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SS Nov-Jan. Cruise/Port Changes??!!


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Unfortunately the way I'm seeing what Maria is now doing to the eastern Caribbean this is just going to be a marginal to maybe just not happening cruise season for several islands. Personally I can't remember a hurricane season, at least not a recent one, that has impacted the eastern Caribbean this heavily. It was mentioned this morning that we still have eight to nine weeks left in the hurricane season. That could mean everything from we've seen the worse to more to come. Ugh! :(


Unfortunately, Randy, you are summarizing well about how bad have been the impacts in these areas. Appreciate on these various CC boards, the kind follow-ups, prayers and wishes for the people of Dominica, etc. Last night around 8 pm, I was also watching the weather radar and saw when the center of this powerful hurricane was directly over this very scenic and natural island.


Yes, it is very sad as to what Hurricane Maria has done to Dominica and other locations in the Caribbean. From the New York Post this morning, they have this headline: Dominica PM shares frightening posts on destruction of Hurricane Maria with these highlights: The Prime Minister of Dominica posted live on Facebook as Hurricane Maria battered the country, including his own residence. 'My roof is gone,' the PM Roosevelt Skerrit posted Monday night. 'I am at the complete mercy of the hurricane. House is flooding.' Skerrit wrote the updates as Maria, a category 5 hurricane, barreled over the island with 160 mile-per-hour sustained winds.


If that nation's top official was hit that way, you can image how bad it was on most other residents there. Personally, we loved our visit to Dominica in early 2015. BUT, it is a very poor country that also got badly damaged from a tropical storm two years ago. With a hurricane of this extreme force, it has to be very, very bad in an country not prepared for these winds and this level of damage.


Full story at:



THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio


AFRICA?!!?: Lots of interesting and dramatic pictures can be seen from this live/blog at:


Now at 34,883 views for this visual sharing including Cape Town, along South Africa’s coast, Mozambique, Victoria Falls/Zambia and Botswana's famed Okavango Delta area.

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We have probably visited Dominica half a dozen times. One of our fondest memories of Dominica and the Caribbean was a visit probably five years ago when a taxi driver talked us into a tour of the island. Harold Francis offered to take us to the typical tourist spots but we asked him to show us his island. We went to a market with him, we went into the almost jungle like forest to gather roots for dinner and herbs for everything from medicine to cooking, we gathered clay and gourds for pots, and we very daringly ate at one of his favorite little food shacks. He was fantastic! The first thing we thought of this morning when we heard the news was Harold Francis.

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We have probably visited Dominica half a dozen times. One of our fondest memories of Dominica and the Caribbean was a visit probably five years ago when a taxi driver talked us into a tour of the island. Harold Francis offered to take us to the typical tourist spots but we asked him to show us his island. We went to a market with him, we went into the almost jungle like forest to gather roots for dinner and herbs for everything from medicine to cooking, we gathered clay and gourds for pots, and we very daringly ate at one of his favorite little food shacks. He was fantastic! The first thing we thought of this morning when we heard the news was Harold Francis.


Appreciate these great experiences in Dominica. Wonderful that you have been able to visit there so many times. Very sad for Dominica and the others in these affected Caribbean areas. Much of the media attention this morning is about San Juan and Puerto Rico. Many of the key headlines are about "Puerto Rico Goes Dark". Their electric grid in Puerto Rico was not that good before this storm, now it is even worse and will be so hard to fix, especially for the smaller towns and more rural area.


BUT, there are lots of islands, such Dominica, that have been totally damaged and had not recovered from a major tropical storm that hit them two years ago. Because it is a hard island for the media to get there, the attention to their current challenges have become somewhat lost in the overall mess affecting these many Caribbean areas.


The big, overall challenge still exists as to how and when Silversea and the other cruise lines will have to figure out and adjust their schedules for these many key Caribbean ports. So far, not much has been written about this difficult issue facing the islands and cruise lines.

THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio


From our Jan. 25-Feb. 20, 2015, Amazon River-Caribbean adventure that started in Barbados, here is the link for that live/blog. Many visuals from this amazing river and Caribbean Islands (Dutch ABC's, St. Barts, Dominica, Grenada, etc.):


Now at 53,317 views for these postings.

