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Riviera on Code Red again


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I am currently on Riviera and it is just after midnight and our cabin stewards have only left the deck approx. 15 mins ago from cleaning all day from early this morning. I felt so sorry for them. We actually told them not to worry about turn down tonight as they have more to do than that and asked that they just replace the wet towels. But they said NO we must do it and while we where having dinner they did our cabin. You can hear it in their voices and see it in their faces the tiredness/stress that they are under.


This morning while we were in Terraces one couple took their frustrations out on one poor young waitress for over 15 minutes and accused her keeping them waiting for cutlery and water. (I hope it was frustration as if they had been talking to me like he spoke to her and later the supervisor I would have attacked him back.) It was embarrassing to be sitting nearby listening to this man who voiced his thoughts in a very loud accusing way. He told the young waitress that he had done 14 "O" cruises with 1 more booked which he was thinking of cancelling. His main problem started when they were asked for show the front of their cards on entering Terraces. They thought this was uncalled for and said that the fact that they had a card on them should be enough. But both him and his wife went on and on at this poor girl. Some people should take a look at themselves. Why attack people who have no control over what procedures the company puts in place and are just trying to do their job under very difficult conditions. I hope this man cancels their up coming cruise as I would hate to think I would be on the same ship as him again. I did not call him a gentleman as he acted like a spoilt child. Lets face it none of us are going anywhere so why not relax and be patient with everyone, especially the overworked, underpaid, tired crew who are doing their very best for us the passengers in very difficult conditions.


There are many stories but the above one really got under my skin because he wanted everyone to feel sorry for them and made out he was the only effected passenger. Big deal if he had done 14 cruises or 1. His conduct was terrible and I have only ever seen 1 other person act worse on an "O" cruise and sadly that was a woman and she put on 2 performances during that 1 cruise last year.


Crew are also required to line up for their meals in the crew dining room & be served which is causing long delays for them during their some times short meal breaks. We overheard one crew member telling another that she had spent her whole break lining up and still did not get to eat as she had to return to duty.


This is cruise #21 for me with #22 coming up in April and I just want to say that I have never seen so many new faces on Riviera. Normally I come on board and know at least 25-30 "old Crew" from previous cruises on Riviera & the other "O" ships but so far I/we have recognised only 8-9. This is cruise 13 on Riviera in less than 4 years for me. And it shows, as too many of the new crew appear to be still getting trained - mainly for the new ship.


I remember reading here on CC before coming on board that someone had commented that Officers were not very visible and I have to agree with that. The only person we have seen who has been out & about has been the Exec. Concierge.


Now that I have raved on, taking my frustrations out on CC readers I will go to bed. They have just started fumigating the hallway on my deck - its now 12.45am.


Looking forward to a great day in Bonaire later today but if we miss that port we will make the most of another day on board this beautiful ship. We come further than most passengers to see these ports and we get disappointed at missing ports especially if we have not been to them before but know the Captain etc does not miss them on purpose.:)

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This morning while we were in Terraces one couple took their frustrations out on one poor young waitress for over 15 minutes and accused her keeping them waiting for cutlery and water. (I hope it was frustration as if they had been talking to me like he spoke to her and later the supervisor I would have attacked him back.) It was embarrassing to be sitting nearby listening to this man who voiced his thoughts in a very loud accusing way. He told the young waitress that he had done 14 "O" cruises with 1 more booked which he was thinking of cancelling. His main problem started when they were asked for show the front of their cards on entering Terraces. They thought this was uncalled for and said that the fact that they had a card on them should be enough. But both him and his wife went on and on at this poor girl. Some people should take a look at themselves. Why attack people who have no control over what procedures the company puts in place and are just trying to do their job under very difficult conditions. I hope this man cancels their up coming cruise as I would hate to think I would be on the same ship as him again.



Oooohhhh.hope is on our cruise.I have no qualms in 'discussing' his behaviour...:eek:

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I just came back from my little church (about 70 members) and in the last 2 weeks about 20+ have had more or less -- norovirus. One school closed and local hospital not allowing visitors. Did you read about us on CC or in the newspaper? Don't think so.


You bring people and their germs from all corners of the country - maybe even the world. Incubate for hours smashed into an airplane where your germs are my germs hoorah hoorah! Then you put all those people on a nice CLEAN ship and mix in well with the sanitizer skippers and the I don't feel thaaaat bad folks and the I'm not paying for a Dr. I'm just tired souls. And the one which describes me -- I am not eating yellow jello for 2 days person!


