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NCL bans almost all carry-on beverages

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If you act like children you should be treated like one. If everybody followed the allowances of liquids, there would be a need to scan anyone. My drink of choice is beer. I would not even consider trying to sneak some in. I don't like their prices so I go without. Doesn't change my experience one iota.


Just checking. Are you saying I am acting like a child becasue I don't agree with their policy?

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Does it really matter? How many restaurants let you bring your own liquor or sodas in with you?

If you can afford a cruise, you can afford drinks. :cool:


For us, it doesn't have anything to do with cost, it has to do with selection. My mother can't have caffeine or sugar, and would prefer not to be drinking club soda all week, so we usually bring a twelve-pack of her drink of choice, diet Ginger Ale. And personally, I prefer diet Dr. Pepper. Neither of those are generally available on cruise ships.

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For us, it doesn't have anything to do with cost, it has to do with selection. My mother can't have caffeine or sugar, and would prefer not to be drinking club soda all week, so we usually bring a twelve-pack of her drink of choice, diet Ginger Ale. And personally, I prefer diet Dr. Pepper. Neither of those are generally available on cruise ships.


if you have medical need for certain non alcohol drinks they can arrange to let you bring them on. We have done this a few times

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For me, I not only get nauseated drinking Pepsi, I vomit. Therefore, if I can't bring Coke on board then I can't go.

Many people drink coffee. I don't, so I must have my one Coke per day.

It isn't always about the money.



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First, throwing the BS flag on this one. This is the Royal page you are on, where are you getting Pepsi that you need to carry on Coke?

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For me, I not only get nauseated drinking Pepsi, I vomit. Therefore, if I can't bring Coke on board then I can't go.

Many people drink coffee. I don't, so I must have my one Coke per day.

It isn't always about the money.


Before I flipped to the next page and saw BillOH's comment... I was going to say the same thing.


Where are you finding Pepsi on a Royal cruise?




Second, if you can't go without a beverage for 3-10 days... you might want to see someone about this addiction. Coke is not vital to life.

Edited by poncho1973
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Well I don't know that I would count as jumping cruise lines over this, since I've never actually sailed NCL, and just have a deposit placed so far. We've spent our time on RCCL, Celebrity, and Carnival. But I am definitely looking at moving my deposit from Escape to a sailing on Harmony.


Its not about the money, because the change would probably cost over $1k more once we add in the premium beverage package. Like someone else said, its about choosing how I spend that money, and I don't want to feel ripped off. I can just see my husband's face looking at a $70 bottled water charge on our bill.


We've never cruised NCL because of all the talk of nickel and diming while on the ship, and for me, this just confirms that it will be a problem on board. The upcharge on NCL's bottled water package is INSANE. Someone mentioned the increased cost of transport and disposal, but this doesn't pan out if you it to compare alcohol upcharges. And it isn't included in the drink package.


And no, the ship's water is not equivalent. I will admit to being a water snob. We have a good filter at home. I've never carried bottled water on board, I just buy it as we need it (or lately, get it as part of the drink package).


I don't know that we'll switch because Escape is interesting to me. But Harmony has a ton to offer as well, and I am spending my time this morning reading reviews before I make my decision.

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We are sailing Escape in Sept and unfortunately are in the "stuck" group! We had to make final payment 2 days after this announcement, but others sailing with us had to make their final payment a few weeks ago. DH and I wanted to cancel so badly, but the others in our group would have had to pay a 15% cancellation penalty. We did not want to do that to them.


We booked our NCL cruise for Sept back in Feb 2015. Many, many things have changed and now we really wish we had canceled our cruise and booked RCCL, our favorite line.


Someone posted this list on the NCL board and it gives everyone a really good idea of all the changes they have made (most of these have happened just within the last 12 months). Yes, lots of folks have canceled their NCL cruise, some say they won't sail NCL anymore or for a while. We wish we were in the canceled group! It's not just the issue of not being able to take water/sodas on board. It's a lot of what is listed below that they have changed on us and the water/soda issue just topped the cake for lots of folks, us included.


The most important thing to note about these changes is how NCL has made them. They don't send out emails to us or anything like that. They are abrupt changes that we mostly find out here on CC from the cruisers on the ships when the changes are made. Note--we sail in Sept and never did receive an email about the water/soda change. I found out here on CC, like most everyone else.


Added to the list.



Nickelodeon gone

Geoffrey Zakarian gone

Cake Boss gone

18% gratuity on specialty dining

DSC raised twice

drink prices raised

18% gratuity on drinks

18% gratuity on food/coffee purchases ( Java Cafe/Carlo's/gelato etc)

Asian Noodle restaurant complimentary but reduced menu

Hippo Slide at GSC gone

Fireworks gone

UDP is now SDP

UBP used to be for everyone in room, but now it's just first two passengers

Room service $7.95 except for a much smaller limited "continental breakfast"

Blue Man Group gone

Now pay taxes on "free" UBP/SDP

No more kids pricing in specialty restaurants

Port times shortened on a number of itineraries "for your convenience"

No more free Cirque or Illusionarium on first night with dining package

Margaritaville on Escape is now a la carte. Used to be included.

