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To go or not to go


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A few years ago DH and I were visiting South Africa and coworkers of his were warning him about it being so dangerous there. Well, while we were in SA there was a fire bombing on the NYC subway. Things can happen anywhere.


And yes, everyone has to make up their own minds on what they feel comfortable doing.

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Another viewpoint:


We had an almost-3 week European trip planned for this past May (cruise and pre and post cruise land travel). This would have been my 5th European cruise. The cruise was on the Oosterdam that went to several ports in Spain (not so common for Med. cruises) with additional stops in Gibraltar, Marseilles, Monte Carlo and disembark in Civitavecchia.


After the Brussels airport bombings, we cancelled. It wasn't, and still isn't, my own comfort level to be, as the U.S. State department warns, "constantly vigilant" about my surroundings. I was most concerned about France and some of the very southern ports in Spain. Instead, we re-booked on a Canada/New England cruise on the Veendam that started in Montreal and ended in Boston. We disembarked last Saturday. A nice cruise, but not nearly as exciting or memorable as a Med. cruise. But, in light of very recent events in Nice, and now Turkey, NO WAY DO I REGRET MY DECISION TO CANCEL.


We had cancel for any reason insurance so we lost, obviously, the cost for the insurance. And, since we had used United Mileage points, they charged us $200 per person to return our points back into our account (Really? How much does it cost to make a few keystrokes on a keyboard?).


My advice is that its your vacation, no one else's, and you shouldn't be swayed by someone else's rhetoric into making or changing a decision that you're not comfortable with.


Good luck.


Very sound advice. We all make risk assessments as we go about our daily lives. Many of us, for instance, live in large cities where while "anything can happen", we still use our common sense and avoid certain areas of these cities due to high crime rates. I don't see this as the criminals winning - it's the smart thing to do.


Only the OP knows and understands his/her level of anxiety with this trip. I would rather travel elsewhere (it is a big planet, after all, and there are lots of areas that have not suffered from attacks) than travel somewhere and constantly be on edge, for whatever the reason. IMO, avoiding an area because you don't feel it is safe is no different than avoiding an area for any other reason. The outcome is the same.


OP, you shouldn't be made to feel less than because you think differently or feel differently than other people. It's very easy for anyone who is not facing the risk to state that they would go, but the reality is it is you that will be at the port. Statistics and low probability mean nothing if you suddenly find yourself in the middle of an attack.

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Wouldn't hesitate to go. That's a lovely itinerary. We just booked our air for a land trip next Spring and were on a med cruise in May this year


There was a drive by shooting in Bakersfield yesterday, shooting 14 people. Do whatever you're comfortable with.

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Honestly, it saddens me to no end that we even need to have conversations like this. It truly can be a disgusting world we live in. I also worry, sometimes daily [especially the past year or so], that this just may be the way it is going to be from now on. Will it ever change or will we have to live the rest of our lives worrying about things this? As globalization continues and technologies advance it becomes easier and easier for those wishing to do harm to be able to accomplish their terrible task. It sucks but who knows if it will ever get better? We all hope it does but no one can guarantee it.


That said, you can count me in the "OP should go to Europe" camp. Unless they live in a bubble, or a really obscure town that terrorists would not bother to attack, the risk in Europe is likely similar to the risk here in the US. Of course some places pose higher risks [iraq, Syria, even perhaps Turkey at this point in time] but Med port cities that HAL will call on are not likely among those posing the enhanced risk. I'm from the Boston area and as all of you know we had an awful terrorist attack a couple years ago [and were also greatly impacted by 9/11 as well]. Orlando just had one last month. San Bernadino before that. These things DO happen in this country and I feel as if sometimes people forget that. Or they feel that the US is "just safer" even if there is no concrete evidence supporting that. I also think there is perhaps a bit of "us vs. them" mentality among many North American travelers...I only say this because I know not one person that cancelled [or even discussed cancelling] trips to FL after the Orlando attack. Why is that?


To the OP, I agree with the others here that stated only you know your personal comfort level and the decision to go is yours and yours alone. $2500 is a fair amount of money to lose over something that is [likely] not going to affect your vacation. If you do decide to cancel, what do you plan to do as an alternative? Just work and save the time off days for another time? Stay at home for the week instead of traveling anywhere? If you are paralyzed by fear of terrorism, I understand you taking these actions regardless of the amount of money lost. However, will you instead go to another destination [where, honestly, the risk could still be present regardless of how small]?

