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Refund denied?


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35 minutes ago, Travelcat2 said:

Wow - of all posters, you should know better.  You and I have been in email communication where I have tried to help you.  If I had something to say to you, I would do it directly — not indirectly.

Yes, you have been very helpful and I do appreciate it.  But many of your general complaints about what posters are doing and saying do seem to apply to me.  I have no way of knowing that they don't.  You and I do disagree about some things, just as we also agree about other things.  So if there is a topic about which we disagree and you make such a comment, it is hard for me to hear it.  I'm sure that others feel the same.


As I found out when I made a similarly indirect remark about something you said, two others said they thought I was talking about them.  And of course I have no way of knowing if any others were similarly hurt.  There are a lot of people reading these posts, and such indirect comments can have a far broader impact than one intends.


So although I have clearly strayed from this advice, now I am going to try to go back to practicing what my mother taught me, "If you don't have something nice to say, don't say anything at all."

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22 hours ago, Travelcat2 said:

How is my explanation muddying the waters?  It seems easier to bash the hard working people that are processing our refunds and FCC's than to admit that they have a daunting task?  

This was in response to my post......Is this not bashing me?


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36 minutes ago, forgap said:

This was in response to my post......Is this not bashing me?



No - I do not consider this bashing. It was a general on-topic post about how it seems easier to bash Regent (or their employees) rather than realize that they have a daunting task.   A personal remark  (aka bashing) would be something like "what is wrong with you - you are crazy to think that Regent is doing a bad job.". Or a more recent comment (see last post - from a poster that has had nothing but negative comments about me since his first post).  It is hard for me to even give an example of a slam against a person as it is simply not something that I do.  


If anyone does not like my point of view, they do not have to read my posts.  I have learned that, in some cases, it is just easier to ignore a poster than to get into rude discussion with them.  And, at any time, I am open to questions about my POV.  I am passionate about some things.  When CC was undergoing their first website change, there were many negative comments about what they were doing (down to saying that the new background "white" was now too bright).  I defended them because I believed in what they were doing and that they were being unfairly criticized.  I was quite surprised that some posters thought that I worked for CC.  This tends to happen when someone feels strongly about a company or issue.  

Edited by Travelcat2
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14 minutes ago, Travelcat2 said:

No - I do not consider this bashing. It was a general on-topic post about how it seems easier to bash Regent (or their employees) rather than realize that they have a daunting task.

We are frustrated at Regents lack of response and the fact that 90 days to issue a refund is excessive. It is not “bashing” (your term) but valid criticism.  Is Regent considering our “daunting” task of giving an interest free loan for months or years?  Are we getting any interest on his loan? 

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Regent typically has our money for considerably longer than 90 days (depending upon the date that final payment is due.). I suppose that we have become accustomed to Regent having our money (they have quite a bit of it right now - for four future cruises).  


Our frustration comes from not being able to take two cruises (so far) and we are thankful that the money they are holding does not impact our ability to eat, pay bills, etc.  I truly feel for the passengers that lost their jobs and really need the money.  If it were an option, I would sign a form that would allow them to pay us once they are caught up with refunds.  


In terms of our cruise (the March one that was canceled the day before embarkation), I can imagine how the passengers that were celebrating very significant anniversaries felt when the cruise was canceled.  There will not be another opportunity to celebrate these major milestones on Splendor again.  My tears about that cruise was not about us but rather for the cruising friends that looked forward so much to this special cruise.  For us, I still cannot face unpacking our suitcases that still reside in a bathroom that we don’t use.  All of this takes an emotional toll on everyone.





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5 hours ago, forgap said:

We are frustrated at Regents lack of response and the fact that 90 days to issue a refund is excessive. It is not “bashing” (your term) but valid criticism.  Is Regent considering our “daunting” task of giving an interest free loan for months or years?  Are we getting any interest on his loan? 

My gosh, this is still being debated?? Of course its excessive! No company Ive ever dealt with for a refund, large or small, could tell me with a straight face that it'll be 90 days for my credit, and expect me to take it. I understand with Regent at this point "it is what it is", but its not "bashing" anybody, be the company or the employees, to state the obvious. When a couple of months ago I asked for a refund of my deposits for two cruises, they never asserted such a ridiculous timetable. I received it in less than two weeks. 

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On 5/30/2020 at 12:46 AM, Travelcat2 said:

Now, if you can find a luxury cruise line with excellent customer service, that would be interesting😇

That shouldn’t be ‘interesting’, it should be the norm.  Hence the descriptor ‘luxury’.


Regent used to have serious problems with Destination Services - from what I’ve seen on my last few cruises that mostly seems to be fixed.  I’m sure they could fix the home office customer service issues if they tried.

Edited by UUNetBill
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3 hours ago, UUNetBill said:

That shouldn’t be ‘interesting’, it should be the norm.  Hence the descriptor ‘luxury’.


