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Ovation review


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Couldn't agree more, bit like life :)

HAL and their pillow top beds would drive you crazy :) - we loved these!!


Perhaps this is another reason why some people prefer other lines. Sleeping well is so essential, especially for a good holiday.:D

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OK... tried to cover most aspects.......



Ovation - Depart 9 Jan



This was our 2nd RCI cruise in 4 months - and it was a very last minute deal. We didn't do the any drinks packages - even though they were $A64 online prior.


sorry.. but I'm still rocking as I commence this - some 3 hours after disembarking.




Whilst not necessarily RCI's issue, the boarding at Sydney OPT was pretty rank, where passengers were standing in the sun outside OPT. Sure many had been there too early for their scheduled time, but something else should / could have been more accommodating in terms of shade.


The iPad type check in - yep, lets just make someone 'sign' something where they can't read the details on screen, and are standing up with other things in their hands. You might as well be getting a parcel from Aus Post, as this is what my signature turned out. More thought needs to go into this. Sure, it was quick..... until.....


Then there was the Customs queue... line up and down.. up and down.. up and down.... yep an insult to the 'intelligence' of this nation that you have JUST seen a RCI person and showed your passport, YET we have to then see a Border Farce Person upstairs. Surely our Nation can be more 'innovative' and have this sheer stupidity changed ? Have a RCI and Customs.. sorry Boarder Farce person nearer to each other ?? What ... are Border Farce people a protected species ???


Lastly - Your Sea Pass cards are on your door. These passes are required for the electricity/air con for the room - you don't get any instructions on how the air con works.


The Room


With our last minute deal, we ended up with Deck 8, Aft (a few cabins sorry statesrooms up from the Lofts), and Starboard - which ended up great for various ports. My mum asked - did the Loft apartments have a special lift - ah.. nope.. they had to walk the distance to get out of the, just like us.


(Given that I noted it was meant to be a twin - it wasn't set up when we first entered). There are obviously a few room combinations - beds nearer to the door, beds nearer to the balcony - we scored the former. Once the beds were split, you have on one side of the bed a wall where the cupboard is, plus the light and switch. There is a big TV screen opposite the beds - more on that later - a lounge, a small fridge (very small !). Be wary of the fridge - it's were the $5.5 a litre of expensive water is 'offered' as your mini bar. Let's just state this again - NEARLY $6 A LITRE FOR WATER. YOU HAVE TO BE ****** KIDDING !!! Go look at the price of a bottle of Coke, and query the sheer insanity of RCI 'asking' for water at this price. We had issues with our room attendant reporting that we used both bottles - twice - why he didn't check with us (where were the empty containers ??) - I had to go to Guest Services to remove these from the bill)


The bathroom seems to be OK until you start using it. I'm 6", and try shaving in there - that light bar gets in the way. My 10 day old beard still exists. The light bar by the way has a 'night light' which is perfect for those nite visits - and not having to turn the whole room up !! There is NO washing line available in this area, nor would they be any ability to do that. Do it outside = as others were seen to do. The shower screen is semi circle glass - so don't slam it. What looked good in the first place, wasn't the best. I do wonder how many of the 'larger' passengers used the toilet - it was rather cramped.


The lounge wasn't body friendly - you couldn't really 'lie' on it - and the TV location didn't make it a 'friendly' location.


The beds..... OMG... after 14 nights I wanted to 'kill' something. It was like sleeping on a wooden plank. There is no give in this mattress, I honestly hated the majority of the nights (and the pillows were no better - a smaller and larger one - and if you 'miss it' there are cupboards above the bed, where I found another few useless pillows. Pray, how do the larger build persons on board sleep ??


The TV.


Forget your HDMI cables - Ovation puts a metal bar down that side, removing all ability to attach your laptop. Thanks..... NOT !! What are your HDMI cables going to do to the programming of the TV ?? Well it would give you flexibility instead of..... boredom.....


