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Silversea Water Cooler: Welcome! Part Four


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The Holiday Contract states





All guests must comply and the Guest shall procure that all other guests comply with and abide by the terms and conditions of the Holiday Contract and all other rules and regulations of Silversea and any agent, subcontractor or other supplier of services in connection with the Holiday, as well as all orders and directions of the Master and other officers of the Vessel. Copies of all applicable rules and regulations are available from Silversea on request. The officers on board the Vessel have the right to use all reasonable means to enforce such rules, regulations, orders and directions including, but not limited to, the removal of guests from the Vessel. If it appears to the staff or crew at any time during the cruise that guests are or are becoming for any reason unfit to travel or likely to endanger the health, safety or comfort of anyone on board then the Master or duly authorised representative may refuse to embark or disembark the guests at any port or place, transfer the guests from one suite to another, or otherwise deal with the guests as may be necessary. In such circumstances the guests shall not be entitled to any refund or compensation and shall be liable to pay any fines, losses or compensation due to any party.



All guests must be twenty one (21) years of age or older to purchase or consume alcohol. Silversea reserves the right to refuse to serve anyone who in its sole judgment may be under the influence of alcohol, or for any reason necessary in its judgment to preserve the health and safety of guests and employees.



Does the latter part of 9.6 mean SS are in Breach of Contract by not refusing serve alcohol?





Sent from the magic box!

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Greetings Coolers!


The Coolers Cup - For Stoicism is well-deserved J! Every morning since you and Mrs J boarded I have cautiously approached the Cooler hoping against hope that sanity had returned to the masses. This now being almost the end of your adventure into the bowels of hell I have given up the thin string of optimism that remained. My optimism now is directed toward a reasonable disembarkation plan and a generous recompense for the trip into Hades.


Dave....your cup is also well-deserved and best wishes for a reasonable recompense to you too.


Today's funny......(and it has nothing to do with a recent visit from our grandsons :))




Have a great day all!

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I did share that belief Isklaar. I really did not want to give up on the idea of human decency and respect for others. I did not want to entertain the notion that so many would be inconsiderate, rude or just plain selfish. Free booze or not.

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The Holiday Contract states


All guests must comply and the Guest shall procure that all other guests comply with and abide by the terms and conditions of the Holiday Contract and all other rules and regulations of Silversea and any agent, subcontractor or other supplier of services in connection with the Holiday, as well as all orders and directions of the Master and other officers of the Vessel. Copies of all applicable rules and regulations are available from Silversea on request. The officers on board the Vessel have the right to use all reasonable means to enforce such rules, regulations, orders and directions including, but not limited to, the removal of guests from the Vessel. If it appears to the staff or crew at any time during the cruise that guests are or are becoming for any reason unfit to travel or likely to endanger the health, safety or comfort of anyone on board then the Master or duly authorised representative may refuse to embark or disembark the guests at any port or place, transfer the guests from one suite to another, or otherwise deal with the guests as may be necessary. In such circumstances the guests shall not be entitled to any refund or compensation and shall be liable to pay any fines, losses or compensation due to any party.



All guests must be twenty one (21) years of age or older to purchase or consume alcohol. Silversea reserves the right to refuse to serve anyone who in its sole judgment may be under the influence of alcohol, or for any reason necessary in its judgment to preserve the health and safety of guests and employees.


Does the latter part of 9.6 mean SS are in Breach of Contract by not refusing serve alcohol?

Sent from the magic box!


I've read elsewhere on Cruise Critic about instances where Captains have dropped off unruly guests at a port. In retrospect, early on the Captain should have first announced that he could and would do such should cited behavior continue. Subsequently, he should have set a public example. That should serve to deter the worst behavior. If not, repeat.


Take note Silversea management.

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I've read elsewhere on Cruise Critic about instances where Captains have dropped off unruly guests at a port. In retrospect, early on the Captain should have first announced that he could and would do such should cited behavior continue. Subsequently, he should have set a public example. That should serve to deter the worst behavior. If not, repeat.


Take note Silversea management.



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I encountered an aggressive and rowdy group of Russians on one Seabourn cruise.

They were given a private space to have a "Special" dinner at which the staff made them feel like they were more special than the rest of the guests but of course they did not realise that they were being kept away from the rest of us so that we could enjoy the usual comforts without the Ruskies annoying us.

One evening in the MDR the Head Mafioso of the group reduced a waiter to tears and as I was on the next table I could not help but notice how the evening was going for the staff.

I went and got security who removed the offender and took him straight to the Captain who had been keeping a close eye on the Russians.

