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Cruise Booking Nightmare and advice


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It seems all the paperwork is for a 14 day cruise, and all the cruise line can say is that their only evidence that it might have been 7 days has been lost. The cruise line is standing on quicksand. All the evidence is in your favour. If the travel agent has printed a 14-day iteinerary, surely that must have come from the cruise line?


Go to the travel agency (leave your fiancee at home), make the agent talk to the cruise company, and make a firm stand that you have a contract with them both and you insist that contract should be honoured, and if it isn't honoured, you will be sueing for compensation and you will be going to the press. Threaten that if isn't isn't settled there and then, you will get a solicitor and that will be more costs against the pair of them when they lose the case, as they inevitably must.


(But if that doesn't work, you need to think long and hard about whether to carry out the threats! It's a lot of hassle!)

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A very sorry story.

But I agree with the others that it's your T/A's problem, not yours.


Refunds don't come into it.

Nor does accepting anything less than was agreed in the T/A's office.

Nor does paying extra.

You offered to buy the 14-day cruise at the agreed cost, they accepted your offer & took your deposit. So you have a contract with the T/A, evidenced in writing, to provide you with the 14-day cruise and they have a 14-day cruise on their system This clearly wasn't just a typo on the booking confirmation, which would otherwise be the most likely defence. (btw, what are the chances of them giving you a print-off from their system?).


Terms & conditions on a contract can't be used to wiggle out of legal obligations. Many are there only to dissuade folk from disputing - don't be dissuaded.

Ditto passing the buck to the supplier. Or claiming that Tanganyikan law prevails because head office is in Tanganyika.


You recall the T/A telling the cruise line that it was a 14-day cruise & you seem to have sympathy with them.

But that's between them - your contract was with the T/A.

It's not personal - by all means show sympathy, by all means confirm that you recall that the conversation between T/A and cruise line was all about a 14-day cruise. But whether the fault lies with the cruise line or the T/A or both is a matter between them - your contract was with the T/A.


But you really need the services of a professional, not barrack-room lawyers like us ;)


1. Certainly don't agree to anything less than you were expecting until you know your rights.


2. Contact Citizens Advice Bureau. They may send you to a solicitor on their lists for a half-hour consultation - this will be free or at a nominal cost.

If you have difficulty talking to anyone at CAB (they're usually over-burdened) you might want to approach a solicitor or two direct, to ask if they provide a fixed-fee introductory consultation. I'm not talking ambulance-chasing types who advertise on late-nite TV & will want to sign you up, I'm talking high street solicitors.


3. Most T/As are members of ABTA (Assoc of British Travel Agents). Is your T/A a member? The ABTA logo will be on their documents.

ABTA have a complaints procedure and an arbitration service- and unlike some shady trade associations they're there to regulate their members, not to protect them. Perhaps an approach to them now - or mebbe tell the T/A that although you sympathise with them and hope that the cruise line can come to some accommodation with them, a complaint to ABTA is one of a number of courses you can take if they don't bite the bullet and provide what was agreed.


If you paid by credit card I can't imagine them being drawn into the dispute because no-one's disputing what you paid. But the law does come up with some pretty strange decisions ;)


BTW, I can't see any cabin category being sold-out for 2017, but if yours is then you should be offered the equivalent or better at no extra cost.


I think you have a very strong case - don't get fobbed-off without professional advice.


Needless to say, keep all correspondence, make notes now about what has happened in the past & make notes immediately of further phone conversations etc - and follow them up with confirmation e-mails. (I don't trust computers - anything like this I'd send a blind copy to a friend in case my computer goes senile & loses its memory. Or I go senile & lose my computer :D)


Good luck


JB :)


KEEP copies of EVERYTHING, and also write memos immediately after every conversation (during conversation, if possible), and then send email to the other party, saying something like, "...just confirming our conversation at <time> today, that <such and such>"

(In the USA, legally, this is often referred to as "memorializing" the information. It's not legally binding, but it does put the other party on notice about the conversation, and if they don't dispute it, then that's good for you.


NOTE: We would also make several copies of the complete packet, and leave the originals in a secure location. Then bring *copies* with you to any meetings, until any actual originals would be needed.


But here, we'd need an attorney, assuming the amount is greater than the limit for our "small claims courts".


Your recourse might need to be with the TA; not sure about what you can prove about the cruise line's part in this unless you have *any* correspondence with them to document your situation.


Good luck.

What an unfortunate situation at any time, but for a honeymoon... :(

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Hi All,


Thanks for the advice and feedback.


Another day of no information of feedback from the local TA.


We are still planning on holding a meeting tomorrow to discuss where we are at.


1. Exactly what documents did TA get from Cruise Line AFTER booking...who checked them and were they correct? Do they match with our documents?

