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Host Carolyn

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We are still under pause orders here.  Most people are abiding by the "rules" and wearing facemasks when going into stores, or close contact with others. Some aren't.   Many stores are not allowing people to even enter without facemasks.(yay!)  NY state finally dropped below 300 deaths per day for 4 consecutive days, which is good news.  Here in Nassau County, Long Island we have had a decrease in the number of confirmed cases for 14 consecutive days, but officials will probably extend our stay at home orders until 5/31, as we still have over 900 new hospitalized cases each day.  Some businesses (especially restaurants) are starting to re-open for takeout or delivery, as they probably got PPP $$ in.  Cabin fever is definitely starting to set in, as there are more cars on the road, people in stores, groups not social distancing as they once did.    We were supposed to cruise this past March on Magic, be in Disneyworld right now, and go to Ecuador/Galapagos in July - all cancelled.  Can't wait to get a semblance of normalcy back - whatever the new normal might look like.

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From northern Utah:

Food places are starting to open, with restrictions in place.  Last Friday, DW and I were 2 of 6 customers in an IHOP midmorning.  Home Depot and Walmart are zoos.  Local garden shops are worse.  We are doing some remodeling at home.  35+ minutes in line at the dump about noon today, but out of there in 5 minutes once we got to the head of the line.


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I agree. Food places have opened their dining room to limit patrons to 25% capacity. Not much but a start. And those 25% seating capacity are constantly filled. When those people leave, that/those spaces fill up immediately. Traffic out on the major streets seems to have picked up considerably. Last night I hit a Taco Bueno and the traffic out there was about 65-70% of what it was before lockdown. Barber shops open up here on May 18(I think I've said that before). Grocery stores, hardware stores, Sam's Club & Costco business thriving, but maybe have simmered down, a little bit......very little bit.


All convenience stores remain open, albeit somewhat reduced hours by closing an hour or 2 early. BUT, and get this....most of them have face masks and hand sanitizer! Some even have nitrile gloves. So that tells me something....not sure what, but it's my hope of a preliminary sign that shortages may be easing. Toilet paper seems to be in abundant supply at the local Krogers. Seeing meat shortages though. I don't like that. We may have to go out and get a recipe book for ramen noodles. :classic_laugh:

Edited by Joe817
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The stores in Michigan are starting to get supplies back in again.  TP is hit and miss.  When it does come in, people are taking whatever the store sets the limit at just in case.


Doctor's appointments are comical.  I had one for April with my family doctor for a routine check up.  It's been moved three times now and currently is for June 10th.  Ultra sound is now July 26th.  Both were suppose to be in April.  Podiatrist is scheduled for this coming Wednesday.  I'm still waiting for a call from them to see if it's still a go or not.  I'm running out of Post It  Notes for when the appointments are.  😬


My wife and I watch out for a 93 year old neighbor.  We make sure she has groceries and check up on her regularly.  I took her to the bank the other day (drive through) and she said it was the first time she's left her house since December.  She lives alone and I can't imagine how she hasn't become stir crazy without human contact besides the two of us.

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On 5/17/2020 at 4:42 AM, RWolver672 said:

The stores in Michigan are starting to get supplies back in again.  TP is hit and miss.  When it does come in, people are taking whatever the store sets the limit at just in case.


Doctor's appointments are comical.  I had one for April with my family doctor for a routine check up.  It's been moved three times now and currently is for June 10th.  Ultra sound is now July 26th.  Both were suppose to be in April.  Podiatrist is scheduled for this coming Wednesday.  I'm still waiting for a call from them to see if it's still a go or not.  I'm running out of Post It  Notes for when the appointments are.  😬


My wife and I watch out for a 93 year old neighbor.  We make sure she has groceries and check up on her regularly.  I took her to the bank the other day (drive through) and she said it was the first time she's left her house since December.  She lives alone and I can't imagine how she hasn't become stir crazy without human contact besides the two of us.

Bless you for being a kind neighbor!!

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I live in rural Minnesota and somewhat frustrated! Our Governor is having a hard time realizing that  out here in the rural area, we do not have the same situation as Minneapolis has!  Our "Stay at Home" order was lifted today - however, we still have a "Safer at Home" order in place - bars and restaurants still closed til June 1 and only allowed to do take out!  Beauty salons still closed as well as small businesses.  Our rural communities are hurting - and we have very few cases (2) in our area - yet our Governor feels we all need to be on lockdown.  Schools (whether they are graduating 10 or 500) are not allowed to have any type of ceremony or graduation party at their homes (not even on our huge athletic field with social distancing)! I am certainly aware of how devastating this Covid is, but I am an adult and I do social distance and wear a face mask when I go out!  Really looking forward to our cruise next March!

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Michigan was starting to rebound from this horrible pandemic until yesterday.  It rained non stop Sunday and Monday.  In the middle of the state is Wixom Lake.  It's a man made lake that has a 22 mile shore line.  The dam is earthen with a spillway that leads into the Tittabawassee River.  That river leads to Sanford Lake which also has an earthen dam.  From there, the Tittabawassee River continues through Midland into the Saginaw River, then on to Saginaw Bay.


