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Is this new to the OLife Program


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You are very right. Most changes are not for the benefit of the customers. Trick us, confuse us all the same. Make more money for them. That is O.K. in business as long as we know what we are paying for and not getting zapped by the small print. Just want to easily read what our options are. :confused::confused::confused:


In any other business, I might be inclined to agree with you.


This is entirely different though, because the Cruise Lines recognize that these are complex transactions, so if one is insecure or confused about the deal which is on the table, OCEANIA WILL PAY 100% OF THE FREIGHT TO GET A PROFESSIONAL TO EXPLAIN IT TO YOUR HEARTS CONTENT.


Those who deliberately choose not to take advantage of that service are literally "on their own". I have no patience for them .

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You are very right. Most changes are not for the benefit of the customers. Trick us, confuse us all the same. Make more money for them. That is O.K. in business as long as we know what we are paying for and not getting zapped by the small print. Just want to easily read what our options are. :confused::confused::confused:


I'm pretty sure LAexNY was being facetious.

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Smoke and mirrors.... Oceania is just adding another line to confuse us. Give a cheaper price than before to make us think the fare is less. Very sneaky. Just have to see thru this trick. Too bad that O has to resort to this. Most of the things they do great except when it comes to pricing.



I can not agree....its all crystal clear to me....just figure out what you want and what you can get in terms of air for whole cruise, one way, OBC, its simple add up the things you need.... no more difficult than buying tomatoes in the store... WHy do people see such a simple option at a major deal.... Its been around for 5 years that I know...you just had to ask.....

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I can not agree....its all crystal clear to me....just figure out what you want and what you can get in terms of air for whole cruise, one way, OBC, its simple add up the things you need.... no more difficult than buying tomatoes in the store... WHy do people see such a simple option at a major deal.... Its been around for 5 years that I know...you just had to ask.....

I do not get 3 different prices for the same tomatoes. One for the bag to take them home in. One to stand on the express line and one for someone to carry them to my car for me. Can be very confusing. May be crystal clear to you but not to many of us.

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Slightly amused. . . . ;)

Do any of you remember when OLife was first disgussed on these boards? I remember complaints such as "Why can't we just get the included airfare without OLife?" and. . . .

"Why won't Oceania give you OLife when you choose to take the air credit?"

It seems that Oceania has tried to make eveyone happy by making the promotion "Mix and Match".

If you want cruise only, pay that price. If you want excursions or mountains of OBC without Oceania booking your flights take the OLife and the air credit. If you want cruise/air/internet and excursions/OBC pay for that option.

I agree with previous posters that my TA is knowledgeable and is able to answer any query I may have concerning cruise promotions. I may not need an expert to buy tomatoes in the store but I use a realtor. A cruise can be a big investment. If in doubt, ask an expert.

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When O Life was first introduced, you got it with or without the air credit option And, for a short time, not only was there no increase in price, you also got all three items (OBC, excursions and booze) and the internet. But, that was just a "roll out" marketing item for a limited time. Then it morphed intro one item per person plus internet with or without air credit. The most recent past version changed the deal from per person to per cabin and some things were definitely lost on the move (i.e., total value generally decreased and a bunch of math errors at the home office really screwed up the translation).


In any case, only now does the term "cruise only" mean no O Life (in the aforementioned trinity). So, it will be interesting to see what comes next on April 1.


Permit me a casual observation with zero data support: Because O is a "premium" line, and despite its many loyal customers who have to have made their way in the world efficaciously enough to afford their habit (while always reading between the lines), there is still a number of new and repeat passengers (perhaps a sufficient number) who don't/can't/won't do the math. Even then, for most of us who prefer O, we will remain loyal until we perceive consistent financial BS.


So, let's all hope that the O pricing news (including O Life) on April 1 respects its loyalty base.



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When O Life was first introduced, you got it with or without the air credit option And, for a short time, not only was there no increase in price, you also got all three items (OBC, excursions and booze) and the internet. But, that was just a "roll out" marketing item for a limited time. Then it morphed intro one item per person plus internet with or without air credit. The most recent past version changed the deal from per person to per cabin and some things were definitely lost on the move (i.e., total value generally decreased and a bunch of math errors at the home office really screwed up the translation).