Well what do you expect?? I also am bothered when one person gets sick -- the crew comes in with gowns and masks on and gloves. But well partner/spouse has one place to sleep/be -- right next to old Mr. Sickie!! He is on cabin prison but Mrs Well goes to buffet/dinner/staircase rails etc. 30 hours later they change places but Mrs Well has done a great job of carrying germs to the other folks. (AND NO I should not be on cabin prison too because I am well -- at least for now. Probably 50/50 chance I won't get it -- sometimes I don't honest!)


It is not a ship problem. Norovirius on a ship is just easy to spot and document and CDC makes them report it. Norovirius on the shopping buggy or the taxi seat or even the airplane -- crowd disperses each to their own place where they get sick in lonely misery! Keep your immune system strong, your hands clean, and say a prayer it is not your turn to be King of the Throne.


This is one of the most balanced posts I've read on this thread. Our local hospital has also been closed to visitors.


I feel so very sorry for the staff, who must be exhausted.

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That is just bad behavior on his part I hope the staff ignore him more in the future

GEEZ some people need to be less self important

things must be at a breaking point for some of the crew who have been on for several of these infected sailings


Hope the rest of the cruise goes smoothly & stay healthy



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If you saw a man in a parking lot screaming at kids, would you intervene and admonish him to back off?


If you saw a store manager reaming out staff, would you step up and - friendly but firmly - tell him/her to knock it off?


I say this respectful of the above two posters. Yes, this was rude behavior BUT... why would you not intervene & say "your tone and attitude to this woman is not appropriate nor helpful. If you have a complaint, talk to management. But don't attack her in front of us."


I don't see what your purpose is to post on CC aside from "tsk tsk we saw a rude guest." It would have been far more constructive for both of you to have made a simple effort at the time to reduce the tension and hopefully stop his verbal assault.


Rather then recounting a sad tale anonymously, letting all of us know YOU stepped up to admonish a guest that was out of control would be much more productive.

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There are currently 67 passengers 5.67% and one crew sick. Still having a great time; but hopefully stop in Bonaire tomorrow.


Sorry, I don't believe there is only 1 crew member sick. I saw the shortages on our cruise and it didn't match the numbers. I also read the CDC report later where crew failed to report.


As I sit here on my balcony and see Aruba 3 miles off in the distance, I am reflecting on why my wife and I chose Oceania for the first time. It was primarily to stop in Aruba. As you know now, that is not going to happen.


I am not saying it's Oceania's fault for this outbreak, but I am blaming them. To little, to late. This ship is the scourge of the Caribbean. We will be lucky to see any ports between now and our return to Miami, which I would recommend we set sail for today.


The capitan does not mention what the % of outbreak is currently, but the cruise director let it slip in her announcement that it was "increasing." It feels like we are in the movie "Contagion." Unless you stay in your cabin for the duration, it is just a matter of time before you are struck down. And by the way, my hands feel like they are in a commercial for soap and gel use. Unfortunately, there is a cohort of other passengers onboard do not seem to take it so seriously and practice similar sanitary procedures, I will also include the crew here. There lack luster attempt to "look" like they are putting forth and all-hands effort is a joke to someone with a trained eye on how to eradicate this issue from the boat. They're is absolutely no visible supervision of crew members on how they are supposed to do proper sanitation, so they are left to do it "hit or miss."


If they would just get close enough to the shore, it may be tempting to dive in and go to the airport and fly back.


In all my years of cruising, this is hands down the worst ship, and worst line. Never again on this floating Petri dish they refer to as a cruise line.


So please, someone send the Navy or Marines to rescue us!!! Those of us that are not sick are holding our breath and waiting..........


Bolding is mine. That was my experience too. I was royally flamed on my live thread and trust me, I was kind on that. We watched one crew member aimlessly clean the same clock and the same railing (where we were eating - uggh) repeatedly clean these for 20 minutes over and over and over.


You have my sincere sympathies.


I was hoping no one else would experience this after we did.


Hope you get to Miami healthy.

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If you saw a man in a parking lot screaming at kids, would you intervene and admonish him to back off?


If you saw a store manager reaming out staff, would you step up and - friendly but firmly - tell him/her to knock it off?


I say this respectful of the above two posters. Yes, this was rude behavior BUT... why would you not intervene & say "your tone and attitude to this woman is not appropriate nor helpful. If you have a complaint, talk to management. But don't attack her in front of us."


