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Elevator death on the Ecstasy


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That's your responsibility as a parent to help them, not Carnival's responsibility.


Carnival's responsibility is to the victim's family, not to you.

That's a little harsh. It's perfectly normal for a person to need professional assistance when witnessing and/or being part of a tragic event. If her kids saw the seen in person, I can imagine them needing some help. Goodness. Alot of people can be legitimately traumatized. Even if you have good parents. SMH.


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I had been seeking information about the Ecstasy as I'm going to be re-trying Carnival soon as an experiment and now I come across this.


My thoughts go out to the crew member's family. While these twits who took the video are probably going to sue, I really hope the cruise line does everything they can to get this deceased crew member back home to their family.


I can't believe the news station in FL would even remotely thinking of airing that. If it were on Live Leaks, that'd be a different story but not on regular news. I also will not be using the lifts during my short vacation on this vessel.

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That's a little harsh. It's perfectly normal for a person to need professional assistance when witnessing and/or being part of a tragic event. If her kids saw the seen in person, I can imagine them needing some help. Goodness. Alot of people can be legitimately traumatized. Even if you have good parents. SMH.


Sent from my SCH-I435 using Tapatalk


Thanks cruizin. I know that I will have to help my children to deal with the events of the past weekend, and it's not Carnival's responsibility per-say. They (Carnival) have offered to pay for professional counseling for the people who made the video and went to the news with it. I didn't think it was unrealistic to expect they might do the same for 2 children who happened upon the unfortunate scene and who have had to endure questioning on the matter by both the police and Carnival security.

Edited by WingNut71
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I guess, perhaps because of my profession, I feel differently than many on this issue. My thoughts are:


1) the people are wrong to film;

2) the media is wrong to show it, indulge it, and try to make money off such a tragedy - the purpose of media is the educate and inform on the issues - a mission they have long forgotten, rather than attempt to make a buck by sensationalizing a tragedy;

3) the family of the deceased deserves any assistance Carnival can provide, and I am confident that they will. The reason I say this is even for a burial at sea, for guests, they charge nothing. The provide a time and place, staff to accompany you, and without request, a letter memorializing the event with a large photo of the ship in an album. If they are so generous when essentially doing a guest a favor, I am confident they will take care of their own.

4) no one else deserves anything. Crime, violence, accidents, death, and destruction happen everyday all around us. For the most part, we live in a bubble so we seemed shocked when we witness or are victimized by it, but it can happen at anytime. It is simply a fact of life. What if, as another poster said, you were witness to an equally horrific car crash? Who is going to compensate you for the horror? We have turned into a society where we are so "me first" and "what can I get out of this" that we have lost all perspective.


Personally, I watched the video. And believe me, I see, hear and smell much worse in my job as I have been a prosecutor working first hand with cops for almost 20 years. Most people have no idea what humanity can really do to each other. The news might report a robbery in a nearby city each night - I promise you there were 5 more that went unreported by the news, here in my area alone.


So what should be do? We pray for those who have died and those who grieve, discuss any fears with our kids and families, and move on and live our lives as a source of light against such darkness.

Edited by A&Jfamily
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What kind of a sick person video tapes something like this and then takes it to the media and what kind of a media outlet would run such a thing?


Makes me weep for humanity that we have such sick attention seeking people that would seek their 5 minutes of fame in such fashion.


Totally agree......really???

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That's your responsibility as a parent to help them, not Carnival's responsibility.


Carnival's responsibility is to the victim's family, not to you.


I agree with you, you are spot on. I'm in my 60's and have witnessed plenty in my life. Horrible car accidents where people were hanging out the door dead, witnessing riots on the streets of San Francisco and seeing cops beating people to a pulp, and no one ever asked me if I needed psychological help for what I've witnessed. I watched the interview on youtube of the guy who took the video. All I saw was blood and nothing else. The couple being interviewed didn't look too shaken or asked for help. Dunno, maybe they'll make some demands on Carnival down the road.


Don't know what there is to help with, very hard to erase an image stuck in your head. I try not to think about those things. I'd rather think about going on a cruise, sitting on my balcony and enjoy the present moment. I don't need a shrink.:rolleyes:


P.S. Always take the stairs, it's better for your health.

