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The Daily for Saturday 02/05/2022


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Good morning, everyone!


It was a frosty 4F when I got up this morning, but the sun is shining brightly.   I took yesterday off from shoveling so my back could recuperate and will go out and finish the job the plow company left.   


@kazu I am sorry the results for Marley are not what we all were hoping for.  It would be nice if that one last test would find the easy fix.  As for the generator, I feel the pain.  Are there no neighborhood kids who want to make a buck?

@Cruzin Terri I am so sorry that your autoimmune disease has taken a step in the wrong direction.  We were all so hopeful for you when you first got to decrease your medication.   Hopefully this is just a minor blip and things will turn around.


Today's meal sounds wonderful, but the carb content is a big no no for me.  I could do it with low carb tortillas (yes, they do make them!) and small amounts of beans and rice.  The beans and rice combination is often used because they combine to make a complete protein, but the carb content is just too high for someone with diabetes. So, I'll make my burritos with meat and fill with roasted veggies.


The avocado cream sauce intrigues me in this recipe:  https://dishingouthealth.com/vegetarian-burrito/



This one is pretty much just the beans and rice with some seasoning.   https://www.thespruceeats.com/vegetarian-bean-and-rice-burrito-recipe-3378550




This one does put some vegetables in with the black beans.   https://www.epicurious.com/recipes/food/views/black-bean-and-vegetable-burritos-1192




And this one uses more veggies and roasts them first.   https://www.budgetbytes.com/roasted-vegetable-burritos/




I'm sure there are even more variations out there.  I think this is a dish that you can pretty much do whatever you want with.  


Prayers for those who need them and cheers to those celebrating.  Have a great day!


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4 minutes ago, marshhawk said:


I am terrible about telling people how sad I feel when I know that they are going through a hard time.  I try to make jokes, and turn the topic to something light.  In other words, avoid the topic all together.  And then I walk away in sadness for all the terrible things that have been happening to my new friends here.  So if i seem remiss about any one's troubles, it's just because i'm an idiot, but i care and love you all very much.  


I think that is something we all struggle with.  "I'm so sorry" sounds so trite, but if you really feel for the person can be just what they need to hear.  I remember when my grandmother died and we were at the funeral home, I realized that it wasn't what people said that mattered; it was the fact that they took the time to come and acknowledge our loss.  You're definitely not an idiot because you were able to say what many of  us feel and struggle with.

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Good morning.  Interesting group of days.  I've eaten ice cream for breakfast before.  Our weathermen are important although they are sometimes overly dramatic. Thought provoking quote.  The meal sounds and looks good, thank you @dfish.  Have not been to New Zealand, looking forward to the photo's.

Had a frustrating day yesterday.  Took my passport renewal and photo (taken at Walgreens) to the post office.  Man there said they wouldn't accept the photo because the background was light blue.  Ran to CVS and had another one taken with a checklist that it was passport approved.  Took it back and he said no, it still wasn't white enough.  Told him to send it anyway!  Found out the post office he is from in another town takes the pictures onsite and I'm sure he was trying to get me to go there.  We will see.

Prayers and toasts for our lists.

Stay safe, social distance, and please wear your mask.

Pinnacle Summer Breeze:

1 part
Pinnacle® Cucumber Watermelon Vodka
2 parts
Grapefruit Juice
1/4 part
Lime Juice
Watermelon Wedge

Shake with ice and strain into a chilled martini glass. Garnish with a watermelon wedge.


Screen Shot 2022-02-05 at 9.06.01 AM.png

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Good morning to all on this bright and shiny day.  ☀️ I love weather and wanted to become a meteorologist.  That is, until I looked up the requirements and discovered it was heavy into math.  I hate math so I chose another route.  I did get to try my hand at weather reporting when I did the CNN tour in Atlanta.  They had us high up behind a viewing railing while they demonstrated, then asked if we had any questions.  I was like Ooh Ooh!  Can I try?  It’s harder than it looks.




I do not care for Mexican food or Riesling so I will pass on that.  Ice cream for breakfast sounds a bit too rich for me, although I did once have cheesecake for breakfast.  I do not like to share so I will also pass on the shared shower.  😜


I am holding out for good results on Marley’s next blood test @kazu.

