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Silversea Water Cooler: Part 3, Welcome!

Host Dan

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Nice looking cheese plate again Jeffers...good claret too...love a digestive with cheese and grapes...😋


Ordered some cases of wine yesterday from the Tesco wine club....some good offers on the mixed cases for everyday drinking.... now starting to stock the Xmas stash up...always a good standby if one forgets a present for an unexpected caller! 😊

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Thanks Soapy, you may be interested ....


Currently Bredon Champagne is on special,offer at Waitrose and Ocado, and Waitrose will ship them from their wine cellar.




It is stonking value at £16 per bottle and is our everyday champers. It is extremely close in taste and character to wifey's favourite tipple Laurent Perrier Grand Siecle. I bought a three dozen Bredon last week because it is only on offer spasmodically and bought some down to Seaside for summer balcony drinking. I'd say it is a £60 taste for £16.




...... which is normally sold anywhere between £100 to £150 retail so obviously isn't practical,when eating out ....

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Good morning:).......I started another thread with some of my thoughts on my cruise if you want to read it. It is on the top area of the forum.


We've been reading Lois....:)


We are really chuffed you had a great time and want you to start actively planning your next trip. You might look at Whisper and Shadow, our favourite two. They seem to us to be a perfect size.


This adventure ..... what always intrigues me so I'll ask. Ship and cruise is all clear ... it was great. Travel broadens the mind so was there anything you learned during this adventure that you didn't know before?

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We've been reading Lois....:)


We are really chuffed you had a great time and want you to start actively planning your next trip. You might look at Whisper and Shadow, our favourite two. They seem to us to be a perfect size.


This adventure ..... what always intrigues me so I'll ask. Ship and cruise is all clear ... it was great. Travel broadens the mind so was there anything you learned during this adventure that you didn't know before?


oh yes, both philosophically and reality......never too old to learn:D.........every time I go to Europe I realize how much

more history is there....don't get me wrong, I love my country but when it comes to history? We have 200 plus years.......

Europe has 2000........ I learned DAVID is awesome and that the statue comes from only 1 piece of stone.....who knew? Not me......I learned they have some great pizza in Florence too:D


So yes, travel definitely broadens the mind, I totally agree:) and although there are some evil folks out there, there

are also many who are wonderful, kind and generous.

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Us Europeans are incredibly lucky. We have so much cultural and geographical change per hundred miles traveled, I personally never ever take it for granted. We go back a lot further than 2k years.


Some of the structures in Egypt like the pyramids go back 5000 years and I think their societies were quite advanced. Some of the pit structures around Stonehenge, just up the road from our hampshire home are around 11,500 years old. I think rightly or wrongly as the 2k milestone as simply when society became more advanced. Americans have a long travel to get here and Ozzers even more.


Perhaps what you might consider doing, is an extended leisurely and lazy trip and travel around Europe. Most of Europe isn't accessible from a port. Your interest in art and culture could take you to so many places. The secret I feel is not do what many Americans do and that is whizz around cramming as much from the list as possible simply to tick it off the list but to choose a small well chosen area and immerse yourself there.

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Ooh thanks for that Jeff...I'll look for the fizz.....


Lois...we are all reading your posts and so enjoying.




if ever you come across an offer on Deutz, this is our joint favourite champers (alongside LPGS when it is being provided ie by BA), but Deutz is the favourite we buy for ourselves. We discovered it when we arranged our daughters wedding at Watley Manor where it their house champers. It is good value at full price, but it is difficuot to justify the differential with Bredon.



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Hi Jeff, you are probably correct about seeing more by land but I always travel on my own and cruising is just much easier for me. Maybe after I retire (quite a few years away) I could fly to one place and just live there and travel to other cities

for various days.

Right now I am doing what I can and am lucky to be able to do it as it is now:)

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Hi, ......... only a few more days ..... you must be getting very excited. :)


Jeff, I think you were talking to me...absolutely :D. In fact, my last post was on the plane ride to Venice. Arrived at 9:00AM this morning, checked into the Boscolo Venezia and already had some fantastic seafood. Mixed seafood antipasta seafood misto, some spaghetti with seafood, sea bass, and another fish that I couldn't quite understand (looked like a flounder). It was the fresh fish of the day and the chef insisted on us giving it a visual inspection before cooking, and had our first bottle of Prosecco.


Still a little jet lagged (didn't get any sleep), so just woke up from a short nap and shower. We embark SS out of Venice on the 25th!


