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BACKGROUND Checks Before Cruising


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After cruising with Carnival two times back to back one in 2014 and another this year 2015, with my entire family. All 7 of us. Arriving back from a 8 night cruise. A week later, I get a letter of "regretfully" being banned from cruising with Carnival. Upon figuring out why, (knowing the obvious/but still curious) by calling their security department in Miami, I was banned due to my name being on the RSO registry. Apparently carnival has a new agency that started this year (2015) that is doing background checks on all persons before boarding. It is sad that for one that has done their time, regardless of the nature, if true or not, not that it's anybodies business, and if one has been genuinely rehabilitated, one can't progress in life. I'm firm believer that everyone deserves to enjoy their freedom just as anyone else. What is carnival doing in regards towards the rapist, whose not in the registry or the abuser of other sorts that hasn't been a registry created yet for them? What is the difference? Point is, they're people in the registry like myself at age of 32, from in "apparent" incident when I was 16 years of age. I'm assuming all cruise will now follow the same procedures. It is sad that carnival will follow the pathetic bigotry stigma upon such charges and it’s registry. You'd think that by cruising in the past and cruising with an entire family and friends and even boarding with multiple people in one cabin, that carnival will make or have exceptions or even look at that and take into consideration. But I guess they're idiots, just like parents that are idiots in leaving and allowing their children run ram pit or alone in stores or malls without keeping an eye on them. Unless my kids are of age, where they know what is right or wrong, and that it is wrong for anyone to touch them inappropriately, then I should not have to worry BECAUS THEY KNOW… you won't see me allowing my children that are not of age, run ram pit alone anywhere knowing the type of people that are mentally ill and need help. They're probably the same parents that when with their kids in public they have them on a leash on different occasions. I know, both contradictory or doesn’t make sense for either or…. but, I just never did understand the mental state of these/those parents - I DON’T GET IT - SMH! Putting leashes on their children to walk near them, as if their pets. This generation, this world, people are so uneducated when it comes to such things and the RSO registry. Classifying all under the same umbrella. And the media doesn’t help. — NOT HERE TO START AN ARGUMENT, like I said, people are uneducated and very immature in regards to these topics and situation. Understanding ones predicament and even “their fear” or confusion, and their every right to be, cause of such an extremely sensitive subject…. it just not right, that people are being banned for things, after ones done their time, been rehabilitated, not allowing them to live like a normal human being. AND THE SAD PART IS… that this is only the beginning, now that there’re numerous of supermarkets, stores, neighborhoods, cities, intersections/roads, crosswalks, bus stops, gas stations that are implementing face recognition NATIONWIDE (that many are just unaware off still)… they’re (those companies-only make it worst for those who are simply just trying to live a normal life and get their life back in order. - it's quite depressing, and nevertheless frustrating knowing that nothing can be done. :(

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I would recommend checking to see if there is some sort of appeal process.


Hi Sparks. Thanks for commenting. I have checked, and also read up on various forums online, and other companies. Just as one is on an (no-fly... just an example) list in traveling... one can't get off that list. It is extremely difficult, and a lengthy process that requires an attorney. Which requires money, that I don't have unfortunately. Unfortunately when one tries to defend themselves in regards to these sensitive issues, or try any type of appeal or even as simple as trying to figure things out... the reciprocation in return, turns rather unnecessarily nasty and inappropriate with hateful slurs and immaturity. Leaving one to even regretfully giving up and even from trying. :rolleyes:

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...Point is, they're people in the registry like myself at age of 32, from in "apparent" incident when I was 16 years of age. I'm assuming all cruise will now follow the same procedures...


All cruise lines will do the same. They have no choice but to look after the safety of children on the ship. The recidivism among juvenile sex offenders who have targeted children is about 12%


If the incident that got you on the SRO Registry happened when you were 16, can your lawyer see if this can be expunged since you were then underage and have had no problems since then?

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All cruise lines will do the same. They have no choice but to look after the safety of children on the ship. The recidivism among juvenile sex offenders who have targeted children is about 12%


If the incident that got you on the SRO Registry happened when you were 16, can your lawyer see if this can be expunged since you were then underage and have had no problems since then?


I know that Vermont has a process for that and would think other states do also.

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But is it true as wiki said that you could end up in that registry simply for urinating on a public place or minors experimenting with peers? If that is true, it truly sounds unfair. Wiki said that 25 procent of people in the registry are minors, when registered.


If that is true it sounds like a really weird registry?

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But is it true as wiki said that you could end up in that registry simply for urinating on a public place or minors experimenting with peers? If that is true, it truly sounds unfair. Wiki said that 25 procent of people in the registry are minors, when registered.