@Cruzin Terri, I hope you are feeling well soon.


1 hour ago, 0106 said:

Good Morning!  I will be boarding the Zuiderdam on the 13th.  Previously, my longest cruise was 10 days.  Anyone have packing tips as I begin cruising for longer periods of time? Any insights for the Panama Canal passage?  I would appreciate any insights from such an experienced group of cruisers.

Cruising single-  No live threads from your cruise.  Have a been able to stop at all the scheduled ports? 


My packing tips:

  • I love packing cubes.  I particularly love these Lewis n Clark Featherlight cubes because they are light, soft, and well-constructed.  What I love is that the second zipper compresses the cube so I can fit more into the suitcase as well as sort items into groups.  Unpacking consists of moving the entire cube into the drawer or shelf.  Things which need to be hanged can be easily removed.
  • I pack my carry-on with TSA-approved essentials and a full change of clothes.  Usually I have at least one overnight hotel stay before boarding a ship so I pack everything I need into the carry-on.  That way I don’t have to break into my checked luggage bag.
  • I do not pack clothes & shoes which are heavy.  If I really want those items I will wear them on the arrival & departure flights.
  • I use ziplock ties to “lock” my luggage and carry a small pair of manicure scissors in the exterior pocket to cut them off.  
  • Currently I have a container which I throw items (non-clothing) into which I think I may need or I don’t want to forget.  When packing day comes I will go through that container and pack or eliminate as needed.



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Good morning!  Thanks for daily report!  Prayers to all (including Marley) with issues. 

I have used ice cream in coffee when I was out of milk- was good!


I saved the recipe which included avocado cream since my DS has a tree and I am fortunate to get a lot!

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Good morning Daily family! Thank you to @richwmn for posting the report each day and to @rafinmd for the Care and Celebrations/Shoutout lists. 


We’ll, I guess it’s my turn dealing with appliance gremlins. 


First our oven stopped working a couple weeks ago. Stove still worked. My DSiL’s mom was moving to a new place and she was bought a new oven so didn’t need the one in the duplex. So DH and DSiL went and got it yesterday. I can bake again! 


But then in the afternoon the microwave stopped working! The control panel was lit but the buttons wouldn’t work. I think we’ll just get a new one today to replace the 38 year old unit. DH is going to need to reheat meals while I’m in Florida.😉


Prayers 🙏 and hugs for all on the cares list. And high fives to all celebrations. 🥂

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Good morning friends!  It was about 29F this morning but will move up to 46F and sunny all day.  Like Julia @JAM37our weather forecast for the next 10 days is mostly sunshine, though our lows will be in the 30's and the highs in the 50's and even 60's.  Either that or the weatherperson is messing with me!!  A salute to them anyway on their day of recognition.  I'm an ice cream lover and could eat it anytime so why not for breakfast?  I wish I'd known earlier! 😋  Showering with a friend - no thanks.  The veggie burrito looked okay but I'd like some chicken in mine.  I haven't been to Picton yet but I thought Port Chalmers was the port with all the logs piled high waiting to be shipped out?  Picton was port of the day on April 26 last year.  We need some port photos today people!


Thanks Rich for the Daily and also to Roy for the Care and Celebration lists.  Cheers for the many people celebrating good news and cruises.  Prayers of course for so many friends here and in our own lives who need help or recovery.  @kazuJacqui still praying for you and Jose, and of course Marley always gets a mention.  I'm going to still hope it's simply a tick disease which the vet can treat.  🤞  I do hope someone can help you get the generator uncovered.  And a warming trend wouldn't hurt either!  Thank you also for the memes to cheer us all up, and to @cat shepardAnn for your animal series memes.  Both you and  Jacqui help to start us laughing each morning.  Julia @JAM37have a safe drive to Florida.  When is your RC cruise?  @Cruzin TerriI do hope you get to feeling better soon.  Gerry @ger_77I'm sure DH and his friend will enjoy their music today, and I know that friend will enjoy your delicious feast tonight.  And wine!  And finally prayers for our dear friend Joy @Seasick Sailor.  I hope she and Allen are doing A-OK!