Really liked your cheese plate, never have anything quite that fancy at home. BTW, I am probably making too many assumptions and stereotyping a little...but I once had a neighbor who was British. We disagreed on everything political, but we also got along very well and would enjoy our neighborhood get togethers. Your vast travel experiences and demeanor remind me of him whenever you post ;)




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Hi Jeff, you are probably correct about seeing more by land but I always travel on my own and cruising is just much easier for me. Maybe after I retire (quite a few years away) I could fly to one place and just live there and travel to other cities for various days. Right now I am doing what I can and am lucky to be able to do it as it is now:)


Great point by Jeff and response by Lois. Land touring does allow a better range of "depth" for your international exploring and experiences. BUT, being practical, cruises can make those "logistics" easier, especially if are a traveling single.


In early 2018, we could have done our first trip to Southeast Asia via an ocean cruise with Silversea or the many other lines that offer such itineraries. BUT, we are going with a combination of land tours/stops in Vietnam, Cambodia, etc., in order to achieve a better range of "immersion" with the fascinating history, culture, food, architecture, etc., in these areas. We will also doing a seven-day Mekong River cruise in order to get that desired "depth" of our experience in these unique areas. Fortunately we have a number of cruise, land, etc., travel options to consider. It's very important to weigh and compare the various pro/con factors to decide which option/potential best fits our personal needs, interests, budget, timing, etc.


And for Lois and others, doing a few days before and/or after your cruise provides for better land-based exploring that can gain the desired land-type of better travel experience. That's what we did with the added time in Lisbon before our cruise and the additional days in Brittaney after completing our sailing.


THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio


Panama Canal? Completed Feb. 28-Mar. 15, 2017, Fort Lauderdale to San Francisco adventure through the Panama Canal with our first stops in Colombia, Central America and Mexico, plus added time in the great Golden Gate City. Lots of fun, interesting pictures!! Those visuals start on the second page, post #26. See more at:


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Arrived at 9:00AM this morning, checked into the Boscolo Venezia and already had some fantastic seafood. Still a little jet lagged (didn't get any sleep), so just woke up from a short nap and shower. We embark SS out of Venice on the 25th! Doug


Great to know that Doug is there in Venice and enjoying that wonderful, historic and charming city. Below are three of my many favorite visuals from Venice. At this time of the year, Venice is too crowded during the day, but maybe/hopefully things will get a little better in the evenings when those day-tripper mobs depart. Hope Doug posts more from Venice, plus as you sail on the Silversea cruise starting on Aug. 25.


THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio


Venice: Loving It & Why??!! Is one of your future desires or past favorites? See these many visual samples for its great history and architecture. This posting is now at 69,548 views.



This picture shows San Giorgio Maggiore, a 16th century Benedictine church built between 1566 and 1610. The gondolas are docked in the foreground in the main part of Venice. There were eight to ten thousand gondolas during the 17th and 18th century with only about four hundred in active service today.:

(Open your screen/viewer wider to see these pictures larger!)




It was a full moon for our evening in Venice in 2011. Here is that view of the moon as we walked at night past the Doge’s Palace.:



Here is a picture taken of the main Tower at San Marco Square with unique framing of the Tower from an arch of the Doge’s Palace.:


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mdpa, there is such a thing as "under-represented minorities", and that's why you have "black lives matter" and "women-owned business" clarifications. We, hispanics, and asians, are also under-represented but we will benefit from the fair representation of blacks and women...and I am talking corporate, as well as Main Street business and government.


Unfortunately this is not true, it only leads to more discrimination. As a teenager I lived in the poorest neighborhood in town and was the only white family on our street. At 17 years old, I would pick up a white man (30's?) from the local mission and a black guy (30's?) and carpool with them to the local technical school. I was very poor.


Didn't qualify for any special grants or scholarships (all targeted minorities & women). I considered getting a job at the post office or State Police, but learned I would be graded on a negative curve (again discriminated). When I graduated with an Associate Degree in the top 3 of my class, I didn't qualify for any job placement. This was a long time ago, but I swear that we had at least 10 companies come to interview students (only interested in talking with minorities and women). I could go on and on...didn't do traditional college (like rich kids), or get in a union (like rich kids), but I did eventually pull myself up from my bootstraps.


Yes, now I am doing quite well. I am sure others here have similar stories. Not looking to judge, we all have different paths in life and success isn't required for happiness.


BTW, I am 46 years old. I've been in sales for over 20 years and never seen a woman get a different comp plan or get paid less for the same role. In fact, all "Regional Sales Managers" have the exact same plan. Seen this with at least 4 different manufacturers...no difference.


