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Cruise ship will be fully vaccinated..?

Porcupine 52

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23 minutes ago, CharTrav said:

But let’s not ignore the unfortunate fact that for some “recovery” is not really recovery at all. Some of the long term effects are horrendous and permanent. Better to have never gotten it. What I’m learning about the long term effects on youngsters who got it and “recovered” makes me weep. My 99 yr old FIL got it and “recovered” but his lungs were left permanently damaged. Prior to contracting COVID I was sure he’d hit 100 next year. Now I’m not so sure. 

True.  Every one of us will go from something.  I remember the pitiful kids in my school that got polio.  Could just as easily been me.  No one shut the world down for that or any other time in the history of mankind.   It's always something and is always tragic if it is one of your family.  Just as a car wreck death is.  30,000+ per year in the US dead in cars but the industry still sells 15+ million cars/trucks a year.  Not trying to be insulting in any way but for those who want to pay top dollar to cruise in masks and go on bubble excursions, great, enjoy.  My tiny opinion is that to fear and hide in the name of "safety" and give up things you have always loved doing is no way to live.  I certainly don't condemn those who value perceived safety over all other things but don't force it on me.  We all need to get out of this new habit of telling everyone else how to live.

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8 minutes ago, Jim Avery said:

Hi OP.

Yall are still in San Francisco.  You must be getting lonely as our neck of the woods is being covered up with folks moving from California.  Haha, just kidding.  Know you love SF.  Can you believe it has been so long since the Fall of '19?  Hope to sail with you guys again soon.

J & L

Hi Jim! Can't wait to cruise with you and L again ... in the meantime, you have an open invite to stay with us in SF (reverse migration). While the ban on indoor gyms (like restaurants) has just been lifted somewhat (10% capacity), we've been using an outdoor swim/tennis club that's right downtown. One of us takes water aerobics classes there weekly (masked-up, of course). Wish you were here!



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On 3/6/2021 at 11:08 AM, Jim Avery said:

For us it all depends on the rules put in place.  Quality of life is a main reason to go cruising.  Restrict that (at great expense) and it becomes a poor choice.

Quality of life on a cruise for me is having coffee, bacon and croissants delivered to my balcony in the morning.  Eating excellent food I neither shopped for nor prepared nor cleaned up after.  Having my bed made and my bathroom clean whilst sitting on my balcony. Masked up does not bother any of these.  I’m ready for August British Isles Explorer...but don’t believe it will sail this year.

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On 3/6/2021 at 7:54 PM, Jim Avery said:

Every one of us will go from something.

Ah...but check out especially 1:07 here....great scene (if you're any sort of trekkie that is)  Pretty much got my username from this movie... at :44



Edited by OnTheJourney
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7 minutes ago, OnTheJourney said:

Hmmmm.....you do make a persuasive case for continuing to cruise with those things you mention! I do believe it beats sitting at home cooking every day. 

Haha, just about anything beats that! 😱  Not picking on your cooking of course.😎

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2 hours ago, Jim Avery said:

Haha, just about anything beats that! 😱  Not picking on your cooking of course.😎

Thats the problem...I am a good cook = I cook a lot, even on domestic vacations...I need a cruise🤦‍♀️

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We are hoping that planes, trains, and ships all require vaccinations for employees as a condition of employment and for passengers as a condition of traveling. Imagine the disruption on board and trying to port if a single case of Covid pops up after sailing.  


A negative test only shows that you didn't have the virus when you were tested.


The anti-vaxers can stay home and hide with their mask on.

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I agree Pirate.  Or do I say Arrrgggghhhh/!   Especially about tests.  Now I hear Viking has set aside a number of cabins for quarantine should a case or two show up.  If everyone onboard is vaccinated what's the panic if someone shows positive.  Even if they get ill the likelihood of very bad outcome is incredibly low.  And guess what?  After over a year of covid you have most probably been exposed at one time or another.  Like the vast majority you got little to nothing.  I am sorry for those who have lost loved ones but statistically they are very few.  And lest one thinks I am spouting off from a privileged Ivory Tower no problems life, I lost my Father to a car wreck yet I continually jump in the car all the time.  I lost my Son to a boating accident on a large yacht but still gladly go to sea every chance I get.  Every life has some tragedy.  It is the nature of living on this rock for millions and millions of those who have gone before.  How many days of life do you have?  No one knows.  Wasting them is a terrible thing.  As Ben Franklin said "do not squander time, for that is the stuff life is made of".  The last year has involved quite a bit of squandering time at the behest of bureaucrats and politicians.  And here's a parting thought to make your day...  In the entirety of the epidemic, not a single politician (of either party), nor a single bureaucrat, whether at the national, state, or local level, has lost a single paycheck.  All while bluntly destroying the livelihood of millions.  Happy Cruising.  It's about time..🍸

