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If anyone tries to sell you Carnival gift cards in the Orlando area...


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Hello everyone!


I know it took me forever to come back an update, but for those interested here's what ended up happening:


Final payment was due August 17th. On Friday August 14th the construction was supposed to give me back the gift cards. However, he had a family emergency and couldn't do it that day. I let him know final payment was due on Monday and could he please meet me anywhere during the weekend. He agreed to Sunday and asked that I text him in the morning.


I texted at 10am. He didn't reply until 11:40. I was biting my nails and decided to call Carnival to see if I had until midnight Monday... they said 10:15AM!!! :eek: I told him this, and he said later in the afternoon he would let me know where and what time we could meet.


We waited, and waited, and waited (and had anxiety attacks x10!) and by 5:30pm he said to meet him at a parking lot at 8:30pm. Me and husband are there waiting by 8:15, then suddenly I get a call from him saying that his business credit card won't allow him to buy gift cards and that he can log into my reservation and pay it off from his house.


OH HEEEEEEEEEEEELL NO! I was already at that parking lot, the least he could do was show up!


Now the next problem becomes that I am out $1,500 from the value of the cards, (in reality I am out $1,350 which is what I paid and would accept back as a minimum), but I only owe $1,200 on the cruise so if he were to pay it he would be shorting me! Therefore I make a quick decision to upgrade us to a balcony right then and there. I call Carnival and I'm holding for over 15minutes and praying they answer ASAP when he arrives.


Thankfully, he then proceeded to pay off the reservation and stated he would leave a check for the difference at my leasing office! :D


When I went to pick up the check on Monday, they did refund me the full $1,500 and while I was sitting there waiting there was a tenant that came in to request some service and was told they were a little behind on the construction because one of the crews was LET GO! I'm not 100% sure it was because of this incident, but if it was then sweet sweet karma I welcome you.


All in all it was a terrible couple of weeks but it made me be more thankful than ever for my husband who stuck by my side and made the storm wayyyy more bearable.


At least the company didn't try to shift blame and stepped up to right a wrong, and for that I commend them!

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Wow!!!!! What a story! I'm glad it worked out. Enjoy your balcony! This will be a cruise you'll remember for a lifetime!


My best guess is that there was either additional theft in other units, or the workers were questioned and either confessed or snitched. Have a wonderful cruise!

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Don't forget to change your door lock before you go on your cruise. Ask a friend or relative to check on your apartment while you are gone. Thieves love to go to work when they know the owner is away on vacay.

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Hi guys!


To answer some questions:

- My renter's insurance has a clause only $250 coverage for gift cards.

- The supervisor at Verizon does not know if they keep track of the gift card numbers, and I have called back a couple of times but she always seems to be unavailable. :rolleyes:

- I did uncontrollably sob into my husband's arms once it dawned on me I was paying for 2 cruises but only going on one :(

- We did turn our apartment upside down looking for them, hoping they had just been misplaced (which makes no sense because why would we have an empty envelope just laying around). We would've ripped the carpet up if there was any possibility they were underneath.

- Nothing else was taken, but there had been strange occurrences, such as me getting home and finding a light on (I'm very careful to turn everything off when I leave) and my freezer WIDE open and stuff melted inside. A different day my toilet lid was up. I know I live with a man, but I have known him for 12 years and he NEVER leaves the lid up. EVER. Also, I wonder if they thought they were credit cards... it was the one envelope that was bigger and sticking out above all other, and at a quick glance they might have grabbed thinking credit cards or Visa gift cards or something.



However, it looks like my story is going to have a happy ending after all!

Yesterday I got a message from the construction company stating they are going to refund my money in full!!!!!!! :D:eek::D

The guy said he is getting me gift cards and that he would get them tomorrow (today). I'm still a little skeptical and afraid to believe it, since it sounds too good to be true, but once I have them in my hands I will post back and will also leave great reviews for the company in every social media site and with the BBB.


Thank you for all your god vibes coming my way, I believe CC had something to do with our good luck! :p


Kudos to this company for doing the right thing. I hope they can figure out who they have on staff that is stealing. They need to run a sting! Hopefully, they have some type of insurance that covers this on their end.

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Kudos to this company for doing the right thing. I hope they can figure out who they have on staff that is stealing. They need to run a sting! Hopefully, they have some type of insurance that covers this on their end.


Probably the guy they fired.

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I'm like a lot of people here on this thread in that I have several gift cards on hand that I don't intend to use any time soon.


My wife and I were booked on a 12 day Journeys cruise that was canceled a couple of months back. Unfortunately, I had paid for that cruise with 27 $100 gift cards...and when the cruise was canceled, Carnival sent 27 $100 gift cards back.


