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Anthem keeps docking us around


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Sorry to hear that and want to personally Thank You for your live feed and all your positive comments


Just saw a piece on our news and they qued in on people screaming the captains a liar etc. Such a shame the news or the majority of them anyway wants drama for the ratings


I think that says more about the people who rant and rave than the Captain. I know when I see these types of clowns on TV after these kind of experiences I totally ignore what they have to say.

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It just shows how they will say anything, without looking at the facts. At 45 degrees there would have been major damage and injuries. Classic example of bad news reporting. So if they got this news story wrong, how many others they broadcast daily are just as bogus or made up?


The deliberate editing of the 911 call in the Trayvon case comes to mind. NBC deliberately (and despicably) cut out the question asked by the 911 operator to change the entire nature of the response.

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When one of the passengers stated that the ship was listing at 45 degrees....can you say moron!:rolleyes: Then CBS first reported it was the largest cruise ship in the world, amazing that such a company can broadcast the WRONG information so quickly!:eek:

NBC also called it the largest cruise ship in the world. That was on nightly news while the ship was still at sea. Idiots :mad:


Sent from my SGH-M919 using Tapatalk

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PJNJ40. NBC is owned by Comcast not exactly a liberal company and before that GE.also not a liberal company. What does liberal or conservative have to do with reporting a ship in a storm? The news stations were getting their stories from on board passengers via the internet not always the most reliable source of info. RCL did a terrible job as a source of information. Their updates sounded like they were written by their PR department.

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Thank you For your post

I have no idea what you and your family went through ,I was not on the ship. You have every right to your feelings/opinions.

Don't let anyone tell you different :) I just want to say I am glad you are home safe.




Reader put it very well. I bet your own front door never looked so good. You will take a lot of garbage for your post on here, from what I've seen recently, but your voice is as important as anyone else's. Thank you for posting.

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I've been seeing non-stop posts on Facebook about the cruise and 90% of the news sources have been negative. But bad news makes good news because no one tunes into your show if you have positive things to say - people want to see pain, anguish, fear.


From what I've read on these forums, a lot of passengers seemed to say that it wasn't as bad as the news would leave you to believe. To be honest, people will complain about anything and everything. They just want to see what they can get out of the deal and so make themselves as vocal as possible.


Maybe the prices of the cruises will go down and I can upgrade my cabin for our cruise on the Anthem in May. :D

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Well, all of the RCI cheerleaders need to be prepared for what comes next... every little issue with any Royal cruise in the next year or 2 will hit the news cycle. I am MOSTLY a Carnival cruiser. I have sailed on RCi (and will be again this summer) and Celebrity and NCL and enjoy them all so I am not saying this to be anti Royal.... Having been on the CCL Triumph fire cruise I can see absolute parallels in the stories and news reports. They find the passengers that are willing to throw things out of proportion just to get their 15 minutes... And it always angered me a little when a Carnival ship had engine trouble or was delayed getting back to port or whatever the issue was and the news reports would always reference the Cruise line that "allowed" a fire to happen on a ship, having troubles again.


Not saying this to slam on Royal, just a warning to brace yourselves... in the end, ships are mechanical things run by imperfect humans. Accidents can happen and do. But news reporters are only looking for the story that sells...

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You might be able to see on my Live thread about the topic. My boyfriend and I were selected to be on ABC's Good Morning America last night. They put us in a hotel and everything. This morning we got a call saying they weren't running the piece, something else came up. We're waiting in the lobby for our ride to the airport when the other groups that came with us last night came to the hotel and said they were just on TV.


Our positive light was extinguished.


I agree!

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nbc is such a liberal station. They don't care. Some other station are like that but the passenger stick up for them. There was live from Fox and Abc. They just want to know what went wrong but praised the captain and crews. They all will return to cruising.


What does that have to do with being liberal?


I think most news stations want the most sensationalized stuff on the air in order to get more viewers. I don't think Nancy Grace is liberal at all and she went off on Royal on Monday night, saying things like. "My twins lives could have been in danger!" I was like, calm down lady, take a chill pill.

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Posters such a Katrina and bedazzled are truly in the minority in how they feel about the experience. I have not heard much "positive" response as it was in know way a "positive" experience.