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Recently paid in full for a European cruise for September. This is a special trip to celebrate our 40th anniversary. We are nervous with the current state of affairs in Europe. and are conflicted as to whether we should still go. We have trip insurance but does not cover cancel for any reason. If we cancel we will be out $2500.


Would appreciate others thoughts as to still taking our trip.


Cancel - and send me the tickets....

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We would still go if the trip was booked. I must say I do not feel the need to rush back to Europe with what is happening.

I was in the city in Sydney a while back when there was a siege and very sadly, two innocent people died. It was not actually a terrorist attack as it turned but. However the crazy person who took the hostages tried to make it seem as such. He was saying that there were bombs around the city etc. and everyone went rushing home. I refused to go as firstly, I could barely believe it and secondly I felt that terrorists win if we all change our lives and plans. But when I got frantic calls from family and it seems the trains would shut down, I did head home.

So one must consider your own gut feelings as well as the impact your decision has one your loved ones.

However it will only take perhaps a five percent drop in people travelling to have a big impact on the European tourist industry.

We see here how the traffic jams disppear in the school holidays with a drop of no more than 10% cars on the road. And it is just tragic for Turkey.

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I would go on the cruise. Because it is a cruise, you could elect to stay on board at a port that particularly concerns you. Please don't see all of Europe as being the same.


I have bookings for Europe next year. I 'm not too keen on Paris or Versailles with the current situation, but there is plenty of interesting things in rural France.

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You know - every single year 10310 people in the US died because of weapons. Compared to 155 per year in Germany.... ok our population is "just" a quart of the American population.....


I visit the US regulary. Should I stop?


Will you stop visiting New York ork, Boston, Dallas, Orlando?


Never visit Washington? Being fear of any big city which may be the next target?


Could be London, San Francisco, Berlin. Could be a church, a concert or a baseball game.


I am more afraid of a car Crash, but i still use my car....

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Afloat- can you just cancel Paris pre-cruise (I think that is what you said) and go on the cruise if that would make you more comfortable. You can also not disembark at any of the ports and stay on the ship if there are specific areas that make you feel uncomfortable.

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I'm an American living in Europe and FWIW, I feel safer in Europe than I ever did in the States.


The central station in my city has been flagged as a possible terrorist target. I still walk through there a few times a week.


Canceling a trip because you're afraid of terrorism is like refusing to get into a car because you're afraid of crashing.

Edited by ExpatBride
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Let me see if I understand these posts: if we don't want the terrorists to "win", we should travel in areas that have a higher likelihood of being attacked? IMO the terrorists win when they kill people, not when they cause a few people to change their travel/vacation plans.


So, OP, this is a very personal matter that only you can decide, based on your sense of what is right for you and your family. For me, the answer is easy: my life and the lives of my dear family are worth more than $2500, so I would cancel the cruise. JMO


Although your opinion seems to be in the minority here, I agree with you.

We canceled our Viking River Cruise from Paris in May after the problems in Paris. Lost half of what you lost, but as you said, our life is worth more than that.

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Each person needs to decide for themselves what their level of comfort is, anywhere you go in the world, and at anytime of day something could happen but the choice is ours to make. Please make your decision based on your feeling not those of people on this board.

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Each person needs to decide for themselves what their level of comfort is, anywhere you go in the world, and at anytime of day something could happen but the choice is ours to make. Please make your decision based on your feeling not those of people on this board.


Agree 100%! Well said.

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Breaking News!

CNN is reporting that 3 police offices have been killed, and 4 others shot in Baton Rouge. Reports indicate police were responding to reports of a man walking down the street with an assault rifle and were picked off by a sniper at a nearby location. The site of the Republican Convention in Cleveland is in an "open carry" area where anyone can openly carry a firearm! And people worry about travel to Europe! Maybe the authorities in Europe should issue a warning about travel to the United States.

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Breaking News!

CNN is reporting that 3 police offices have been killed, and 4 others shot in Baton Rouge. Reports indicate police were responding to reports of a man walking down the street with an assault rifle and were picked off by a sniper at a nearby location. The site of the Republican Convention in Cleveland is in an "open carry" area where anyone can openly carry a firearm! And people worry about travel to Europe! Maybe the authorities in Europe should issue a warning about travel to the United States.


