows if there is a medical condition that prevents someone from using stairs. Some people may not appear to have a medical issue, but they certainly do. Likewise, not all overweight people eat too much. There are necessary prescriptions or medical conditions that cause weight gain even if that person goes to the gym. I have a friend that would love to bound up and down the stairs and be skinny again, but as her doctor as said to her, "You're alive and as small as you can be while taking the necessary prescriptions that you need." I wish people would be a little more tolerant of others and not be so quick to judge.



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So I say I noticed overweight people eating large portions and I'm wrong for that? I didn't judge them, I just said that's what I saw just like another person said they saw drunk people. I guess they gave breathalyzer tests to everyone they thought was drunk.


Anyway, I must've struck a chord with you because you are taking this to heart. If I upset anyone I apologize



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When did you slag off? Right here:






And, if you really didn't touch alcohol, then my apologies, but as you said you got the 'premium' package which is $55/day, to make it worth your while you need to be consuming a hefty number of alcoholic units per day. As you also specifically said you didn't live by the Freestyle soda machines, suggesting not much soda either, then I'm guessing most of what you drank had more than a few drops of alcohol in it.








Ultimately, you have every right to slag off people about eating too much, and I therefore have every right to slag you off for drinking a lot. If what I say hurts you, maybe it hurts others by what you say. You feel it's okay for you to indulge in drinks during your cruise, but no one else can indulge in food. I'd personally rather gain the 7-8lbs off the delicious foods, instead of the alcoholic beverages, but we all have different preferences.



Lol all I said was I see a lot of overweight adults and kids. That was a fact not something I made up. I didn't make fun of anyone. You wanna get on me for drinking 5 days of my cruise then go ahead I could care less.



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Lol all I said was I see a lot of overweight adults and kids. That was a fact not something I made up. I didn't make fun of anyone. You wanna get on me for drinking 5 days of my cruise then go ahead I could care less.



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Go ahead and pretend you were just making an observation, but when you bring up the "sad parenting" of the fat kids on the cruise, yes that is an opinion and a judgment. You are evaluating and judging their parenting skills.


It's touching that you felt sorry for all the poor fat people, kudos to you for this post contrasting your healthy lifestyle with theirs. Noble work you're doing.

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If I overindulge in food on a cruise (or any other time) I just don't feel right. I am sluggish, tired and just feel yucky. Therefore, I don't participate in changing my eating habits because I hate the way I feel after the bread, deserts and all the courses. I don't have to eat every course, every bit of food, every meal.


Until my last cruise I had never taken an elevator on a cruise ship. Last cruise I had knee surgery on Thursday and without telling my doctor went on a 7 day cruise on Saturday. Heck I didn't have a follow up for 10 days so why not. The first couple days I used an elevator, then started doing stairs as I could. I also focused heavily on rehab in the gym.


There are many different things to do on a cruise, stuffing myself with food, isn't one of the activities I participate in. Since I lost my "drinking license" 25 years ago -- feeling a bit (or a lot) off from drinking is another activity I don't participate in.


Therefore, I don't gain and I don't lose weight on a cruise.

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But really, it's a vacation! Enjoy yourself, take all the elevators you want, eat what you want, let other people enjoy themselves, and know that reality will set in when it's over :(


Excellent attitude - that's how I go on holiday too :)

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I have been lucky to have not gained weight on cruises, I generally get off the ship a few pounds lighter, the most I've lost was 5 pounds. I generally stick to my normal workout schedule on board and for the most part keep my breakfast and lunches light and healthy...however I will indulge when French toast is available. I don't start drinking until just before the early seating for dinner, I will admit to skipping the bread before the meal, just empty calories, then I indulge in whatever I want off the menu including dessert but I do make habit of eating just a few bites, I'm already full at that point, the rest of the night is spent drinking and dancing until the wee hours of the morning and get something else to eat if its after 2AM. I never take the elevator regardless of how low the deck is I have on the ship.


To each his own...Happy sailing.

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I think you can't overstate how beneficial NOT taking the elevator is. On my last cruise we didn't take the elevator one time. Day 1 I'd get a little tired, HR elevated and even a little lactic acid buildup. By Day 7, I could practically run up 6 decks like it was nothing.


I ran 4 day and I still gained weight! That's just because I allow the wheel to come off the cart on a cruise. Desert at literally every meal and lots of bread at dinner.


Yep, we also have a no elevator rule. It's generally faster to walk anyway than wait for the dumb things.

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why would you post something like this and then get your panties in a wad when people comment exactly as you know they will??????? So, you went off your "lifestyle" and stayed drunk and ate a lot - lot of people do. Glad you had fun.


Or did I miss an informative point in the OP? or was the point to start a rumble?

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On our last cruise in February, I came back at pretty much the weight I started. My fiance, who needed to gain weight since being ill, gained 15 pounds. We stay on the aft, so there is a lot of walking to get anywhere we want. We take the stairs unless I'm in high heels or we're carrying our dive gear. Since we dive in every port, we burn up a lot of calories doing that, which allows us to indulge at the bars. :)

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Just limit the bread and pasta and don't drink your calories. This will help you not gain weight on a cruise. And why oh why do people take the elevator to go 1 or 2 flights?? :rolleyes:


Because some people have bad knees and find stairs hard to manage.

