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The Daily for Monday 12/27/2021


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4 hours ago, Cruzin Terri said:

Good morning to all my friends on the Daily.

Thank you Rich for being up early and giving us the report.

I hope all is well on your cruise.

I think I will also pass on the meal and drinks.

We are still working on the leftover turkey and stuffing and other leftover stuff.

Nothing big planned for today.  Just staying home and trying to be safe.

Have a great day everyone and God Bless.



Terri, glad you're improving and hope you continue improving.


4 hours ago, Seasick Sailor said:

Good morning from the beautiful Rotterdam. Thank you Rich for the fleet report. I'll skip the food and beverage selections, and no to China, past or future


Blessings and prayers to our Jacqui, Roy, Father, and Jose. Jacqui I hope you're able to be with Jose today. Xx


Played Trivia with Sharon, Rich, and Allen last night. We also had a quick visit from Linda and son. It's been fun meeting our Daily friends.


I heard from a friend our hospice friend woke up Christmas night. They didn't have details. Frustrating I know but I can't imagine what state his wife must be in. God bless them.


Joy, interesting report about you friend in hospice.  This must be so hard on his wife.  Thank you for keeping us undated.


2 hours ago, smitty34877 said:

Good morning  and thanks for the Daily, Rich @richwmn.I am enjoying  reading about  your cruise.

We have not been  to China and look forward  to pictures. The recipe sounds interesting   and it is a nice group of days.

My DGD at age 11 is starting  to be a picky eater.The parental units insist that she eats what is on her plate.I was on one side of her and her twin was  onthe other.She passed him  turkey pieces  and I pretended not to see!It reminded me of my DB doing the same for me  a long  time ago.

DSIL left early this morning  with our Tana for an appointment  with the pulmonoligist  in the big city.

We have  had concerns about her increased  need for oxygen a day her fatigue  levels.Thank.you Roy,for including  her on the rotation.

Sending prayers and good wishes to Roy @rafinmd, Jacqui and Jose  @kazu, and Father @Himself and all on the care and celebration  lists.





Terry, loved the story about DGD passing food to her brother.  I was an only child so couldn't get rid of food that way.


Hope the pulmonoligist can help Tana.  She has been through so much because of long haul Covid.


2 hours ago, mamaofami said:

Good morning everyone. Love the quote today. I really felt sick last night, but am fine this morning. I have to cancel my routine podiatrist appointment until I get a negative test. I was told that if you test positive the CDC will call to do contact tracing.

Speaking of zoos, my daughter and grandson went to the San Diego Zoo yesterday. It’s supposed to be a great zoo.. When I was a kid, my father used to take my brother and me to the Bronx Zoo every Saturday morning. It was across the street from a Howard Johnson where we went for lunch. 
Stay safe everyone,



Glad you are feeling better today.  Hoping the last test is negative and you get the results soon.  Waiting and not knowing is so stressful.


2 hours ago, dfish said:

Good morning, everyone!


What a difference a day makes: 




We woke up to the above.


Today's meal is a great one for a day like we're having.   Pair it with  @ger_77's two hour buns and you've got it!






The Food Network offers us this variation:






And, lastly, this variation might be the one for you:  https://wildflourskitchen.com/2016/01/16/roast-turkey-herbed-dumpling-stew-chicken/




Here's hoping everyone has a wonderful day.    Prayers that @kazu Jacqui can be with Jose and that Tana's appointment goes well.   Cheering for a negative on @mamaofami's Covid test.   


Debbie, that is a big difference from yesterday.


2 hours ago, msmayor said:

Good morning Dailyites - another quiet morning in VA for us.  One more full day here and we head home tomorrow.  Today we plan to do some planning with my daughter for the nursery and make a shopping list for her and her husband to get paint and supplies.  Next trip down in a few weeks, my husband will do the painting.  Still hoping the ordered crib makes it reasonably on time...original delivery date was January and now that's been pushed to April (after the baby arrives).  Fortunately, Santa (:wink:) delivered a bassinet that will do the trick for the first few months.


Always loved cutting out snowflakes and with snow now starting to show up in the forecast for our area at home, seems perfect timing.  Not a fan of fruitcake at all but my husband loves it paired with eggnog.  Haven't been to a good zoo in years, but would probably wait until warmer weather to do so.


Thinking of all on the care list and hoping better days are ahead.  So much refection when we are in the final week of a calendar year, and prayers for a better year ahead.  




I know everyone is excited about the new baby, and you and DH are nice to help get the nursery ready.


1 hour ago, 1ANGELCAT said:

Good morning and thanks for the update.

   It’s supposed to be crappy weather today, a winter mix later this morning till tonight. I’m not going anywhere. I’m feeling old today as it’s my godchild‘a 42nd birthday, time flies ❤️
Blessings and prayers to all on our lists 🙏❤️


My stepmother always said she didn't mind getting old,  what she minded was her kids reaching middle age.  I know what seh meant. 


37 minutes ago, kazu said:

Thanks for the Daily, Rich posting faithfully from the ship 👍 


Nice combination of days.  My mother used to make the best fruitcake.  Had to be started long before Christmas.


