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To Live Thread or Not to Live Thread ?


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On another thread that got drifted quite seriously, there was a discussion on live threads. It seems some think that Live Threads should follow a certain format and that if you aren't going to post every day, you shouldn't do them?


I have done several Live Threads and now find myself wondering if I should keep doing them. I didn't realize that missing posting a day could upset some.


Live threads take time and money to do, especially uploading pictures and days with long excursions can take their toll and prevent you from posting. As can internet issues. And sometimes you just have too many roll call activities and are having too much fun ;) and if the internet drops, you just don't get back to it to try again :eek:


I have always appreciated the Live Threads that others do, but I can understand now why some people have stopped doing them.


Are there rules to Live Threads? Is there a set Format? And should there be a set format?


Many thanks to all that do them. I enjoy each and every one :)


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I've read a wide variety of live threads, some with extensive daily reporting and wonderful photos while others have offered a more meagre fare but have still been interesting.


Bottom line for me is that whatever the poster is willing and able to provide I will appreciate. There's no need to try to impose formats or to establish rules beyond existing CC policies. If someone starts a live thread and stops part way through the cruise, so what? It's not as if I've paid for the thread and want my money's worth. It's THEIR thread and THEIR time and money to post, and if something comes along and prevents them from continuing or from posting with the same frequency, so what? I may miss the thread if it was well written and informative, but I'm certainly not going to be critical of the poster.


So please, let's not place unnecessary demands on those who volunteer their time and money to provide these interesting and informative live threads.

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On another thread that got drifted quite seriously, there was a discussion on live threads. It seems some think that Live Threads should follow a certain format and that if you aren't going to post every day, you shouldn't do them?


I have done several Live Threads and now find myself wondering if I should keep doing them. I didn't realize that missing posting a day could upset some.


Live threads take time and money to do, especially uploading pictures and days with long excursions can take their toll and prevent you from posting. As can internet issues. And sometimes you just have too many roll call activities and are having too much fun ;) and if the internet drops, you just don't get back to it to try again :eek:


I have always appreciated the Live Threads that others do, but I can understand now why some people have stopped doing them.


Are there rules to Live Threads? Is there a set Format? And should there be a set format?


Many thanks to all that do them. I enjoy each and every one :)



If you 'sign' up for a 'Live', you do what you can, when you can. Any one who dedicates the time and money to do a 'live' thread shouldn't be bashed. 'Live' doesn't mean DAILY.


I admire those that do live threads/blogs like WCB (world cruise - not posted daily, but often), RAFINMD, and you Kazu, along with Cruising Terri -- who even blogged when her husband took seriously ill(not even on the cruise yet), Laffenvegas(sp?), and all the others who do this.


People should be grateful that folks post their experiences, not complain about frequency.

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If you 'sign' up for a 'Live', you do what you can, when you can. Any one who dedicates the time and money to do a 'live' thread shouldn't be bashed. 'Live' doesn't mean DAILY.


I admire those that do live threads/blogs like WCB (world cruise - not posted daily, but often), RAFINMD, and you Kazu, along with Cruising Terri -- who even blogged when her husband took seriously ill(not even on the cruise yet), Laffenvegas(sp?), and all the others who do this.


People should be grateful that folks post their experiences, not complain about frequency.


My feelings, exactly. I appreciate them all.

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If you 'sign' up for a 'Live', you do what you can, when you can. Any one who dedicates the time and money to do a 'live' thread shouldn't be bashed. 'Live' doesn't mean DAILY.


I admire those that do live threads/blogs like WCB (world cruise - not posted daily, but often), RAFINMD, and you Kazu, along with Cruising Terri -- who even blogged when her husband took seriously ill(not even on the cruise yet), Laffenvegas(sp?), and all the others who do this.


People should be grateful that folks post their experiences, not complain about frequency.


Well said. People shouldn't feel under pressure while on a cruise.

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I've read a wide variety of live threads, some with extensive daily reporting and wonderful photos while others have offered a more meagre fare but have still been interesting.


Bottom line for me is that whatever the poster is willing and able to provide I will appreciate. There's no need to try to impose formats or to establish rules beyond existing CC policies. If someone starts a live thread and stops part way through the cruise, so what? It's not as if I've paid for the thread and want my money's worth. It's THEIR thread and THEIR time and money to post, and if something comes along and prevents them from continuing or from posting with the same frequency, so what? I may miss the thread if it was well written and informative, but I'm certainly not going to be critical of the poster.


So please, let's not place unnecessary demands on those who volunteer their time and money to provide these interesting and informative live threads.


If you 'sign' up for a 'Live', you do what you can, when you can. Any one who dedicates the time and money to do a 'live' thread shouldn't be bashed. 'Live' doesn't mean DAILY.


