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Suite Guests - How to you utilize your Butler?


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On 3/8/2019 at 12:38 PM, crazyman3 said:

And if your butler is not doing a great job... speak to him/her... Still no joy? Hotel Manager time!

May I suggest before going to the Hotel Manager have a word with the Retreat Manager. All butlers report to the Retreat Manager.

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Best butlers we have ever experienced were in The NCL Haven. They just seemed intuitive, there when you needed, not fussing but made you feel special with small gestures and friendly demeanor.


On Celebrity, have only done Sky suites, both before and after "The Revolution".  Recently, our butler helped with some internet difficulties noting that we had a package. Some requests such as non-feather pillows (due to allergies), extra wash cloths and towels, excursion towels and tote bag, were not met for a few days.  There was no fruit or snacks this time as I believe "The Retreat" now handles that. We have never been offered an escort by the butler nor seen him in Luminae or anywhere other than our corridor for that matter. They have been pleasant, but not anything special.  We enjoy our own restaurant (although Luminae menu is getting a bit stale), the easy on and off the ship, usually have a drink package so Michaels is not particularly needed, and the new Retreat area is quite nice. For us, it's not really about the butler, so we could probably do without but I look forward to experiencing an amazing one one of these days. Maybe on the Constellation ?

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On 3/7/2019 at 10:56 AM, DiamondSuiteCruiser said:

George, all I'm saying is if you have never experienced the Outstanding Butler service from staying in a PH suite you would not understand. PH suites is all we've had while on Celebrity, before we both retired. The Butlers for those suites are more in tune to your needs and wants even without asking. Our butler's would take notice that my DH liked a morning ice coffee and when he noticed him going to get it each morning, he started bringing them to him without asking, he also noticed we would go and get cocktails everyday around the same time and bring them back to our suite to drink while getting ready for dinner. The butler took note and also would bring us those each day. We have been spoiled by the Fantastic service of PH suites, that we really notice the difference in the lower end suites.


On our last Eclipse cruise our Butler also sat us down to give us his sad story, on how he has way to many suites, and how he was spread to thin... Like I said he was useless, our room steward felt bad and he was doing the butler's job without even being asked. I mentioned in my survey that maybe him and the butler should switch place because he was outstanding and the other was useless. Oh but he came around the last day to check on us and to see if he could do anything for us, wanting his tip. The extra tip we gave to the steward.


Also that same cruise in Luminae, the Maitre d’ ignored almost everyone except the same few people, his assistant took great care of us each and every night, he never stopped by our table, in fact the first night he like our useless butler proceeded to tell us what time we need to come for dinner each night, otherwise will will have to wait. His assistant got his tip.


Conclusion, all butler's are different, and I solely believe the upper suites are no comparison to the lower end suites in the way you are treated and the customer service you recieve. We use the butler less than those that posted about sitting them down with a list of things they would like done or brought to them. A real Butler should pretty much know what you want without asking, or they should be asking you what they can do to make your trip more enjoyable. I know how most on here are cheerleaders for Celebrity, but I have my opinion and flame away if you don't like it! Everyone is different and has different wants and needs and I realize that the service can't be the same all over the ship, that is why those not in a suite hate that they feel excluded from what the suite class get.

This is my personal feeling.....I suspect you “feel” special when traveling in a PH and are perhaps happier in that category, and therefore exude happiness and the staff picks up on this and treats you in kind.  My gut tells me that you feel “lesser than” in anything other than a PH and your attitude might reflect this, and in turn, the staff picks up on this and treats you in kind.  Just a hunch.

We always sail in suites and have had the pleasure of the PH on more than one Occasion. The worst butler we ever had was in a PH suite.  The BEST butler we ever had was in our very first suite years ago, a Sky suite!  We have always had excellent service in Luminae, however, one sailing, the maitre d was not very good; ignored us, sat us in a different servers section every night and we never got a window seat.  Guess what?, we were in the Penthouse!  So I’m saying that all staff are different and most are outstanding.  I think attitude (yours/ours) goes along way in how we are treated.  Be courteous, pleasant and smile regardless of what category you book and i think you will be pleasantly surprised!