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I guess, perhaps because of my profession, I feel differently than many on this issue. My thoughts are:


1) the people are wrong to film;

2) the media is wrong to show it, indulge it, and try to make money off such a tragedy - the purpose of media is the educate and inform on the issues - a mission they have long forgotten, rather than attempt to make a buck by sensationalizing a tragedy;

3) the family of the deceased deserves any assistance Carnival can provide, and I am confident that they will. The reason I say this is even for a burial at sea, for guests, they charge nothing. The provide a time and place, staff to accompany you, and without request, a letter memorializing the event with a large photo of the ship in an album. If they are so generous when essentially doing a guest a favor, I am confident they will take care of their own.

4) no one else deserves anything. Crime, violence, accidents, death, and destruction happen everyday all around us. For the most part, we live in a bubble so we seemed shocked when we witness or are victimized by it, but it can happen at anytime. It is simply a fact of life. What if, as another poster said, you were witness to an equally horrific car crash? Who is going to compensate you for the horror? We have turned into a society where we are so "me first" and "what can I get out of this" that we have lost all perspective.


Personally, I watched the video. And believe me, I see, hear and smell much worse in my job as I have been a prosecutor working first hand with cops for almost 20 years. Most people have no idea what humanity can really do to each other. The news might report a robbery in a nearby city each night - I promise you there were 5 more that went unreported by the news, here in my area alone.


So what should be do? We pray for those who have died and those who grieve, discuss any fears with our kids and families, and move on and live our lives as a source of light against such darkness.


Been trying to frame up my thoughts about this whole situation, but I really don't think I can state it any better than this poster did.

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Based on most of the comments here, nobody must watch their local news. I expect the "filmer" got compensated for their video like many who video car crashes, fires, small plane crashes, shark victims, and folks trying to earn their Darwin Awards.


You could have turned it off without looking.


What actually happened? Did it fall? Start moving on its own? The fact that it needed to be serviced gives me concerns.

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I have no problem with a passenger reporting it and even taping it (to inform the authorities). But I do have a problem with the individuals giving this to the local news, and in turn, the local news airing the story.


Do we stand in the trauma department at a hospital and take photographs?


I think that we, as a society, are becoming more and more desensitized to horror and tragedy. The next time there is a mass shooting or killing, we should all ask ourselves, what type of culture and society are we creating?

Edited by stevenr597
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I think that we, as a society, are becoming more and more desensitized to horror and tragedy. The next time there is a mass shooting or killing, we should all ask ourselves, what type of culture and society are we creating?


If we are becoming de-sensitized, why are there ALWAYS calls for therapists and counselors after tragedies? We've raised a generation of weaklings who can't cope with life. Tell them life is messy and not always buttercups and unicorns....

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What actually happened? Did it fall? Start moving on its own? The fact that it needed to be serviced gives me concerns.


Several elevators were not operating 100% correctly for much of the cruise. I have seen others post from the prior cruise on the ship that the elevators were acting up on their cruise.


The actual facts of the tragedy are not clear and are the subject of the police investigation. The filmer stated that someone was in the elevator in question and had to exit through the blood. My guess would be that something happened causing the elevator to not be in maintenance mode and allowing someone from a lower deck to enter the elevator car and cause it to move. It may be negligence by an employee, or malfunction of the control system.Either way a tragic event.

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I guess, perhaps because of my profession, I feel differently than many on this issue. My thoughts are:


1) the people are wrong to film;

2) the media is wrong to show it, indulge it, and try to make money off such a tragedy - the purpose of media is the educate and inform on the issues - a mission they have long forgotten, rather than attempt to make a buck by sensationalizing a tragedy;

3) the family of the deceased deserves any assistance Carnival can provide, and I am confident that they will. The reason I say this is even for a burial at sea, for guests, they charge nothing. The provide a time and place, staff to accompany you, and without request, a letter memorializing the event with a large photo of the ship in an album. If they are so generous when essentially doing a guest a favor, I am confident they will take care of their own.

4) no one else deserves anything. Crime, violence, accidents, death, and destruction happen everyday all around us. For the most part, we live in a bubble so we seemed shocked when we witness or are victimized by it, but it can happen at anytime. It is simply a fact of life. What if, as another poster said, you were witness to an equally horrific car crash? Who is going to compensate you for the horror? We have turned into a society where we are so "me first" and "what can I get out of this" that we have lost all perspective.


Personally, I watched the video. And believe me, I see, hear and smell much worse in my job as I have been a prosecutor working first hand with cops for almost 20 years. Most people have no idea what humanity can really do to each other. The news might report a robbery in a nearby city each night - I promise you there were 5 more that went unreported by the news, here in my area alone.


So what should be do? We pray for those who have died and those who grieve, discuss any fears with our kids and families, and move on and live our lives as a source of light against such darkness.


Well said.

