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On 4/2/2020 at 8:59 PM, sanmarcosman said:

Hi Gary, Glad you are hanging in there. I remember when your son and his lady sailed with you and you shared photos and a review.


I'm glad you remembered that. This was their engagement cruise on the MIRACLE. Melissa, my DIL, paid for everything, plane tickets from LAX, 8-day cruise and all the excursions for 7 people ! (around $32,000 😰)We had a great time. Happy days. 🙂

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  • 2 weeks later...

I live in a tiny village of about 500. just found out that one of our residents just died from the virus [name being kept a secret, but certainly someone I know] and there are 2 others fighting for their lives. so, I decided to come onto cruise critic to get my mind off of what I hoped our village would be spared from [the village is anal about protecting each other from the virus. there are a few who work in Pueblo though] I am sorry for pouring this out on all of you but I went to cruise critic and saw the "how are thngs going where you live" threads and started typing. I am sorry, you guys, and I don't know what to do. My son is disabled, my husband and I are very much in the most vulnerable group. My husbands' 40 year old son, his girlfriend and her 2 kids [who I adore] have been staying with us while he and his girlfriend work on getting off of drugs and alcohol. 

We have been very much staying at home. My step-son and his girlfriend keep going to see a friend of theirs who they swear has been in his house for 6 weeks, has not gone anywhere [ they said his father drops groceries off on his porch every week] not even one time. They spent the night there last night. We also found out that today that his friend has been all over the village. bobbys' son and his girlfriend, who we have been very good to and supporting them, admitted they have been lying this entire time and said that we are crazy to expect them to follow the safety rules because it is boring here. I don't know what to do. Anyone? Please and sorry.

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I'm sorry you have had problems with your family and people not really paying attention to social distancing. I don't think anyone here on cruise critic will have an answer for you but I hope you have a sympathetic family member or perhaps pastor that you can talk to to see if you can resolve your situation or make things more comfortable for you. it's a difficult time for everyone. 

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So sorry to hear of your situation.  At 40 years old, your step-son should be smart enough to realize that what is going on is no joke.  Perhaps he and his girlfriend and kids can go stay with their "friend" they stayed with and have been going to visit - at least for 2 weeks to self-isolate. You will need to tell them they cannot come to you for 2 weeks.  It will be hard on you not to see their kids, but you are obviously worried about your disabled son and yourselves- as you should be.   It is time to draw a line to keep yourselves safe and healthy- especially when you have been lied to.  It may hurt to give some tough love, but this virus is shows little mercy to those with underlying health conditions and over a certain age.

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So, living on a port island now as I do, things are maybe a bit different than for those stateside.  As with so many other islands, we are locked down from all outside visitors.  No ships, planes, or anything with pax allowed, only cargo.  Stores are well stocked and limiting entrance by number and also only one family member allowed in at a time.


All resorts are closed as are many businesses and restaurants, delivery and take away are still available and a few are open with 1/2 the tables for social distancing.  

We have just had our first confirmed + cases this week (now at three).


What I can tell people is that while islands like ours need tourists back, it will be AT LEAST several more months and it will start with guests who fly on island and stay in hotels, resorts, and private homes.  These guests generate significantly more revenue than the cruise ships and it’s all going to be about that revenue.  One this happens safely, only then do I expect to see ships back in port and likely with far more restrictions.


Only time will tell for sure ....  

Edited by FlaParrotHead
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My son lives part of the year at their home in Roatan but made decision not to go in March so thankfully for me, they are here running their business.  Regulations are very very strict on Roatan and so far no cases of Covid. They don't think they will be able to go down till at least August or September and tourists maybe later in the fall but no cruise ships till next year. They expect to have to have had a negative screening and to quarantine for at least 10 days which will not be difficult since they live off grid any way


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On 3/21/2020 at 4:53 PM, TooManyWakeUpsTilWeSail said:

Sorry your job is at risk, Greg.  

I live in Illinois where shelter-in-place is in effect starting today.  A lot of things going on in our personal life:

•my birthday was last week & my wife’s bday this week.

•With nothing else either open to do or relatively safe, close or affordable, we took Friday off work & spent the night in a hotel.  Was a bit surreal being at about 25% capacity (per the staff member).  They were kind & appreciated the business; that was part of the reason we went along with quiet alone time.

•My wife is a daycare co-Director & is likely out of work.  Too many hoops for the owner to jump thru to continue business with shelter-in-place (even to support essential worker’s kids daycare).

