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31 minutes ago, Angel57 said:

I moved my dental appointments last week. Partly for the reason you quote and partly that I live an hour away and didn’t feel the journey could be justified (unless an emergency). I’m just praying nothing goes wrong or drops out until start of April when new appointment is.

You're very lucky your dentist is offering routine check ups ours don't,  or at least not for NHS patients.

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11 minutes ago, terrierjohn said:

You're very lucky your dentist is offering routine check ups ours don't,  or at least not for NHS patients.

Ours isn’t offering routine appointments either, emergencies only. My appt was cancelled for last May with no sign of it been rebooked anytime soon. My daughter who is a private patient had a check up and hygienist appointment last week


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2 hours ago, Adawn47 said:

Well my day has suddenly gone downhill fast.

My friend 84,  was having problems with a kidney stone and was in quite some pain, so went into  the local hospital  on 30th January, and was then transferred to Pinderfields. They got things stabilised and said she would be in another week under observation and then allowed home with a view to an operation in one to two months, and it was a big relief. Five days later and her DIL has just been in touch to tell me that she had a covid test yesterday, and has contracted Covid while in hospital, is on the covid ward in a single room, and is going down today to have the  stone lasered to try to break it down. Her family have kept her safe for 12 months only for her to get it in hospital. She  already has breathing problems because of a damaged lung after undergoing radiation treatment a while ago. I've known her for 42 years and we're as close as sisters. I'm very concerned.


Hope your friend is feeling better soon


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14 minutes ago, terrierjohn said:

You're very lucky your dentist is offering routine check ups ours don't,  or at least not for NHS patients.

I’m not NHS so know that I am lucky they seeing their private patients. One appointment was a check up and one was to do a crown.

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Our dental surgery is seeing NHS patients, but only for emergency stuff and you have to be in pain, or say that you are.


Last year, I was honest and carried on until pain appeared.  Did get an appointment for the same day that I called though.  Large filling replaced, but a week or so later massive pain again even though already on Naproxen and Co-codamol for other reasons.  So went back, big infection and told that only need either root canal or extraction.  Anti-biotics and extraction later on.....



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1 hour ago, pete14 said:

But that gives you another 2 days of contact with the outside world.

My Vaccine trial appointment seemed to go well today, I hope yours did as well. Will you be continuing in the trial in some way even though you have been unblinded?


When we arrrived, we stood outside a room with three people in it, were you by any chance one of the three? My random guess, based on absolutely nothing was that you were the lady in the middle of the row. Probably completely wrong!

My appointment went fine.  I don't know what time you arrived, I left at 10:05.  I don't recall seeing any men while I was in there but that means nothing if I didn't look out of the room while you were standing outside.  I have a blonde bob, wear glasses and was wearing black trousers and a white top and a navy blue quilted coat.  My next appointment is 30th April at 9:10am.

I am continuing with the trial because they obviously need to keep taking blood to check how long the antibodies last after the vaccination but I cannot join the crossover trial because I have been unblinded.

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2 hours ago, Josy1953 said:

My appointment went fine.  I don't know what time you arrived, I left at 10:05.  I don't recall seeing any men while I was in there but that means nothing if I didn't look out of the room while you were standing outside.  I have a blonde bob, wear glasses and was wearing black trousers and a white top and a navy blue quilted coat.  My next appointment is 30th April at 9:10am.

I am continuing with the trial because they obviously need to keep taking blood to check how long the antibodies last after the vaccination but I cannot join the crossover trial because I have been unblinded.

We arrived at about 9:55 for 10:00 appointment.

Glad that you are continuing and regular monitoring of your antibody levels will be helpful. It will be interesting to find out what they will do (if anything) if your antibody levels fall to a very low level. My dilemma is that if I am invited for my NHS jab in the next couple of weeks which seems possible but dependent on how much priority they give to second jabs, I will have to decide whether to reject it and wait a few weeks for the crossover trial, provided it is approved. My current thinking is that as I am not doing anything to risk catching the virus (assuming I have not been given the vaccine during the trial), I might as well wait for the crossover which will actually give maximum protection sooner because the gap between the two jabs will be only 3 weeks. 

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I’ve been with Denplan for years and have had regular check ups and hygienist visits throughout. I think it’s great value for money really. 

Sorry to hear about your friend Avril. It is frightening and we’re worried about a neighbour currently in hospital and unable to come home as he’s waiting for a procedure at a bigger hospital. 

