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The Fleet Report and Daily for Monday July 18th, 2022


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Exciting News! The boat my DN was sailing in the BYC Race to Mackinac finished 'first across the finish line' in its Class. (It will end up in 2nd place on corrected time.)


Optimistic News!  My DB, that COVID kept from his announced 'final' race, continues to improve and his oxygen levels are no longer dangerously low. He's far from well, but I'm told DB is talking about 'un-retiring' to race in 2023 with DN to celebrate his 75th and his son's 40th birth years!


Not Such Good News. Despite their best efforts at isolating from one another, my DSIL who tested negative all last week has now tested positive – a week after DB.


And… since DSIL will now not be going, Auntie M will gladly drive from here up to the island to drive my DN back to the Detroit area --  a 10 hour circle trip of love.



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1 hour ago, 0106 said:

Guacamole is basically mashed, raw avocados mixed with other ingredients to taste.  Two people have already posted that they don't like guacamole.  Maybe one of my alternatives will encourage you to try it again. 


It’s believed that guacamole dates all the way back to the 1500s when the Aztecs of Mexico created a popular saucy green spread using the same ingredients that we enjoy today. They called it ahuaca-mulli which means an avocado mixture or avocado sauce. The word guacamole that’s more commonly used today is likely derived from a language in Central Mexico called Nahuatl where it was pronounced waka’mole and huaka’mole. The Aztecs loved guacamole and believed it to be a natural aphrodisiac. Avocados contain more natural mono-saturated fat and protein than other fruits and have almost 20 vitamins and minerals. They can help manage heart problems and cholesterol for some people. So, besides tasting good, guacamole is also good for you.


It is important to choose an avocado that is not too firm, but also not too soft. Make sure you give it a gentle squeeze at the store before buying it. There should be a little bit of give to it, but it shouldn’t feel too soft. If it doesn’t have any give at all, then it is probably too firm. If you aren’t planning on making the guacamole for a day or two, then the firmer avocado will do, but just make sure that you plan ahead.


Make sure to keep your guacamole concealed in an airtight container in the refrigerator. Prolonged exposure to oxygen will give the guacamole a somewhat brown color. There are a couple of different ways that I have found that really seem to work. 

1.       Add the pit of the avocado to the guacamole dish. 

2.       Add an extra teaspoon of lime juice.

3.       Cover in plastic wrap.


You will want to use more avocados than other ingredients to make the base for the guacamole. The amount of other ingredients is based purely on your preference. If you like spicy, add extra jalapeños, and if not, don’t add any. Here’s a basic recipe.  https://www.myrecipes.com/recipe/best-guacamole

Simply the Best Guacamole image


I frequently make this one which adds black bean and corn. The beans add protein and fiber and the corn adds a touch of sweetness.  https://www.thegardengrazer.com/fiesta-guacamole/

Bowl of black bean fiesta guacamole with cilantro and tomato


Fruit is also a nice addition.  https://www.theroguebrusselsprout.com/recipes/tropical-guacamole



Finally, if you don’t like avocados, it looks like guacamole but is actually made with edamame beans.  Low calorie, low fat, high protein.  https://pickyeaterblog.com/the-secret-way-to-make-guacamole-without-avocado-edamame-guacamole/

vegan guacamole with tortilla chips in a white bowl

You are doing a fantastic job with the food descriptions and menu's 👍


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8 minutes ago, Vict0riann said:

Good morning, everyone!  It is mid afternoon here in Norway!  Pat has gone to the gym to try to work off the last two days’ meals, I should have gone, too, but perhaps next time…


I love guacamole, but like to make it myself, then it can be properly lumpy, only  avocado, with a little salt and fresh lime juice, and just before serving, some tomato, carefully cubed, for colour.  There’s never any left over for storing, but if I get a lot of avocados I can prepare it without the tomato, and it freezes beautifully in plastic bags.  Half an avocado is the equivalent of a whole banana for potassium, so good for leg cramps. 

We’ve been to kodiak, but I’m having a hard time getting my photos from the cloud.