Cancellation policy got much worse.

SDP price increased.

Fewer days for SDP on promos.

Available wines have gotten worse. http://boards.cruisecritic.com/showp...4&postcount=64

Certain menu items (like Seafood Extravaganza at Ocean Blue) not covered by SDP upcharge.

Bayamo upcharge for SDP increased.

Dining packages no longer have fixed $10 price for second entree at Cagney's and Le Bistro. Now charged full a la carte price for entree.

Uptown/Flamingo Grill being replace with Margaritaville. Free dining place replace for fee-based one with similar food.

AARP discount gone.

Haven breakfast and lunch menu items scaled back. http://boards.cruisecritic.com/showthread.php?t=2356561

Water, soda and juices can not be brought on board either as carry-on or checked luggage https://www.ncl.com/faq/liquor-beverage-policy

Edited by jennmaybe
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All cruise lines should ban carryons of any beverage, including water, beer, alcohol, and wine. I don't know of a restaurant or bar, that sells these items, lets you bring in your own.



I guess it depends on the area in which you live because sometime I bring my own water to the restaurant and they don't really care about it

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I am really surprised that in this day of security that any liquids are allowed to be brought on in hand luggage at all. Why is it different than going on a plane which accepts only hold liquids so that they can be scanned/searched. To me, for security, it would make sense if they banned all liquids in hand luggage but instead provided an on board shop with a more reasonable mark up for water & soft drinks


If someone wants to get a bomb on board they will. What about the shoe bomber? I have not had to go thru a metal detector and take my shoes off in Ft. Lauderdale or Miami. Those are the only 2 ports that I have left on. Maybe in other ports, but not here. So bringing on drinks isn't as big as a security issue as they say it is. If the terrrorist know that drinks aren't allowed, then they will find another way.

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Well I don't know that I would count as jumping cruise lines over this, since I've never actually sailed NCL, and just have a deposit placed so far. We've spent our time on RCCL, Celebrity, and Carnival. But I am definitely looking at moving my deposit from Escape to a sailing on Harmony.


Its not about the money, because the change would probably cost over $1k more once we add in the premium beverage package. Like someone else said, its about choosing how I spend that money, and I don't want to feel ripped off. I can just see my husband's face looking at a $70 bottled water charge on our bill.


We've never cruised NCL because of all the talk of nickel and diming while on the ship, and for me, this just confirms that it will be a problem on board. The upcharge on NCL's bottled water package is INSANE. Someone mentioned the increased cost of transport and disposal, but this doesn't pan out if you it to compare alcohol upcharges. And it isn't included in the drink package.


And no, the ship's water is not equivalent. I will admit to being a water snob. We have a good filter at home. I've never carried bottled water on board, I just buy it as we need it (or lately, get it as part of the drink package).


I don't know that we'll switch because Escape is interesting to me. But Harmony has a ton to offer as well, and I am spending my time this morning reading reviews before I make my decision.



I agree you should spend your money however you see fit. BUT you need to understand that bringing water or soda on RCCL is prohibited by the rules posted ... Now... clearly many ports dont seem to care and many people have been succesful in bringing it on board, HOWEVER that doesnt mean that the day you sail they wont take your water away ( and they would be within their right to do so).... So...... if you are planning your cruise solely on the opportunity to bring water on board, just know you might end up in the same scenerio

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This is all BS.

The only reason the cruise lines can control this and make us feel like children is because they scan us and our luggage. If this were a land based vacation in any resort you could bring whatever beverage you want into your room.

I can't believe anyone thinks the cruise line are justified having these rules.


The reason the cruise lines can control it is because it is their ship and their business and they can make pretty much any rules they want, as long as it doesn't violate the law.


The reason you feel like a child is because you never grew up and learned to respect such rules.


A cruise is not a land-based vacation. If you like land-based vacations better, because you feel you have more freedom, choose that for your vacations.


I think it's sad that anyone thinks that the cruise lines need to "justify" the rules that they have. Too many spoiled, entitled people in the world who think they should get whatever they want, wherever they want it.

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If they want to put a stop to all the extra drinks and snacks then they should have a rule that it should all be carried on by the passengers. Yes, they will probably check in all the other luggage that they can, but maybe they won't want to lug around all the drinks.


We bring on a 6 pk or case of water depending on how long the cruise is. It is nice to take a couple of waters off the ship for port days. This way we can toss the empty bottles and not have to carry back a glass. When we run out then we will refill our bottles on the ship. I drink a lot of water and if I drink to much of the water from the ship it makes my fingers and feet swell. Probably the rest of my body, but I notice it much more with my shoes and rings. Often my rings get to tight so I don't wear them. I don't know if there is to much sodium in it or what, but something is off.

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Officially this is already the case, Royal just doesn't typically enforce their own rules.


The Top FAQ section on the RCL site has a question about this:

Can I bring liquor or non-alcoholic beverages (from home or from a port) onboard?


The statement below it only prohibits alcohol not any non-alcoholic beverages.


The only statement about them is: "Security may inspect containers (water bottles, soda bottles, mouthwash, luggage etc.) and will dispose of containers holding alcohol."


