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The Daily for Tuesday 12/28/2021


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Good morning everyone.   


Even though we are not moving, we have an ever changing view across Grand Traverse Bay.  Yesterday you couldn't even see there was land across the bay.  




The wind blew all the snow off the trees and helped break up the ice along the shoreline.   


Today's meal sounds great.   You do need to make a Moroccan spice mixture for it.  https://www.epicurious.com/recipes/food/views/ras-el-hanout-101070




Once you have that ready, you're good to go.  Here's a quick version to get started.    https://www.tasteofhome.com/recipes/quick-moroccan-shrimp-skillet/




This next one looks so good.   





And this one has a little twist with the addition of tomatoes.   https://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/moroccan-shrimp-with-tomatoes-and-onions-7591657




Prayers for all who need them.   Take care, everyone, and enjoy!



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Good morning all. Seems like I can post today. Cc issues are frustrating. 

we had a great day yesterday at one of our daughter’s. A gingerbread house decorating contest.  DD and DSIL, DDG (18) and SO, DGS (21) and SO. Very messy but I was so impressed with everyone’s creative houses. DH and I were the judges but we couldn’t pick a winner. They were all good.

today we are having our family Christmas with both daughters and Families. No SOs however so that we stay within our 10 person limit. 

prayers for those that need them and will raise a glass in celebration later.




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A big high five to my man Willie! 🖐 It makes me sad that some people just don’t (won’t?) get it.


When I was young and newly married, 5 of us would get together every Friday for a game of cards.  Usually Hearts.  Money was short so we would pool what we had for a six-pack of beer and a bag of chips.  That left one beer to share.  Those were great times.


Right now I am in my hotel room waiting for the ice fog to clear so I can continue my drive home.  Fog (and ice) is far too dangerous to drive in in the mountains.


Christmas was nice but a bit sad.  My Dad was ill in bed with a high fever so we never got to share this rare family time with him.  The next day my Mum called me into the TV room to discuss funeral arrangements and have a good cry.  I told her he was still with us so don’t grieve him just yet and, besides, we have a Trans-Atlantic to do in March so he wouldn’t want to miss that.  Yesterday he was feeling better and out of bed.  I never ask for much but I am hoping you could add him to your prayers so they can have one last cruise before they’re gone.


3 hours ago, kazu said:

Thanks for our Tuesday Daily, Rich and posting from your BHB 🙂. My heavens you are up some early again 😱 



This brought a smile to my face. It’s been many years since I have heard “some” anything. I lived in NB in the 70’s so I guess that’s the last time I heard it.  So, thank you.


50 minutes ago, Heartgrove said:


I had my teleconference with the nurse practitioner about my sinus infection yesterday. She prescribed an antibiotic which I will pickup today. It actually seems to have run its course by the time I spoke to her but she is concerned that it may become a bacterial infection given the length of time I had it. I rarely take an antibiotic so I guess I will take what has been prescribed.



Definitely take the prescription.  I had a severe sinus infection which went to my chest as I don’t like meds or doctors.  Now I have a Pulmonologist who told me that’s what caused my asthma.  I have regrets.


Have a peaceful day and may life’s problems go easy on you. 💐

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Good morning, thanks for the Daily!  I like calling friends out of the blue in the hope that it brightens their day.  We haven’t watched any short films lately, but yesterday was our day to play cards.  The most popular was Go Fish with War coming in a hot second.  Can you believe our 6 yr old grandson was hiding cards on his lap during Old Maid?!?  Little brat!  

The house is still quiet, but in a short while we’ll be getting go up and packing the car for our trip home.  The temp currently is -29C with a  biting wind, creating via wind chill factor of -42.  We’ve got all kinds of cold weather gear that we’ve packed and will be sure it’s near the top of the pile for the drive home. 

I like today’s menu suggestion, but after being in the car all day, I think we might just go hunting through the freezer to see what appeals to us for dinner tonight.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who needs them and even for those who don’t think they do.  Extra prayers for Jacqui, I hope Marley’s illness is short lived (as if you didn’t have enough stress in your life!), and that Jose’s doctors can get a handle on his diagnosis.  We’ll raise the glasses and cheer on everyone on the celebration list.  Be safe, wear your masks, wash your hands, stay well, get your boosters and keep warm!


Smooth Sailing 🙂🙂🙂


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Good morning everyone. I wish today’s quote were true.

Spoke to my daughter and her sons from San Deago last night. Two are flying home this am on Alaska air and one this afternoon on United. I’m thinking positive thoughts that neither flight will be canceled and they will arrive home safe and sound.

Prayers for Jacqui as she navigates another difficult day.

Stay safe everyone,


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12 minutes ago, dfish said:

Good morning everyone.   


Even though we are not moving, we have an ever changing view across Grand Traverse Bay.  Yesterday you couldn't even see there was land across the bay.  




The wind blew all the snow off the trees and helped break up the ice along the shoreline.   