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We have always had excellent service in Luminae. Friendly staff who will go the extra mile. Have been at oceanview for lunch and have been greeted by some of the luminae staff as they work their too.

Have always had good Butlers who go out of their way to help. Being nice and friendly always helps in all walks of life.

These people work long hours every day for months at a time. Butler has always brought breakfast and set table, rang to say they were on way. We have always been in S1 or S2 but will be in a CS next and do not expect to be treated any different. 

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We will be sailing next Sunday in a CS on the Eclipse, and we did not get a call from a shoreside concierge.

      Just curious about Luminae, as it is open seating. Do they have a method where they give you a device that will alert you to when they can seat you, so that you can go to a nearby lounge for drinks, rather than to stand around waiting? 

      As far as using the butler, my husband will leave him his shoes to be shined, or ask him to take laundry. We don't like to eat breakfast in our suite. I do sometimes like a piece of fruit, but I find that they will replace what we eat. The only cruise I have been on with my husband in the last 20 years where we were not in a suite was on a Celebrity charter for a specialty music cruise, and the cabin steward filled the ice bucket, got us water, lots of things that a butler would do in a suite. 

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  • 4 weeks later...


Since we joined the Celebrity family, we have liked to travel in PH or RS. It took us a while to get used to the Butler experience and this is what we have found. First, the shore side concierge should call a couple weeks prior to the cruise. This means doing your homework. I have a list put together for this call. Things like, our liquor choices, beer for the fridge, distilled water for my husbands CPAP, an extension cord for the CPAP if necessary, sparkling and still water, a couple throw blankets for the balcony, pillow choices, etc. It helps to have an idea of what you may want to help you feel comfortable on the cruise in order to generate this list.


If you don’t get the concierge call pre-cruise, or, all of these needs have not been met when you arrive, take it up with your butler. The butler will follow through with your requests and others. Other requests you might make are things like breakfast on your balcony or in your room, a dinner party with friends, assistance with laundry, reservations, etc. Any questions or concerns you might have, you should run through your butler. On our last cruise, I fell getting into the PH tub bruising myself significantly, because of the slick surface. I told my butler, because I was concerned for other passengers. She insisted I be seen by the ship’s doctor, she told her supervisor and we met with the supervisor who apologized and gave us a future cruise credit. Butlers, thrive on giving good service. I understand this culture, because, my husband and I retired from a very service oriented culture. Don’t be afraid to utilize them and yes, tip them well. They deserve it.



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On 3/7/2019 at 5:40 AM, Cyber Kat said:


Do they bring drinks?   Did I understand that correctly. That would be lovely. I think I will like having them make reservations for dinner. Do you just tell them, We would like dinner in the Tuscan Grill at 7pm?” Is that how it works?


Your Butler will bring you drinks if you wish but be forewarned that they are not included on your drink packages.  If in a RS or above you get a free setup and he will refresh as needed.    Yes either your butler or MCC will arrange dining and will advise if the time is available or what options are available.


On 3/7/2019 at 5:40 AM, Cyber Kat said:

 We don’t have a lot of needs, but the little nicities will be appreciated. How do you contact them?  Is there a desk or a special phone number?  

Yes your butler will give you his card with a phone number on it.   Also their is a butler button on you telephone.



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6 hours ago, girljerk said:

On our last cruise, I fell getting into the PH tub bruising myself significantly, because of the slick surface. I told my butler, because I was concerned for other passengers. She insisted I be seen by the ship’s doctor, she told her supervisor and we met with the supervisor who apologized and gave us a future cruise credit.



We have warned Celebrity several times about the danger of that tub.  I'm sure we're not the only ones who have commented on it.  But Celebrity doesn't seem to do anything about it.  A nonslip tub mat would cost them a few bucks, far less than visits to the medical department and future cruise credits.

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2 hours ago, Happy Cruiser 6143 said:


We have warned Celebrity several times about the danger of that tub.  I'm sure we're not the only ones who have commented on it.  But Celebrity doesn't seem to do anything about it.  A nonslip tub mat would cost them a few bucks, far less than visits to the medical department and future cruise credits.