Just thinking the same thing. Another senseless loss of life right on your doorstep. Condolences to the families of the victims.

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Breaking News!

CNN is reporting that 3 police offices have been killed, and 4 others shot in Baton Rouge. Reports indicate police were responding to reports of a man walking down the street with an assault rifle and were picked off by a sniper at a nearby location. The site of the Republican Convention in Cleveland is in an "open carry" area where anyone can openly carry a firearm! And people worry about travel to Europe! Maybe the authorities in Europe should issue a warning about travel to the United States.


There many 'NO' zones in cities all over Europe where police cannot go in like in Paris, Marseille, Lyon etc..

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Breaking News!

CNN is reporting that 3 police offices have been killed, and 4 others shot in Baton Rouge. Reports indicate police were responding to reports of a man walking down the street with an assault rifle and were picked off by a sniper at a nearby location. The site of the Republican Convention in Cleveland is in an "open carry" area where anyone can openly carry a firearm! And people worry about travel to Europe! Maybe the authorities in Europe should issue a warning about travel to the United States.


Well, Bermuda and a couple of other countries have already issued warnings about travel to the U.S.!


There many 'NO' zones in cities all over Europe where police cannot go in like in Paris, Marseille, Lyon etc..


I don't think that is true when they are on full alert? We were in Europe when the awful incident happened in Paris and both France and Spain were on full alert. From what I understood at the time the "no zones" were eliminated.


At least, that is what we saw.


I never saw so many police, National Guard, etc. in my life. They were everywhere.

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Well, Bermuda and a couple of other countries have already issued warnings about travel to the U.S.!




I don't think that is true when they are on full alert? We were in Europe when the awful incident happened in Paris and both France and Spain were on full alert. From what I understood at the time the "no zones" were eliminated.


At least, that is what we saw.


I never saw so many police, National Guard, etc. in my life. They were everywhere.


Don't forget that most Europeans (and a few in the U.S) are in self

denial, they don't want to see what kind of evil is lurking..

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Don't forget that most Europeans (and a few in the U.S) are in self

denial, they don't want to see what kind of evil is lurking..



:confused::confused: sorry, I really am confused.


I was reporting what I saw and we were there.


I didn't see any self denial nor no zones. Just a lot of National Guard and police. They were everywhere. Around any monument, no zones (as you call them). Literally every corner, everywhere. And they had machine type guns.

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Don't forget that most Europeans (and a few in the U.S) are in self

denial, they don't want to see what kind of evil is lurking..


Like everyone else, you are entitled to your opinions! However, statements claiming that most Europeans and some Americans are in denial are totally ridiculous. What qualifies you as an expert in this area and empowers you to know what everyone else in the world is thinking? I submit that one of the problems today is people being loose with their facts and posting inaccurate information on social media.

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I'd rather take a calm and reasoned approach to the world than subscribe to every crazy conspiracy theory and imagine that there are terrorists behind every tree.


I submit that one of the problems today is people being loose with their facts and posting inaccurate information on social media.


I second this heartily. People read things in blogs or publications with an agenda and then consider it fact. Or just as bad, they transmit information inaccurately -- like playing that old game of telephone.


I lose count of how many times I've asked people to substantiate some crazy claim -- most times there is no response. :rolleyes:

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Like everyone else, you are entitled to your opinions! However, statements claiming that most Europeans and some Americans are in denial are totally ridiculous. What qualifies you as an expert in this area and empowers you to know what everyone else in the world is thinking? I submit that one of the problems today is people being loose with their facts and posting inaccurate information on social media.


Very well said.

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I'd rather take a calm and reasoned approach to the world than subscribe to every crazy conspiracy theory and imagine that there are terrorists behind every tree.:




Only the OP can decide what is best for her/him. We have traveled extensively all over Europe and loved all the ports we were able to explore. We have no current plans to return to Europe, but we would not hesitate if it was a trip that we really wanted to do. We intend to go about our lives and just be aware of our surroundings. Stuff happens no matter where you live. I truly believe that when your number is up, it's up no matter where you are or what you are doing.

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There many 'NO' zones in cities all over Europe where police cannot go in like in Paris, Marseille, Lyon etc..



Please explain. What European cities have you been to recently where this is the case?

Edited by Jade13
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