2. As we have a contract (signed on day of booking) with the TA to provide 14 day cruise at the price given, why is it we are now getting asked to pay double.

3. Why has it taken over 2 weeks and we (the customer) seems to be the only one taking this seriously and doing all the chasing for info. (OK I know we dont sail till next year but its our honeymoon which is in the balance and the aft cabin which goes back on sale on Friday afternoon)

4. A mistake has been made somewhere (not by us) What can be done remembering the original contract is signed and has dates/prices listed from the TA. Should the TA not be honoring this agreement? (they should have insurance to cover mistakes like this surely?)

5. Surely the TA should have discovered this if their checks were carried out??

6. When was call to head office escalated and what has been done? Have they spoken to their own Cruise Line contacts - And if so what has been said?

7. If the TA is not at fault then why didn't Cruise Line question that if we were on a 7 day cruise then why would we request flights departing after 14 days (the day the cruise was meant to end)- Cruise line have confirmed the flights are correct at least. So even if we do end up on a 7 day cruise we would need to find a hotel to stay for the last 7 days until our flight departs!

8. Secret Ace Card will be played, Not sure what if any good this will do - I will let you know what it is after the meeting ;)



Worst case :

We lose cabin (our lovely aft cabin we really wanted). If we lose this cabin we may want to cancel as my fiancee probably wont be happy on the cruise knowing it was not what we wanted:

1. In light of the total mess on the this cruise booking find us another one/better one and we will NOT be paying full price and expecting a discount (as compensation for stress/upset/lost work time and potential breach of contract)

2. If option 1 fails, refund all money and we go to another company and expect twitter to light up naming companies and the sorry tales of woe which we have had in dealing with them and our booking.


Who would have thought cruising was so stressful :rolleyes:

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Gosh, this really has become a mess. May I add just one thing?


When you go for your meeting with the ta tomorrow take someone else with you other than your fiancée. This person would simply be present to hear what is being said and in case the situation becomes heated (which I hope it won't) can act as a calming influence. They would not be there to add their comments, simply to act as a witness to what is happening.

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Gosh, this really has become a mess. May I add just one thing?


When you go for your meeting with the ta tomorrow take someone else with you other than your fiancée. This person would simply be present to hear what is being said and in case the situation becomes heated (which I hope it won't) can act as a calming influence. They would not be there to add their comments, simply to act as a witness to what is happening.


Just want to add to this. Long story short I Had a friend who was an attorney. A couple time he accompanied me to meetings such as yours. Not as an attorney but dressed like one with a legal pad and suit. He would take notes. Never said anything lol. Just introduced him as a friend.

Anyone in your family look good in a suit? Don't forget the yellow legal pad! Props are important.

Impressions can be as powerful as the real thing.

Good luck. I despise corporate America and its greed and abuse.

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Also may I add : Stay calm, but firm!


You deserve to get what you contracted for, it is the TA's fault not yours ,they need to make it right!


I no longer use a TA, I got sick of fighting for things I was promised.

I always did get what they promised or pulled my booking from one of them:)


Good Luck!


Edited by Reader0108598
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New Update


Got call from TA a short while ago, They have taken it as far as they can go and both the TA or Cruise Line will NOT be honoring or moving on the price (hmm breach of contract??). Best the cruise line can do is offer a free cancellation and the TA "may" offer another Honeymoon at cost price "if" we use them again.


We still do not know where the mistake was made as nobody is putting there hands up to it and I do want to know now.


Still have a meeting planned for tomorrow afternoon with them with a friend tagging along for moral support (And keep things calm) and to try and keep my fiancee from breaking down once more, as there has already been tears over this today. (I hate seeing her getting so upset)


So looks like our dream honeymoon is in ruins and what should have been something to look forward to has been nothing but a nightmare, :mad::mad::mad:


Whole thing has left a very bad taste and to be honest both of us are feeling this experience has worn us and tainted what should be a magical time. Hope both companies are proud of what they have put us through.


Anyone recommend a nice cruise line for a Caribbean cruise for a Honeymoon willing to please two very unhappy and disappointed people?


Again all many thanks everyone for listening to these rants and I will let you know what happens tomorrow...other than losing the cruise I suspect.

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7. If the TA is not at fault then why didn't Cruise Line question that if we were on a 7 day cruise then why would we request flights departing after 14 days (the day the cruise was meant to end)- Cruise line have confirmed the flights are correct at least. So even if we do end up on a 7 day cruise we would need to find a hotel to stay for the last 7 days until our flight departs!


The flight dates will help to confirm that the arrangement with the T/A was a 14-day cruise, not a slip of the typing finger.

But the later return flight date wouldn't raise any red flags with the cruise line - folk frequently take the opportunity to spend a few days in the disembarkation city, book their own hotel, and arrange the return flight date to suit.


