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Caribbean Princess What we noticed


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Back from the CB 2 weeks so here is what we noticed from sailing last March to this March same ship. The rooms upon entering (mini suite) were not as clean as they were ,dust on all the lamps and looked like it was time for a good deep down scrub all around the cabin. Balcony chairs and tables not wiped down. (all week) Our cabin steward was good but looked like he was always busy he did provided us with anything we asked for.(gave him an extra tip)

The 2 main shops where closed due to remodel only the jewelry and small side store with odds and ends opened. Best to dine in main dining room for breakfast and lunch as no seats in buffet and not as many selections as last year. Dinner menu was not as nice as last year no everyday New York steak offered at all and deserts seam to have been down to 3 choice or the basics. Our table of 10 had many a night that several very seasoned cruisers declined to order courses. Said they also felt that things were not as nice. Service took way too long. We never left our table till about 10 pm with a few nights skipping desert because we would miss all night activities. Ultimate soda package was worth it if you order mock tails at dinner and around the ship, they were good and our table servers have a 2nd always ready right in the wings. Noticed also photo ops not as much as before and they stopped early too. There is no smoking in the casino on formal night good to keep the nice clothes smelling good.

Shows were so so and not enough chairs for the MUS. Ports were good except St Thomas 6 ships in port and we had to tender since they wanted the newer Princess ship at the dock. which made us have to get to port 3 hours earlier and leave 3 hours earlier. Really made for a bad schedule of tours and the guides juggling more people than usual trying to fit more people on a vehicle and wait to pick up more people.

We like the layout of this ship and always have a great vacation and this was but we did see that things are not as "special" as they felt before. May try a different line as our table mates advised of some other great options. We are platinum and it did truly feel like things are been cut back on making it feel lacking in what made us choose Princess over Carnival. And as a side note came home with a very odd itchy rash on my arms to my elbows, no reason as to why but it is a devil and nothing works on it yet thinking it's time for the doc.

Edited by planb
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I have always wondered about this but now have a real live example.


We were also on the Caribbean Princess albeit a couple of weeks earlier in late February and we also did a B2B. And while we noted that the ship is older it is still very nice and clean. In fact, due to a noro outbreak on our first leg they did a deep clean on turnaround day. The menus were different from other ships but we have come to appreciate the differences between the ships and understand that they have a trifling amount as budget per day to feed us and we feel that they do a wonderful job - we both manage to pack on a few extra pounds on each cruise.


We found that we enjoyed the entertainment wherever we encountered it. We, like many others on these boards, have become somewhat blasé about the production shows but the cast on the Caribbean did a wonderful job and much better than the cast on the last Princess ship we were on.


We will continue to cruise Princess, and others, and enjoy, and appreciate the differences simply because if everything was 'just like last time' it would get boring pretty quickly.


By the way tis was our 24th Princess cruise out of a total of somewhere north of 40 in total.

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The rooms upon entering (mini suite) were not as clean as they were ,dust on all the lamps and looked like it was time for a good deep down scrub all around the cabin. Balcony chairs and tables not wiped down. (all week)


Did you point this out to your cabin steward or his supervisor?


Only way to get this taken care of is not to ignore it.

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We were on in early Feb & noticed that the ship definitely needs some work. Nothing that stopped us from having a good time but there are many items that need replacement. We had no problem with food or entertainment but after dry dock it should be back in shape.

Did they order replacement blankets for MUTS on your cruise ? There were people sitting there one evening wrapped in 3 or 4 towels each.

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I was on board the CB from March 7-14 and I didn't really notice the same things as you. Our room steward kept our room very clean, even though he always seemed run off his feet with stuff to do. Didn't notice any dust or anything in my inside cabin. I'm not sure if you were in St. Thomas the same day that I was, but with the exception of people who booked private tours having to change where they would meet, I thought the tendering actually worked out better for us! The tenders ran quickly and we never encountered a line-up, and they actually took us right downtown - no need for a taxi from Crown Bay to the downtown area like usual!


I really enjoyed the meals in the MDR and the buffet. I actually thought the menu had improved since my cruise last year - there were many more regional cuisines offered. I loved that they had Caribbean menu choices as we were sailing there. I liked that I saw some new options that were different than the past couple of years. Service was always fast in the MDR, though we were Anytime Dining. It didn't seem to matter if we went at 6pm or 8pm, we always received our food quickly. Sorry that it wasn't the same for you :(


This was my first cruise as a Platinum member and I really enjoyed the perks! The free Internet was fully used, and I loved the Platinum Embarkation!! Getting on the ship right away was awesome. I'm glad that you still had a great vacation!