He was told in no uncertain terms that they all were to behave and not annoy other guests or be rude to any crew member otherwise they would all be removed from the ship at the next port.

We never heard another peep out of them and were able to enjoy the rest of the cruise.

Now if only the Italian Captain and officers would find their backbone on Jeff's cruise this could all be sorted.


Sent from my SM-G955F using Forums mobile app

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How was your meal J? I hope you enjoyed it! I am having trouble understanding the issue with your breakfast orders. That card seemed very clear. How difficult could it be to fulfill an order? Is it the galley messing up or the server/butler? Or can you tell? Or have all the staff given up and thrown their hands up in frustration?

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Have to say that meal didn’t look very appetising...hope it tasted better Jeff!

M...I’ve had issues with the breakfasts in suite...nothing serious but just odd things like untoasted toast and also like Jeff food arriving luke warm at best....

The tea is dire but l now take my own decaf T Bags and ask the butler to provide boiling water every morning in the thermos and on the last recent voyage it worked perfectly...when they remembered to bring cold milk and a teaspoon!!🙈



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Good Evening All,


Well .... we have managed to preserve most sanity by remaining in the suite for most of the day. But first to recap and answer an earlier post ....


All kudos to SS in that having told them when I was told I would be ejected from the ship 7 hours before my flight - that it wasn’t happening, they have now arranged a private trasfer just 4 hours from takeoff as long as I promise to stay in tthe Panorama Lounge and don’t wander. I just feel so sorry for some of the others including one elderly gentleman with a walking stick who plans to sit in a cafe for two ours in 30c+ heat because he will be unable to climb the Acropolis and was told there was no other option.


Sophia, I had devised a cunning plan. An extremely cunning plan. A Plan that was so cunning nothing could possibly go wrong. I checked with room service during the day whether it would be possible to have some plain spaghetti with a light ragout. I was told I could have Spaghetti Bolognese. (I thought Italians hated ragout being called Bolognese as they never have meat sauce on pasta except in lasagne ..... :) ). Anyway I timed everything perfectly, ordered the meal and some Rioja and twenty mnutes later the door buzzer went and the room attendant presented himself with his trolley and announced that he had seen we had ordered food so had come to service our suite, (?) Our first attendant was perfect and the sort I would tip. He was efficient, fast and invisible. This one is the opposite.. Inefficient, slow and is clearly “tip seeking” and is constantly being loud and engaging. He is all over us like a rash. The food arrived shortly after him and I managed to convince the butler not to serve it and leave the lids on. The cleaning continued with too many enquiries about how content we were with his work and about anything and eventually after another 5 minutes I said to him, “ are you done” and he said nearly and I told him he can stop now and finish later. He carried on for another few minutes and then we managed to get him out. We started eating. He then let himself back in again without buzzing and with his cheery face said “just me again” and started clearing out the bins and rearranging the papers. We were now eating cold pasta and I was somewhat grumpy.


We’ve tried to overcome the breakfast issue by adding a precis, A long-hand one added to the official list. Here’s hoping.


On the plus side, the customer questionnaire we devised for them many years ago still has some of my fingerprints on it but they have made some changes back to what they did before which is rather sad. Some of the same questions I devised and the order which was more important exist, but the scale has been reverted back. A 1 to 10 scale amongst other things. They do not understand that a 1 to 10 scale gives a mid-point of 5.5 and everyone giving a midpoint score always chooses 5 because they think that 5 is midway between 1 and 10 and of course 5.5 isn’t available. On one of Erling Frydenburgs trips from Ft Lauderdale to my kitchen - he was then vp of ops - he understood that the children in the marketing department shouldn’t be let loose on my questionnaire and scale. This means that all analysis is skewed downwards slightly and they proably do not know this. Also our one was based on “expectations compared to delivery” which meant something but that is a whole different story.


I think I have worked out why so much of the hotel side of SS is dire compared to my land-based hotel experiences. I think it is all down to simply having walking experienced a management. I see no housekeeper inspections here, no several levels of managament and a GM walking. So there is too much missed detail. I can give so many examples I’d run out of time. In the hotels - there is bottled water all over the place but none unless you ask here. In the hotels room staff mustn’t wear over-powering fragrances whereas here after every visit by a male we have to open both doors to fumigate the room. I might be odd, but I don’t want to live with other peoples fragrance choices. You ask for ice in a hotel and it arrives. Here they come and fetch the bucket and take it away and come back later - and in our case it has cold water rather than ice. The fridge in half the suites has the door hinged on the wrong side so it has an argument with the outer door. There are no UK sockets in our suite and no adapater left automatically in a drawer. All these issues may seem small, but it is all of the small details added together that makes for perfct service. I could go on ....... but I promise I will stop!