At lunch time, we were walking through the Lido, and someone said ”Madame Ann”?  I couldn’t remember her, but she said she remembered us from the Zaandam in South America in 2017.  Tony, @sailingdutchy, do you remember Dian?  My heavens, what great memories they have.  We got hugs today from our old friend Apinya too.  They both work in Tamarind.  


From “dressy” night, last night.



Lovely photos Ann.

You look very elegant and Pat looks very smart.


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 Good morning everyone.Did you ever wonder who is reading our board? There are 27 posts as of right now and 207 views.

My son who has covid said it reached his herniated disc yesterday but Tylenol was taking care of it. I like all the days and especially the quote about music. Music is good for the soul and research has proven it is good for the brain and for healing.

Heading to the dentist this afternoon and hoping to avoid the severe thunderstorm they say is coming. It’s a half hour ride if the roads aren’t flooded.

Stay safe everyone,


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38 minutes ago, ottahand7 said:

Good Monday morning! We are going to get some more heat but nothing that others are suffering from. I am thinking of those in Great Britain as only a small percentage have AC. @grapau27I hope you do or have a shady corner in your beautiful garden to sit.  


We turned on the pump from the lake to run sprinklers for my garden as no rain was in the forecast. We pumped water for 2 hours while I worked a hose off the lake water pump giving water lovers an extra drink. As usual we had a pop up shower in the afternoon with about .1 of an inch.  Even the lawn gets a drink. A big thunderstorm predicted for tonight.  Fishing was ok yesterday many Bluegill from decent to tiny. At least they are beginning to bite.  


Prayers for all those on the care list and the people of Ukraine. Very little news from there because of all the carnage in our country.  I hope it doesn't turn into a quagmire.   Thank you for the Daily Reports!  John lives guac I don't.   I love a good Riesling on a hot summer day but today's looks pricey and probably hard to find.  

Thank you.

It is currently 86°F in the shade.

We do not have AC in the house.

I am sitting in a shaded area between our 2 conservatories that we call The Smoking Area.

This was where my late dad would sit when he had a smoke.

I stopped smoking 45 years ago.




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Good Monday Morning, Dailyites!


Many thanks to all who contribute to the Fleet Report and Daily.  Cheers to those on Roy's celebration list and hugs going out to those on the care list.


We were in Kodiak June 28, 2019, during Maasdam's 21-day Alaska cruise round trip from San Francisco.


Loved this cute little boat chugging past us





Keep an Eagle Eye out on the visitors



An interesting sculpture





The history museum and Kodiak National Wildlife Refuge Visitor Center





View of town from Maasdam



Hope everyone has a great day!



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1 minute ago, kb4683 said:

Good Monday Morning, Dailyites!


Many thanks to all who contribute to the Fleet Report and Daily.  Cheers to those on Roy's celebration list and hugs going out to those on the care list.


We were in Kodiak June 28, 2019, during Maasdam's 21-day Alaska cruise round trip from San Francisco.


Loved this cute little boat chugging past us





Keep an Eagle Eye out on the visitors



An interesting sculpture





The history museum and Kodiak National Wildlife Refuge Visitor Center





View of town from Maasdam



Hope everyone has a great day!



Thank you for your lovely photos Kay.


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48 minutes ago, HAL Sailer said:

Exciting News! The boat my DN was sailing in the BYC Race to Mackinac finished 'first across the finish line' in its Class. (It will end up in 2nd place on corrected time.)


Optimistic News!  My DB, that COVID kept from his announced 'final' race, continues to improve and his oxygen levels are no longer dangerously low. He's far from well, but I'm told DB is talking about 'un-retiring' to race in 2023 with DN to celebrate his 75th and his son's 40th birth years!


Not Such Good News. Despite their best efforts at isolating from one another, my DSIL who tested negative all last week has now tested positive – a week after DB.


And… since DSIL will now not be going, Auntie M will gladly drive from here up to the island to drive my DN back to the Detroit area --  a 10 hour circle trip of love.



So glad DB is feeling somewhat  better but sorry DSIL is now positive.