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We were last on the Caribbean Princess in August. To be honest, I think all lines are out to cut costs and the food has declined on Princess, NCL and RCC.

The ship was great! It was clean. We had a suite and that is what mattered.

Hate to say this but we had to give up on balconies, book suites and cruise less; it does not matter which line.

That is not what the majority of passengers can or want to do but I am fed up with Golden Corral food in buffets and being disappointed in MDR menus. I will say that of all the buffet areas, Princess exceeded NCL and RCC IMHO.

We all have differing expereriences even sailing the same ship one week to the next.

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Its amazing how things differ from different peoples perspective....Thats why you need to read the good and the bad and make your own determination. What bothered someone may be irrelevant to you and vice versa... Food is probably the most controversial....what one person disliked another person said everything was wonderful.... Bottom line...take your cruise and make your own determination. I have cruised over 25x and while I have had some "off" cruises...even those were never to a point that I didn't have an enjoyable time....

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We cruised on the Caribbean Princess in Sept. 2004 during her inaugural season and then again in Sept. 2014. We enjoyed her just as much the second time as the first voyage.


As I have stated on other threads, after I got past the difference in the size of the atrium/piazza compared to the new Emerald/Ruby and ultimately Royal Princess space, I felt back at home. I didn't notice an overabundance of dirtiness. There was a guy varnishing the outside railings every day, and other staff were doing their cleaning duties. Our inside cabin didn't appear needy. I did notice the wear and tear and some staining on some of the lounge chairs. My biggest observation was water on the floor from rains or spraying up on the Lido deck-near the ice cream area-between pools/hot tubs. But I just tiptoed through it or went around it.


Eating wasn't too much of a problem. We frequented the buffet often and didn't have too much trouble with seating. Since we (I) were late sleepers, the main crowd was gone for breakfast by the time we got there. Many times, we carried our food out to the Terrace Pool table and ate outside. The Caribe Cafe usually had a lot of available seats, too.


We spent way too much time in the Casino, as usual, and I did notice the smoke in there this time, but saw that there wasn't so much of it on one side. The Poker machines had smokers but we ended up at the penny slots where that little devil opens up the furnace for extra spins. :D We tried to avoid the smoking areas if we could. As we've gotten older, the smoke tolerance has gone down, not the people who do it-we've had some great chats with them.


I think we attended one show in the theater (because of the casino), but I became a regular in Crooners every night and enjoyed Bert Stratton's show. Beneath his show theatrics, he is a wonderful musician and great person.


We were on the ship for 9 days (5+4) and had a very good cruise. We're platinum level and haven't had a really bad one yet. Each person enjoys his own experiences and perceptions. And all of us on here reporting share the joy of cruising.

Our cruise was the Western Itinerary only tendered into Grand Cayman, as usual-and then Princess Cays.


Take care. :) Lynne

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If I had followed through with my 'knee jerk reaction' - based on the service, food, and overall satisfaction of my Ruby Princess cruise - to cancel all subsequent travel plans with Princess Cruises and jump ship to another line, I'd never have experienced Royal Princess. Heck, I even called my t/a from St. Thomas I was so displeased with Ruby Princess, and had considered flying back home from there. But I let things settle down and several weeks later the 'Everything' thread was born. I could have easily gone back to Celebrity Cruises from whence I came - man do I LOVE the Millennium-class ships. But, I decided to give it another go with the 'new ship' Princess Cruises was building, and I'm glad that I stayed.


And as a side note, the worst cruise I've ever had, if there can be such a thing as a 'worst cruise', was on the original Royal Princess; again with the bad food, service, food, entertainment, etc.


Sometimes we hit a 'bad day' that turns into a 'bad week'.


Pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and reconsider. For all you know you'll have a bad 'first experience' with the other cruise line and then what? Jump ship again?



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Ports were good except St Thomas 6 ships in port and we had to tender since they wanted the newer Princess ship at the dock. which made us have to get to port 3 hours earlier and leave 3 hours earlier. Really made for a bad schedule of tours and the guides juggling more people than usual trying to fit more people on a vehicle and wait to pick up more people.


I'm not sure if you were in St. Thomas the same day that I was, but with the exception of people who booked private tours having to change where they would meet, I thought the tendering actually worked out better for us! The tenders ran quickly and we never encountered a line-up, and they actually took us right downtown - no need for a taxi from Crown Bay to the downtown area like usual!



