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Sweating the Small Stuff


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Only complaint I read on here about MDR dress that I agreed w/ was someone in a t-shirt w/ the "F" word.


As far as that ...little bit of rust :eek:

...Carpet was worn :eek:

...The air was salty :eek:

...It rained for 30 secs until the Captain changed course :eek:


If you are able to afford a vacation...life is good.



To all those battling disease.. Prayers and thoughts!

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To all of you fighting health battles, may you find joy in the little things, humor in the odd and bizarre and comfort in your friends and family.


As the person who often tells the patient the new diagnosis or tells the person who has fought the good fight that the fight is done, I find very little to complain about on a cruise. It truly amazes me how cranky some people can get about so little. I am glad for them that the worst thing in their lives is that their food is served at the wrong temperature or that they have to wait for an elevator or that the ship serves coke products rather than Pepsi.

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Something our father said & I have lived by it, was Once something happens we can't change it so best to relax, don't get all upset and look for another route around the obstical. Our father lived to be 94 and we never heard him complain and believe me he had plenty to complain about when things didn't go quite the way it should have.

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My "survival" has been viral Cardiomyopathy. At the time of diagnosis, I was given 6 months. It's been 6 years. We (daughters, grandson and me) decided our motto would be "why not?" so we booked our first ever Med cruise. We had never been to Europe. I considered it a trip of a lifetime. Then we booked a second one with a different itinerary. Who is lucky enough to get to do that? Now we have been on several more cruises and have one planned for Christmas and one for next summer. How lucky am I? So when I see the petty complaints about the coffee, the dress code "violations" and even the chair hogs, I feel a little sorry for these folks who don't know how to appreciate LIFE. Our last cruise wasn't ruined because of it, but what happened did affect our dinner every night in the MDR. We were seated next to a table of four young adults (2 couples traveling together) who looked like professionals. One was a Vegan, one was a Vegetarian and the other two had multiple food allergies. On night one, they spent 10 minutes racking the poor waiter over the coals because there was no Vegan menu (like on the Independence). They insisted on seeing the Head Waiter who received the same loud, long lecture while he apologizing and offering everything but his first born to no avail. Every night, it took the waiter, asst. waiter and the Head waiter to get them served and they still complained, up to and including asking that the chef list all the ingredients in the specially prepared dishes to make sure he didn't "screw with their system." They sent dishes back and they came to the dining room one night asking for specific dishes to be prepared and brought to them in "to go" containers. You could just see the poor waiter knot up into a ball when he saw them prance into the dining room (late) every night. They snickered and made nasty remarks while he was scurrying around for their numerous special requests.He was so consumed with them that he got a few of our dishes wrong, failed to bring a couple of dishes and we sat with empty glasses a few times and we never mentioned it. PLEASE be nice to the crew and staff. These people work incredibly hard to please us all. Seeing the disrespect they showed these people was the closest I've seen to anything ruining our cruise. I loathe hearing people bully and belittle others. It's unacceptable. No one in the service industry deserves to be treated disrespectfully, on a ship or on land. These people just flat out bullied the crew and staff. If for no other reason, just remember, they are the last ones handling the food you put in your mouth, folks. :D

Edited by griffy116
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Reading lots of threads about things that seem too trivial to ruin a vacation. After all, we're on a cruise ship right? What silly thing can ruin your vacation. I'm going to miss baseball but I watch tons at home. Small thing but I will miss my Mets


What are '' Mets''?

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I hope to always have an excellent vacation. But, life is life. Something will go wrong. But, we try to let them be like water on a duck. Move on and get another drink.


Toes in sand, drink in hand. Everything else is small stuff.


I'm like you, when stuff goes wrong I don't let it bother me. I laugh it off and move on. But my small stuff might be big stuff to other people and if that's the case, so be it. As long as their "sweating" doesn't affect me I say;"sweat away"!


P.S. I try to avoid the customer service desk on a cruise. Always seem to be a lot of heavy "sweaters" there.:)

