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Roll Call and Privacy Concerns


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All you need to do is look at social media and you will see that many people are willing to share every detail of their lives. I find much less is shared here on Cruise Critic than you would find on facebook, for example.




This is why I won't join Facebook, Twitter, etc.

Nor do I join Roll Calls anymore. And when I did join a couple of Roll Calls years ago -- never gave any personal information.

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Actually Betty, there are moderators on roll calls. They don't read all the posts of course as roll calls are usually without issue.


But, you can certainly red triangle a post if you have an issue with it. If someone gave out information and now regret it a red triangle would get the post deleted.


Host Walt takes care of the HAL roll calls. He has changed titles, merged roll calls, etc. For us on in the past ;)


Understand & I stand corrected Jackie..Thanks


I'm just amazed that the person who started the roll call would even post a PDF with that kind of info..They should be chastised for doing something like this..


I would not even e-mail this info to the participants..The only time I used the last names & cabin No's was to give them to HAL..But I did have copies of my list which was distributed at the Meet & Greet for those who gave me the info..


IMO then the OPO of this thread should bring to Walt's attention that a PDF was posted with all the participants personal info..He could delete the post..

Edited by serendipity1499
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Many years ago I attended a rather contentious series of public meetings in my hometown. I recognized another CC member who was quite active on these boards only based on a few "soft" identifiers she had posted. (The ID was correct- and we were both on the "right" side of the issue.:D)


That was a good lesson for me in posting.

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I always advise people NOT to give their last names on the roll call.........

I think you have a valid point regarding privacy issues. Perhaps ask the person in charge of the spreadsheet that you would like your last name, residence, cabin number and email removed from the listing - I would like to think they would comply with your request.

If one has an unusual name putting this info up on public forums is especially risky. We needed to contact the out-of-town owners of a condo next to one we own. With just a somewhat unusual last name and state I was able to (within 10 minutes) not only find their phone number but the address and Google was "nice enough" to provide a map to reach their house. Scary stuff if you're posting personal info on sites where it's known folks travel for extended times :(

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... Do know one needs to present HAL with the list of CC'ers complete with last name and cabin number (if available) for these meetings - but that should not be here.


It is most unfortunate that HAL requests this information. It isn't necessary and all it does is confirm to HAL which passengers are active on CC. The end result is that those who do not want to provide it usually choose not to participate in the M&G.

Edited by cbr663
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Do know one needs to present HAL with the list of CC'ers complete with last name and cabin number (if available) for these meetings - but that should not be here.


It is most unfortunate that HAL requests this information. It isn't necessary and all it does is confirm to HAL which passengers are active on CC. The end result is that those who do not want to provide it usually choose not to participate in the M&G.


I have set up many M&Gs without providing HAL with full names and cabins, only number of participants. If you provide names, they may get invited to additional functions.

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... Like you, I am surprised when people post spreadsheets and pdf docs to CC containing private information. The Community Guidelines make clear: "Do not post details or private information about any other person.". So it would seem that these types of documents are a no no, yet they appear regularly on CC.


... I don't join roll calls or give out information myself. I know people who ask for it mean no harm but it's chilling the lengths criminals will go to obtain private information. We don't need to help them get it.


It is amazing how much blind trust some CCers are willing to place in total strangers. While I'm (fairly) certain that Kazu and Moderator Walt may be "well-intentioned", I am unwilling to take a chance because I have absolutely no knowledge about how tech savvy or gullible she or he may be and, in turn, how effectively she or he protects the privacy of CCers who post personal info on here or in a Roll Call. My rule of thumb is: Unless you don't mind your worst enemy having your (most) personal info, don't give it out.

Smooth sailing ...

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Many years ago I attended a rather contentious series of public meetings in my hometown. I recognized another CC member who was quite active on these boards only based on a few "soft" identifiers she had posted. (The ID was correct- and we were both on the "right" side of the issue.:D)


That was a good lesson for me in posting.


You bring up a very valid point on using personal identifiers online. Even the most obscure identifier can be used to build a complete profile of someone.


Also keep in mind that while it is great that someone steps up and does a lot of organizing on roll calls - you are providing a lot of personal information to that person. You don't truly know how that person is using that information, storing the information and whether it is deleted or discarded after the cruise. You also don't know who else has access to that information.

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It is amazing how much blind trust some CCers are willing to place in total strangers. While I'm (fairly) certain that Kazu and Moderator Walt may be "well-intentioned", I am unwilling to take a chance because I have absolutely no knowledge about how tech savvy or gullible she or he may be and, in turn, how effectively she or he protects the privacy of CCers who post personal info on here or in a Roll Call. My rule of thumb is: Unless you don't mind your worst enemy having your (most) personal info, don't give it out.