If that is true it sounds like a really weird registry?


Hello Kris, actually... you'd be extremely surprised the reasons and the amount of hideous causes people are on the registry. It's really is sad. Aside from the fact that Florida is the #1 state and the worst when it comes to charging and labeling. Wiki is very wrong, and that number is way above the 50%. Along with the media and all other stats out there, their incorrect. When one does the research none of it, believe it or not, its mind boggling of how all stats just doesn't make sense.

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I know that Vermont has a process for that and would think other states do also.


Thanks for commenting. Every state has it's own laws and restrictions, all vry different when it comes to the registry and offender laws. Some states its dreadfully suicidal to even be caught by a highway patrol while crossing or traveling their states. The amount of torture and misery states causes upon those, are ridiculous. Some states and countries such as Canada won't even allow you to even cross the boarder yet alone live upon verification of ones passport. Each state is different, and florida being the worst.

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All cruise lines will do the same. They have no choice but to look after the safety of children on the ship. The recidivism among juvenile sex offenders who have targeted children is about 12%


If the incident that got you on the SRO Registry happened when you were 16, can your lawyer see if this can be expunged since you were then underage and have had no problems since then?


That is a possibility. And one that I'm looking forward too. Eventually... But as explained in on another comment/reply, that requires funds. And its not cheap. Aside from that, the abiding laws that falls in expunge, one would have to be free 6-10+ years after or upon release of time, to submit for one. Unfortunately, without going into details. I had to serve an unprecedented very unfortunate time. My story is for sure very quite different (compared to the 65yr. pervert with the charge), and one that I had no control off. Therefore, I'm nowhere close to those "6-10 yrs" of being out just yet. The changes of one being granted clemency or these charges being expunge is extremely low. For my situation, and for many out there, you'd be surprised, at the things we went through, are going through, or have been in regards towards this ridiculous registry that has proven not to work. It's an ineffective public-safety tool. An extremely large amount of research suggest that most young people who commit sex offenses naturally "age out" of these kinds of behaviors. It's the "apparent, experimenting stage, along with those that fall under the being caught having relations at an young age in their teens whether consenting or not.


( my apologies if I dont make sense, my grammar and English is not my first)

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Thanks for commenting. Every state has it's own laws and restrictions, all vry different when it comes to the registry and offender laws. Some states its dreadfully suicidal to even be caught by a highway patrol while crossing or traveling their states. The amount of torture and misery states causes upon those, are ridiculous. Some states and countries such as Canada won't even allow you to even cross the boarder yet alone live upon verification of ones passport. Each state is different, and florida being the worst.


I'm not sure, one of my sons was charged with domestic violence when he was 13 and his mother (my ex at the time) called the police on him for attacking her. He still can't buy a firearm in Massachusetts (the state where the infraction occurred) nor can he get certain jobs, just because he was a normal 13 year old (and he is close to 30 now).


Anyway, as I understand it the cruise line won't budge unless the state removes your name and in order to do that you need to engage an attorney in order to battle the powers that be. I wish I could say something more helpful but it does sound like an uphill battle.

Edited by sparks1093
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All cruise lines will do the same. They have no choice but to look after the safety of children on the ship. The recidivism among juvenile sex offenders who have targeted children is about 12%


If the incident that got you on the SRO Registry happened when you were 16, can your lawyer see if this can be expunged since you were then underage and have had no problems since then?


Agreed! I'm not sure what the OP expects anyone here to do -- as this is clearly a serious legal issue. Rather than spending money on cruises, perhaps he should us it to hire a lawyer, to help get his life back. Just my $.02.

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That is a possibility. And one that I'm looking forward too. Eventually... But as explained in on another comment/reply, that requires funds. And its not cheap. Aside from that, the abiding laws that falls in expunge, one would have to be free 6-10+ years after or upon release of time, to submit for one. Unfortunately, without going into details. I had to serve an unprecedented very unfortunate time. My story is for sure very quite different (compared to the 65yr. pervert with the charge), and one that I had no control off. Therefore, I'm nowhere close to those "6-10 yrs" of being out just yet. The changes of one being granted clemency or these charges being expunge is extremely low. For my situation, and for many out there, you'd be surprised, at the things we went through, are going through, or have been in regards towards this ridiculous registry that has proven not to work. It's an ineffective public-safety tool. An extremely large amount of research suggest that most young people who commit sex offenses naturally "age out" of these kinds of behaviors. It's the "apparent, experimenting stage, along with those that fall under the being caught having relations at an young age in their teens whether consenting or not.


( my apologies if I dont make sense, my grammar and English is not my first)


Have you considered getting a lawyer through Legal Aid?