@*Miss G*you gave us an excellent list of packing tips.  I've probably forgotten how to pack by now.  Nice picture of the packing cube.  We have a very lightweight set of 3 packing cubes given to us by I believe Cathay Pacific.  They are not nearly as nice as yours, but they do the trick when I fold up my colored T-shirts and fill a cube with them.  Helps to keep the suitcase organized.


And good news on the passport front.  Remember last month we had quite the time getting our passport photos done at the UPS store and finally went to Walgreens?  My photo was meh so I now have to live with that for 10 years!  However I sent them in on Friday the 14th, they were accepted on Jan. 20 and the checks cashed that day.  Then on Feb. 2 the status said approved and they are printing them.  They claim they will be here on Feb. 8 which is Tuesday.  I'll believe it when I see it!  We did used expedited due to all the reports here on CC that they were taking up to 4 months to return them.  Fingers crossed everything comes back perfectly and with no worries.

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Here are a few of the logs awaiting ships in Port Chalmers, New Zealand.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVKwkw3OJb6f7oc3rNCCtEmk?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1513622590


Photos online show Picton with many, many logs on the shore.  Unfortunately I don't have any photos of Picton - never been there yet.  Think of all these trees cut down!  I hope they are replanting as they cut.  Pine trees grow very fast here in Georgia.

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32 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:

Here are a few of the logs awaiting ships in Port Chalmers, New Zealand.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVKwkw3OJb6f7oc3rNCCtEmk?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1513622590


Photos online show Picton with many, many logs on the shore.  Unfortunately I don't have any photos of Picton - never been there yet.  Think of all these trees cut down!  I hope they are replanting as they cut.  Pine trees grow very fast here in Georgia.

Maybe I got my ports mixed up! I do remember our guide telling us that their forestry industry was hurting as they no longer milled in country as China now buys,  as picture shows and do their own milling. So it pretty much affected their lumber mill industry.

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My only visits to Picton were in 2020.  I love trains and wanted to experience all the trains I could during the visit so I left the Crystal Serenity in Auckland and rode the "Northern Explorer" train to Wellington, connecting the next day to the ferry to Picton and the "Coastal Pacific" on to Christchurch.  Here are 2 of the 3 ferries on the service:



It was about a 10 minute walk to the train station and I did not really do much other exploring that day.




The next day I got a nice overview of the town as the train approached:




Two days later the Crystal Serenity arrived in Picton.  The town has space for only one cruise ship and Seabourn Encore had it so we docked on the outskirts at Waimahara, an unattractive setting that required a shuttle to town.


My primary destination in Picton was the Edwin Fox, a ship that served many purposes over it's lifetime including carrying convicts to Australia, settlers to New Zealand, and lamb carcasses to market.  While restoration is proceeding slowly, the ship is largely a ruin, but it is among the last surviving ships to carry convicts to Australia.  Conditions on the Fox were brutal, even for first class passengers:


They were especially harsh for convicts confined to stacked cells:




After the Fox I did take a walk around town.  The main street, Front Street looked pretty nice.



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3 hours ago, kazu said:

Marley failed his blood test (not the good fail like in covid) and has indicators of cancer.  The lab recommended to eliminate any chance we do a test to make sure he doesn’t have a tick disease which can cause the same indicators.  Doubtful, but it made sense to rule it out especially since they could use the blood sample they already had.  And, it’s easily fixed.  Once we hear on that, we’ll probably do one more test.  The vet and I both agree the invasive tests will not be done.  They are not going to fix anything.  There’s no cure for his cancer and he will have quality of life while he can.

Hoping Marley has tick disease (does that sound weird?}. 🤞 But like you said, he will have quality of life while he can. I’d like to be one of your dogs in my next life. 😉

3 hours ago, Cruzin Terri said:

Now for the disturbing news.  Actually, my situation with my autoimmune disorder has gotten worse.  I had some lab work on Jan. 25 which showed, what I thought was an improvement.  However, I had to have other lab work on Feb. 3.  Only one week later.  That showed that the inflammation is worse than it was at the end of November.  I put a call into the doctor, however I will not hear from him until Monday.  

I do know that after doing anything extra, I am in a lot of pain in the upper extremities.  So we will see whether the dosage has to be increased again or what to do.

Not a happy camper this morning.