While I have put the cards in a safe place, I've also taken the precaution of entering all of the card #'s in an Excel spreadsheet...password protected, I might add...just in case the cards end up missing.


Don't know if this is an option for the rest of you guys, but thought I'd float the idea out there.



Edited by N7786W Flyer
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Hello everyone!


I know it took me forever to come back an update, but for those interested here's what ended up happening:


Final payment was due August 17th. On Friday August 14th the construction was supposed to give me back the gift cards. However, he had a family emergency and couldn't do it that day. I let him know final payment was due on Monday and could he please meet me anywhere during the weekend. He agreed to Sunday and asked that I text him in the morning.


I texted at 10am. He didn't reply until 11:40. I was biting my nails and decided to call Carnival to see if I had until midnight Monday... they said 10:15AM!!! :eek: I told him this, and he said later in the afternoon he would let me know where and what time we could meet.


We waited, and waited, and waited (and had anxiety attacks x10!) and by 5:30pm he said to meet him at a parking lot at 8:30pm. Me and husband are there waiting by 8:15, then suddenly I get a call from him saying that his business credit card won't allow him to buy gift cards and that he can log into my reservation and pay it off from his house.


OH HEEEEEEEEEEEELL NO! I was already at that parking lot, the least he could do was show up!


Now the next problem becomes that I am out $1,500 from the value of the cards, (in reality I am out $1,350 which is what I paid and would accept back as a minimum), but I only owe $1,200 on the cruise so if he were to pay it he would be shorting me! Therefore I make a quick decision to upgrade us to a balcony right then and there. I call Carnival and I'm holding for over 15minutes and praying they answer ASAP when he arrives.


Thankfully, he then proceeded to pay off the reservation and stated he would leave a check for the difference at my leasing office! :D


When I went to pick up the check on Monday, they did refund me the full $1,500 and while I was sitting there waiting there was a tenant that came in to request some service and was told they were a little behind on the construction because one of the crews was LET GO! I'm not 100% sure it was because of this incident, but if it was then sweet sweet karma I welcome you.


All in all it was a terrible couple of weeks but it made me be more thankful than ever for my husband who stuck by my side and made the storm wayyyy more bearable.


At least the company didn't try to shift blame and stepped up to right a wrong, and for that I commend them!


I was actually holding my breath while reading this! I'm so glad it worked out and I feel for the stress you experienced.


Now you can relax and have a great cruise!

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they might have been stolen from me...


Hi guys!


July the 7th I bought 3 $500 Carnival gift cards through Verizon. I was over the moon as I had been stalking them for weeks.


The cards arrived in the mail on the 17th, I opened the envelope, took a look at them but decided to hold off on paying my cruise just yet - trust me I am beating myself up for this decision.


We were having construction done on our apartment complex during the next 2 weeks. Absolutely no one except the construction workers, me and my husband went into our apartment. Last Thursday I decided to pay it off, grabbed the envelope (same padded one they came in) and it was empty. :(


Cue end of the world music here. We had been saving for 3 years for this cruise. We never took a honeymoon and this was finally going to be it. I was going to upgrade from our OV to a balcony. We owe $1200 on the cruise so with the gift cards we were also going to have $300 onboard credit. I had booked Chef's Table, our first time. I was looking forward to martini's at the Alchemy Bar and buying lots of photos with all the onboard credit I was going to save up for in the next 3 months.


We have to pay for our cruise all over again and final payment is due August 17th. I got a call from my PVP yesterday to remind me, it was heartbreaking. Now every time I think of the cruise I can't help but feel a pang of sadness.


Verizon's position is that they are not responsible for lost or stolen cards. The construction company says that we will "figure something out" but still no concrete answer.


I filed a police report, but one of my coworkers mentioned that maybe the person that took them would try to sell them, so I decided to post this so buyer beware!




Additionally, if you have any horror stories in which your vacation was ruined or nearly ruined and you would like to commiserate with me, please, tell me your stories, misery loves company! :o


I am so sorry for you OP. First of all were the envelopes empty when you got them in the mail? If they were I would file a report for Fraud and get a refund. Also call Verizon Wireless and tell them what happened. Someone needs to make it right for you to get what you expected.


I would hate to think the OP was scammed but if so the OP needs to report this to the FTC(Federal Trade Commission) Attorney General, BBB(Better Business Bureau) contact your local TV station "On your side consumer affairs department" Social Media, Miki Arison etc until you get compensated for your loss.


Perhaps if it was stolen from your apartment your Homeowners/Renters Insurance can help you recover from the loss or your credit card company. Do you have any evidence that your cards were lost? I hope you have the copy of the invoice after you purchased the cards.


