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6 minutes ago, SarahHben said:

Genuine question...
As a newbie, and having reading this forum for a while now, I sometimes wonder why ‘how many cruises have you been on?’ is such a no-no? I would be really interested to hear people’s experiences & it would be a subject in common, we would be on a cruise ship together after all.

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I am not sure it is the question that is the issue, it is the bragging that apparently comes after that seems to offend people, although we have never encountered this. 

Quite typically, we will be sharing with 3 or 4 other couples and quite inevitably, we would sit somewhere between the newbies who are worried about etiquette etc and the very experienced cruisers. 

If we don't know your cruising history, how can we learn or help others?

I would love to sit next to Graham & Pauline for instance and listen to their amazing stories and pick up tips, but if I wasn't allowed to ask, I would miss out on all that knowledge. 


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1 hour ago, AndyMichelle said:

I am not sure it is the question that is the issue, it is the bragging that apparently comes after that seems to offend people, although we have never encountered this. 

Quite typically, we will be sharing with 3 or 4 other couples and quite inevitably, we would sit somewhere between the newbies who are worried about etiquette etc and the very experienced cruisers. 

If we don't know your cruising history, how can we learn or help others?

I would love to sit next to Graham & Pauline for instance and listen to their amazing stories and pick up tips, but if I wasn't allowed to ask, I would miss out on all that knowledge. 


I would love to sit next to most of you and hear your stories and tips. If someone told me they'd been on 20 cruises I don't think I would see it as bragging, I would just think how lucky they were and start planning my next 19 after finding out from them which ones they enjoyed most. 

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8 hours ago, wowzz said:

Although in a well ventilated area like a supermarket,  and unless you are going to spend 15 minutes face to face with someone, the 2 metre rule is an absolute waste of time.

Within the next week, all those stupid 2 metre posters and signs can be thrown away. 

I do have some sympathy for all those hard pressed business owners who have spent their cash on 2m signs. Do they change them all to 1m?, or rely on people having a degree of intelligence?.

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9 hours ago, wowzz said:

Although in a well ventilated area like a supermarket,  and unless you are going to spend 15 minutes face to face with someone, the 2 metre rule is an absolute waste of time.

Within the next week, all those stupid 2 metre posters and signs can be thrown away. 

I am not sure about needing to spend 15 minutes within 2 metres of somebody who is infected in order to catch the virus. I know that this is the criteria for the track and trace system for deciding who to contact but this probably identifies the most likely people to have been infected in an effort to keep the number of contacts to a more manageable level. If people use this to justify a belief that spending 10 minutes or even 10 seconds within 2 metres of an infected person is safe because it is less than 15 minutes, they may find out to their cost that it isn’t. We are still getting mixed messages and in this case it is only to make an important tracing system work without an essential element (the app) which in the most effective systems is deemed crucial (as originally portrayed to us) rather the cherry on the top which it became when they discovered their app didn’t work. 

Edited by pete14
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25 minutes ago, SarahHben said:

I would love to sit next to most of you and hear your stories and tips. If someone told me they'd been on 20 cruises I don't think I would see it as bragging, I would just think how lucky they were and start planning my next 19 after finding out from them which ones they enjoyed most. 

The problem is that some of these experienced cruisers will take great delight in telling you about every detail of every cruise. They seem to have no filter!

Like Andy, we have met some lovely people on cruises, but we have also encountered some real bores.

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1 hour ago, SarahHben said:

Genuine question...
As a newbie, and having reading this forum for a while now, I sometimes wonder why ‘how many cruises have you been on?’ is such a no-no? I would be really interested to hear people’s experiences & it would be a subject in common, we would be on a cruise ship together after all.

Sent from my iPhone using Forums

Very true Sarah and it can be an easy ice breaking conversation starter when doing freedom dining, you can get the occasional bores who like to use it to boast about just how many they have done, hopefully we don't fit into that category. 