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Good morning friends!  Ahh, it's Monday and since we don't go to a job it's just like Sunday.  Love it!  Today we decided to go outside for our walk since it's not raining,  Feeling a bit out of shape even with our usual working out on the treadmill, etc.  Or we could just be getting old.😅  I'm late because I washed my hair which requires more bathroom time, then DH needed his hair cut badly so I took care of that.  Plus I'm just taking my time today and not hurrying. 


Thank you Rich for the Daily and the Fleet Report.  Let's see - guacamole...I don't go out of my way to get some but when it's offered I will eat it.  I don't know why so many say it's not a favorite unless it's the texture.  Sour candy is okay but it's not chocolate.  Enough said!  World listening day sounds good and thanks to Graham @grapau27for the explanation.  I saw that London is having a heat wave.  Strange when our temps in Georgia are cooler than London's!  We will only be 90 today. Graham, turn on the sprinkler and run through it in your bathing suit.  Get Pauline out there too!  Lol!  Now as for Global Hug Your Kids Day, I would love to be able to reach them with my arms but just can't reach.  We have set the dates for visits to them in a few weeks. Between their medical procedures, orchestra camp, math and science camp, dental cleaning, hair appointments, soccer practice, puppy kindergarten starting and citizen's police academy, we have fit it in!


Kodiak, Alaska was our port last Dec. 5, 2021 and in looking back I posted one photo late in the day of a darling baby otter we saw.  We had driven home from Orlando on Dec. 5 after the raucous youth soccer nationals down there, which besides July heat may be a good reason we are not down there this week for the nationals.  Too stressful.  Therefore I didn't post a whole large batch of photos of Kodiak. 00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVKLPpnFZpedy0hx7z9eY7kP?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1568232859


Thanks Roy for our Care and Celebration lists today.  Many prayers for all listed.  Cheers for the large group of people celebrating something.  @kazuJacqui your memes are excellent today.  Thanks for the laugh.  I hope you see the end of the bags of clothing to donate.  Your closets will be so clean!  @smitty34877Terry good to hear some of the Covid patients have recovered.  I hate to hear Camilla has had it, and didn't you say twice already?  Prayers for Tana!  @cat shepardAnn, when I read about your day I always think you are a well rounded person because you include exercise, Bindi, volunteer work, family visits, dining out with friends and lots of get togethers with them as well.  So much excitement with all the deer in your area!  If they weren't so destructive they would be a welcome attraction.  @aliaschiefBruce thanks for your tip on turmeric helping arthritis and thanks also to @Vict0riannAnn for the caution on bad reactions to it.  We should all speak to our doctors first and have their okay.  By the way, Ann, you and Pat look wonderful in your "dressy" clothes.  Keep the reports coming if the internet will cooperate. @ottahand7you seem to be having a wonderful summer at the lake fishing.  Thank you for reminding us all of Ukraine and their suffering.  Like you said we have so much garbage going on in this country that is distracting us from the horrors over there.  How's everyone enjoying our 9.1% inflation rate for June?  I'm not!! @HAL SailerMelisa I'm happy to hear DB is improving, and DN won first in his class over the weekend.  Nice of you to do the pick up of DN, so drive safely.  Sorry to hear of DSIL being positive now.  @kb4683just wanted to say I enjoyed meeting you on the Island Princess, as well as your DH Jim.  To everyone here, Kay is quite a nice lady and very easy to talk to.  Too bad we didn't see each other as often as we'd like (with us locked in Covid jail).  Thanks for all the photos so far today of Kodiak, including Kay's and @summer slope.  It's a nice stop in Alaska that only a few ships make.  @1ANGELCATgood luck at your hand doctor visit today!

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Good morning all. Thanks Rich and all who contribute to make this a great place to come every morning. Today is phone day. I have a list of five things to do long distance that will require patience and time dealing with automated answering features on each call. I just wish I could speak to a real person and I would do so much better. It looks like it will be hot everywhere today. I will enjoy my evening kayak with a group of nice friendly people. 

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5 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:

Kodiak, Alaska was our port last Dec. 5, 2021 and in looking back I posted one photo late in the day of a darling baby otter we saw.  We had driven home from Orlando on Dec. 5 after the raucous youth soccer nationals down there, which besides July heat may be a good reason we are not down there this week for the nationals.  Too stressful.  Therefore I didn't post a whole large batch of photos of Kodiak. 00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVKLPpnFZpedy0hx7z9eY7kP?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1568232859



Awww, my favorite marine mammal 💕.  Thanks, Sandi!

