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Best things to do as a solo cruiser


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One of the things I love about solo travel is being able to be 100% selfish, all the time. And not feel bad about it.


You want to go to the buffet? Go to the buffet!


You want to go to the bar and get a drink? Go get a drink!


You want to go do trivia? Go do trivia!


You want to spend the entire day with a good book on your balcony, and get on a first name basis with the room service stewards? Do that!


You want go get a three buckets of beer and down them all over an afternoon in a deck chair? Questionable idea, but you can!


You can do whatever the heck you want. You don't have to worry about another soul. You don't have to plan meeting points or when to go to dinner or argue over what excursion to go on. You just do whatever feels right, all the time.


Exactly! Perfect!!

The only problem with that attitude (or maybe its not a problem for some).....is that if you are 100% selfish....

you will remain 100% by your self.....:(

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The only problem with that attitude (or maybe its not a problem for some).....is that if you are 100% selfish....

you will remain 100% by your self.....:(

Or, the best thing about that attitude.......is that if you meet people, they'll be doing things you want to do and enjoy doing, which sounds like a good start to a friendly meeting.



And, you're also right that being 100% by yourself (should that happen) is not a problem for some, either because being by oneself is a goal of their vacation, or because they are perfectly happy with their own company and don't feel badly about being by themselves.

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The only problem with that attitude (or maybe its not a problem for some).....is that if you are 100% selfish....

you will remain 100% by your self.....:(


Why does being selfish when cruising on your own have to be a problem? As previously mentioned, some folks cruise to do just that and enjoy their own time......I always cruise solo, if that is selfish? So be it. I meet people quite easily, so if I want to do that, I will participate in an activity/event/excursion and that will give me a chance to enjoy myself as well as the chance to meet

others.......or I can sit at the bar and listen to music and chat with other pax or carry on a chat with the bartender.


Or I can find that lounger, have a drink, a book and take a nap too:)........


After living on my own for basically all of my adult life, (well, 95% of it). when I travel yes, it is all about what I want to do

(or not do). It never means "having to be by myself" for the entire cruise. But if that is what makes someone else happy,

I say GO FOR IT:)

Edited by Lois R
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Wanting to be alone at times is certainly not a problem. For some, it can be a rare chance to obtain peace and tranquility, and for some a luxury, to momentarily escape from obligation's and responsibilites.


But having an attitude of being "100% Selfish" all of the time, means that you only care about yourself, and no one else....

I don't see how you can have any friends or loved ones, that way....

I feel sorry for anyone that fits that description. Again, not the same thing as wanting a little bit of "me-time"....YMMV...

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I believe the context was "all of the time [you are on vacation]", not all of the time in your life.

Well if that is the case, all right then....I can see that. However, for me, part of the enjoyment of a vacation is the joy of sharing it with those I care for.....

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Different strokes for different folks - neither is right or wrong.


Exactly:D...many of us don't have other people to travel with and we love going on our own anyway.:)


My joy is being able to travel:D

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I am widowed and retired. The people I can get to travel with me can't enough time off for an 11 day cruise so I am solo for my November trip.

I tend to hang back so I don't know if I'll meet anyone to talk to or not but I live alone now and I can find things I enjoy.

I can sit and watch the waves for quite awhile and I always try to catch sunrises and sunsets. I'm pretty boring but I can entertain myself whenever necessary. I can always fall back on my Kindle.

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Wanting to be alone at times is certainly not a problem. For some, it can be a rare chance to obtain peace and tranquility, and for some a luxury, to momentarily escape from obligation's and responsibilites.


But having an attitude of being "100% Selfish" all of the time, means that you only care about yourself, and no one else....

I don't see how you can have any friends or loved ones, that way....

I feel sorry for anyone that fits that description. Again, not the same thing as wanting a little bit of "me-time"....YMMV...


Sorry but that statement is a crock of hooha.