In any case, only now does the term "cruise only" mean no O Life (in the aforementioned trinity). So, it will be interesting to see what comes next on April 1.


Permit me a casual observation with zero data support: Because O is a "premium" line, and despite its many loyal customers who have to have made their way in the world efficaciously enough to afford their habit (while always reading between the lines), there is still a number of new and repeat passengers (perhaps a sufficient number) who don't/can't/won't do the math. Even then, for most of us who prefer O, we will remain loyal until we perceive consistent financial BS.


So, let's all hope that the O pricing news (including O Life) on April 1 respects its loyalty base.



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One or two more thoughts:

As for the comments regarding the website's difficulty, I suggest that it is the conflicting or missing explanations that confuse most new and many old customers. For example, right now the booze option for O Life is "per cabin" when it used to be listed as "per person." Since the OBC and excursion numbers are now clearly "per cabin" (I.e., 8 tours are actually 4 per person or $1000 OBC is actually $500 per person), common sense would suggest that the "booze package" (not packageS) may only be for one person. IMO, this could easily confuse an O newbie. There are also many inconsistencies on the website.

But, as was earlier suggested, if you are confused, all one needs to do is call their Connoisseurs Club TA or (perhaps with less reliability) the O 800 number to get the straight scoop OR drag out that contact list of various O home office managers you've assembled over the years (need a few O cruises for this option) or (if a newbie) wrangled from someone like syndicated travel columnist, Christopher Elliott.



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I do not get 3 different prices for the same tomatoes. One for the bag to take them home in. One to stand on the express line and one for someone to carry them to my car for me. Can be very confusing. May be crystal clear to you but not to many of us.


Let me explain my tomato comparison...it alluded to the decision making process was no more complex than buying a vegetable in a store of box of cereal,.....not a deep accounting exercise

Flatbush has it down it you are "confused" call your agent, or Oceania and they will be more than happy to explain in detail all your options. ( If your not using an agent that is a larger problem than the fares and your a sheep waiting to be shorn in my book).

I have, always taken the full fare option, then had my agent get me the OBC credit... The cruise only is the sucker deal if you just simply add up the $$$


. For air I usually take ( except for Tahiti ) the air credit. So I dont take the cruise only fare. Rather I ask for and am given a fare which is 1/2 way between O life and and Cruise only ... Which is a 3rd option.

That works out just peachy. I could care less about internet crap, The Liquor package for me only works on 10 day or less cruises as no way can I slam down over 10 days of liquor. I get their OBC + I get my tier OBC 200-$400 added on This works best for me. I book with a top agent using his group bookings... this gets me Gratuities...Ok I use my FF miles to book flights in business and am happy as a clam not paying the deviation, the poor airlines and crummy planes and schedules that you get by taking the Included air

So yes its no more an accounting problem than trying to decide whether to buy Tomatoes by the pound , how many pounds do you want VS buying tomatoes in the 3 lb bag.... How much do you need VS could you save buying more !!! .....

Take 15 min and do a scratch sheet on the value of each option:

Full with OBCor Liquor and Air

Full with OBC or Liquor , Tier OBC and, 1/2 air,

Full with OBCr or liquor and Tier OBC and full air credit,

Cruise only with +tier OBC. you do air with no credit.

4 simple options.... each a cost and a value to you.........does that make sence

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It is so simple that before I book my next cruise I need to go back to school and get my degree in accounting. At the rate Oceania is going may even need a masters. Hope everyone else is doing better at this than me. :confused::confused::confused:

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The Liquor package for me only works on 10 day or less cruises as no way can I slam down over 10 days of liquor.


The following from a post of yours a few months ago: "On a recent 17 day trans-atlantic with 10 sea days and warm temps, I kept a record... I payed the 60 a day and kept a record It cost $1020 and I got almost twice that in return and drank top shelf . It was a pleasure not to have to fight to get a seat for happy hour".



You said the package only works on cruises of ten days or less, but it sounds like it worked on your seventeen day cruise.

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The following from a post of yours a few months ago: "On a recent 17 day trans-atlantic with 10 sea days and warm temps, I kept a record... I payed the 60 a day and kept a record It cost $1020 and I got almost twice that in return and drank top shelf . It was a pleasure not to have to fight to get a seat for happy hour".



You said the package only works on cruises of ten days or less, but it sounds like it worked on your seventeen day cruise.