Sorry about typos - I hope I am forgiven.


For some reason we have gained some new lurkers not posting and it looks like this thread has had considerably more than a thousand views during the day ...... weird.

Edited by UKCruiseJeff
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Honestly Jeff, I don’t know how you have kept so calm. I’m really sorry you have had such an awful experience. I commiserate with you on the cologne. We had breakfast out recently, the restaurant was virtually empty but our server must have bathed in aftershave.

We could practically taste it whilst eating. We both felt like we were getting headaches.


Happy to hear you have your transfer sorted.

Wishing you the best for the remainder of your cruise and journey home.

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J....good news on the transfer! Not so great news on your well-planned dinner. It seems you are being thwarted at every turn. Hope you can scrape some enjoyment for tomorrow! And safe travels home on Thursday with proper tea for Mrs J!

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Just returned from a cruise on the opposition and catching up on what is going on. I’m sorry you have found yourself on the cruise from hell.

We sailed on Shadow once and sadly had a similar experience and have not been brave enough to give SS another chance.

After our experience, what you are going through is very disappointing but somehow not surprising - I’m genuinely sorry for you.

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Just back from a sort walk in Gythion and had a nice cool water in the shade.


Breakfast again was cold and missed out items. Some fruit had been cut up too long ago and had been over cooled and so was both dry and transluscent. I’m concluding - not being a fervent believer of this level of coincidence - that there has to be a money saving policy of scaling back orders because it is happening on almost every order. Wifey was looking forward to a breakfast banana but it didn’t arrive so we concluded that they had run out ad we have just seen some pass us on the pool deck on the way to the pool kitchen. You get the equivalent of one very small cold rasher of bacon with breakfast so I ordered three and that was ignored for both of us as on several previous days. The butter was warmer than the toast. I have yet to have a hot meal delivered on a hot plate something that I only experience extremely rarely on land.


I have’t mentioned the staff who have had an extraordinary demanding time of it and many look almost permanently exhausted and drained, and only a few look grumpy. As others have said there is bags of inexperience but as usual the gems shine through. I’m fond of Mo Mo (Mohamed from Morroco ) and Sammy both from the pool bar. Their smiles lighten up any day. It also seems to me that from what I have both read and heard first-hand we have a unique situation where even some of the lowest paid SS staff have a higher income than many of the people on the group booking. And that must surely be a first. I have also had a couple of unsatisfactory responses with staff on the ship when trying to discuss problems almost being treated with a sneer, which I have only seen once before.


I think I realise what is clearly obvious now. That the direction that SS is moving to is absolutely right for them. It is cultivating the illusion of 6* to people who probably do not have much experience of genuine high level luxury and I am certain that there is a big market for them, it just isn’t for the genuinely discerning. Or for me as I have to make far to many compromises. I have spent a lot of time in previous posts talking about what to many will be insignificant minor picky detail, but a big picture is made up of lot’s of details and high quality is always defeated only be the weak links and patchy consistency and if you have many broken links then what is on this tin isn’t what is inside this tin.


Our decision to cancel the next cruise which we had been looking forward to is a wise thing for both us and Silversea.

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In the hotels room staff mustn’t wear over-powering fragrances whereas here after every visit by a male we have to open both doors to fumigate the room. I might be odd, but I don’t want to live with other peoples fragrance choices.


Eeeeew... I'm not looking forward to olfactory assault by male crew members on the Cloud. Don't they have showers? :rolleyes:

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Greetings Coolers!


J....As things seemed to spiral down the drain in terms of SS quality based on several recent reviews the one saving grace seemed to be consistent reviews lauding the staff and crew. Your most recent post puts the nail in that coffin. So what then remains of their reputation? While attempting to fool those not experienced in sailing with SS with flashy, seductive marketing and hoping that they will not know the difference in what is "luxury" cruising, they are shooting themselves in the foot with those SS cruisers who remember the glory days. Sad that! Safe travels home!


Today's funny......





Have a great day all!

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Loved the funny, as usual, Mysty! We need that here, after what the Jeffys have gone thru. At this point, I GUESS(?) I'm looking forward to our TA on the Spirit in Sept. I have not mentioned any of Jeff's troubles or the recent Spirit horror show to John as he'll panic. No point in that, as we're going regardless. sigh.....

We're actually "refugees" from Regent. They're good, but price wise are now in the stratosphere. We loved our first SS a year ago and were so happy to find the perfect TA for us. Now the bloom is most definately off the rose. From the horror stories about the cruise from hell (the first Spirit cruise) to the disaster that the Jeff's are going thru.....not so excited now.

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