I admire those that do live threads/blogs like WCB (world cruise - not posted daily, but often), RAFINMD, and you Kazu, along with Cruising Terri -- who even blogged when her husband took seriously ill(not even on the cruise yet), Laffenvegas(sp?), and all the others who do this.


People should be grateful that folks post their experiences, not complain about frequency.


thanks both for the feedback :) really appreciated.

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To be clear there are no "standard formats" for any posts or threads on Cruise Critic with two exceptions.


1. All posts must conform to our posting guidelines.


2. Roll call threads must have titles that show a full date (month, day and year).


Beyond that, the person doing the posting can choose to post or not, write a "live from" thread that us updated hourly, daily, twice a week, weekly, or never; it's her/his choice.


We do appreciate "live from" threads as they create a vicarious participation in the cruise experience by those not on board, but there are many reasons some may decide not to continue a "live from' thread. It's strictly a personal decision.

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I love reading "Live" threads.

Each person has their own style as to how they like to do them. There shouldn't be any set rules for how to do them.

I did a couple many years ago -- yes it is time consuming and expensive internet -- sometimes not being able to get on. I stopped them mainly because of a couple of people who spent too much time criticizing what I was writing. Back then I didn't know how to post pictures so I wasn't able to add them.

I appreciate the people who do take the time to do them and I don't worry if they miss a day or 2.

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I love reading "Live" threads.

Each person has their own style as to how they like to do them. There shouldn't be any set rules for how to do them.

[I appreciate the people who do take the time to do them and I don't worry if they miss a day or 2.


I agree with KK and the others. Personally, I do not feel that photos need to be part of a Live From thread. I like reading the prose, the experiences, what is interesting to the person writing. And I don't think those who do write, have to do it every day - I would think having to post would take over your cruise and that is not why you are cruising.

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I used to do "Live from ..." threads, and got a lot out of it. I found I was paying more attention to the details of my cruise, and shore excursions, simply because I knew I was going to be posting about it later.

Because I was taking notes, writing up the post, then typing the post into CC, I was able to relive everything a few times, using several senses, and now tend to remember those cruises better than later ones.


But all that changed when there was one cruise where it seemed everyone and his cousin became demanding, instead of appreciative.

MY cruise. MY time. MY money to purchase the Internet (at about 1/2 hour per day to post), and it was work.

No thanks.


Whoever does a report, either from a ship or afterwards, is going out of their way to share with others. How they do that is up tp them.

If I don't like the way they post, I am not forced to read it. Just move along to another thread.


Thanks for asking, Jacqui.

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Beyond that, the person doing the posting can choose to post or not, write a "live from" thread that us updated hourly, daily, twice a week, weekly, or never; it's her/his choice.


We do appreciate "live from" threads as they create a vicarious participation in the cruise experience by those not on board, but there are many reasons some may decide not to continue a "live from' thread. It's strictly a personal decision.



Each person has their own style as to how they like to do them. There shouldn't be any set rules for how to do them


I did a couple many years ago -- yes it is time consuming and expensive internet -- sometimes not being able to get on. I stopped them mainly because of a couple of people who spent too much time criticizing what I was writing. Back then I didn't know how to post pictures so I wasn't able to add them.


thanks Host Walt for clarifying and KK for your input.


KK, I totally understand your decision.

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I don't mind following rules for things such as conforming to CC guidelines and certain title protocol for roll call threads but I would draw the line at a set rule for Live From threads, and would probably not do them anymore if there were such rules.


I don't post pictures in my live threads. I did post some after the first cruise in which I did a live thread but not the second. Sometimes, technology is not my friend and I've had issues posting pictures even when at home. As much as I love it when people do post pictures and would like to do it, I'm not going to waste my time doing it if I'm technologically challenged.


I agree with Fouremco, and am happy with whatever the OP of a Live From thread chooses to do. As far as I'm concerned, it is their money and their time, they can darn well do the live thread however they choose. (Although I will say, I did appreciate the concern expressed by other posters when I was delayed a bit with one of my updates!)


I hope you will continue to do your Live threads, Kazu.

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My personal opinion is that if someone wants to take the time, energy/effort, money to do a "live from" thread, the audience (us) should be darned grateful, as opposed to critical and demanding. If the style or the information doesn't work for the reader(s), the most gracious thing to do is simply not read/not comment/not demand.

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I appreciate anything anyone posts while aboard.

It's ridiculous to say someone should post everyday. They are on vacation, hopefully have some fun and enjoying to do and there may not be Wifi access everyday. There are times the ship cannot pull down a signal for guests to use. If a sea day, what are they supposed to do?