If you chose to use the TV you will have to endure the worst TV programs known to man - repetitive advertisements, repetitive Dreamworks movies, OVERLY repetitive TV shows (there were shows on such as Mike and Molly that were on our Voyager cruise in Oct) - OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER.. THERE WAS NOTHING NEW. They even showed some 'Channel 9' broadcast from Alice Springs - and even it was old : They had some C9 News with what was coming up on New Years Night - some 20+ days ago. The TV was again HORRID POINTLESS AND USELESS - 14 days of TV 'HELL' !! This truly shows have pathetic RCI comes to this form of room entertainment. Endless adverts "earn up to $500 OBC" ... where the truth is that you need to book a 15+ day cruise, and stay in the biggest suite to get this ...let's be a bit truthful and state that the majority get $50-100 !!!..... or watch Shrek again.. and again... and again...... oh... but you could 'buy' a movie for something like $12. Greedy RCI yet again.


The Gym


Spin Cycles = "For Safety Reasons" you couldn't use these. What the **** !!! Royal Caribbean are greedy, stupid and damned $$$$ hungry. $U12 to have a session. Any normal gym would have these freely available and classes included in your membership. There are no safety reasons whatsoever - these pieces of equipment are locked up so that you simply can't use them. OUTRAGEOUS. Compared to the other pieces of equipment, there is no reason why they can't be out on the floor - time for RCI to get into the 21st Century.


The gym itself has NO atmosphere, barely any air-conditioning, no music or TV screens - and NO showers nor sauna/spa. Nope - you will have to pay for the later (as compared to what Voyager had freely available). I ultimately gave up on it - it was lifeless, mats were thin and useless, large exercise balls were near to being flat, and there was just the treadmills - just looking out at nothing. Added, sweating back to the Stateroom to have a shower wasn't a good look.


Small annoyance - washing of the walking track each morning.... just overkill.. and that squishing sound from your shoes....


The Food


Ok.. let's just break this down.....


- Sorrentos for pizza. I couldn't stomach one piece. It was revolting. Tasteless, fatty. It's basically the seating area for the Cafe.


- Cafe Promenade - used frequently, for a muffin or two, but the post morning items were terrible. That pavlova with a piece of pineapple... the horror...


- Two70 Cafe - great.. when it was open. We never tried the salad bar, but you could get toasted sandwiches, wraps, cakes etc. It just seemed to close to early.


- Solarium - small buffet selection for breakfast, lunch and dinner (with some paid stuff). Real Plates !!!


- We didn't use any of the MDR - the menus looked bland - and they were all the same which ever one you looked at. My Time was just annoying and there was no way to book other than call or rock up


- We didn't use any of the paid options : whilst booking before boarding you could see the charge - once onboard you didn't !!


- The Windjammer. Unlike the Voyager, the stations are all in one area. This lead to a phenomenon of people with the inability to walk around without appreciating others in the area - let's just walk straight, then diviate, then turn around unexpectedly, oh.. there's the drinks, I'll just cut in line. The Buttjamer had a strange signage 'problem' - where Sushi was on display OUTSIDE SIDE of the station at night, they put the magnetic sign on the INSIDE side of the station- BUT IT WAS CLEARLY VISIBLE !! yes... just swap the magnetic signs around and hope that no one sees them. Stupid.


Why was there always Indian food available ? With Flags ??


Do NOT have any of the liquid chocolate on the display midcruise - it's bitter cocoa used !!


If you want a sugar free desert - then you have a choice of one. There was a stand for gluten free / egg free cakes / desserts, but not much for those wanting to diet on board (diet on board ???!! LOL)


There was a station called 'made to order' right at the back of Windjammer - never used.


Thee seating arrangements for the buffet - everyone mainly targetted the seats in the first area, but the ones at the rear were empty (just too far to walk !! LOL).


The Washy Washy ladies were annoying after 1 day !! It was like getting those phone calls from the Philippines.



The Activities - Entertainment


Go thru the Cruise Compass and strip out the following:

- anything to do with the Vitality Spa - that's an advert not an activity

- any casino deals

- any shopping deals

- any Dreamworks character that just appears at a time, all by itself.