I like the quote by Borges - but I tend to like a lot of his quotes 😉 


@mamaofamihappy to hear you are feeling better today.  My prayers your test is negative 🙏🏻 


@marshhawk ahh on the dog’s toy ♥️ How nice of you to help by walking it.


@rafinmdglad to hear your treatments will soon be coming to an end.  It’s been a long road for you 😔 


I am in a grumpy mood today and not in the Christmas spirit at all.




DAM COVID.  Right now, I am not permitted to visit Jose.  All the patients have been tested and will be again on day 3, 5 and 10.  Unless things change, I will not be allowed in for 10-14 days 😢 😡 😢 I can take stuff for him and drop it off to be delivered to his floor but that’s it.  The nurse told me it is possible things can change but I am not hopeful at all.  Of course, I can call and get updates but it’s not the same as being there with him and being able to talk to the specialists in person.


Let me try to put some smiles on your faces with a couple of last holiday season memes.






Prayers for everyone on the Care list & for those that need them and 🥂 to those on the Celebratory / Shout Out list.


Have a good Monday everyone!




Stay safe & please don’t forget your 😷 



Jacqui, what a bummer that you can't get to see Jose.  I hope the situation changes soon.  In the meantime, I hope the nurse will be able to take the phone into Jose so you can talk.  BTW, you have every right to be grumpy.


28 minutes ago, luvteaching said:

Good morning, 

Here in the Pacific Northwest we have a winter wonderland. We're about 30 miles south of the Canadian border (for your perspective). We have just over a foot of snow and the outdoor thermometer shows a temperature of 2F at the moment. We are on a well so all the taps are running to keep the water going. Last night we lost power for 30 minutes or so and that meant no heat as well. The road hasn't been plowed so we're going nowhere! 


@rafinmd Thanks for including DH's return home on the celebration list. He's getting stronger and doing well. Today the infusion nurse is supposed to be coming at 10:45 and bringing supplies so I can give the daily infusions. It will be an interesting drive for her and not one I'd want to attempt. 


@kazu I feel for you. When DH was hospitalized in September I wasn't allowed in and it was the most frustrating time. Yes, we can get updates but it's not the same as being there. DH has memory issues and he really suffered setbacks that hospitalization. I'm eternally grateful that this one I was allowed in daily and both hospitals realized the benefits. Fortunately no Covid outbreaks in either. I think of you often. 




Karen, I hope the infusion nurse can make it with all the snow.  Glad your DH is doing well and getting stronger now that he is home.



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Good morning all!

We woke up to 10 degrees F this morning at 7:00.  High will be around 20....not very common for our area.  I think we have 6-8 inches of snow so far.  A good day to stay in and plan future cruises!


I love cutout snowflakes, but will pass on the fruitcake, meal (not a fan of dumplings) red wine and drink.  Tonight we'll be having turkey pot pie (and probably tomorrow night too) 🤣  No plans to go to China and have never been.  I love zoos, especially the San Diego Zoo and our Woodland Park Zoo in Seattle.  I wouldn't be surprised if ours is closed today due to the weather though.  We have reservations to go to Zoo Lights again this year in January with the kids and grandkids.  It's quite spectacular.


Oh @kazuJacqui my heart goes out to you.  That must be so hard -- prayers you can see Jose sooner than later!



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2 hours ago, mamaofami said:

Good morning everyone. Love the quote today. I really felt sick last night, but am fine this morning. I have to cancel my routine podiatrist appointment until I get a negative test. I was told that if you test positive the CDC will call to do contact tracing.

Speaking of zoos, my daughter and grandson went to the San Diego Zoo yesterday. It’s supposed to be a great zoo.. When I was a kid, my father used to take my brother and me to the Bronx Zoo every Saturday morning. It was across the street from a Howard Johnson where we went for lunch. 
Stay safe everyone,


MY PCR just came back NEGATIVE. I dodged a bullet.

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We have been to Qing Dao (sometimes spelled TsingTao) but have no pictures.  I will try to describe it.  It is a major seaport North of Beijing.  What makes it interesting is its history of foreign occupation.  In 1897 the Imperial Chinese government started to fortify the city.  The Germans saw that, didn't like it, so they seized the port.  It was a major German port from 1898 to 1914 and there is a German influence to the buildings in part of the city.  After WW1, the Japanese took over until 1922.  Then the ROC government controlled the city until 1938 until the Japanese took over again.  One legacy of the German occupation is the Tsingtao Brewery, the second largest and most famous Chinese brewery.  It is open for public tours.  There is a tourist shopping area in the German section, but most of the items on sale are either from Russia or China.  We just walked around the town, shopped and changed money in a huge department store, and took public transportation to the brewery.


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1 hour ago, kazu said:

Thanks for the Daily, Rich posting faithfully from the ship 👍 


Nice combination of days.  My mother used to make the best fruitcake.  Had to be started long before Christmas.


I like the quote by Borges - but I tend to like a lot of his quotes 😉 


@mamaofamihappy to hear you are feeling better today.  My prayers your test is negative 🙏🏻 


@marshhawk ahh on the dog’s toy ♥️ How nice of you to help by walking it.


@rafinmdglad to hear your treatments will soon be coming to an end.  It’s been a long road for you 😔 


I am in a grumpy mood today and not in the Christmas spirit at all.