Yes and no....yes I saved a lot, but I also drank more. That level of consumption I saved but at that level of consumption I determined was in retrospect not a healthy path I would want to to head down in the future...

My next cruise a 10 day I am not going with either package.... To me the temptation on cruises longer than 10 days for the average O passenger, could enter into health problems..... Thats my opinion after exploring several options... Less to me now is more.....you live and learn every day

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Yes and no....yes I saved a lot, but I also drank more. That level of consumption I saved but at that level of consumption I determined was in retrospect not a healthy path I would want to to head down in the future...

My next cruise a 10 day I am not going with either package.... To me the temptation on cruises longer than 10 days for the average O passenger, could enter into health problems..... Thats my opinion after exploring several options... Less to me now is more.....you live and learn every day



Dan: you are so correct! The package does tend to contribute to drinking with abandon - often not the best course of action for us geezers. On the Miami-Barcelona-Athens cruise upcoming on 3/26 (I think you're on at least one of the segments and, if so, I look forward to meeting you), I'm going to try "a la carte" alcohol to help keep me on a very necessary calorie/carb watch. It will be inter sting to see what the "bottom line" (dollars and weight) looks like at the end of the cruise.



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Dan: you are so correct! The package does tend to contribute to drinking with abandon - often not the best course of action for us geezers. On the Miami-Barcelona-Athens cruise upcoming on 3/26 (I think you're on at least one of the segments and, if so, I look forward to meeting you), I'm going to try "a la carte" alcohol to help keep me on a very necessary calorie/carb watch. It will be inter sting to see what the "bottom line" (dollars and weight) looks like at the end of the cruise.



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You have met the enemy and it is us ( you, I, whomever) I picked up 3 pounds a week on the " booze fest package... My present position is that in the quest of getting a big savings I am going to sacrifice my health. I ain't 24 any more and immune to abusing my body. I can always get more money, I cant get a new body.... Your right using the super duper package does tempt and win over many a passenger... Also drinking without limits, as it were , after 7 -8 days raises your level of tollerance to where your now needing doubles, maybe a triple to enjoy the relaxation you got with a single.... etc etc. Thats my observation... and I , on my next Cruise,, decided to change my course as it were.

Sadly no Wont be on the cruise, to Athens, Will be on a 10 day MIA MIA in april... It would be fun to meet sometime... However I have just about run out of places to cruise.... or places I want to cruise......

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The good news is, there are lots of choices as to how to construct a fare on O. The bad news is, there are lots of choices as to how to construct a fare on O;)


I admit to being a data junkie. Have been known to do a spreadsheet that adjusts for OBC, air credit, etc - generally I aim for apples-to-apples per person per day cost for the cruise portion.


Theoretically the choices (air or no? O Life or no? $ or tours or alcohol if on O Life?) help O manage revenue and help all of us tailor a cruise to what we want (or don't want) to pay for.


Not as simple as it could be, but maybe that also means not as simplistic:) Completely simple would be a single class of cabin, no choices at all:eek:


Lesson (if any?) - choose a cruise and decide if you are willing (and able) to pay the price. If yes, enjoy:D If no, read CC instead:p

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For air I usually take ( except for Tahiti ) the air credit.....

Take 15 min and do a scratch sheet on the value of each option:

Full with OBCor Liquor and Air

Full with OBC or Liquor , Tier OBC and, 1/2 air,

Full with OBCr or liquor and Tier OBC and full air credit,

Cruise only with +tier OBC. you do air with no credit.

4 simple options.... each a cost and a value to you.........does that make sence


This is my first post on the Oceania boards. Thank you for this layman's explanation as I am a newbie.

I'm an experienced RCL loyalist (see my signature) but now branching out and have a hold on my very first O cruise on Marina for a 12 night Tahiti sailing March 7, 2018, I've been scouring the CC boards for all sorts of info. I think the above summarized everything I feel is right for me: I would love some feedback and help:


  • Tahiti airfare is astronomical! Like Hawaiidan says above, I cannot match the "value" or credit provided by the Olife offer by finding airfare on my own. I'm guessing other parts of the world is a different story.
  • Please someone correct me if I'm wrong... the full liquor package is $60 per person, so for two over 12 days = $1440. Can any of you give me a rough idea of various cocktail prices? Can you order wine (by glass or bottles) for dinner under this package? I just cannot fathom spending $1440 for booze if I don't do the package.
  • Olife excursions... are they of value? I've learned private small group excursions (especially Europe, Oz, etc) are very much better than any cruise line excursion for the most part.
  • Last question... not that I'm going to do this, however am I able to book unlimited specialty dining for all 12 nights? Is there a maximum number of bookings I'm allowed on-line pre-cruise?