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10 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:

Good morning friends!  Ahh, it's Monday and since we don't go to a job it's just like Sunday.  Love it!  Today we decided to go outside for our walk since it's not raining,  Feeling a bit out of shape even with our usual working out on the treadmill, etc.  Or we could just be getting old.😅  I'm late because I washed my hair which requires more bathroom time, then DH needed his hair cut badly so I took care of that.  Plus I'm just taking my time today and not hurrying. 


Thank you Rich for the Daily and the Fleet Report.  Let's see - guacamole...I don't go out of my way to get some but when it's offered I will eat it.  I don't know why so many say it's not a favorite unless it's the texture.  Sour candy is okay but it's not chocolate.  Enough said!  World listening day sounds good and thanks to Graham @grapau27for the explanation.  I saw that London is having a heat wave.  Strange when our temps in Georgia are cooler than London's!  We will only be 90 today. Graham, turn on the sprinkler and run through it in your bathing suit.  Get Pauline out there too!  Lol!  Now as for Global Hug Your Kids Day, I would love to be able to reach them with my arms but just can't reach.  We have set the dates for visits to them in a few weeks. Between their medical procedures, orchestra camp, math and science camp, dental cleaning, hair appointments, soccer practice, puppy kindergarten starting and citizen's police academy, we have fit it in!


Kodiak, Alaska was our port last Dec. 5, 2021 and in looking back I posted one photo late in the day of a darling baby otter we saw.  We had driven home from Orlando on Dec. 5 after the raucous youth soccer nationals down there, which besides July heat may be a good reason we are not down there this week for the nationals.  Too stressful.  Therefore I didn't post a whole large batch of photos of Kodiak. 00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVKLPpnFZpedy0hx7z9eY7kP?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1568232859


Thanks Roy for our Care and Celebration lists today.  Many prayers for all listed.  Cheers for the large group of people celebrating something.  @kazuJacqui your memes are excellent today.  Thanks for the laugh.  I hope you see the end of the bags of clothing to donate.  Your closets will be so clean!  @smitty34877Terry good to hear some of the Covid patients have recovered.  I hate to hear Camilla has had it, and didn't you say twice already?  Prayers for Tana!  @cat shepardAnn, when I read about your day I always think you are a well rounded person because you include exercise, Bindi, volunteer work, family visits, dining out with friends and lots of get togethers with them as well.  So much excitement with all the deer in your area!  If they weren't so destructive they would be a welcome attraction.  @aliaschiefBruce thanks for your tip on turmeric helping arthritis and thanks also to @Vict0riannAnn for the caution on bad reactions to it.  We should all speak to our doctors first and have their okay.  By the way, Ann, you and Pat look wonderful in your "dressy" clothes.  Keep the reports coming if the internet will cooperate. @ottahand7you seem to be having a wonderful summer at the lake fishing.  Thank you for reminding us all of Ukraine and their suffering.  Like you said we have so much garbage going on in this country that is distracting us from the horrors over there.  How's everyone enjoying our 9.1% inflation rate for June?  I'm not!! @HAL SailerMelisa I'm happy to hear DB is improving, and DN won first in his class over the weekend.  Nice of you to do the pick up of DN, so drive safely.  Sorry to hear of DSIL being positive now.  @kb4683just wanted to say I enjoyed meeting you on the Island Princess, as well as your DH Jim.  To everyone here, Kay is quite a nice lady and very easy to talk to.  Too bad we didn't see each other as often as we'd like (with us locked in Covid jail).  Thanks for all the photos so far today of Kodiak, including Kay's and @summer slope.  It's a nice stop in Alaska that only a few ships make.  @1ANGELCATgood luck at your hand doctor visit today!

Thank you Sandi.

Pauline is at work today and tomorrow in her air conditioned office while I have to suffer in the sun and shade.😇.



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11 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:

You poor thing!  Stay out of that sun!😎

Pauline bought some lovely ready made salads in Mark's and Spencer yesterday so I have promised to bring them out with me and take her to the beach as soon as she finishes work.