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My "survival" has been viral Cardiomyopathy. At the time of diagnosis, I was given 6 months. It's been 6 years. We (daughters, grandson and me) decided our motto would be "why not?" so we booked our first ever Med cruise. We had never been to Europe. I considered it a trip of a lifetime. Then we booked a second one with a different itinerary. Who is lucky enough to get to do that? Now we have been on several more cruises and have one planned for Christmas and one for next summer. How lucky am I? So when I see the petty complaints about the coffee, the dress code "violations" and even the chair hogs, I feel a little sorry for these folks who don't know how to appreciate LIFE. Our last cruise wasn't ruined because of it, but what happened did affect our dinner every night in the MDR. We were seated next to a table of four young adults (2 couples traveling together) who looked like professionals. One was a Vegan, one was a Vegetarian and the other two had multiple food allergies. On night one, they spent 10 minutes racking the poor waiter over the coals because there was no Vegan menu (like on the Independence). They insisted on seeing the Head Waiter who received the same loud, long lecture while he apologizing and offering everything but his first born to no avail. Every night, it took the waiter, asst. waiter and the Head waiter to get them served and they still complained, up to and including asking that the chef list all the ingredients in the specially prepared dishes to make sure he didn't "screw with their system." They sent dishes back and they came to the dining room one night asking for specific dishes to be prepared and brought to them in "to go" containers. You could just see the poor waiter knot up into a ball when he saw them prance into the dining room (late) every night. They snickered and made nasty remarks while he was scurrying around for their numerous special requests.He was so consumed with them that he got a few of our dishes wrong, failed to bring a couple of dishes and we sat with empty glasses a few times and we never mentioned it. PLEASE be nice to the crew and staff. These people work incredibly hard to please us all. Seeing the disrespect they showed these people was the closest I've seen to anything ruining our cruise. I loathe hearing people bully and belittle others. It's unacceptable. No one in the service industry deserves to be treated disrespectfully, on a ship or on land. These people just flat out bullied the crew and staff. If for no other reason, just remember, they are the last ones handling the food you put in your mouth, folks. :D


I wish you 60 more great years. I love your motto of why not. Reminds me of Russel Wilson (qb Seattle Seahawks, yes I'm a big sports fan) his motto Why Not Us. I say that frequently. Why the heck not us? To win, to dream, to live, to cruise to do anything.

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To all of you fighting health battles, may you find joy in the little things, humor in the odd and bizarre and comfort in your friends and family.


As the person who often tells the patient the new diagnosis or tells the person who has fought the good fight that the fight is done, I find very little to complain about on a cruise. It truly amazes me how cranky some people can get about so little. I am glad for them that the worst thing in their lives is that their food is served at the wrong temperature or that they have to wait for an elevator or that the ship serves coke products rather than Pepsi.



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I'm currently in the midst of my third stage 4 cancer experience since 2008. When I cruise the Pacific Coastal aboard the Explorer of the Seas on September 30th, I will have finished 4 of 6 chemo treatments. I jokingly say that, in a less than lucid moment, I inadvertently signed up for the 4 year cancer plan...2008, 2012 and now 2016. I can hardly wait to see what 2020 will bring for me. :D It's all good. At least with the chemo I am currently on, I don't lose my hair. You learn very quickly to deal with what life hands you with grit, determination and humour. :)



My heart goes out to you . I remember like it was yesterday what it was like going through all that Chemo and Radiation treatments . I still say I have that chemo taste in my mouth. I CANT imagine what its like to repeat that 3 times over. I have to kind of laugh at your last sentence cause they always told me I had the best sense of humor of person they ever saw , I always said it was either that or feel sorry for yourself and give up. Keep your head up and keep on chugging along and good sailing for all those future cruises. :):) Will say a prayer for you .

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I only complain to myself about all the people who spend their lives complaining about one thing or another.

Crawl out of your hole ever now and then and you could see just how bad life can be if you let it. Just learn to sick it up and enjoy life cause the ride is never long enough.

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My "survival" has been viral Cardiomyopathy. At the time of diagnosis, I was given 6 months. It's been 6 years. We (daughters, grandson and me) decided our motto would be "why not?" so we booked our first ever Med cruise. We had never been to Europe. I considered it a trip of a lifetime. Then we booked a second one with a different itinerary. Who is lucky enough to get to do that? Now we have been on several more cruises and have one planned for Christmas and one for next summer. How lucky am I? So when I see the petty complaints about the coffee, the dress code "violations" and even the chair hogs, I feel a little sorry for these folks who don't know how to appreciate LIFE. Our last cruise wasn't ruined because of it, but what happened did affect our dinner every night in the MDR. We were seated next to a table of four young adults (2 couples traveling together) who looked like professionals. One was a Vegan, one was a Vegetarian and the other two had multiple food allergies. On night one, they spent 10 minutes racking the poor waiter over the coals because there was no Vegan menu (like on the Independence). They insisted on seeing the Head Waiter who received the same loud, long lecture while he apologizing and offering everything but his first born to no avail. Every night, it took the waiter, asst. waiter and the Head waiter to get them served and they still complained, up to and including asking that the chef list all the ingredients in the specially prepared dishes to make sure he didn't "screw with their system." They sent dishes back and they came to the dining room one night asking for specific dishes to be prepared and brought to them in "to go" containers. You could just see the poor waiter knot up into a ball when he saw them prance into the dining room (late) every night. They snickered and made nasty remarks while he was scurrying around for their numerous special requests.He was so consumed with them that he got a few of our dishes wrong, failed to bring a couple of dishes and we sat with empty glasses a few times and we never mentioned it. PLEASE be nice to the crew and staff. These people work incredibly hard to please us all. Seeing the disrespect they showed these people was the closest I've seen to anything ruining our cruise. I loathe hearing people bully and belittle others. It's unacceptable. No one in the service industry deserves to be treated disrespectfully, on a ship or on land. These people just flat out bullied the crew and staff. If for no other reason, just remember, they are the last ones handling the food you put in your mouth, folks. :D


I wonder how much, if any, tip they let stay on their final bill. I hope the cruise lines "mark" these type of client and place them in out of the way tables on future cruises. Their cardiologist will be buying a lot of cruises off them in the future due to the stress levels they keep themselves.

