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Holland America Cruisers -- How are things where YOU live?


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On 4/1/2020 at 12:35 PM, 3rdGenCunarder said:


Thank you for being a nurse! 


Since you're beer capital USA, I have to ask. Does Tim Shaefer "the beer chef" still have a restaurant there? He got his start here in NJ and I still miss his restaurant and the fabulous beer tasting dinners.

I believe Tim Schaefer has  place down on lake Norman at Sherrils Ford, but that is quite a ways from me and closer to Charlotte.  I haven't had the pleasure.  I look it up the next time I ma down that way.

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Hi every one.  My DH and I are staying home.  My last food run was 10 days ago, wearing a mask that we had in the house.  I spend some of my time praying for this to end and for my family in NYC.  My cousin is on the front lines working as a PA in the hospital.

We have enough food.  Being that winter can be bad up here by Lake Ontario  I keep food in the house.  I have been baking to use up what eggs I have.  Freezing things too.

I also have been doing house cleaning.  Going through thing.

Our town has the virus.  Some of it has been spread by people, well, who did the wrong thing.  It first started in out town by a woman who went to work in a middle school (who knew that she was sick with something) for two days. Other cases followed.

Then a  husband who was exposed to the coronavirus hid that he was feeling ill so he could visit his wife in the maternity unit of one of our hospital.  After his wife had gotten symptoms, he came out with the truth .

I have also been working on our family tree.  I have mad contact with lost family members.  Before the virus got bad, I met four third cousins in my town.  They are wonderful.  Also made contact  with one who live in Canada and we talk on the phone comparing stories.  Then, I found a first cousin in Australia, who I never met.  We have been exchanging family pictures.  So, it has been fun.  I been sharing my tree with other family members.  So, talking to them a lot.

I will also get back to sewing.

Bye for now and stay healthy.

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We live in southwest PA -- way south and east of Pittsburgh.

Allegheny County has been hit hard with the Covid-19.  We went into the stay at home mode the second week of March and it became mandatory the end of March.  Sadly people are not listening and the situation has only gotten worse.  DH has to line up at the grocery store at 6 AM -- time for seniors.  Many of the grocery shelves are not getting restocked.  


Now our governor is requesting that we all wear masks when going to the grocery stores and drug stores.  I just got done making 2 for us -- there are none to be bought any where.


We have been staying home and watching reruns of shows we have seen many times.


We are retired -- thankfully -- and do not have to worry about working in bad conditions.


Most of the schools are closed for the year.



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I live in MA, and things are bad here, but worse in Eastern MA. The entire state has been shut down except for essential businesses. I work as a criminal defense lawyer for poor people, so I am essential. I have to go to the jail where people have tested positive. Some people aren't paying much attention to social distancing locally. About 800 people have been diagnosed with corona in my county and 45 people in my town. 22 veterans have died from corona at a local nursing home. It's impossible to find bleach., hand sanitizer, toliet paper, and disinfecting wipes. The governor has said we don't have enough hospital beds or ventilators. We don't have enough PPE, either. The peak should be hitting in 10 days are so. I live alone, so it's even more isolating and scary. 

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we are also from Ma. but we're down on the cape . HUGE influx of summer people from NY/NJ/CONN , HUGE case numbers because of it 🥵 , we were stocked up on TP/wipes and sanitizer before hand ( i will NEVER make fun of hubbies BJ shopping again ) Hubby was infected early march by an effluent homeowner that had just returned from spring in Italy 😢 tested positive march 18th , hospitalized with bilateral pneumonia and was hospitalized for 4 days ..... he's on the mend , out of quarantine  in the spare bed room 😄 I am an " essential worker " ( hardware store ) unloaded a truck from NY ( driver coughing hacking slovenly 😠 ) on friday the 27th of march was sick by Wednesday 😢 test results arn't back yet 😠 but we're assuming they will be positive so I'm locked in the spare room now 🤣🤣 tired , couch , heavy chest and head , but take my medician when I'm supposed to and nap when I need to 😄 , we are booked on a 10 day panama cruise 4/7/21 and I cant wait 

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1 hour ago, fox02554 said:

we are also from Ma. but we're down on the cape . HUGE influx of summer people from NY/NJ/CONN , HUGE case numbers because of it 🥵 , we were stocked up on TP/wipes and sanitizer before hand ( i will NEVER make fun of hubbies BJ shopping again ) Hubby was infected early march by an effluent homeowner that had just returned from spring in Italy 😢 tested positive march 18th , hospitalized with bilateral pneumonia and was hospitalized for 4 days ..... he's on the mend , out of quarantine  in the spare bed room 😄 I am an " essential worker " ( hardware store ) unloaded a truck from NY ( driver coughing hacking slovenly 😠 ) on friday the 27th of march was sick by Wednesday 😢 test results arn't back yet 😠 but we're assuming they will be positive so I'm locked in the spare room now 🤣🤣 tired , couch , heavy chest and head , but take my medician when I'm supposed to and nap when I need to 😄 , we are booked on a 10 day panama cruise 4/7/21 and I cant wait 



Hope you and DH make a full recovery - soon.


