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New Covid-19 Cruise Ship Rules

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2 hours ago, Pandamonia said:


This means nothing. Do you believe stuff you read? 


If 2020 teaches us anything we should always question everything we see and hear. 


Does that video of quantum look fun? Even in their sterile controlled video it looks horribly intrusive and thats without the rest of the guests .


Think wearing a mask is OK? Try that in 32c in barcelona port when the humidity is ramped up. 


Who would seriously choose to spend £4000 on a cruise when you can fly to Mexico or Dubai or another place where restrictions are none existent. With or without a vaccine if you are under 50 and healthy you have very little to be concerned about when at these place anyway.

Well I’ve already posted on this and ran this report.  


In another local forum most have commented it’s been a great time.


As for that video I believe it’s supposed to be sterile.  Due to all the regulations in Singapore its best to show how things are.  Last week several restaurants were shut down and over 100 people fines for not following social distancing rules.  


Also Singapore is humid and around 30 all year long.  We’ve been very fortunate that it’s under control here and now almost every case is imported.  

Oh and have fun in Dubai (sarcasm).  Now at over 4000 cases a day.





Edited by Sail n Snow
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4 hours ago, little britain said:



When the cruise industry restarts in the United States, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) appears to be requiring all passengers to wear masks, via a new order that goes into effect at 11:59 p.m. ET on Feb. 1.

The order was issued late Friday and will require face masks to be worn by all passengers on public conveyances traveling into or within the United States,



And that mask order from CDC will be in place forever and a day at least on cruise lines mark my words so they can drive the industry out of business.

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3 hours ago, Pandamonia said:

Who would seriously choose to spend £4000 on a cruise when you can fly to Mexico or Dubai or another place where restrictions are none existent.

You speak of pounds so you sound English to me. Imagine wearing that mask on a 7 or 10 hour flight from Manchester? Airlines like cruise lines will insist on masks even when governments don't.

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We are quite sad that the cruise protocol requiring masks (forever?) look to be in place for some time.  We have cruises booked for Oct 21 and Jan 22, however, we will cancel if the mask mandate is in place....Will we ever be able to cruise again in "normal" conditions....by the way we have been vaccinated.

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2 hours ago, billf0401 said:

We are quite sad that the cruise protocol requiring masks (forever?) look to be in place for some time.  We have cruises booked for Oct 21 and Jan 22, however, we will cancel if the mask mandate is in place....Will we ever be able to cruise again in "normal" conditions....by the way we have been vaccinated

Let’s see now.... masks or death?  Masks or long hauler syndrome?  Hmmm.....

if I want to cruise I will mask abs I will put myself in the safest situation available.

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16 minutes ago, Ellaleah said:

Let’s see now.... masks or death?  Masks or long hauler syndrome?  Hmmm.....

if I want to cruise I will mask abs I will put myself in the safest situation available.

I'm not sure I would buy into your premise.  Some idiot recently recommended double masks, and last night I actually saw a guy sitting at the bar in a restaurant (not crowded) wearing a double mask and lifting it every time he wanted to take a sip of his beer.  If he's that concerned, he might as well have stayed at home.  I feel the same about cruising.   

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1 hour ago, Ellaleah said:

Let’s see now.... masks or death?  Masks or long hauler syndrome?  Hmmm.....

if I want to cruise I will mask abs I will put myself in the safest situation available.

If you want to cruise wearing a mask go for it...It would not be conducive to an Enjoyable Holiday for us....

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1 hour ago, Auntiemomo said:

I'm not sure I would buy into your premise.  Some idiot recently recommended double masks, and last night I actually saw a guy sitting at the bar in a restaurant (not crowded) wearing a double mask and lifting it every time he wanted to take a sip of his beer.  If he's that concerned, he might as well have stayed at home.  I feel the same about cruising.   


one of those idiots was Fauci, who over the last year has taken just about every side of each issue.

This is what's throwing people into a frenzy. The NIH, CDC and WHO, IMHO, have not done a good job of managing emotions on this.


Here is a quick summary of what I have learned with somewhat extensive study of this; and before there are any quick emotional responses, I would advise people to do their own due diligence based on research. 



