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Project Runway?


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Yes, she should eliminate the flowers.

I like the flowers! I think she's trying to fashionize/modernize the Chiquita banana lady! I love Heidi's suggestion that she change up the sizes of the head dress as well as Nina's advise to not put one on EVERY model.


What I'm impressed with is the creativity of this year. It feels like it's been awhile since we have seen the designers really think about putting on a show on the runway.


Did anyone watch Nina on the silly talk show that airs after PR? I literally was cracking up...it was so funny.

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I am trying to remember when in this series the judges started doing the preview of the designers' collections two days before Fashion Week -- have they been doing that from the beginning? I remember lots of mini-collections used to eliminate one last designer, but have they always had the final three or four designers show items so late in the game? This preview seemed to go pretty horribly for all concerned. None of the judges had much positive to say about what anybody had done -- and their criticism was so opposite of what Tim had said to the designers when he visited their homes. He was so enthusiastic about the "direction" everyone was going in.


I can't imagine how hard it would be for these designers to put their hearts and souls into their collections only to be told that they basically had to change everything, and that the collections did not represent them. (Except Ashley -- she just needed to resew everything! Oh, yeah, and put color and print back in!) Maybe it was all done to increase the drama of the show, but I, personally, don't enjoy seeing the designers in that much distress. I guess it will be interesting to see what they can pull off in the next day or so. Edmond has the best chance of following the judges' advice, as he was told to "bring sexy back." That simply involves shortening hems, opening necklines, and slitting skirts, right?


The most cutting thing Heidi has said in my recollection was when she told Candace that she had "put together a collection of what people who aren't in fashion think a runway show should look like," or something like that. Candace is very good at containing herself but she looked like she wanted to melt into the floorboards at that point.

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It was like Tim scored a touchdown when he "saved" Edmund. I thought the judges were far too harsh on Edmund, Candice & Kelly. Their designs were fit for a runway and I can't wait to see their whole collection. Ashley picked beautiful material but her designs would be more appropriate for an Easter parade than NY Fashion week. The judges were trying to tell her that as far as the ridiculous-looking flowers that less is more, but she wasn't getting the message. I think if the other 3 had attempted this look, the judging would have been even uglier. I thought the hat that Candice made was attractive but the judges certainly didn't think so. Maybe she should have put a flower garden on top of the hat. I really hope that the judges choose the winner based on design talent.

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HI all!


I just got back from a 3 night bus trip to Atlantic City at 10 last night so missed the show except for the last few minutes. I was SO happy to see Edmund there!:D


Did I miss another episode or didn't Tim go to the finalists' homes to see their collections this season?:confused:


drib ~ sounds like an interesting book!;)


Anita ~ I watched some of that show too. Nice to see another side of Nina.


'til next week.


~ Jo ~ :)

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I don't think Ashley's mini collection showed much design innovation. Can't stand the flower crowns, but she is probably very proud. I can see how fitting a plus size (curvy) model is more challenging than the standard (clothes hanger) model. So my heart goes out to her. And really, while it breaks my heart to see designers cry (because they are, after all, human beings with feelings), get over it! Fashion is an industry and more about the business than the art.


And the few things I saw Edmund pull out of garment bags did not appeal to me greatly.


I do think Kelly is showing a lot of personality in her pieces.


While Candace makes beautiful clothes at times, I really think her collection is more stuffy and over the top with the planned finale dress.

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I really didn't like Kelly's mini-collection. It brought back the "cheap" look she showed more in the beginning. Ashley's needed a great deal of work to make hers polished. I really liked Edmond's and Candice's.


I agree about Kelly's collection. I don't buy clothes (or even shop, for that matter) at Walmart, but her stuff is what I imagine I could buy there. And the fanny packs? What??

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I agree about Kelly's collection. I don't buy clothes (or even shop, for that matter) at Walmart, but her stuff is what I imagine I could buy there. And the fanny packs? What??


I feel like she showed the 3 worst outfits-what we saw at her house was really exciting.

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Ashley picked beautiful material but her designs would be more appropriate for an Easter parade than NY Fashion week. The judges were trying to tell her that as far as the ridiculous-looking flowers that less is more, but she wasn't getting the message. .


I agree! You could see her totally block them out mentally.


I thought Ashley's look were ill fitting, poorly designed and juvenile. Nothing sleek or polished. Just bad.


I am not a fan of what Kelly presented either. Edmond is my favorite, followed by Candice. I do agree she needs to tone down the Goth and costume tendencies. I did really like her red Asian pants set that Heidi slammed.

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I like the flowers! I think she's trying to fashionize/modernize the Chiquita banana lady! I love Heidi's suggestion that she change up the sizes of the head dress as well as Nina's advise to not put one on EVERY model.


What I'm impressed with is the creativity of this year. It feels like it's been awhile since we have seen the designers really think about putting on a show on the runway.


Did anyone watch Nina on the silly talk show that airs after PR? I literally was cracking up...it was so funny.