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Good morning from hot central Texas.  Enough said about that.


We have been to Kodiak 14 times, and all but two of those were on BHBS.  Our first time was in 1992, pre-digital, when we put out motorhome on the Tustemena, one of the fleet of the Alaska Marine Highway, for an overnight trip to Kodiak.  The motorhome fare cost way more than the fares for both of us and our DDs, and a room for four with a bath.  Since our first dachshund, Brandy, was with us, we had to take the motorhome for her to stay in.  Also, on the return trip, we left the Trusty Tusty in Seward.  We were only in Kodiak one night due to the ferry schedule, but we packed a lot of sightseeing into that day.


We did the 14-day out of Seattle 12 times by doing b2b2bs in 2010 and 2012 on Amsterdam, 2015 on Statendam and 2018 on Zaandam.  Also 9n 2018, we stopped in Kodiak on Coral Princess on the Circle the Northern Pacific cruise.  We have had great weather on several of the stops, cloudy, misty weather on other stops, and pouring rain on a few stops.  When it was pouring rain, we just stayed on the ship and watch the people trying to stay dry waiting for their tours.


On December 5, 2012, while we were on Koningsdam, this is what I posted about Kodiak.


I found a few different pictures of Kodiak on DH's tablet.  They are from our various trips except the one in 1992 in the pre-digital age.


@rafinmd, Roy, this first picture is for you.  I didn't find a good picture of the Tustemena in Kodiak, but this was her sailing out of Homer, bound for Kodiak.  I guess that counts.  For those who have never sailed on her or seen her, the tall structure near the stern is how vehicles are loaded on the ferry.  You drive onto the platform between the uprights, and are then lowered to the parking deck.  Once on that deck, a turntable rotates the vehicle so it can be driven to its parking spot.



A Kodiak bear looking for salmon in a stream.



Eagles near town looking for fish 



A WWII bunker and remnants of guns in Fort Abercrombie State Park.  This bunker is a museum that is worth a visit.





Another bunker 



The plaque marking the high water level reached by the tidal wave after the March 27, 1964, earthquake.  The plaque is near the fire station near McDonalds, quite a way above sea level.



Finally, the small boat harbor downtown 





Edited by Quartzsite Cruiser
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Good morning, everyone!

Congratulations to those of you seeing rain; our long stretch of days over 100 is expected to continue for all the days of the extended forecast.  While 100 is not unusual for us for a few days in the summers, I have never seen it this hot for so very long.  Fortunately, our new a/c system is a champ!  I think the last step in that process will be today when the electric company will come out to determine that the installers did everything correctly, and the system does meet the requirements for their rebate.

We’ve been staying close to home, and exceptionally lazy.  My steps have dropped precipitously, and I am in NEED of some cooler weather to get out and walk.  @grapau27, I hope the heat in UK and Europe breaks soon.

@0106, thank you for the wonderful instructions for fried chicken yesterday, especially the tip about a buttermilk soak.  Our chicken enjoyed the buttermilk bath before becoming Orange Marmalade Chicken last night.  Yum!

@kazu, I’ve been excited to read about your new Shadow!  I know we’re all looking forward to pictures and stories.

In two weeks, we travel to hoped-for cooler weather in the mountains of north Georgia for a visit with DS & DDIL. When we get home from that, it will be time to get serious about our October cruise!  As long as I have a cruise to look forward to, I can endure the heat.  Speaking of October, @richwmn, I want to be sure we are on the list for the Daily Pinnacle dinner.  My record still shows that we still have all our dinner perks available.  

Be well, be kind, take good care!


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These are pictures taken in 2010 and 2012 on Kodiak.


The Orthodox Church on a sunny day, and some of the broken bells from the church.











In 2012, as usual, we rented a car.  This time we were in port long enough to drive out of town to the Pacific Spaceport Complex.  On the way back to town, we drove to Chiniak where we found an inn and café at the end of the road.