Bottom line for this Tahiti sailing I'm purchasing the full Olife air incl. pricing. Now I have to decide whether to take the $600 obc or look at the 6 free excursions. What would you do?

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This is my first post on the Oceania boards. Thank you for this layman's explanation as I am a newbie.

I'm an experienced RCL loyalist (see my signature) but now branching out and have a hold on my very first O cruise on Marina for a 12 night Tahiti sailing March 7, 2018, I've been scouring the CC boards for all sorts of info. I think the above summarized everything I feel is right for me: I would love some feedback and help:



  • Tahiti airfare is astronomical! Like Hawaiidan says above, I cannot match the "value" or credit provided by the Olife offer by finding airfare on my own. I'm guessing other parts of the world is a different story.
  • Please someone correct me if I'm wrong... the full liquor package is $60 per person, so for two over 12 days = $1440. Can any of you give me a rough idea of various cocktail prices? Can you order wine (by glass or bottles) for dinner under this package? I just cannot fathom spending $1440 for booze if I don't do the package.
  • Olife excursions... are they of value? I've learned private small group excursions (especially Europe, Oz, etc) are very much better than any cruise line excursion for the most part.
  • Last question... not that I'm going to do this, however am I able to book unlimited specialty dining for all 12 nights? Is there a maximum number of bookings I'm allowed on-line pre-cruise?

Bottom line for this Tahiti sailing I'm purchasing the full Olife air incl. pricing. Now I have to decide whether to take the $600 obc or look at the 6 free excursions. What would you do?


1) Correct on the air. Our last booking which O cancelled the cruise was Tahiti to New Zealand. Air credit was $3000 -- sound like alot but an open jaw Economy ticket was higher.


2) Prices vary from $10.5 up for cocktails plus 18% grat. Wine with package is available by glass only. No bottles in package,


See sample menus -- http://www.thepreismans.com/riviera16_menus.htm#martinis


3) Yes private tours are better. O is no better or worse for quality than other cruise lines -- their prices are higher. I get plenty of OBC so we use the free excursions at places were we do not want to do a private tour.


4) Specialties are free. But catch is 1 reservation per restaurant in advance for a 12 day cruise. You can book additional specialties on the day you need it in the AM at the Terrace restaurant - SUBJECT TO AVAILABILITY. On short cruises availability might be limited as every needs to get a least 1.

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This is my first post on the Oceania boards. Thank you for this layman's explanation as I am a newbie.

I'm an experienced RCL loyalist (see my signature) but now branching out and have a hold on my very first O cruise on Marina for a 12 night Tahiti sailing March 7, 2018, I've been scouring the CC boards for all sorts of info. I think the above summarized everything I feel is right for me: I would love some feedback and help:


  • Tahiti airfare is astronomical! Like Hawaiidan says above, I cannot match the "value" or credit provided by the Olife offer by finding airfare on my own. I'm guessing other parts of the world is a different story.
  • Please someone correct me if I'm wrong... the full liquor package is $60 per person, so for two over 12 days = $1440. Can any of you give me a rough idea of various cocktail prices? Can you order wine (by glass or bottles) for dinner under this package? I just cannot fathom spending $1440 for booze if I don't do the package.
  • Olife excursions... are they of value? I've learned private small group excursions (especially Europe, Oz, etc) are very much better than any cruise line excursion for the most part.
  • Last question... not that I'm going to do this, however am I able to book unlimited specialty dining for all 12 nights? Is there a maximum number of bookings I'm allowed on-line pre-cruise?

Bottom line for this Tahiti sailing I'm purchasing the full Olife air incl. pricing. Now I have to decide whether to take the $600 obc or look at the 6 free excursions. What would you do?


Welcome to the Oceania board. I hate to be one of "those" people, but the answers to all your questions have been discussed here multiple times. A search will yield you many answers.