DAM COVID.  Right now, I am not permitted to visit Jose.  All the patients have been tested and will be again on day 3, 5 and 10.  Unless things change, I will not be allowed in for 10-14 days 😢 😡 😢 I can take stuff for him and drop it off to be delivered to his floor but that’s it.  The nurse told me it is possible things can change but I am not hopeful at all.  Of course, I can call and get updates but it’s not the same as being there with him and being able to talk to the specialists in person.


Let me try to put some smiles on your faces with a couple of last holiday season memes.






Prayers for everyone on the Care list & for those that need them and 🥂 to those on the Celebratory / Shout Out list.


Have a good Monday everyone!




Stay safe & please don’t forget your 😷 


Oh, Jacqui. That’s just lousy. I can’t imagine how hard that has to be. My PCR test just came back negative. I dodged a bullet. Hopefully so did Jose.

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1 hour ago, kazu said:

Thanks for the Daily, Rich posting faithfully from the ship 👍 


Nice combination of days.  My mother used to make the best fruitcake.  Had to be started long before Christmas.


I like the quote by Borges - but I tend to like a lot of his quotes 😉 


@mamaofamihappy to hear you are feeling better today.  My prayers your test is negative 🙏🏻 


@marshhawk ahh on the dog’s toy ♥️ How nice of you to help by walking it.


@rafinmdglad to hear your treatments will soon be coming to an end.  It’s been a long road for you 😔 


I am in a grumpy mood today and not in the Christmas spirit at all.




DAM COVID.  Right now, I am not permitted to visit Jose.  All the patients have been tested and will be again on day 3, 5 and 10.  Unless things change, I will not be allowed in for 10-14 days 😢 😡 😢 I can take stuff for him and drop it off to be delivered to his floor but that’s it.  The nurse told me it is possible things can change but I am not hopeful at all.  Of course, I can call and get updates but it’s not the same as being there with him and being able to talk to the specialists in person.


Let me try to put some smiles on your faces with a couple of last holiday season memes.






Prayers for everyone on the Care list & for those that need them and 🥂 to those on the Celebratory / Shout Out list.


Have a good Monday everyone!




Stay safe & please don’t forget your 😷 


I'm so sorry for you that those covid restrictions are preventing you from seeing Jose in hospital.

I hope they will allow you in to see Jose at the earliest opportunity.


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Good morning, all, the year is winding down, and soon it will be 2022.  Thanks to everyone who posts especially Rich and Roy, the F&D ladies and Jacqui for keeping us up to date on Jose.  So sorry you can't get in to see him, and I hope everything gets cleared up at the hospital quickly and they let you in.  But  @mamaofami, so happy you tested negative - such a good failure!


It is bitterly cold here today, and I was so worried about the hummingbirds overnight.  I was up early and put the feeders out at 7:25 in the almost dawn, thinking I would have to wait for them to come, but one buzzed me as I went out onto the deck and as soon as I got in the house he was on the feeder.  Now there are 5 or 6 squabbling over it.  Yesterday at one time there were 7 trying to get at the 6 "flowers".  We were rotating the cold ones for defrosted ones every couple of hours yesterday, today it will probably be even more often.  


This is the feeder with only 4 ports - they had to take turns, in the picture the liquid is beginning to freeze.  




I haven't been to Qingdao, although I was born in China I haven't been to many  places in the country.  I know it is famous for its beer, but they also make a chardonnay, which I have had..







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Good morning to all our CC friends , hope you all had a very nice Christmas ours was very quiet and peaceful but we are now waiting for our DD’s family to come for a few days from Rye , New York , we have not been able to hug them all for a long time . 
We have been to Qingdao while on the Volendam in 2017 and had a very exciting day which started off early in the morning with a visit to the Tsingtao Beer Brewery for a tour and a tasting . The brewery had been started by a German company in 1903 so the beer was very good and tasted close to our very good Heineken Beer. A number of years ago it was taken over by the Chinese . 
This was before 10 am ……….
Even the manhole covers advertise the brewery 
We than went into the old town of Qingdao to go through some of the old merchant homes also of German heritage to see the history of Old Qingdao 
From the “old Town “ we saw in the distance the New Chinese skyscrapers 
After a very nice lunch we went to the coast to visit a beautiful old pier 
At low tide all kinds of people were looking for some edible morsels 
DW had to try out one of the rental bicycles ……….. 
Lots and lots of offices and high-rise apartments 
Time to go back “Home” after a very nice day with our small group  the captain will be waiting for us 
Tony 🎅🤶
Just in case we are very busy here with our family we would like to wish you all Good Fortune and Good Health for the New Year and of coarse one or more cruises on a BHB !  Happy New Year  !! 
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Slow Boat to China - Day 25 - October 16


Qingdao, China


Beautiful clear sunny skies - perfect temperature for touring - 60's.


Our space on the dock was just astern of the freighter Dia Yuan which is registered in Panama.  They are loading many yellow bags of something on board.  The something is a white powder and gets poured into the hold, and then the empty yellow bags are off loaded.  Salt?  Our view out the window of our cabin is of another cargo ship also receiving many loads of yellow bags from the large industrial cranes.  That ship is docked in front of huge piles of coal.  This port is not only an industrial port (and a military port - there are many military ships, including four submarines docked here) - it does not appear to have any passenger facilities at all.


