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Oasis of the Seas - smoking on balcony


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Screw smokers! I don't give a duck that they have fewer & fewer places to cancer-up. I don't want to breathe that crap, and the idea that they have the "right" to pollute the air I breathe, "smoking area" or not is farg'n BS! Man, if I ever found myself in the unfortunate position as the OP, having to endure cancer guy's filth, I'll make sure I'm not the only one whose cruise is ruined!


Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk

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So here's my problem with OP and all the smoking threads.


Everyone ignores the fact that the ship is burning cheap diesel that wouldn't be allowed to be burned anywhere else in the continental US because of all the crap that comes out of the exhaust. If the relatively small amount of cigarette smoke you are "attacked" by bothers you so much how in the world DOESN'T the exhaust from the ship effect you the same way. How do you board the cruise ship in the first place thru the haze of diesel exhaust around the ship caused by the ship itself and the multitudes of semi's and buses emptying and reloading it on a weekly basis?


RCCL allows smoking on their ships. RCCL has a bunch of rules about smoking and other things. If you have ever been on a cruise you KNOW people break all kinds of these rules. Chair hogs, seat saving, smuggling alcohol on board. There are just about as many threads about bringing water on board as there are about smoking. What advice are those folks given when they ask? Sure bring it on, it's against the rules, but RCCL doesn't enforce them.


People are going to break the rules, smoking and other wise. RCCL is going to look the other way when they do. Either stop cruising on RCCL or get over it.


Here OP, let me help you out, you don't need to trouble yourself with finding an email address to complain to:



Ships have rather complex engine exhaust systems that ultimately guide fumes out (typically elliptic) cylinders mounted well above all decks. Perhaps the above poster has noticed them. Though it likely comes as a surprise that they are the reason passengers are generally not bothered by diesel exhaust.


People do have issues making their way into the cruise terminal. Many who do not have breathing problems are apparently incapable of understanding just how debilitating smoke and fumes can be.


I hope others who have had experiences similar to the OP continue to post the details. There is no hope that the situation will change if they follow the advice in the post above. Besides, why should they have to put up with being sold one thing and receiving something completely different?

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Thanks for your constructive feedback.


Why is my post history being reviewed? What I posted in the past is irrelevant since I mentioned specifically I was on the Oasis.


And to the individual who kindly asked what I wanted from CC, I can simply state the purpose of my thread was to share my experience on the Oasis and to see where I can forward my complaint as I did not receive satisfaction on board.


I really would like to extent my gratitude to those who actually read my post and provided me with the contact info. Much obliged.


I will no longer address queries made in this thread; I find no purpose in responding to rudeness.


Again, thanks again to those who helped!

Past postings give us a sense of whether to believe a poster. In your case, I'd guess something isn't quite right. As late as October 1 you posted about being on Westerdam, next post was a complaint about Oasis. You say it's your first cruise. Lots of money lost if you cancelled one and booked another while in full penalty time. That's 100% loss on one, and full payment at booking on Oasis. To me, it's hard to believe what you write.;)

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So here's my problem with OP and all the smoking threads.


Everyone ignores the fact that the ship is burning cheap diesel that wouldn't be allowed to be burned anywhere else in the continental US because of all the crap that comes out of the exhaust. If the relatively small amount of cigarette smoke you are "attacked" by bothers you so much how in the world DOESN'T the exhaust from the ship effect you the same way. How do you board the cruise ship in the first place thru the haze of diesel exhaust around the ship caused by the ship itself and the multitudes of semi's and buses emptying and reloading it on a weekly basis?


You seem to think that all smoke is the same, it isn't. I am allergic to tobacco smoke.


Also the ship I will sail on is powered by Gas Turbines.


RCCL allows smoking on their ships. RCCL has a bunch of rules about smoking and other things. If you have ever been on a cruise you KNOW people break all kinds of these rules. Chair hogs, seat saving, smuggling alcohol on board. There are just about as many threads about bringing water on board as there are about smoking. What advice are those folks given when they ask? Sure bring it on, it's against the rules, but RCCL doesn't enforce them.