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Appreciate these great experiences in Dominica. Wonderful that you have been able to visit there so many times. Very sad for Dominica and the others in these affected Caribbean areas. Much of the media attention this morning is about San Juan and Puerto Rico. Many of the key headlines are about "Puerto Rico Goes Dark". Their electric grid in Puerto Rico was not that good before this storm, now it is even worse and will be so hard to fix, especially for the smaller towns and more rural area.


BUT, there are lots of islands, such Dominica, that have been totally damaged and had not recovered from a major tropical storm that hit them two years ago. Because it is a hard island for the media to get there, the attention to their current challenges have become somewhat lost in the overall mess affecting these many Caribbean areas.


The big, overall challenge still exists as to how and when Silversea and the other cruise lines will have to figure out and adjust their schedules for these many key Caribbean ports. So far, not much has been written about this difficult issue facing the islands and cruise lines.

THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio


From our Jan. 25-Feb. 20, 2015, Amazon River-Caribbean adventure that started in Barbados, here is the link for that live/blog. Many visuals from this amazing river and Caribbean Islands (Dutch ABC's, St. Barts, Dominica, Grenada, etc.):


Now at 53,317 views for these postings.


The unfortunate truth is that the hurricane season still has about two months to go and these historically have been the worst months for hurricanes. You’d hope and pray that the area has had it’s share and will be spared any further damage. Puts Silversea and the other cruise lines in a real bind to plan as many of the islands just won’t be able to support visitors and supply lines for some of the major islands may not be back for months. Could make provisioning a real issue. Personally if we had a Caribbean cruise planned, particularly one in the eastern Caribbean, and were outside of the final payment date we’d probably cancel.

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Wouldn't it be nice if the cruise lines gave back to the islands for all their passengers have enjoyed over the years! I, for one would be willing to go on a ship to a devastated island where the sole purpose was to help the islanders clean up, rebuild and do whatever tasks were necessary. Many of our fellow passengers have skills (medical, legal, construction) that could be put to very good use.


My hope is that one of the cruise lines considers forgoing the revenue generated from a cruise and considers such a trip on a larger scale than Royal Caribbean just did.

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The unfortunate truth is that the hurricane season still has about two months to go and these historically have been the worst months for hurricanes. You’d hope and pray that the area has had it’s share and will be spared any further damage. Puts Silversea and the other cruise lines in a real bind to plan as many of the islands just won’t be able to support visitors and supply lines for some of the major islands may not be back for months. Could make provisioning a real issue. Personally if we had a Caribbean cruise planned, particularly one in the eastern Caribbean, and were outside of the final payment date we’d probably cancel.


Good, interesting points from Randy. Yes, challenging question as to whether to cancel an upcoming cruise for these areas . . . VERSUS . . . not scrubbing as a way to help their local economies. SE Asia is our next major destination in early 2018. So, we do not have any travels to these scenic eastern Caribbean areas planned for the next year or two.


From the New York Times this morning, they have this headline:Storms Moved On. Caribbean Islands Fear Tourists Might, Too with these highlights: Two ferocious hurricanes in less than two weeks caused widespread devastation, leaving dozens dead, millions without power or drinking water and countless homes destroyed. The storms also ripped through the tourism industry in a region unusually dependent on well-heeled visitors. In the wake, cruise ports and airports throughout the Caribbean are closed, beachside bars are flooded and, on many islands, tourists are absent. And the risk of a far longer term ripple effect looms, threatening the region’s ability to rebuild: Without a steady influx of cash from tourists, businesses suffer, employers cut back and local residents lose jobs; workers on especially hurricane-stricken islands could move elsewhere for opportunity, denting the local economy further.


Their chart/graphic, shown below, gives background on the paths from these two hurricanes, plus the important shares of the local economies affected by these storm. There are many aspects from these impacts that we do not always consider. This includes: "In the Caribbean region, travel and tourism account for a higher share of the gross domestic product than they do in any other region of the world, according to the World Travel and Tourism Council, and officials say it is far too soon to know when the industry will fully recover. At stake are some of the more than 2.3 million travel and tourism-related jobs in the region."This is a fairly comprehensive look at these impacts, who is hurt most and which locations can recover more quickly.