This is a maiden call for the Amsterdam.  Even though we traveled here straight from Xingang - apparently the officials here cleared everyone again - and took their time doing it.  We were almost an hour late clearing the ship - then on the way out onto the dock the Chinese officials were on board x-raying our bags and checking our passport copies - one at a time.   You have to give it to them - they are thorough.


Our tour today was chosen by DH and was called Qingdao's German Heritage.  Apparently this city was captured and ruled by the Germans in the early 1900's - and then later by the Japanese.  There were three stops on the tour today.  The third stop was the highlight - the Tsingtao beer museum and factory. I think that most folks on the tour were there for one reason.


As we drove through town we passed through the industrial port area where the construction of a new road was fervently underway - then through some busy residential/business areas where the first floors of the building contained shops and stores, the upper floors residences.  There were two types of buildings in town - the German style buildings from the last century, and the newer high rises.  As we passed into the old sections of town around our first and second stops the streets were lined with trees including many evergreens sending their branches wildly skyward in pointy prickly looking curves.  To look at this part of town if you did not know better you could believe you were in Germany.


Our first stop was at the German built Protestant church that is perched atop a hill - a mediocre stop at best and for the folks on board the bus it was something to tolerate until we could get to the main event.  The church itself is well preserved - most of the original stain glass windows done in blue and white from the early 1900's are still there. There are also two colorful windows depicting bible scenes that were installed about 60 years ago.  I prefer the originals even though they are abstract and not representational.  I do not know if there is a current congregation, but the church building is definitely still used as a venue for things like the wedding that took place today.  The bride and groom were having their pictures taken outside the church while we toured.  DH climbed the bell tower and viewed not only the surrounding area, but the carefully maintained machinery that operates the carillon.


The second stop of the day was at the Governor's guest house - it too was perched atop a hill in a lovely wooded section of town.  It was constructed in the German style - full of old wood paneling and woodwork that reflect excellent European craftsmanship.   The woodwork was all imported.  The home was filled with elegant furnishings and maintained in truly excellent condition.  Historically this was the place that the German Governor, and later the Japanese Governor, worked and entertained.  More recently in China's history Chairman Mao and other Chinese officials also stayed here.  It is interesting to note that the German Governor's bed consisted of a locally purchased mattress which was a bit short for the Germans - with a specially constructed padded bed extender added to the foot of the bed.  It is also interesting that the building that was used by conquerers to govern the local area was maintained so well.


Those on the bus were still just tolerating the appointed highlights.  You could feel the tension and excitement mounting - almost as if there was an unspoken chant being recited by the group  of passengers ... "beer, beer, beer, beer" ...


Finally it was time for the Tsingtao museum and factory - perky faces and new energy appeared among the tour participants ... this was the main event.  But first we had to do the museum that communicated the history of Tsingtao beer.  No samples until the tour is done (don't want anyone falling, drunk, into the mash ...)


The Germans started the factory and taught the Chinese to brew beer in 1903.  The factory was taken over by the Japanese during their time governing Qingdao.  Finally, since 1949 the Chinese have run the brewery - and expanded the product so that it is now sold all over the world.


We saw some of the original machinery built by Siemans that would still run today if they wished.  We also saw the tanks and other machinery used in the original processing.  Finally, as the silent chant reached crescendo proportion, we viewed the modern bottling and packaging machines rapidly churning out beer by the case.  There were quality control men carefully watching the bottles of beer come down the line.  Occasionally they removed a bottle, peered at it carefully, opened it and spilled it out.


We were finally there - and they poured each of us a small glass (6-8 ounces) of raw beer (unfiltered), served with a packet of sweet/salty peanuts.  The raw beer was rather tasty and our guide pointed out that locals will stop by the brewery to purchase the raw product.  The raw beer is poured into plastic carry bags (like the ones we get at the supermarket) and taken home that way.  Who knew ... a bag of beer!


Leaving the tasting room we entered an area where Disney might meet Tsingtao.  There was a narrow, stainless steel oval tube that we now walked through.  On the sides were small portholes through which we could see a depiction of a yellow liquid with bubbles rising in it.  Ahead was a large circular "window" - actually a screen that looked like a window into a 2/3 full vat of beer, complete with a foamy head, and the foamy head was rising and falling like the horizon on a cruise ship.


What followed was an area with "games" - including a bicycle in front of a large TV screen - if you got on the bicycle you could ride through a town via a synced virtual reality on the screen, including the ability to crash into objects.  There was also a place they call the "drunken cabin" -- it was a small building - once you walk in the floor is tilted steeply and there are obstacles in your way so that you have to hold on tightly and you do appear drunk.  While you are inside, those outside can watch you walk around "drunk" on a large video screen.  Oooops ... when I entered I was not aware that there were eyes upon me.  DH, who was outside, had a great time.


Then - at the end of the rainbow -- guess what -- there was more beer.  We were seated at tables - glasses and pitchers were passed.  This was the final beer product that I did not like as much as the raw beer - but then again I am not a beer drinker -- so what do I know?