People are going to break the rules, smoking and other wise. RCCL is going to look the other way when they do. Either stop cruising on RCCL or get over it.


Does the same thing apply to all rules being broken? Should we turn a blind eye to theft? indecent behaviour? ..... the list could go on.

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So I guess I'll come to the defense of the OP. I'll tell you what CC can do about it, it can get the word out. My wife is very sensitive to smoke. I know most people can't relate to that, but it's a fact. In fact, I can't even relate to it. However, we have, more than once, been unable to enjoy our balcony, a balcony that I also paid an upcharge for, because someone was smoking. Now, we understood it was legal, so we simply didn't use our balcony when people were smoking in a balcony around us. But Royal Caribbean is now non-smoking. I don't care why they are, but they are. So now we should expect a smoke free balcony. When someone chooses to violate the rules, we are the ones that are inconvenienced. So, Cruise Critic is a good forum to put that out. If you are a smoker, and you believe, as one poster stated, that there is just so much moving air on a balcony, that no one will smell your smoke, sorry to burst your selfish little bubble, but that just isn't what happens. So it's easy, all you Cruise Critic readers, obey the rules and don't smoke on your balcony. You can enjoy the balcony without smoking, I can't enjoy mine if you decide the rules don't apply to you.

So, how's that? Is that a good reason as to what the OP "wants CC to do about it?"


Give me a break. My post to the op was in response to the hall reeking of smoke. Even many years ago when you could smoke in cabins, the halls did not reek of smoke. The op is just using drama and cc because someone on the ship did not massage their ego, and you fell for it. Now the casino, yes one can smell it there.

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I am confused. How can you be on two ships?

You posted about your cruise on Westerdam OCT 31 2015 roll call.

Excited about the ports you are visiting.



Then you come here and complain about smokers on Oasis OCT 31 2015.

What ship where you on actually?

So was the smoking on your Westerdam cruise? Or Oasis ?:confused:





Wow, I thought I spent too much time on CC, but to search a poster's history looking for fault? Wow, only to be worse by being wrong.

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Well said that man! \o/


I would like to compare notes with your wife. I too have had events ruined by smokers due to my sensitivity. Just the stink on their clothes is often enough.


Would love to compare notes too.... at a bar on a cruise... where the air is breathable. :)


Give me a break. My post to the op was in response to the hall reeking of smoke. Even many years ago when you could smoke in cabins, the halls did not reek of smoke. The op is just using drama and cc because someone on the ship did not massage their ego, and you fell for it. Now the casino, yes one can smell it there.


Ok, here's your "break." The halls did smell of smoke often during the days that smoking was allowed. I don't know if you're a smoker or not. But smokers just don't have a clue. They think that no one knows they smoke. Well, sure we do. It's obvious. Many smokers (heavy ones) simply reek all the time. It yellows your teeth, stinks up your breath, sticks to your clothes. Ever seen Pigpen in Peanuts comic strip? If you could see smoke, that is what some smokers would look like. No exaggeration. Nothing is more disgusting than getting on an elevator and having some heavy smoker get on and stinking up the elevator to point you have to get off. Now don't misunderstand, I'm not suggesting anyone stop smoking. Heck I'm even a believer in "natural selection." I believe smoking will "die out" on it's own. So I don't say a word about anyone who smokes in the smoking section. But if you get on the elevator and everyone immediately either gets off or heads a far away as they can from you then it might be telling you something.

Honestly, I have a tradition of smoking a cigar on the last formal night of every cruise. But I do it at the smoking area, and my wife makes me shower, scrub my teeth, and hang my clothes in the bathroom over night to air out. And that's from one cigar, and I try to stay upwind of the smoke.

So, whether you want to acknowledge it or not, smoke has no real boundaries on a ship. It seeps under doors in the hall, seeps under doors to connecting rooms, floats onto nearby balconies. Sorry, that's just how physics work.

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So here's my problem with OP and all the smoking threads.