Some people seem to think it could never happen to them and don't realise that their carelessness could spread the disease to others.  Our government has been ramming home the message, but still folk don't listen.  Since I posted on Thursday, deaths have doubled in the UK with little sign of letting up.  Until a vaccine is developed our only defence is to isolate and not take chances.  The virus will run out of steam eventually.  Until then we must be vigilant and listen to the medical experts.


Best wishes to all.


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I got groceries last week.  Our store only allows one person per household to shop at a time.  There is a hand washing station at the store's entrance.  There is a person cleaning the handles on the carts between customers.  The cashier told me that they have some people coming in daily to get something because they are bored at home.  Most people are staying home except for a quick trip to the grocery store once a week or so, but some people don't get it.  Stay home and stay healthy!

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Here in Amarillo, Texas we are encouraged to stay home if at all possible. Non-essential businesses are closed. A few of what I would consider essential businesses are closed voluntarily until the middle of April so they can give the stay at home order a fighting chance to work. We have had a local sand and gravel company forced to close on account of the S & G company not following CDC guidelines at all concerning the corona virus.


When this first hit here, my church said "OK, we're closing it down, no activities at the church until this deal is finished. I've been an active part in our sanctuary orchestra for over 30 years. As the proud owner of 6 tubas, I took this quite hard as the community band I play in also rehearses at church. Our rehearsals are now forbidden as well until this thing is over. "No sweat" says I. "I have at least 4 other churches that I can at least play in for their Sunday services." Hah! No such luck, everybody's shutting it down. All of our restaurants are offering food pick-up only, a few of them offering home delivery for an additional fee. Oh well, at least I can go out and at least pick up my favorite weekend meals and eat them in the comfort of my own home. All of our local stores have been hit hard by the hoarders. It has gotten so bad that next week many stores are coordinating with each other as to which days they will close so they can properly restock their shelves. Some stores are offering "seniors only" shopping hours, but these are not being enforced. And for the first time ever, I've seen some stores hire law enforcement officers to stand at the front of their stores.


As for me, I haven't missed a paycheck. As a truck driver, I'm an essential employee. I generally don't have to get out of my truck to make deliveries, but occasionally I do. On one such occasion, I had to deliver 6 pallets of product to an internet service here. All six pallets had to be off-loaded by hand as the customer did not have a dock or forklift and I had no liftgate. The customer had five guys including the manager to help me unload. All of them except the manager were wearing face masks. After we had off-loaded the third pallet, one of these employees mrntioned that they had two of their guys test positive. Needless to say, I was VERY put out by the lack of concern about the corona virus these guys were displaying. As soon as we finished, I had the manager sign my bill using his own pen, and I made no physical contact with anyone there while I was there. As soon as I left, I contacted my freight operations supervisors to report to them what had happened, who then forwarded that info to my service center manager, who then contacted me directly. I told him exactly what happened and he contacted the manager of that business. "Oh that guy was just joking, nobody here has tested positive for anything" was the response he got. My manager that said that this was not something to be joking about, that his drivers were putting their lives on the line daily so he could get his product. The business manager was then told to find someone else to haul his freight, we would not be providing service to him any longer. My DW and I are still in good health and have not had any issues with Covid other than this little scare I just laid out.

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7 hours ago, Schlepporello said:

The business manager was then told to find someone else to haul his freight, we would not be providing service to him any longer.


So glad you got a supportive response , I love my drivers some I see once a day , some once a week, now they wait out side. nobody but Receiving comes in the office. I am blessed to work for  &^&%  $%#^  in addition to paying for my Quarantine they also added 80 hr sick/personal time to our benefits , to help with changes in child care, what ever. 

it's funny I was reaching my emotional limit , stress panic .... the " what if's " were killing me, now that I am sick I feel better stress wise. Haha but it's only day five ...... ask me again on day 13 🤣😄

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On 4/4/2020 at 10:39 PM, sambamama said:

I live in MA, and things are bad here, but worse in Eastern MA. The entire state has been shut down except for essential businesses. I work as a criminal defense lawyer for poor people, so I am essential. I have to go to the jail where people have tested positive. Some people aren't paying much attention to social distancing locally. About 800 people have been diagnosed with corona in my county and 45 people in my town. 22 veterans have died from corona at a local nursing home. It's impossible to find bleach., hand sanitizer, toliet paper, and disinfecting wipes. The governor has said we don't have enough hospital beds or ventilators. We don't have enough PPE, either. The peak should be hitting in 10 days are so. I live alone, so it's even more isolating and scary. 

