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Riviera on Code Red again


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Are there guidelines for the crew as there are for passengers when a gastro illness develops? Some posters here say they will get fired if they hide symptoms. Others say they fear losing their job if they "call in sick". My gut (excuse terminology) tells me that passengers bring on the noro inadvertently or not, but that the crew members play a big part in its spread. Who else touches our food, spends time in our cabins, and remain on the ship cruise after cruise. Additionally, 11 cases is not the % that the CDC uses to claim a ship is sick. I will be watching the daily posts. We don't board until April 11, but with a cruise with mostly sea days, noro is a much feared stowaway!

Problem is that we do not know and probably will never know for sure. Hope this is not noro and all will be O.K.

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Apparently people can be asymptomatic and unwillingly transmit the virus.


"Some people are less susceptible to noroviruses than others. In a study where volunteers were infected with Norwalk virus9 (anyone want to volunteer for that?) 82% became infected and 18% did not (lucky ducks). Of the 82% that became infected about 1/3 were asymptomatic and did not get sick (more lucky ducks). However, these asymptomatic people were carrying and transmitting the virus without knowing it. So, you can catch norovirus from someone who is not even sick. Having asymptomatic carriers makes containing the spread of these diseases even more difficult. In addition blood types are thought to play a role in norovirus infection10. "



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Are there guidelines for the crew as there are for passengers when a gastro illness develops? Some posters here say they will get fired if they hide symptoms. Others say they fear losing their job if they "call in sick". My gut (excuse terminology) tells me that passengers bring on the noro inadvertently or not, but that the crew members play a big part in its spread. Who else touches our food, spends time in our cabins, and remain on the ship cruise after cruise. Additionally, 11 cases is not the % that the CDC uses to claim a ship is sick. I will be watching the daily posts. We don't board until April 11, but with a cruise with mostly sea days, noro is a much feared stowaway!


I think that your "gut" is correct!

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Usually you will find it is passengers come on & lying on the form because they do not want to be quarantined or put off the ship because they did not buy insurance

The same crew were on the ship last week but no cases of Noro so what changed ???


Children often find Easter eggs and little chocolate goodies on Easter, yet the very next day there are none to be found. I wonder what might have changed?




My point is that things change from one day to the next, and there are many answers to explain why there was "no" Noro on the subsequent cruise; however, usually the crew cleans up the ship significantly during and just following a Norovirus outbreak and ill crew members get better or are forced into confinement.


I put the word "no" in quotation marks because, if CDC requirements have not changed, and if the threshold of norovirus cases for reporting has not been met, reporting is not necessary. (This may have changed over the years, but that's at least how it used to be.)

Edited by Oceans&Rivers
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I also noticed staff in the Waves and Terrace Café touching their faces and particularly their noses and then carrying on with their duties without sanitizing.


My husband and I each saw passengers in the public restrooms leave before washing their hands. He quit using them after that!

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Coincidentally, I was also on the Mar 13-20 cruise and also got very sick Sunday evening after we touched down in Ottawa, thankfully it was not in midair. We did not go on any shore excursions nor did I eat the Mexican fare. My spouse did not get sick. Whether it was noro virus or something else, it was severe. So my assumption is that noro virus was present on Riviera at some point during our cruise. I was diligent in washing and sanitizing but what I wondered about was the cleaning cloths used to clean the cabins. I noticed that they were shared amongst the cabins in a bucket with cleaning solution. I also noticed staff in the Waves and Terrace Café touching their faces and particularly their noses and then carrying on with their duties without sanitizing.


We were on the March 13th sailing on deck 11 and there was a cabin on our deck where the door was sealed closed with security tape. The butler and cabin attendant said that those passengers were ill and would not be allowed out of their cabin until the doctor certified them well. Anyone entering with food, etc. was to take quarantine precautions. Of course they are contagous before becoming ill, but illness on board was never mentioned by anyone. Good luck to us all.


Nothing has to be reported to the CDC unless there is a reported % of the passengers sick. Perhaps there were sick passengers, but no Code Red because of the low numbers. Obviously, some passengers were sick because of the yellow tape. And then it is quite a coincidence that two passengers from the same sailing became ill with a stomach virus on Sunday night after the cruise is over. BTW- There is no such thing as the stomach flu. Though you can have the flu and have stomach problems. This from a nurse friend. ;)


Wren3 - Sorry you became ill. I am glad you enjoyed your cruise before it hit.

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I was really PO'd on our March 13 Riviera cruise because when we boarded at 11, and were allowed to go directly to our Vista Suite, there was a very large group touring our suite. I was really pissed about that and told the person from Guest Services that this was not appropriate. There were about 17 people in this group, who were on board to do some pre-planning for an upcoming college alumni cruise in 2017.