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Bottom line if you want this badly enough you will find a way to afford a lawyer. it is as simple as that. lots of places offer Pro Bono work, or charge based income level or allow you to make payments


the military has standards as well.. educational for one . and for a lot of people it is as simple as taking a semester's worth of college credits to become eligible to enlist yet they all have excuses as to why they cannot afford it.



while I do not disagree that in some cases it only takes peeing in public within 100 yards of a school to get labled a SO the fact is that whatever you did at 16 to get you on it in the first place must have been a doozie.

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This could explain some of the other mystery posts we've seen lately where people say they or 'a friend' have been denied boarding or re-booking but are vague on the details.


To OP: I do happen to believe that this is a thing that is being over-used and is causing more problems than it solves, so you have my sympathies.

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I'm not sure, one of my sons was charged with domestic violence when he was 13 and his mother (my ex at the time) called the police on him for attacking her. He still can't buy a firearm in Massachusetts (the state where the infraction occurred) nor can he get certain jobs, just because he was a normal 13 year old (and he is close to 30 now).




Anyway, as I understand it the cruise line won't budge unless the state removes your name and in order to do that you need to engage an attorney in order to battle the powers that be. I wish I could say something more helpful but it does sound like an uphill battle.



Not to start a whole non-cruise discussion nor to invite an explanation of any misunderstood circumstances but, "attacking one's mother" would be considered by most folks as falling far short of "normal 13 year old behavior."

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Not to start a whole non-cruise discussion nor to invite an explanation of any misunderstood circumstances but, "attacking one's mother" would be considered by most folks as falling far short of "normal 13 year old behavior."


From what I understand it was a normal 13 year old temper tantrum, she told him to do something, he said no, she tried to make him by getting pyshical, so he lashed out (and I do recognize that this is all hearsay). Not the best response but he was 13. Fact remains he was incorrectly charged under a statute that is meant for something else and he's still paying the price for it all these years later.

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OP, I'm sorry, but really? If you can afford to cruise, give up a cruise or two and get an attorney.


Seriously, though, you can't escape the consequences of your crime, even though they are inconvenient for you now, without legal assistance. I hate to be mean, but TAKE A DIFFERENT VACATION! On a cruise, you are up close and personal with 2,000 of your not-so-closest friends. That's just a little to close for a RSO, given the potential liability to the company and the risk to the other passengers.

Edited by Schoifmom
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This could explain some of the other mystery posts we've seen lately where people say they or 'a friend' have been denied boarding or re-booking but are vague on the details.


To OP: I do happen to believe that this is a thing that is being over-used and is causing more problems than it solves, so you have my sympathies.


I agree with you. Seems we have had lots of posts lately regarding carnival and past crimes. No one else has explained what the type of crimes were but SO makes since.


OP - Im sorry you are having to go through this.

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I guess I would have to say I'm happy you were able to cruise with your family in 2014 and 2015. For future vacations, it looks like you will have to find alternate venues; perhaps an all-inclusive, or some other land based vacation. If you're not prepared to invest the money required to expunge your record (is it worth it if you are unable to get your name removed from the list?), then you will have to look at different ways to spend your vacation time and money. Good luck to you.


Smooth Sailing! :) :) :)

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I agree with you. Seems we have had lots of posts lately regarding carnival and past crimes. No one else has explained what the type of crimes were but SO makes since.


OP - Im sorry you are having to go through this.


Agreed. To date, it has not been typical for cruise lines to do criminal background checks on passengers and the last time I read someone making this same complaint, they were very vague. This sheds a little more light on the subject. I may have to look into this further to learn the legalities of Carnival providing Personally Identifiable Information (PII) to a third party, non-law enforcement, to conduct these checks.


From what I understand it was a normal 13 year old temper tantrum, she told him to do something, he said no, she tried to make him by getting pyshical, so he lashed out (and I do recognize that this is all hearsay). Not the best response but he was 13. Fact remains he was incorrectly charged under a statute that is meant for something else and he's still paying the price for it all these years later.


I ask this sincerely...what do you think domestic violence statutes were meant for? Spousal abuse is the most common but the reason it's called domestic violence is it covers all physical violence between family members within the household.

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I hear you and fell you all and where yous are all coming from. 100% and respect your opinion. Keep in mind, Ive only cruised two times in my entire life time. Just now receiving notification of being banned of services by a company. Which I’ve never been through, when it comes to “being banned” by anything… which is believe it or not, hard to take in… yet alone to receive such letter. You’re comparing a cruise that is only $300-$800 max in price, and when traveling in groups its less $$… from an attorney service that requires easily $3k down just to simply investigate the case. $3,000 that unfortunately not everyone is fortunate to cough up. Not sure if you can, and if you could, than more power to you, and must be nice to be blessed to that measure.