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2 minutes ago, pete14 said:

I am not sure about needing to spend 15 minutes within 2 metres of somebody who is infected in order to catch the virus. I know that this is the criteria for the track and trace system for deciding who to contact but this probably identifies the most likely people to have been infected in an effort to keep the number of contacts to a more manageable level. If people use this to justify a belief that spending 10 minutes or even 10 seconds within 2 metres of an infected person is safe because it is less than 15 minutes, they may find out to their cost that it isn’t. We are still getting mixed messages and in this case it is only to make an important tracing system work without an essential element (the app) which in the most effective systems is deemed crucial (as originally portrayed to us) rather the cherry on the top which it became when they discovered their app didn’t work. 

It's all about your attitude to risk really. 

The 2 metre rule needs to go, because otherwise the level of unemployment and resultant poverty will kill far more people than CV19. 


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2 hours ago, SarahHben said:

Genuine question...
As a newbie, and having reading this forum for a while now, I sometimes wonder why ‘how many cruises have you been on?’ is such a no-no? I would be really interested to hear people’s experiences & it would be a subject in common, we would be on a cruise ship together after all.

Sent from my iPhone using Forums

We tend to find that very few people ask directly ‘How many cruises have you been on?’. The wording is usually ‘Have you been on many cruises?’, which is a natural ice breaker with strangers, as it’s the only thing that you know for sure that you have in common (that you are both on a cruise) until you get to know something more about them. If asked, I usually reply with “a fair few, but only with P&O”, partly because I don’t have the precise number ingrained on my brain and also because I am always interested to hear about people’s experiences with other cruise lines.

If pressed further, I just say “I’m not sure of the precise number, but we have been on all the P&O ships” and that usually results in lots of questions, particularly about the newer ships, especially from those who have very strong opinions about why they dislike the big ships (particularly Britannia) yet have never been on them! We find that people tend to either like the small ships or the large ones, so we cause confusion when we say that our two favourite ships are Aurora and Britannia and our least favourite ships are Arcadia and Azura!

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56 minutes ago, wowzz said:

It's all about your attitude to risk really. 

The 2 metre rule needs to go, because otherwise the level of unemployment and resultant poverty will kill far more people than CV19. 


I don’t disagree with you but we need more honesty rather than expediency In the messaging. If there is sufficient reliable evidence that 1 metre is a safe distance, then we should go for it but it should be presented in a cautious fashion because there is still a risk that many may not be happy to take. Unscrupulous employers should not be allowed to take advantage of 1 metre distancing if it puts employees at unnecessary risk.


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51 minutes ago, wowzz said:

It's all about your attitude to risk really. 

The 2 metre rule needs to go, because otherwise the level of unemployment and resultant poverty will kill far more people than CV19. 


I agree. I started this pandemic being quite paranoid about it and went into near voluntary isolation, but my view has now changed and with only one person in 1,800 now carrying the virus (and that number is reducing daily) I think that we need to get back to normal life as soon as we can. 

I would even go so far as to say that, in years to come, historians will look back on 2020 and say that the lock down and restrictions were disproportionate to the actual risk. I’m not being critical of the government when I say that, as I think that without the benefit of hindsight (that their critics are always blessed with) they have done a good job, but I agree that the consequences to the economy (which we will be plagued with for at least a decade) and people’s jobs and livelihoods, are in danger of being greater than the direct risk of the virus itself. 

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11 hours ago, wowzz said:

That has been our experience on P&O as well, much more than any other cruise line. 

We had some terrible experiences on our last Oceana cruise, with other cruisers that only wanted to talk about how  many cruises they had been on,  how standards had lapsed,  and why they only cruised with P&O !

When we mentioned that we preferred Princess, (even though it is the same company),  our table mates seemed apoplectic. 

In the end my wife would only go to the MDR if we had a table for two. 

I just wish we had met the likes of everyone on this forum, as I am sure we would have all got on extremely well. Unfortunately there are a lot of ignorant people out there!

I agree.

Everyone on here sound like nice people.

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17 hours ago, Adawn47 said:

Not all their traditional customers John. Only the ones who like the larger ships. While they keep Arcadia and Aurora they will be keeping all their older-style cruisers happy. It's when they eventually go they won’t be. Not everyone wants the same thing. P&O now have two kinds of passenger. Traditional and older-style. Does that help clear the confusion?  😆😉


We just love cruising and sitting on our balcony looking out to sea especially in the morning eating breakfast.