I very much care about my friends and loved ones - and I have a more than ample supply of them all over the world.


I choose not to travel with them because my travel style is to be solo.


And I really don't give a toss if you "feel sorry for me" - I am perfectly happy on my $60,000 polar expeditions and I can get by without your need or desire to pity someone who travels in their own specific way.

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Well if that is the case, all right then....I can see that. However, for me, part of the enjoyment of a vacation is the joy of sharing it with those I care for.....


Well then why are you hanging on the solo forum ?? You clearly have an issue with those of us who choose to travel solo.

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Well if that is the case, all right then....I can see that. However, for me, part of the enjoyment of a vacation is the joy of sharing it with those I care for.....


I'm not sure how you can travel solo and yet still have those you care for physically present to share your experience. Are you thinking of booking separate cabins or something similar? Not clear what you're getting at ...


I share my solo vacation experiences with family and friends via posting to social media, and starting this summer, a blog. Since they're not on the ship with me, it's not likely we can share the physical experience (I say "not likely" as I have a friend in Nova Scotia who is planning to come to Sydney when my ship docks there to meet for lunch -- she won't be on the cruise, but we'll still see each other in person).


Meanwhile, photos with narrative seems to work nicely. I'm retired and take longer cruises (usually 14+ days, most in the 25- to 40-day range). None of my family or friends have the means or the time to commit to cruises of that length. So I travel solo.


And, yes, I can be 100% selfish on the trip. Since I have no traveling companions to placate, I can do whatever I feel like doing: socialize, read, catch a show, etc.


Maybe I'm misunderstanding, but you seem to be implying that traveling alone is somehow a lesser experience than traveling with others. I guess, perhaps, for some, that might be the case. But for some of us, the reality is just the opposite: traveling alone is a way to recharge our "batteries." And for those of us who are naturally introverts, solo cruise travel is just about the perfect vacation as we're in total control of "face time." I can dine with 5 or so other folks, then retreat to the comfort and privacy of my cabin; then venture out to go see a show or have a glass of wine while listening to music, then back to the cabin, all without having to synchronize with anyone else. I've been traveling solo since about 1987 -- I'm very good at entertaining myself. ;)


Lana in Bellingham, WA

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Hi Lana, love your post:D............



"I'm very good at entertaining myself".............yep, me too. I am glad other folks found the post a bit perplexing.:eek:

I thought it was me, but it is not.........yes, when a person travels solo, whether it be on a cruise or land trip,

they can be 100% selfish.......it is THEIR TRIP........for themselves:D...........no need for anyone to feel sorry

for anyone if their choice has been made and they are HAPPY with their own choice:)......nobody is complaining

about going solo........actually it seems to me most....(not all of course) but MOST people who choose to travel

solo are big boys and girls and know what they are doing;)

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People, you are misunderstanding me....I have nothing against cruising solo, as that is exactly what I do now, and hence why I am on this forum. What I have an issue with is the statement of being "100% Selfish"....that sounds like you care for no one but yourself. You can cruise solo, have time by yourself, do what you want, but certainly not be 100 % "selfish"....

I am sorry if my choice of words offended anyone here, as that certainly was not my intent.

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Well, I can say that I do think I prefer to travel solo and pretty much for selfish reasons. When I'm on the cruise though I'm not selfish. I just find the whole Solo program on NCL ships amazing. I will even say I find it even better on European itineraries.

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. What I have an issue with is the statement of being "100% Selfish"....that sounds like you care for no one but yourself. You can cruise solo, have time by yourself, do what you want, but certainly not be 100 % "selfish"....


Why do you have an issue with it? Sure, a solo cruiser doesn't have to be "100% selfish", but is there a problem if he/she is? It seems to me a vacation resort (like a cruise ship) is about the only place where someone can be "100% selfish" for a few days without real issue.



I'm a solo traveler who doesn't prefer to travel solo.......but I'd rather go alone than stay at home!