Full story at:



THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio


From our Jan. 25-Feb. 20, 2015, Amazon River-Caribbean adventure that started in Barbados, here is the link for that live/blog. Many visuals from this amazing river and Caribbean Islands (Dutch ABC's, St. Barts, Dominica, Grenada, etc.):


Now at 53,403 views for these postings.


Here are the NY Times charts on the hurricane impacts in these key Caribbean areas.:

(Open your screen/viewer wider to see this visual larger!)


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Ahoy all going on the Whisper NYC to BArbados 2/11/17.

Have just checked My Silversea and the itinerary has been amended. St Barts has been brought forward to 9/11,replacing St Maarten; Antigua is brought forward to 10/11 and Grenada introduced on 11/11. St Lucia remains as it was as do the earlier stops and the sea days.

No official word form SS on this and indeed my agent checked with them yesterday so maybe don't plan anything until the edict comes from on high.


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Ahoy all going on the Whisper NYC to BArbados 2/11/17.

Have just checked My Silversea and the itinerary has been amended. St Barts has been brought forward to 9/11,replacing St Maarten; Antigua is brought forward to 10/11 and Grenada introduced on 11/11. St Lucia remains as it was as do the earlier stops and the sea days.

No official word form SS on this and indeed my agent checked with them yesterday so maybe don't plan anything until the edict comes from on high.



I'm on this cruise too and I was kinda looking forward to a 'Magical Mystery Ride' since I'm not very bothered about the ports, just like to be cruising.


It is pretty much what I expected tho', glad it's Grenada that is the addition with a shortened time in Antigua, better itinerary than the original IMO.


And surely you didn't expect prompt and official word from SS? SS, the keeper of deepest darkest secrets until the very last minute? Even such teensy tiny matters such as cancelling a load of cruises to cut a ship in half? :)


PS - only the itinerary has updated - click on Antigua excursions and you get St Barths, ditto click on Grenada and get Antigua - guess they need a bit of time.

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I'm on this cruise too and I was kinda looking forward to a 'Magical Mystery Ride' since I'm not very bothered about the ports, just like to be cruising.


It is pretty much what I expected tho', glad it's Grenada that is the addition with a shortened time in Antigua, better itinerary than the original IMO.


And surely you didn't expect prompt and official word from SS? SS, the keeper of deepest darkest secrets until the very last minute? Even such teensy tiny matters such as cancelling a load of cruises to cut a ship in half? :)


PS - only the itinerary has updated - click on Antigua excursions and you get St Barths, ditto click on Grenada and get Antigua - guess they need a bit of time.



Oh good, look forward to meeting you and yes, indeed, I see the tours haven't been updated as yet. I simply cant stress over that, though I am a bit sad for my OH's sake that the America's Cup one on St Maarten is no more

I agree re SS' communication skills, especially re those cancellations. Not impressed.


On the plus side, not long to go now and as I look out at a dank damp London Friday afternoon, it can't come too soon.


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I am a bit sad for my OH's sake that the America's Cup one on St Maarten is no more



I've done the America's Cup cruise in St Maarten and was rather unhappy with it - it was one of the old, old boats and it was very crowded - there didn't seem to be enough room for everyone and I felt a bit unsafe.


OK, I knew it wouldn't be one of the foiling catamarans that we watched with such breathless excitement here in Bermuda this summer, but still ...

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I've done the America's Cup cruise in St Maarten and was rather unhappy with it - it was one of the old, old boats and it was very crowded - there didn't seem to be enough room for everyone and I felt a bit unsafe.


OK, I knew it wouldn't be one of the foiling catamarans that we watched with such breathless excitement here in Bermuda this summer, but still ...


That's interesting. Maybe our miss is our mercy.

It must have been such fun to see the real thing. No chance of one of those boats having been left behind for us to have a go on, I suppose? No, thought not.....


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I've done the America's Cup cruise in St Maarten and was rather unhappy with it - it was one of the old, old boats and it was very crowded - there didn't seem to be enough room for everyone and I felt a bit unsafe.