Based on that I'd say Royal officially *allows* water/soda to be carried on.


We've done this for years and have never had an issue. I believe they did previously have a limit on the amount you could carry onto the ship.

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I agree you should spend your money however you see fit. BUT you need to understand that bringing water or soda on RCCL is prohibited by the rules posted ... Now... clearly many ports dont seem to care and many people have been succesful in bringing it on board, HOWEVER that doesnt mean that the day you sail they wont take your water away ( and they would be within their right to do so).... So...... if you are planning your cruise solely on the opportunity to bring water on board, just know you might end up in the same scenerio


oh no, I have zero intention of carrying water on board. Never have. That's because it is included in my drink package, or available at a reasonable per bottle price. True of RCCL, Celebrity and Carnival.

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The Top FAQ section on the RCL site has a question about this:

Can I bring liquor or non-alcoholic beverages (from home or from a port) onboard?


The statement below it only prohibits alcohol not any non-alcoholic beverages.


The only statement about them is: "Security may inspect containers (water bottles, soda bottles, mouthwash, luggage etc.) and will dispose of containers holding alcohol."


Based on that I'd say Royal officially *allows* water/soda to be carried on.


We've done this for years and have never had an issue. I believe they did previously have a limit on the amount you could carry onto the ship.



you would be incorrect (water and soda would be non alchoholic)


Guests are not allowed to bring beer, hard liquor, fortified wines or non-alcoholic beverages onboard for consumption or any other use on boarding day or while in port. Alcoholic beverages seized on boarding day will not be returned.


That being said, many people bring water and soda with success. and as reported, some do not.


One time I had a water bottle in my back pack that I forgot about. They took it and shook it ( i guess alchahol forms bubbles or something) they said ok and gave it back to me.


This is the problem with bad information ..... it is NOT ALLOWED but because many people get away with it, somehow they feel entitled to it. Then a person with no cruising experience takes it as gospel and then when and if they get caught, they rant and rave.

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you would be incorrect (water and soda would be non alchoholic)


Guests are not allowed to bring beer, hard liquor, fortified wines or non-alcoholic beverages onboard for consumption or any other use on boarding day or while in port. Alcoholic beverages seized on boarding day will not be returned.


That being said, many people bring water and soda with success. and as reported, some do not.


One time I had a water bottle in my back pack that I forgot about. They took it and shook it ( i guess alchahol forms bubbles or something) they said ok and gave it back to me.


This is the problem with bad information ..... it is NOT ALLOWED but because many people get away with it, somehow they feel entitled to it. Then a person with no cruising experience takes it as gospel and then when and if they get caught, they rant and rave.


Yes, I misread that. I'm wrong.


I believe some of the problem is that these policies do change over time. So someone who cruised X years ago when it was allowed now may show up and the 'rules' have changed. If they get denied they would be upset. Most people don't check back for changes to the rules on a regular basis.

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you would be incorrect (water and soda would be non alchoholic)


Guests are not allowed to bring beer, hard liquor, fortified wines or non-alcoholic beverages onboard for consumption or any other use on boarding day or while in port. Alcoholic beverages seized on boarding day will not be returned.


That being said, many people bring water and soda with success. and as reported, some do not.


One time I had a water bottle in my back pack that I forgot about. They took it and shook it ( i guess alchahol forms bubbles or something) they said ok and gave it back to me.


This is the problem with bad information ..... it is NOT ALLOWED but because many people get away with it, somehow they feel entitled to it. Then a person with no cruising experience takes it as gospel and then when and if they get caught, they rant and rave.


Agh! Ignore post #69. Accidentally submitted and while editing I ran out of time.. I was distracted by work. :D



Yes, I misread that. I'm wrong.


I believe some of the problem is that these policies do change over time. So someone who cruised X years ago when it was allowed now may show up and the 'rules' have changed. If they get denied they would be upset. Most people don't check back for changes to the rules.


I would be interested to hear from a port worker on how information of this type is disseminated, and a bit about how the day to day operations occurs. Is this just not stressed by management? I would suspect the workers standing there probably know the rules, but no one really wants the hassle of standing there an making every 10th person angry at them. If that's the case then it's an enforcement problem caused by lax management.


Similarly in the MDR, there's not really any payoff in enforcing the 'suggested dress.' They run the risk of angering someone to the point of removing gratuities. While other passengers may see them enforce the dress code (and appreciate it) they will not likely thank the person for doing so.

Edited by ewenix
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And no, the ship's water is not equivalent. I will admit to being a water snob. We have a good filter at home. I've never carried bottled water on board, I just buy it as we need it (or lately, get it as part of the drink package).


Seriously. Just buy one of these for each person and all your worries fade away.




They make larger ones, too.


The filters last a long time. We take ours on every cruise we go on. Fill it up from CUPS at the water station (it's severely forbidden/frowned on to fill direct) and you're good to go.


I am a water snob and this passes all my tests.





Seriously... this is a million times better for the sea and the environment and it's a super easy fix. Whatever brand you like works just the same. Find the one that's right for you.

Edited by poncho1973
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