Funny you should mention that. I I looked at the upgrade pics and it’s still the same tub with no safety features. We are cruising in a couple months. I’m going over to Target and get a nonstick mat. The cruise credit was great, but, I’d rather not have to fall again. When I did fall, I was being extremely careful because I felt it was an issue. I still fell! There aren’t even any safety bars in the refurb.



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2 hours ago, girljerk said:

Funny you should mention that. I I looked at the upgrade pics and it’s still the same tub with no safety features. We are cruising in a couple months. I’m going over to Target and get a nonstick mat. The cruise credit was great, but, I’d rather not have to fall again. When I did fall, I was being extremely careful because I felt it was an issue. I still fell! There aren’t even any safety bars in the refurb.




Yup, we mentioned the safety bars as well.  Obviously made a big difference.  Not!

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Having sailed for the past 9 years mostly in C, R, and PH suites, I can honestly say that all of the butlers who have taken care of me have been EXCELLENT.  


I have learned, over the years, to prepare my list of KNOWN requests in advance, and present it to the butler when we meet.  As new items come up, I add them to my Word document for the next time.  I edit the original document each time, depending on length of cruise, where in the world I am, etc.


Luminae staff is exceptional.


Between the butler, the Suites Manager, and the Michael's Club Concierge, I am very well taken care of.  


The people who most disappoint me are the Shoreside Concierges.

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Our butler experiences have varied greatly (on Celebrity and other lines.) We really don't utilize the butler as a benefit of the suites much. Interestingly, one of the best butlers we've had in our past 3 cruises was in a Sky Suite on the Equinox (Alex.) He was extremely attentive and went above and beyond to ensure our needs (as well as adult kids in the opposite S1) were well taken care of.


That said, the butler on our Solstice Australia/NZ cruise January 2017 was great (Ashwin.) Towards the end of the cruise, DH got a severe sinus infection and stayed in bed for two days before meds kicked in. Ashwin, along with the cabin steward D'wi, made sure he had tea, toast, fresh sheets and anything else he needed.


The least impressive butler (on Celebrity) was our last cruise, the Eclipse May 2018 to Ireland and Iceland. Dragos was there, nothing more or less. He checked in once or twice during the cruise but otherwise, was basically a non-entity. Ironically, this sailing had the absolute BEST Michael's Club concierge, Manuela Becker. She was such a pleasure and checked in at least daily to make sure all was well.


We totally agree with Olive1950 regarding the shoreside concierges. Didn't even get a call prior to our cruise last May so we called ourselves two weeks prior to sailing (since we were planning land touring in Ireland for a week prior to sailing.) Everything was messed up, from liquor request to restaurant reservations. Yes, First World Problems for sure and all got sorted out eventually.


We truly appreciate how lucky we are to travel and experience other cultures. Every day is a gift.

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3 hours ago, Olive1950 said:

Having sailed for the past 9 years mostly in C, R, and PH suites, I can honestly say that all of the butlers who have taken care of me have been EXCELLENT.  


I have learned, over the years, to prepare my list of KNOWN requests in advance, and present it to the butler when we meet.  As new items come up, I add them to my Word document for the next time.  I edit the original document each time, depending on length of cruise, where in the world I am, etc.


Luminae staff is exceptional.


Between the butler, the Suites Manager, and the Michael's Club Concierge, I am very well taken care of.  


The people who most disappoint me are the Shoreside Concierges.


I do think butlers like guests providing them with something written. We always give a copy of the email we have sent to the shoreside concierge to our butler so he can check he has done what we have asked and confirm our dining reservations. We also let him know things we want on a daily basis. I think sometimes guests who complain their butler’s are useless simply haven’t communicated their needs and wants clearly...


Our experiences with shoreside concierges have been mixed. The last couple of times have been our best experiences with all requests having been met. Our worst was when absolutely nothing had been communicated. Fortunately our butler had everything sorted really efficiently. It amazes me that sometimes ‘bits’ of our requests have been communicated but other things haven’t, for example, correct spirits but not pillows...

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We are sailing in our first sky suite on the Reflection. Also wondering about the Butler service. I had read somewhere that the butler can bring cappuccino or espresso. Is there an extra charge? With a premium package? Same question for Bottled water? Will they restock as we have a premium package or do we need to go fetch ourselves? Just curious.


