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2 hours ago, Adawn47 said:

We were given our cards by the doctor after he had given us our jabs.  It had our name, drug name, batch number and date. I don't suppose it matters if the card gets lost, it will be on their records. It will take up more time though when going for their second jabs. Needless to say ours are kept nice and safe with our passports.


And let's hope both get some use this summer.🤣

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Just now, davecttr said:

That was my experience. I was given the card about 10 seconds before the needle went in my arm.


Thinks - must take a photo of the card on all my computing devices and phone etc and keep the original with my passport

So he is either trying it on to get the second jab, or he has a bad reaction to the first one or the story has been made up.


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13 minutes ago, Aulanis said:

are they   119 going to get back to you?

No, because there is nothing 119 can do. "Computer says No" and that's that. The chap on the phone just said to keep trying online. 

Realistically it would be impractical to expect the 119 service to contact everyone who is having a problem  - given that from a small sample on here, quite of few of us have issues, the number in the general population must be in the thousands.

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2 minutes ago, ace2542 said:

I actually believe you but my mate who works for NHS said that could not have happened. This is what he said Apparently you DONT get that vaccination card BEFORE you have the injection because you could just take the card and walk off and claim to be vaccinated and not be. The person who vaccinates you gives you the card.



As Jean has said (twice), that’s not what happened with her, so it can be the case that the card is given before the jab, even if that’s not the correct procedure. 

This thread has been enlightening in that whilst everywhere is following the official groups 1 to 9 order, different areas (and even surgeries within areas) are adopting different approaches within those groups. With some it’s random, with others it’s working down in descending age within each age band and with others still it’s those with known issues within each age band. I think that the only thing to deduce from that is that there is no national guidance beyond the overall groups 1 to 9 and it seems to be down to CCG’s, or even individual GP surgeries, to determine whether or not they add any further prioritisation within each band. 

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27 minutes ago, Adawn47 said:

You are doing all you possibly under the circumstances Jane, you can't be expected to work miracles and can only play the cards you are dealt. The fact that are feeling bad only shows what a kind and compassionate person you are.


Thank you so much Avril. Jane.xxx

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32 minutes ago, Beckett said:

Hello Harry.  See my post 4527 to Eglesbrech which gives a bit more detail (probably too much, having read it back).  Bottom line is that we'll run out of Astra Zeneca vaccs this weekend.  This is my hub, not the whole country.  We'll then have a 10 day delay until the next lot comes in - which will be Pfizer again.  We have to wait now while NCL CCG (North Central London Clinical Commissioning Group) decides whether or not we have to use those new Pfizers for second jabs, or to continue vaccinating, giving first jabs, through the age groups.  Personally, I hope we are asked to start on 2nd jabs because I feel those people were let down somewhat, having already had their originally planned 3-week recall appointments cancelled.  Having said that I can also see the argument for carrying on through the groups - providing we know the supply chain is secure.  Why don't I just sit on the fence!  It's all a bit of a mess Harry.  I will update you all when I know more but in the meanwhile have a great weekend everyone.  Jane. x

Jane, many thanks for the information. 


It's very much appreciated by all of us on the forum - who knew that a cruise forum could be such a great source of information on any subject under the sun, from vaccines to car maintenance?


You're all doing a great job, and I've heard nothing but praise for the efficiency and friendliness of the people running two hubs operating here.


I had mine last weekend, and I was concerned that my wife's (lined up for tomorrow) might be at risk.  I imagine she'll be OK as she had another confirmation text this morning from the one of the GP practices running that hub.


Oddly, I posted 10 days ago something I'd heard from a friend in the business, so to speak, about there being supply problems mid-month for a couple of weeks locally.  I'd assumed he was wrong, but maybe not, and maybe more than just locally.  As I understand, though, any hiatus should lead to better supplies afterwards, so just a temporary thing perhaps.



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1 minute ago, Selbourne said:

As Jean has said (twice), that’s not what happened with her, so it can be the case that the card is given before the jab, even if that’s not the correct procedure. 

This thread has been enlightening in that whilst everywhere is following the official groups 1 to 9 order, different areas (and even surgeries within areas) are adopting different approaches within those groups. With some it’s random, with others it’s working down in descending age within each age band and with others still it’s those with known issues within each age band. I think that the only thing to deduce from that is that there is no national guidance beyond the overall groups 1 to 9 and it seems to be down to CCG’s, or even individual GP surgeries, to determine whether or not they add any further prioritisation within each band. 

I'd agree with that, but it does seem strange that some of those that have received vaccine invitation letters today, which I assume are sent out nationally, as they all appear to be dated the same, are unable to obtain a date, whilst others can. 