We have been on the biggest,Allure and Harmony 227,000 tons and the smallest Sunbird 37,000 tons and everything in between and loved them all.

RCL- Great Loyalty scheme and lots to do.

Princess- Excellent service and food.

P&O-The British experience.

NCL-The choice of restaurants.

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3 hours ago, AndyMichelle said:

We must be so lucky.. With the exception of Malcolm, who wasn't even a table mate, we have only ever encountered nice people and made many good friends and we always share large tables. 

Does it matter if people are interested in your cruising history? It's the one thing we all have in common, so will obviously be a talking point. 

I learn from more experienced cruisers and help less experienced ones with the little quirks that we all find as we go along. 

If someone asks how many cruises you have been on, it probably isn't to brag about theirs, but to pick your brains. 


We have been on 54 cruises but except on here I never mention it in case people think I am bragging.

I am always happy to give advice if asked and always happy to listen to advice.

I could talk football,golf and holiday's all day but Pauline normally does all the talking when we are socialising.

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3 hours ago, AndyMichelle said:

I am not sure it is the question that is the issue, it is the bragging that apparently comes after that seems to offend people, although we have never encountered this. 

Quite typically, we will be sharing with 3 or 4 other couples and quite inevitably, we would sit somewhere between the newbies who are worried about etiquette etc and the very experienced cruisers. 

If we don't know your cruising history, how can we learn or help others?

I would love to sit next to Graham & Pauline for instance and listen to their amazing stories and pick up tips, but if I wasn't allowed to ask, I would miss out on all that knowledge. 


That would be brilliant Andy.

We would probably end up talking football and the girls clothes and shops.

I don't mind people asking me questions and always answer to the best of my knowledge.

We find more on RCL with the Loyalty program where people brag about their status and openly use this in a snobby way when talking to crew or fellow passengers.

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2 hours ago, wowzz said:

The problem is that some of these experienced cruisers will take great delight in telling you about every detail of every cruise. They seem to have no filter!

Like Andy, we have met some lovely people on cruises, but we have also encountered some real bores.

Pauline and I tend to keep ourselves to ourselves and always get a table for 2 at lunch and dinner and eat breakfast on our balcony.

Pauline is the chatterbox about anything but never remembers what ships,places visited etc we have been as it is me who books everything.

I prefer to talk sport unless asked about cruising.

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4 hours ago, AndyMichelle said:

We must be so lucky.. With the exception of Malcolm, who wasn't even a table mate, we have only ever encountered nice people and made many good friends and we always share large tables. 

Does it matter if people are interested in your cruising history? It's the one thing we all have in common, so will obviously be a talking point. 

I learn from more experienced cruisers and help less experienced ones with the little quirks that we all find as we go along. 

If someone asks how many cruises you have been on, it probably isn't to brag about theirs, but to pick your brains. 


I've no problem talking cruises , you can pick up some very useful information, especially about itineraries and tips about tours and ports. The only question I hate is "and how much did you pay for your cruise then?" 😠


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Over the years we've met some absolutely fascinating and charming people on cruises, we've also met one or two right old moaners. We refer to them as MOGs (Miserable Old Gits).  Many times we have walked away from the table in the dining room having shared a table with new people and genuinely commented on what a pleasure it was to talk to them.

Unfortunately the last two P&O cruises we have been on we have shared tables (club dining) with couples who could only be described as very strange or who had extremely poor social skills. Hence our decision in future to opt for a table for two or freedom dining so that at least we won't get stuck with unpleasant people every night of the cruise.

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18 minutes ago, Adawn47 said:

I've no problem talking cruises , you can pick up some very useful information, especially about itineraries and tips about tours and ports. The only question I hate is "and how much did you pay for your cruise then?" 😠


I usually say I can't remember how much we paid and I would never ask anyone that question

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I will be totally honest I couldnt brag how many cruises we have been on all I know is we started in 1997 all our cruises have been with Cunard/Princess and P&O and we usually do 2 or 3 cruises a year but occasionally only one. In 2020 we have done zero 😢

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Thanks for all your replies.

I suppose someone who likes to brag and/or who is a complete bore would dominate the conversation no matter what the subject of conversation was.