Regent used to have serious problems with Destination Services - from what I’ve seen on my last few cruises that mostly seems to be fixed.  I’m sure they could fix the home office customer service issues if they tried.


I agree that Destination Services has mostly seemed to be fixed, at least on my cruse last fall.  But from my perspective Regent has a problem with its communications division too that doesn't get fixed.  It is a fairly simple matter to provide updates regularly on the refund process (and often other issues that are aired on CC).  Regent goes into some kind of shutdown process and doesn't address concerns that have to be obvious from CC, travel agent inquiries, and customer inquiries.  

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3 hours ago, UUNetBill said:

That shouldn’t be ‘interesting’, it should be the norm.  Hence the descriptor ‘luxury’.


Regent used to have serious problems with Destination Services - from what I’ve seen on my last few cruises that mostly seems to be fixed.  I’m sure they could fix the home office customer service issues if they tried.


Bill, can I hit you on the head now or later (jk):classic_tongue:?  We have just gone through a lengthy, contentious discussion on this topic  that I hope it will not start again.  However, I agree that the home office customer service and communication issues could be fixed .......... just not now while employees are working at home - a 4 day workweek, thousands of cancellations and requests for FCC's. 


Maybe when things calm down and cruising resumes we can all discuss what we would in terms of communication (to the customer service people and the ship officers a well as TA's).  Right now, I believe (but do not know) that Regent has transferred employees into customer service positions to help with the volume of calls.  Unfortunately, many rude comments have been made to passengers - the likes of which I have never heard before (I'm used to incorrect answers but not rudeness).  

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The idea that Regent can't fix its communications now is one I don't understand. Communication is prime part of crisis management.


I would be willing to bet that if Regent took a few minutes to issue regular updates about the refund process that Regent would have many fewer inquiries to answer.  Regent is fully capable of explaining its processing of refunds during this disruption.  

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3 hours ago, UUNetBill said:

Yep, rudeness should NEVER be allowed and if someone at Regent is being rude to customers it should be grounds for immediate termination.


Agree with you.  It just appears that it would be more difficult to determine what is being said to customers on the phone when the calls are being responded to from home.  


It feels as if no one tries to understand that Regent employees are human beings that are also going through a difficult time (not addressing rude customer service people but those trying to get the refunds and FCC’s calculated.). 


Okay - not going to start this up yet again.  Suffice it to say that I understand the delay in checks being issued for refunds and why Regent is canceling cruises in approximately one-month segments.  Others want Regent to spend their time communicating with customers and want to have cancelations announced further in advance and have refunds done quickly.  

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There are specific steps that Regent is taking to ultimately send the refund to the customer. Why can't anyone at Regent that has access to a computer tell the customer or the TA representing the customer what stage they are in. For example, they go through the refund calculation step, then the 2nd review of the refund, and then who knows what. Just tell us what stage we are in and an approximate date to get the refund. The other major issue is that they don't document the call and take notes on what was said, so you have to start over with the history of the refund request and what was said by during previous calls (which is often different depending on who you talk to). This is basic customer service. Regent could reduce the calls from customers if they took simple steps. Let's not put the blame on the customer. Regent needs to step up and get better during these difficult times. 

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Regent has stepped up but customers are still complaining.  It will take up to 90 days to get your refund - period.  Since they are not computerized for this first-ever processing of  thousands of refunds/FCC requests, would you be willing to wait an additional 30 days to receive your money?  Obviously, if the people that are processing claims have to stop to report each step they are taking (i.e. just received claim - processing claim - claim forwarded for review................... review received ......... processing the review - sent in for refund processing) will delay the time it takes to process claims.  Don't forget that if there is a question on the claim, this would need to be reported as well. 


We all agree that these are difficult times but they are not only difficult for "us" - they are difficult times for everyone.  Based on issues that have arisen over the years, I have learned (and likely Regent has as well) that regardless of what information is given, people will complain.  Regent is progressing with claims and we have a TA on CC that is trying to keep us advised of what stage Regent is in in terms of processing claims.  In terms of Regent and claim processing, I think that we are all doing pretty well.  

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I totally disagree with you on this one. Regent is not stepping up. I understand the delays in refunds. We all do. They are making this more difficult than it needs to be. They could stop most of the callbacks with some consistent and basic information. No excuses, Regent is not stepping up no matter what you want to believe. Documenting a call will save many more calls. Good for you that you are being informed through your TA. Why can't they do this for all of their customers and not just the cheerleaders. I'm sure I will get a "be kind" for that comment. I am just tired of excuses for what should be an opportunity to shine in this crisis. Other companies are doing just that.

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I can not help but question all the complaining.  It is clear that given the current financial position of Regent that the refund will happen.  The value of the delay in terms of interest lost is minimal to the point of it being pennies.  If the loss of use of a few thousand $ for a few weeks is that critical to ones finances then maybe they should reevaluate taking the cruise in the first place. 