1) if you are healthy, even if older, and your immune system is reasonably good, getting covid as a statistic probably will not result in a terribly adverse outcome. Vitamin D deficiency is a major problem. Or conversely, Taking Vitamin D greatly reduces your risk (it does not eliminate risk) . 4 years ago my Doctor, at my annual physical, told me I had become Vitamin D deficient and I have been taking Vit d for 4 years, and last year increased that. For what ever the reason, as we age, we need to supplement that--you tube has plenty on this, and if not true you tube would have censored it a long time ago:




2) around just under 50% of those dying lived in nursing homes, the situation where elderly people have very short life expectancy and thus weak systems including their immune systems. A good portion of the younger people dying, attributed to covid, were found to have health problems they did not know about, in  other words, they were compromised and did not know it (unless they were obese, had diabetes, etc and were fooling themselves)


(which as I write this, I think of how I eat and drink onboard the ship and think a 90 minute daily trip to the fitness center and all the walking on excursions makes it all okay)


3) I personally know 4 couples over 70 who tested positive for covid and were sent home by their doctors just to wait it out and they did and everything was fine. I also personally knew a couple over 70 who passed away, he was severely health compromised where the last 5 years he just could not do anything and she had multiple co morbitities. I also know a 47 year old guy who tested positive and took Ivermectin, (see below) and was fully recuperated in a week. His brother and father also tested positive and took Ivermectin and recuperated.


4) The CDC, which does not necessarily shoot from the hip, but remember its part of the bureaucracy, has an ongoing data update and it says only 6% of the folks dying in the headline number only had covid (meaning no other co morbidities)

scroll down to the co morbidity section where the CDC highlights this



5) the positive testing of covid, which is the cases we were all alarmed over, just had its reporting threshold revised on Jan 21. It seems that the threshold was too low, eg, on a basis where the higher the healthier, the US and UK have been using 40-42 has a threshold. Turns out that number should have been 30-32. and are now adjusted to that. Remember "Flattening the curve" to keep the hospitals from being inundated? Their scoring threshold created the problems.  Its like a computer virus software company creating a problem then has the fix.


so, we will now see fewer cases


in the link above the CDC also shows hospitalizations which are in big time decline.


Do not be surprised if in the next 2-3 months , between cases and hospitalizations being in decline, if the problem just goes away. Unless the mutations/variants appear. So IMO we need to see in 60-90 days whats happening. Thats ok, since ships are not sailing for this time period (and my cruises are not for 9 months)


5) prescription drugs like Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) and Ivermectin, which were widely dissed, are now being approved, with Ivermectin being the safest, even comparing to the  vaccines, and more effective than the vaccines. Do your own due diligence.

scroll down to the ivermectin part:



I remind all of us that the vaccines are being used under the Emergency Use Authorization, which means they are not tested enough--even Pfizer said its needs 2 more years of testing before the effectiveness of the vaccine is better known. So, in theory, anybody taking the vaccine becomes part of the test group.


Now, Sure, I am very cautious  over all this, but I am my best health advocate. I spend a lot of time researching my cruises, but I have spent more time looking into this. If you just listen to headline news, on anything, you have no idea whats really going on


As of now the Pharma companies cannot guarantee that taking the vaccine will prevent one from being a transmitter or from getting covid.


As I say, you are your own best advocate and to be a better informed consumer you need to do your own Due Diligence. Not rely on me or anybody else. But you owe it to yourself, and family,  to ask questions.


BTW: I have plenty of acquaintances who are in the medical field. We have a hung jury among my buds. We have good spirited debate where we teach and learn at the same time-we just do not dismiss, or diss, any ideas easily.


I take precautions when I go out, and if the rules are for masks, I will not fly or go on a cruise, even if vaccinated. I wear a mask for the 20 minutes to go grocery shopping but that's it. I do have concerns about covid, but I want to know more about it.



Edited by HMR74
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14 minutes ago, smokeybandit said:

One of Biden's covid advisors, Michael Osterholm, said the other day that 2 masks is actually more harmful because it'd force more particles out the side of masks.

He was on this morning and did not say that.  He indicated that 2 masks may protect you better.

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or wear an n-95 mask or better.


One of my issues is they try to solve a problem by the "rube goldberg" approach. in this case 2 masks rather than the right mask.


The fact is most of the masks are like a screen door on a submarine (notice the cruise analogy/pun). Either the material is ineffective, or it worn too long or does not fit properly to seal off.


Think of gaskets on a car engine. either it works or not. And if not, the engine blows. Actually, and sadly, the same principal applied to the space shuttle explosion, where the "O" ring gasket did not work when they launched on a freezing day in Florida where the gasket contracted and leaked fuel.


and a gasket fails like a old house fuse failed, something else was wrong that has to be fixed.


If your mask is too comfortable, its not doing the job And the reason why that's harmful is not so much that it might leak out of the side but the bad non fresh  air starts getting to your internals, like your lungs and that affects your respiratory system. which is the leading co morbidity with covid for deaths


Gee, could some of the deaths be caused by masks?  Anxiety attacks or more risk than not having a mask. Why is that not being discussed?


