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Cunard Cruisers - How are things where you are ?

Host Hattie

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All quiet here tonight and the infection rate locally seems to be coming back under control. 


I am looking forward to having a few days away next week, but the forecast is not looking good on Sunday when we visit Oxford.  We should have been boarding Queen Victoria on Wednesday, so this trip is to use the hotel booking we had made in Southampton.  To make it more interesting, we have added extra stops in Bournemouth, Oxford, Nottingham and Stratford upon Avon.


Final payment for QM2 in December is due, but not sure I will get to go.  I hope there are some good offerings for 2022. 

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6 hours ago, Bigmike911 said:

Vette Princess, good to hear from you. Glad to know you are o.k. After all the stuff going on in MSP and around the country you have had a rough summer. Other than heat and lot's of it. things are quiet in S.E. Texas. It's nice to live in the country away from the troubles of the big cities. The good news for you is that Winter will be here in a snap and that should put a stop to the gangs, protester/rioters and their hangers on. I remember Winter in Minnesota. 

Hello to you too. I have been reading but not writing.

I do not mind winter but we are looking to relocate out of MN because of the constant crime,  politics and no ability for the police to do anything and very short handed. I do envy you living in the country with lots of planting area. My vegetable gardens have done well especially the tomatoes. They even mentioned on the news that a bumper year for tomatoes here. Warm spring and hot summer nights have helped. 

We have had to canceled three cruises this year one being the QM2.  So no trips this year. However I am driving to northern MN to the race track in Brainerd (you may have heard of it when your worked here). I am volunteering to help the big car club run some activities at the track. I love it up there and being with the race cars and my friends in the MSRA (Minnesota Street Rod Association.)

We do have a cruise booked for 4/2021 and then the 50th anniversary cruise of Carnival. That is 3/2022 and on the new Mardi Gras-the same named one we sailed on in 1974. 

Maybe a couple more the end of 2021-have to make up for lost time not cruising!

I hope everyone stays well and enjoys the last of summer.



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4 hours ago, Lanky Lad said:

All quiet here tonight and the infection rate locally seems to be coming back under control. 


I am looking forward to having a few days away next week, but the forecast is not looking good on Sunday when we visit Oxford.  We should have been boarding Queen Victoria on Wednesday, so this trip is to use the hotel booking we had made in Southampton.  To make it more interesting, we have added extra stops in Bournemouth, Oxford, Nottingham and Stratford upon Avon.


Final payment for QM2 in December is due, but not sure I will get to go.  I hope there are some good offerings for 2022. 

Oh my Stratford upon Avon-I am envious. My BA degree is in English and I am a Shakespeare nut. Have a lovely trip.

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Well, the outdoor pool was cold enough to take our breath away as we got in on tuesday. However, it was lovely once we started swimming. The trouble with our pool, Jesus Green Lido in Cambridge, is that it is 100 yards long - one of the longest pools in the country. That doesn't sound too bad, until you try it!! I'm a fairly strong swimmer. I swam every day pre pandemic, often a mile a session. However, one length of 100 yards was sooooo far! I felt like I have never swam before. It was ridiculous! You are only allowed to swim lengths at the moment, so we had to do it. And it did get (very slightly) easier. We managed 10 lengths in our allotted hour in the end. Then went home for a sleep!


We obvious enjoyed it though, we have gone every day since then!


On the weather front, we had around an hour of thunder here at lunchtime yesterday, plus a lot of rain. The temperature is much more pleasant now. Low 20's. Sleeping is so much easier now.


I hope everyone is surviving the weather at the moment. Take care and keep staying safe. 

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Our RV (caravan) camping trip to the Florida Keys was a success. 
We were able to be socially distanced and enjoy cooking at our campsite, hiking, bike riding, and swimming at our beautiful state parks down there.

It was not a “normal” trip- we know that for certain since we have taken the RV to the Keys every year since 2007... The fact is we did not do our “normal traditions” (favorite restaurants, waterside bars, boat excursions, sunset celebrations) because we are not comfortable yet with all of those things... but that is ok. It is not a normal year. We are acutely aware of our reality and continue to try to be responsible in this pandemic.

Instead.... We brought our blender from home and made fresh fruity beverage concoctions ourselves. The only thing we forgot were the little cocktail umbrellas.

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@Camgirl that pool looks amazing, I do prefer mine heated though !