•I work in local government.  My job is safe for at least in the next few months.  Some employees were already sent home last week at full pay to create social distancing.  I’ll be at work again on Monday & really want to keep going.  We’ll be closed to the public which is the most unusual part.

•Another thing I did about a week ago was book an April flight to Texas to see family.  SWA has great rebooking terms & I again want to support businesses as much as possible.  Probably not going on date scheduled though.


Stay safe everyone!

Thank you for booking on us SWA. I'm a CSA. Flying is way down surreal! Here in Maryland its social distancing, masks and still hard to get many things from the grocery store. Hoping Carnival will resume cruuses soon. God willing Ilp be on my third cruise on the Horizon this September. As I get older, I'm not a fan of drastic change. If were designing a meme for 2020 Id have 2020 emblazoned on the front of a mask.In fome ways, time is flying by but, with Covid 19 it seems also time has come to a standstill.I'm cautisously optimistic.

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I'm in New Brunswick Canada.  I've been working from home for 23 days.  The stores that are open are grocery stores, hardware stores, convenience stores and liquor stores (we Maritimers would be lost without our liquor stores).  One person per household is allowed to go into the stores.  Our borders are closed to the States and our neighboring provinces.  Lots of people out walking their dogs but all abiding by the social distancing.

It must all be working though.  As of today this is day 4 with no new cases.  Currently we have 14 active cases in the province and only 1 hospitalized.

Our hearts are breaking for all those deeply affected by this virus and especially our next door neighbors, the province of Nova Scotia, who over the weekend experienced the worst mass killing in Canada's history.  They still aren't sure if they have found everyone.

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On 4/20/2020 at 6:02 AM, pe4all said:

So sorry to hear of your situation.  At 40 years old, your step-son should be smart enough to realize that what is going on is no joke.  Perhaps he and his girlfriend and kids can go stay with their "friend" they stayed with and have been going to visit - at least for 2 weeks to self-isolate. You will need to tell them they cannot come to you for 2 weeks.  It will be hard on you not to see their kids, but you are obviously worried about your disabled son and yourselves- as you should be.   It is time to draw a line to keep yourselves safe and healthy- especially when you have been lied to.  It may hurt to give some tough love, but this virus is shows little mercy to those with underlying health conditions and over a certain age.


thank you, and thank you to Carolyn as well. i am Autistic, and all of these things hit, as far as my knowledge of them, within a period of less than 15 minutes [the death, the illnesses and my son  and his girlfriend lying about the situation] Anyway, I guess non-Autistic people would have taken it all in stride, but I had what is known as a meltdown. I went to the cruise boards to try to relax, and the title of the thread I took as an opening.[ I am 65 years old. I was 60 years old before I realized that people don't ask "How are you?" for any other reason than that they really care about your well being and would like to know if you need any help] 

My best friend is doing better. The man who died was the pastor of the Baptist church here in Beulah. And my husbands' son, his girlfriend and her kids did all move into their friends home. They left on good terms which was so important to me. 

Carolyn, thank you also for deleting the cruel response. It was about the worst response someone could make to someone of my neurology [and as an Autistic, I would never be so cruel to ANYONE, ever.] during a meltdown.

I am so excited for the day when we can resume cruising. [and yes, Autistic people can love cruising! I even made a video about it once] 


On 4/20/2020 at 6:02 AM, pe4all said:



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On 4/22/2020 at 7:42 PM, Host Carolyn said:

My son lives part of the year at their home in Roatan but made decision not to go in March so thankfully for me, they are here running their business.  Regulations are very very strict on Roatan and so far no cases of Covid. They don't think they will be able to go down till at least August or September and tourists maybe later in the fall but no cruise ships till next year. They expect to have to have had a negative screening and to quarantine for at least 10 days which will not be difficult since they live off grid any way



I am glad to hear no COVID in Roatan. I think that is my favorite port. it is so beautiful and the people are so warm and friendly. 

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Here in Illinois, it's Mask Required MAY 1st. Local county of 250K has 4 deaths, all elderly. Seems a bit over the top here in Illinois...thinking about heading to Florida and enjoy the beach and more relaxed vision.

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Hi everyone. Vicky3Vicky, I pray for you and your husband. You have reason to be a little nervous. 