I'd like you to be honest with yourself...have you ever claimed or thought that women were better at anything? Child bearing, raising kids, nurturing, emotional intelligence, etc (no don't use these examples against me)? Not sure how people can say with any conscience that someone is better at anything, then fight for sameness, then claim they are not racist or sexist. I was raised in the white man can't jump, dance, or have any soul era. I see no protests at basketball or football games that Indians, Hispanics, and Indians are under represented.


Example: I have a very liberal female coworker, fight for equality/womens rights, etc (she doesn't know it, but she is overpaid against her peers). She has a 2-year old daughter and mentioned that she was not comfortable with the one daycare because a man would be taking care of her. Not saying I blame her, but it was insightful.


Stereotyping, experience, and cultural racism/sexism does play a role for everyone of us. However, based on your comment, I am less inclined to have these tendencies than you (helping some at the expense of others).

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Hi Doug, yes ... I was thinking fo you and your trip, and I simply hadn't realised you'd already started.


I am so pleased you have found some good food, particulalry fish. I also hope that you really get a chance to wander when the streets are more empty. Perhaps the benefit of a lousy body clock. But like many places suffering from too many tourists (present company excepted) Venice is a city of two. It is an almost soulless stifling money-grabbing place during the day particularly this time of year, but venture out on a rainy night or early morning when all the deliveries are being done and Venice can be your own for a while. Sleep another time, but you'll get few opportunities in life to experience a quiet Venice.


All clouds often bring a silver lining and our dairy farmers earning too little for milk has regenerated an interest in small cheese makers and I have always considered British cheeses amongst the finest. Your comment about me reminding you of your neighbour who irritates you I take in the spirit I think it was offered.;)


Your other incisive and perceptive comments have made me consider your view against my own ... perhaps mine are ill-informed prejeudices. I think it possible for two opposing views to be right, alongside each other. All that you suggest is wrong I agree with you is wrong. Perhaps in trying to right one wrong society creates a whole new set of equal wrongs. Perhaps we should simply say two wrongs do not make a right. Perhaps using sticky plasters on a seriously deep wound doesn't makes the infection worst.


From my perspective it seems that the US has simply not found a way of demarginilising people that it has previously accepted it has marginilised. I'm involved with an organisation called Reprieve. Whilst I have some undecided ambivalence about capital punishment I do feel that it is essential that people receive the best quality of justice possible and I feel that some marginilised groups suffer injustice at the hands of the American justice system because of their ethnicity. It is inescapable logic that serious crime will not be equally spread across all groups, but it is unpolitically correct to be clearer than that. But it is clear that some groups have greater access to justice than others simply due to resources.It is also clear that treeatment is differnet at all levels. Reprieve for example spends a lot of cash providing Black inmates on death rows with dna funding for example. Out of the justice system, it is clear that the US wants to think of itself as an inclusive society but in reality it still doesn't appear to be so.


I think what you refer to is political tokenism where politicians and corporations who wish to be seen as being good do things that have unintended or unwwelcome consequences and that isn't right either.


The only solution is to make a genuine start of demarginilising those that have been historically marginilised but the current trajectory doesn't look hopeful and perhaps some of the cack-handed efforts you allude to might make matters worst.

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All I can say is "WoW'! Still think you are right on Cam. I don't understand how the above can be said with authority...he has not walked in our shoes..



Penny, whilst supporting Cams sentiments, do you not also agree that it is both unfair to all but also insulting to genuinely talented women to choose females for a job when there might be better male candidates, soley because as an employer you wish to get the female numbers of senior managers up?


Isn't it equally unfair and insulting to pay a female more than she might be worth to simply get average female pay up? It does seem to me that this is at least two of Doug's points and whatever one's views about historic unfairness to women, these solutions do not seem to address the problem for the benefit of women as a whole but instead seem to make matters worst.

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Penny, whilst supporting Cams sentiments, do you not also agree that it is both unfair to all but also insulting to genuinely talented women to choose females for a job when there might be better male candidates, soley because as an employer you wish to get the female numbers of senior managers up?


Isn't it equally unfair and insulting to pay a female more than she might be worth to simply get average female pay up? It does seem to me that this is at least two of Doug's points and whatever one's views about historic unfairness to women, these solutions do not seem to address the problem for the benefit of women as a whole but instead seem to make matters worst.


Sorry, I disagree. In a perfect world where choices would be solely merit based, I would feel differently. Sadly, we don't live in a perfect world.

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Stereotyping, experience, and cultural racism/sexism does play a role for everyone of us. However, based on your comment, I am less inclined to have these tendencies than you (helping some at the expense of others).


Appreciate these interesting comments and follow-up by Doug in Maryland. Plus, the range of different comments and opinions by others recently on this board. Lots of tensions these days!! In the USA and worldwide!! I do not often "wade into" many of the political discussion here too much. It is partly that I get a chance to discuss and debate some of these questions with others and doing some local TV shows.