Smooth sailing ...


I couldn't agree more with you @avian777. This isn't meant to criticize the work that others do, like you, I am also unwilling to take the chance. Most of the information being shared today is shared electronically, and I have worked with lots of people who simply did not know how their computers and devices stored information. How can you protect information if you do not even know that it even exists or where it is?

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When we sailed RCCL I liked the way they do the M&G sign-ups. You actually go to a page on their site to sign-up directly with RCCL. The only info available to others is the number of people who signed up with no personal info - not even names. If your group has 25+ sign-ups RCCL makes the arrangements and an invite to the M&G appears in your cabin when you board.

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I am the OP of this thread. I am glad there are so many people that agree with me. I did not give any of my details to the organiser of the roll call when requested.....and did explain to her it was a privacy issue....so my name does not appear on the PDF.

I agree with the comments here too that FB can be an issue also....I do not post any holiday plans etc there...and only use it for private messages to friends and family. People must realize that anyone can see what you write there unless you have used the blocking. Friends of friends and their friends etc.


I took advice from this thread and 'red triangled' the post with the PDF with the following message...


"This PDF attached is a privacy issue. Full names, home towns and emails are displayed. I think it should be removed"


I hope for the sake of the members who innocently and trustingly provided their details it is removed.

Edited by kura
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... I took advice from this thread and 'red triangled' the post with the PDF with the following message...


"This PDF attached is a privacy issue. Full names, home towns and emails are displayed. I think it should be removed"


I hope for the sake of the members who innocently and trustingly provided their details it is removed.


FWIW I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for this to occur ... but even if it is, the original is still "out there" in cyber safe for use and misuse by all who have already seen it and/or downloaded it ... good luck ...

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o.k. I have seen the concerns.

Some posters like to know if they are neighbors with fellow cruisers that is why my roll calls have first names and city. Bear in mind that you can say what you wish e.g.


Name: Tom, Dick, DD or whatever

Home: Up North, US, Planet Earth or Whatever


There is absolutely no pressure to provide personal information.


However if you are on a private tour with me I probably will ask you to email me your last name so I can find you on the ship. I personally will list my cabin number in the event someone on private tour wish to find me. Again this is optional.

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o.k. I have seen the concerns.

Some posters like to know if they are neighbors with fellow cruisers that is why my roll calls have first names and city. Bear in mind that you can say what you wish e.g.


Name: Tom, Dick, DD or whatever

Home: Up North, US, Planet Earth or Whatever]


The roll call I am referring to has displayed and requested much more than the above. ..... CC name, first name, surname, home town and email address.

42 people have supplied that information and it is there on the roll call in PDF format for anyone to see. If you click on it it downloads in iBooks. In fact the number is really almost double that because most have also supplied partners names as well!

Edited by kura
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It is easy to set up a separate email address for using on cruise critic and communicating with people you meet on cruises. That is what I did and I check it once a week. I also do not give my city - just region. I am on the roll call where the PDF was published and I am not worried about exposure due to taking these steps.

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I am amazed at how naive and gullible some people are sometimes...


So far, this thread has only reinforced my desire to not ever sign up for a roll call, attend a M&G and to do my ports on my own. If there was ever some whiz-bang, gotta do place that I could not do solo, I'd "troll" for someone who is also doing it. However, I would NEVER use my primary or secondary email for any of this. I'd set up an email that has no relation with it's name to any of my other emails and only do the BARE MINIMUM of communication.

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I am amazed at how naive and gullible some people are sometimes...


So far, this thread has only reinforced my desire to not ever sign up for a roll call, attend a M&G and to do my ports on my own. If there was ever some whiz-bang, gotta do place that I could not do solo, I'd "troll" for someone who is also doing it. However, I would NEVER use my primary or secondary email for any of this. I'd set up an email that has no relation with it's name to any of my other emails and only do the BARE MINIMUM of communication.


Totally agree. I think that if those on that roll call even typed into Google their first name and surname, ...and of course if they added even a state they would be horrified with what comes up......full address, phone number, sometimes even age.......easier of course if you have an unusual surname

Edited by kura
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I am the OP of this thread. I am glad there are so many people that agree with me. I did not give any of my details to the organiser of the roll call when requested.....and did explain to her it was a privacy issue....so my name does not appear on the PDF.

I agree with the comments here too that FB can be an issue also....I do not post any holiday plans etc there...and only use it for private messages to friends and family. People must realize that anyone can see what you write there unless you have used the blocking. Friends of friends and their friends etc.


I took advice from this thread and 'red triangled' the post with the PDF with the following message...


"This PDF attached is a privacy issue. Full names, home towns and emails are displayed. I think it should be removed"


I hope for the sake of the members who innocently and trustingly provided their details it is removed.