@naturelovergirl that sounds like a great trip.

I've just watched "An affair to remember" again, still makes me cry but I love the "ship" scenes.

I've booked 3 nights in West Wales (again) for mid September, just trying to find somewhere for the rest of the week.

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2 hours ago, naturelovergirl said:

Our RV (caravan) camping trip to the Florida Keys was a success. 
We were able to be socially distanced and enjoy cooking at our campsite, hiking, bike riding, and swimming at our beautiful state parks down there.

It was not a “normal” trip- we know that for certain since we have taken the RV to the Keys every year since 2007... The fact is we did not do our “normal traditions” (favorite restaurants, waterside bars, boat excursions, sunset celebrations) because we are not comfortable yet with all of those things... but that is ok. It is not a normal year. We are acutely aware of our reality and continue to try to be responsible in this pandemic.

Instead.... We brought our blender from home and made fresh fruity beverage concoctions ourselves. The only thing we forgot were the little cocktail umbrellas.


We have been toying with the idea of heading down to Florida, the Pan Handle area, towards the end of October. Its our favorite time there. The water is still warm and the crowds are all gone. Your posting of your trip to the Keys is very encouraging and just may be the tipping point for us to commit. Thanks.

We will be sure to remember the cocktail umbrellas:)

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At last the Northeast’s heat wave has passed - humidity is down to a bearable level and tonight the temperature will be below mid-seventies for the first time in a couple of weeks - open windows and cross ventilation at last - with A/C taking a rest.


I pity the far West - temps over 100 and devasting fires.  This has been turning into a dreadful year (without even thinking about our insane political situation).

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I had my weekly skype with friends in Surrey today, They are suffering from the heat and with out air conditioning. And at the same time its raining heavily in other parts of the U.K. Another tropical storm is making its way up the U.S. east coast, offshore so not likely to be a problem in North America, but a lot of water is headed to our U.K. friends. 


No respite from the heat here, but this is August in Texas. We are midway through the month so we are marching to September and eventually cooler days and evenings. My downstairs temperature control is in the hallway to my bedroom. As I went to bed last night at 10:30 the outside temperature which is displayed on the control was 91f.


The pool was 90 degrees yesterday, but quite refreshing compared to the 98 air temp with 74 degree dew point, or oppressive as it is described in a descriptor of dew points. I do deep water aerobics these days because they are gentle on the joints. If I knew then what I know now, I would not have been a runner nor a power lifter. But I cannot change that now.


We seem to have leveled the curve on new cases in Texas even with extensive testing, but the good news is that hospitalization, ICU visits and deaths have declined remarkably. All promising improvements. You would not know that by reading the papers or listening to the local news. I go directly to the website that is maintained and updated daily by the Texas Department of Health and Human Services. It has a vast amount of information by county, region, age and other data. I prefer to read from the horses mouth, and not rely on sensationalist reporting. 


I hope all of our Cunard pals are having a great weekend. 



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Our numbers of Covid cases are way above “normal” in Florida. Our Governor is still pushing schools to reopen, even though children are increasingly contracting this virus. He has also been lax about pushing masks and discouraging people from crowd gathering. He is also pushing toward opening bars again.

We rely on news media to actually tell us the truth about what is happening. A Health official was actually fired a while ago because she tried to publish the actual numbers of cases in our state. The Governor fired her right after that.

I am happy to hear that things are better in the U.K. and other parts of the world. You obviously have government leaders that care about you and know how to fight this pandemic.

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The temperatures have been so much more bearable these last few days and I am greatly relieved. Mid-week, every work call involved comments about the heat, the type of fan someone was using and how few clothes we were all wearing! Fortunately, we weren’t using the video on Skype. ☺️  

Last night my other half & I went out for dinner to celebrate the anniversary of our first date in 2004 (as we are not married, we always mark the day we first went out).  The actual anniversary is on Monday but the restaurant we had chosen doesn’t open at the start of the week. If you have ever seen “Four Weddings and a Funeral” and know the scene where James Fleet’s character talks about thunderbolts - well, it happened for me on that day in 2004! ❤️

Yesterday, I managed to tag a hotel stay onto the booking for our Cornish cottage so we now have a full week away next month. Very excited and keeping my fingers crossed that all goes well - and the same for everyone on this thread with upcoming staycations too. 