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I think many of the complaints about nasty or lazy crew members can be traced back to passengers who treat hard working crew as if they are beneath them. I've witnessed it many times. I myself find this attitude horrible. A smile and a thank you will get you a long way. (And no offense to vegans, they can be hard to handle with their food requests).

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I think many of the complaints about nasty or lazy crew members can be traced back to passengers who treat hard working crew as if they are beneath them. I've witnessed it many times. I myself find this attitude horrible. A smile and a thank you will get you a long way. (And no offense to vegans, they can be hard to handle with their food requests).


I understand what you are saying and we treat crew members like human beings but these crew members are in the hospitality industry and should strive to treat all passengers like honored guests regardless of how they are treated in return. I used to work in the hospitality industry when I was younger and determined early on that I just couldn't do that with some guests, so now that I am older I don't work in the hospitality industry;).

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I find the dress code police and their ranting on how people ruin their personal pleasure on a cruise with their sartorial selections...


I am in hospitality. Sometimes, no matter what you do, a guest will act like an entitled donkey. Had one yesterday - man booked a room (NOT a suite) for him and his wife. Had the reservations agent add comments that he was demanding a private balcony, fireplace and the highest floor since it was "his" anniversary. Well, that combination is very rare at our place and for that stay, we could only come up with 2 of the 3 (no highest floor). But, since it was supposedly an anniversary, we went and set up roses in the room, rose petals on the bed, champagne and chocolate strawberries, and a welcome charcuterie platter. When the man and his wife arrived and were checked in, he first asked for a comp upgrade because it was "his anniversary." We had nothing (big conference coming in today and all suites were booked). Then, he refused to even go to the room because it was on a lower floor. We had one of our higher up managers to talk to him and convince him to at least go look at the room (it was actually a unique room in that class, and a staff favorite), thinking that, if he saw all the amenities, he'd stay. Well, he got in the room and threw a hissy fit. The wife started crying. We ended up moving them (minus the amenities and moving around 3 other arrivals, and their ordered amenities already placed, to do this) to a room on a higher floor that was a standard room that did not have a fireplace and had a smaller balcony. He still wanted us to pay for their anniversary dinner because we had "ruined" the trip. He treated all of us from the get-go poorly. The one manager who had the initial interaction wanted to "give them a ride to the xxx (another hotel)" - kick them out...The guy had a "black" card - if he really wanted to have a good anniversary present for his wife, he should have booked a suite...


Then, we had a guest go ballistic and berate a poor steward because his ice took 10 minutes to be delivered... Some people will complain about anything to try to get something for free or just to complain because they are miserable human beings and want everyone else to me miserable...

Edited by slidergirl
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Whenever we have been "bugged" by some little thing it has always been due to preconceived notions or unjustified expectations. Assumptions about how things will work are trip killers so we don't assume anything. Gathering as much information about how things "really" work and what to expect help to prevent a lot of disappointments. Hence Cruise Critic has been a critical resource. Does "stuff" still happen - sure, but we've learned to roll with it. Our motto when things are not going perfectly - "Hey, it's all just a big adventure!"

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If you're not joking, they are the National League baseball team in New York.



Dont forget this is a world wide forum most of us who don't live in the States would have no idea the names of your sporting teams.


I cannot understand either how people can complain about small things when you are on holidays, we are so lucky that we can go on cruises and see different parts of the world, many people in this world will never be able to do this. As Monty Python said "always look on the bright side of life"



Sent from my iPad using Forums mobile app

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Burt, since I joined in 2005, there seems to be more complaining or comments made toward a Post. I believe in trying to help an individual with their question or provide a Link to the best section of CC where they can get an answer. If I am unable to help at all then I move on and let others assist. We have many on CC who provide all of us with helpful information regardless if it is our first cruise or 100th.

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Reading lots of threads about things that seem too trivial to ruin a vacation. After all, we're on a cruise ship right? What silly thing can ruin your vacation. I'm going to miss baseball but I watch tons at home. Small thing but I will miss my Mets


And at the end of the day it's pretty much all small stuff if I'm on a cruise.

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