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11 hours ago, Adawn47 said:

I've known her for 42 years and we're as close as sisters

Sorry to hear about your friend. Friends can be closer than family sometimes. It’s so difficult when you can’t even visit or offer support (other than emotional support to her family).


The treatments are getting better and better the more they know about the disease so there is every reason to be hopeful.

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I’m a Chinese Ox - does that mean I’ll have a good year? 🤞


Quiet here this morning after a buzzy day yesterday.  Is everyone feeling a bit flat, like me?  I’ll be so glad when this wind turns round and we can be a bit warmer, rather than blasted direct from the east.  We’re about to muffle up and get out with the dog.  Hopefully freaky air (very fresh!) and a few pathetic weak rays of brightness, if not exactly sun, will help lift the mood


Have a good day everyone.  Keep on keeping on

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Getting a bit stir crazy here. I had a good walk on Saturday, but since then, I’ve only been out once to post a letter.


It’s so icy out there. I heard from an online pal in Leicestershire. He went out for a walk, slipped on the ice and fell awkwardly on his elbow. He broke his elbow and damaged the tendons - he’s having an operation on it today!  I will therefore stay in until the ice goes, I don’t want to risk slipping over and doing damage to myself. 

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23 hours ago, Beckett said:

Only another 24 hours and you're halfway to safety. Have a good day and take care of yourself. Best wishes. Jane.x


Tea minus  zero,  zero hours and we have lift off :classic_smile:

Temperature this morning is -3 with a  -9.c chill.

Arrived at the centre ten minutes before my appointment and was met and guided

around the building to the reception . Once booked in we went into a room met by 

a nurse who jabbed me and a lady was on a PC laptop who asked about allergies etc .

Then it was Astro time , never felt a thing . They even gave me a sticker for being a

good boy :classic_unsure: Which turned out to be the time I had the Jab and Was made to wait at 

the end of the building by some more Marshalls who let you go once ten minutes had

elapsed.  It was very well organised, we were back home within the hour.

Stay safe everyone .:classic_smile:  

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I feel as though it's Friday 13th so far.  Had a phone call early, didn't recognise the number (started 00180) so didn't answer. Then signed into my laptop and internet went down. Got back on and came on here, changed pages and got logged off. While logging back in ago, down went the internet. I think it's going to be one of those days!!!  

Weather is bright and sunny, still very windy and cold. 

I'm feeling fed up and headachy so am just going to take things easy, not do much. It's another day tomorrow!

Hope everyone else is well and safe.

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1 minute ago, Dermotsgirl said:

Getting a bit stir crazy here. I had a good walk on Saturday, but since then, I’ve only been out once to post a letter.


It’s so icy out there. I heard from an online pal in Leicestershire. He went out for a walk, slipped on the ice and fell awkwardly on his elbow. He broke his elbow and damaged the tendons - he’s having an operation on it today!  I will therefore stay in until the ice goes, I don’t want to risk slipping over and doing damage to myself. 

When we last had snow I slipped and broke my elbow. Luckily I didn't need an operation, but was off work for five weeks. Hope all goes well for your friend.

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6 hours ago, Eglesbrech said:

Sorry to hear about your friend. Friends can be closer than family sometimes. It’s so difficult when you can’t even visit or offer support (other than emotional support to her family).


The treatments are getting better and better the more they know about the disease so there is every reason to be hopeful.

She had her covid jab January 29th, the day before she was taken to hospital, so she may have have a little protection, I don't know. She's battled health issues before and come through them, the worst being breast cancer over 20 years ago. I just hope and pray she'll come through this too.


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15 hours ago, Peanut006 said:

Ours isn’t offering routine appointments either, emergencies only. My appt was cancelled for last May with no sign of it been rebooked anytime soon. My daughter who is a private patient had a check up and hygienist appointment last week


Same here, mine was cancelled in June, said they would contact me to rearrange when safe to do so, I am a NHS patient.


A friend who goes to a private practice had a checkup, charged him £20 extra for PPE, more if you have treatment. Extortion or what. 

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15 minutes ago, kalos said:


Tea minus  zero,  zero hours and we have lift off :classic_smile:

Temperature this morning is -3 with a  -9.c chill.

