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Honeymoon night mare because we were not able to take the trip bought for us...


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On 11/13/2018 at 4:28 PM, nascarcruiser said:

I ask and want to see before we put luggage in the car.  I ask again and want to see once it's in the car.  I ask again when we get to the stop sign to turn on to the highway.  If we stop and get out for any reason I check again.  If we stop for the night I check before bedtime and when we leave the hotel.  Over kill? Yes but I'm OCD about it.  Not ever bring on a cruise I understand maybe not realizing you didn't have it but am surprised as well Mom didn't ask when picking you up to drive you to Port.  Sorry you had this happen.  Chalk it up to a learning experience and move on.

DH is the same way. We put all of our travel docs, including our passports, in one big manila envelope which he makes me check EVERY SINGLE TIME we stop for gas or bathroom or to eat and again in the morning before we leave to go to the terminal (we usually drive down the day before). And then again when we park the car before we get all our luggage unloaded and stuff.


And even then..we've managed to make mistakes. On a trip to New Orleans for a cruise one time, DH forgot his driver's license and didn't realize it till he went to go pay for something and they asked to see it. Fortunately, he had his passport on him and showed that instead. He was able to call his friend (who was feeding the cats for us) who emailed a copy to him which he printed out at the hotel. And he was 40 damn years old at the time. So it happens, even when you're an experienced traveler who's done this eleventyfourtyzillion times.

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On ‎11‎/‎20‎/‎2018 at 10:47 AM, IPlayWithString said:

DH is the same way. We put all of our travel docs, including our passports, in one big manila envelope which he makes me check EVERY SINGLE TIME we stop for gas or bathroom or to eat and again in the morning before we leave to go to the terminal (we usually drive down the day before). And then again when we park the car before we get all our luggage


This is me. I am constantly checking my documents. I also brought copies of our passports with me and packed then in our carry one's. I checked when we got in the car, out of the car, at the terminal, etc. I do this flying too. Just paranoid I would be stuck somewhere without it. Even at 3am leaving, its like the only thing I think about. LOL

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Sorry this happened to you. My question is why didn’t y’all have passports & catch this printing off boarding pass? When I took my first cruise I had a check off list so I would not forget anything. I was stressed as well. 

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1 hour ago, ProgRockCruiser said:

And whoever posted on JH's page with this story should be ashamed of themselves - the intro was downright nasty.  This thread made it quite clear it isn't Carnival's fault that CBP rules are what they are. "How can Carnival be so cold..."



Especially when they said ***** Cruise Line would allow it. That shows either ignorance, stupidity, or a misplaced trust in another cruise line. They all have to follow the law. 

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3 hours ago, Rudyard said:


Especially when they said ***** Cruise Line would allow it. That shows either ignorance, stupidity, or a misplaced trust in another cruise line. They all have to follow the law. 

Need to be nice, so I'm going with CLUELESS!!!   I couldn't believe when I saw the story spun so badly by whoever put it on John Heald's FB page.  

Hate that the OP lost their trip, but I understand CCL following the rules.  My family gets tired of me asking them if they have their proper ID while we pack and when we get into the car to drive to the port.  It's just a sucky lesson for OP to learn about travel in this new age.  


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So sorry this happened to you. My suggestion is to save your money and if necessary cut out anything non- essential to be able to go on another cruise and it would be really nice to take your mom along.  There are so many good deals out there that you should be able to take another cruise for a reasonable price - especially if you don't have to fly.


Also, while I understand how this happened, I check, double check, and triple check before I leave my house to make sure I have my passport with me.

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On 11/15/2018 at 7:06 AM, PhillyFan33579 said:


I don’t think anyone who has posted on this thread thinks they are perfect.  However, it is pretty irresponsible to not bring documentation required to board a ship. I may occasionally forget to pack something for a trip, but I have never (and will never) forget our passports when going on a cruise or flying internationally. 

I always laugh and say all I need to board a ship is my passport, credit card, and meds. Anything else can be purchased on the ship or in the first port.

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It was a mistake but don't be so hard on yourself.  Work hard, be smart with your money, and hopefully, someday, you'll go on an anniversary cruise.  And treat your mom to a cruise too. 🙂 Best wishes for a happy marriage.

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On 11/20/2018 at 11:47 AM, IPlayWithString said:

On a trip to New Orleans for a cruise one time, DH forgot his driver's license and didn't realize it till he went to go pay for something and they asked to see it. Fortunately, he had his passport on him and showed that instead. He was able to call his friend (who was feeding the cats for us) who emailed a copy to him which he printed out at the hotel. And he was 40 damn years old at the time. So it happens, even when you're an experienced traveler who's done this eleventyfourtyzillion times.