I don't see what your purpose is to post on CC aside from "tsk tsk we saw a rude guest." It would have been far more constructive for both of you to have made a simple effort at the time to reduce the tension and hopefully stop his verbal assault.


Rather then recounting a sad tale anonymously, letting all of us know YOU stepped up to admonish a guest that was out of control would be much more productive.

If someone stepped up to say something to this buffoon what do you think would happen ???

"Oh sorry i guess I was in the wrong " & go on his merry way

doubtful ..

he has 14 cruises so he is entitled to be a rude buffoon


You do not have to read the posts nor comment if they upset you



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We embarked the Riviera in Barcelona last November. When the Noro outbreak started mid Atlantic (or even before) I questioned a senior officer as to why there was no emphasis made on the hand sanitizing while in the Mediterranean - his response was "we do not have to follow the CDC while in Europe" An interesting response for sure. I certainly sympathize with those on board who have been affected by the latest outbreak. I can only hope that the efforts that the crew, officers and passengers are putting forth result in the number of reported cases diminishing.

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Personally, I believe it is time for FDR to take this ship out of cruise rotation and have it hosed down and scrubbed from one end to another with stronger adequate materials to get this situation under control. Materials that may not need cruise passengers making contact with. I know this would not make a lot of passengers happy that were scheduled for that cancelled cruise, but how many more noro cruises is he going to run before the lawyers make him do something different? If he runs a noro ship into some country, such as France, and turns out 50+ sick passengers, that country may well dock that ship indefinitely until they are satisfied that it is safe.


I believe with all the cruise lines, and all the passengers going out of FLL and Miami, that it is disingenuous to suggest that this problem is mostly passenger driven, and that all these new sick passengers just happened to be getting primarily on the Riveria as opposed to other lines.


This ship needs stern to aft sanitizing, rinsing, multiple times over at least a week period to clean this up.

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The numbers will only increase


1) people that are sick will not report to the medical centre because they will be confined to their cabin


2) they do not have medical insurance


3) they paid for the cruise & they are going to enjoy it no matter what


4) when confined to the cabin they still go out & spread the joy


Why does the cruise line need to have someone telling passenger to wash their hands after the loo or use the gel when going to eat

supposedly most of the passenger are adults & most were probably not raised in a barn

People need to take some responsibility for themselves & their actions



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I just got an email advising me that an additional task that may need to be done is for the ship to completely dump it fresh water holding tanks, along with swimming pools and spas, and completely chemically clean all tanks, pumps, and piping thereof. Then purge the system again removing all those chemicals from the system before refilling the tanks. This will not be a one day, between cruiser change over task.


This is similar to our upcoming China trip where we are advised to not allow the local water to get into our mouths, even while showering. O needs to explore all possible avenues of attacking the situation during my purposed week down, imo.

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I just got an email advising me that an additional task that may need to be done is for the ship to completely dump it fresh water holding tanks, along with swimming pools and spas, and completely chemically clean all tanks, pumps, and piping thereof. Then purge the system again removing all those chemicals from the system before refilling the tanks. This will not be a one day, between cruiser change over task.




This is similar to our upcoming China trip where we are advised to not allow the local water to get into our mouths, even while showering. O needs to explore all possible avenues of attacking the situation during my purposed week down, imo.



I have always seen the pools, spa, etc. Closed and drained and cleaned on any other Noro ship I have been on. Our cruise was the first where I didn't see it happen, nor the library closed, salt and peppers removed, condiments removed, etc. Etc., etc. The list goes on.


It's about time O did something. Sorry, but I saw too much on my cruise. Others may disagree and that's fine. But the only thing they did was close the laundries and wash certain areas so much you were nauseated while other areas went not cleaned.



Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

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The numbers will only increase


1) people that are sick will not report to the medical centre because they will be confined to their cabin


2) they do not have medical insurance


3) they paid for the cruise & they are going to enjoy it no matter what


4) when confined to the cabin they still go out & spread the joy


Why does the cruise line need to have someone telling passenger to wash their hands after the loo or use the gel when going to eat

supposedly most of the passenger are adults & most were probably not raised in a barn

People need to take some responsibility for themselves & their actions





Frankly, I think it's time to stop blaming the passengers for EVERYTHING. What about the crew that are not reporting? What about the food? What about standard NORO practices that were not put in place? Do you really think it's wise to leave condiments out in Waves for everyone to touch? Breakfast uncovered, unprotected that anyone can touch? Cutlery, glasses? The list is endless. There is an issue on this ship and it is long past time it was dealt with. It is also long past time that O recognized it and at least apologized to the passengers that did not have the sailing they promised.