I am really hoping we like Luminae. We have always loved our Blu experiences and the food. Decided to move up to a sky suite for the space and to try something new. As this is a port intensive cruise we will likely have breakfast most days in the cabin. Do we just call room service or do we order through the Butler and is the menu different for suites? 



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34 minutes ago, LINGBER said:

We are sailing in our first sky suite on the Reflection. Also wondering about the Butler service. I had read somewhere that the butler can bring cappuccino or espresso. Is there an extra charge? With a premium package? Same question for Bottled water? Will they restock as we have a premium package or do we need to go fetch ourselves? Just curious.


I am really hoping we like Luminae. We have always loved our Blu experiences and the food. Decided to move up to a sky suite for the space and to try something new. As this is a port intensive cruise we will likely have breakfast most days in the cabin. Do we just call room service or do we order through the Butler and is the menu different for suites? 



If they are very attentive and notice that you are going to Cafe Bacio to get cappuccino or espresso, they will find out what you like and magically appear with it, but most likely you will have to mention it to them. They generally come to have a quick meet and greet with you on embarkation day and you can tell them at that point what you want. I don't believe there is any additional charge for cappuccino since I'm pretty sure they can get it from Michael's club for you (and if you have a drink package it's already included anyway). We typically ask our butler to stock our fridge with a few beers, bottles of water and San Pelligrino - generally they have always told us they can put whatever we want in there as long as it's covered by our drink package. For room service call your butler and they will place the order and bring the food to your room. I do believe the room service menu is expanded for suites.


We generally don't ask much of our butlers aside from what I mentioned above (add some drinks to the fridge, we do like our morning lattes from Cafe Bacio) - hubby might ask them to get his suit pressed for formal nights and shoes shined. The only time we have really had to make use of our butler was when we sailed this past February and I was still recovering from knee surgery. I was having a good amount of swelling in my knee and ankle from the heat (Caribbean itinerary) and from walking around more than I was used to. Our amazing butler started leaving me a big bag of ice every afternoon so I could ice my knee every day - it made such a difference! He was constantly checking in with me as well to make sure I was comfortable and to see if I needed any help getting around. I really appreciated all his help!

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We have two requests, and that is about it.

1.  I bring a cooler, and request that it is filled with ice regularly

2.  Deliver a pot of coffee, danish, and fruit between 7 AM and 7:30.

One cruise we docked in Bermuda, and I ran out of cigarettes.  Shops were closed, so I contacted our butler, and he was able to get me a pack.

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9 hours ago, chemmo said:


I do think butlers like guests providing them with something written. We always give a copy of the email we have sent to the shoreside concierge to our butler so he can check he has done what we have asked and confirm our dining reservations. We also let him know things we want on a daily basis. I think sometimes guests who complain their butler’s are useless simply haven’t communicated their needs and wants clearly...


Our experiences with shoreside concierges have been mixed. The last couple of times have been our best experiences with all requests having been met. Our worst was when absolutely nothing had been communicated. Fortunately our butler had everything sorted really efficiently. It amazes me that sometimes ‘bits’ of our requests have been communicated but other things haven’t, for example, correct spirits but not pillows...

Wow, that’s a great idea! I’m going to print up our list. That definitely will make it easier for our butler.



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On our last cruise, we had a Sky Suite and used our butler for room service, escort to theatre, stocking refrigerator, etc.  But we bought an expensive glass piece at an art gallery and needed it wrapped (box and paper and bubble wrap) in order to put it in our carry-on bag.  The butler wrapped it really well----must have used half a roll of packing tape!  It took me forever to unwrap it when I got home!  It was undamaged and we were happy.


Going on Celebrity next year and will definitely use a butler again.

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For those who have sailed on EDGE in a SS can you share your experience ordering Room Service breakfast on a port day. 

Was it delivered when you wanted? Was hot food hot? We've tried in on RCI and found, more than once, that on a port day delivery was delayed due to volume of guests ordering. On Azamara, Room Service was absolutely amazing. Our butler delivered it himself and it was great. 