I don’t understand why you’d need to bother with your husband’s DL, if he had a passport. 

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On 11/13/2018 at 1:28 PM, mistyandrade said:
We got married on 11-2-18 & our honeymoon was the very next day 11-3-18.. We we're so excited my mother paid for our trip as a gift... Our very 1st trip ever so we could have a honeymoon cause she swears that there is nothing like being on a cruise ship.. Cause she is an ongoing cruisader.. Being that we were tight on money because of the wedding she spent her hard earned money for our trip... The morning of our trip we didn't get much sleep because of our wedding and then the excitement of our honeymoon.. We live abt 5 hours away we left early and in such a rush trying to get everything together... Our trip to Galveston took longer cause there was so much traffic but we finally made it.. My mother dropped us off and as we get there and go through the process.. I realize I didn't have our birth certificates in hand.. I don't know how I managed to leave them behind I guess with everything I had going on I had left them behind.. I couldn't believe it... I looked at my now husband and I cried as they took us to a different part called document recovery ... I was in such a rush and full of excitement I left it behind.. I had my marriage license I had my shot records and left my birth certificate at home right next to where my purse was.... I told them my mom could send a picture but she had to get home from Galveston, which meant 5 hrs later.. Instead they told me it would not work.. I begged and ask if there was anyway they would let us take our honeymoon.. And they said no... Instead they handed me a Denial of Boarding Information.. I cried and told my husband it was my fault I didn't mean to leave it behind.. because of me we can't go and enjoy our honeymoon.. and I apologized.. I guess with all the wedding stress from these passed months leading up to the wedding I mean we literally did everything ourselves and the next day having everything ready as possible and leaving the birth certificates behind right next to my purse.. I called the 1800 number they gave me too call, in hope I could get the chance to still go on the cruise we wouldnt be able to pay for again in a very long time but I didn't have any luck instead more disappointment.. My mom lost out on her hard earned money and I lost out on a honeymoon for my husband and I.. If there is any way I could get another chance to have the honeymoon of our dreams plz tell me how or what I have to do.. the devastion of having to call my mom and tell her to turn around and pick us up and she lost out on all of that money that she worked so hard for.. I cried and apologized to her.. I'm glad I'm married now but that week was one of the most stressful and the biggest disappointment... I wouldnt be able to plan another trip like this for a long time beings we have the debt of the wedding.. I just wish there was another way.. and the ppl in the document recovery we're a little more sympathetic for the ppl they are denying.. 


I’m sorry you couldn’t go on your honeymoon, but it’s really not Carnivals fault. You should have had all documentation together in your purse or carry on bag and ready to go. I understand that with a wedding, some things can get forgotten, so a handy thing to do when planning is to keep check lists near your luggage to make sure you have everything before leaving home. I’m so OCD Type A, I start packing the month prior with multiple lists all over the place. I never leave anything to the last moment, or take the chance on just trying to remember everything—lists and reminder notes are essential.

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So sorry you missed your honeymoon.  We have our 48th cruise coming up and I still make a list (so does DH) of what we need to bring and check things off. On embarkation day, I double check I have our passports, boarding passes, etc. in my purse in the car before we leave the house. I wish your mother had thought to ask you if you had all your documentation, but she was probably excited for you and your new husband to be going on the trip. It's Homeland Security rules not Carnival's so Carnival has no responsibility to reimburse your mother, but she should at least get the port charges refunded. Even if this is a false story, maybe people will remember in the future to always double check you have all your documentation with you before leaving your house.

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On 11/14/2018 at 5:43 AM, KmomChicago said:

I am sympathetic to the OP for the disaster of missing the honeymoon and wasting her mother's hard earned money.  She is devastated, as anyone would be, and that's all just a terrible feeling, because she disappointed not only herself, but also her mother and her husband, and it's going to take her a long time to get over it.  It's hard to live with a mistake like this, and it could happen to anyone, especially an inexperienced traveler.  It is truly a very sad situation.


The backlash comes from the overall tone of the post, which hints that the responsibility for the situation fell to anyone but herself.


Even from the beginning, it sounds like this whole thing may have been the mother's fault "because she is an ongoing crusader" which almost sounds like she is some sort of pushy radical parent who forced this cruise on the newlyweds. Then it becomes (at least partly) the fault of other people and other circumstances:  the stress of the wedding, the rush of leaving the house the morning of the cruise, the heavy traffic, the port agents, the 1-800 number. 


The more she looks for someone else to blame, the more whining and begging the tone of the story, the harder it is to sympathize. 