Not acceptable to have a group in your suite after it has been "hopefully" cleaned for your arrival. I am shocked to hear this happened. I would say no to a group tour also if asked.


I'm shocked and dismayed that a cruise line of the caliber of Oceania would allow tour groups to stomp through your room after you already checked in - or even right before you checked in. There's always some clod who uses the bathroom or does something yucky. I thought we were paying a higher price for Oceania cruises for a reason.

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Trust me folks, the few inconveniences with the sanitation have not had much of an impact on this cruise. We are having a great time. It was inconvenient not to have some nibbles with our martinis tonight; but I survived. :D. It is still a great cruise and the crew is doing an excellent job

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To top it off, today is the Mexican buffet lunch. This could add to some folks stomach issues. :D


Maybe not ... a dear friend of mine used spicy food (especially his chili) to "kill it" ... it always worked for him ... :D



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.Cruise agents were guests for tour and lunch almost every port in Asia, SP and islands.I think crew may have some responsibility for Noro. That and cruisers are not being forced to sanitize before dining. They just walk by. Seniors are lazy about this I have noticed .I think most Noro goes unreported due to fears of quaranty.I feel Celebrity is more proactive on Noro issue.


I have noticed criticisms of seniors in this connection before and since I am a senior now, this bothers me a bit. I'm not saying the perception is wrong.


HOWEVER. I was a young child in the polio scare of the early '50s and my mother duly impressed on us the need to wash our hands thoroughly after using the loo. I'm guessing that many of the seniors who are being criticized had the same background.


I can't say that they all continue the practice that was impressed upon them as children. But why do we assume they do not? I certainly do!



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My husband and I each saw passengers in the public restrooms leave before washing their hands. He quit using them after that!


I wouldn't be concerned so much with the restrooms. I'd be more concerned about what they touched after leaving the loo. I use public restrooms all the time, I just refuse to touch anything with my hands. I always and I mean always use a tissue or paper towel to open the door. Furthermore, it drives me crazy when they don't have a trash bin by the door. Yes, I'm guilty of dropping the tissue on the ground....not proud but guilty!


If I remember correctly doesn't Oceania have a box of tissues and trash bin located at the door in all public restrooms? Hmmm, I wonder way?

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Thank you for the kind words. Truth be told, I am still not well as yet but as you say it hit after we left the ship. It does leave me wondering how and why I got sick even with the ultra precautions we took and I am grateful my spouse did not get sick.

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I wouldn't be concerned so much with the restrooms. I'd be more concerned about what they touched after leaving the loo. I use public restrooms all the time, I just refuse to touch anything with my hands. I always and I mean always use a tissue or paper towel to open the door. Furthermore, it drives me crazy when they don't have a trash bin by the door. Yes, I'm guilty of dropping the tissue on the ground....not proud but guilty!


If I remember correctly doesn't Oceania have a box of tissues and trash bin located at the door in all public restrooms? Hmmm, I wonder way?


On the Marina last month and they had tissue papers and bins at exit

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We just got back Sunday late afternoon after being on the Riviera 3/13 cruise. I became deathly ill with stomach virus. I'm still not completely well. This is after bringing a huge supply of hydrogen peroxide wipes and using a lot of them right up until the end of the cruise. I'm just glad I didn't get sick until we got home. Also happy DH did not get sick.


Oceania wanted to bring a group of people into our Oceania suite after we got on the ship on 3/13, last year too. How can they expect the people in the suites to put up with this? Who are these people who get to go into your suite after it's been cleaned and prepared for you? Especially with all the norovirus.


I am going to have a talk with our travel agent since we booked a cruise for next year. Oceania needs to stop this practice of bringing groups of people into your suite.

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We just got back Sunday late afternoon after being on the Riviera 3/13 cruise. I became deathly ill with stomach virus. I'm still not completely well. This is after bringing a huge supply of hydrogen peroxide wipes and using a lot of them right up until the end of the cruise. I'm just glad I didn't get sick until we got home. Also happy DH did not get sick.


Oceania wanted to bring a group of people into our Oceania suite after we got on the ship on 3/13, last year too. How can they expect the people in the suites to put up with this? Who are these people who get to go into your suite after it's been cleaned and prepared for you? Especially with all the norovirus.


I am going to have a talk with our travel agent since we booked a cruise for next year. Oceania needs to stop this practice of bringing groups of people into your suite.

I hope Oceania is proctoring this board. They need to know all those who became ill after leaving Riviera. With the two or three posting here, I can see the huge numbers of others who don't frequent Cruise Critic or are too sick to post. Probably more crew have also been exposed. Does anyone know how this present cruise is faring?