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Several elevators were not operating 100% correctly for much of the cruise. I have seen others post from the prior cruise on the ship that the elevators were acting up on their cruise.


The actual facts of the tragedy are not clear and are the subject of the police investigation. The filmer stated that someone was in the elevator in question and had to exit through the blood. My guess would be that something happened causing the elevator to not be in maintenance mode and allowing someone from a lower deck to enter the elevator car and cause it to move. It may be negligence by an employee, or malfunction of the control system.Either way a tragic event.


It is the repair standards I worry about. The claims that many of the elevators may have been malfunctioning is alarming. I would assume that there are crew members with expertise in the maintenance and repair of the elevators.


They are kind of a black box... They are just background things until you are in one that out of whack. What would you do if the doors open and you are several feet out of alignment with your deck? Personally, I'd freak out and wait. I would not climb out.

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Correct. Never said anything about money. I don't want to take advantage of a tragedy like this. I just know that my children have been affected by what they saw and may need some help in processing/coping with what happened.


I believe it is called "parenting" and you can help your children process/cope as you know them best.

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I've seen some pretty terrible crime scene photographs as part of my job, but there's nothing weak about wanting to talk to a therapist to help process a tragedy. Getting counseling for your kids if you think they'll benefit is good parenting, and counseling can be expensive. A few sessions is not an unreasonable wish, and I don't see it being stated here as a demand.


The faulty elevator is the stuff of nightmares. There were minor elevator issues on my last two cruises -- doors not opening or closing -- and we always assume that nothing seriously bad could happen. Perhaps elevator maintenance will become an even higher priority after this.

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I've seen some pretty terrible crime scene photographs as part of my job, but there's nothing weak about wanting to talk to a therapist to help process a tragedy. Getting counseling for your kids if you think they'll benefit is good parenting, and counseling can be expensive. A few sessions is not an unreasonable wish, and I don't see it being stated here as a demand.




The faulty elevator is the stuff of nightmares. There were minor elevator issues on my last two cruises -- doors not opening or closing -- and we always assume that nothing seriously bad could happen. Perhaps elevator maintenance will become an even higher priority after this.



Well said. I used to be a police officer and my husband is a CSI. We have seen some nasty stuff. But as a parent I would want to help my kids through this. No matter what. Like you said. Let's hope something is learned from this tragedy. Prayers to this mans family and his fellow co workers.

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wow how incredibly sad for the victims family..wow..I can't believe the person video taped this..wow. What about the impact on the victims family?


They, their lawyer, investigators and insurance company would want the truth and exactly what happened that day.

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My teenage children were in another elevator in this area headed up to deck 10. Their elevator stopped on 9 to let other passengers off. When the door opened, they were staring directly at the bloody elevator door. I believe, from their description, they were there slightly before this person captured his video.


I know that they have been replaying the episode in their heads, and have had dreams about what they saw that evening. Carnival is aware that they were present at the scene and has made no offer to provide them any assistance in coping with this tragic situation.



Carnival doesn't need to do anything for them. That is your job as a parent.

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I guess, perhaps because of my profession, I feel differently than many on this issue. My thoughts are:


1) the people are wrong to film;

2) the media is wrong to show it, indulge it, and try to make money off such a tragedy - the purpose of media is the educate and inform on the issues - a mission they have long forgotten, rather than attempt to make a buck by sensationalizing a tragedy;

3) the family of the deceased deserves any assistance Carnival can provide, and I am confident that they will. The reason I say this is even for a burial at sea, for guests, they charge nothing. The provide a time and place, staff to accompany you, and without request, a letter memorializing the event with a large photo of the ship in an album. If they are so generous when essentially doing a guest a favor, I am confident they will take care of their own.

4) no one else deserves anything. Crime, violence, accidents, death, and destruction happen everyday all around us. For the most part, we live in a bubble so we seemed shocked when we witness or are victimized by it, but it can happen at anytime. It is simply a fact of life. What if, as another poster said, you were witness to an equally horrific car crash? Who is going to compensate you for the horror? We have turned into a society where we are so "me first" and "what can I get out of this" that we have lost all perspective.


Personally, I watched the video. And believe me, I see, hear and smell much worse in my job as I have been a prosecutor working first hand with cops for almost 20 years. Most people have no idea what humanity can really do to each other. The news might report a robbery in a nearby city each night - I promise you there were 5 more that went unreported by the news, here in my area alone.


So what should be do? We pray for those who have died and those who grieve, discuss any fears with our kids and families, and move on and live our lives as a source of light against such darkness.