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1 hour ago, Jim Avery said:

I agree Pirate.  Or do I say Arrrgggghhhh/!   Especially about tests.  Now I hear Viking has set aside a number of cabins for quarantine should a case or two show up.  If everyone onboard is vaccinated what's the panic if someone shows positive.  Even if they get ill the likelihood of very bad outcome is incredibly low.  And guess what?  After over a year of covid you have most probably been exposed at one time or another.  Like the vast majority you got little to nothing.  I am sorry for those who have lost loved ones but statistically they are very few.  And lest one thinks I am spouting off from a privileged Ivory Tower no problems life, I lost my Father to a car wreck yet I continually jump in the car all the time.  I lost my Son to a boating accident on a large yacht but still gladly go to sea every chance I get.  Every life has some tragedy.  It is the nature of living on this rock for millions and millions of those who have gone before.  How many days of life do you have?  No one knows.  Wasting them is a terrible thing.  As Ben Franklin said "do not squander time, for that is the stuff life is made of".  The last year has involved quite a bit of squandering time at the behest of bureaucrats and politicians.  And here's a parting thought to make your day...  In the entirety of the epidemic, not a single politician (of either party), nor a single bureaucrat, whether at the national, state, or local level, has lost a single paycheck.  All while bluntly destroying the livelihood of millions.  Happy Cruising.  It's about time..🍸

Well said!  It is absolutely about time to get on with living, after all some of us don’t have much time left.

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My wife had always wanted to go to Antartica and we finally planned a trip with Viking when they came out with expeditions ships. She also had 2 other Viking trips we had reservations for. We were so excited about going to Antartica in 2022 but she had an aneurysm last July and passed away.  I'm taking one of my daughters in her place.  Both of my daughters and I have been vaccinated.  We are still wearing a mask and washing hands every time we can... hand sanitizer... Trying to do the best we can, but we have to get on with life or hold up in our houses for the rest of our live.  If the vaccine doesn't help why did we get the shot?


If Viking sails on the ones we have reservations on we will go.  At my age I don't buy green bananas any more..I may not have another chance to travel.

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“I lost my Father to a car wreck yet I continually jump in the car all the time.  I lost my Son to a boating accident...”

“ she had  an aneurysm last July and passed away...”


I would not usually reveal such personal info here, but since it is germain to the subject, I lost my first husband to an aneurysm when he was 46.  I learned much too young how important it is to seize the day.  Now many years later I will embrace cruising as soon as it starts up.  We will be fully vaccinated in two weeks.  I can wear a mask if need be.  But I will not forego the years I have left to sitting at home.  One never knows when one’s time is up!  

Edited by SantaFe1
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Let's all get on with life!  If you want to cruise let's go!  I do think it should start with those vaccinated just to reduce issues with having to quarantine a ship.  In time they can have less restrictions.  We missed 2 cruises in 2020 due to covid.  Now I have a diagnosis of a rare cancer.  We are thankful we did more traveling before retirement and have planned for many more but those may not happen for us.  Lets don't wait.

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26 minutes ago, cruiselvr04 said:

Let's all get on with life!  If you want to cruise let's go!  I do think it should start with those vaccinated just to reduce issues with having to quarantine a ship.  In time they can have less restrictions.  We missed 2 cruises in 2020 due to covid.  Now I have a diagnosis of a rare cancer.  We are thankful we did more traveling before retirement and have planned for many more but those may not happen for us.  Lets don't wait.

I totally agree. If you had the shot...mask..wash your hands at least 100 times a day.. social distance...get your spit tested every day... I just don't know what else you can do except stay at home.  Folks that don't feel comfortable about all of the safety things they are doing shouldn't travel.  I get it.