Everyone ignores the fact that the ship is burning cheap diesel that wouldn't be allowed to be burned anywhere else in the continental US because of all the crap that comes out of the exhaust. If the relatively small amount of cigarette smoke you are "attacked" by bothers you so much how in the world DOESN'T the exhaust from the ship effect you the same way. How do you board the cruise ship in the first place thru the haze of diesel exhaust around the ship caused by the ship itself and the multitudes of semi's and buses emptying and reloading it on a weekly basis?


RCCL allows smoking on their ships. RCCL has a bunch of rules about smoking and other things. If you have ever been on a cruise you KNOW people break all kinds of these rules. Chair hogs, seat saving, smuggling alcohol on board. There are just about as many threads about bringing water on board as there are about smoking. What advice are those folks given when they ask? Sure bring it on, it's against the rules, but RCCL doesn't enforce them.


People are going to break the rules, smoking and other wise. RCCL is going to look the other way when they do. Either stop cruising on RCCL or get over it.


Here OP, let me help you out, you don't need to trouble yourself with finding an email address to complain to:


Dear OP,


We are sorry to hear about your bad experience on SHIP NAME during your cruise on the week of DATE. Your business is very important to us and we strive to provide a great CURRENT MARKETING STRATEGY VERBAGE to everyone.


You are correct in stating that COMPLAINT is against Royal Caribbean policy, all ship board personnel are trained to handle COMPLAINT according to corporate guidelines. Please let me offer my sincerest apologies to you that COMPLAINT caused you such distress. I will forward your concerns to DEPT MANAGER so that your concerns can be discussed with the staff aboard SHIP NAME so this issue doesn't reoccur in the future.







Your post sounds like the reasoning of an excuse making enabler. It's okay if you do this, because so and so did that. If something is against the rules, go by the rules or stay home.


By your rationale if your neighbor parks illegally it's okay to shoot him or for you to go rob a bank. Stupid comment, yes. But you started it.

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So here's my problem with OP and all the smoking threads.


Everyone ignores the fact that the ship is burning cheap diesel that wouldn't be allowed to be burned anywhere else in the continental US because of all the crap that comes out of the exhaust. If the relatively small amount of cigarette smoke you are "attacked" by bothers you so much how in the world DOESN'T the exhaust from the ship effect you the same way. How do you board the cruise ship in the first place thru the haze of diesel exhaust around the ship caused by the ship itself and the multitudes of semi's and buses emptying and reloading it on a weekly basis?



Can remember ever smelling diesel fumes on my balcony. Just sayin'...

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We complained about a smoker on the Allure boardwalk balcony and security was there in a flash.


On a Rhapsody sailing in February, RCI cabin supervisor, asked us to keep an eye on our neighbors as others had reported them smoking. Our only complaint with them was noise that started every night around 11 pm. and went until 1 or 2 a.m. ugh. Never did see them smoking but they did have some kind of incense or something that smelled. They were Chinese, I assumed it was some cultural thing.

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When I indulged, I could be half way through smoking a cig , and I wouldnt have been able to smell it at all.... I don't smoke now - and I can pick up the aroma from 1000 paces away.


I used to have sugar in my tea. Now I have none. If my drink is even stirred using the same spoon that has been used for sugar I can tell.


Smokers are wrong to say the smell is dispersed, but its like expecting a blind person to appreciate that red is not green.... If a person in the balcony next to me has a couple, I would be okay with that - just dont sit there smoking all day and night and I will cut you some slack.


Now I hate strong perfume at restaurants! You should never be able to taste the eau de toilette of the person sitting next to you.

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Finally a reason to own a selfie stick -- to snap photos of balcony violators!