I'll answer a couple, no you can't get Unlimited Specialty dining every night. You can book a Penthouse or higher, and on the nights you don't have a reservation in one of the restaurants you can order in your room from any of them.



Your number of reservations and when you can book them online is determined by various factors. What class of room are you in? How long is your cruise? This is either on the Oceania website or has been posted here many times. I don't have the chart handy, maybe someone else does.



What would I do? That's always the question when we book an Oceania cruise. I might take the excursions, or since we already get a pile of OBC for our Oceania Club level we sometimes take the basic drink package then spend $20 a day each and upgrade to the Premium package.



Also for you it depends on whether you have prepaid grats or whether they are coming out of your OBC if you take it. That will eat up over half of the $600.



Best advice is to go back and read some other threads on this subject. Enjoy your cruise.

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1) Correct on the air.


Thx for your input PaulMCO. Re the excursions vs. OBC... I don't have free grats so the obc will go well to pay for that as well as a la carte booze I think. I normally stick to private excursions


Best advice is to go back and read some other threads on this subject. Enjoy your cruise.


You're definitely right on here ORV! I say the same thing to some newbies on the RCL board lol!

I have to admit, being well versed in one product and then seemingly so clueless with something new is a little frustrating, and my self-made long hours/7 day per week current work environment doesn't make for ample time to research the boards.

I'm just thankful for these boards, so any info I glean is always appreciated :)

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Welcome to the Oceania board. I hate to be one of "those" people, but the answers to all your questions have been discussed here multiple times. A search will yield you many answers.



I'll answer a couple, no you can't get Unlimited Specialty dining every night. You can book a Penthouse or higher, and on the nights you don't have a reservation in one of the restaurants you can order in your room from any of them.



Your number of reservations and when you can book them online is determined by various factors. What class of room are you in? How long is your cruise? This is either on the Oceania website or has been posted here many times. I don't have the chart handy, maybe someone else does.



What would I do? That's always the question when we book an Oceania cruise. I might take the excursions, or since we already get a pile of OBC for our Oceania Club level we sometimes take the basic drink package then spend $20 a day each and upgrade to the Premium package.



Also for you it depends on whether you have prepaid grats or whether they are coming out of your OBC if you take it. That will eat up over half of the $600.



Best advice is to go back and read some other threads on this subject. Enjoy your cruise.



Plus 1 on "use the search feature."

Nonetheless, I'll remind folks that the prestige package can be a "bargain and a half" if you prefer better spirits and doubles (IMO necessary on O) of the primary spirit in your cocktails. The example I generally use is a margarita made with el Tesoro reposado (or anejo), Cointreau and fresh lime. Two of these approximates the $60/day package charge (which also includes the tip).

If only value is the issue, the downside, perhaps, is committing for daily imbibing on longer cruises (>18 days) though, if you're on an "extended voyage" you can purchase the package by the cruise segments.



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This is my first post on the Oceania boards. Thank you for this layman's explanation as I am a newbie.

I'm an experienced RCL loyalist (see my signature) but now branching out and have a hold on my very first O cruise on Marina for a 12 night Tahiti sailing March 7, 2018, I've been scouring the CC boards for all sorts of info. I think the above summarized everything I feel is right for me: I would love some feedback and help:





  • Tahiti airfare is astronomical! Like Hawaiidan says above, I cannot match the "value" or credit provided by the Olife offer by finding airfare on my own. I'm guessing other parts of the world is a different story.
  • Please someone correct me if I'm wrong... the full liquor package is $60 per person, so for two over 12 days = $1440. Can any of you give me a rough idea of various cocktail prices? Can you order wine (by glass or bottles) for dinner under this package? I just cannot fathom spending $1440 for booze if I don't do the package.
  • Olife excursions... are they of value? I've learned private small group excursions (especially Europe, Oz, etc) are very much better than any cruise line excursion for the most part.
  • Last question... not that I'm going to do this, however am I able to book unlimited specialty dining for all 12 nights? Is there a maximum number of bookings I'm allowed on-line pre-cruise?

Bottom line for this Tahiti sailing I'm purchasing the full Olife air incl. pricing. Now I have to decide whether to take the $600 obc or look at the 6 free excursions. What would you do?