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I don't diet, I make lifestyle changes. Dieting is temporary



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Last October I began working out as I joined a gym. I weighed in at 370 LBS! Had trouble getting out of chairs and felt terrible. I needed to make a change. Your statement is absolutely true about lifestyle changes. I track calories now with an app and hit the gym 4 nights a week. I went on the Freedom April 6th to 13. Prior to going I weighed in at 295. A 75 lbs. loss in 6 months! I felt proud and great. I told myself I would not worry about the food for the week. I did however make time to hit the gym three times. Long story short, I gained 8 lbs. during the week. When I got home I was mad at myself because of how hard I worked to get the weight off. I still go to the gym and have since loss that 8 lbs and I am still going. Another 75 Lbs to go before my goal. Again the wake up call to me was as stated by CruiseAddict, a lifestyle change. I think there may be a middle ground of you need to have fun an relax but be conscious of your food intake and the drink calories consumed. Good luck all and take one day at a time. Thank you. It feels good telling this story!

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Last October I began working out as I joined a gym. I weighed in at 370 LBS! Had trouble getting out of chairs and felt terrible. I needed to make a change. Your statement is absolutely true about lifestyle changes. I track calories now with an app and hit the gym 4 nights a week. I went on the Freedom April 6th to 13. Prior to going I weighed in at 295. A 75 lbs. loss in 6 months! I felt proud and great. I told myself I would not worry about the food for the week. I did however make time to hit the gym three times. Long story short, I gained 8 lbs. during the week. When I got home I was mad at myself because of how hard I worked to get the weight off. I still go to the gym and have since loss that 8 lbs and I am still going. Another 75 Lbs to go before my goal. Again the wake up call to me was as stated by CruiseAddict, a lifestyle change. I think there may be a middle ground of you need to have fun an relax but be conscious of your food intake and the drink calories consumed. Good luck all and take one day at a time. Thank you. It feels good telling this story!


awesome success!!! I keep saying - got to get to the gym, and I keep failing at that....food choices are good but I need the gym as well. Your story motivates me. I have just over 7 weeks before the cruise and while I doubt that i'm going to make noticeable body changes, it would sure increase my endurance and [hopefully] willpower on the cruise. Keep going strong.

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I have been lucky to have not gained weight on cruises, I generally get off the ship a few pounds lighter, the most I've lost was 5 pounds. I generally stick to my normal workout schedule on board and for the most part keep my breakfast and lunches light and healthy...however I will indulge when French toast is available. I don't start drinking until just before the early seating for dinner, I will admit to skipping the bread before the meal, just empty calories, then I indulge in whatever I want off the menu including dessert but I do make habit of eating just a few bites, I'm already full at that point, the rest of the night is spent drinking and dancing until the wee hours of the morning and get something else to eat if its after 2AM. I never take the elevator regardless of how low the deck is I have on the ship.


To each his own...Happy sailing.


Same here. Either maintain my weight or lose a few during the cruise. I don't obsess so much over what I'm eating during a cruise but I do avoid overeating. That coupled with being active/exercise and I'm good to go.

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Lol all I said was I see a lot of overweight adults and kids. That was a fact not something I made up. I didn't make fun of anyone. You wanna get on me for drinking 5 days of my cruise then go ahead I could care less.



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Come on CruiseAddict. You have been around long enough to know better than to use the "o" word on a forum for people who frequently cruise:D

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Try not to judge people who look fit but take the elevator up just one or two floors. You have no idea what issues they have. My knees are very close to being replaced and stairs are very painful. I used to skip the elevator and walk a few miles each day on the promenade or the treadmill. Funny thing is I gain the same five pounds every cruise as I did when I was able to be more active. Some is water weight and some is the bread and dessert I avoid at home. I've always been able to lose it within two weeks of being home and eating normally.

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I am not sure if taking lots of stairs burns up enough calories for cruise indulgence. My friend (who is overweight)went to see his nutritionist and was talking about exercise options including taking the stairs at his work place (he is a supervisor in a factory that spans 15 floors) and his nutritionist said it was good exercise compared to none but you would have to do a lot of it to burn off even 200 calories. When you think 2 slices of bread is that....stairs aint much...especially when you are supping 500 calorie mai tais.


Alcohol has the most calories per mil after fat.


I am more of a scoffer than a drinker on holiday....especially when food is near the pool.


I stayed the same weight on the cruise due to swimming but gained 8 pounds at christmas...ooops.

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Unless you really overdo the eating and (more significant) the drinking, it is unlikely that you will gain 8 pounds in a week without much of it being water retention due to more salt in your diet than usual -- which you will also lose just as quickly.


Sure, using the stairs will really help you keep the weight off, but only if you spend time otherwise spent eating and drinking on going up and down the stairs. You are kidding yourself if you think going up eight flights will counteract much more than half a can of beer or a slice of bread.

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I kinda feel bad since I gained 7-8 pounds on my last cruise. I came in with a plan to exercise daily and I didn't even go to the gym once. I'm back on my normal healthy way of eating and exercise and I feel great again. I are pretty healthy on the cruise but I got the premium drink package and went a little overboard. I didn't have the massive plates filled with food, I didn't sleep next to the freestyle coke machine and I limited the desserts I had.


Another thing that I noticed was that there were lots of overweight adults and kids on the ship I went on. It was a shame. I heard one kid brag that his urine was orange because he drank so much soda. Just sad parenting even if you're on vacation.





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It's a shame that you had to see overweight people on your cruise??? Seriously?


I have never gained weight on a cruise. I usually lose 3 or 4 pounds because I walk so much and don't eat an excessive amount of food.

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