You mention the T/A's "head office".

So we're not looking at a one-man-band, we're looking at an organisation that is almost-certainly a member of ABTA and IATA. That's something I always check before considering the offerings of a T/A.

The T/A will not want to see a complaint going to ABTA, such complaints harm their reputation within the industry.


Good luck with the meeting.

Bite-your-lip time - firm but not confrontational. ;)

JB :)


Edit following your last post.

Sadly, it's quite normal for a cruise line or T/A not to act on a first complaint.

Head in the sand, hope he gives up the fight & goes away.

You will very probably need to escalate it, & your first port-of-call is a solicitor. You don't want to throw good money after bad, but the costs of involving ABTA, a solicitor's consultation, even taking action in a Small Claims Court are quite minimal - and if they're going to settle they'll do so before any court action.

Edited by John Bull
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New Update


Got call from TA a short while ago, They have taken it as far as they can go and both the TA or Cruise Line will NOT be honoring or moving on the price (hmm breach of contract??). Best the cruise line can do is offer a free cancellation and the TA "may" offer another Honeymoon at cost price "if" we use them again.


We still do not know where the mistake was made as nobody is putting there hands up to it and I do want to know now.


Still have a meeting planned for tomorrow afternoon with them with a friend tagging along for moral support (And keep things calm) and to try and keep my fiancee from breaking down once more, as there has already been tears over this today. (I hate seeing her getting so upset)


So looks like our dream honeymoon is in ruins and what should have been something to look forward to has been nothing but a nightmare, :mad::mad::mad:


Whole thing has left a very bad taste and to be honest both of us are feeling this experience has worn us and tainted what should be a magical time. Hope both companies are proud of what they have put us through.


Anyone recommend a nice cruise line for a Caribbean cruise for a Honeymoon willing to please two very unhappy and disappointed people?


Again all many thanks everyone for listening to these rants and I will let you know what happens tomorrow...other than losing the cruise I suspect.




Feel so bad for you & your fiancee ...:(


Why would the TA offer Something at cost if they had not made the mistake? Go over this TA's head if you can. Also if all else fails go to social media...Ie Facebook. Tell your story on the cruiselines facebook page .


Good luck!


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Feel so bad for you & your fiancee ...:(


Why would the TA offer Something at cost if they had not made the mistake? Go over this TA's head if you can. Also if all else fails go to social media...Ie Facebook. Tell your story on the cruiselines facebook page .


Good luck!



We have the social media option lined up. We were holding off naming and shaming till we knew 100% what was going on with the infighting. If they cant sort us out they might as well put up with some bad PR and social backlash out of if. After all not just a holiday that is ruined but a once in a lifetime honeymoon cruise.

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We have the social media option lined up. We were holding off naming and shaming till we knew 100% what was going on with the infighting. If they cant sort us out they might as well put up with some bad PR and social backlash out of if. After all not just a holiday that is ruined but a once in a lifetime honeymoon cruise.






Oh btw : You do not rant, you write very well;)


Please let us know how things go....


Off to work will peek in later



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OP - so sorry this happened to you. What a nightmare.


I can understand wanting to get this straightened out, but am wondering if you should just give up on this one? IMO, this cruise already has some really bad vibes attached to it due to this mixup and all the stress and frustration. Maybe you're better off starting your marriage on a new cruise with a clean slate. just my opinion. :)


Heck yes,sort this out,its a T.A problem,start again,you and your partner deserve more than this crap and worry on your honeymoon.And when you eventually sort it,you will have the happiest of cruises with no dramas hanging over your heads.Wishing you all the very,very best,and let us know how things go.For what its worth,i have very little faith in T.As.Wishing you once more all the very best.xoxoxoxo

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Thanks Hlitner, I am already looking for other deals and can get cheaper cruises with other larger companies....if it came it it. However this cruise was the one she had set her heart on. Just hate seeing my fiancee so upset over this. Right now someone (TA or Cruiseline) has made a royal mistake and its going to be us which is left footing the bill for it (I dont think so).


If we had no documents from the TA I would put it down to experience but all paper work we have is for 14 days and by the power of greyskull I will move heaven and earth just to get this sorted and have a happy woman in my life again. :)




Mistake or no mistake, if you can cancel I would also advise them you will no longer cruise with them and tell all your friends. Including us[emoji2].


The fact that your bride is already upset, I can guarantee every little detail that may go wrong will be like rubbing salt on the wound.


Give them a deadline to correct it.


Anyway that's what I would do. It's your honeymoon, enjoy each other.