Yesterday, the Edenville dam on Wixom Lake failed.  All of the water rushed down the river to Sanford Lake causing it's dam to fail too.  Thousands of people were evacuated and many homes were either destroyed or are under water.


When the water reached Saginaw, all of the bridges that cross over the river have been closed down for safety.  At one of the bridges the water rose ten feet in two hours.  Shelters have been set up and people are afraid to go to them because of the stay six feet distancing.  We need a break and prayers for those that lost everything.  

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@RWolver672 Prayers for those communities 💔😥



@thymcruisers I share your frustration, PA has similar restrictions (at least some of our schools are able to have modified graduations).  We are being careful and respectful of the orders, but I'm very concerned for my local stylists and other businesses (gyms, massage, etc) that can't reopen yet. 


Someone posted recently in another thread that the distancing is preventing deaths, but also preventing life. 

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In NJ, our Governor is talking about reopening outdoor dining and shopping in non essential stores.  Some beaches are opening, but social distancing is still in place.  I see corona fatigue everywhere.  I myself have started to venture out to the supermarket last week.  This week I went to a local nursery for some  vegetable plants.  Masks are required anywhere inside.  Most folks were wearing masks at the nursery - but not all.  My fear is as quarantine orders get lifted, social distancing is going to go out the window - and this cannot be a good thing.  We just aren't a patient society and this could be our downfall.



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My heart goes out to RWolver672 in Michigan.  Please know that I will be in prayer for those who were evacuated. 


I share ladylan915's concern that as quarantine orders get lifted, social distancing is going to go out the window.  Here in Missouri the majority of the people are wearing masks and doing social distancing; however, there are always those who feel laws don't apply to them and that they are immune to the virus.  Our governor has not mandated wearing masks because he feels it is not the government's place to enforce that; he leaves it up to the individual to decide.  


This social distancing is hard because I am a people person, love giving hugs, shaking hands, etc.  But, I am doing my part to keep my family safe believing this too shall pass.  


Stay safe everyone.



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Went from SC to Pigeon Forge and Gatlinburg this past weekend. Saw probably less than 10 people wearing mask. Most all stores and restaurants were open. Several outdoor attractions were open too. Their grocery stores TP was stocked unlike here in SC where it is very scarce still. 

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On 5/20/2020 at 4:15 AM, RWolver672 said:

Michigan was starting to rebound from this horrible pandemic until yesterday.  It rained non stop Sunday and Monday.  In the middle of the state is Wixom Lake.  It's a man made lake that has a 22 mile shore line.  The dam is earthen with a spillway that leads into the Tittabawassee River.  That river leads to Sanford Lake which also has an earthen dam.  From there, the Tittabawassee River continues through Midland into the Saginaw River, then on to Saginaw Bay.


Yesterday, the Edenville dam on Wixom Lake failed.  All of the water rushed down the river to Sanford Lake causing it's dam to fail too.  Thousands of people were evacuated and many homes were either destroyed or are under water.


When the water reached Saginaw, all of the bridges that cross over the river have been closed down for safety.  At one of the bridges the water rose ten feet in two hours.  Shelters have been set up and people are afraid to go to them because of the stay six feet distancing.  We need a break and prayers for those that lost everything.  

Prayers for all of Michigan.

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I saw this. It's awful.. More than anyone should have to bear at one time. 


Our cases are spiking just as we are "opening up" gradually but people  are out everywhere doing their thing and no masks etc. 

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Here in southern California things are opening up a bit. Gyms and beauty shops are closed but restaurants are beginning to open with restrictions.  The grocery store has heaps of everything including TP. Non essential stores like clothing etc, are beginning to open.  Some state parks are open.   I still wear my mask but many people do not.  Headed up to Utah, Bryce Canyon,  this week. Things are more loose up there as I guess the danger is less.  Best of luck to all.  

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I live in rural Minnesota and I'm so frustrated! I think they are opening up way too early. Cases in the state are still rising by over 700 each day and don't look to be decreasing any time soon. The local hospital is running out of ICU beds. No one is taking this seriously anymore. No one is wearing masks and social distancing is non-existent. People think that because things are opening up, that the virus is gone and they can do whatever they want. There is going to be another spike and we will probably need to shut things down again in a month or two. Many more people are going to die. Even though me and my family stays home & follows all the rules, I'm still worried that we might catch the virus. My anxiety and stress is at an all-time high. I could really use a cruise but, alas, that won't happen until at least next year. Stay safe everyone and, please, wear a mask out in public. They work best when everyone wears them.