Extra prayers and hugs coming you way. 🙏

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Good morning all. A sunny 16F when I woke. Thanks Rich and all who make this such a great place. The drink sounds good. My daughter text last night to suggest I check the post office. Since it’s Saturday if it isn’t in one of their special boxes you use if they leave a key in your box, I will have to wait until Monday to get my surprise. Prayers and cheers for all. 

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Good morning everyone! Thank you Rich for the Daily Report, and thank you Roy for the Cares and Celebration Report.  And thank you everyone for caring and sharing! Have a great weekend!


We passed through Picton while on our 2007 visit to New Zealand and Australia. We spent a few days in Auckland,  an all-day train ride Auckland to Wellington, and a few days in Wellington before crossing the Cook Strait. This strait is notorious for a lot of "motion in the ocean." The year before (2006) the DEV Aratere, one of the two Interislander ferries at the time, had withstood 14-meter waves and even heeled 50 degrees periodically coming close to capsizing! Thankfully our crossing aboard the MV Kaitaki  was without incident. Approximately 1/4 of the voyage is within the Queen Charlotte Sound of the South Island which is very scenic. After that we drove the southern portion of the South Island in a campervan. I feel that the South Island is THE most beautiful place in the world and truly is Aotearoa:  "The Land of the Long White Cloud." 


- Jack


MV Kaitaiki on a previous day leaving Wellington.



Leaving Wellington



In the Cook Strait.



Entering Queen Charlotte SoundDSCF0220.thumb.JPG.3b93038d6c85eb80eb23f5d32fef7169.JPG


At the mouth of Queen Charlotte Sound



In our younger days!



Arriving at the Picton Ferry Terminal



Looking back at the ferry terminal from the train station.



Picton train station



Looking further South. The town proper is just to the left.



Our mode of transport from Christchurch and points South. RHD with the steering wheel on the right.







Edited by Heartgrove
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3 hours ago, marshhawk said:

DH's meds for his heart cost a fortune, and he procrastinated ordering  them, until he realized he had two pills left.  I called the worlds most wonderful nurse (at the heart docs place) and explained on a Friday no less, that he was out of meds.  They ran down to the other Heart hospital office, grabbed him a months worth, and called me back to come pick them up.  So after running a few errands yesterday, I drove up to the Heart Doctors and then came back, and went to work.  I make beaded stone necklaces, so I asked the two nurses what their favorite colors are, and I'm headed to the craft store to make a purchase.  This "gift " of meds is worth over a thousand dollars, so I'm thinking a couple of necklaces that cost me 30 or so to make, is a good offering. ( I used to sell my necklaces at the ASO symphony store, until they closed the store)


How kind of you ♥️. It’s always nice to pay back (I’ve been trying to do that as much as possible, too) and I know the necklaces will be very appreciated.  


3 hours ago, ger_77 said:

Not a lot on the agenda today, although a friend of ours is coming over this afternoon to "play" with DH.  They're both musicians and haven't been together for over a month since DH hasn't been feeling well.  Our friend's wife is in a long term care home due to Parkinson's, so we'll have him over for the afternoon and I'll make dinner for the 3 of us. 


How nice for your DH and how nice of you to take your guest to see his wife and host him for dinner 👍 


2 hours ago, marshhawk said:

  And then I walk away in sadness for all the terrible things that have been happening to my new friends here.  So if i seem remiss about any one's troubles, it's just because i'm an idiot, but i care and love you all very much.  


You are NOT an idiot.  It’s hard to express things when people are going through a difficult time. I would NEVER call you an idiot and neither should you ♥️ 


2 hours ago, dfish said:

I am sorry the results for Marley are not what we all were hoping for.  It would be nice if that one last test would find the easy fix. 



That would be nice but he has been on a special pill for years to protect him from ticks (big worry of lyme disease here with all the deer) so it is very unlikely - but, it’s worth checking.


2 hours ago, dfish said:

As for the generator, I feel the pain.  Are there no neighborhood kids who want to make a buck?