I'm not sure why you'd get to decide who is in the minority and who is not.


3000 people chose to stay ON BOARD last night instead of rushing for the exits to get off. Yes, not everyone drinks but having the open bars is a huge plus for passengers as well as the internet. Just to have a beer and not have to worry about the costs and know cruise line is taking care of it, is a little thing but goes a long way.


I also don't buy the internet package, I don't go on vacation to use my email and devices all week. So not everyone purchases the added internet package, so giving that to customers to make alternate arrangements was also something I would be grateful for.

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This article was my favorite: http://abcnews.go.com/US/royal-caribbean-passengers-describe-harrowing-trip-sea/story?id=36859053


Passenger Peter Aloupis said it felt "exactly" like being in a washing machine when the ship started listing, or tilting, because of the intense winds and turbulent weather.


Really? Exactly? So you were submerged in hot soapy water, covered in laundry, and then spun at high speed until you were mostly dry?


"We were on the third floor with an ocean view and we literally saw Dory swimming by," Aloupis said


Literally? As in you literally looked out your window and it was completely underwater and, despite the churning seas, you literally saw a computer animated fish? He must've hit his head pretty hard on the washing machine. There are only two cruise ships I know of (Disney Dream and Disney Fantasy) where you can look out your window and literally see Dory, and neither of them are Anthem of the Seas.


To be fair to the article, it did also say:

all but one of the seven passengers on "Good Morning America" said that they would be open to going on another cruise
Edited by ahecht
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Being in Philly all the local stations found families who were on the cruise & the things that were said were crazy. Anyone who cruises knows some of the statements could not be true. And the one anchor made it sound like you could dock a cruise ship anywhere, kind of like doing an emergency landing at a different airport. huh!!!!


I'm glad the ship is back and everyone is safe. We traveled around hurricane Katrina, which was kicking us around a bit, I can only imagine what this cruise was like.

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You might be able to see on my Live thread about the topic. My boyfriend and I were selected to be on ABC's Good Morning America last night. They put us in a hotel and everything. This morning we got a call saying they weren't running the piece, something else came up. We're waiting in the lobby for our ride to the airport when the other groups that came with us last night came to the hotel and said they were just on TV.


Our positive light was extinguished.


I think you should call Fox and tell them how you were recruited, then told story did not air, but others were on. People need to see how news is manipulated and truth hidden.

I loved your thread. Hope to follow your next one.

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I am sure Housewife's observations are valid , and that there are many more who see things from her angle. But so are Karina's and Lindsay's. I wouldn't see it like that and I also have experienced very rough seas and a couple of incidents where I woke in the middle of the night and thought "Wow, that was scary!" when the cabin doors swung open and things spilled off the counters. I was a little scared, but my general outlook on things is always positive. I have always been a half full kinda person. That said, yes, I realize I was not there, but as all of you do, I can predict what my initial perception would be had I been there.


I am sorry that these people had a bad time of it. They probably shouldn't cruise any more. But nothing they went through would stop me. And by the way, my thoughts are also valid! And I have a right to feel that way and vocalize them too.


That ship never experienced a 45% heel...we used to own a Catalina 27' sail boat and I have stood on the gunnels on one side with the other side in the water and the heel meter only registered 25%. It's laughable that some on these boards believe that one. 45% heel would've put the balconies in the water on one side.


Folks like Cheng and others, men who've sailed on naval vessels have weathered typhoons and weather as bad as this many times, first time, yeah probably a little frightened but can attest that ships go through this type of weather all the time. The captain didn't sail right into the storm, he sailed down the coast trying to get past it. Things just didn't go as he planned, that's all.


Just remember, how one perceives things and how they really are are two different things. Psych 101 - 3 tenants of Perception: The way you see things, the way others see things and the way they really are. The truth is usually somewhere in the middle.

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...If you did not experience it you cannot even begin to know what it was like...


...Posters such a Katrina and bedazzled are truly in the minority in how they feel about the experience...

I am sure that were scared and perhaps feared for your life, and are truly disgusted with your experience. However you are undercut your arguments by making emotional claims and presenting them as facts.