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Had a wonderful Zoom Virtual visit with two great Cruise Critic friends.


One from Minneapolis and other from across the pond in the UK - Isle of Thanet.


So great to bring good friends together and speak of Old and New Times. Our plans for cruising in the future was definitely on the list. Also our past experiences which we truly miss.


Sounds like hopes for 2021 but may have to be 2022. All waiting to see what happens.

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7 hours ago, Jack E Dawson said:


We have been toying with the idea of heading down to Florida, the Pan Handle area, towards the end of October. Its our favorite time there. The water is still warm and the crowds are all gone. Your posting of your trip to the Keys is very encouraging and just may be the tipping point for us to commit. Thanks.

We will be sure to remember the cocktail umbrellas:)

We love the Panhandle in the Fall. It is a great time, in non pandemic times, to be there... hopefully you will find it nice again, even in this crazy year.

I believe the virus numbers have been better in the pandhandle than other areas (including mine in central) of our state. I find it helpful to look up the different counties and see the statistics as well as what their mandates are.

Normally when we RV there we stay at beautiful Henderson Beach State Park.

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A very clear Saturday evening in Singapore. The Marina Bay cruise terminal is still occupied by the Superstars Gemini and Aquarius, both of which are being used to house quarantined and isolated migrant workers.  On the right you can also see the ‘floatels’ and rows of tents being used for the same purpose.

As of Wednesday a total of 52,425 out of the 323,000 migrant workers in Singapore had tested positive with no direct deaths from COVID and the vast majority asymptomatic and/or not requiring hospital treatment. The actual number of people infected from this group is suspected to be much higher as so many have been asymptomatic. 

Community transmission cases outside the worker dormitories have been in the low single digits and even zero for the last few days. Overall, Singapore sits at 55,661 detected cases with 51,049 people recovered and 27 deaths. 


Edited by Blazza
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Hi everyone,  I do enjoy your updates. 


HH, I went and looked at images from An Affair to Remember; what a great movie.

As Navybankerteacher said the heatwave broke here in the NE US, finally, and we are in for some cool dry weather.  Convenient for some irrigation repairs in the garden.  I think we are about to see the first red leaves of Fall; maybe my favorite season but it feels too soon this year.


Like others I watch the covid statistics regularly.  I follow the JHU site, which I think is among the most reliable.  The trends page is illuminating both for the US and worldwide.  The US is not doing well.  Performance of individual states is all over the place.


We have a short trip planned in a couple of weeks to a beautiful part of coastal Maine.  We have reservations at an inn with cottages so we can bring takeout back for meals.  I did make one dinner reservation at a place with outdoor dining.  I am nearly as excited as I was before our canceled Japan cruise last Spring.  Woo-hoo!

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13 hours ago, Blazza said:

Overall, Singapore sits at 55,661 detected cases with 51,049 people recovered and 27 deaths. 


Admirable!  Tell me, is mask wearing uniformly observed there?  I've seen new data saying mask wearing is associated with reduced severity or even asymptomatic covid infection (presumably it reduces the dose of virus).

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9 hours ago, alc13 said:

Admirable!  Tell me, is mask wearing uniformly observed there?  I've seen new data saying mask wearing is associated with reduced severity or even asymptomatic covid infection (presumably it reduces the dose of virus).

You must wear a mask as soon as you step outside your home, except if you are exercising (running, cycling, brisk walking or walking in the hills). When dining out (in groups/tables that must be no more than 5 pax) you must wear your mask until the food or beverages arrive. I am grateful to still be working from home as if I was in my office I would need to wear a mask all day. 

Being Singapore, compliance is essentially 100% and non-compliance results in fines that start at $300 and penalties increase for any subsequent or egregious offences. Compliance officers and ‘safe distancing ambassadors‘ are highly visible anywhere large groups gather, although it doesn’t feel overbearing. Several expats have lost their employment passes, and thus their right to live/work in SIN, through non-compliance with the mask and/or social distancing/group size rules. 

You must also scan a contact tracing QR code every time you enter/leave a mall, individual store, restaurant/bar/cafe, office etc. There is an app for this, and apart from getting tedious if you’re visiting several stores within a mall, it is not particularly onerous. 

We are accustomed to the all requirements now and apart from mask tan lines on our faces don’t find them particularly troubling - even wearing the masks in the heat/humidity. We use a mix of disposable and reusable masks and have an ever increasing stash hanging by the door in an effort to avoid going out without one on. 