OK, I knew it wouldn't be one of the foiling catamarans that we watched with such breathless excitement here in Bermuda this summer, but still ...




And on that theme, hopefully for those visiting St Barts next March, the changes won't mean missing the "Bucket Regatta" which I was very fortunate to see this year. Highlight of our cruise.

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It is pretty much what I expected tho', glad it's Grenada that is the addition with a shortened time in Antigua, better itinerary than the original IMO.


Have just checked My Silversea and the itinerary has been amended. St Barts has been brought forward to 9/11,replacing St Maarten; Antigua is brought forward to 10/11 and Grenada introduced on 11/11. St Lucia remains as it was as do the earlier stops and the sea days.


Appreciate these updates and details. We loved Grenada from our visit there in 2015 while on the Silver Cloud. Very charming and interesting island!! Can offer suggestions if anyone is interested. Lots of pictures and details on my live/blog for that location, St. Parts etc. St Maarten, however, was not our favorite island, but we did the America's Cup sailing "adventure". We had great fun doing that excursion. Will be following as to how SS and other cruise lines make adjustments for these upcoming schedules.


THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio


For details and visuals, etc., from our July 1-16, 2010, Norway Coast/Fjords/Arctic Circle cruise experience from Copenhagen on the Silver Cloud, check out this posting. This posting is now at 220,112 views.


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We are on Silver Wind 2nd December and one of our ports was Dominica. That has now been changed to Bequia. Whilst we both love Dominica we have only been to Bequia once so for us this a good change. We don't know how anybody else feels about this and so far we can't find anybody who will admit to going on this cruise!!


Peter and Jenny

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Revised shore activities are now up on My Silversea for 2/11 sailing. Antigua is the same as before though we have slightly shorter time there, Grenada tours don't semi particularly exciting but they have obviously been arranged at short notice if larger ships have taken precedence.


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Revised shore activities are now up on My Silversea for 2/11 sailing. Antigua is the same as before though we have slightly shorter time there, Grenada tours don't semi particularly exciting but they have obviously been arranged at short notice if larger ships have taken precedence.


Thanks for the update!

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  • 3 weeks later...

We have just been notified that 2809 / Wind / March 2018 has been changed .... Antigua replacing Dominica.


I can fully understand the logic but it is frustrating in that when we 'shortlisted' which cruise to go on, Dominica was a priority and Antigua was a 'not really bothered' choice.


It could have been much worse though .... at least we are still embarking at San Juan so no flight changes required .. phew!


Equally frustrating is that Dominica could really do with the tourists back and spending some cash. I am sure the Gustavia's and Sint Marteen's will cope with all the assistance they are getting but Dominica seems to be getting the scraps yet it is one of the poorer islands.


We spent a week there some years ago and it was marvellous.

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Appreciate these various follow-ups and comments. This overall cruise situation is complicated with many of the cruise operation offices in South Florida being impacted, too, by Irma. It will take time for the leaders of the cruise lines to get "re-organized" and back to normal. Then, they need more info from each of the different islands, their recovery plans/timings, etc.


From the New York Times today, they have this headline: Desperation Mounts in Caribbean Islands: ‘All the Food Is Gone’ with these highlights: In the days since Irma pummeled the northeast Caribbean, the social fabric has begun to fray in some of the hardest-hit communities. Residents of St. Martin spoke about a general disintegration of law and order as survivors struggled in the face of severe food and water shortages, and the absence of electricity and phone service. The Dutch territorial side of the island has also experienced widespread security problems at shops, though the issue was reported to have subsided by Sunday, though not completely.


Sadly, this story details many of the challenges facing these islands and areas. This includes about restoring order and safety there.


Full story at:



THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio


Panama Canal? Completed Feb. 28-Mar. 15, 2017, Fort Lauderdale to San Francisco adventure through the Panama Canal with our first stops in Colombia, Central America and Mexico, plus added time in the great Golden Gate City. Lots of fun, interesting pictures!! Those visuals start on the second page, post #26. See more at:


Muse Caribbean in December:

We're doing one then, according to the NYT travel section, Keys and Turks and Caicos (on our itinerary) may very well be open by then.

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