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Maybe not ... a dear friend of mine used spicy food (especially his chili) to "kill it" ... it always worked for him ... :D




I agree with that logic Mura. I eat as much spicy food as possible. Alcohol also kills germs. :)

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We just got back Sunday late afternoon after being on the Riviera 3/13 cruise. I became deathly ill with stomach virus. I'm still not completely well. This is after bringing a huge supply of hydrogen peroxide wipes and using a lot of them right up until the end of the cruise. I'm just glad I didn't get sick until we got home. Also happy DH did not get sick.


Oceania wanted to bring a group of people into our Oceania suite after we got on the ship on 3/13, last year too. How can they expect the people in the suites to put up with this? Who are these people who get to go into your suite after it's been cleaned and prepared for you? Especially with all the norovirus.


I am going to have a talk with our travel agent since we booked a cruise for next year. Oceania needs to stop this practice of bringing groups of people into your suite.


Get well soon ~ it sounds exactly like what I am experiencing. Take care of yourself.

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Hope all that became ill on the way home report this to Oceania

Sounds like it may have been something from the ship either food or the beginning of Noro again


Get well soon


I agree about stopping the tours ...just get the brochure like the rest of us who do not live in the port city

We have been on the ships when they have over 400 TA & Guests on for lunch & tour of the ship

not fun

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My pet worry in all rooms whether hotel or cruise ship is who washes the drinking glasses in the rooms? I know some hotels bring clean glasses every day wrapped in paper but, as far as I have seen, most are washed by the room attendants. I ALWAYS take wipes for the sole purpose of cleaning the glasses.


I also favour the alcohol prevention :D.

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We just got back Sunday late afternoon after being on the Riviera 3/13 cruise. I became deathly ill with stomach virus. I'm still not completely well. This is after bringing a huge supply of hydrogen peroxide wipes and using a lot of them right up until the end of the cruise. I'm just glad I didn't get sick until we got home. Also happy DH did not get sick.


Oceania wanted to bring a group of people into our Oceania suite after we got on the ship on 3/13, last year too. How can they expect the people in the suites to put up with this? Who are these people who get to go into your suite after it's been cleaned and prepared for you? Especially with all the norovirus.


I am going to have a talk with our travel agent since we booked a cruise for next year. Oceania needs to stop this practice of bringing groups of people into your suite.


That makes 3 of you on CC alone and because of becoming sick the night you disembarked, you must have either eaten something that didn't agree, or you caught something on the trip before disembarking. :(


To everyone: Remember to continue to use hygiene practices after leaving the ship...in taxi's, hotels, airport, airplanes, etc? You could easily catch something after the cruise, as well. We all seem to let our hair down once the vacation is over, but we must keep up the hygiene!

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To everyone: Remember to continue to use hygiene practices after leaving the ship...in taxi's, hotels, airport, airplanes, etc? You could easily catch something after the cruise, as well. We all seem to let our hair down once the vacation is over, but we must keep up the hygiene!


Especially if you are flying home ... I've seen some scary articles recently about the germs that are rampant on airplanes. And how are you to know if the proud mama on the flight before yours decided to change her baby's diaper on your tray table? :eek:



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I find all this odd. I live in NYC with lots of people. Shop, take mass transit, eat out at fast food, etc. Have never got noro. Go on a cruise ship where things are far cleaner and people wash all the time and it is hard not to catch it? Also have gone on over 30 cruise's and never got it or been on a ship that had a problem. This Rivera thing sounds very odd.

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For the three of us who were on the cruise Mar 13-20 and became ill Sunday evening after departing the ship, does anyone know what the incubation period is before symptoms present for Noro Virus? I find it alarming that three on CC became ill at the same time and I query how many more became ill Sunday evening. I don't believe in my case it is food poisoning. In terms of telling Oceania about becoming ill, I am afraid it would fall on deaf ears.

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For the three of us who were on the cruise Mar 13-20 and became ill Sunday evening after departing the ship, does anyone know what the incubation period is before symptoms present for Noro Virus? I find it alarming that three on CC became ill at the same time and I query how many more became ill Sunday evening. I don't believe in my case it is food poisoning. In terms of telling Oceania about becoming ill, I am afraid it would fall on deaf ears.

Looks like it can be 12-48 hrs



We left the Marina mid afternoon & flew home from Sydney N.S. to YYZ

I thought I had food poisoning from a sandwich I had at YHZ

the nasties struck me about 12-18 hrs after leaving the ship

They just started the extra cleaning the day we left for other medical reasons

It took me 2 days to get over it ...DH was fine withing hours of his attack



Riveira is now at over 4 %


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Our Penthouse had all the paperwork (Daily's, welcome aboard letters, etc) in the draws from from the prior passengers when we boarded (3/13), plus the cabin walk in closet was filthy. We just threw it all away, but I think they crew is exhausted and most likely cant keep up with the cleaning the cabins need

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