I just love these pictures you are sharing with us and was going to ask you where it was.  Thank you!  It reminds me of my cottage so I feel the peacefulness and beauty.  Morning after the storm:



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19 minutes ago, *Miss G* said:

A big high five to my man Willie! 🖐 It makes me sad that some people just don’t (won’t?) get it.


When I was young and newly married, 5 of us would get together every Friday for a game of cards.  Usually Hearts.  Money was short so we would pool what we had for a six-pack of beer and a bag of chips.  That left one beer to share.  Those were great times.


Right now I am in my hotel room waiting for the ice fog to clear so I can continue my drive home.  Fog (and ice) is far too dangerous to drive in in the mountains.


Christmas was nice but a bit sad.  My Dad was ill in bed with a high fever so we never got to share this rare family time with him.  The next day my Mum called me into the TV room to discuss funeral arrangements and have a good cry.  I told her he was still with us so don’t grieve him just yet and, besides, we have a Trans-Atlantic to do in March so he wouldn’t want to miss that.  Yesterday he was feeling better and out of bed.  I never ask for much but I am hoping you could add him to your prayers so they can have one last cruise before they’re gone.


This brought a smile to my face. It’s been many years since I have heard “some” anything. I lived in NB in the 70’s so I guess that’s the last time I heard it.  So, thank you.



Definitely take the prescription.  I had a severe sinus infection which went to my chest as I don’t like meds or doctors.  Now I have a Pulmonologist who told me that’s what caused my asthma.  I have regrets.


Have a peaceful day and may life’s problems go easy on you. 💐

Sending prayers 🙏 your way for your dad.

As long as he is here there is hope.

I hope all goes well with your family cruise in March.

Take care driving home.



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1 hour ago, Heartgrove said:

I had my teleconference with the nurse practitioner about my sinus infection yesterday. She prescribed an antibiotic which I will pickup today. It actually seems to have run its course by the time I spoke to her but she is concerned that it may become a bacterial infection given the length of time I had it. I rarely take an antibiotic so I guess I will take what has been prescribed.


Please do take what your doctor has prescribed.  She sounds wise and careful 👍 


1 hour ago, cat shepard said:

Thank you for taking care of our lists Roy. I would almost be willing to bet a cruise that none of us would ever hold a slip against you.


I think that is a pretty safe bet 😉 


1 hour ago, cat shepard said:


I did not stretch enough after my gym class yesterday, and both my hamstrings and my lower back are complaining.   Hopefully this morning’s class will help loosen them up a bit.


Yikes on your back and hamstrings 😔 I hope today’s class helps 🤞 


20 minutes ago, *Miss G* said:

Christmas was nice but a bit sad.  My Dad was ill in bed with a high fever so we never got to share this rare family time with him.  The next day my Mum called me into the TV room to discuss funeral arrangements and have a good cry.  I told her he was still with us so don’t grieve him just yet and, besides, we have a Trans-Atlantic to do in March so he wouldn’t want to miss that.  Yesterday he was feeling better and out of bed.  I never ask for much but I am hoping you could add him to your prayers so they can have one last cruise before they’re gone.


Prayers are winging their way 🙏🏻 


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30 minutes ago, *Miss G* said:

The next day my Mum called me into the TV room to discuss funeral arrangements and have a good cry.  I told her he was still with us so don’t grieve him just yet and, besides, we have a Trans-Atlantic to do in March so he wouldn’t want to miss that.  Yesterday he was feeling better and out of bed.  I never ask for much but I am hoping you could add him to your prayers so they can have one last cruise before they’re gone.

Adding him to the rotation.



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Good morning friends!  Yesterday was a long driving day so by the time I finished reading all the posts on yesterday's Daily I was too tired to respond.  Then this morning after our walk in the dark we ate breakfast and headed to the grocery before the rains hit.  We have rain predicted all week.  So here I finally am.  As for yesterday's port destination, I had been to Qingdao in 2010 but we didn't take the beer tour.  DH had retired from his job at the Anheuser-Busch brewery by then and wasn't interested in touring one.  But we did walk around the city a bit so have some different photos that I could share later if you wish.


Today, just let me say thank you to @richwmnRich for continuing to post our Daily early every day even while trying to relax on your cruise.  And @rafinmdRoy, your list keeping is much appreciated here.  Hoping the end of your radiation is nearly upon us!  @Himself Father I am glad to hear you have "survived Covid".  We were all so worried when we didn't hear anything back from you.  At 82 with no vaccinations, I'd say you did an outstanding job of hanging in there! 🙂  As for @kazuJacqui despite all you've been through you continue to send everyone their Bon Voyages as Roy said. I'm so sorry you can't visit Jose in person, and I truly understand how difficult trying to phone him can be.  (We had that problem with DMIL).  Praying some results come in that help his doctors diagnose and treat him so he can come back home before long. 🙏 In addition, hoping your dog is not too ill and can get back to good health, too.  I would also like all on the Care list to know we are praying for our list daily.  Cheers to those celebrating something, because Lord knows we all need some happiness in our lives!🎉🥂


Love all the days we have to salute but I am a terrible card player so will pass on that.  It would be a fine day to call a friend.  The menu suggestion sure had some interesting recipes today.  I might try one if not too spicy.  True quote. 