I think this was nicely said. I agree and I wish I could half as eloquent.

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I've seen some pretty terrible crime scene photographs as part of my job, but there's nothing weak about wanting to talk to a therapist to help process a tragedy. Getting counseling for your kids if you think they'll benefit is good parenting, and counseling can be expensive. A few sessions is not an unreasonable wish, and I don't see it being stated here as a demand.


The faulty elevator is the stuff of nightmares. There were minor elevator issues on my last two cruises -- doors not opening or closing -- and we always assume that nothing seriously bad could happen. Perhaps elevator maintenance will become an even higher priority after this.


I totally agree. I think there is a balance that needs to be found when you become too hard-hearted and de-sensitized. My point earlier to the parent was and remains that if Carnival is going to offer counselling to the guy that shot the video - who stood there and watched that gory scene intentionally - then they should offer to do the same to a couple of kids would happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. It may help. It may not. They may not even want to. It can be offered is my point.


As for elevator maintenance, I agree with you too that a higher priority needs to be placed on them overall it seems.

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I guess, perhaps because of my profession, I feel differently than many on this issue. My thoughts are:


1) the people are wrong to film;

2) the media is wrong to show it, indulge it, and try to make money off such a tragedy - the purpose of media is the educate and inform on the issues - a mission they have long forgotten, rather than attempt to make a buck by sensationalizing a tragedy;

3) the family of the deceased deserves any assistance Carnival can provide, and I am confident that they will. The reason I say this is even for a burial at sea, for guests, they charge nothing. The provide a time and place, staff to accompany you, and without request, a letter memorializing the event with a large photo of the ship in an album. If they are so generous when essentially doing a guest a favor, I am confident they will take care of their own.

4) no one else deserves anything. Crime, violence, accidents, death, and destruction happen everyday all around us. For the most part, we live in a bubble so we seemed shocked when we witness or are victimized by it, but it can happen at anytime. It is simply a fact of life. What if, as another poster said, you were witness to an equally horrific car crash? Who is going to compensate you for the horror? We have turned into a society where we are so "me first" and "what can I get out of this" that we have lost all perspective.


Personally, I watched the video. And believe me, I see, hear and smell much worse in my job as I have been a prosecutor working first hand with cops for almost 20 years. Most people have no idea what humanity can really do to each other. The news might report a robbery in a nearby city each night - I promise you there were 5 more that went unreported by the news, here in my area alone.


So what should be do? We pray for those who have died and those who grieve, discuss any fears with our kids and families, and move on and live our lives as a source of light against such darkness.



Nicely said.


FWIW cruise lines do not provide burial (bodies) at sea. They do provide a way to disperse ashes at sea.




Condolences to the family of the crew member.

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I guess, perhaps because of my profession, I feel differently than many on this issue. My thoughts are:


1) the people are wrong to film;

2) the media is wrong to show it, indulge it, and try to make money off such a tragedy - the purpose of media is the educate and inform on the issues - a mission they have long forgotten, rather than attempt to make a buck by sensationalizing a tragedy;

3) the family of the deceased deserves any assistance Carnival can provide, and I am confident that they will. The reason I say this is even for a burial at sea, for guests, they charge nothing. The provide a time and place, staff to accompany you, and without request, a letter memorializing the event with a large photo of the ship in an album. If they are so generous when essentially doing a guest a favor, I am confident they will take care of their own.

4) no one else deserves anything. Crime, violence, accidents, death, and destruction happen everyday all around us. For the most part, we live in a bubble so we seemed shocked when we witness or are victimized by it, but it can happen at anytime. It is simply a fact of life. What if, as another poster said, you were witness to an equally horrific car crash? Who is going to compensate you for the horror? We have turned into a society where we are so "me first" and "what can I get out of this" that we have lost all perspective.


Personally, I watched the video. And believe me, I see, hear and smell much worse in my job as I have been a prosecutor working first hand with cops for almost 20 years. Most people have no idea what humanity can really do to each other. The news might report a robbery in a nearby city each night - I promise you there were 5 more that went unreported by the news, here in my area alone.


So what should be do? We pray for those who have died and those who grieve, discuss any fears with our kids and families, and move on and live our lives as a source of light against such darkness.


First, well said and I agree. Second, I work in the law field as well and agree how the media reports one crime when in reality 5 or possibly 10 happened that day.


I am so sorry for the crew member and his family, and all the other crew members who will mourn his loss.


As for the person who took the video and distributed it, his lack of compassion for this crew member is unbelievable. I hope in your 3 counseling sessions you are taught compassion.

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