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Any Updates on the Noro Situation?


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Still fine onboard. And while we have not been overly pressed to use sanitizers, for the first time ever while we've been on an Oceania vessel, there were statements made by the CD during the lifeboat drill about the importance of washing one's hands thoroughly and using the sanitizers.

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Thanks for the update. Is Dottie still the CD on your cruise?



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Good so far .Don't see much encouragement from staff to use the sanitizers .. :cool:

It is too bad people cannot figure out for themselves what those strange balls on the stand are at the entrances to dining venues:rolleyes:


So far so good on Regatta but we got a new load of people yesterday


We get a squirt of gel every time we pass the gel station whether we need to or not

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It is my belief that it is a people problem. They don't wash their hands enough or at all.

Those that don't just don't. How come when at home they do not get noro? I am sure they do not wash there either. Do not think this is just a people problem.

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Those that don't just don't. How come when at home they do not get noro? I am sure they do not wash there either. Do not think this is just a people problem.


Perhaps at home they are not confined in a small space for an extended period where Noro can be caught and tracked? Just guessing here.:rolleyes:

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Before looking askance at everyone who does not sanitize going into the dining rooms, consider that there may be a very valid reason. I was just on Riviera. Due to some great advice on the boards I purchased Zylast time release hand sanitizer for the trip as it is one of the very few that is supposed to be effective against noro. It is rather sticky and leaves a small film on the hand. Prior to every meal my party slathered this stuff on. We did not touch anything after. I will admit we were a bit noro paranoid. Upon entering the eating venue I was not then going to dilute my efforts with the ship sanitizer with the alcohol percentage unknown to me. Common alcohol concentration for hand sanitizer is not effective on noro.


If someone had just washed hands properly (the best method of noro prophylaxis ) it also would be unnecessary to spray with alcohol.


While there are most certianly unhygienic people about, there may be more diligence going on than meets the eye.


Just something to consider prior to the sweeping generalization.

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Before looking askance at everyone who does not sanitize going into the dining rooms, consider that there may be a very valid reason. I was just on Riviera. Due to some great advice on the boards I purchased Zylast time release hand sanitizer for the trip as it is one of the very few that is supposed to be effective against noro. It is rather sticky and leaves a small film on the hand. Prior to every meal my party slathered this stuff on. We did not touch anything after. I will admit we were a bit noro paranoid. Upon entering the eating venue I was not then going to dilute my efforts with the ship sanitizer with the alcohol percentage unknown to me. Common alcohol concentration for hand sanitizer is not effective on noro.


If someone had just washed hands properly (the best method of noro prophylaxis ) it also would be unnecessary to spray with alcohol.


While there are most certianly unhygienic people about, there may be more diligence going on than meets the eye.


Just something to consider prior to the sweeping generalization.


It was great to read your comment about Zylast hand sanitizer as effective against Norovirus.


Unfortunately, the FDA seems to consider their marketing claims as inappropriate:




That's too bad, as we've been searching for something we could use on our hands.

We've found the wipes for surfaces, but that's not something for hands/skin... still searching for that...


The regular hand sanitizers like Purell (and other alcohol-based products) aren't useful for Noro specifically, although they may well help with respect to other organisms.

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So this morning someone posted at the buffet , asking people to use the sanitizer's . Same thing tonight at the entrance to the MDR . Seems like there's more effort being exhibited to get people to apply the stuff . They sent a flyer warning of being contaminated at the upcoming ports .Also included some small bottle of sanitizer . The Cruise Director went on the In House TV and demonstrated how to wash your hands , shot in a lavatory . I hope this is not because of incidents of some kind .

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So this morning someone posted at the buffet , asking people to use the sanitizer's . Same thing tonight at the entrance to the MDR . Seems like there's more effort being exhibited to get people to apply the stuff . They sent a flyer warning of being contaminated at the upcoming ports .Also included some small bottle of sanitizer . The Cruise Director went on the In House TV and demonstrated how to wash your hands , shot in a lavatory . I hope this is not because of incidents of some kind .


Oh no. I hope not, too. Thanks for the update.


Hopefully Oceania is not giving everyone a false sense of security that hand sanitizer will kill noro.

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Oh no. I hope not, too. Thanks for the update.


Hopefully Oceania is not giving everyone a false sense of security that hand sanitizer will kill noro.

