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The Daily for Tuesday Feb 9, 2021


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5 minutes ago, rafinmd said:

I did not get a rapid test.  It really didn't look like Covid to my Doctor so I'll be quite surprised if the test comes back positive, but in that case plasma or Rendesivir might be of some help.  He did take blood samples and an EKG.  The EKG  was uneventful but he did hear a murmur that he thought had been there that had gotten a bit stronger so he's ordered an EchoCardiogram, (tomorrow) and a chest X-ray (walk in).  I have a rescue inhaler that I've never needed but he did read me the riot act to use it if my walking gets bogged down.  I think it helped marginally today.  The Covid results should be ready Friday.




Good luck with the tests, Roy and please listen to your doctor and use the inhaler if you need it.

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3 hours ago, rafinmd said:

It's been an interesting couple of days.  I've been running out of gas on my walks and originally attributed it to side effects of my first jab but it hasn't gone away and I saw the Doctor yesterday.  After Seasick Sailor's story I also suggested a Covid Test (10AM today) and it didn't seem likely to him but he did agree to it, and also a couple of other tests over the next couple of days.  I also just heard that they have scheduled Roger for another surgery.



Roy, praying for you!  And also for your brother!

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Good Morning.


Weather forecast keeps changing.  Looks more likely we will end up with snow this week.  Thankfully it will not be as cold as other parts of Canada and the USA.


Did someone say PIZZA!  Always a favourite.  Here is a pizza we had in Buenos Aires in 2017.


No photo description available.



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Good morning and thanks all!  I will join those celebrating pizza day!  We’re still shivering!  Minus 39 windchills,  one city was minus 42 with windchill of minus 54!  We’re colder than the North Pole or Antarctica!  

Hope everyone’s tests go well!  Stay safe and warm!  

pizza from Naples!  


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Good morning everyone!  Thank you for the Daily Rich and thank you for your prayer list Roy. I think I’ll pass on all the days and meal suggestions today, tonight we are having teriyaki salmon with rice and asparagus.  I never have liked spooky stuff, probably because my brother teased me unmercifully as a child about flying saucers.  

Great news!!  My mother is being released from the hospital today!  I still won’t be able to see her but at least she’ll have her hearing aides and her transcription phone so it’ll be easier to talk. 

A year ago today I left Coronado. It was a rainy gray day:




I had some time to kill before my flight so I walked around the wharf area and took this picture where the cruise ships dock:




I wish a HAL ship was docked because I would have tried to stowaway. 

Have a great day everyone!


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17 minutes ago, Sharon in AZ said:
Great news!!  My mother is being released from the hospital today!  I still won’t be able to see her but at least she’ll have her hearing aides and her transcription phone so it’ll be easier to talk. 



This is great news, Sharon! What a relief for all of you.

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5 hours ago, rafinmd said:

It's been an interesting couple of days.  I've been running out of gas on my walks and originally attributed it to side effects of my first jab but it hasn't gone away and I saw the Doctor yesterday.  After Seasick Sailor's story I also suggested a Covid Test (10AM today) and it didn't seem likely to him but he did agree to it, and also a couple of other tests over the next couple of days.  I also just heard that they have scheduled Roger for another surgery.



Roy, So glad you saw the Doctor.  We know our bodies better than anyone else, so can tell when something isn't "quite right".  A COVID test was a good idea.  So many people I know have tested Positive even though they had gotten their first shot.  Prayers are with you.

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@Sharon in AZthat is great news on your mother - so happy to hear it 😀 ♥️ 


Must be good news on mothers’ day.  My BIL’s mother sat up for the first time (with help) in a month.  Today a physio is helping her to move her legs.  She’s had a tough battle with covid and I hope this means she is turning the corner 🤞 Who would think you would get excited seeing a video of a woman lifting her leg?

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Still morning here and warming up a bit.  Forecast is freezing rain starting late Thursday so that will be interesting.  Could be snow???

Prayers for you and your brother, Roy.  Glad your mom is headed home, Sharon.  Prayers to everyone in the care list.  

Great news about all of you who are getting your shots.  Appointments seem to be getting harder to get here so we are relieved to have our first one and second one booked.  But the good new is that 3 dear friends who are over 80 have their appointments on Thursday.  Vaccinations for over 80 just started yesterday here in Oregon.  