It seems pointless to send out letters on a national basis, when local areas may not  be in a position to actually provide vaccinations.

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2 hours ago, Adawn47 said:

We were given our cards by the doctor after he had given us our jabs.  It had our name, drug name, batch number and date. I don't suppose it matters if the card gets lost, it will be on their records. It will take up more time though when going for their second jabs. Needless to say ours are kept nice and safe with our passports.


Maybe take a photo of the card too and keep it in your phone gallery.

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2 hours ago, wowzz said:

Got my letter this morning (65 - 70) age group. Straight on to the web site, and after putting in all the information was told I was ineligible.  Rang 119 - got through quite quickly. Was told that the system had not been updated, and when he tried to make an appointment for me, got the same refusal.

All very frustrating. Hopefully the surgery will ring through with an appointment in the next few days.

I would ring the surgery now you have the letter.

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32 minutes ago, Adawn47 said:

You are doing all you possibly under the circumstances Jane, you can't be expected to work miracles and can only play the cards you are dealt. The fact that are feeling bad only shows what a kind and compassionate person you are.



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3 minutes ago, grapau27 said:

Maybe take a photo of the card too and keep it in your phone gallery.

I have 2 different cloud accounts, Google and Microsoft. I keep stuff there,on my phone and computer memory and sometimes on a USB stick as well. Sometimes I still can't find it, like my La Corunna pictures🤔

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26 minutes ago, davecttr said:

It is the one near the golf course. Gravesend should be OK if you have the transport. Or maybe Boots in Chatham?

I think Boots at Bluewater are also doing the jabs. Would prefer that to Chatham, to be honest, as Chatham town centre isn't my favourite place.


My only reservation about the pharmacies is that I think that they might be hit first by vaccine supply problems, rather than the GP's and the big hubs.  

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All very confusing, perhaps, but what is clear is that:


1  There are several systems in place for delivering vaccinations, some run by NHS Trusts, some by individual GP practices, some by combined practices, some via chemist outlets, and doubtless countless others.


2  Although there are government guidelines on priority groups, how strictly these are followed will depend on the individuals making the final decisions locally.


3  There is no standard method of issuing and completing vaccination cards.  Some hubs issue a completed card at the entry desk, others have the final entries completed by the vaccinator, and there are doubtless other ways of doing it.


4  Some appointments for the second vaccination are made at the time of the first - some not.


No big deal, apart from the duplication, confusion and time wasted by overlapping (even competing) systems - at least the job's being done quickly, and the ones at the sharp (!) end with the needles are 100% effectively occupied.


Thanks to everyone involved - vaccinators, admin staff, and those poor marshalls outside in the pouring rain, snow and cold.   

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24 minutes ago, ace2542 said:

So he is either trying it on to get the second jab, or he has a bad reaction to the first one or the story has been made up.


Or it is true.  The person who told me has the highest standards of personal integrity, as do I.


So I find your comment to be extremely insulting.



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54 minutes ago, davecttr said:

Hi it is me again. I had a phone call at 10.30 this morning, can you make a 12.30 or 1.30 appointment? Yes I said, punching the air, I will be there at 12.30. Out by 12.45 all done and I did not even feel it. Just had lunch. Got my 2nd jab date for 5 May as well. I am 69 🥳


They were doing groups of 10 people at I think half hour intervals, 15 mins for the procedure etc and 15 minutes to sanitise the place for the next batch. We also had someone arrive to collect vaccine for another practice so they were doing multiple venues from the same hub. Multiple groups as well, a lady who was 70 and two young adults which I think would be in group 6 'people 16 to 64 with underlying health conditions'.

Great news for you Dave.

Just shows how quickly things can change and you certainly sounded a lot happier today.

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I went on the web site again, but rather than use my NH number, I entered my personal details. Got straight through, booked both dates, vaccination to  be done at the Lincolnshire Show Ground hub. First appointment is on Monday. Very chuffed.

I suggest all those of you having issues try the same tactic.


(I was so excited I previously posted in the "how are things where you are" thread !)

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28 minutes ago, Harry Peterson said:

Jane, many thanks for the information. 


It's very much appreciated by all of us on the forum - who knew that a cruise forum could be such a great source of information on any subject under the sun, from vaccines to car maintenance?


You're all doing a great job, and I've heard nothing but praise for the efficiency and friendliness of the people running two hubs operating here.


I had mine last weekend, and I was concerned that my wife's (lined up for tomorrow) might be at risk.  I imagine she'll be OK as she had another confirmation text this morning from the one of the GP practices running that hub.