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On 3/6/2019 at 7:18 PM, Ken the cruiser said:

We just spent 21 days on the Reflection and had a great butler whose name was Walter. Prior to this cruise we had never had a butler, so we really didn't know what to expect. Simply put if you need anything or have any questions about anything, ask your butler. His or her sole job is to make sure you have a wonderful experience on your cruise! At least that was the impression we got as he definitely was a pleasant addition to our suite experience!


We also wanted to find out how much, if anything, the butler got with regards to the GoBest prepaid gratuities, so we went and asked Customer Service. They told us the butler gets $4 a day while the steward gets a little more than that and the waiters and servers get the rest. They actually gave us a printed form with the breakdown, but all I could remember was the butler got $4 a day. We gave him an additional $100 at the end of our cruise as we felt he was well worth it and we can only hope we have one as caring as him on our next X cruise in a Sky Suite.


I also had Walter on the Reflection and completely agree with you that he is a great butler.  Walter can teach you how to use a butler.

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On 3/7/2019 at 3:49 PM, George C said:

I agree you should tip butler ,it would not upset me if there were no butler, perks we love are micheals and luminae. 

Totally agree. Other than sorting out laundry which the room attendant would do anyway, we use them very little.


They do try hard bringing trays or plates of this and that - cheese, fruit, shrimp but if we eat any of those, it is only done to make the butler feel better rather than the way it should be. 


We always ask to remove anything from the fridge that we would pay for so that we can take soft drinks and water from Michael's. sometimes the butler keeps the fridge full of what we bring up, sometimes not. It doesn't matter which way it is to us. The only thing that does irritate me is that if there is no fresh ice which is the butlers job to fill. I hate getting a bucket of cold water with two tiny bits of what once was ice floating on the top.


We have probably had many more suites than regular cabins over our cruising life and have done 70% of our Celebrity cruising in suites. We like the suite experience on Celebrity whether or not we use the butler much. It is sometimes nice having someone taking an interest in you and we have had many of the butlers mentioned on this thread and have found them all to be fine.


For tipping you have to make your own mind up on. We almost always do, and give similar to what we give the room attendant unless the butler has been a total waste of time (which has only happened once).



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On 7/4/2019 at 12:53 PM, LINGBER said:

I am really hoping we like Luminae. We have always loved our Blu experiences and the food. Decided to move up to a sky suite for the space and to try something new. As this is a port intensive cruise we will likely have breakfast most days in the cabin. Do we just call room service or do we order through the Butler and is the menu different for suites? 


While I have never ordered room service on a Celebrity cruise, I am sure you call room service and the butler brings it to you. For breakfast leave the card out with your selections and again the butler should bring it. They say the menu is different but I have yet to see much difference.


Food is very subjective but we like Luminae. We also liked Blu before Luminae was built but feel that the atmosphere is much better in Luminae and you are usually better looked after there. I usually eat from the Luminae menu almost exclusively but my wife will eat a fair number of main dinning room dishes over the course of a cruise. I hope you like Luminae, we do.

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On 6/10/2019 at 1:05 AM, niborHS said:

We will be sailing next Sunday in a CS on the Eclipse, and we did not get a call from a shoreside concierge.

      Just curious about Luminae, as it is open seating. Do they have a method where they give you a device that will alert you to when they can seat you, so that you can go to a nearby lounge for drinks, rather than to stand around waiting? 

      As far as using the butler, my husband will leave him his shoes to be shined, or ask him to take laundry. We don't like to eat breakfast in our suite. I do sometimes like a piece of fruit, but I find that they will replace what we eat. The only cruise I have been on with my husband in the last 20 years where we were not in a suite was on a Celebrity charter for a specialty music cruise, and the cabin steward filled the ice bucket, got us water, lots of things that a butler would do in a suite. 

We have been in Luminae more than 10 times and, with the exception of wanting a table for 4 where they need to reorganise things, we have never had to wait for a table other than in a small queue at the desk which takes minutes to clear when a lot of guests arrive at the same time. We have never needed a buzzer. Seating is open. Just turn up when you want.


If you do turn up at 8.55 for breakfast which finishes at 9.00 be prepared to wait a little while. You will be seated but it can take a bit of time to take your order etc.

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