Arrived at the centre ten minutes before my appointment and was met and guided

around the building to the reception . Once booked in we went into a room met by 

a nurse who jabbed me and a lady was on a PC laptop who asked about allergies etc .

Then it was Astro time , never felt a thing . They even gave me a sticker for being a

good boy :classic_unsure: Which turned out to be the time I had the Jab and Was made to wait at 

the end of the building by some more Marshalls who let you go once ten minutes had

elapsed.  It was very well organised, we were back home within the hour.

Stay safe everyone .:classic_smile:  

Exactly the same procedure when we had ours, except we waited in the  carefully socially distanced waiting room, that might have been because it was pouring down though. I know it takes at least 3 weeks before the lovely little antibodies can get up to speed, but when I left the doctors I felt a huge sense of relief.


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30 minutes ago, kalos said:


Tea minus  zero,  zero hours and we have lift off :classic_smile:

Temperature this morning is -3 with a  -9.c chill.

Arrived at the centre ten minutes before my appointment and was met and guided

around the building to the reception . Once booked in we went into a room met by 

a nurse who jabbed me and a lady was on a PC laptop who asked about allergies etc .

Then it was Astro time , never felt a thing . They even gave me a sticker for being a

good boy :classic_unsure: Which turned out to be the time I had the Jab and Was made to wait at 

the end of the building by some more Marshalls who let you go once ten minutes had

elapsed.  It was very well organised, we were back home within the hour.

Stay safe everyone .:classic_smile:  

Pleased everything went smoothly Kalos.

You can relax now with a cup of tea.


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13 minutes ago, Adawn47 said:

Exactly the same procedure when we had ours, except we waited in the  carefully socially distanced waiting room, that might have been because it was pouring down though. I know it takes at least 3 weeks before the lovely little antibodies can get up to speed, but when I left the doctors I felt a huge sense of relief.


Got mine booked for tomorrow afternoon in superdrug, Guildford, 5 miles away. Poundland must be closed. Funny as our hub is in the town centre only a mile away. I'm sure they have a very good reason and know why. I won't be hurt that they didn't explain why as they are very busy and have important stuff to do ,not really bothered, just want us jabbed.

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3 minutes ago, Adawn47 said:

Exactly the same procedure when we had ours, except we waited in the  carefully socially distanced waiting room, that might have been because it was pouring down though. I know it takes at least 3 weeks before the lovely little antibodies can get up to speed, but when I left the doctors I felt a huge sense of relief.



Yes it's nice to have that card to carry with you isn't it ? :classic_smile:

When 3 weeks have passed we will still be staying safe as this thing is not over 

until most of us are vaccinated and more important the infection rate falls down.

How is your friend today any updates Avril ?

Still very cold outside and I'm glad to be back snug and warm again in the house.

Stay in and stay safe ,that's what I think.  I despair when we have the powers that be 

tell us avoid going out in bad weather , only to find an ex health minister broke his 

arm whilst jogging on ice and snow !  The worlds gone mad  !

Should anyone desire to go out in the snow then get on some grass , not  concrete

and do something constructive with your time . Like build a snow man !

I know Dave will be reading as he is not posting at the moment , so I have sought 

this snowman design out for you .  :classic_unsure: It should go down a treat in your garden Dave .


Hope you all have a nice day , Don't jog on ice !  (Sounds like a TV programme ):classic_unsure:

and stay safe .:classic_smile:



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1 hour ago, Dermotsgirl said:

Getting a bit stir crazy here. I had a good walk on Saturday, but since then, I’ve only been out once to post a letter.


It’s so icy out there. I heard from an online pal in Leicestershire. He went out for a walk, slipped on the ice and fell awkwardly on his elbow. He broke his elbow and damaged the tendons - he’s having an operation on it today!  I will therefore stay in until the ice goes, I don’t want to risk slipping over and doing damage to myself. 

A lot of it about.  The sister of one of our friends slipped and broke an elbow this week as well.

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As predicted, being blasted by the easterly gale has woken us up and lifted the mood a little.


Something which really cheered me was seeing this tweet by Susie Dent


”'The dog's bollocks' began as typographers' slang for the colon dash because of its appearance :-   Its meaning shifted to follow other formulae of excellence, such as 'the cat's whiskers', 'the bee's knees', and the sadly-lost 'kipper's knickers'.”


That truly is the kipper’s knickers! 😂


Has anybody ever heard that one before?  A couple of respondents on Twitter said they knew it

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