They do see to be pushing the sanitizers and have made announcements concerning prevention. The ship is far from filled. We have been able to get extra specialty reservations EVERY day thus far. This is IMHO rather rare. Although the food is good in all venues, the specialties are outstanding. Perhaps the fewer passengers will help in keeping Riviera noro free. Remember the last 2 sailings before this present one were 2 half filled charters.

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Hopefully Oceania is not giving everyone a false sense of security that hand sanitizer will kill noro.


Exactly. It has been posted here over and over that the hand sanitizes are NOT effective in killing Noro virus.

Nothing beats washing hands with soap for 30+ seconds.

Perhaps they need to post guards in the bathrooms rather than at the entrance to dining venues?


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Is that Goofball Ray Michaels your Cruise Director? On Riviera with the Noro outbreak, maybe out of desperation, Ray filmed himself coming out the men's toilet stall, lecturing how to wash our hands. Seriously, Ray?


You can't make this stuff up!

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Is that Goofball Ray Michaels your Cruise Director? On Riviera with the Noro outbreak, maybe out of desperation, Ray filmed himself coming out the men's toilet stall, lecturing how to wash our hands. Seriously, Ray?


You can't make this stuff up!


Dottie is the Cruise Director now and there is a video of her washing her hands. I believe you have to sing Happy Birthday to yourself twice to measure the proper time:D

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Is that Goofball Ray Michaels your Cruise Director? On Riviera with the Noro outbreak, maybe out of desperation, Ray filmed himself coming out the men's toilet stall, lecturing how to wash our hands. Seriously, Ray?


You can't make this stuff up!


Yes, seriously wristband.

It's not as funny or goofy as you might think - it's actually pretty sad.

You would be surprised as to how many people don't know that they should wash their hands after using the toilet (or they know it but don't think it applies to them :D).

I have seen myself on many occasions people leaving the BR without washing their hands (both after #1 & #2 :eek:).

Considering that in case of Noro hand washing is more effective than hand gel, I think that they are absolutely correct in pushing that message rather than squirting you with gel (which is good as well, just not for Noro).

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Editing to add:

Even some of those people that wash their hands, often just rinse them briefly, rather than using soap for proper washing. Rinsing does nothing for Noro prevention.

Thus an educational video about proper washing of hands under the circumstances on the Riviera is more useful for many than you might think (evidently not necessary for you :))

I daresay that if ALL people (passengers, staff & crew) took better care of their personal hygiene, the epidemic could have been controlled faster and more efficiently as we all know how the virus is spread.

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good video, except she touched the dirty lever to turn the water back on to rinse, and her hands seem to touch the side of the sink as she rinses.

Leave the water on; I know it's a waste.

Use the paper towel you dry your hands with to turn off the water.

Would be nice if all faucets stuck out far enough to allow hand washing/rinsing without sink contact. Drives me crazy!

(also hate when you can't close a stall door without your legs touching the toilet!)

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Geezer couple - I wrote "supposed" to be effective against noro for the exact reason you cited. I did not say "effective against noro." In doing my research, I too found contradictory information. I am not convinced zylast is effective against noro, but maybe - so no harm. I also took peroxide hospital grade wipes. We used zylast and did not get noro, but I do not believe that is evidence of anything as noro was not an issue on our cruise.


I agree with all others that nothing can beat proper handwashing. In micro class we not only learned about how long to wash hands, but also the importance of soaping under nails and washing finger tips and not touching eyes, nose or mouth - which is also easy to forget.


In a world where we have war and terrorism, I still think the greatest dangers we humans face are viruses and mosquito vectors. I think that is where a very real and substantial threat exists.

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Geezer couple - I wrote "supposed" to be effective against noro for the exact reason you cited. I did not say "effective against noro." In doing my research, I too found contradictory information. I am not convinced zylast is effective against noro, but maybe - so no harm. I also took peroxide hospital grade wipes. We used zylast and did not get noro, but I do not believe that is evidence of anything as noro was not an issue on our cruise.


I agree with all others that nothing can beat proper handwashing. In micro class we not only learned about how long to wash hands, but also the importance of soaping under nails and washing finger tips and not touching eyes, nose or mouth - which is also easy to forget.