Can you tell me exactly where the tender dropped you off? We'll be in St Thomas in a couple of weeks and there will also be 6 ships in port the day we're there. We have a private excursion booked, and we're having someone pick us up. I'll need to let them know where we may be if we have the same experience.



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Can you tell me exactly where the tender dropped you off? We'll be in St Thomas in a couple of weeks and there will also be 6 ships in port the day we're there. We have a private excursion booked, and we're having someone pick us up. I'll need to let them know where we may be if we have the same experience.




You are dropped off right next to where the St John ferry boards on the waterfront right in town. Your guide will certainly know where it is.

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Can you tell me exactly where the tender dropped you off? We'll be in St Thomas in a couple of weeks and there will also be 6 ships in port the day we're there. We have a private excursion booked, and we're having someone pick us up. I'll need to let them know where we may be if we have the same experience.



You may not know if you will be docked or anchored until the day before getting there.


As long as the excursion company knows what ship you will be on, they will know where you will be getting ashore.

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I totally disagree with all the negatives, it was one of our best cruises, the 13th one with Princess. Yes, the ship is older, but every ship after a couple of years looks old, these ships get a lot of abuse. Everyone working on the Caribbean was wonderful, loved the food and so did all of our table mates, who were from different parts of the world. Loved the entertainment and service. Couple of small problems with tenders in Caymans, but otherwise all great.

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Thanks for posting your review. We were on for back-to-back short cruises in December. Our cabin steward on the first one was adequate. The one we had the second cruise was great. That made a big difference.


I usually order the fruit plate for dessert, so that cutback hasn't really affected me. When they cut back the number of desserts offered tied to each menu, they also expanded the always available ones with the addition of creme brulee. We had traditional dining for the first cruise. Our wait team wasn't great even though they did not have full sections. We were at a table for eight with just four of us there. Other tables also were not full. We always managed to get out in less than 2 hours.

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When they cut back the number of desserts offered tied to each menu, they also expanded the always available ones with the addition of creme brulee.


But when creme brulee was offered on the old menus, it was a different flavor each time.


On the Always Available menu, it is always vanilla. Tastes good, but I miss some of the flavors they used to serve.

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Ok so not sure where everyone thinks we had a "bad" cruise we had a great cruise had fun but there were some differences we saw that were not in line with what we had experienced prior. Thought that just like us ,we want to hear ALL both good ,bad and differences about a ship, a destination,tours the whole thing so we can make a choice for our next cruise. Yes we did do a private tour and we did have to get in touch that morning with the tour and it had to leave later and change it around, not so bad but things are not being able to seen or done it is a let down. We mentioned with food situations because those did stand out to be different than a year ago. So take what info helps or does not help you about the CB. Princess is still our choice if they are going to the itinerary we are looking for.

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I spoke with a waiter about the shorter cruises while we were on the Caribbean Princess. He said the crew really dislikes them, especially the 4-5 night cruises and I think it shows in the overall level of service. Now, we had this conversation right after the "Super Cruise" over Super Bowl and we heard from everyone- passengers and crew- that it had been pretty bad. Maybe the waiter's feelings would have mellowed a couple of weeks later. But, after our headwaiter on our first cruise went home, we never knew who our headwaiter was the remaining 21 days. No one stopped by to check on service or food. Some waiters were downright surly. A crewmember we had known from a different ship two months earlier admitted that the Caribbean Princess was a tough ship.


I think that, to some extent, the Caribbean Princess is being sacrificed to the milk runs right now. We saw specific areas that were filthy on our first day that still hadn't been cleaned 28 days later (the area under the teak floor grill outside the doors from Deck 14 up to the Terrace Pool). There were light bulbs out on Day 1 that were still out on Day 28.


Still, given just these issues, we would happily cruise on the Caribbean Princess again. These sorts of things can change dramatically from one month to the next, with a refocus of management attention. What we won't be able to overcome is the lack of tables for two in good locations in the dining rooms, and this is the reason we won't look to cruise on the Caribbean Princess again.

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But when creme brulee was offered on the old menus, it was a different flavor each time.


On the Always Available menu, it is always vanilla. Tastes good, but I miss some of the flavors they used to serve.

Has anyone tried asking a head waiter for a different flavor? The ones I remember were a raspberry one and a pineapple one.
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