Things in life are a series of trade offs. Risk reward trade offs.


Ask the hedge funds that went massively short Gamestop.





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52 minutes ago, billf0401 said:

If 2 are better why not 3 or maybe 4..?

I have a HS friend who son is an oncologist.


I heard the description of his protective apparel -its like he is wearing a space suit. It has a built in oxygen supply, and its so complex he avoids a meal as it takes too long to take the apparel off and put it back on and trys to avoid the other breaks too. But he is in a special situation.


if you follow the financial markets, this is going to be a rather interesting week. A lot of US hedge funds and brokers may find themselves in trouble due to the massive leverage which means they made big bets and lost.



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8 hours ago, Sail n Snow said:

Well I’ve already posted on this and ran this report.  


In another local forum most have commented it’s been a great time.


As for that video I believe it’s supposed to be sterile.  Due to all the regulations in Singapore its best to show how things are.  Last week several restaurants were shut down and over 100 people fines for not following social distancing rules.  


Also Singapore is humid and around 30 all year long.  We’ve been very fortunate that it’s under control here and now almost every case is imported.  

Oh and have fun in Dubai (sarcasm).  Now at over 4000 cases a day.





Id have far more fun in Mexico without masks than any Cruise with all this horrid rules and mandates.


I have no fear of the virus in any way at all. nobody healthy thats below 45 is at risk at all. We had it once and it wasnt even as bad as Flu. I didnt even know i had been exposed until the gf started coughing and lost the taste and smell senses. 


So these rules to me have no benefit and are just a hindrance. Ill get the vaccine just so i can say ive had it so no further rules are imposed on me for not having it. 


I enjoy a cruise but its not the holiday of a lifetime. Its certainly not that good that id endure this. I can put up with a flight with a mask but no way am i going to walk around in one. Not when i can just hire a villa and spend all day by the pool and BBQ in spain or italy or the south of france for half the money of a Royal cruise.

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7 minutes ago, Pandamonia said:

Id have far more fun in Mexico without masks than any Cruise with all this horrid rules and mandates.


I have no fear of the virus in any way at all. nobody healthy thats below 45 is at risk at all. We had it once and it wasnt even as bad as Flu. I didnt even know i had been exposed until the gf started coughing and lost the taste and smell senses. 


So these rules to me have no benefit and are just a hindrance. Ill get the vaccine just so i can say ive had it so no further rules are imposed on me for not having it. 


I enjoy a cruise but its not the holiday of a lifetime. Its certainly not that good that id endure this. I can put up with a flight with a mask but no way am i going to walk around in one. Not when i can just hire a villa and spend all day by the pool and BBQ in spain or italy or the south of france for half the money of a Royal cruise.

Royal and the other lines are no doubt very aware that many of their customers will not cruise if masks are required....We want to go but not happening with this as part of the protocol

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12 minutes ago, Pandamonia said:

Id have far more fun in Mexico without masks than any Cruise with all this horrid rules and mandates.

Not all states are the same, but most states in Mexico now require masks in all public areas.  Also temp checks in hotels and most businesses.  

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43 minutes ago, Pandamonia said:

Id have far more fun in Mexico without masks than any Cruise with all this horrid rules and mandates.


I have no fear of the virus in any way at all. nobody healthy thats below 45 is at risk at all. We had it once and it wasnt even as bad as Flu. I didnt even know i had been exposed until the gf started coughing and lost the taste and smell senses. 


So these rules to me have no benefit and are just a hindrance. Ill get the vaccine just so i can say ive had it so no further rules are imposed on me for not having it. 


I enjoy a cruise but its not the holiday of a lifetime. Its certainly not that good that id endure this. I can put up with a flight with a mask but no way am i going to walk around in one. Not when i can just hire a villa and spend all day by the pool and BBQ in spain or italy or the south of france for half the money of a Royal cruise.

a couple of thoughts:


I do not want to be in a county that might be a little "light" on hospital care if I need it. Which is why I buy a larger travel policy for medical care with private plan if approved to get me and family back home.   Strangely, Medicare in the US does not cover out of the country needs. The insurance costs for this and regular cruise risks is now over 10% of the cost of the cruise.


Now, please take these news captions with a good sense of humor-these are not from "The Onion" :







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31 minutes ago, HMR74 said:

a couple of thoughts:


I do not want to be in a county that might be a little "light" on hospital care if I need it. Which is why I buy a larger travel policy for medical care with private plan if approved to get me and family back home.   Strangely, Medicare in the US does not cover out of the country needs. The insurance costs for this and regular cruise risks is now over 10% of the cost of the cruise.