On top of $3k downpayment, is not including any court fee’s and other negotiation fees that will occur back and forth between the attorney and whichever party. Not only all of that… one can’t get just any lawyer out of nowhere. In a case like such, it’ll have to be a lawyer that is experience with these type of charges, and also being that its a federal case, and now involving an international corporation if i so ever choose to fight in cruising with carnival again… requires experience. If one were to research how attorneys work. When if its high federal charges, the prices just aren’t the same, unfortunately, and risk factors is not even worth mentioning. Pro-bono? Sure! But is that person experience to even attempt to open or investigate such type of charge or case? And in regards law firms that allows partial, split payments, or legal aid, again… for a small petty crime, or something that is not federal charge… yes. But unfortunately, these type of cases don’t fall or qualify under those preconditions.


Now of course, like i mentioned, I do have various plans up my sleeve, but all require time, and of course money. Stuff that can’t and just don’t happen over time. In in this case will take more than a year if that.


Of course I have other options when vacationing. And am venturing upon those options with my family. But what vacation doesn’t require in being around people, people “of not so close friends”. People are everywhere. Regardless of ones history or their unfortunate past. The same way one goes to a supermarket or a mall, or eat at their favorite restaurant, how does one know what their past is without the “potential liability” of a company. They all pose the same risk. Cruising, flying, them park, gas station, hotel.


My stating all of this is simply and only because I’ve done my research and still doing so, and not just talking out of my behind - my whole attempt in this thread was simply to warn those who has an unfortunate pass, that cruise lines, are now doing background checks. and not to receive any pity, or complain. — some are saying, “they’ve been”… but not to my knowledge. Its just now that I received this official letter from Carnival. What I am aware of is cruise lines checking with Homeland Security for any warrants and or those whom are on current probation or parol. Which all that is a totally different story.

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Ouch, that really sucks. While I appreciate them looking out for our safety, I do believe that some of the people forced to be placed on the SOR is harsh. I hope you can get it straightened out.

Kudos on moving on with your life and not letting your past mistakes rule your life.

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Agreed. To date, it has not been typical for cruise lines to do criminal background checks on passengers and the last time I read someone making this same complaint, they were very vague. This sheds a little more light on the subject. I may have to look into this further to learn the legalities of Carnival providing Personally Identifiable Information (PII) to a third party, non-law enforcement, to conduct these checks.



The cruise ticket contract states:


"© Guests may provide personal data to Carnival that may include names, postal or email addresses, date of birth, passport information, financial account, telephone numbers, likenesses, photographs or other information which would identify Guests personally. Guests may also provide Carnival or others certain sensitive data such as health, medical, dietary, religious, gender or sexual orientation information. All Guests agree that Carnival may (1) keep their personal and sensitive data, (2) use it in its business worldwide in accordance with its published privacy policies, (3) share it with its affiliated or related companies and (4) subject it to processing worldwide provided Carnival’s safeguards are used. All Guests agree that any personal or sensitive data provided to Carnival in the European Economic Area may be used, processed and transferred worldwide including to the U.S."


Don't know the privacy policies, but I would think that clauses (2) and (3) would relate to a background agency. Again, depending on the "published privacy policies", this clause may or may not stand up to a judicial challenge.

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I guess I would have to say I'm happy you were able to cruise with your family in 2014 and 2015. For future vacations, it looks like you will have to find alternate venues; perhaps an all-inclusive, or some other land based vacation. If you're not prepared to invest the money required to expunge your record (is it worth it if you are unable to get your name removed from the list?), then you will have to look at different ways to spend your vacation time and money. Good luck to you.


Smooth Sailing! :) :) :)


Yes. It was sure a tremendous blessing. To have been able to experience both those cruises with my family. It's definately a life changing exepreince especially when visiting those countries that are less fortunate. I said... we enjoyed it, while it last and had a nice time. Something that I hope in the near future we can go on one again, maybe with another company or not so large or known one. I truely dont know.


As far as getting my name removed, I've read and been told so many stories, that just makes one to not even try. The truth is, that a extremely large chunk and percentage of people that have attempted to get theirs removed, got denied, simply because of the type of charge and whole stigma of the charge and all. It's surely not easy. And a huge risk, in loosing $10k + in attempting in something that really has the possibility it not even working. Not even to mention all the emotional baggage and stress.


Thanks for commenting.

Appreciate you being kind, and understanding.

Blessings to you and yours!

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