No, I was not on your Anthem cruise, but having crossed the Drake Passage to Antarctica and having been in a storm with 70 foot waves (much higher than the wave reports I have seen for Anthem) for 12 hours (April 2004, QE2, middle of the Atlantic, much further from rescue than you ever were), I feel that I know what it was like without having been on this particular cruise. The primary difference was that I believed (rightly or wrongly) in the seaworthiness of the vessels, and you did not. Therefore I enjoyed the ride.


When I see words like "truly" ("truly in the minority") I see a flag to worry about the veracity of what is about to follow. While it might be true that a majority of the passengers agree with your opinion of the cruise, I doubt that you have a statically valid sample of passenger opinion to be able to make the claim you did. If you explain why your sampling method (remember that like minded people tend to congregate together) is valid, I'll withdraw my comment.


Nevertheless I am sorry that you had such an unpleasant experience.

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I just watched the interviews of folks coming off Anthem. I don't know if they specifically sought out Snookie and her crew but holy crap, there were some real drama queens. Is this what it's like on all cruises out of that area? :confused:


I say this more in jest than anything else but go ahead and flame me...I know it's coming. I admit I've lived on an island too long and that's why I have a hard time understanding the ways of the northeast.

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I am sure Housewife's observations are valid , and that there are many more who see things from her angle. But so are Karina's and Lindsay's. I wouldn't see it like that and I also have experienced very rough seas and a couple of incidents where I woke in the middle of the night and thought "Wow, that was scary!" when the cabin doors swung open and things spilled off the counters. I was a little scared, but my general outlook on things is always positive. I have always been a half full kinda person. That said, yes, I realize I was not there, but as all of you do, I can predict what my initial perception would be had I been there.


I am sorry that these people had a bad time of it. They probably shouldn't cruise any more. But nothing they went through would stop me. And by the way, my thoughts are also valid! And I have a right to feel that way and vocalize them too.


That ship never experienced a 45% heel...we used to own a Catalina 27' sail boat and I have stood on the gunnels on one side with the other side in the water and the heel meter only registered 25%. It's laughable that some on these boards believe that one. 45% heel would've put the balconies in the water on one side.


Folks like Cheng and others, men who've sailed on naval vessels have weathered typhoons and weather as bad as this many times, first time, yeah probably a little frightened but can attest that ships go through this type of weather all the time. The captain didn't sail right into the storm, he sailed down the coast trying to get past it. Things just didn't go as he planned, that's all.


Just remember, how one perceives things and how they really are are two different things. Psych 101 - 3 tenants of Perception: The way you see things, the way others see things and the way they really are. The truth is usually somewhere in the middle.



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Just remember, how one perceives things and how they really are are two different things. Psych 101 - 3 tenants of Perception: The way you see things, the way others see things and the way they really are. The truth is usually somewhere in the middle.


Also it depends where on the ship you were located. Higher decks forward and aft are going to feel much more movement than lower midship decks near the water line.


There were times when we'd be on deck 3 or 4 and not even feel the ship but then went up to deck 14 forward and could feel it move up there.


I am sure it was scary throughout the ship but some might have felt it worse than others.

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Glad I was able to form a positive opinion on how this was handled by RCI by reading hundreds of posts here. Too bad many will form their opinion based on one sided reporting by much of the media.


Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk

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But, the decision not to continue to PC was because there was a storm brewing out of Jacksonville which they were concerned might be almost as bad as the one we had just been through and they didn't want to put us through anything like that again.


Just drove into Cocoa Beach last night, so I have 600 posts to get caught up. I guess their meteorological data on the Jax storm may have came from the same group that said the trip on Sunday would be fine. ;)

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This article was my favorite: http://abcnews.go.com/US/royal-caribbean-passengers-describe-harrowing-trip-sea/story?id=36859053




Really? Exactly? So you were submerged in hot soapy water, covered in laundry, and then spun at high speed until you were mostly dry?




Literally? As in you literally looked out your window and it was completely underwater and, despite the churning seas, you literally saw a computer animated fish? He must've hit his head pretty hard on the washing machine. There are only two cruise ships I know of (Disney Dream and Disney Fantasy) where you can look out your window and literally see Dory, and neither of them are Anthem of the Seas.


To be fair to the article, it did also say:


You win the internet for the day!

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