JMO but I was onboard and blaming passengers constantly just doesn't cut it. When does the cruise line take some?????



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Frankly, I think it's time to stop blaming the passengers for EVERYTHING. What about the crew that are not reporting? What about the food? What about standard NORO practices that were not put in place? Do you really think it's wise to leave condiments out in Waves for everyone to touch? Breakfast uncovered, unprotected that anyone can touch? Cutlery, glasses? The list is endless. There is an issue on this ship and it is long past time it was dealt with. It is also long past time that O recognized it and at least apologized to the passengers that did not have the sailing they promised.


JMO but I was onboard and blaming passengers constantly just doesn't cut it. When does the cruise line take some?????



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There has been nothing on the tables in any venue until you sit down. So that is not an issue since we went code red.


Sea day tomorrow. Hopefully we will be allowed into Grenada on Easter Sunday.

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Ok, I may be turning into a Noro data addict. I know this will pass - likely another 48 hrs, right? ;)


I didn't realize that Noro is most often transmitted person-to-person (like 75% of all outbreaks), and that food-borne noro accounts for about 50% of *all* food-related illness (!) - here's the CDC link


Also, there's a food handling safety blog that's pretty comprehensive (and irreverent - it's called barfblog) with subcategories including noro and handwashing (I learned that paper towel drying is a critical step, who knew? Also, avoid the air dryer).


For anyone onboard now, may things get clean and healthy quickly!!

Edited by babysteps
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Personally, I believe it is time for FDR to take this ship out of cruise rotation and have it hosed down and scrubbed from one end to another with stronger adequate materials to get this situation under control. Materials that may not need cruise passengers making contact with. I know this would not make a lot of passengers happy that were scheduled for that cancelled cruise, but how many more noro cruises is he going to run before the lawyers make him do something different? If he runs a noro ship into some country, such as France, and turns out 50+ sick passengers, that country may well dock that ship indefinitely until they are satisfied that it is safe.




I believe with all the cruise lines, and all the passengers going out of FLL and Miami, that it is disingenuous to suggest that this problem is mostly passenger driven, and that all these new sick passengers just happened to be getting primarily on the Riveria as opposed to other lines.




This ship needs stern to aft sanitizing, rinsing, multiple times over at least a week period to clean this up.



Plus 1

This is a sick ship

It needs to be quarantined

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If the ship is the problem there would be hundreds of the passengers sick not just a few


Not all will be immune if you can even have an immunity to noro


Has anyone seen people leave the W/C without washing their hands??


time for me to move on

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Quite a scary thought.

I just wrote to Oceania from their website contact site. They need to do something now. They need to curtail this cruise and totally sanatize the ship. Perhaps others on this board can also contact Oceania. Just a suggestion......

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I just wrote to Oceania from their website contact site. They need to do something now. They need to curtail this cruise and totally sanatize the ship. Perhaps others on this board can also contact Oceania. Just a suggestion......



Deaf ears


As much as we love Oceania they score a big F for the way they have mishandled this issue in terms of the ship, the procedures and treatment of passengers.

Edited by bitob
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We were on the last Riveria cruise and seeing the red tape on a cabin door was disturbing. Our thoughts was "were we going to be next"? Sort of took away some of the enjoyment of the remaining days on the ship.


Hope O gets the solution soon.

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I just wrote to Oceania from their website contact site. They need to do something now. They need to curtail this cruise and totally sanatize the ship. Perhaps others on this board can also contact Oceania. Just a suggestion......


I mentioned before that I have contacted Oceania, twice, and I know of others from our 2/12 cruise that have written. As far as I know, no one has received a reply.


Originally Posted by pinotlover View Post

I just got an email advising me that an additional task that may need to be done is for the ship to completely dump it fresh water holding tanks, along with swimming pools and spas, and completely chemically clean all tanks, pumps, and piping thereof. Then purge the system again removing all those chemicals from the system before refilling the tanks. This will not be a one day, between cruiser change over task.


This is similar to our upcoming China trip where we are advised to not allow the local water to get into our mouths, even while showering. O needs to explore all possible avenues of attacking the situation during my purposed week down, imo.


:confused: Who sent you this email...Oceania?

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