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Unruly Kids


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On a HAL ship many years ago there was a class trip...seniors celebrating, and I mean celebrating...loud, crass, taking over the pool and any event they chose, really badly mannered, many of them very drunk, so that there were pockets of vomit on various decks of the ship. The chaperones were nowhere to be seen. HAL took control by having a meeting with the chaperones and stating very clearly that if things did not improve, they would all be dropped off at the next port. There were no further issues.

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We most certainly do. There is no way in hell my son will be acting like an untrained monkey. We don't allow it at home, we don't allow it in restaurants, we don't allow it in stores, we will NOT allow it on the ship.




What makes me REALLY angry is children who DO behave so horribly, give kids like MINE, a bad rap. People think ALL kids are rotten. As a result, people freak out when they see him in nice restaurants, because, they think he will, also, behave like an animal. Not all kids are like that.



Same here. Many of us do raise our kids right. We teach them to be respectful of those and things around them. My kids would not act like this because they would have to deal with me if they did and it wouldn't be pretty. They would find themselves grounded on vacation.


This parents who let their kids run around being loud rude and obnoxious with the excuse kids will be kids are just failures as parents. After all isn't our job as parents is to teach our kids how to be decent people?


I would not hesitate to tell the kids off, take their picture AND report it to security.


Now this said I have seen more obnoxious adults then kids.



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We have been cruising with our granddaughter since she was 4 yrs old. She is now 9 and will be sailing on her 17th cruise in August. She always eats in the Main Dining Room with us and is not permitted to wander the ship without us. Yes we have seen a few children misbehaving while on a cruise ship but we have seen FAR more adults acting like a fool while cruising.

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For those that know Highlights, this is like a Goofus and Galant thread.


Goofus gets on an elevator and pushes all of the buttons.

Gallant asks "What floor can I get for you?"


Goofus eats his lunch and leaves the mess by his pool chair expecting someone else to clean up.

Gallant makes sure everything is tidy an disposes of his trash properly.


Goofus cuts in line on the pool slides.

Gallant patiently waits his turn and let's others in front of him enjoy their good time.

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I must be on the right ship every time, or some of you guys have bad luck with ships.


In nine cruises, I've never seen an "unruly" child or teen.


I have seen them be rambunctious at the pool, but that's their territory.


The ironic thing about my experience contrasted to some of the complaints is every cruise I've been on has either been Spring Break, Winter Break, or summer vacation.

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I have seen far more unruly drunk adults than misbehaving kids on our past cruises.


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Unfortunately I've also seen a drunk barely teen trying to order from a bar. It made me wonder how he got so drunk in the first place. Someone had to give the kid the alcohol.

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I must be on the right ship every time, or some of you guys have bad luck with ships.


In nine cruises, I've never seen an "unruly" child or teen.


Same here. 40+ cruises on various cruise lines and have never seen "unruly" or "out of control" kids and teens doing the things described here.


Not to say there aren't isolated, exceptional incidents where these things have indeed happened but threads like this make it sound like it's the norm.

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Unfortunately I've also seen a drunk barely teen trying to order from a bar. It made me wonder how he got so drunk in the first place. Someone had to give the kid the alcohol.


Unfortunately it's one aspect of the several reasons why the cruise lines prohibit passengers to bring aboard their own booze.

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We sailed on the Magic in May and it was pretty bad. There was a senior class and groups of unruly children. We did not say anything because most of the parents seemed to be oblivious to what was going on around them. We have decided that cruising at the end of May is not for us anymore. We normally sail in November when the ship is mostly filled with adults.



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My daughter has been cruising with me since she was 11. The first cruise she was either with me or in camp. Our second cruise, she asked if she could just hang out with her friends...I said yes, but to know that I would always be watching and if I ever caught her OR her friends misbehaving, we would be joined at the hip for the rest of the cruise. I made sure that I would go and check on her sporadically through the day (it was never too hard to find them...they had a couple of "hangs") and I never once had to speak to her or her friends. I just would walk by, say "hi" and either keep walking, or find out what they were doing. My best surprise was looking at the pictures and seeing how cute their photos were. When I asked Kat, she said the photographers were happy to let them pose for pictures. :hearteyes:

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My husband and I just sailed on the Triumph and a couple of the mornings there where kids running up and down the hall way waking everyone up at 630am.. They would be yelling and screaming and using bad language.. They would say things like come look at my nipple and use the "F" word.. We have two children who did not sail with us but if they did I would never allow them to act in such a way..