Probably better if you started a thread on Tahiti questions. It would get more eyeballs on your specific issues plus helpful for others later looking for Tahiti related info



  • Tahiti airfare is astronomical! Like Hawaiidan says above, I cannot match the "value" or credit provided by the Olife offer by finding airfare on my own. I'm guessing other parts of the world is a different story.

True, air to Tahiti is expensive and understandably limited



  • Please someone correct me if I'm wrong... the full liquor package is $60 per person, so for two over 12 days = $1440. Can any of you give me a rough idea of various cocktail prices?

Many threads on beverage packages. Some of the threads will detail into the size of pour. So important to one poster they refuse to drink in the UK because the pour is too small for them. As I recall cocktails are $12+ with the tip. A well-stock highball are less. Note that the $60 pd includes the 18% gratuity so that adds good value.

Sample menus here: https://www.oceaniacruises.com/experience/value/beverage-packages/.



  • Can you order wine (by glass



  • or bottles) for dinner under this package?

No, bottles are excluded



  • I just cannot fathom spending $1440 for booze if I don't do the package.

You also have to consider how much you would drink over the 12 days. Most slow down after day X. You do not have to buy the package on day 1 but soon after the cruise starts so you might want to go it on your own the first two days and see how it works out. Check at reception though as the number of days before they stop package sales can vary.


For some it is not just whether you can add up the drinks per day X days X 2 and that is the only value but the fact that it is done, paid for and feel free to have a drink when you feel like one and not reach into your wallet. For others it is making sure they drink at least as much as the package per day costs. Only you can decide the value to you. It is not a trivial cost either way, on any cruise line.



  • Olife excursions... are they of value? I've learned private small group excursions (especially Europe, Oz, etc) are very much better than any cruise line excursion for the most part.

Many on this board also book excursions independently. I've read (here) that O has stepped up in quality and execution of their excursions. Value is subjective. That said, Tahiti is different (another reason why this should be on another thread). By sheer size and population there are limited tour resources so taking a ships excursion might be the best way to go here whereas the same thing might not be true visiting Venice.



  • Last question... not that I'm going to do this, however am I able to book unlimited specialty dining for all 12 nights? Is there a maximum number of bookings I'm allowed on-line pre-cruise?

You are guaranteed X number of reservations in each venue depending on the length of the cruise, plus the ship class (R-ship vs O class) and your cabin category.



How many dining reservations am I allowed in each specialty restaurant?

Guests are permitted to make the following reservations in our specialty restaurants - which vary by ship, category and length of cruise:


Marina and Riviera

Owner’s Suite, Vista Suite and Oceania Suite

Cruises 7 days or less: 1 reservation at each restaurant

Cruises 8-17 days: 2 reservations at each restaurant

Cruises 18 days or more: 3 reservations at each restaurant


Penthouse Suite

Cruises 17 days or less: 1 reservations at each restaurant

Cruises 18 days or more: 2 reservations at each restaurant


Concierge Level Veranda, Veranda, Ocean View and Inside Stateroom

All cruises: 1 reservations at each restaurant


Insignia, Nautica, Regatta and Sirena

Concierge Level Veranda and above

Cruises 7 days or less: 1 reservation at each restaurant

Cruises 8-17 days: 2 reservations at each restaurant

Cruises 18 days or more: 3 reservations at each restaurant


All other categories

Cruises 17 days or less: 1 reservations at each restaurant

Cruises 18 days or more: 2 reservations at each restaurant



I hope that gets your research started.

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Probably better if you started a thread on Tahiti questions. It would get more eyeballs on your specific issues plus helpful for others later looking for Tahiti related info



  • Tahiti airfare is astronomical! Like Hawaiidan says above, I cannot match the "value" or credit provided by the Olife offer by finding airfare on my own. I'm guessing other parts of the world is a different story.

True, air to Tahiti is expensive and understandably limited



  • Please someone correct me if I'm wrong... the full liquor package is $60 per person, so for two over 12 days = $1440. Can any of you give me a rough idea of various cocktail prices?

Many threads on beverage packages. Some of the threads will detail into the size of pour. So important to one poster they refuse to drink in the UK because the pour is too small for them. As I recall cocktails are $12+ with the tip. A well-stock highball are less. Note that the $60 pd includes the 18% gratuity so that adds good value.