It's spring break in our area and both of my daughters are telling me about teacher friends that are traveling.  They all have had shots.  They were tested when they left and will be tested before they come back to school.  I just don't know what else you can do other than lock yourself in your room

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Jim, Porcupine 52, SantaFe1, and Cruiselvr04 — such poignant stories you’ve given us. It says a lot about the community you’ve made here. And about your unsinkable optimism.


And Jim, you are so right ... it’s about time.

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On 3/12/2021 at 7:47 AM, SargassoPirate said:

We are hoping that planes, trains, and ships all require vaccinations for employees

This brings up an interesting point - not just relative to employees of the travel industry, but all other walks of life. In this age of people feeling entitled to just about whatever they feel is right for them without regard for rules, regulations, or just common courtesy, it's going to be a thorny issue as to 'mandating' vaccination - probably as much of an issue as 'mandating' masking or distancing. I'm so tired of reading these disgusting stories about people getting spit at and coughed on by others who refused to wear a mask when told to do so in some sort of social setting. 

On 3/12/2021 at 7:47 AM, SargassoPirate said:

The anti-vaxers can stay home and hide with their mask on.

Yeah...but...who's going to tell them that? More infringement of rights! The anti-vaxxers and cruising will be an interesting sideline to the whole situation. 


On 3/12/2021 at 9:44 AM, Jim Avery said:

It's about time..

It's all relative to one's risk tolerance levels plus the perception of what the 'opportunity costs' might be in any given situation. Your words somewhat reflect the basic political struggle the US has been engaged in during much of the pandemic, e.g. keep states and businesses closed as long as possible, stay masked, social distance, or else no to all of those, and loads of variables somewhere in the middle. 


On 3/12/2021 at 11:18 AM, Porcupine 52 said:

I may not have another chance to travel.

THIS, more than anything, is probably as persuasive an argument for getting back out there as you can come up with. The year that's gone, with all the canceled trips is just that...gone. We don't get it back. Again, risk / opportunity costs. I'll probably die never having sky-dived or probably scuba either...but...just not quite in my comfort zone to readily sign up for either. Then again, who would have thought I might have very possibly lost my life by going on a (basically very low-risk) trip back in March of '19? Have to be careful that we don't let this turn into a situation much like after one is personally in a car accident and then is very reluctant to get back behind the wheel. I went through this scenario - an accident that I very possibly might not have walked away from - and recall my Dad telling me, 'you've got to get back out in a car as soon as you can'. This covid event has, as I think I said before, created a paradigm shift in so many of us - towards fear and mistrust - and now at some point we need to move back the other way again. What DOES worry me, though, is for the pendulum to swing too quickly in the other direction with possibly adverse consequences. We live in such an impatient society that seeks immediate gratification, whereas people have had to contend with the exact opposite for so long. 

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1 hour ago, OnTheJourney said:

it's going to be a thorny issue as to 'mandating' vaccination


I don't understand why it is thorny issue. All of our 'rights' are abridged in one way or another. We have to be eighteen to buy tobacco, 21 to consume alcohol. Certain drugs are illegal and many others can only be obtained by prescription.


Smallpox vaccination was mandated world wide. You could not attend school without it. You could not travel internationally without it. In 1980, after two decades of concerted effort to vaccinate every citizen on the planet, smallpox was declared eradicated.


Schools still require vaccination -- polio, measles, mumps, rubella, typhoid, diphtheria, etc. The last case of polio in the US was 1979 but we still routinely vaccinate infants against it. Countries still require vaccinations of one sort or another to enter their borders.


It is time to roll up our sleeves and do the right thing.






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4 minutes ago, Peregrina651 said:

It is time to roll up our sleeves and do the right thing.


Believe me, I agree, but with this whole 'cancel culture' society we're in, it's just not that easy to mandate without so much backlash. I mean, if people are bent out of shape about stuff like Aunt Jemima remaining on the grocery shelves (gimme a break already), they surely won't hesitate to complain about being told they have to get a vaccine in order to keep their jobs. There are the religious and likely other ethical implications associated with the vaccines as well due to the controversy over use of aborted fetus cells. My Dad was so fond of saying that "people don't want to be responsible for their own actions anymore. Rather, it's always someone else's fault." 