I started to watch it but fell asleep.

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Ashley isn't doing Carmen Miranda with the flowers, she is doing Frida Kahlo and she's nailing it.


Absolutely! And, remember this was supposed to be a spring collection so the colors are appropriate. Her collection made the most sense, especially the styling. I personally hate both lace and pastels but try to step out of my personal space when looking at runway shows.


I was angry at the judges for saying to Edmond/Candice that they wanted the "real" Edmond/Candice back. That's exactly what they had up there! As opposed to designers scrambling to come up with something overnight that fit the goofy challenges and somehow reflected their personal esthetic. Grrr.


And since when is a form-fitting black dress (Edmond's) not sexy? All heads would turn and you would know instantly the wearer was a bad, bad girl. ;)


As to Kelly, I liked her collection. Again, nothing I would want. But it was a fresh take and very true to itself and her and I could see a lot of trend-setters wanting it.


Candice is always so full of herself. Her collection is totally her, too. But I mean that a bit negative. tee hee


Edmond? Well, we haven't really seen much. What's in those bags? And why diid he come with so much work left to do?


The best thing -- four designers with distinct points of view -- if the judges don't beat them all into the same mold.

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That's a good call, although if Ashley wanted to do the Full Frida, then she should have all her models in a Mary Kay Uni-brow.




The above painting is by Diego Rivera - from my photo collection, and I think from the LA County Museum. But many of Frida's self portraits do have "flower crowns." They are probably from before the 1950s, though.


There actually are several from the 1950s.

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Ashley isn't doing Carmen Miranda with the flowers, she is doing Frida Kahlo and she's nailing it.


I admit, I hadn't heard of Kahlo before your post...but looking her up, WOW...I like Ashley's flowers even more now.


As for the unibrow...maybe if the model was of a heritage that would support such a look, otherwise, I'm thinking that a very strong brow would be the ticket...minimal eye makeup, significant blusher and cheeks and rosy lips. Since she is going pastel...not red but some other striking color that complements her pastels. Maybe she did that though? I don't recall.


It's really too bad that she doesn't have prints...I think her inspiration would have been even more served with the use of some fabulous print that tied the pastels together and served as another reference to her heritage...

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I got the impression that Swapnil has been told all his life that he is gifted -- which he is, IMO -- and success has always come pretty much effortlessly to him. On PR he was never a hard worker -- he was always out on a smoke break. He may have great ideas, but I think he has perhaps never failed before -- failed to have things just "work out" for him -- so he still has not learned that his success may take more effort than he has ever needed to put in before. I think he may just be a spoiled first or only son of fond parents; I'm guessing an over-fond mother... Even in Mumbai (and maybe especially so), handsome, talented sons may automatically "succeed" without needing to try very hard.


My "analysis" could be way off -- I don't really know anything about him -- this is just my impression.


I think he did not hug Tim when he left because he was embarrassed -- not because he really had anything against Tim. And I think Tim may have let Swapnil take the lead on how he chose to leave. If Swapnil had reached out to Tim, I bet Tim would have reciprocated and "made up," so to speak. Again, big-time amateur psychologist here... :o



Not to "Beat a dead horse," but this week I was browsing through a fashion magazine at the hair salon. I saw a longer length denim pencil skirt, paired with a colorful long sleeved shirt. If Swapnil designed a similar outfit for his crew-member client, both she and the judges might have been happier. The lady did ask to have her arms and legs covered.


This outfit would have nailed the challenge for Swapnil, and we could possibly see his collection at Fashion Week. Just a thought.

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Not to "Beat a dead horse," but this week I was browsing through a fashion magazine at the hair salon. I saw a longer length denim pencil skirt, paired with a colorful long sleeved shirt. If Swapnil designed a similar outfit for his crew-member client, both she and the judges might have been happier. The lady did ask to have her arms and legs covered.


This outfit would have nailed the challenge for Swapnil, and we could possibly see his collection at Fashion Week. Just a thought.


You will likely want to wait until after tomorrow's show (so you won't see the finalist's collections) but you can see a collection by Swapnil and also Merline's. The last six contestants all showed at Fashion Week. I think they have been doing this for a few seasons now so the finalists are not known in advance.


Here is the link for after Thursday's show.



Edited by Scrapnana
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I know they do creative editing but not sure how they managed to alter the reactions of the audience while the models are on the runway. According to this article




there was major applause when Ashley's collection came down the runway. We did not see that at all on the show.


Also, the article says the collections were anonymous and yet at the backstage recap, the people interviewed knew who made what.






Way too much promo for the Junior show. If I had taped the show, I would have fast forwarded through that.






Heidi said, "When you bedazzle too much it becomes costumey," to Edmond. What about the glitter fest that Kelly showed???


Heidi really liked Kelly's fanny pack. Really?:confused::confused::confused:




I was surprised with the winner. More later.

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I know they do creative editing but not sure how they managed to alter the reactions of the audience while the models are on the runway. According to this article




there was major applause when Ashley's collection came down the runway. We did not see that at all on the show.