@Seasick SailorJoy, it sounds like you're having a grand time on your BHB with Allen and all the Dailyites.  Love hearing from you.

@cat shepardAnn, hope your aches and pains are better today.  I am experiencing that problem myself.  My back is acting up and I have the heating pad on it.  Plus I've had a shoulder injury the past month that I haven't mentioned because we have enough bad news, don't we?  

@dfishDebbie, love the view from your sister's place.  Your photo and @*Miss G*'s photo remind me of some of those cabins on Maine Cabin Master (DIY Network).  So beautiful!  @*Miss G*I'm sorry about your Dad's illness and I do hope he and your Mom get to go on that cruise next year.

@superomayour family's gingerbread houses were great!  Love the banana trees around the first one!🍌


Today's port of Brisbane was one of our favorites.  We went twice in 2017 and on one visit a CC friend met us and took us around.  The second time there some friends we met on our Seabourn Antarctica cruise met up with us and took us all around the area.  My Aussie friends are so, so nice!  I hope to have time to show some photos of Brisbane but I warn you, there are many!


And finally, on our drive home yesterday we received several emails from our Homeowner's Association manager regarding an incident at the front entrance to our development.  The guardhouse was rammed into by a drunk driver at 3 am, who ran from the scene to his Father's home in the development.  He must have been visiting for the holidays.  Anyway, the attendant on duty was killed in the crash!  When the Father of the drunk driver found out his son had fled an accident, he took him to the scene and called 911 to turn his son in.  The 41 year old driver had been incarcerated in California but they let him out, and I have no idea what his crimes were in the past.  What a terrible thing to happen to the innocent victim and his family, and right after Christmas!  Prayers for him and his family would no doubt be appreciated.🙏  As was said before, you never know which day will be your last one.

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Good morning from mostly sunny and windy Quartzsite.


We may call a friend today.  It's been a long time since we've seen a short film.  I used to play gin rummy with my father for a penny a point.  A few years ago, younger DD, her SO, and I would play Canasta, which I'd always lose, but we had fun.


I like the Willie Nelson quote.  A few months ago, I read he's given up smoking pot, but I don't remember the reason.


The Cuba Libre is a drink I like, but we don't have any Coke.  We'll pass on the meal and the wine.


We have not been to Brisbane.  We were supposed to stop there next May, but the cruise was canceled.  We have two more chances to visit Brisbane in 2023 and 2024. 🤞 i'll enjoy any pictures anyone wants to share.


We have really enjoyed our visit with DD and DSIL and will miss them when they leave tomorrow.  It's a two day drive back to Austin, and they want to be there for New Year's Eve.  DSIL has helped DH with a few repairs and we may get a couple more done today.  We don't like asking him to use part of his vacation to help with projects, but he really seems glad to help. 


4 hours ago, kazu said:

Thanks for our Tuesday Daily, Rich and posting from your BHB 🙂. My heavens you are up some early again 😱 


Nice collection of days.  No one here to play cards with so it’s either Solitaire to celebrate he day or nothing.  My friends are called regularly and I’m sure I will be honouring the day again today 😉 


That Willie Nelson quote is very true.  


I have a care package prepared for Jose and a bag of boxes of chocolates for the staff on Jose’s floor.  I did ask for help and  one of my angels is going to deliver it for me to the hospital, thankfully.




I didn’t want to make the trip to the hospital as I have a sick dog on my hands and as soon as the vet opens, I’ll be calling & taking him in 😔.  Of course, it’s the one that doesn’t like to get in the car.  Just hope I have the strength to pull it off 🤞 What else can go wrong this holiday??? This seemed appropriate today.




Prayers for everyone on the Care list & for those that need them and 🥂 to those on the Celebratory / Shout Out list.




Have a good Tuesday everyone!  Stay safe & please don’t forget your 😷 


Jacqui, sorry you now have a sick dog to care for also.  Hope the vet visit goes more smoothly than you expect, and the vet has a quick cure for him.


How nice one of your angels is going to deliver the care packages to Jose and his nurses.


As usual, I loved the memes, especially the one of the man taking the Christmas tree out.


I probably don't need to say this, but find time to pour a glass or two of wine and put your feet up and relax.


4 hours ago, rafinmd said:

Thank you for the Tuesday Daily, Rich.  I'll pass on the cards but 2 other nice days.  I love Willie Nelson's quote.  I'll pass on the Shrimp.  I have not been to Brisbane.