Please keep us posted and I hope this won't end up as a So Sad too bad situation especially its for a special event. I would be so livid if this happened to me.

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I am so sorry for you OP. First of all were the envelopes empty when you got them in the mail? If they were I would file a report for Fraud and get a refund. Also call Verizon Wireless and tell them what happened. Someone needs to make it right for you to get what you expected.


I would hate to think the OP was scammed but if so the OP needs to report this to the FTC(Federal Trade Commission) Attorney General, BBB(Better Business Bureau) contact your local TV station "On your side consumer affairs department" Social Media, Miki Arison etc until you get compensated for your loss.


Perhaps if it was stolen from your apartment your Homeowners/Renters Insurance can help you recover from the loss or your credit card company. Do you have any evidence that your cards were lost? I hope you have the copy of the invoice after you purchased the cards.


Please keep us posted and I hope this won't end up as a So Sad too bad situation especially its for a special event. I would be so livid if this happened to me.


Sucks that OP got ripped off but almost none of your advice is practical.

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Hi guys!


To answer some questions:

- My renter's insurance has a clause only $250 coverage for gift cards.

- The supervisor at Verizon does not know if they keep track of the gift card numbers, and I have called back a couple of times but she always seems to be unavailable. :rolleyes:

- I did uncontrollably sob into my husband's arms once it dawned on me I was paying for 2 cruises but only going on one :(

- We did turn our apartment upside down looking for them, hoping they had just been misplaced (which makes no sense because why would we have an empty envelope just laying around). We would've ripped the carpet up if there was any possibility they were underneath.

- Nothing else was taken, but there had been strange occurrences, such as me getting home and finding a light on (I'm very careful to turn everything off when I leave) and my freezer WIDE open and stuff melted inside. A different day my toilet lid was up. I know I live with a man, but I have known him for 12 years and he NEVER leaves the lid up. EVER. Also, I wonder if they thought they were credit cards... it was the one envelope that was bigger and sticking out above all other, and at a quick glance they might have grabbed thinking credit cards or Visa gift cards or something.



However, it looks like my story is going to have a happy ending after all!

Yesterday I got a message from the construction company stating they are going to refund my money in full!!!!!!! :D:eek::D

The guy said he is getting me gift cards and that he would get them tomorrow (today). I'm still a little skeptical and afraid to believe it, since it sounds too good to be true, but once I have them in my hands I will post back and will also leave great reviews for the company in every social media site and with the BBB.


Thank you for all your god vibes coming my way, I believe CC had something to do with our good luck! :p


The contractor should be held liable no matter what and owes you 2 cruises. They need to find out who stole your cards and take the money out of their paycheck and even add a hefty bonus for the stress. You need to not let this go as the workers lie. Don't let the construction company off easy on this one.


One other thing OP are you sure the cards are not in a drawer or safe? Did you mistakenly put it somewhere else meaning to pay for the cruise? Could they be in your purse or wallet? Could they be in a pants pocket?


I hope you find the cards.

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The contractor should be held liable no matter what and owes you 2 cruises. They need to find out who stole your cards and take the money out of their paycheck and even add a hefty bonus for the stress. You need to not let this go as the workers lie. Don't let the construction company off easy on this one.


One other thing OP are you sure the cards are not in a drawer or safe? Did you mistakenly put it somewhere else meaning to pay for the cruise? Could they be in your purse or wallet? Could they be in a pants pocket?


I hope you find the cards.



I THINK the OP stated in post #51 that the contractor had refunded them the money...so I believe this had a happy ending.



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I THINK the OP stated in post #51 that the contractor had refunded them the money...so I believe this had a happy ending.




Yeah, but some people don't bother to read the whole thread, so it goes on and on..

Edited by zdcatc12
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Agree, 100%, I'd wait until I got my money back & then post bad reviews everywhere, complain to the BBB, again to the Landlord, contact the police again. Obviously they know that one of their workers was to blame or else they wouldn't be so quick to fix it. Probably not the first time it's happened.



Very few companies will step up like this one did for just this reason. I am a police detective had a similar situation where a cleaning company employee stole from a home. Some of the items stolen where found on the employee, some were found in a pawn shop, and she admitted to everything. Still, the insurance wouldn't cover the value of the items not recovered until the girl had a guilty conviction in court which is something that can take a year or more to happen. So the family wasn't reimbursed until then. These thefts are incredibly hard to prove and only a small number ever get solved. The company stepping up and taking care of it based solely on the fact that it was likely their employee, was the right thing to do and they should be acknowledged for that.

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