The question has been completely and perfectly answered by Host Walt. IMO

Edited by sail7seas
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Jacqui, I have had the same quandary :D For those that have know me for a long time on the HAL board you know that I did many Live From's over the years and actually I did try to always post every single day and often two or three times a day. I found that kept those here on CC reading and wanting more. Most of the time it was quite fun to see all of the replies. It was almost like a Live Diary for me. My DH would love to come home and read what we did after the fact. But I have to admit the past three cruises I just plain quit doing it. Partly due to posters that found it a good time to interrupt or start something by bringing a negative vibe and the fact that it was just plain taking up so much of my time. I will admit I have felt a bit lost not doing them but I kept up by posting on Facebook instead.

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I love reading "Live" threads.

Each person has their own style as to how they like to do them. There shouldn't be any set rules for how to do them.

I did a couple many years ago -- yes it is time consuming and expensive internet -- sometimes not being able to get on. I stopped them mainly because of a couple of people who spent too much time criticizing what I was writing. Back then I didn't know how to post pictures so I wasn't able to add them.

I appreciate the people who do take the time to do them and I don't worry if they miss a day or 2.


Totally agree with KK!


When someone takes the time to post live , I appreciate their time and effort. Certainly, don't expect a daily updates nor pictures. :)



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To be clear there are no "standard formats" for any posts or threads on Cruise Critic with two exceptions.


1. All posts must conform to our posting guidelines.


2. Roll call threads must have titles that show a full date (month, day and year).


Beyond that, the person doing the posting can choose to post or not, write a "live from" thread that us updated hourly, daily, twice a week, weekly, or never; it's her/his choice.


We do appreciate "live from" threads as they create a vicarious participation in the cruise experience by those not on board, but there are many reasons some may decide not to continue a "live from' thread. It's strictly a personal decision.


Thank You Host Walt.


I agree that it is up to the poster/blogger and if people do not want to post daily then so be it. Then again if someone wants to do a daily post/blog, then so be it.


I will do what I want, even if there are dozens of others on the same cruise doing theirs also.


If I decide to do a daily post/blog and spend my cruise doing nothing but that, that is my right. I do not seek input into what I see and experience while on a cruise and while others may be into activities and such.....Everyone has their own perception of what they see and experience, THANK GOD for that!!



Edited by IRL_Joanie
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Kazu, I think YOU should do whatever makes YOU happy!

I love live threads... I live vicariously through them. ;)

I keep a log of my cruise and then when I am home, I post some info from the cruise. It is indeed expensive and time consuming to do one live while cruising. Until the internet onboard can go as fast as I can type, a live report will have to wait.

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On another thread that got drifted quite seriously, there was a discussion on live threads. It seems some think that Live Threads should follow a certain format and that if you aren't going to post every day, you shouldn't do them?


I have done several Live Threads and now find myself wondering if I should keep doing them. I didn't realize that missing posting a day could upset some.


Live threads take time and money to do, especially uploading pictures and days with long excursions can take their toll and prevent you from posting. As can internet issues. And sometimes you just have too many roll call activities and are having too much fun ;) and if the internet drops, you just don't get back to it to try again :eek:


I have always appreciated the Live Threads that others do, but I can understand now why some people have stopped doing them.


Are there rules to Live Threads? Is there a set Format? And should there be a set format?


Many thanks to all that do them. I enjoy each and every one :)



Post as often or as few times as you wish...there is no rule that you must publish everyday. People will appreciate the information that you do post.

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Your live thread was SENSATIONAL!!!!

First thing I read in he morning!


I loved the idea of having an open thread for your fellow rollcall pax.


I understand how hugely time/money consuming it is to do, but if you so choose to do more, you can be sure you will have a lot of happy followers. And never feel the pressure to do some posts when you don't feel like it. If photos take too long, that is fine. We appreciate your live from threads however and whenever!

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I love live threads. I feel that there are more insights to their cruise and we are getting a moment-by-moment account of their cruise and some of the small details may not make it to a review if left until they get home.

That said, I feel so sorry for some of those that do post live threads. I've seen so many ask questions like Can you get a picture of the Cabin XXXX, Who will be the Activities Director in 3 months, etc.

Those who choose to do live threads are on a vacation and should enjoy themselves. They should not be made to feel as if they need to do research for everyone as if they are writing for a travel magazine. Post once a day, once a trip or whenever. I love to read what people are thinking about the cruise they are on.

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I'll probably do a hybrid "Live From" with the core content elsewhere, but still answering questions here on CruiseCritic. (I may do the Q&A on my site as well, but I'm leaning toward Cruise Critic.)


Reasoning here:




I really don't mind running down random information, checking on people's relatives ;), or other scavenger hunt tasks.

Edited by POA1
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