Today’s care list:

Strength for Jacqui, healing for Jose and wisdom for his doctors
Saint John Hospital Covid Situatio
RIP Archbishop Tutu
Welfare of furloughed crews
Ancient Wanderer Upper Respitory Infection
Mamaofami’s friend and Walkerin hospice
1ANGELCAT with finger in splint
From the rotation:
summer slope BCC surgery in February
positive biopsy for Mtn2Sea appointment early January
lazey1's BIL with Covid
rafinmd undergoing radiation


Celebrations and Shoutouts:

6 BHB with passengers
Front Line Health Care Workers
Himself recovering from Covid
Av8rix (1/9) Seasick Sailor (1/16), Lindaler, garlictown, Sharon, and Rich(Rotterdam to 2 Jan) , Copper10_8 (Koningscam to 2 Jan) and Ichiban Nekko (Nieuw Amsterdam to 1/8) at sea
msmayor in Virginia
Ger_77 celebrating birthday in Calgary
Welcome home HorizonChaser1957
Koningsdan Staff Captain Sabine - officially onboard & introduced. - Our first female staff captain and HAL’s likely first female Captain(I know this is a repeat but she’s worth it)


These are 2 difficult days between the early treatment and contractors in the house.  I hope I haven't fouled up anything in the lists.




Roy, I may not say it often, but thank you for the Care and Celebration lists.  While we would miss them, we'd all understand if you had to skip a day or so because of a hectic schedule.


4 hours ago, kazu said:


We are vert grateful to you for doing the lists especially with everything on your plate.  thank you for your dedication ♥️ and I’m sure everyone will understand if there is a minor slip up 💜 Don’t even give it a second thought.


 I agree.


4 hours ago, Seasick Sailor said:

Good morning Rich and fellow Daily-ites. 


Prayers out to Jacqui, Jose, Roy, and Father. Asking for strength. 


I've been reading my book since 5:30 and just noticed we are docked. I think I may jump off the ship for a bit and see what's going on.


Have a great day everyone. I'll catch up later. Xx



Enjoy your day in port.


2 hours ago, cat shepard said:

Thank you for today’s Daily, Rich! A stellar collection of days!


Thank you for taking care of our lists Roy. I would almost be willing to bet a cruise that none of us would ever hold a slip against you. We might gently correct you, but only if we catch it ourselves.  Morning Dailyites! Jacqui, @kazu hoping that your family all gets better soon: human and fur. ❤️


I did not stretch enough after my gym class yesterday, and both my hamstrings and my lower back are complaining.   Hopefully this morning’s class will help loosen them up a bit. Looks like the beginning of another amazing day here. Making plans to do the Magic of Lights show at the International Speedway - perhaps Thursday. Everyone should be sick of leftovers by then. 

This actually works for dog & cat persons…..




Prayers for all who need our support. Cheers to all who are celebrating! Stay well everyone.




Abbazia di Novacella 2019 Sylvaner 

I need to try a Sylvaner. I am fairly certain that I have never encountered this variety before this morning. There are a few online distributors with reasonable prices starting at $16.94.

Wine Notes

  • 100% Sylvaner
  • Sourced from Bressanone valley basin
  • 650-750m elevation
  • Morainic deposits composed of mica schist, para gneiss and quartzite
  • South, southeast and southwest aspect
  • Fermentation and aging 3/4 in stainless steel tank and 1/4 in 50hl acacia casks for six months
  • 4,000 cases produced annually
Region: Trentino/Alto Adige
Appellation: Alto Adige DOC
Variety: Sylvaner
Color: White
Farming Practice: Practicing Organic
Wine Enthusiasts Score 93
Apricot, citrus and smoke aromas form the nose of this radiant, fragrant white. On the racy, delicious palate, vibrant acidity and flinty mineral notes lend tension and depth to ripe yellow peach, juicy grapefruit and ginger. 

The lemon and flint character really comes through here. It’s medium-bodied with pretty intensity of fruit and a vivid finish. The slightly phenolic tension and mouth feel adds further interest. Drink or hold.


Ann, I hope you can stretch the muscles enough today to get the kinks out.


2 hours ago, Heartgrove said:

Good Morning everyone! Thank you Rich for the Daily Report, and thank you Roy for the Cares and Celebrations Report. And thank you everyone for caring and sharing! 


Monitoring the current cruise situation as our Rotterdam cruise is in 19 days. Just happy that we can cruise at this time and have our health! A few weeks ago they changed the itinerary so now we are only visiting HMC and Curacao with an overnight there. The HAL excursions that we booked still need to be rearranged but there wasn't a problem a few weeks ago with the same situation on our Koningsdam cruise so I am sure it will be a non-issue. I ordered our tests from Emed yesterday and checking our stock of KN95 masks. So far our precautions have worked on our Iceland and Mexico cruises this year.


I had my teleconference with the nurse practitioner about my sinus infection yesterday. She prescribed an antibiotic which I will pickup today. It actually seems to have run its course by the time I spoke to her but she is concerned that it may become a bacterial infection given the length of time I had it. I rarely take an antibiotic so I guess I will take what has been prescribed.


Sam is beginning to bug me for his morning walk now. I hope everyone has a great day!






Please take the antibiotic.  The NP prescribed it for a reason.


2 hours ago, Lady Hudson said:

Good morning, everyone.  Prayers for those on the care list.  May all have peace and healing.


I have been in a monthly Pinochle group since January, 1980.  Discounting prevaccine Covid time,  we have met each month almost without fail.  We have now switched to meeting at a country club restaurant (they provide a room as long as we buy lunch) rather than an evening time in someone’s home.  Kids don’t know what they are missing — card games rather than video games!