With the current state of the world it would seem there is much more to be concerned about.  


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2 minutes ago, bennett2005 said:

I can not help but question all the complaining.  It is clear that given the current financial position of Regent that the refund will happen.  The value of the delay in terms of interest lost is minimal to the point of it being pennies.  If the loss of use of a few thousand $ for a few weeks is that critical to ones finances then maybe they should reevaluate taking the cruise in the first place. 

With the current state of the world it would seem there is much more to be concerned about.  


Very true about very low interest right now however you are forgetting that many millions of people are currently without a job so what was a good idea to book a Regent cruise months ago may not be the best choice now if peoples jobs are lost and the money being held by Regent could be better used by the people who now cannot afford what they bought earlier.


And perhaps the people did reevaluate taking the cruise and cancelled on their own and now need the money to survive as their situation has changed as it has changed for many millions of people now lining up daily to get food to feed their families.  As to your last paragraph, the much more for many millions if not billions of people world wide is where is the money going to be to buy food for tomorrow.

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1 hour ago, pappy1022 said:

I totally disagree with you on this one. Regent is not stepping up. I understand the delays in refunds. We all do. They are making this more difficult than it needs to be. They could stop most of the callbacks with some consistent and basic information. No excuses, Regent is not stepping up no matter what you want to believe. Documenting a call will save many more calls. Good for you that you are being informed through your TA. Why can't they do this for all of their customers and not just the cheerleaders. I'm sure I will get a "be kind" for that comment. I am just tired of excuses for what should be an opportunity to shine in this crisis. Other companies are doing just that.


With Regent employees working from home, they likely have to document a call but would not document the fact that they were rude to the caller (again, this is not what this discussion is about ..... I firmly believe that any Regent employee that makes the comments that we have read on this board for the past few weeks should lose their job.)


I am not sure that I understand your comment that it is good that our TA is keeping us informed and that it should be done for all of the other customers and not just the cheerleaders.  Our TA is one of several that are being kept up to date by their contact at Regent.  These TA's don't care if you love Regent or hate it.  This is their job.  If you or anyone else wants the excellent service that we receive from our TA, you can certainly find an excellent TA by speaking with other CC'ers or Regent passenger.  


If you can tell us one luxury cruise line (Crystal, Seabourn or Silversea) that is taking the "opportunity to shine i this crisis", please let us know which one (I do check other luxury cruise lines and am not seeing what you posted.  

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10 minutes ago, bennett2005 said:

I can not help but question all the complaining.  It is clear that given the current financial position of Regent that the refund will happen.  The value of the delay in terms of interest lost is minimal to the point of it being pennies.  If the loss of use of a few thousand $ for a few weeks is that critical to ones finances then maybe they should reevaluate taking the cruise in the first place. 

With the current state of the world it would seem there is much more to be concerned about.  



Agree with you.  I cannot imagine someone paying for a Regent cruise and then being unable to feed their family.  What would these people have done if their cruise sailed and then the pandemic hit?  The money would be gone and I cannot believe that they would be starving.  


rallydave - your comments are a bit out of left field.  Do you really believe that Regent passengers are standing in food lines because their refund is taking 90 days?  Or, do you feel that Regent passengers (and passengers that frequent other luxury cruise lines) should be contributing to world hunger?  If it is the latter, many of us are donating to people (locally and abroad) that are in need of food.  


IMO, Regent passengers know how much they have to be thankful for - including being able to sail on a luxury cruise line.  We are not selfish people and want to help others.  


As bennett2005 posted, there are many more important things in this world right now to be concerned about.  Many luxury cruisers are seniors and, if people around them are not taking precautions, we could end up dead.  That is a much bigger concern than waiting a few weeks for a refund.

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People waiting for their Regent refunds might feel a little better if they would take a look at the spreadsheet I have on the Crystal forum:


Regent is doing far better than Crystal at meeting their 90 day promise.  Crystal has many people waiting over 90 days, and (short of a miracle) that number is likely to grow quickly in the next few days.  So far no one has reported waiting over 90 days on Regent.  


Just for the record, I am am a huge fan of Crystal, and still only waiting and hoping for the chance to be a huge fan of Regent as well.  But if Crystal doesn't get their act together they are going to lose many fans.


I know 90 days is "too long," but it is a lot better than over 90 days with no end in sight.


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Does anyone possibly believe that any phone communications with Regent personnel are not recorded for 'quality purposes'?  If NCLH has not implemented such controls over employees, no matter where they are located and at what time their work location was movd, I wonder what other deficiencies exist in their systems.  That said, it probably doesn't hurt for NCLH clients calling in to state that the call is being recorded for quality purposes, and to immediately document their understanding of the call, and I'd email a copy to NCLH corporate as a record.

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