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And....the title of the thread is "BEST THINGS TO DO AS A SOLO CRUISER"..........and so if someone wants to do everything on their own for 100% of the cruise...........maybe that is the best thing for them. Boy, who knew being on your own would get such a funky response.:eek:

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Why do you have an issue with it? Sure, a solo cruiser doesn't have to be "100% selfish", but is there a problem if he/she is? It seems to me a vacation resort (like a cruise ship) is about the only place where someone can be "100% selfish" for a few days without real issue.



I'm a solo traveler who doesn't prefer to travel solo.......but I'd rather go alone than stay at home!


Why do I have a problem with it? Here's a definition of the word....

If that doesn't explain why, that's all I can offer....sorry...



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Why do I have a problem with it? Here's a definition of the word....

If that doesn't explain why, that's all I can offer....sorry...




Why do you have a problem with someone choosing to be selfish on his/her vacation? If that's all you can offer in response to that question, you obviously don't understand the word YOU. What's your opinion on the action, not the dictionary definition of one of the words in the sentence.

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And....the title of the thread is "BEST THINGS TO DO AS A SOLO CRUISER"..........and so if someone wants to do everything on their own for 100% of the cruise...........maybe that is the best thing for them. Boy, who knew being on your own would get such a funky response.:eek:

Or who knew that being selfish for a specially selected 1 out of 52 weeks of the year would draw such a "funky response"? LOL.

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What I have an issue with is the statement of being "100% Selfish"....that sounds like you care for no one but yourself. You can cruise solo, have time by yourself, do what you want, but certainly not be 100 % "selfish"....


I am sorry if my choice of words offended anyone here, as that certainly was not my intent.



No one is misunderstanding you at all. You have said it yet again - in your own very clear words - "but certainly not be 100% selfish".


Sorry - but why the f not ??? It's my hard earned money. It's my life. It's my holiday. I am perfectly entitled to be as selfish as I want. I do not plan to go to my grave not having lived my life to its absolute fullest.






Sent from my iPhone using Forums

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OK.......I see nothing wrong with being selfish either......I work hard all year round and IF I want to spend the time alone, why should it matter to anyone else? Bob, you have made it clear you do not agree with the rest of us on

this particular topic. When you sail, then go with someone you care about and/or spend time with others.

Nobody is judging you for doing it that way. Not sure why you seem to be so judgmental about people wanting

to spend time alone.......it really does not make sense. Are they bothering you? Hurting you?


We are all different people and there are different ways people enjoy themselves. Nobody is telling you how to spend your vacation/cruise/holiday. What is good for one may not be the same for another.....it is a BIG world out there and thank goodness we are all different!

Edited by Lois R
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I am booked on my very first solo cruise in October and booked it specifically to be 100% selfish for an entire week. That was literally the purpose if this vacation. I have been walking around so excited telling everyone I know that I am going on vacation "by myself, for myself". Anyone that knows anything about me gets it and think it's fabulous. As a person who is always plugged in, always the fixer, always taking care of things or people or pets at work and at home, never able to really disconnect on vacation, had too many negative experiences on vacations because of feeling the need to keep everyone else happy... I am absolutely going to be 100% selfish.... for one week... and I am 100% ok with that. That does not mean I will be alone. This does not make me a bad person. It just means that not one of my decisions for an entire week will be about anyone but me. I am imagining it will be glorious. Then when it's all over, I will go back to work and family and be the giving, caring fixer that I am known to be because this girl needs to be recharged in order to keep giving. :)

Now, back to the topic... The only thing that is giving me a little bit of anxiety is dinner. I am not sure if I will eat alone, avoid the dining room completely, or join open tables. I figure I will make that a game-time decision based on my mood at the time. However, I am thinking about booking one night of specialty dining. I am not a fancy girl, but I sure do love good food. Just not sure I want to spend that long of a meal alone. We shall see... I am truly excited about my first solo adventure!!

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