I know that some of the rules in place about mask being required seem extreme, but please, please believe that it is necessary. On April 5th my husband and I took the test for Covid-19. We both were sick for a week and kind of suspected we had the virus. We woke up April 4th with no sense of taste or smell. On April 8th we got the results that we were both positive. Thankfully, as of today we are both feeling a lot better. No fever in two week, sense of taste back, I have my sense of smell a little, my husband doesn't have his sense of smell. But we are on the mend.

I shared this because I want folks to know that I have no idea where we got this. Before we got sick, we would go to the store and keep our distance, keep our hands clean, sanitize, and keep our distance in public. But we weren't the mask and glove wearing folks. We went to the store numerous times when we felt well without of mask. In fact, the last time we went out before we got sick, we went to two supermarkets, the dollar store, the shoe repair store, and three liquor stores (My husband was starting to feel sick and he thought he was catching a cold. We were looking for Rock and Rye, which he swear keeps his cold at bay and couldn't find it until we went to the third liquor store. Little did we know.) I think of all the folks we came into contact that day, also without masks, and I wonder who we could have exposed to this virus. Who may have exposed us to it. I feel enormous guilt about that. Thank God we both started working from home around March 16th so no one had been in and out of our home. 

I know that people have opinions about some of the rules in place. But if my story convinces one person to deal with the inconvenience of wearing a mask, I would feel a lot better about my own decision not to wear a mask before I got sick. My husband's "cold" turned out to be Covid-19. If I knew then what I know now, I would have been in a mask and gloves. 

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It is with great sadness that I report the passing of our bathroom scales. It was a victim of the Corona-19 virus. It couldn't take the pressure any longer. I tried desperately to revive it with new batteries, but alas, it gave up. I remember the day it came to our house. I wondered how a thin piece of glass could hold my fat behind and still survive. But it did. It greeted me every morning and never complained. It stayed with us through our ups and downs. It never complained. Funeral services will be private due to the pandemic. It will be carried to it's final resting place in a hearse provided by Waste Management. Rest in Peace. You deserved it.

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Greetings fellow cruisers from Missouri.


Only essential businesses open here (i.e. grocery store, pharmacy, etc.).  Last count, Missouri had 6,800 positive corona cases and about 280 deaths.  Wearing a mask and gloves into grocery and pharmacy has now become routine.  Nursing homes hit very hard here.  Some counties hardly have any cases and the governor will announce next week which counties might open up on May 4th.  I am thankful to all healthcare workers, first responders, truck drivers, grocery employees and many more.  


Was so looking forward to our cruise Apr 17th on Carnival to Mexican Riveria and have postponed that to Oct 31, 2020.  Have gotten very disgruntled with Carnival Corp and how they have handled everything since knowing about the virus.  I don't see how the cruise lines can expect to restart end of June.  They have to train all crew on new sanitation procedures, how to interact with guests (any hand shaking or hugs allowed, etc), stricter health screenings for guests and the list goes on.  That is a lot to accomplish in two short months.  Then, there is the question of whether the ports will allow the cruise lines to visit.  The CoronaVirus has certainly been a wake up call to many industries.


Bottom line, I love cruising and I pray and hope that all cruise lines get their act together and put their guests safety first before profit.  Looking forward to once again traveling the wide open seas.


Stay safe and healthy, 

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6 hours ago, RWolver672 said:

It is with great sadness that I report the passing of our bathroom scales. It was a victim of the Corona-19 virus. It couldn't take the pressure any longer. I tried desperately to revive it with new batteries, but alas, it gave up. I remember the day it came to our house. I wondered how a thin piece of glass could hold my fat behind and still survive. But it did. It greeted me every morning and never complained. It stayed with us through our ups and downs. It never complained. Funeral services will be private due to the pandemic. It will be carried to it's final resting place in a hearse provided by Waste Management. Rest in Peace. You deserved it.

Thank you for this post!  It put a smile on my face after finding out that 2 friends of mine (married) passed away within 4 days of each other in the hospital after being on ventilators 1 week.  Wife was 62 and husband 64 - no underlying health issues.  Every time someone in my family coughs I fear the worst is setting in. 

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1 hour ago, pe4all said:

Thank you for this post!  It put a smile on my face after finding out that 2 friends of mine (married) passed away within 4 days of each other in the hospital after being on ventilators 1 week.  Wife was 62 and husband 64 - no underlying health issues.  Every time someone in my family coughs I fear the worst is setting in. 


You're welcome pe4all.  I am sorry for the loss of your friends.  Hopefully this horrible pandemic will be over soon and not come back in the fall.  Humor is the only thing that's keeping my sanity.  