Activities were basically the usual Flowrider, iFly, SeaPlex stuff. There was a movie normally in the afternoon (OMG - please please get rid of the Dolby 3D glasses !!! I love 3D at home, but these glasses are useless. They are too small, dirty, and provide limited resolution. I tried to watch Trolls 3D this time - ended up taking them off because they were giving me a headache. Same story with Star Wars on the last cruise).


The Activity Manager was lacking (where was an 'Elise from Voyager' - she at least enjoyed herself !!)- the one on Ovation was never seen on deck (she was at our Meet and Greet - however lacked the personality to actually do anything - actually the Meet and Greet was poorly run).


The shows - we missed out on Legs - it was at 10.45 (I should have tried for earlier), but after seeing Pixels I probably wouldn't have missed much (if seeing Pixels, make sure you are downstairs in the middle - sight lines in Two70 are poor). Shows... average, we walked out of a Young Talent Time singer... Hypnotist was OK.... final show was short..


iFly is enjoyable for the minute - but I had sore shoulders later. There were long queues for the bumper cars.


This really is a ship for teenage boys.



Those Damned Photographers


Why do those photographers need to occupy SO MUCH OF THE PROMENADE space ?? Backgrounds which didn't even REFLECT the cruise - the Great Wall of China, Paris - what the HELL ?? Worse, they're EVERYWHERE. Was it really necessary for them to be there all of the time ? The is a piece of artwork using video screens and a motion detector which their white screen covered up - it took some a few days to figure out the 'genius' of this artwork... and what was blocking it.



The Shops....


I waited and waited .. and waited for that Cartier 50% off sale... for that $30K piece.. but the sale never came. What an utterly pointless space Cartier and Omega take up - as well as the majority of the other stores. Yes, the Aussie Bogans were lining up for their sales......


The cosmetics and perfumes could be bought cheaper locally - even Chemist Warehouse had better prices. I gather the clothing didn't sell much - sizes... not bigger enough for men.. and Quicksilver logos didn't attract that age group.


The Port Merchant store could have been larger - lesson : grab any alcohol early as many go out of stock - 1 Litre Jim Bean were 2 for $30... gone by the 4th day. There were little to no prices on the stuff in that store... so we didn't bother asking.


The 'sales' in the Promenade - ENDLESS SALES of bags, watches, bags, watches, jewelry, watches.. bags... each and every day. Those poor guys having to be in their black suits day in day out... watching them bring out their latest 'table' from the side door... and the 50% of diamond sales..... everything $10 ... endless sales.... and then watching the older guys sit outside the coffee shop whilst their women pointless walk around looking at more watches and jewelry. I wish I could have but some of those Russian guys out of their misery of having to do that each day.


And then the Ports.




Auckland - the tender is too far away from this public-transport-unfriendly city.




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Thanks Shireboi.:D


Just to add something more - the ship itself is GREAT....


it's just RCI that need to have a good look at itself - some of it's practices / processes / charges / activities. 4600 people is a large number to 'satisfy' - for me it was 6.5/10...

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Just to add something more - the ship itself is GREAT....


it's just RCI that need to have a good look at itself - some of it's practices / processes / charges / activities. 4600 people is a large number to 'satisfy' - for me it was 6.5/10...


I agree that some of the processes, need refinement, especially as some ports are so restricted due to being commercial docks.

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Thanks for the review...... and for the live posts whilst on board.:)

Very interested in your comments on Auckland. I wondered why RCCL even bothered to call at Auckland when you do not get much time ashore.If they wanted the Port to pull finger, and build a dolphin to accommodate mega ships I would have thought that by- passing Auckland would have had a much more dramatic effect.

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Thanks for the review...... and for the live posts whilst on board.:)

Very interested in your comments on Auckland. I wondered why RCCL even bothered to call at Auckland when you do not get much time ashore.If they wanted the Port to pull finger, and build a dolphin to accommodate mega ships I would have thought that by- passing Auckland would have had a much more dramatic effect.


I suppose this way, they make a point but also keep some people happy showing that they are at least trying.


I just think it may disappoint more people than they are keeping happy.