In a world where we have war and terrorism, I still think the greatest dangers we humans face are viruses and mosquito vectors. I think that is where a very real and substantial threat exists.



I assume your answer will be "no", but... are you aware of *any* wipes/liquids/whatever that IS effective against Norovirus that can be used on the skin?

(Just on the hands is fine; don't need to bathe in the stuff :eek:)


It's really upsetting to continually read about how using the regular "hand sanitizers" (known not to be effective against Noro) are what needs to be done, and how people are not using it.


Sure, it will/may help against other organisms, and obviously careful washing is good prevention in general, but the focus on the other hand sanitizers may be misleading some, especially if it leads them to think it less necessary to take other precautions (like careful handwashing).


And for those who do wash carefully... even if they are careful to use, say, an elbow for elevator buttons, etc., there are still the menus...

I'm not sure what the best solution is for individuals. Gloves?



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You are right, I don't know of any hand sanitizer known to be effective against noro. I totally forgot about menus - yuck.


The best thing I have heard on the horizon is that a noro vaccine may be just a few years out. Thank God for big brains . Research scientists are truly unsung heros.

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I posted link to a U.S. government listing that works in killing the norovirus on surfaces and skin (the list was for hospitals). Rather than searching for that list again, I can give you a link of products sold by Amazon that were on the list. Note: These products are peroxide based - not alcohol or bleach based. Here is the link http://www.amazon.com/s/?ie=UTF8&keywords=norovirus+wipes&tag=mh0b-20&index=aps&hvadid=3527229969&hvqmt=p&hvbmt=bp&hvdev=c&ref=pd_sl_7ni65y9c2y_p


P.S. Note: It is important to use the wipes before you board the ship. Use them on the airplane. Wipe down trays, seat arms and controls and, as I learned tonight on the news, don't forget the pockets behind the seat in front of you as people put used Kleenex, diapers, etc.

Edited by Travelcat2
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I posted link to a U.S. government listing that works in killing the norovirus on surfaces and skin (the list was for hospitals). Rather than searching for that list again, I can give you a link of products sold by Amazon that were on the list. Note: These products are peroxide based - not alcohol or bleach based. Here is the link http://www.amazon.com/s/?ie=UTF8&keywords=norovirus+wipes&tag=mh0b-20&index=aps&hvadid=3527229969&hvqmt=p&hvbmt=bp&hvdev=c&ref=pd_sl_7ni65y9c2y_p


P.S. Note: It is important to use the wipes before you board the ship. Use them on the airplane. Wipe down trays, seat arms and controls and, as I learned tonight on the news, don't forget the pockets behind the seat in front of you as people put used Kleenex, diapers, etc.


That list includes things that contains alcohol as the "effective" agent, and that does not kill Norovirus.


Could you point us to a solution that can be used directly on hands, one that is approved by CDC/EPA as effective against Noro?


We've got wipes in tubs and individually wrapped wipes, but can't find anything intended and safe for hand/skin use.


Thank you!


And yes, those airplane pockets in the back of the seat in front :eek: :eek:

DH used to put his iPad in there. NO MORE!

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That list includes things that contains alcohol as the "effective" agent, and that does not kill Norovirus.


Could you point us to a solution that can be used directly on hands, one that is approved by CDC/EPA as effective against Noro?


We've got wipes in tubs and individually wrapped wipes, but can't find anything intended and safe for hand/skin use.


Thank you!


And yes, those airplane pockets in the back of the seat in front :eek: :eek:

DH used to put his iPad in there. NO MORE!


Probably should not have linked the whole listing on Amazon. Here is a link to the EPA website (you need to scroll down to pages 2 and 3). It took me a while to find items on this list but at least a couple of them are available at Amazon. https://www.epa.gov/sites/production/files/2015-10/documents/list_g_norovirus.pdf


I have purchased two of the products and have used it on my hands.

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Is that Goofball Ray Michaels your Cruise Director? On Riviera with the Noro outbreak, maybe out of desperation, Ray filmed himself coming out the men's toilet stall, lecturing how to wash our hands. Seriously, Ray?


You can't make this stuff up!


Ray Michaels is not a goofball. he is an intelligent capable CD.

We met four people on Regatta who were on the Riviera TA including one couple on the roll call. They were most offended by some of the nasty grams directed at Ray. Both couples felt the tone trip reports was overly dramatic.

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