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Here in NC things are just very strange.  We have been locked down for at least 6 weeks.  Most days for me and my wife just pass by. We are both retired and this was the time to enjoy our retirement. 


I go to the grocery store 7am on mondays for senor hour but people dont care about it and it can get somewhat busy.   I see the walmart and lowes parking lots that are as full as if it was christmas.  I am staying low but we both feel we are very in danger for shedding this mortal coil if we contract this virus.  And it will be next year before there will be a viable vaccine.  


We have a back to back cruise scheduled for late november on the Breeze.  Its too early to think much about it but I am afraid it wont be possible for us.   But things seem to be changing and I guess us older folks will have to just stay on a self imposed quarantine till there is a final answer.  Just hope it comes sooner than I hear.






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For Texas, Starting Friday(today), restaurants and many retail stores have the choice to reopen their doors to the public under an executive order announced by Gov. Greg Abbott.


It's crazy. Golf courses, tennis courts, and gun ranges are all open. Retail stores and shopping malls are open....but with a 25% capacity. It's so mixed up, I can't keep up with it. So I'll just keep on keeping on like I have the past month or so.



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Today our governor modified her executive order again.  We're still ordered to stay home until May 28.  Manufacturers are allowed to open May 11, with conditions.  I thought we might get a little more out of this.  Testing is up, new cases are down, % of positives are way down, deaths are up and down (though that trend is mostly down).  She's going to get some more heat in the coming weeks from both the legislature and the protesters.


I'm still working from home, as much as I can, so I do that, review some COVID-19 news, dive into cruise news and speculation, and try to enjoy what is apparently the new normal.

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Our Missouri governor opened up some of the state on May 4th.  I live in St. Charles County where some businesses opened at 25% capacity.  A lot of restaurants continue to offer curbside pickup and delivery.  One popular restaurant in St. Charles was bombarded by customers on May 5th.  People were not doing social distancing and gathering at the bar with way more than 10 people to a group.  They all told the owner "Hey it is good to get back to normal".  What they don't realize is that we have a new normal now.


I'm pretty much staying at home, venturing out for groceries, etc.  Enjoying gardening and catching up on reading.   I read cruise industry news daily.  The class action and wrongful death law suits keep piling up against the cruise lines.  It is my hope that by this fall the cruise lines will have gotten all their ducks-in-a-row and cruise experiences will be the best ever.  We have Mexican Riveria booked Oct of this year and hopefully, this one will happen.  


Stay safe everyone.

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I've been doing a LOT of crafting now that I can't go out to any of the theme parks in the evenings after work or on the weekends.   We're in Central Florida and have passes to almost of all the theme parks (and fortunately my job is safe and I am still working, so I don't need to decide if we keep our passes or we eat/have power...) and we do all sorts of crafty items to hide and gift to people in the parks.  (I make ears to give to kids at Disney,  we paint rocks, we do perler bead keychains & magnets...  and so much more!)


the local craft stores are still open (mostly) but they are only allowing a certain number of people in the store at one time.  Just like many of the stores that are still open (mainly grocery / big box stores like Sams / Costco) where they have a queue outside and they let a specific number in at once.  Its very weird waiting in line outside the Walmart!!!  LOL


tried to stop at the Home Depot (my lawn mower died and I need a new one) and when I got there and saw the massive line to get in, I decided that I didn't need a lawn mower right that moment!  (I also wanted to pick up some rocks - since one of our crafts is painting rocks and our supply was getting low....  boy, I tell ya' - we're going to have a  LOT of craft items to hide and give away once we're able to get back into the theme parks!!)


the state is beginning to open back up, restaurants are able to accommodate diners again at 25% capacity (and proper social distancing etiquette) - we're beginning to see more traffic on the road and Disney is set to begin with Disney Springs opening in a couple of weeks and I'm happy to see it...  we just need the parks to follow quickly behind and we'll be golden!  We are missing our theme parks!



And it's very strange how I didn't have a cruise booked when this happened...  but suddenly, when things are shutting down and cruises are being cancelled, I suddenly had a very strong desire to cruise!  (It's like you have no cravings until you decide to go on a diet, then suddenly you're craving oreos and brownies...  because it's something you can't have!)  Same thing... no cruise on the books but when I COULDN'T cruise - suddenly I badly WANTED to cruise!!  LOL   So, I've got a cruise scheduled for November now.  Hopefully everything will have settled down by then and we'll have no issues!

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