Sample menus here: https://www.oceaniacruises.com/experience/value/beverage-packages/.



  • Can you order wine (by glass



  • or bottles) for dinner under this package?

No, bottles are excluded



  • I just cannot fathom spending $1440 for booze if I don't do the package.

You also have to consider how much you would drink over the 12 days. Most slow down after day X. You do not have to buy the package on day 1 but soon after the cruise starts so you might want to go it on your own the first two days and see how it works out. Check at reception though as the number of days before they stop package sales can vary.


For some it is not just whether you can add up the drinks per day X days X 2 and that is the only value but the fact that it is done, paid for and feel free to have a drink when you feel like one and not reach into your wallet. For others it is making sure they drink at least as much as the package per day costs. Only you can decide the value to you. It is not a trivial cost either way, on any cruise line.



  • Olife excursions... are they of value? I've learned private small group excursions (especially Europe, Oz, etc) are very much better than any cruise line excursion for the most part.

Many on this board also book excursions independently. I've read (here) that O has stepped up in quality and execution of their excursions. Value is subjective. That said, Tahiti is different (another reason why this should be on another thread). By sheer size and population there are limited tour resources so taking a ships excursion might be the best way to go here whereas the same thing might not be true visiting Venice.



  • Last question... not that I'm going to do this, however am I able to book unlimited specialty dining for all 12 nights? Is there a maximum number of bookings I'm allowed on-line pre-cruise?

You are guaranteed X number of reservations in each venue depending on the length of the cruise, plus the ship class (R-ship vs O class) and your cabin category.



How many dining reservations am I allowed in each specialty restaurant?

Guests are permitted to make the following reservations in our specialty restaurants - which vary by ship, category and length of cruise:


Marina and Riviera

Owner’s Suite, Vista Suite and Oceania Suite

Cruises 7 days or less: 1 reservation at each restaurant

Cruises 8-17 days: 2 reservations at each restaurant

Cruises 18 days or more: 3 reservations at each restaurant


Penthouse Suite

Cruises 17 days or less: 1 reservations at each restaurant

Cruises 18 days or more: 2 reservations at each restaurant


Concierge Level Veranda, Veranda, Ocean View and Inside Stateroom

All cruises: 1 reservations at each restaurant


Insignia, Nautica, Regatta and Sirena

Concierge Level Veranda and above

Cruises 7 days or less: 1 reservation at each restaurant

Cruises 8-17 days: 2 reservations at each restaurant

Cruises 18 days or more: 3 reservations at each restaurant


All other categories

Cruises 17 days or less: 1 reservations at each restaurant

Cruises 18 days or more: 2 reservations at each restaurant



I hope that gets your research started.



As for the restaurant reservations: do know that O cruises sold as "extended" or "grand voyages" (I.e., some combination of multiple B2B segments) are treated as separate segments for the purposes of restaurant reservations. So a B3 cabin on Riviera for an "extended" cruise of two 10 day segments would receive 8 reservations rather than four. Only restriction is that they'd have to be booked as four per segment. Likewise, you can buy the booze packages per segment.

Now if we could only get O to count the separate segments as individual cruises for the O club loyalty points (when the duration math is more advantageous).



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This is my first post on the Oceania boards. Thank you for this layman's explanation as I am a newbie.

I'm an experienced RCL loyalist (see my signature) but now branching out and have a hold on my very first O cruise on Marina for a 12 night Tahiti sailing March 7, 2018, I've been scouring the CC boards for all sorts of info. I think the above summarized everything I feel is right for me: I would love some feedback and help:


  • Tahiti airfare is astronomical! Like Hawaiidan says above, I cannot match the "value" or credit provided by the Olife offer by finding airfare on my own. I'm guessing other parts of the world is a different story.
  • Please someone correct me if I'm wrong... the full liquor package is $60 per person, so for two over 12 days = $1440. Can any of you give me a rough idea of various cocktail prices? Can you order wine (by glass or bottles) for dinner under this package? I just cannot fathom spending $1440 for booze if I don't do the package.
  • Olife excursions... are they of value? I've learned private small group excursions (especially Europe, Oz, etc) are very much better than any cruise line excursion for the most part.
  • Last question... not that I'm going to do this, however am I able to book unlimited specialty dining for all 12 nights? Is there a maximum number of bookings I'm allowed on-line pre-cruise?