Leaving port - we skipped the sail away party on the Lido deck and opted to watch from the promenade deck.  It was a fascinating sail away as the gangway was dismantled and hoisted back onto the ship, then two of the large industrial cranes that were at our dock were driven to new positions on the track next to the ship.  The crane operators had to climb up to the control room on the cranes on an open outside staircase that spiraled around the crane and went up to a height taller than the Amsterdam.  Never seen that before up close and personal.


As we left port, the immigration officers that checked all of our passport copies both on and off the ship had been standing at full attention the whole time the ship was preparing to leave.  Finally when we pulled away from the dock they relaxed, smiled and waved.


As the ship passed out of the harbor we passed the military ships and the submarines - and next the lighthouse.  In the water on the other side of the lighthouse were hundreds of small dark birds.  As we approached they were scattered haphazardly across the water -  giving the impression that they may have been sitting on land.  By the time we passed them, however, they had somehow organized themselves into coherent curved lines.  Did the currents do that?    

Another first for me.


And, to put a cherry on top of today, as we sailed down the coastline, against the now darkening sky, we could see what I presume were the high rises of Qingdao - the sides of the buildings lit up in a colorful light show (not unlike the larger light shows in Shanghai and Hong Kong).


At 10:30 tomorrow night we arrive in Shanghai.

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Apologies for being AWOL the last couple of weeks. But after returning from our cruise, we were swamped with Christmas preparations, doctor appointments (biopsy for Mitzi at the dermatologist - benign!), dental appointments (I had to have a crown re-cemented; toothpick operator error on an excursion in Curacao), helping the son with appliance shopping (dead dishwasher), getting new phones (our old Galaxy S7s were being phased out and we needed to switch from Sprint to T-Mobile).....


I was too busy to even lurk on the Daily! 


Anyhoo, here is the "review" of our cruise that I promised awhile back. I might post it separately since not all CCers follow the Daily (their loss!) -



Nieuw Amsterdam, Nov 20 to Dec 4, 2021 - 14 day Eastern/Southern Caribbean Cruise


Our son and his girlfriend were with us for the first week, Mitzi and I had peace and quiet for the second week.


Arrival and check-in – HAL’s transfer from FLL to the ship was a bit less organized and was slower than I expected. We ended up waiting around in the baggage claim for close to an hour before being bused to the ship. Not a big deal, but I think we will pack some extra snacks next time! The cruise terminal was fairly empty by the time we got there and check-in was a breeze. The facial recognition kiosks worked nicely. I think it was around 2:30 when we got to our cabin. One checked bag was there waiting for us and the second arrived shortly afterward. Since we were famished, it was off to the Dive-In for hotdogs and fries!


Muster Drill – This was a welcome improvement, but the instructions were a bit vague. You were supposed to go to your muster station (your lifeboat) and get your room key scanned. Actually, you had to go onto the Promenade through doors near the bow to get scanned. You were then supposed to go and find your lifeboat. No one from the crew checked to see if you actually went and found your muster station.


Entertainment – We did not go to any main stage shows, with late dining we were usually too tired. Having the drink package did not help. Pool drinks during the day, mojitos at lunch, wine with dinner, and before and (sometimes) after dinner drinks left us with little desire to hit the bars in the evening! The BB King group was quite good but I was underwhelmed by the piano duo (but that may be on me since that has never been one of my preferred venues). The Lincoln Center musicians were also good but we somehow always mistimed their performances and only caught them in passing. The Ocean Bar had a piano player noodling before dinner and he was decent enough.


Casual Dining – The ship was definitely not full. There never seemed to be any problems getting Lido tables (or pool loungers) and lines at the serving stations were usually short or non-existent. The lines at the Dive-In and NY Pizza were never more than a few people whenever we went by. We did not have any dinners in the Lido but breakfasts and lunches were fine. The food quality seemed good, but the day-to-day variety may have been a bit lacking. But since we did not eat there every day, maybe it was just bad timing on my part. Milkshakes at the Dive-In were included in the drink package and the burgers, fries, and dogs were good as always. The NY Pizzas seemed as good as in the past and we had them a couple of times.


Main Dining Room - Breakfast in the MDR was excellent, both food and service-wise. There usually were no waits for coffee and juice. They left a pot of coffee on the table so refills were always handy. The Indian breakfast option (Aloo Masala and Egg Bhurji) was amazing; I had it (and the Full English) a couple of times. Congee was also on the menu; I did not try it in the MDR (but it was good in the Lido). We did not try lunch in the MDR. We had all of our dinners in the MDR except for two. The service was very good and I thought the food was fine; the four of us (even the vegetarian) always found something worthwhile on the menu. The quality and variety seemed to improve as the cruise progressed. No-upcharge shrimp cocktail reappeared for the final Gala dinner! Having the waiters taking wine orders seemed to work okay. The waiter would place your order and then a drink runner would bring it to your table. There were only a couple of mix-ups (wrong or missing wine) which were quickly rectified. Our waiter volunteered that the wine/drink ordering “kept him busy”, but he did not seem like he was complaining. There were a few “wine steward/sommeliers” wandering about helping out with some tables. One stopped by our table when they thought our waiter was late with our order (he was not, we had arrived a bit later than normal). There were not a lot of tables occupied during late fixed dinning.