I'm always willing to give an 'over talker' the benefit of the doubt as I know a few nervous talkers, who really don't like attention on them but can't help talking lots in that kind of social situation, and then they are in agonies afterwards in case they talked too much 🙂

I'm the only one on my roll call for June 19th next year so I may have Iona all to myself (+husband & parents)

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5 minutes ago, SarahHben said:

Thanks for all your replies.

I suppose someone who likes to brag and/or who is a complete bore would dominate the conversation no matter what the subject of conversation was.

I'm always willing to give an 'over talker' the benefit of the doubt as I know a few nervous talkers, who really don't like attention on them but can't help talking lots in that kind of social situation, and then they are in agonies afterwards in case they talked too much 🙂

I'm the only one on my roll call for June 19th next year so I may have Iona all to myself (+husband & parents)

I agree.

Some people hog the conversation and speak louder than anyone else whatever the subject and this is one of the main reasons we do Freedom type dining whatever cruiseline we are sailing on.

Roll calls are usually quiet but you have another year for more to join.



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2 hours ago, grapau27 said:

That would be brilliant Andy.

We would probably end up talking football and the girls clothes and shops.

I don't mind people asking me questions and always answer to the best of my knowledge.

We find more on RCL with the Loyalty program where people brag about their status and openly use this in a snobby way when talking to crew or fellow passengers.

When on RC people bragged about their crown&anchor status, I used to just flash the label of my dinner jacket. Gee, what level do you need to be to get a C&A tux?

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12 minutes ago, zap99 said:

When on RC people bragged about their crown&anchor status, I used to just flash the label of my dinner jacket. Gee, what level do you need to be to get a C&A tux?

Very exclusive outfitters, Claude & Antoine de Paris 😄

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I've almost always been on Club Dining (or equivalent on other lines) second sitting. Fortunately, never had a bad table and never been asked directly how many cruises I/we have done or how much was paid. If asked the first question, I would just say that I have been fortunate to have done quite a few since the first in1995. If asked about the cost, I would ask the questioner why on earth that should be important to them and if pressed further would say that was between me and my bankers 😄.

I have often been asked if I am on my first cruise and answer as above.

There are certainly some who enjoy what they see as 'bragging rights' but fortunately they are in the minority. My cruise buddy and I had an acutely embarrassing moment checking in for our Alaska cruise last July. We had a pre-cruise tour with Princess and the journey from Denali to the the ship was by train and check-in was carried out aboard the train. Despite only having sailed once with Princess, we both had Elite Loyalty status because of P&O cruises. The staff member approached us at our seats, got our details up on her tablet and said at the top of her voice "My gentlemen, I can see you have cruised with us an awful lot. Very important passengers!" I wanted to disappear into my seat...

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7 hours ago, AndyMichelle said:

We must be so lucky.. With the exception of Malcolm, who wasn't even a table mate, we have only ever encountered nice people and made many good friends and we always share large tables. 

Does it matter if people are interested in your cruising history? It's the one thing we all have in common, so will obviously be a talking point. 

I learn from more experienced cruisers and help less experienced ones with the little quirks that we all find as we go along. 

If someone asks how many cruises you have been on, it probably isn't to brag about theirs, but to pick your brains. 


I just think that there are more topics of conversation than cruising, yes it is something that we all have in common but if you share a large table every evening in freedom dining it means the conversation is virtually the same each evening.  I don't mind people asking how many cruises I have been on but when we say that we stopped counting after 50 it seems to be a reason to ask us why we do so many cruises.  One lady even said "you must lead very boring lives is you can't think of something more interesting to do".  I have travelled to over 100 countries and spent as little as a week in some and up to 3 years in others so I think that I can afford to be boring now that I am older.

The other thing that irks me is when someone asks how do you afford to cruise so much, it is in my opinion extremely rude to ask about a stranger's finances.  I don't mind when people try to pick our brains about our favourite ports or ask what it is about a particular port that we like.

We have met some wonderful people cruising and are still in touch with some, including a couple who we met on our first cruise in 1988 on Canberra.

It is a fact that none of us know everything about every port and it is useful to ask someone who has visited a port several times before whether there is anything that they would recommend seeing.

On P&O in particular I feel that often when we say that we have been on other lines we are inviting criticism for not being loyal to P&O.

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