Do you pick and choose words to comprehend? She didn't blame anyone else... she actually said "I cried and told my husband it was my fault I didn't mean to leave it behind.. because of me we can't go and enjoy our honeymoon.. and I apologized." The other things you mentioned... stress of wedding, rush of leaving, heavy traffic... all stressful things that can lead one to forget something.


So it was clear she was not blaming, she was sad. However, I understand if you have to convince yourself that she was trying to find blame, in order to live with your lack of compassion for another human being. 


Compassion does not mean that you have to think they deserve a refund, or another cruise. 🙄

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On 11/13/2018 at 6:04 PM, coevan said:

Actually if you board the ship on a port that is not the port of origin and departure, then they would have needed passports as it would not have been a closed loop cruise and it may have also been illegal according to the PVSA (saying this not knowing what the itinerary was.)




Great idea, but she said she left both birth certificates at home. Depending on where the first port is, we might have called Carnival and asked for the procedure to board. It's possible a one way flight might only be a couple of hundred, surely better than losing a weeks honeymoon. My wife and I have a running joke as she is in charge of the passports, we ask each other "who has the passports" BTW, we leave our BC's in our safe deposit box, a passport supersedes a BC.


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8 hours ago, Mikew0805 said:

Do you pick and choose words to comprehend? She didn't blame anyone else... she actually said "I cried and told my husband it was my fault I didn't mean to leave it behind.. because of me we can't go and enjoy our honeymoon.. and I apologized." The other things you mentioned... stress of wedding, rush of leaving, heavy traffic... all stressful things that can lead one to forget something.


So it was clear she was not blaming, she was sad. However, I understand if you have to convince yourself that she was trying to find blame, in order to live with your lack of compassion for another human being. 


Compassion does not mean that you have to think they deserve a refund, or another cruise. 🙄


Thank you for your kind and supportive comments, Mike. I appreciate your feedback very, very much and will use it to improve!!  Typically I refrain from ever posting anything negative on Cruise Critic and this is exactly why, but obviously had a personal failure here as apparently could not resist descending into the pit of harsh judgment.  I deserve the eye roll and thank you for putting me back in my place and reminding me of the consequences of my inappropriate behavior. :classic_sad:


Have a great day and also hope you have a wonderful time on your upcoming cruise on Carnival Horizon. Wish we were going as well.  She really looks like a "dream boat" from the reviews I have seen but alas there are just too many ships and too little time and other resources.


John Heald is saying over at that place where he connects with people that he would like to help this couple.  Unfortunately I don't think anyone knows how to get directly in touch with the Original Poster to tell her this. I don't know what he means by help as he did not clarify.  We are going in to an off season (aside from the holidays of course) from now until about mid February and perhaps he can get them a very hefty credit toward a sailing out of Galveston with slow-selling staterooms.


Kmom :)

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On 11/13/2018 at 3:35 PM, mscinmia said:

While this is a good idea it will take some time to retrieve the luggage if left with the porters.....Personally I tell guests to take a picture of their BC and send it to the cloud.  This way it can be retrieved fairly quickly and can be emailed and printed out quickly.

My oldest turned 16 and we went down to get her adult passport. The very nice lady at the post office told her the same with that.  She told her as soon as she gets it make a copy and take a picture and make sure people not on a trip have them in case something happens or she can go online and retreive.  

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I too live about 5 1/2 hours from the port, and once booked last minute ... forgot my credit card and had very little cash. 


99.9% of the time I go down the night before and stay in Galveston. This last time was extra expensive, there were so many other activities going on that weekend. hotel prices were double and triple what Ive paid in the past, but I did it anyway.


I always worry about a flat tire or something else going wrong.


I understand you just got married the day before, but I would have gone down right after your party, not waited until the day of the cruise. Its just risky as you found out the hard way.


We all feel bad when this happens to someone. Its so sad. 


Its not like a hotel or a flight where you can just skip a night when you miss the ship, its worth the additional cost to go down the night before for peace of mind. We had a lousy night in Galveston, 51 with a blowing wind and felt in the 40s, so much for walking on the beach it was so cold. I just got back last sunday from Vista going out of Galveston and seem to live near you. 


Again, how can we not feel bad for you. Its a lot of money to lose. I feel terrible.

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21 hours ago, grest said:

We have a rule about travel.  As we leave the driveway, we ask each other two questions:  Do you have the documents we need, and do you have your medication.  All else can be purchased.  


So true. We make sure we take our meds and pack them before the cruise and DW will take passports and I will always double check and have her shows me them before we leave our house.


We can easily deal with any other needs.

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