Canaletto – In the past, I always thought the Canaletto was kind of blah and not really worth bothering with. Recent reports have indicated that this has changed dramatically. The four of us had an excellent meal in the Canaletto with fine service. All four of the large plates we ordered very good but the branzino (that many folks have highly recommended) was everyone’s least favorite (still good though). The Osso Bucco, Short Ribs with Gnocchi, and Pasta Genovese were exquisite. I think we will be heading back here every cruise from now on! I put the restaurant upcharges on my room key and we got the 4* Mariner discount for all four of us.


Pinnacle – Our experiences in the Pinnacle were hit-and-miss in the past. This cruise, Mitzi and I had a lovely experience. The restaurant was not very busy and we had great service at a quiet, secluded table. Mitzi had a 12 oz lobster tail (and got the 4* Mariner discount on the $20 upcharge) and I had the 10 oz filet. Mitzi said the lobster was great (she would not share!) and my filet was done just like I requested and was delicious. I also tried the Clothesline Candied Bacon. It was very tasty because, well, it was bacon. Candied bacon is something we make at home for party appetizers and HAL’s version did not disappoint. It is a curious presentation though and may be more suitable as pub food, but we liked it. The bacon was quite lean and the pieces were large. I would get it again, but only if I had more people to share it with.


Signature Drink Package – We booked under “Have It All” so we had the drink package for the first time ever. It was a nice perk, but we don’t drink enough to make it worthwhile as a full price add-on. But as part of the HIA, depending on the other perks included, it probably is worthwhile for us. We had specialty coffees and teas every day in the Crow’s Nest. Having the package was very convenient as you can order booze anytime the mood strikes instead of pinching pennies and waiting for Happy Hours. The down side is you probably will drink more than you would normally! As mentioned above, the “day drinking” took the edge off wanting to go to the bars and shows/music venues in the evening. An upside is that you can experiment with goofy drinks that you might not normally try; research is important you know! We got into the habit of having Aperol Spritzes before dinner in the MDR. The wines by the glass were acceptable for us at dinner, but it is more fun to have bottles from the Sommelier Suite. A special note for @VMax1700 – they now have Drumshanbo Gunpowder Irish Gin in all of the bars!


Excursions – We only did HAL excursions due to possible COVID issues. We never had any issues (other than skipping Grand Turk), and never had to show vaccine proof on shore. Mask wearing compliance was pretty good on the excursions. The “Craft Cocktails, Authentic Bites & San Juan History: In Partnership with Food & Wine Magazine" was quite good and we would recommend it. The “St. Thomas Foodie Walk: In Partnership with Food & Wine Magazine” was also good. In Curacao, we did the “Sunset Cruise in Willemstad’s Harbor” and thought it was fun; plenty of good snacks and drinks. The butterfly farm on the “Natural Wonders of Aruba” tour was definitely enjoyable (especially for photographers), but the rest of the tour was so-so.


Miscellaneous – Navigator worked fine on our phones and was quite useful. It worked particularly well on my Kindle Fire. Several daily newspapers could be accessed via Navigator. There were hard-copy crosswords and a couple of different types of sudoku every day at the front desk. Christmas decorations went up on December 1st and were lovely. They started playing Christmas carols too, and it was clear that they need a bigger playlist! This was our first sailing as 4*s and we went to the “free” wine tasting twice. The "Cellar Master" was a big guy from Croatia (can't recall his name). He was an enjoyable fellow and did a good job with the tastings. He referred to the crew pouring the wine samples as "Sommeliers".


Final thoughts – It was a good cruise and we were extremely happy to be back on a HAL Ship. The overall experience was a bit muted perhaps. With all the staff and almost all passengers wearing masks, it made it hard to recognize people, read facial expressions, and have conversations. There were no Mariner’s lunches and the two cocktail parties for 4* and up were awfully tame affairs (no snacks other than peanuts). The sail-aways did have some decent hot snacks being handed out by the stern pool. We enjoyed things enough to book another cruise while onboard (and buy a pair of FCDs). We will be on the Rotterdam April 15, 2023 for an east-bound transatlantic and 7 days around Norway. We have also concluded that we prefer the Pinnacle class ships (despite the narrow promenade) due to the additional restaurants and music venues.

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Jacqui, frustrating maddening all those ing's!  Go with your bad mood today, and this army will assail the universe with requests for a quicker reunion.  I'm glad you have your two big dogs who will help you.


We have been to China twice, one sea and one river.  We are grateful we have gone and been able to see such amazing things (the terra cotta warriors and the wall), but we do not have a desire to return.  We are generally quite healthy, but on our second return we were both terribly ill similar to a bad flu.


As for this miserable Covid, maybe it's not so bad that we were alone this Christmas.  We have a lot of food on hand!  Plenty of leftover turkey, and one DS & DDIL gifted us with a generous box of beef from Kansas City steaks.  As long as the bar holds out, we are good for several weeks I think!


Unfortunately (to say the least), the other DS & DDIL have visitors and there is now Covid in their household.  Our DDIL has more than a mild case, but seems to be managing.  Healing thoughts for her are welcome.


Celebrations and Concerns - I'm ready to sweep away 2021 and be hopeful for ALL to have a happy and peaceful 2022.