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Thanks for the review...... and for the live posts whilst on board.:)

Very interested in your comments on Auckland. I wondered why RCCL even bothered to call at Auckland when you do not get much time ashore.If they wanted the Port to pull finger, and build a dolphin to accommodate mega ships I would have thought that by- passing Auckland would have had a much more dramatic effect.


Auckland is 'such' an interesting port .... when compared to say.... Picton.


Sure... Picton has a small commercial wharf, the Ovation needed to be tied way off the wharf.....probably is deep enough.... but the MS Noordam was in @ Queens Wharf Auckland at the same time - AND IT'S A BIG SHIP !!!


The issues with Auckland....


- tender to the ANZ Viaduct Events Centre - and the issuing of tender tickets.... line up... line up....after the Bay of Islands we got used to lines.


- distance from this location to Queen Street - it's still over 950mtrs - nothing is under cover - and there is no public transport anywhere near that area. (Auckland CBD resembles a bit like George St Sydney at the moment - they are digging a street up for a new rail extension). And that old Westfield shopping centre / building has gone - leaving a big hole in the end of the CBD).


- that opening pedestrian bridge (OK - it did take up 'some' time - but in hot / rainy conditions you would hate to be waiting for small boats to pass)


It's a pity that the Auckland City council is having issues with the extension of the wharf... we heard varying stories .... encroaching on Mauri 'waters'....


but at the same time... Auckland Public Transport is a joke !! It cost $10 for a 'rechargeable' travel card - and a Day Pass was $18 on top of that. We had originally planned to travel a bit - go shopping @ Sylvia Park - and then to Newmarket... we ended just catching the bus to Newmarket and back ($3 each way)



You have a MASSIVE amount of tourists for the day - you Auckland should be encouraging them to come... not just waiting for them to sllllloooowwwlyy leave the ship... and then dump them in an area distant... only for them to return BACK to the ship as quickly as they left !! It was such a 'relief' to have buses to take us to a few CBD stops in Wellington - they KNOW how to do it properly !!!

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Have to agree with you. We did go to the dining room and the food was awful. Worst ever eaten at sea. Only lasted 4 meals and then no more!!! We then went to the specialty restaurants to survive the rest of the cruise. You forgot all those children's movies each day suitable for 6 year which there weren't many of! We,watched a paid movie in desperation to fill in time.

Lovely ship but inferior quality food overall and so over cooked. Was glad to be home

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Have to agree with you. We did go to the dining room and the food was awful. Worst ever eaten at sea. Only lasted 4 meals and then no more!!! We then went to the specialty restaurants to survive the rest of the cruise. You forgot all those children's movies each day suitable for 6 year which there weren't many of! We,watched a paid movie in desperation to fill in time.

Lovely ship but inferior quality food overall and so over cooked. Was glad to be home



Strangely - the 9th Jan cruise didn't have THAT many kids (though we did see them on ONE parade (pirate) in the Promenade - and - one instance of the kids club eating in the back of the Windjammer.


There were no late night movies in either the Royal theatre or Two70 - unlike what the Voyager had on our Oct Asian trip. (* mmm - forum doesn't like the English spelling of theatre !! :) )


It's kind of weird not seeing 4600 on such a large ship :)


Must state.........

.... it's taken me a WEEK almost to GET OVER that cruise.....body was stuffed up (I'm normally a 7 day a week gym person) - all aches and pains on the wooden bench bed... and getting back home to my 'home food / diet'.







GEE... Dislike the new format - too much WHITE SPACE :eek:

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Just off Ovation - travelling in two D1 cabins with daughter and two 8 year olds. 1100 kids on board apparently. The cruise was amazing. The kids had a ball - there was so much to do. We prebooked everything we could and the rest when we boarded. Queues not a problem. Plenty of places to eat although the buffet was much favoured by the little ones. Very different from my normal cruise experiences but a fabulous week. Staff on board, happy, smiling and helpful.



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Just off Ovation - travelling in two D1 cabins with daughter and two 8 year olds. 1100 kids on board apparently. The cruise was amazing. The kids had a ball - there was so much to do. We prebooked everything we could and the rest when we boarded. Queues not a problem. Plenty of places to eat although the buffet was much favoured by the little ones. Very different from my normal cruise experiences but a fabulous week. Staff on board, happy, smiling and helpful.