If you can't find bleach, here is a tip for you.

If you have a local pool supply store, liquid pool shock is the same chemical that is in bleach.  You must use caution however because the pool shock is TWICE as strong as supermarket bleach - it can cause skin burns if not diluted. 

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Does anyone know anything about a refund? I paid for an upgrade to a Neptune $uite, and the very next day, HAL canceled all cruises.  I have had no luck in talking with them; no chat available, no phone calls accepted. Can't file for the insurance claim because  there is no options for  HOLLAND AMERICA CANCELED, and no good way to contact the insurance company, other than to fill out a form. HAL also had us fill out a form, with no useful information about when or IF they will refund. I have heard rumors of BANCRUPTCY which would me we will NEVER be refunded. Does anyone have any concrete information?

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3 hours ago, BobbiSox said:

Does anyone know anything about a refund? I paid for an upgrade to a Neptune $uite, and the very next day, HAL canceled all cruises.  I have had no luck in talking with them; no chat available, no phone calls accepted. Can't file for the insurance claim because  there is no options for  HOLLAND AMERICA CANCELED, and no good way to contact the insurance company, other than to fill out a form. HAL also had us fill out a form, with no useful information about when or IF they will refund. I have heard rumors of BANCRUPTCY which would me we will NEVER be refunded. Does anyone have any concrete information?

There are any number of threads about this specific question on the board (this thread isn't one of them). 
I suggest you scroll down the page and scan the thread titles, and read what people on them have to say. 

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42 minutes ago, RuthC said:

There are any number of threads about this specific question on the board (this thread isn't one of them). 
I suggest you scroll down the page and scan the thread titles, and read what people on them have to say. 

Thank you. I didn't see the other. I will certainly look. I grew up in Warwick and went to Pilgrim High School. I lived on Sand Pond Road. Small World! Now I live in Florida. 

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2 hours ago, BobbiSox said:

Thank you. I didn't see the other. I will certainly look. I grew up in Warwick and went to Pilgrim High School. I lived on Sand Pond Road. Small World! Now I live in Florida. 


Here is one link. Not much info though...



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3 hours ago, BobbiSox said:

I grew up in Warwick and went to Pilgrim High School. I lived on Sand Pond Road. Small World!

Smaller than you think: The back of Pilgrim High is behind my back yard. 

After answering your post I looked to find 6 separate threads on p.1 on the topic you are asking about. Happy reading! 

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We live in central Florida where I am president of the Friends of the Library support group. We operate a very busy and successful second hand bookstore with all proceeds going to the Library.


Looking forward to re-opening the store...right now three volunteers are making more than 100 face masks for the volunteers to wear when the store finally re-opens. They can be washed and worn again.


I expect we will all be wearing them for at least the next year.



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On 3/29/2020 at 6:35 AM, dossbig said:

Got of the Zuiderdam at FLL on 3/8/20 Feel lucky as we seemed to have no sickness on board. It has been 21 days, with normal temps and no symptoms. We are self isolating. 


We have cruised over 40 times on Holland (4*), Azamara, Celebrity, Royal Caribbean, NCL (no mas), Crystal, Princess.


We will likely not cruise again until a vaccine or sure treatment or the virus disappears. 


I expect NCL, RCCL and Carnival lines will be forced to file bankruptcy. I like many other I  oppose a bailout as they are staffed 90% by non US and the lines pay no or little US tax.


Bankruptcy does not mean they go away it just means the shareholders and perhaps the lenders lose money.

With regard to the bailout issue, every cruise I have ever taken included taxes and port fees including ports in the US, and there are dozens of them.  Most people get off in the ports and take an excursion, which costs and employs people, and/or enjoy a meal, and/or shop.  This is revenue.  I suspect Alaska may take a big financial hit along with the U.S. ports on both coasts, and ports in the rest of the world.  It's a multi billion dollar industry.  When we are through this, many people will spend their travel dollars elsewhere but for some, like me, cruising is the only viable option.  So I hope the industry survives.


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Howdy from Prescott Valley ,Arizona.  I have volunteered at our food bank for 5 yrs and am surprised so few families are coming by. Everyone qualifies. Most of our families are new now and luckily our older folks are getting home delivery.   Know of 12 deaths but haven't heard of any testing.  I had a Cruise scheduled for May 10th Holland America to Alaska. Just now got refund. haven't seen money yet but hoping all will go well.  Still have to go to Alaska to pick up our RV and van that's in storage on the air base. But have to wait for Canada to open up.  

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On 4/14/2020 at 8:40 AM, RuthC said:

There are any number of threads about this specific question on the board (this thread isn't one of them). 
I suggest you scroll down the page and scan the thread titles, and read what people on them have to say. 

Was just now able to cancel our May 10 Alaska cruise with Holland after a month of trying. Haven't seen money yet  The airlines said it would take 30 days  so will see.