Have a great day.  Katherine 


Katherine, enjoy your monthly Pinochle group.


1 hour ago, AncientWanderer said:

Good morning, All.  It's a delight to see "Call a Friend Day."  It's so odd -- since the pandemic struck, several good friends have "gone dark," as have I, even though we'd maintained active communication for some 50 years.  Maybe just too sad that we couldn't actually see each other?  Who knows?  But I had made a mental commitment to reach out before the New Year.  "Call a Friend Day" is a good extra push.  😊


Some of my favorite short films are James Fitzpatrick's "Travel Talks."  They show them on Turner Classic Movies intermittently.  It's so much fun to see how places around the world used to look.  🌍  🌎   🌏


That shrimp skillet dish would taste good right along with a Cuba Libre.  Looking forward to seeing the recipe.  


My favorite "card playing" story:  At a club we belonged to when I was a kid, there was a group of ladies who had played cards together regularly for many, many years.

When one of the ladies developed dementia, her friends picked her up and drove her to the club and played her hands for her.  Such a beautiful story of friendship. 


With that, many thanks to Rich and all contributors for The Daily.  Prayers continue for those who are experiencing trials, and a toast to those who are having happy times.





That is such a touching card playing story.  They were so sweet to keep her in the group.


1 hour ago, dfish said:

Good morning everyone.   


Even though we are not moving, we have an ever changing view across Grand Traverse Bay.  Yesterday you couldn't even see there was land across the bay.  




The wind blew all the snow off the trees and helped break up the ice along the shoreline.   


Today's meal sounds great.   You do need to make a Moroccan spice mixture for it.  https://www.epicurious.com/recipes/food/views/ras-el-hanout-101070




Once you have that ready, you're good to go.  Here's a quick version to get started.    https://www.tasteofhome.com/recipes/quick-moroccan-shrimp-skillet/




This next one looks so good.   





And this one has a little twist with the addition of tomatoes.   https://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/moroccan-shrimp-with-tomatoes-and-onions-7591657




Prayers for all who need them.   Take care, everyone, and enjoy!




Debbie, the picture is beautiful and what a difference a day makes.


1 hour ago, superoma said:

Good morning all. Seems like I can post today. Cc issues are frustrating. 

we had a great day yesterday at one of our daughter’s. A gingerbread house decorating contest.  DD and DSIL, DDG (18) and SO, DGS (21) and SO. Very messy but I was so impressed with everyone’s creative houses. DH and I were the judges but we couldn’t pick a winner. They were all good.

today we are having our family Christmas with both daughters and Families. No SOs however so that we stay within our 10 person limit. 

prayers for those that need them and will raise a glass in celebration later.





Pretty gingerbread houses.  I would also have trouble picking a winner.


1 hour ago, *Miss G* said:

A big high five to my man Willie! 🖐 It makes me sad that some people just don’t (won’t?) get it.


When I was young and newly married, 5 of us would get together every Friday for a game of cards.  Usually Hearts.  Money was short so we would pool what we had for a six-pack of beer and a bag of chips.  That left one beer to share.  Those were great times.


Right now I am in my hotel room waiting for the ice fog to clear so I can continue my drive home.  Fog (and ice) is far too dangerous to drive in in the mountains.


Christmas was nice but a bit sad.  My Dad was ill in bed with a high fever so we never got to share this rare family time with him.  The next day my Mum called me into the TV room to discuss funeral arrangements and have a good cry.  I told her he was still with us so don’t grieve him just yet and, besides, we have a Trans-Atlantic to do in March so he wouldn’t want to miss that.  Yesterday he was feeling better and out of bed.  I never ask for much but I am hoping you could add him to your prayers so they can have one last cruise before they’re gone.


This brought a smile to my face. It’s been many years since I have heard “some” anything. I lived in NB in the 70’s so I guess that’s the last time I heard it.  So, thank you.



Definitely take the prescription.  I had a severe sinus infection which went to my chest as I don’t like meds or doctors.  Now I have a Pulmonologist who told me that’s what caused my asthma.  I have regrets.


Have a peaceful day and may life’s problems go easy on you. 💐


Sending positive thoughts that your father and mother will be able to take the cruise.  Sorry your DF was sick, but glad he is feeling better.


Please be careful driving home.


1 hour ago, mamaofami said:

Good morning everyone. I wish today’s quote were true.

Spoke to my daughter and her sons from San Deago last night. Two are flying home this am on Alaska air and one this afternoon on United. I’m thinking positive thoughts that neither flight will be canceled and they will arrive home safe and sound.

Prayers for Jacqui as she navigates another difficult day.

Stay safe everyone,



Carol, positive thoughts that all flights are a go and are on time.


Somehow, a couple posts I thought I was quoting didn't show up.


@ger_77  Gerry, safe travels today.


@StLouisCruisers  Sandi, glad you made it home safely and had a good time.  Hope your DSIL's parents are better.  What an awful thing to happen because of a drunk driver.  So sorry for his family.  At least the father did the right thing.