Take care everyone.  Thank you, Rich and Roy for all the reports.  This is such a cheerful place to come everyday.

Wear those masks!!


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2 hours ago, Cruising-along said:

Good morning all!

It took me a few minutes, but I found the photo of the memorable pizza we had with @richwmn in NYC while on a cruise.  A little bit of Rich's shirt shows 😉 We all agreed it was some of the best ever. (and the cruise wasn't bad either!!!) 


nyc pizza.jpg

I want that piece with the red onion.  MMM good!

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1 hour ago, kazu said:

@Sharon in AZthat is great news on your mother - so happy to hear it 😀 ♥️ 


Must be good news on mothers’ day.  My BIL’s mother sat up for the first time (with help) in a month.  Today a physio is helping her to move her legs.  She’s had a tough battle with covid and I hope this means she is turning the corner 🤞 Who would think you would get excited seeing a video of a woman lifting her leg?

@kazu  That is really good news.  I know your BIL is relieved along with the rest of the family.




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1 minute ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

@kazu  That is really good news.  I know your BIL is relieved along with the rest of the family.





We are very hopeful now, Lenda.  Thank you.

We have been doing a lot of praying and hoping for over a month and this is very encouraging.  My prayers won’t let up though as she is so weak still.

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Happy to see there is some good news flying around, those who have their vaccinations either started or finished, and those ill recovering.  What a world we are living in!


I had an email sale flyer this morning from our version of Total Wine ("Everything Wine" - I wonder how they figured that name out...), so we raced out to our nearest store  and bought a couple of cases of C$5.99 wines, with an additional 5% off for the case.  (It might once upon a time have been called "Two-buck-chuck.")  We now have a  good supply and will not need to restock for some time.  

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1 hour ago, kazu said:


Must be good news on mothers’ day.  My BIL’s mother sat up for the first time (with help) in a month.  Today a physio is helping her to move her legs.  She’s had a tough battle with covid and I hope this means she is turning the corner 🤞 Who would think you would get excited seeing a video of a woman lifting her leg?

How wonderful.Jacqui! It is a good news day!

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1 hour ago, kazu said:


We are very hopeful now, Lenda.  Thank you.

We have been doing a lot of praying and hoping for over a month and this is very encouraging.  My prayers won’t let up though as she is so weak still.

Good news!   May things continue to improve! 

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Good afternoon, all! I’m late to the party, again. Gingerbread making was put off to today. The dough is now setting in the fridge. This evening is cutting the pagoda pieces from the template that’s still being fine tuned, and baking. They set overnight, and tomorrow the pagoda is assembled. I’m not sure about the days being celebrated, but the quote is truth and both menu suggestions look good!

The cold outflow from the mountains has started. It’s currently -5 with a strong windchill. The bird bath has hot water so they and Rizu have something to drink. It freezes over and has to be refreshed every hour. Luckily it’s close to the door! Rizu came out of hiding for her treat this morning, picked it up and scooted right back to her house. No time wasted!

A year ago today, the Amsterdam brought us to Puerto Montt, Chile. Suddenly we had left the cold for temperate weather. During our tour, I was struck by how much it was like the Pacific Northwest/ Canadian Gulf Islands. So much wild vegetation was familiar from walks at home! At one point, we came across the prelude to a marathon. I really wanted to by a T-shirt for my nephew, an Ironman competitor. Unfortunately, only registered participants can be given a shirt, you can’t buy one. The organizers were kind, sympathetic, and innovative. So, if you ever check the records of the Feb. 2020 Llanquihue Marathon, you will find me officially registered in the women’s 60 - 70 year class. And my nephew has the shirt! Lunch was in a tiny restaurant run by a chef who has turned the patio of his home into a  boutique restaurant. It was a fun day!



Does anyone else miss the When & Where?



Not just the passengers enjoyed reaching the milder climate!



A local school group performing at the terminal.



The view from the lookout above town out towards the water.



And looking towards the Andes from the same spot.



And looking down from the railing at vegetation that looks like home.



Farm scenes that could easily be from the Fraser Valley - just not in February.



A large public park along the lake. Llanquihue, in Chile, is pronounced ‘Yankee Way’ and was settled by Germans. Why do I find that hilarious?



Registration booth for the Llanquihue Marathon. Although I registered, I did not run, so my time is incomplete.



And the coveted orange runner’s pack with T-shirt and energy bars.