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I am well and doing the best I can to be safe while still helping my people.


On Sundays I go to the Church building and, along with 7 other members of my church staff, we broadcast a livestream worship service on the Church's Facebook page while maintaining social distancing.  I go to the office midweek to check mail and messages and such and to get books that I need for Sermon preparation, and on those trips I also help the food pantry staff make porch-deliveries of food stuffs for this who have contacted the church for assistance.  Meals on Wheels, which also operates out of my church building, has a volunteer staff that makes deliveries during the week to area residents who depend upon the program for hot meals, and the past 3 weeks I've been helping as a driver for that as well.  With Social Distancing rules, however, I don't have any close-contact with people and, when I do, I'm wearing a filter mask and gloves.  Other than that, and making a grocery run for curbside pick up for my own needs, I don't get out.  I spend a lot of time on the phone, talking with Church members and fellow clergy, and I'm part of several Zoom calls each week with denominational colleagues, etc. On Tuesdays at 1pm I broadcast a LiveStream Bible Study on the church's Facebook page and I have a Zoom staff meeting for my church staff on Wednesdays at 11 am.


As of Sunday (April 19) in the county where my house is we have 26 confirmed cases and 2 deaths with 3 in the housing development where I live. However, where I'm actually on the boarder with two other counties that have many more cases. In the county where my church is there are over 500 confirmed cases, and in the other county where the closest bigger city is there are 34 confirmed cases.  And, of course, I'm just outside of Dallas County where we have 2428 confirmed cases ad 60 deaths.


I pray everybody keeps safe, follows directions, and takes no unnecessary risks.  As much as I enjoy cruising, I believe that life is sacred and we must care for it and for others.  I pray for you, I pray for those still trapped on ships, I pray for the HAL employees who are in limbo and, for those on their ways home, I pray they safely make it to their families.

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I live in Orange County, CA about 5 miles from Disneyland. Disneyland announced their closure on March 12th and I knew at that point it was serious. My older son is an employee there and is now furloughed. On March 13th, the school that I teach kindergarten at in the Los Angeles Unified School District announced it was our last day and we were going to be off for 2 weeks. We are now on week 6 of remote learning.  Everything is closed except for essential businesses which includes take out food. Masks are now required at all essential businesses like grocery stores.  Small groups of people have begun protesting in Ca to reopen the economy, however it seems to be a small group. Many I speak to say even if things reopen they will be cautious and avoid gathering.  There is a lot of uncertainty on behalf of teachers on now schools can remain safe as they are normally germ hotbeds. I have been using instacart delivery for groceries and getting restaurant take out about once a week trying to support our small businesses. Trying to teach online and manage my own child's remote learning has been challenging. We were suppose to be on a Spring Break cruise on the Pacific Coast on April 5th which was cancelled in March. We have not yet received a refund. Daydreaming about one day being back at sea!!!

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I am  in Massachusetts on the coast.I am very lucky an grateful that as a woman alone with no family I live  in an area with wonderful neighbors who are nice people,  they check in on me  and one or another will do a fa st  errand if they are going  out .   I don't like to ask and usuallyreply I'm all set and have no urgent needs but it is a huge comfort for me to know if  I Need help, someone will be there.


Our  state has been on the usual cautions most here have described and our Mayor added  a few. We have a curfew and ordered all residents off the roads by 10 or so.  I don 't go out much so am unsure t he exact time.  Any visitors must leave by then

We  must wear a mask if we enter any of  he very few businesses still open.I f we are out in public, mask required


We are a chatty neighborhood and usually someone  walking their dog  will  stop  to pass a few minutes with any one  out in their yard 🙂    We all worry for those who have family members out of work and those whose small businesses are closed.   how many will not re-open when this is oVER?    A few have ill relatives who are suffering with  this ill nes.   It is all the same giant nighmare most of the world is  experiencing.


I have final payment due soon for a summer cruise and am unsure about  it.    I have no clue if it is still going etc.



iF it is, If I am   🤷‍♀️

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A few casual friends have had   death of either a spouse or parent and being unable  to have a 'prompt' service adds to their pain..   Friends and family not present  to provide some   comfort.

Babies born without gram or gramp with  the new mom and not

yet having held    the bab y.  A happy even for sure bu no able  to fully enjoy in the usual ways.


AGood side to these times is the many pets who have found forever homes.    So many are home now and have  time to bond  with and train a new  dog  in the family






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My DW and I have been faithfully remaining quarantined at home for the past six weeks. We worship via live stream, and pick up groceries curbside after ordering online. We chat with friends and family via PortalTV, Zoom, and Facebook Messenger calls. Our state is to begin reopening this coming Friday. It will be interesting to see how that goes.

We have a cruise booked for next February, and have faith that all this will be substantially over by then.

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