This morning, Ohio's Governor, John Kasich, was the lead guest on the prime CNN news show doing two long, on-air segments. Over the decades, I have known and worked closely with him. On the local NBC-TV program airing this morning, see picture below that a friend took and sent to me, I was discussing some of these challenging same issues. I made the point today that even the lead news anchor on FOX News Friday said this past seven days was the worst week for Donald Trump during his seven months as President. I made that point that during the past six decades that I know best, some Presidents have started poorly and recovered. Some learned. Some do not. Some, such as LBJ, started well and go bad. I also made the point that issues in the world with North Korea, Barcelona, the economy, etc., merit serious and need careful, thoughtful attention. We were also talking about some local "battles" between the police here versus their City Hall bosses, etc.


Only time will tell.


Not sure that I understand fully or agree with the point by Penny of “I don't understand how the above can be said with authority...he has not walked in our shoes. If because you are not African-American or woman that does not mean such males and/or whites should be banned from being a part of any discussions. Tell me more! Appreciate the generally excellent tone and approach here at the Cooler for these issues.


THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio


Enjoyed a 14-day, Jan. 20-Feb. 3, 2014, Sydney to Auckland adventure, getting a big sampling for the wonders of "down under” before and after this cruise. Go to:


for more info and many pictures of these amazing sights in this great part of the world. Now at 185,331 views for this posting.


From being on the local NBC-TV station this morning here in Central Ohio with their top news anchor.:


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Sorry, I disagree. In a perfect world where choices would be solely merit based, I would feel differently. Sadly, we don't live in a perfect world.


Excellent above points were outlined and comprehensively detailed by Jeff. Yes, we do not live in a "perfect world"!!! BUT, we will never live in a "perfect world". Sorry!! That weak point/reasoning should not be used as an "excuse" to justify being unfair either way.


THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio


From our Jan. 25-Feb. 20, 2015, Amazon River-Caribbean adventure that started in Barbados, here is the link for that live/blog. Many visuals from this amazing river and Caribbean Islands (Dutch ABC's, St. Barts, Dominica, Grenada, etc.):


Now at 52,522 views for these postings.

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Hi Terry, your posts are always enlightening to me. I just got off my cruise and one of my new friends has family

that was in the news business for many years (it was her Dad actually)......he has been retired for many years now

but we had some really interesting discussions about these times in our lives..........

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Terry: Sorry if I misspoke. I certainly did not mean that male views and perspectives do not matter. Of course, they do! This is a dialog for all of us!



Great clarification, Penny!! Appreciate your follow-up. Watch out for what you "enable". Jeff, me and others might keep raising questions and making comments.


Just posted on cable news that famed comic and actor Jerry Lewis passed away at age 91.


THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio


Did a June 7-19, 2011, cruise from Barcelona that had stops in Villefranche, ports near Pisa and Rome, Naples, Kotor, Venice and Dubrovnik. Dozens of nice visuals with key highlights, tips, comments, etc. We are now at 226,976 views for this live/blog re-cap, including much on wonderful Barcelona. Check these postings and added info at:


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Please do keep raising questions and making comments. These issues are important.

That is why I felt that I, too, had to jump in! If we don't discuss things, and listen to different perspectives...we aren't going anywhere...


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Hi Terry, your posts are always enlightening to me. I just got off my cruise and one of my new friends has family that was in the news business for many years (it was her Dad actually)......he has been retired for many years now but we had some really interesting discussions about these times in our lives..........


YES, Lois, I think you are so brilliant and wonderful when I fool you into thinking that I am maybe a little "enlightening". I will try to live up to your kind, favorable impression.


On the status of the news media these days, that is super fascinating topic and discussion area. Since being in high school, I have worked in, with and/or around the various aspects of "the media". Not just for the print news world, but in the broadcast TV/radio areas, also, there is a challenging revolution happening. Thursday afternoon, I had a very lengthy and detailed discussion with an experienced, former TV news anchor. Young people are not moving from newspapers to broadcast or cable TV. From being involved in the library field for nearly two decades, the whole "information revolution" involving the Internet, smart phones, etc., is doing both good and bad things for this whole media environment. Figuring out these "futures" and how to fund quality future reporting/journalism is somewhat like traveling through the "Twilight Zone".


THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio


For details and visuals, etc., from our July 1-16, 2010, Norway Coast/Fjords/Arctic Circle cruise experience from Copenhagen on the Silver Cloud, check out this posting. This posting is now at 218,898 views.


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