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Sure do hope this can be straightened out. The mistake made was not by you, but by the TA and/or cruise line. We had a problem booking cabins for a honeymoon cruise for our son. He was getting married on the ship so we were cruising also. When we added an extra person at the last minute they changed our cabins all around. It made it harder to be happy when we were not in the original cabins we had specifically picked.

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I don't know what cruise line this was with (couldn't find it if it was even mentioned). But if this was with Celebrity you might post this on their board. There seems to be a Celebrity rep that monitors that board and will sometimes chime in on posts with legitimate issues. Good luck.


If it was not Celebrity...I AM NOT TRYING TO START RUMORS!!!! Love X

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I don't know what cruise line this was with (couldn't find it if it was even mentioned). But if this was with Celebrity you might post this on their board. There seems to be a Celebrity rep that monitors that board and will sometimes chime in on posts with legitimate issues. Good luck.


If it was not Celebrity...I AM NOT TRYING TO START RUMORS!!!! Love X


Yeah it has not been mentioned as wasn't sure I was allowed to list the name directly or not (newbie user)


Hmmm Interesting you said that though (100% spot on) . Wasnt sure if I would be allowed to post a complaint like this directly onto <insert Cruise Line > board or not.

Edited by Chanman76
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Sorry to hear all the problems

can you name the cruise line so people are aware & to be sure to check their documents


i would take the refund & run as far as you can from this mess

let it go it will no good to keep the stress going


I would leave the future wife at home tomorrow to spare her more upset


Not sure of your budget but maybe look at some upscale lines

Oceania, Regent, Crystal, Seabourn etc


this is a time you should be enjoying planning your wedding & honeymoon

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Yeah it has not been mentioned as wasn't sure I was allowed to list the name directly or not (newbie user)


Hmmm Interesting you said that though (100% spot on) . Wasnt sure if I would be allowed to post a complaint like this directly onto <insert Cruise Line > board or not.

you can name the cruiseline but not the TA - I think those are the rules...

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In the UK this is exactly the sort of human interest story that a consumer TV or national press reporter would love to publish.

Any sniff of bad publicity in the press the cruise line would roll over and cave in - you'd probably also get an upgrade and compensation for all the worry.

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Yeah it has not been mentioned as wasn't sure I was allowed to list the name directly or not (newbie user)


Hmmm Interesting you said that though (100% spot on) . Wasnt sure if I would be allowed to post a complaint like this directly onto <insert Cruise Line > board or not.


There's no problem with naming, praising or condemning a cruise line on Cruise Critic.

That said, best not to berate unless/until you are sure they have been at fault.

And since mistakes do happen, posts which tell us how a cruise line responds - good or bad - to such situations are very useful to this cruise community website.


But naming T/As on Cruise Critic is taboo.

In any context.

The nearest you could post would be "a large national agency" or "my local high street agency"

Would be useful to know whether this was a cruise specialist or a general travel agency.


JB :)

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Thanks JB for the clarification.


We have not spoken directly to the CruiseLine (Celebrity Cruises) ourselves seeing as our booking was made by our local Travel Agent (who is a cruise specialist according to the website) and have left it to them to deal with that side so we are only taking the TA's word on what they have said and done.


Seemingly this has went as high as director level at Celebrity and they have pretty much said no chance of it getting changed and to either pay or cancel! I guess they can/will get someone very easily to pay full price for the cabin if they get rid of us rather than giving it to us at a discounted price.


We are still planning on the TA meeting tomorrow and going to bring along our solicitor to at least try and find out how this got messed up so badly and to at least try and get some decent compensation for all the of the hassle/stress and tears that have been happening over this. Right now not sure we will even be looking at Celebrity again after this nightmare. :(


will let you know how that fun meeting goes.


Basically our honeymoon is in tatters. My other half is in bits and I am trying to pick up the pieces.

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Best of luck Chanman in your meeting. The fine point that this all may come down to is what ALL the paperwork says; your paperwork from the TA says 14 days, includes dates, etc. It remains to be seen in the meeting what the paperwork between the TA and Celebrity shows. If that paperwork implies a 7 day cruise, it is the TA's fault and as several of us have noted, it is up to the TA company and their insurance agency to make good on their error. Do NOT cancel until you and your solicitor resolve this detail...if you cancel, their problem goes away.


If it turns out to be a cruiseline error (meaning all the paperwork between TA and Cruiseline shows 14 day booking) then your solicitor will have to advise the best course of action. It will depend on the wording of the U.K. Passage contracts.


Lastly, as much as possible, try to leave all emotions out of the conversation, including your teary fiancee, mention of your once-in-a-lifetime honeymoon, plans in tatters, etc. While these are important to YOU, they have no bearing on the legalities of your case and will just muddy the waters. If you get no legal resolution, you can pull out all the emotional stops later when you appeal to media.

Edited by cherylandtk
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