Oh gosh!! Be careful what you ask for!! Although this is taking this off topic so I apologize for that but I'm not sure we want our vacations to be turned into people running around taking pictures of others who may or may not be breaking rules.!!:eek:

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Ok, here's your "break." The halls did smell of smoke often during the days that smoking was allowed. I don't know if you're a smoker or not. But smokers just don't have a clue. They think that no one knows they smoke. Well, sure we do. It's obvious. Many smokers (heavy ones) simply reek all the time. It yellows your teeth, stinks up your breath, sticks to your clothes. Ever seen Pigpen in Peanuts comic strip? If you could see smoke, that is what some smokers would look like. No exaggeration. Nothing is more disgusting than getting on an elevator and having some heavy smoker get on and stinking up the elevator to point you have to get off. Now don't misunderstand, I'm not suggesting anyone stop smoking. Heck I'm even a believer in "natural selection." I believe smoking will "die out" on it's own. So I don't say a word about anyone who smokes in the smoking section. But if you get on the elevator and everyone immediately either gets off or heads a far away as they can from you then it might be telling you something.

Honestly, I have a tradition of smoking a cigar on the last formal night of every cruise. But I do it at the smoking area, and my wife makes me shower, scrub my teeth, and hang my clothes in the bathroom over night to air out. And that's from one cigar, and I try to stay upwind of the smoke.

So, whether you want to acknowledge it or not, smoke has no real boundaries on a ship. It seeps under doors in the hall, seeps under doors to connecting rooms, floats onto nearby balconies. Sorry, that's just how physics work.


Amen on how the smell permeates everything. I teach special ed, and I have had children in my classes whose homes are so permeated with smoke you would swear these 6 and 7 year olds are 5 pack a day smokers. When I help them with their coats and backpacks, I have to wash my hands numerous times in order to get rid of the smell. Not to mention these are also the kids who have higher absentee rates due to - big surprise - upper respiratory issues, or worse come to school with horrible colds and infect everyone else.


I was on Radiance to Alaska this summer, and was in an inside cabin so I can't comment on the balcony thing, but... The idea that part of the casino is non-smoking is a joke. Even walking by the doors you pick up part of the stench even when the casino is closed. I don't do casinos, but if I did, I would not be happy with the open arrangement where there is some imaginary line dividing the smoking and non-smoking sections - because the few times I had to cut through (when closed) because I ended up on that side of the ship and didn't feel like turning around to go up or down a level, even the non-smoking side reeked. I don't see why they can't enclose the smoking section of the casino in a nice little box like some airports have done for a smoking room. Oh, wait... because I've even heard some smokers complain about how smelly those rooms are.

Edited by WrittenOnYourHeart
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Amen on how the smell permeates everything. I teach special ed, and I have had children in my classes whose homes are so permeated with smoke you would swear these 6 and 7 year olds are 5 pack a day smokers. When I help them with their coats and backpacks, I have to wash my hands numerous times in order to get rid of the smell. Not to mention these are also the kids who have higher absentee rates due to - big surprise - upper respiratory issues, or worse come to school with horrible colds and infect everyone else.


I was on Radiance to Alaska this summer, and was in an inside cabin so I can't comment on the balcony thing, but... The idea that part of the casino is non-smoking is a joke. Even walking by the doors you pick up part of the stench even when the casino is closed. I don't do casinos, but if I did, I would not be happy with the open arrangement where there is some imaginary line dividing the smoking and non-smoking sections - because the few times I had to cut through (when closed) because I ended up on that side of the ship and didn't feel like turning around to go up or down a level, even the non-smoking side reeked. I don't see why they can't enclose the smoking section of the casino in a nice little box like some airports have done for a smoking room. Oh, wait... because I've even heard some smokers complain about how smelly those rooms are.


I guess you need to wear rubber gloves so you won't smell:rolleyes:

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Everyone ignores the fact that the ship is burning cheap diesel that wouldn't be allowed to be burned anywhere else in the continental US because of all the crap that comes out of the exhaust. If the relatively small amount of cigarette smoke you are "attacked" by bothers you so much how in the world DOESN'T the exhaust from the ship effect you the same way. How do you board the cruise ship in the first place thru the haze of diesel exhaust around the ship caused by the ship itself and the multitudes of semi's and buses emptying and reloading it on a weekly basis?


Not once in all my cruises have I smelled diesel exhaust on my balcony. Not once.