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On 5/24/2020 at 7:09 PM, lovecaribbean6179 said:

Saw on local news that the Party Cove at Lake of the Ozarks in Missouri jam packed with boats, no social distancing and no masks.  Guess they think it's back to normal.  

lovecaribbean6197 we saw this as well.  Hubs and I live in St. Louis, but are fortunate enough to have a place on Lake of the Ozarks.  We were down there most of last week, but came home on Wednesday evening.  For us, being at the lake house is still social distancing, just a change of scenery.  We stay home, cook at home, eat at home, etc.  We're also fortunate that our cove only has 7 homes.  We can "socialize with the neighbors" by talking loudly from deck to deck or dock to dock while still being 20-30 feet apart.


We saw other footage last night of a bar called Backwater Jack's, that was incredibly packed.  It's an establishment that we haven't been to for a couple years as we've always had rude service there.  While I was surprised by the amount of people, I was not surprised by the bar they were at.



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14 hours ago, KeithsKelly said:

lovecaribbean6197 we saw this as well.  Hubs and I live in St. Louis, but are fortunate enough to have a place on Lake of the Ozarks.  We were down there most of last week, but came home on Wednesday evening.  For us, being at the lake house is still social distancing, just a change of scenery.  We stay home, cook at home, eat at home, etc.  We're also fortunate that our cove only has 7 homes.  We can "socialize with the neighbors" by talking loudly from deck to deck or dock to dock while still being 20-30 feet apart.


We saw other footage last night of a bar called Backwater Jack's, that was incredibly packed.  It's an establishment that we haven't been to for a couple years as we've always had rude service there.  While I was surprised by the amount of people, I was not surprised by the bar they were at.



Hello to you from across the river.  Yep, Backwater Jack's footage is what made the news.  Husband and I like the Lake of the Ozarks and usually rent a condo for four days.  Glad you have a place there to get away and recharge and that your cove only has 7 homes.  


Stay safe.

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Just venting about our Carnival Cruise plan with a bit of a rant , 

No communications with us about our planned August 2020 cruise to Aruba on the Magic.

The only info is found on twitter.  My guess is 99% of people don't use twitter or know what it is for that matter.

I would guess our planned cruise will not be anything like what we signed up for a year ago if it even sails.  Cruise ports closed ,  Loungers all missing, No shows or terrible ones slapped together, this that and the other shut down or extremely limited. Read NO FUN ALLOWED ! What are we supposed to think?  Would YOU go ??

As we near the 90 days out mark I'm not felling it.  Good-bye summer cruise to Aruba. 

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5 minutes ago, topfuelfan said:

Just venting about our Carnival Cruise plan with a bit of a rant , 

No communications with us about our planned August 2020 cruise to Aruba on the Magic.

The only info is found on twitter.  My guess is 99% of people don't use twitter or know what it is for that matter.

I would guess our planned cruise will not be anything like what we signed up for a year ago if it even sails.  Cruise ports closed ,  Loungers all missing, No shows or terrible ones slapped together, this that and the other shut down or extremely limited. Read NO FUN ALLOWED ! What are we supposed to think?  Would YOU go ??

As we near the 90 days out mark I'm not felling it.  Good-bye summer cruise to Aruba. 

Howdy, and welcome to the C.C. Carnival forum. It appears that you are applying what is happening right now, to what will happen 90 days from now. You don't know what you don't know. Things WILL be different 90 days from now. How much different is anybody's guess. My suggestion for you is, come here, come here often(I do, on a daily basis) read and learn. There's a lot of good info on this forum and many knowledgeable people to help you out. And I do hope you get to go to Aruba!  :classic_wink:

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Ok , Thanks Joe but here's the thing.. It's $$ and uncertainty with deadlines. All a recipe for jumping ship.

At 90 days your basically out of time and have to commit. Only in with deposit at that point.  I can't HOPE anymore.

Cruises are competitive and can be difficult and frustrating to.  Like the Mega ships where I thought we could never get into anything because they are sooo crowded.  It's just a shame after so much planning and getting hopes up to have to bail .  We can't wait and see.  I will loose $100 at this point but many are complaining about not receiving their deposits back from cruises which have been previously cancelled.  Better safe then sorry.🛳️

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2 hours ago, topfuelfan said:

Just venting about our Carnival Cruise plan with a bit of a rant , 

No communications with us about our planned August 2020 cruise to Aruba on the Magic.

The only info is found on twitter.  My guess is 99% of people don't use twitter or know what it is for that matter.

I would guess our planned cruise will not be anything like what we signed up for a year ago if it even sails.  Cruise ports closed ,  Loungers all missing, No shows or terrible ones slapped together, this that and the other shut down or extremely limited. Read NO FUN ALLOWED ! What are we supposed to think?  Would YOU go ??

As we near the 90 days out mark I'm not felling it.  Good-bye summer cruise to Aruba. 


Welcome to cruise critic and the crazy world of cruising and Covid.


This particular thread was sent up as a place where people can talk about what's happening in their hometown, with their family etc, more infected non-cruise -related discussions


If you will start a new topic on the Carnival board called something like "August 2020 on the Magic"  you will be able to get more input and perhaps find others in the same situation in early August. 


Host Carolyn


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