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My husband and I just sailed on the Triumph and a couple of the mornings there where kids running up and down the hall way waking everyone up at 630am.. They would be yelling and screaming and using bad language.. They would say things like come look at my nipple and use the "F" word.. We have two children who did not sail with us but if they did I would never allow them to act in such a way..



I would be more proactive and get up, go in the hallway and ask the kids what cabin they were in and tell their parents. This kind of conduct is completely unacceptable. We love sleeping in, especially on sea days.

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Does anyone control their kids anymore? On my last cruise on the Glory a couple weeks ago there was a pack of young teens that were racing up and down the corridors doing the knock-and-run. I managed to control myself and not say nothing to the little darlings. Until I walked around the corner to get on the elevator. Only to catch one of them kicking the call buttons repeatedly. I raised my voice, telling her to stop and why. She just looked at me funny, kicked it again and ran. Couldn't of been more than 10 and this was around 12:30 am.

That is the reason we DO NOT cruise when kids are out of school .

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I have seen far more unruly drunk adults than misbehaving kids on our past cruises.


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Ditto that. Our worst cruise ever was on RC and one of the (many) reasons it was so bad was the amount of rude, disrespectful and inappropriate adults and elderly passengers.


Had a slight issue with a group of intoxicated 20-somethings on a Princess cruise as well.


No issues on Carnival, no issues with kids-or young teens.

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Our son started going on cruises (Carnival & Royal) with us at I believe 14/15. Because that's when we parents tried cruising, prior to that was land vacations at resorts, since he was 6. I was a stay at home Mom, volunteered at school every week etc. But, I'm of the mind that working in or out of the home does not decide how well you doing your job as a parent.


Anyway, I've posted before that our son (now 25) who went on our cruises as a teen, is now working on Carnival Cruise lines. He's on the Fun Staff ... hanging with all of the guests doing Karaoke, BINGO, Deck Parties,Trivia etc...

Who knew?? :D Maybe one of those "naughty teens" on that ship today, might be the next John Heald!:confused:


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I always thought that moms who took the kids on cruises were "working moms"....and being with the kids was a novelty.


The "stay at home moms" would know that taking a child on a trip won't be a vacation.


After a trip with my "then 3 year old"....we didn't make any major trips until he was 12.



I'm taking my 4 year old on a cruise BECAUSE I'm a stay at home mom, haha. Mama needs a break! Even if it's only an hour here and there in the kids club. He's autistic and a real sweetheart but like many kids, especially on the spectrum, he leaves his rough behavior for me and is great for other people. He'll behave for fear of his fun being taken away, at least that's what I'm hoping.



He's obsessed with ships (boats don't exist) and I can't wait to experience his first cruise. He's going to be so excited.

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Once parents walk on the ship they turn them loose. They think just because they are on vacation they don't have to parent those brats. Yes I used the word brats.


I have seen ships defaced, elevators taken over, food thrown everywhere and smeared everywhere and watched them actual push people down including down a flight of steps where the woman suffered a compound fracture of her leg to name just a few things.


I feel Carnival along with all cruise lines should have rules. If you can't parent your children kick your entire family off the ship.


I am on vacation also and should not have to tolerate your unruly brats.



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Look, if your kids are brats and spoiled at home then they will act the same way no matter where they are. These are kids that probably sit in front of video games all summer, dont do "A" work at school (or even close cuz they do not put the effort into it) and dont know what it is like to read an entire book cover to cover and wait for it....have had a phone since they were 8 or so.....this describes 90% percent of the kids today...sad but true


Likewise, the parents of these kids have grown accustomed to having their children entertained by the internet, video gaming, phones and over scheduling activities so that the parents NEVER/HARDLY need to take responsibility for their children in general....these parents are so enamored with what is going on with FB or their phones and really dont know how to engage or want to....so the cruise ship is like a giant playpen for their kids and they can set them loose....


Easier to give to their kids (spoiled and entitled) and give in, in general (parents are clueless in communicating with their kids except to be their friends) to their kids then to parent these days..so you reap the product that we all see and hear running around the ships with no manners or respect....period!