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Good Morning,


I hope everybody enjoyed the holidays.  It's a glorious day with the sun shining brightly, but cold. 


Thoughts and prayers to all that need them.  


Fruitcake, I wouldn't turn it down outright, depends what's in it.  Zoos, why not?  But I usually go on a whim during the slow times of the year when few people are there, like January.  Cut out snowflakes, no, arts and crafts aren't my strong suit.


@aliaschief Good luck with medical appointment

@dfish YES to any kind of dumpling stew, a must in the winter!  We have snow on the ground today too.

@mamaofami Glad you are feeling better Carol, so happy the test was negative!

@marshhawk Great idea on the cream cheese with fruitcake

@ger_77 I will give you all the turkey and I will take the dumplings 🙂

@luvteaching We have 6 inches on the ground and lots of ice; sorry you lost power, ugh, that really makes this weather a lot worst....do you have a fireplace?

@kazu so sorry about your situation, I'll have to go back and read the previous dailies on what is going on but I can tell it must not be good if someone is in the hospital, so lot of 🙏

@Cruising-along About the same in Issaquah, hoping the sun melts some of it today, I walked to the nearby Fred Meyer this morning, and staying in the rest of the day.

@Vict0riann You have happy hummingbirds, mine won't come near the feeder despite filling with fresh sugar water


DD update: he's doing better, the new meds seem to have things more under control, so in a way the hospital stay was a blessing in disguise, the V.A. only does so much.  


On the schedule for today, paperwork mostly.  Have a great Monday everyone!










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7 minutes ago, Overhead Fred said:

Apologies for being AWOL the last couple of weeks. But after returning from our cruise, we were swamped with Christmas preparations, doctor appointments (biopsy for Mitzi at the dermatologist - benign!), dental appointments (I had to have a crown re-cemented; toothpick operator error on an excursion in Curacao), helping the son with appliance shopping (dead dishwasher), getting new phones (our old Galaxy S7s were being phased out and we needed to switch from Sprint to T-Mobile).....


I was too busy to even lurk on the Daily! 


Anyhoo, here is the "review" of our cruise that I promised awhile back. I might post it separately since not all CCers follow the Daily (their loss!) -



Nieuw Amsterdam, Nov 20 to Dec 4, 2021 - 14 day Eastern/Southern Caribbean Cruise


Our son and his girlfriend were with us for the first week, Mitzi and I had peace and quiet for the second week.


Arrival and check-in – HAL’s transfer from FLL to the ship was a bit less organized and was slower than I expected. We ended up waiting around in the baggage claim for close to an hour before being bused to the ship. Not a big deal, but I think we will pack some extra snacks next time! The cruise terminal was fairly empty by the time we got there and check-in was a breeze. The facial recognition kiosks worked nicely. I think it was around 2:30 when we got to our cabin. One checked bag was there waiting for us and the second arrived shortly afterward. Since we were famished, it was off to the Dive-In for hotdogs and fries!


Muster Drill – This was a welcome improvement, but the instructions were a bit vague. You were supposed to go to your muster station (your lifeboat) and get your room key scanned. Actually, you had to go onto the Promenade through doors near the bow to get scanned. You were then supposed to go and find your lifeboat. No one from the crew checked to see if you actually went and found your muster station.


Entertainment – We did not go to any main stage shows, with late dining we were usually too tired. Having the drink package did not help. Pool drinks during the day, mojitos at lunch, wine with dinner, and before and (sometimes) after dinner drinks left us with little desire to hit the bars in the evening! The BB King group was quite good but I was underwhelmed by the piano duo (but that may be on me since that has never been one of my preferred venues). The Lincoln Center musicians were also good but we somehow always mistimed their performances and only caught them in passing. The Ocean Bar had a piano player noodling before dinner and he was decent enough.


Casual Dining – The ship was definitely not full. There never seemed to be any problems getting Lido tables (or pool loungers) and lines at the serving stations were usually short or non-existent. The lines at the Dive-In and NY Pizza were never more than a few people whenever we went by. We did not have any dinners in the Lido but breakfasts and lunches were fine. The food quality seemed good, but the day-to-day variety may have been a bit lacking. But since we did not eat there every day, maybe it was just bad timing on my part. Milkshakes at the Dive-In were included in the drink package and the burgers, fries, and dogs were good as always. The NY Pizzas seemed as good as in the past and we had them a couple of times.


Main Dining Room - Breakfast in the MDR was excellent, both food and service-wise. There usually were no waits for coffee and juice. They left a pot of coffee on the table so refills were always handy. The Indian breakfast option (Aloo Masala and Egg Bhurji) was amazing; I had it (and the Full English) a couple of times. Congee was also on the menu; I did not try it in the MDR (but it was good in the Lido). We did not try lunch in the MDR. We had all of our dinners in the MDR except for two. The service was very good and I thought the food was fine; the four of us (even the vegetarian) always found something worthwhile on the menu. The quality and variety seemed to improve as the cruise progressed. No-upcharge shrimp cocktail reappeared for the final Gala dinner! Having the waiters taking wine orders seemed to work okay. The waiter would place your order and then a drink runner would bring it to your table. There were only a couple of mix-ups (wrong or missing wine) which were quickly rectified. Our waiter volunteered that the wine/drink ordering “kept him busy”, but he did not seem like he was complaining. There were a few “wine steward/sommeliers” wandering about helping out with some tables. One stopped by our table when they thought our waiter was late with our order (he was not, we had arrived a bit later than normal). There were not a lot of tables occupied during late fixed dinning.