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5 hours ago, Blazza said:

You must wear a mask as soon as you step outside your home, except if you are exercising (running, cycling, brisk walking or walking in the hills).

Similar rule here in Melbourne (Aus), A$200 fine for non compliance. Lots of other restrictions too: most retailers except supermarkets closed, cafes can only do takeaway, no visitors allowed at home, we're allowed out for one hour's exercise and/or shopping between 0500 and 2000 within 5km of home, curfew in place overnight, virtually no interstate travel. The numbers are coming down, though not as fast as we'd like. I'm resigned to next February's cruise being cancelled, just a question of when.

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44 minutes ago, MelbTone said:

Similar rule here in Melbourne (Aus), A$200 fine for non compliance. Lots of other restrictions too: most retailers except supermarkets closed, cafes can only do takeaway, no visitors allowed at home, we're allowed out for one hour's exercise and/or shopping between 0500 and 2000 within 5km of home, curfew in place overnight, virtually no interstate travel. The numbers are coming down, though not as fast as we'd like. I'm resigned to next February's cruise being cancelled, just a question of when.

Yes, I have two QE cruises booked - November out of Melbourne, and February out of Sydney.  I think it's just a matter of time before they are cancelled.

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12 hours ago, Blazza said:

We are accustomed to the all requirements now ...

Blazza, thank you for this detailed description.  The loss-gain ratio seems obvious to me; not so much to my fellow Americans.  I'm lucky to live in a state where covid risk is low, not least because of a quick response from our state CDC and support from our governor.  But like everything else here, even public health policy has become politicized.

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13 hours ago, Blazza said:

You must wear a mask as soon as you step outside your home, except if you are exercising (running, cycling, brisk walking or walking in the hills). When dining out (in groups/tables that must be no more than 5 pax) you must wear your mask until the food or beverages arrive. I am grateful to still be working from home as if I was in my office I would need to wear a mask all day. 

Being Singapore, compliance is essentially 100% and non-compliance results in fines that start at $300 and penalties increase for any subsequent or egregious offences. Compliance officers and ‘safe distancing ambassadors‘ are highly visible anywhere large groups gather, although it doesn’t feel overbearing. Several expats have lost their employment passes, and thus their right to live/work in SIN, through non-compliance with the mask and/or social distancing/group size rules. 

You must also scan a contact tracing QR code every time you enter/leave a mall, individual store, restaurant/bar/cafe, office etc. There is an app for this, and apart from getting tedious if you’re visiting several stores within a mall, it is not particularly onerous. 

We are accustomed to the all requirements now and apart from mask tan lines on our faces don’t find them particularly troubling - even wearing the masks in the heat/humidity. We use a mix of disposable and reusable masks and have an ever increasing stash hanging by the door in an effort to avoid going out without one on. 

How I wish Florida and the rest of the USA would put these practices into effect at this time. Maybe our Covid cases wouldn’t be as onerous as they are.

We love Singapore, it is a beautiful and clean country. Hope to visit there again someday.

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The high yesterday was 101f with dew point of 74. There were storms in North Texas on the Red River, but the forecasters told us no chance they would get this far south. At one in the morning, I was awakened with tremendous claps of lightening and thunder which went on until at least four am. When I got up it was a comfortable 73, and we had a nice amount of rain. Other than the red pine needles floating in the pool which I quickly skimmed nothing but blue skies for this morning. Life is good. 

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Here in Minnesota there are mask rules but not everyone is compliant. Protesters and marches (every day for something) and also marched at the Governor's house to protest masks. Lots of people doing their own thing here. I have not been anywhere since Feb. No take out food, just grocery stores. I have a variety of masks, in my purse, in the car and in the house. Not so concerned about covid but more concern about all the shootings and crime 24/7. They attacked my police precinct Sat night and the police can't do anything. The media not forthcoming about all that is happening so unless you live near all the crime you do not know about it.

If cruises were available I would escape to Florida and jump on a cruise ship every week. Then up to NYC to hop on a ship from there. It would be a dream just to do a TA on QM2 and then come back right away. Crazy I know but one has to dream. Weather here 80 and humidity lower for a change. Tornadoes on Friday most did not touch all the way to the ground.

Have a great week here and across all the ponds.


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