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So kids misbehave on cruises, so what? Why waste your time gripping about it here? Is that going to change the kids? Is that going to change the parents? I think not.


If you want less misbehaving kids on Carnival write to management and complain. And then complain some more when they don't do anything. Or sail on a child-free cruise line (or mostly child-free) or go to adults only resorts. Some posters have suggested chastising the misbehaving kids and or praising the well behaved kids. That's better than just gripping about it on CC.



P.S. Based on the behavior in Parliament in Ottawa and Congress in Washington, I think bad behavior by children is not a new phenomenon.

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So kids misbehave on cruises, so what? Why waste your time gripping about it here? Is that going to change the kids? Is that going to change the parents? I think not.


If you want less misbehaving kids on Carnival write to management and complain. And then complain some more when they don't do anything. Or sail on a child-free cruise line (or mostly child-free) or go to adults only resorts. Some posters have suggested chastising the misbehaving kids and or praising the well behaved kids. That's better than just gripping about it on CC.



P.S. Based on the behavior in Parliament in Ottawa and Congress in Washington, I think bad behavior by children is not a new phenomenon.

My bad......didn't know that I was griping. Guess it's perfectly acceptable to gripe about someone griping.

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We were at the "adult" pool, and a father brought his little darling to swim...there were pool attendants around, but none said a word...so I said, "I'm sorry, but this is the ADULT pool....no children" and pointed out the sign stating just that!...the man seemed miffed, but did remove the child and leave. Sometimes, you just have to speak up.

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It is insane with the kids fooling around the pool . Running ,jumping and screaming while the parents just ignore them. If one of them gets injured the parents will blame Carnival



My wife and I saw this type of outside behavior on a CCL Dream cruise last year during the outside movie night. Normally, I ignore the little rascals, just kids being kids, but this night it was a steady rain. The deck was very slippery, and as a pack (4-5) ran with wild abandonment, from the buffet area across the deck either bumping into folks or jumping over those sitting on lounge chairs, I thought silently to myself, 'What IF one of the little 'tykes' happens to slip, slam his head into a table or concrete pool surface, and needs several stitches'. Their parents would be in an UPROAR ! I could hear them now, 'MY little prince/princess would NEVER do anything wrong, to deserve such a wound !! YOU, Carnival have RUINED not only his cruise but ours as well! Now WE have to watch him!! How DARE you, you'll hear from our law firm, 'DoWeCheatUm and How Esq and what's more WE expect to be reimbursed IN full for the horrible way you've treated our little darling'!! Luckily, no child was hurt, THIS time, but sooner or later..?



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Several years ago we got onto an elevator with another adult couple, and along came 3 little girls, about 10 years old or so. The one little girl pushed all of the buttons on the elevator and at each stop when the doors opened she would get out then come right back in. I said something to the little girl pushing the buttons and her friends got off at the next stop and wouldn't get back on, told the button-pushing-little-girl to come on. They were clearly embarrassed by her behavior. On her way out she turned to me, tossing her head and said in a syrupy-sweet little voice, "don't you like it when we push all the buttons?" I said "no, we don't, you little monster." She just laughed, tossed her head and went with her friends. I was so hoping to be on an elevator again with her, AND her parents so I could smile at her and syrupy-sweetly say "don't you want to push all the buttons this time like you did before?" Never happened though, darn it. And this was back before everyone had cell phones. If this same thing happened today I would definitely take a photo of the little brat. Maybe post it on here and ask "is this your little darling?" :)


I can understand "kids being kids" as we had two of our own, and maybe pushing all the buttons in the elevator when no one else is on would be one thing, but to inconvenience other people on the elevator goes a bit over the line in my opinion. And the kids that run down the halls late at night knocking on people's doors really ought to be punished. If people are sleeping and rudely awakened by some kid knocking on their door they have every right to complain about them to guest services. But I don't suppose guest services would do anything about it. Maybe that's one of the main reasons kids get away with so much, they know that no one will do anything about it.


I've never understood people who just let their young children (under 13) roam the ship all day, every day, and into the night. No curfew, no structure, no parenting. Just because you're on a cruise ship doesn't mean they don't need supervision.

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