No neighbourhood kids here that want to do it, sadly.  And have to be careful with the generator, propane pipe, etc.  I got a path made and got a lot of it done.  My gardener friend loves to shovel so I called and he put the finishing touches on it for me.  (Thank heavens, I was getting exhausted) and took care of Marley’s path for me out back and tidied up my front walk.  Worth every penny 😉 


2 hours ago, dobiemom said:

Good morning Daily family! Thank you to @richwmn for posting the report each day and to @rafinmd for the Care and Celebrations/Shoutout lists. 


We’ll, I guess it’s my turn dealing with appliance gremlins. 


First our oven stopped working a couple weeks ago. Stove still worked. My DSiL’s mom was moving to a new place and she was bought a new oven so didn’t need the one in the duplex. So DH and DSiL went and got it yesterday. I can bake again! 


But then in the afternoon the microwave stopped working! The control panel was lit but the buttons wouldn’t work. I think we’ll just get a new one today to replace the 38 year old unit. DH is going to need to reheat meals while I’m in Florida.😉


Prayers 🙏 and hugs for all on the cares list. And high fives to all celebrations. 🥂


1 hour ago, StLouisCruisers said:

And good news on the passport front.  Remember last month we had quite the time getting our passport photos done at the UPS store and finally went to Walgreens?  My photo was meh so I now have to live with that for 10 years!  However I sent them in on Friday the 14th, they were accepted on Jan. 20 and the checks cashed that day.  Then on Feb. 2 the status said approved and they are printing them. 


Yay 🙂. Good news on your passport. 👍 


25 minutes ago, dobiemom said:

Hoping Marley has tick disease (does that sound weird?}. 🤞 But like you said, he will have quality of life while he can. I’d like to be one of your dogs in my next life. 😉


What a sweet thing to say.  ♥️ 


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Thanks to all who make the Daily happen, often before I’ve even got up. 
@kazu Jacqui I rooting for tick disease for Marley. You’ve got enough on your plate already, for gosh sakes. Hope the generator works in case it’s needed. 

it seems weather folks are the only ones who can be wrong the majority of the time and keep their job. Here in DC they blame it on the mountains or the river or the European model 🤪

@Miss G thanks for the packing tips. I have a drawer in the guest room where I stash things I think I might need and one of those over-the-door shoe pockets that I keep travel size items in. Since I use the guest room bed to pack on everything is right there and guests can easily grab something they forgot. 

Ice cream for breakfast is always on the menu in our house but our DGS knows he has to have cereal first. 

Prayers 🙏 for all who need them and smiles 😊 for all celebrating. 

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Another bright and sunny and cold day here in southwestern Colorado. I will be happy when I no longer have to walk the little guy when morning temp is below zero F. Our daytime highs are a bit better.... it may reach 35 today.


Am off to errand run. Will check back in later but everyone, take care. My most positive thoughts to all who need them.... human, canine or feline.



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4 hours ago, Cruzin Terri said:

Good morning.

Thank you for the Daily, Rich and for the list, Roy.

Never got to post yesterday.  it was a busy day.  We had guests for dinner last evening and I guess that it just took a lot out of me.

We have not had any company since COVID started and since I started having this autoimmune disorder.  Everything takes longer to do.

So after spending most of the day preparing for this dinner and then entertaining, I was exhausted.

But we had a great time and glad we did it.


Now for the disturbing news.  Actually, my situation with my autoimmune disorder has gotten worse.  I had some lab work on Jan. 25 which showed, what I thought was an improvement.  However, I had to have other lab work on Feb. 3.  Only one week later.  That showed that the inflammation is worse than it was at the end of November.  I put a call into the doctor, however I will not hear from him until Monday.  

I do know that after doing anything extra, I am in a lot of pain in the upper extremities.  So we will see whether the dosage has to be increased again or what to do.

Not a happy camper this morning.

Anyway, that is my tale of woe.

Prayers for all that need them.  Keeping those who are ill and those caring for loved ones who are ill in my prayers.

Cheers to those celebrating.

As for the days.  I will pass on Ice Cream for Breakfast and prefer taking a shower alone.  I respect the weathermen, they have an important job and get a bad rap when giving us weather news we don’t like.

I’ll skip the wine and the meal as well as the drinks.

Never been to the port.

Take care everyone.  I plan to rest today.

God bless,


Hope your  Dr and sort this out  real  quick  for you and  sending lots  of  Prayers your  way.


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