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Oh gosh!! Be careful what you ask for!! Although this is taking this off topic so I apologize for that but I'm not sure we want our vacations to be turned into people running around taking pictures of others who may or may not be breaking rules.!!:eek:


It was funny, perhaps witty. The only thing we need more of than selfie sticks is meme's.



Edited by BillOh
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Wow, I thought I spent too much time on CC, but to search a poster's history looking for fault? Wow, only to be worse by being wrong.


What history, she had 7 posts at the time. So yes I was curious as to what else she had posted.

It takes 5 seconds to click on the name and then to see all posted by that person.

Then when I saw she was on another ship's Roll call, and never said Hi to the Oasis roll call, something was a miss.

Did you even noticed that when she was called out, she quit posting.

Or did you not read everything posted, after me calling her out?



Past postings give us a sense of whether to believe a poster. In your case, I'd guess something isn't quite right. As late as October 1 you posted about being on Westerdam, next post was a complaint about Oasis. You say it's your first cruise. Lots of money lost if you cancelled one and booked another while in full penalty time. That's 100% loss on one, and full payment at booking on Oasis. To me, it's hard to believe what you write.;)


I know, and all these Non-Smokers ( which I am one ), are just flaming the fire.

I do not know about others, but if smoking is so important, enough to waste a thousand or so dollars cancelling a cruise.

Then doing research on which cruise line does not allow smoking, you would research BEFORE you paid the thousand or so for the first one.

Like I said above, when called out on her past posts, she left and has not been back.

She could have just said " Yes, it is good to be the Queen, with so much money, it means nothing to me. "






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I wanted to express my disappointment with a situation that occurred on Oasis of the Seas, Oct 31, 2015 sailing.


One of the TOP reasons we booked with RC was due to it's no-smoking policy on stateroom balconies and within their rooms. This is critical for me as I suffer from breathing problems. When we booked we ensured our stateroom was located far away from any public smoking area.


Problem is, despite RC's rule, a neighbour 3 to 4 balconies away smoked frequently on their balcony. I caught them smoking on two occasions, plus our corridor reeked of cigarette. These were btw, two Americans (heard them fighting/arguing a few times) so there was no language barrier.


As I was unable to enjoy sitting on my balcony due to the smoke, I contacted Guest Services several times to voice my concerns, I called as well and waited in line, on the phone for extended periods. At no point did I receive a follow up from anyone asking me if the problem persisted had been regulated. The problem was never regulated. I even asked to switch rooms but was denied as Guest Services said they were sold out, and no other rooms were available.


I am so disappointed with RC's lack of customer service, they were unable to help me. I filled out the survey they sent me, but I think I'd like to sent them an email addressing my concerns. Is there a point to this? If so, whom should I email.




Calling their CS number was, for me terrible. I did call the Crown and Anchor number and the folks there were completely different. They listened. I also came into contact with the office below and was treated very well. Avoid there general CS line. Good luck! BTW this link is for the person who oversees all CS issues for RCI, Celebrity and Azamara. She is a pro!!


Aurora "Laly" Yera-Rodriguez

Director, Guest Relations & Shared Services

P: 954.628.9313 | ayera-rodriguez@rccl.com

Edited by jacketwatch
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I am confused. How can you be on two ships?

You posted about your cruise on Westerdam OCT 31 2015 roll call.

Excited about the ports you are visiting.



Then you come here and complain about smokers on Oasis OCT 31 2015.

What ship where you on actually?

So was the smoking on your Westerdam cruise? Or Oasis ?:confused:





ahhhh, come on, please no bashing.

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Screw smokers! I don't give a duck that they have fewer & fewer places to cancer-up. I don't want to breathe that crap, and the idea that they have the "right" to pollute the air I breathe, "smoking area" or not is farg'n BS! Man, if I ever found myself in the unfortunate position as the OP, having to endure cancer guy's filth, I'll make sure I'm not the only one whose cruise is ruined!


Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk


Spout that load of poo in the smoking area and your cruise will be the only one ruined. ;)

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