Oddly, I posted 10 days ago something I'd heard from a friend in the business, so to speak, about there being supply problems mid-month for a couple of weeks locally.  I'd assumed he was wrong, but maybe not, and maybe more than just locally.  As I understand, though, any hiatus should lead to better supplies afterwards, so just a temporary thing perhaps.



Hi Harry.  Yes, it's amazing isn't it?  How dull things will be when we just go back to reviewing cruises (if only!!!). I hope your wife gets on ok tomorrow - as she's had two texts I'm sure she'll be fine but tell her to save the texts until she's booked in anyway. And Harry, thanks for your very kind words. Jane. x 

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2 hours ago, Josy1953 said:

There are also seems to be different ways of contacting people, OH was texted and told to call doctors to arrange his appointment but my sister has had a letter giving her a phone number to ring to book hers yet they both have to go to the same place tomorrow for their jabs.

We were contacted by our doctor via text, asking us to phone the surgery between 3pm and 5pm that day, to book a time for our jabs to be done on February 6th.


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6 hours ago, pete14 said:

Jane, thanks for that. I turn 65 on Feb 26 so will move up a group.

As I outlined on another thread, my ‘choice’ is complicated by being in the Vaccine trials which I want to continue being in. My current thinking is to delay my NHS jab until the extension of the trial is confirmed and most likely continue the trial which will ensure I have received / will receive the vaccine (with 3 weeks between the 2 jabs). I can’t do both.

Hi Pete.  I would do as your current thinking - especially as supplies are looking a little bit rocky at the moment. For me, having the 2 jabs within three weeks would seal the deal.  A big thanks to you and everyone who has, and continues, to take part in the trials.  Without you all we'd be so much further back than we are now.  Best wishes. Jane.x

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1 hour ago, davecttr said:

Hi it is me again. I had a phone call at 10.30 this morning, can you make a 12.30 or 1.30 appointment? Yes I said, punching the air, I will be there at 12.30. Out by 12.45 all done and I did not even feel it. Just had lunch. Got my 2nd jab date for 5 May as well. I am 69 🥳


They were doing groups of 10 people at I think half hour intervals, 15 mins for the procedure etc and 15 minutes to sanitise the place for the next batch. We also had someone arrive to collect vaccine for another practice so they were doing multiple venues from the same hub. Multiple groups as well, a lady who was 70 and two young adults which I think would be in group 6 'people 16 to 64 with underlying health conditions'.

Yay!  Good man Dave. You're on the way now.  Jane.x

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1 hour ago, davecttr said:

Hi it is me again. I had a phone call at 10.30 this morning, can you make a 12.30 or 1.30 appointment? Yes I said, punching the air, I will be there at 12.30. Out by 12.45 all done and I did not even feel it. Just had lunch. Got my 2nd jab date for 5 May as well. I am 69 🥳


They were doing groups of 10 people at I think half hour intervals, 15 mins for the procedure etc and 15 minutes to sanitise the place for the next batch. We also had someone arrive to collect vaccine for another practice so they were doing multiple venues from the same hub. Multiple groups as well, a lady who was 70 and two young adults which I think would be in group 6 'people 16 to 64 with underlying health conditions'.

So glad you've got your jab done Dave. Did you do the obligatory happy dance when you came out? It's a bit like the one the starlings are doing in your attic, minus clogs of course, (not safe in the icy conditions) It cheered me up  no end when I had mine done,  it was a real well........shot in the arm actually😁


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1 hour ago, davecttr said:

Hi it is me again. I had a phone call at 10.30 this morning, can you make a 12.30 or 1.30 appointment? Yes I said, punching the air, I will be there at 12.30. Out by 12.45 all done and I did not even feel it. Just had lunch. Got my 2nd jab date for 5 May as well. I am 69 🥳


They were doing groups of 10 people at I think half hour intervals, 15 mins for the procedure etc and 15 minutes to sanitise the place for the next batch. We also had someone arrive to collect vaccine for another practice so they were doing multiple venues from the same hub. Multiple groups as well, a lady who was 70 and two young adults which I think would be in group 6 'people 16 to 64 with underlying health conditions'.

I think the 2 young ones may have been care workers that have been added to our group causing the glitch.

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1 hour ago, wowzz said:

No, because there is nothing 119 can do. "Computer says No" and that's that. The chap on the phone just said to keep trying online. 

Realistically it would be impractical to expect the 119 service to contact everyone who is having a problem  - given that from a small sample on here, quite of few of us have issues, the number in the general population must be in the thousands.

You're right Wowzz,the 119 guy just logs on to the same system as us.He's mainly there to assist people that are not as computer literate.

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