I better stop now since we're going to drive up to Parker Dam for our outing today.  The drive on the California side of the river is very scenic.




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We had a brief and very rainy visit to Brisbane while on a circumnavigation cruise of Australia in 2013.


Fortunately, we had the pleasure of meeting a wonderful couple from Brisbane on a Mediterranean cruise the previous summer, and they had graciously offered to show us around Brisbane.


Unfortunately, it was pouring rain while we were there, but they did drive us around to see some of the city.


Because of the size of the ship, we had to dock at an industrial port, which was a short distance from the city.





What it was like driving into the city.



Visited the main downtown shopping area, where most people were trying to stay under the awnings.



A sculpture we saw.



Downtown skyline from across the river.




But all was not lost – as the rain gave us a chance to have a nice long chat.😎



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Good morning from snowy Colorado. We are supposed to have snow and snow flurries through tomorrow morning. Then a brief break in the weather followed by another storm Thursday night and Friday. After that it looks like it will be dry for awhile. The passes around us are opening and closing for bad conditions and avalanche control.... glad I am not trying to go anywhere. The skiers and happy, happy, happy.... if they can get to the ski areas.


Jacqui....hope things improve for you and Jose and that you will be able to get back to the hospital to be with him. And of course, I hope your vet is able to get the dog feeling better quickly. You certainly do not need any more stress.


Am following along on various cruises and wishing I was there. I think I have gained weight just reading the food descriptions.





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Good afternoon.  I try to call friends each week to make sure they are doing well.  No films here, and haven't played cards in years.  I really like the Nelson quote.  Will pass on the meal and have not been to the destination.

Major prayers for our care list.  Toasts for our celebrations.

@kazusorry Marley is having problems in addition to Jose.  Take lots of deep breaths.

The testing saga continues.  Thankfully Joy suggested we order the at home tests.  The prompt care here was going to do it on Friday morning.  At a huge cost but it was the PCR test.  Well I called today to verify their hours and was told as of yesterday they are not doing the tests for travel.  sigh....this is getting old!!!  BUT the plus is we will be on a BHB.

Stay safe, social distance, and wear yourr mask.

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1 hour ago, StLouisCruisers said:

Good morning friends!  Yesterday was a long driving day so by the time I finished reading all the posts on yesterday's Daily I was too tired to respond.  Then this morning after our walk in the dark we ate breakfast and headed to the grocery before the rains hit.  We have rain predicted all week.  So here I finally am.  As for yesterday's port destination, I had been to Qingdao in 2010 but we didn't take the beer tour.  DH had retired from his job at the Anheuser-Busch brewery by then and wasn't interested in touring one.  But we did walk around the city a bit so have some different photos that I could share later if you wish.


Today, just let me say thank you to @richwmnRich for continuing to post our Daily early every day even while trying to relax on your cruise.  And @rafinmdRoy, your list keeping is much appreciated here.  Hoping the end of your radiation is nearly upon us!  @Himself Father I am glad to hear you have "survived Covid".  We were all so worried when we didn't hear anything back from you.  At 82 with no vaccinations, I'd say you did an outstanding job of hanging in there! 🙂  As for @kazuJacqui despite all you've been through you continue to send everyone their Bon Voyages as Roy said. I'm so sorry you can't visit Jose in person, and I truly understand how difficult trying to phone him can be.  (We had that problem with DMIL).  Praying some results come in that help his doctors diagnose and treat him so he can come back home before long. 🙏 In addition, hoping your dog is not too ill and can get back to good health, too.  I would also like all on the Care list to know we are praying for our list daily.  Cheers to those celebrating something, because Lord knows we all need some happiness in our lives!🎉🥂


Love all the days we have to salute but I am a terrible card player so will pass on that.  It would be a fine day to call a friend.  The menu suggestion sure had some interesting recipes today.  I might try one if not too spicy.  True quote. 


@Seasick SailorJoy, it sounds like you're having a grand time on your BHB with Allen and all the Dailyites.  Love hearing from you.

@cat shepardAnn, hope your aches and pains are better today.  I am experiencing that problem myself.  My back is acting up and I have the heating pad on it.  Plus I've had a shoulder injury the past month that I haven't mentioned because we have enough bad news, don't we?  

@dfishDebbie, love the view from your sister's place.  Your photo and @*Miss G*'s photo remind me of some of those cabins on Maine Cabin Master (DIY Network).  So beautiful!  @*Miss G*I'm sorry about your Dad's illness and I do hope he and your Mom get to go on that cruise next year.

@superomayour family's gingerbread houses were great!  Love the banana trees around the first one!🍌


Today's port of Brisbane was one of our favorites.  We went twice in 2017 and on one visit a CC friend met us and took us around.  The second time there some friends we met on our Seabourn Antarctica cruise met up with us and took us all around the area.  My Aussie friends are so, so nice!  I hope to have time to show some photos of Brisbane but I warn you, there are many!