On to the lakeside tourist town of Frutillar. It reminded me so much of home on the Gulf Islands in August, when tourist season is in full swing!



Except the image of the lord in a prom dress is an unfamiliar touch.



As is the fascinating 3D yarn art on the boardwalk.



Our lunch stop, at a regular suburban house with a restaurant in the back yard.



You had a choice of beef or fish. Beyond that, it was the chef’s call. The salmon with roast potatoes was superb!



And of course, Pisco, the national liquor. Normally it is served in the form of Pisco Sours. Tasting it straight up it reminds me of Drambuie. 


We sailed away to another beautiful sunset,



And another glorious moonrise.


And of course, Happy Tuesday courtesy of our beloved blue hulled beauties!


Edited by Horizon chaser 1957
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3 hours ago, bennybear said:

Good morning and thanks all!  I will join those celebrating pizza day!  We’re still shivering!  Minus 39 windchills,  one city was minus 42 with windchill of minus 54!  We’re colder than the North Pole or Antarctica!  

Hope everyone’s tests go well!  Stay safe and warm!  

pizza from Naples!  



That pizza looks so, so good!  Wouldn't you love to have some of that for dinner tonight?


I remembered some pizza we ordered in Amalfi at a cute little cafe when on the Grand Med and Africa cruise on Prinsendam in spring of 2018.   Mine had artichokes on it and I can't remember what DH had on his.  They told us they were smaller and we each ordered our own.  Needless to say it was way more than the two of us could eat!  enhance

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February 9, 2019 was MS Prinsendam's final visit to Grytviken, South Georgia.  It was actually finally confirmed a few days ahead of time as ships longer than 500 feet are not permitted.  I believe most arriving ships land by Zodiacs, so we were likely one of only a few parties arriving by tender from the harbor.




The wildlife was mostly between our tender landing and the cemetery.  We had to travel very carefully to avoid disturbing the wildlife, with a string of crew members stationed along the way to assure we maintained our distance.  There were a lot of King Penguins, many of whom were molting:




There were also seals, both fur and elephant.




There were a number of interesting graves in the cemetery, along with a prominent marker for Frank Wild, Shackleton's right hand man:





The church, while seldom used, was in excellent condition:



The tender dock was actually pretty civilized.  There was a station where the crew washed our shoes before we returned to the ship.  I ended up using 100 of my 120 minutes on the Island:



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8 minutes ago, Sharon in AZ said:

Good morning everyone!  Thank you for the Daily Rich and thank you for your prayer list Roy. I think I’ll pass on all the days and meal suggestions today, tonight we are having teriyaki salmon with rice and asparagus.  I never have liked spooky stuff, probably because my brother teased me unmercifully as a child about flying saucers.  

Great news!!  My mother is being released from the hospital today!  I still won’t be able to see her but at least she’ll have her hearing aides and her transcription phone so it’ll be easier to talk. 

A year ago today I left Coronado. It was a rainy gray day:




I had some time to kill before my flight so I walked around the wharf area and took this picture where the cruise ships dock:




I wish a HAL ship was docked because I would have tried to stowaway. 

Have a great day everyone!


Your picture reminded me of our disembarkation once at San Diego in the rain. After Hawaii & Tahiti, the rain was a bummer. And then two cab drivers got into an argument over which one of them was supposed to take us. We were standing there getting wetter and wetter.

St Louis Sal

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5 hours ago, rafinmd said:

I did not get a rapid test.  It really didn't look like Covid to my Doctor so I'll be quite surprised if the test comes back positive, but in that case plasma or Rendesivir might be of some help.  He did take blood samples and an EKG.  The EKG  was uneventful but he did hear a murmur that he thought had been there that had gotten a bit stronger so he's ordered an EchoCardiogram, (tomorrow) and a chest X-ray (walk in).  I have a rescue inhaler that I've never needed but he did read me the riot act to use it if my walking gets bogged down.  I think it helped marginally today.  The Covid results should be ready Friday.



I got the chest x-ray this afternoon, so the  only thing I have left to do is the echocardiogram tomorrow and then wait for all the results.


Roger did well in his second surgery.  He called this afternoon and was not happy but indicated today's surgery was on a different part of his spine which has given him trouble for years.  I get somewhat different versions from him, his daughter and his significant other who does not get along with his daughter.  Definitely not an ideal situation.



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