Also, the article says the collections were anonymous and yet at the backstage recap, the people interviewed knew who made what.






Way too much promo for the Junior show. If I had taped the show, I would have fast forwarded through that.






Heidi said, "When you bedazzle too much it becomes costumey," to Edmond. What about the glitter fest that Kelly showed???


Heidi really liked Kelly's fanny pack. Really?:confused::confused::confused:




I was surprised with the winner. More later.


That commercial for PJ Junior was ridiculous! It was like a quarter of the show! I would have ff too!


I liked all the finalists. I thik the critique from last week ruined Candices show. Before I saw the runway show I was leaning towards Kelly, but Ashleys show was certainly the prettiest. Edmonds was blah -i actually liked all his ruffles before they scared him into getting rid of them!

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That commercial for PJ Junior was ridiculous! It was like a quarter of the show! I would have ff too!


I liked all the finalists. I thik the critique from last week ruined Candices show. Before I saw the runway show I was leaning towards Kelly, but Ashleys show was certainly the prettiest. Edmonds was blah -i actually liked all his ruffles before they scared him into getting rid of them!


I liked Ashley's lace dresses, but not some of the others. The full outfit on her muse model, was not flattering. I am happy that Ashley will be designing for plus sized women.


Was Ashley's collection the best? Not really. If I had to pick a collection to win, I'd choose Edmond. Except for his "tissue paper," white gown, I liked the collection. Much of it is wearable for many body types.

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I liked Ashley's lace dresses, but not some of the others. The full outfit on her muse model, was not flattering. I am happy that Ashley will be designing for plus sized women.


Was Ashley's collection the best? Not really. If I had to pick a collection to win, I'd choose Edmond. Except for his "tissue paper," white gown, I liked the collection. Much of it is wearable for many body types.


Meh just a bunch of black dresses. I actually liked the full blk and wht ruffles dress. Here again I think he watered himself down because of the judges.

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OMG...I can only imagine the horrible commercials! I had a commitment last night and couldn't watch the finale as it aired. I streamed it this morning and because of the Ad Block extension, none of the commercials showed...the show itself was just over 1 hour. There were almost 60 minutes of COMMERCIALS for the show!




As to the winner...DH and I were just discussing. I think sometimes the judges pick the winner based on where they see the designer going and not just on the collection. They view the win as the send off and so I think this winner was. There were some stand out pieces...I loved the long button up overshirt. The close up on that with the textures and the combination of colors was really fun.


While I could argue about the worthiness of some of the other collections...I do applaud the rationale of wanting to encourage that designer and as they say, and want to see more. She has a healthy respect for dressing a woman's body and trying to find a way to have fun with a bit of a reveal and some sexy while having some "camouflage" all at the same time.


And I have to say that appreciate this thread and learning about the one Mexican artist...looking that up really helped me to appreciate that collection more than I would have otherwise.

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I believe that the judges actually hurt Edmond and Candice with their critiques. Both their collections became too much like what you could already find in a store -- even in a fashion-backward place like my hometown, Memphis. (I Love my city, tho.)


I especially felt bad for Candice. She should have stuck to her guns and had a wow show at least. It might have seemed more cohesive, too.


Remember how they said Kelly's outfits looked cheap? She actually cheapened them up more with the glitter. Good for her. I would have given her the win -- it was ambitious in the detailing, easy to wear, fresh, and there are tons of women that would want to wear her looks.


Noticed Ashley didn't add in the prints the judges were pushing for. She removed a couple of headdresses -- her only concession. Good for her. She put out a very cohesive, inspired collection. I do think her commitment to plus size was a factor in the win, but have no problem with that.


Every time the judges tried to tell a designer (mainly Candice and Edmond) who they were, I cringed. Who are they to think they know the mind of the designer better than the actual person?


So glad I recorded. That truly was a 1 hour show with 1 hour of other stuff.


Will not be watching the cat fest.

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I felt Edmund had the most beautiful designs and should have won. Throughout the season I thought Kelly came up with the coolest designs but definitely her Runway look was cheap and far too glitzy. They told Candace to tone it down and Kelly to spice it up which was exactly what they did to the detriment of both designers. Ashley's look was something you could probably find in Kohl's and definitely not New York Runway. Personally I think she was picked the winner because it was politically correct not because she was the best designer because she truly wasn't.


As far as almost an hour of plugging Project Runway Junior, I saw much more than I want to see and will not be watching it.

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I found Ashley's collecting ill fitting and largely unflattering. She was my last choice to win. IMO, it was a gratuitous award for her.


I agree that the judge's ruined Candice's collection with their negative comments. And I wish we could have seen Edmond's before he listed to them.


Kelly came a long way from her beginning designs but I would not buy or wear any of the things she made, which to me were for junior sizes/ages and did not look at all expensive.


Such a shame about Edmond and Candice succumbing to the judges. They would have been stronger had they done some editing but not lose themselves in the process.

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