Bottom line for this Tahiti sailing I'm purchasing the full Olife air incl. pricing. Now I have to decide whether to take the $600 obc or look at the 6 free excursions. What would you do?


I am going to comment because Tahiti and the south pacific are my specialty, and at times I have been a lecturer on O for the region....

Here it the ins and out of Tahiti I have learned from 6 trips by every combination possible:

1, the skip the OBC and take the liquor, the package you get is beer and wine it costs $20 to get the full. Liquor in Tahiti is obscene 20 a drink 10 a beer, so is food So are drinks on O... and in the tropics in 20 days your bill will , without the prem package run easily....very easily $1800 to 2400 PER PERSON I laugh at your $1400 for 2......you can blow through that in 7 days.....and that is no joke....



2 Skip the tours.... you can get them your self at 1/3 the price with a little work...over priced... search past posts plenty of people to contact



3. flying to tahiti and back is a recipe for insanity, arriving in the middle of the night and waiting 10 to 16 hours to board, and on the other end having to wait 12 to 15 hours for a red eye departure 90% of all flights arrive and depart around midnight. RATHER... pick a cruise that starts or ends in Tahiti....like Sydney-PPT Or LA to PPT Or PPT to Lima Or PPT to LAX Or some such combo where you only fly 1 time to of out of Tahiti The best Tahiti trip I have found is LA to Hawaii to Marqusea and Tahiti. a 21 day and fly home...using air credit ( as I will explain how). The 10 day with 2 days of flying is attractive but will cost you $$$ for day rooms and misery trying to shake off the effects of the 9+ hour flights just from LAX..... dont be tempted by the 10 day cruise... my opinion.

4 coming from the east coast get a cheap flight a day or 2 early to catch the cruise or lay over 12 to 24 hours in LA. You can even take Amtrack ! to LA. or Southwest or drive use FF miles as options are all over the place and cheap



5. If you fly from LAX to Tahiti only Tahiti NUI and Air France really do it Hawaiian has one flight a week on saturday, The Tahiti Nui Flight leaving LAX around 2-3 pm gets in at 10 pm and you can go to the ship direct as many sailings leave at 11-1130 its a 5 min $28 cab ride to the pier from the airport...dont book a transfer Take the O provided air to Tahiti Take your own at the end of the cruise when you get to Peru, LA, NY it will be much easier and cheaper any easy to use FF miles.



6. If your flying from PPT.... book air france one way in economy premier or business It leaves at 8 am and gets in at 6pm LAX To get the best fare, take first all the and book like your doing a rt from PPT to LAX to PPT Book in the class you like, then book a return to Tahiti in the cheapest possible restricted economy... you wil throw that ticket away bit it will reduce your air 50 to 60% !!! ( example, a one way business class costs $2900-3200 pp . However if you book a rt PPT- LAX business it drops to $1500, if you book a throw-away super economy LAX-PPT for $350... So for $1850... your getting a $3000 ticket and of that $1800 O will give you air credit of 900 to 1000 so your net cost is 0nly 800 to 900 for a business class seat !!! )

In LAX you then rest and take a el cheapo flight the next day, drive, amtrack, hitchhike....



In summary the best option is to fly-cruise to someplace out of Tahiti LA, Hawaii, Lima, NY not Fly rt to Tahiti.......

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1, the skip the OBC and take the liquor, the package you get is beer and wine it costs $20 to get the full. Liquor in Tahiti is obscene 20 a drink 10 a beer, so is food So are drinks on O... and in the tropics in 20 days your bill will , without the prem package run easily....very easily $1800 to 2400 PER PERSON I laugh at your $1400 for 2......you can blow through that in 7 days.....and that is no joke....


Thank you everyone for offering excellent advice.

Hawaiidan, by taking the liquor package, am I able to upgrade to the full package pre-cruise through my TA? Or once on board?


edit: I just found an old post by you Hawaiidan... is this still true? SO can't upgrade OLife select drink package pre-cruise? I assume easy enough to do onbaord at guest services... 12 day cruise, $40 per person = $960... like you say waaaay better than the $600obc

You can up grade any time after you get on board... considering the sailing day is pretty much lost... Buy the up grade the 2nd day and save $20.
Edited by Hoopster95
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