When you red triangle something it sometimes takes a couple of hours or even days which in this case is too long to get done..


Suggest you send an e-mail to Laura the Cruise Critic Manager as follows:


Community@CruiseCitic.com & copy in both Host Walt & Host Joe:



& HostJoe@CruiseCitic.com


You will have to explain to them clearly where the post has been posted, but they will get these e-mails immediately & take some kind of action..


o.k. I have seen the concerns.

Some posters like to know if they are neighbors with fellow cruisers that is why my roll calls have first names and city. Bear in mind that you can say what you wish e.g.


Name: Tom, Dick, DD or whatever

Home: Up North, US, Planet Earth or Whatever]


The roll call I am referring to has displayed and requested much more than the above. ..... CC name, first name, surname, home town and email address.

42 people have supplied that information and it is there on the roll call in PDF format for anyone to see. If you click on it it downloads in iBooks. In fact the number is really almost double that because most have also supplied partners names as well!


OMG This really is very bad on the part of the organizer..Never ever should something like this be posted on the internet even if you need a password to access it.. Sending an e-mail should get this removed much faster..Please let us know what happens..

Edited by serendipity1499
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I agree that it isn't smart to broadcast both where my house is and when / if it will be unoocopied, but other than that, I don't care an iota if people on CC, FB or most anywhere else, know where I live, work, travel or how old I am. That's been my attitude since the Internet era evolved and it's served me well. My travel and school friends stay in contact, and because I use my name on one email, they find me if we lose contact. I've connected online with people for tours all over the world and have rarely been disappointed by the tour or the people I've met. Last summer's CC M&G got my cruise off to a great start. I'm a widowed, 71 year-old and have never, ever been taken advantage of or scammed via media. I see it as a tool that advantages me! I won't start worrying about unknown threats now! I'm smart enough not to send money to Nigerian P.O. boxes, so I think I'll be fine.

Edited by Melissaghoti
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I agree that it isn't smart to broadcast both where my house is and when / if it will be unoocopied, but other than that, I don't care an iota if people on CC, FB or most anywhere else, know where I live, work, travel or how old I am. That's been my attitude since the Internet era evolved and it's served me well. My travel and school friends stay in contact, and because I use my name on one email, they find me if we lose contact. I've connected online with people for tours all over the world and have rarely been disappointed by the tour or the people I've met. Last summer's CC M&G got my cruise off to a great start. I'm a widowed, 71 year-old and have never, ever been taken advantage of or scammed via media. I see it as a tool that advantages me! I won't start worrying about unknown threats now! I'm smart enough not to send money to Nigerian P.O. boxes, so I think I'll be fine.



Agreed entirely. There will be someone at my house during my cruise, and I'm not paranoid.

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I agree that it isn't smart to broadcast both where my house is and when / if it will be unoocopied, but other than that, I don't care an iota if people on CC, FB or most anywhere else, know where I live, work, travel or how old I am. That's been my attitude since the Internet era evolved and it's served me well. My travel and school friends stay in contact, and because I use my name on one email, they find me if we lose contact. I've connected online with people for tours all over the world and have rarely been disappointed by the tour or the people I've met. Last summer's CC M&G got my cruise off to a great start. I'm a widowed, 71 year-old and have never, ever been taken advantage of or scammed via media. I see it as a tool that advantages me! I won't start worrying about unknown threats now! I'm smart enough not to send money to Nigerian P.O. boxes, so I think I'll be fine.


Very well said. We all make choices based on our knowledge and our comfort with the security provided by our own internet providers and readily-available security software everywhere.


I certainly hope that a few posters who seem to think that Cruise Critic is a cesspool of low-life thieves waiting to take advantage of poor cruisers enjoying their vacation will not result in Cruise Critic tightening their rules any more and preventing the thousands of cruisers who enjoy participating in Roll Calls and exchanging with like-minded people of doing so.


If you don't want to participate, so be it, but please do not spoil it for everyone else who see nothing wrong in sharing a bit of info without being paranoid!

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Agreed entirely. There will be someone at my house during my cruise, and I'm not paranoid.


What is striking about this thread is the paranoia. I don't think people realize that obtaining someone's full name and address is very simple and very quick. We give our names to creditors, to credit card issuers, to stores, to telephone companies, utilities, etc., etc., etc. Yet when we go on a cruise, we don't want people to know our last names? We are kidding ourselves.


As many have pointed out, if you don't want your full name or even your city listed on a roll call, don't do it. Simple. I am not concerned. My real name, address, and telephone number is readily obtainable on Google. If someone doesn't want to tell me their last name, my suspicions are aroused, and I am instantly disinterested in the person. He or she can safely remain incognito.

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