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Bottom line - if the countries we want to visit mandate proof of specific vaccinations, debating the question of whether or not to be vaccinated for whatever they require is basically meaningless. If you want to travel to a country that requires proof of, e.g., covid vaccination, then you make sure you fulfill the requirements levied by every country you want to visit. Full stop. No debate.  As far as I can tell, Viking has always left it up to each paasenger to be knowledgeable about the requirements for visiting each port of call (passport, visa, immunization). The question now is whether going forward - esp with regards to Covid - this practice will continue. 

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28 minutes ago, Peregrina651 said:


I don't understand why it is thorny issue. All of our 'rights' are abridged in one way or another. We have to be eighteen to buy tobacco, 21 to consume alcohol. Certain drugs are illegal and many others can only be obtained by prescription.


Smallpox vaccination was mandated world wide. You could not attend school without it. You could not travel internationally without it. In 1980, after two decades of concerted effort to vaccinate every citizen on the planet, smallpox was declared eradicated.


Schools still require vaccination -- polio, measles, mumps, rubella, typhoid, diphtheria, etc. The last case of polio in the US was 1979 but we still routinely vaccinate infants against it. Countries still require vaccinations of one sort or another to enter their borders.


It is time to roll up our sleeves and do the right thing.






Your are a voice of reason. Viking has every right to make us do what we ought to want to do. Just as stores require masks to enter, hopefully the same will be true regarding vaccinations for Viking cruises. With this requirement in place and testing, the risk of COVID and quarantine are close to zero. Anti vaxxers have every right to endanger their own lives. I expect Viking to provide a safe environment onboard.

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28 minutes ago, Peregrina651 said:


I don't understand why it is thorny issue. All of our 'rights' are abridged in one way or another. We have to be eighteen to buy tobacco, 21 to consume alcohol. Certain drugs are illegal and many others can only be obtained by prescription.


Smallpox vaccination was mandated world wide. You could not attend school without it. You could not travel internationally without it. In 1980, after two decades of concerted effort to vaccinate every citizen on the planet, smallpox was declared eradicated.


Schools still require vaccination -- polio, measles, mumps, rubella, typhoid, diphtheria, etc. The last case of polio in the US was 1979 but we still routinely vaccinate infants against it. Countries still require vaccinations of one sort or another to enter their borders.


It is time to roll up our sleeves and do the right thing.



28 minutes ago, Peregrina651 said:

You are so right Pere651.  When Polio shots came out my mom had me down to get the sugar cube as fast as she could.  I remember they had the vaccine or sugar cube at school.

But you are  wrong about schools requiring vaccinations.  My daughter is a nurse and if you have a religious object you don't have to have a vaccine in our school district.  My daughter said about 30% of the kids (grade school) in her school have not had  vaccinations.

I am surprised about how many of our friends will not get the vaccine( older folks) and are almost mad at me for being in vaccine test group.

I think the answer is if you want to leave the country or go a cruise you WILL have a vaccine.  If you want to stay home... no problem 



28 minutes ago, Peregrina651 said:






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5 hours ago, OceanPatter said:

Jim, Porcupine 52, SantaFe1, and Cruiselvr04 — such poignant stories you’ve given us. It says a lot about the community you’ve made here. And about your unsinkable optimism.


And Jim, you are so right ... it’s about time.


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46 minutes ago, Jim Avery said:

It's about time certain people are told "NO".  Other countries, or airlines, or ship lines, can tell you what is required and can turn you away if you don't have the right stuff. 

Yes. Precisely. Well said! Viking are you listening?

Edited by rbslos18
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58 minutes ago, Jim Avery said:

It's about time certain people are told "NO".  Other countries, or airlines, or ship lines, can tell you what is required and can turn you away if you don't have the right stuff. 


So true Jim.


Viking were the first to show real leadership and cease operations due to COVID, so it is well past time for Viking to show similar leadership with respect to vaccinations.


The snowflake anti-vaxxers have a right to refuse the vaccine, but it's past time for Viking to state that catagorically they won't be welcome on their ships. The responsibility for the safety of fellow pax and crew should not rest with the countries visited requiring vaccinations. The Health & Safety Plan, with daily saliva tests, etc is a great plan, but the final components must be mandatory vaccinations.


If vaccinations aren't mandatory, we will certainly reconsider our preferred cruise line.

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