Now, please take these news captions with a good sense of humor-these are not from "The Onion" :







Lol, the world has gone mad. 


I have standard travel insurance which covers private medical as long as there is not a do not travel mandate. This seasonal virus will subside in the summer just like it did last spring and then some common sense will come back to traveling for most of the industry. Sadly the cruise industry will still be acting like the bubonic plague is running around on board. In the end their own rules will end up being their downfall. 


Sadly even with these rules there will be outbreaks and the cruise will be ruined. So they are kind of pointless. Because none of those things work. Even those 15 min lateral flow tests can throw false positives and ruin your holiday before you even get on. Cruise lines should just sail without rules and vaccines only there is no other way. The issue is that the staff really have no way of being vaccinated given they dont belong to any nations while at sea let alone one of the leading nations in the vaccine race

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On 1/29/2021 at 7:19 AM, Ocean Boy said:

I have to say that I really didn't understand where the comment that you are referring to came from. I think people involved with medicine have more integrity than to falsify records and risks our careers and reputations.

There are many people who will do what ever it takes to get on a cruise and some of those will come up with fake papers. Look at all of the so called service animals aka Fluffy who really are just a pets. I’m sure that most of the medical professionals would never jeopardize their careers, but there are others who would and this goes for any industry. There are many bad apples everywhere. There are many who think they won’t get caught so they will try it. 

The reason I referred to people in the medical field is because I was shocked (don’t really know why) that Jean being a nurse and working in pediatrics would be taking vacations that required flying to another country. I don’t care how many masks she wears, how many times she washes her hands or how good she feels it doesn’t mean that she isn’t a carrier. Why would someone in the medical field who is supposed to help people especially during a pandemic take such chances? 

Yes, I call that being selfish. She could at least take some vacations where she doesn’t have to fly so would hopefully have less of a chance to catch it. Obviously to me she isn’t that concerned. This won’t be her first time to leave the country in I think less than 3 or 4 months. I would have hoped for better from someone in the medical field with direct contact with patients, but I guess I’m wrong. So sad.



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1 hour ago, Pandamonia said:

Lol, the world has gone mad. 


I have standard travel insurance which covers private medical as long as there is not a do not travel mandate. This seasonal virus will subside in the summer just like it did last spring and then some common sense will come back to traveling for most of the industry. Sadly the cruise industry will still be acting like the bubonic plague is running around on board. In the end their own rules will end up being their downfall. 


Sadly even with these rules there will be outbreaks and the cruise will be ruined. So they are kind of pointless. Because none of those things work. Even those 15 min lateral flow tests can throw false positives and ruin your holiday before you even get on. Cruise lines should just sail without rules and vaccines only there is no other way. The issue is that the staff really have no way of being vaccinated given they dont belong to any nations while at sea let alone one of the leading nations in the vaccine race

I am not too sure they know the effectiveness of the vaccines. More are failing now, astrazenica and Merck, and the J&J is safer but has low effectiveness. I have some serious doubts of the Pfizer and Moderna effectiveness and no idea about long term side effects.


My belief is to follow the Vit d, zinc Vit c ideas . In fact, once the sailing starts, the ships should  have Vit d in each cabin, a new pack for the duration of the cruise.

and lots of HCQ and Ivermectin. To me , the stuff is like CIPRO which I take on each trip now after a disaster 30 years ago which last  2 days until I took CIPRO.

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the cruise industry cannot just sail. The CDC has locked them down.


The entire hospitality industry should have fought the CDC a year ago-as a group hired their own experts to push the CDC which lives in its own world.


Look how its changed our lifestyles and that's aside from  our cruises.


There are a lot of people who think the vaccine is going to be a miracle. My family and friends for example. They are all rushing to get it without a thought of the due diligence and they do not even think once about my perspective.


Do they know that the flu shots, according to the CDC are only 40% effective? and that 40% would be even lower (one Dr said 17%) if they counted people like myself where I am sick with the flu for a day or two and that's not reported.


who wants a shot with who knows what put into you that might not be effective and remember the testing was not nearly sufficient







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15 minutes ago, luckyinpa said:

whos gonna be on elevator duty with a gun to enforce 4 per car?

i'll tie a rope from the top level to my cabin balcony and rappel down. Going up will save me a trip to the fitness center.


So seriously, if we have to wear a mask in fitness center, can I bring a bottle of water and drink while I exercise so I do not have to wear a mask.






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