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Thanks for your mini review, glad you had a great time.:D

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Just read elsewhere somebody did not eat in the dining room all cruise because somebody onboard told them not to as the food was the same as the Windjammer. Please people don't listen to others particuraly when onboard. Go see for yourself same goes for the show. And yes sometimes that person is right but make your own mind up.

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Just read elsewhere somebody did not eat in the dining room all cruise because somebody onboard told them not to as the food was the same as the Windjammer. Please people don't listen to others particuraly when onboard. Go see for yourself same goes for the show. And yes sometimes that person is right but make your own mind up.


I agree, research the cruise companies website, read the cruise documentation, both have what is complimentary and/ or available and what is not. Also what can be expected. There are so many things are subjective as well, so try them for yourself.

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Please can I ask about where to go on board to book Wonderland, Ifly and Northstar. Couldn't book any online.



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If they are unavailable now, you may have to wait until aboard. First thing is to upload the Royal IQ app, once aboard you can book things in using the app. I also suggest visiting wonderland or even going to the table set up for booking dinners in the main atrium Level 4. They often have the dinners on the first night for half price.

good luck.:D

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Just off Ovation - travelling in two D1 cabins with daughter and two 8 year olds. 1100 kids on board apparently. The cruise was amazing. The kids had a ball - there was so much to do. We prebooked everything we could and the rest when we boarded. Queues not a problem. Plenty of places to eat although the buffet was much favoured by the little ones. Very different from my normal cruise experiences but a fabulous week. Staff on board, happy, smiling and helpful.


A similar positive experience to myself.


The service was again, top notch. I've been really impressed with the service staff on the Quantum and Ovation - they are going to new highs. Now able to compare Quantum and Ovation there are a few minor differences in detail. I prefer Quantum for those differences, but they're both very similar.


I noticed a couple of minor RCL cutbacks. Nothing to change cruising decisions, but the changes are there.


I was very happy to see that the switch from Dynamic dining to regular has gone fairly smoothly. As with yourself, no issues with queuing. Both MDR and buffet restaurants were very good, overall. Food choices were more than usual due to the addition of "daily specials" to the menu. They need to improve the structure a bit, but there were no misses with the food in the MDR, it was all good. Cafe270 and Sorrento's were the usual weak spots with the food/service. RCL still can't do pizza.


In spite of losing a day due to weather, still managed to make up all the activities desired in spite of that. That said, the sport/activities staff seemed to be 'taking it easy' a bit, and could improve their efficiency to get more guests through. We only had 4 in our ifly group and that was after pushing to be added - when there are meant to be 10, and they were turning people away saying everything was full!


The gym was absolutely brilliant. Noticed they've changed their supplier from LifeFitness to Technogym now. Prefer LF equipment, but these are also good.


The CD and activities crew kept things entertaining. Oddly, best prizes were being handed out so far - bags instead of the usual keyrings, pens and magnets. :p


Also, Channel 7 was doing recording this time of the ship (instead of Channel 9 as it was last year). Guess there'll be another RCL special in the coming months. Just hope it's more factual than the channel 9 RCL promo piece. (I can dream, right? ;) )


So a really good break - just the usual complaint - it was too short! :D

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Also, Channel 7 was doing recording this time of the ship (instead of Channel 9 as it was last year). Guess there'll be another RCL special in the coming months. Just hope it's more factual than the channel 9 RCL promo piece. (I can dream, right? ;) )



No harm in dreaming unless it is a nightmare.;)

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Also, Channel 7 was doing recording this time of the ship (instead of Channel 9 as it was last year). Guess there'll be another RCL special in the coming months. Just hope it's more factual than the channel 9 RCL promo piece.



We sat next to Tom Williams from C7 @ breakfast on the Bay of Islands morning...I didn't realise he was there until i looked to my left...we were on those big tables...had a chat.....the show is expected to be out in the 1st or 2nd week of Feb.



anyway... my not so fav pic of Ovation...... and thank you for being so inconsiderate and greedy RCI.



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