And finally, on our drive home yesterday we received several emails from our Homeowner's Association manager regarding an incident at the front entrance to our development.  The guardhouse was rammed into by a drunk driver at 3 am, who ran from the scene to his Father's home in the development.  He must have been visiting for the holidays.  Anyway, the attendant on duty was killed in the crash!  When the Father of the drunk driver found out his son had fled an accident, he took him to the scene and called 911 to turn his son in.  The 41 year old driver had been incarcerated in California but they let him out, and I have no idea what his crimes were in the past.  What a terrible thing to happen to the innocent victim and his family, and right after Christmas!  Prayers for him and his family would no doubt be appreciated.🙏  As was said before, you never know which day will be your last one.

That is so sad news about the guard killed by an irresponsible drunk driver.

Prayers 🙏 and condolences to the guards family and friends.


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Good Morning,


Snow flurries this morning and still cold, supposed to change by weekend with rain and our usual temps which is good because most people are marooned in their homes this week.  


Poor Dad slept in the living room last night because his smoke alarm in the bedroom decided to chirp, why is it always in the middle of the night in a snowstorm around holidays that these things seem destined to malfunction?  Every time!  Anyway, it's one we can't change out ourselves, it's too high up on the ceiling, so need to have maintenance come in.


Have a great day everyone!

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55 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:

  But we did walk around the city a bit so have some different photos that I could share later if you wish.


@cat shepardAnn, hope your aches and pains are better today.  I am experiencing that problem myself.  My back is acting up and I have the heating pad on it.  Plus I've had a shoulder injury the past month that I haven't mentioned because we have enough bad news, don't we?  


And finally, on our drive home yesterday we received several emails from our Homeowner's Association manager regarding an incident at the front entrance to our development.  The guardhouse was rammed into by a drunk driver at 3 am, who ran from the scene to his Father's home in the development.  He must have been visiting for the holidays.  Anyway, the attendant on duty was killed in the crash!  When the Father of the drunk driver found out his son had fled an accident, he took him to the scene and called 911 to turn his son in.  The 41 year old driver had been incarcerated in California but they let him out, and I have no idea what his crimes were in the past.  What a terrible thing to happen to the innocent victim and his family, and right after Christmas!  Prayers for him and his family would no doubt be appreciated.🙏  As was said before, you never know which day will be your last one.

Sand, I am always happy to see any picture you want to share.


I am feeling so much better. Lots of moving & stretching helped.


I will add the family of the killed attendant to my prayer list. How horrible. Bless the Father for doing the right thing. 

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Good morning, all! In this cold, Calling a friend and playing cards are very high on the to do list. I like the quote. The meal, drink, and wine all sound good. We didn’t quite make it to Brisbane in 2020. DH and I were supposed to fly home, direct to Vancouver, in March 2020 when the World Cruise ended abruptly. Suddenly Air Canada cancelled the flight, as the planes were ‘needed to repatriate Canadians stranded abroad’. Thus stranding an entire plane load of Canadians abroad with little to no flight options. 🤷🏼‍♀️

@kazu I’m so sorry you can’t go in and be with Jose in person. How frustrating for you, Jose, and his care team as well! Fingers are crossed that Marley is going through something mild, obvious, and easily cured. All this stress takes it’s toll on our pets, as well.

@mamaofamiso glad to hear yesterday’s negative tests results. That’s wonderful!

@superomayour family did amazing work in that gingerbread house competition. No wonder you couldn’t pick a winner.

@ger_77i completely missed your Christmas birthday. Belated Happy Birthday! How wonderful,to spend it with the grandsons - even if one does cheat at cards.😉 And with the temperatures you’re getting there, I can see you rolling your eyes at my fuss over a measly -28 yesterday!

@atexsixits good to hear your Dear Dad is doing better. It sounds like they’re getting a handle on what’s going on. That must take a lot of stress off you!

Its certainly nice to be home again and hunker down until the cold weather let’s up a little and the weather warnings are cancelled. I’m glad we went though - it was wonderful spending Christmas with DS, DBIL, my nephew and his wife. We had FaceTime calls with everyone else on Christmas Day.

Happy Tuesday.  I bet it’s much warmer right now aboard a BHB - ANY BHB!


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Good morning all!

A good collection of days.  I'm not much of a card player, but do like to play Spider Solitaire online.  The meal, drink and wine all sound good, have never been to Australia (first canceled cruise in 2020) 😞  


I'm staying inside where it's warm, and resting up for tomorrow when the grandsons will be spending the night.  We have reservations for a 2-hour slot on Thursday at the Imagine Children's Museum, they love that place.  During Covid they're only taking reservations, strict mask requirements, and only 2-hour slots.  We easily could spend 3-4 hours there (and have) but we'll take what we can get.  Maybe we'll even build a snowman in our yard.


I've also been taking this down time to start doing research for upcoming cruises -- always a fun activity!  


@*Miss G*prayers for your Dad's health and that he and your Mom can cruise again.

@StLouisCruisers oh my gosh that's awful about the drunken driver killing the attendant!  How terribly sad. 😞  

Continued prayers for everyone on the Care list, and special prayers for @kazu.  I hope you can get to see Jose before long, and also that the vet says Marley's problems are easily solved.