Canaletto – In the past, I always thought the Canaletto was kind of blah and not really worth bothering with. Recent reports have indicated that this has changed dramatically. The four of us had an excellent meal in the Canaletto with fine service. All four of the large plates we ordered very good but the branzino (that many folks have highly recommended) was everyone’s least favorite (still good though). The Osso Bucco, Short Ribs with Gnocchi, and Pasta Genovese were exquisite. I think we will be heading back here every cruise from now on! I put the restaurant upcharges on my room key and we got the 4* Mariner discount for all four of us.


Pinnacle – Our experiences in the Pinnacle were hit-and-miss in the past. This cruise, Mitzi and I had a lovely experience. The restaurant was not very busy and we had great service at a quiet, secluded table. Mitzi had a 12 oz lobster tail (and got the 4* Mariner discount on the $20 upcharge) and I had the 10 oz filet. Mitzi said the lobster was great (she would not share!) and my filet was done just like I requested and was delicious. I also tried the Clothesline Candied Bacon. It was very tasty because, well, it was bacon. Candied bacon is something we make at home for party appetizers and HAL’s version did not disappoint. It is a curious presentation though and may be more suitable as pub food, but we liked it. The bacon was quite lean and the pieces were large. I would get it again, but only if I had more people to share it with.


Signature Drink Package – We booked under “Have It All” so we had the drink package for the first time ever. It was a nice perk, but we don’t drink enough to make it worthwhile as a full price add-on. But as part of the HIA, depending on the other perks included, it probably is worthwhile for us. We had specialty coffees and teas every day in the Crow’s Nest. Having the package was very convenient as you can order booze anytime the mood strikes instead of pinching pennies and waiting for Happy Hours. The down side is you probably will drink more than you would normally! As mentioned above, the “day drinking” took the edge off wanting to go to the bars and shows/music venues in the evening. An upside is that you can experiment with goofy drinks that you might not normally try; research is important you know! We got into the habit of having Aperol Spritzes before dinner in the MDR. The wines by the glass were acceptable for us at dinner, but it is more fun to have bottles from the Sommelier Suite. A special note for @VMax1700 – they now have Drumshanbo Gunpowder Irish Gin in all of the bars!


Excursions – We only did HAL excursions due to possible COVID issues. We never had any issues (other than skipping Grand Turk), and never had to show vaccine proof on shore. Mask wearing compliance was pretty good on the excursions. The “Craft Cocktails, Authentic Bites & San Juan History: In Partnership with Food & Wine Magazine" was quite good and we would recommend it. The “St. Thomas Foodie Walk: In Partnership with Food & Wine Magazine” was also good. In Curacao, we did the “Sunset Cruise in Willemstad’s Harbor” and thought it was fun; plenty of good snacks and drinks. The butterfly farm on the “Natural Wonders of Aruba” tour was definitely enjoyable (especially for photographers), but the rest of the tour was so-so.


Miscellaneous – Navigator worked fine on our phones and was quite useful. It worked particularly well on my Kindle Fire. Several daily newspapers could be accessed via Navigator. There were hard-copy crosswords and a couple of different types of sudoku every day at the front desk. Christmas decorations went up on December 1st and were lovely. They started playing Christmas carols too, and it was clear that they need a bigger playlist! This was our first sailing as 4*s and we went to the “free” wine tasting twice. The "Cellar Master" was a big guy from Croatia (can't recall his name). He was an enjoyable fellow and did a good job with the tastings. He referred to the crew pouring the wine samples as "Sommeliers".


Final thoughts – It was a good cruise and we were extremely happy to be back on a HAL Ship. The overall experience was a bit muted perhaps. With all the staff and almost all passengers wearing masks, it made it hard to recognize people, read facial expressions, and have conversations. There were no Mariner’s lunches and the two cocktail parties for 4* and up were awfully tame affairs (no snacks other than peanuts). The sail-aways did have some decent hot snacks being handed out by the stern pool. We enjoyed things enough to book another cruise while onboard (and buy a pair of FCDs). We will be on the Rotterdam April 15, 2023 for an east-bound transatlantic and 7 days around Norway. We have also concluded that we prefer the Pinnacle class ships (despite the narrow promenade) due to the additional restaurants and music venues.

Great summary, and similar to our experiences on the cruise we took a few months back, however it sounds like the MDR menus are better than what we had.  

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@Overhead Fred, we will be on that TA on Rotterdam with you - we are doing the week before, though, and not the week after.  @sailingdutchy and his DW will be there, too.   Already looking forward to it!


We've already had to change out the feeders once this morning.  They freeze so quickly! The birds don't seem to mind when it gets slushy, maybe that concentrates the sugar. 


I'm making turkey soup this morning, made the broth yesterday, today I added the barley, carrots and turkey.  Hopefully there will be enough to freeze a few meals.  Plus there is still enough turkey and fixings for a couple more suppers.  Love it when I don't have to plan!

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