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Thanks to @GeorgeCharliefor those photos of your visit to Brisbane.  What a difference a rainy day can have on a visit to a city!  I'm glad you enjoyed your indoor time with your friends, though.  Maybe you can visit Brisbane again some day and see some of those sights on a sunny day!


We also did that circumnavigation cruise of Australia (on Sun Princess), and I would recommend it to anyone who can make their way to the "Land Down Under".  We also docked in the industrial port outside the city and took a shuttle bus to the central business district. 00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVJTZaWiOQnxthme02TYJaIO?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1513606690


A view of downtown from the shuttle bus. 00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVL0-Yhwo8a4SLzPpCwL0Yt1?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1513606743


The Anzac Square Memorial on Ann Street where the bus dropped us off.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVIAFaPhO9HepKWzAGY9yK1a?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1513606797






My CC friend walked us past the church she was married in.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVJWroppfz782bmQfvu-hpcO?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1513606906


Just around the corner was the Roma Street Parkland which was beautifully groomed.  Amazing it was surrounded by so many skyscrapers.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVI3vH9IaBdSaPzQJX2fz37Y?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1513606984








I do love visiting gardens!00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVKF4P41oa1fIFJ5DCPJEuHk?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1513607167


They had a little train to ride on but we preferred to walk.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVL0NYTnwWFaasahG5up_xmV?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1513605582


This is the City Hall, which we went inside to take a look.  They have the Museum of Brisbane on an upper floor there, which we visited briefly because there was so much to see in the city still.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVL3d1einryhn3skyFKBUEbX?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1513607205




Then we walked through the Queen Street Mall area on our way towards the river.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVKMpqUeV94MosNdrzy1ypqP?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1513607228




Some art along the way.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVInBoKXMKI9PbjyspdEoHF_?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1513607284


We walked across the Brisbane River on the Victoria Bridge to the Southbank area.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVJPNrnp90jCu1SH6eO6IeOz?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1513607296






One of the most amazing places in the Southbank area is Streets Beach, Australia's only inner city man-made beach.  00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVKU58JlEeZrwcX_cNFEAk47?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1513608217


Isn't it awesome?00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVJqb9LGArdS2nXIz0rA47XN?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1513608217




From Southbank, we took the free ferry back across the river and walked towards our bus pick up point. 00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVIZnj0m5Dhn_PIuPEeohOUH?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1513608227




We saw plenty of old buildings directly in front of the new buildings.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVI0nEAxyyGe_KBI5RH73VNd?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1513608329




We had a wonderful day with my CC friend.  Next time we stopped here we would do entirely different things.  That will come up next post.



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Good morning all!  I'm thinking of all you do, while I just sit around waiting for things to change...  Pat was a bit late in hanging out the hummingbird feeders this morning, and one landed on it before he could get it on the post.   Now there is a feeding (and mating) frenzy going on.   They keep us entertained all day.   I think I have all the spices for that Moroccan dish, but I have no idea where the shrimp is, buried deep in the freezer.  We will have to work our way through it.  Cheers to those celebrating, and lots of prayers for those on the Care List.


When we lived in Nairobi and only had 3 hours a day of TV, half of that in Swahili, we played a lot of Canasta and Samba - happy times.  We haven't played cards in years now.  I do like solitaire, and I used to take a deck of cards on cruises.  


In 2010, we flew to Sydney, took the train to Perth to visit DSIL and her family, then flew to Port Douglas to see the Reef, then train to Brisbane where friends from our Washington DC days took us to their home for a few days.  After that we rented a car and drove back to Sydney, visiting other friends on the way.  I was a great trip, but the flights to and from Australia are killers!  Brisbane is a beautiful city  with a much loved river flowing through it - we didn't see all that much, we were busy visiting.  We had a lunch at our friends' golf club, visited the botanic gardens and drove around the university.  So I have enjoyed seeing @GeorgeCharlie's and @StLouisCruisers' pictures.


Brisbane from our friends' home -






At the Botanic Gardens





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We also docked at the industrial port on the Volendam in 2010. This was the first circumnavigation that HAL did, so many of the ports were new to them as well as us.


We had planned on taking the shuttle into town, however, a day or so before the port, another shore excursion was added - to the Australia Zoo also known as the Steve Irwin Zoo, about an hour outside Brisbane. As we enjoy a good zoo, we opted to visit it.


It's very well done with lots of natural spaces for the animals. Here are a few pix from the zoo - a beautiful tiger, a Komodo dragon, giant tortoises, a dangerous Cassowary, free range kangaroos and a Koala bear. I understand that the knot on the Cassowary's head can be used as quite a weapon.


We also visited Komodo on this trip where we got to see the Komodo dragons.

Steve Irwin's Australia Zoo-90.jpg

Steve Irwin's Australia Zoo.jpg

Steve Irwin's Australia Zoo-2.jpg

Steve Irwin's Australia Zoo-20.jpg

Steve Irwin's Australia Zoo-53.jpg

Steve Irwin's Australia Zoo-73.jpg

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