I found this explanation of the spaceport on line, and this is how it looked when I copied it.  The Pacific Spaceport Complex – Alaska (PSCA) on Kodiak Island provides responsive, flexible, and low-cost access to space for small- and light-lift vertical rockets and stratospheric balloons.  PSCA has been launching rockets since 1998 and was the first FAA-licensed spaceport not co-located on a federal range.


The coast near the spaceport



Part of the spaceport in the distance



Some of the animals near the spaceport who did not seem to mind the weather



What awaited us at the end of the road to Chiniak









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2 hours ago, Vict0riann said:

Good morning, everyone!  It is mid afternoon here in Norway!  Pat has gone to the gym to try to work off the last two days’ meals, I should have gone, too, but perhaps next time…


I love guacamole, but like to make it myself, then it can be properly lumpy, only  avocado, with a little salt and fresh lime juice, and just before serving, some tomato, carefully cubed, for colour.  There’s never any left over for storing, but if I get a lot of avocados I can prepare it without the tomato, and it freezes beautifully in plastic bags.  Half an avocado is the equivalent of a whole banana for potassium, so good for leg cramps. 

We’ve been to kodiak, but I’m having a hard time getting my photos from the cloud.


At lunch time, we were walking through the Lido, and someone said ”Madame Ann”?  I couldn’t remember her, but she said she remembered us from the Zaandam in South America in 2017.  Tony, @sailingdutchy, do you remember Dian?  My heavens, what great memories they have.  We got hugs today from our old friend Apinya too.  They both work in Tamarind.  


From “dressy” night, last night.



A very  lovely  photo of  you  both.


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Hey everyone, I hope you’ve been following @LAFFNVEGAS “Live From.” We flew from AMS-LHR-PHX together, but then parted ways. Here’s my story on my last leg home: 


I had a bad feeling. While at the American Airlines lounge at Phoenix Sky Harbor Airport, I received a text that the gate for my 8:12pm flight had changed. No problem. I arrived to my “new” gate at 7:40pm. Boarding was to start at 7:42. Flight attendants/crew were waiting at the door to board. Then about 7:50 they left. 🤔  Inbound flight arrived/disembarked at 8pm. 


Got a text notice a few min later that my flight delayed until 9pm. No crew. 


At 8:45pm the flight was delayed until 10pm. We were told a captain was on his way. AA offered folks to reschedule to Monday (today) and would put us up in a hotel (and meal voucher). But flights to my airport were mostly full and would have to fly standby or go to another airport. (There were seats in the 8:12pm flight.) I decided to take my chances and wait. 


A few minutes later we were updated that the capt was flying in. A few min after that we were told the capt was on a maintenance flight (not a scheduled/passenger flight) and it had not been cleared yet. 


At 9:45pm I got a text from AA saying: “Sorry for the change in travel plans. A complimentary hotel room and meal vouchers are available for everyone in your reservation.” So my gamble didn’t pay off. Sigh. 


As I mentioned, flights to my airport were mostly full and would have to fly standby or fly to another city. There were seats on the 8:12pm flight, but I elected to fly into a nearby airport leaving at 2pm today. 


I was given a choice of 3 hotels. The agent recommended TownPlace Suites by Marriot so I choose that. I received 2 taxi vouchers (no shuttle) and a $12 meal voucher to use at the airport, which I’ll use today since most places were closed by the time we was finished. 


So I’m getting ready to go back to the airport and use my food voucher and relax in the lounge (Good thing I also took today off work.) Talk to you later!

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World hug your Kids day is one I wish I could celebrate in person.  I'm not a fan of sour candy, just give me chocolate.  Listening day and music are important parts of life.


I really like the Victor Hugo quote.  I just wish I could make music that sounded worth listening to.


We like guacamole, but we'll pass on the drink and the wine.


@kazu  Jacqui, great memes today.  

@grapau27  Graham, I hope you and Pauline can stay cool during the unusual heatwave.  

@smitty34877  Terry, I'm glad Camilla's grandpapa is improving.  Congratulations on getting the second booster.  Hope you don't have a bad reaction.

@0106  Tina, another great job today.  Thanks for the history of guacamole.  Living in Texas, I should have known it.

@1ANGELCAT  I hope the hand doctor can help you with your hands.

@Vict0riann  Ann, I'm glad the cruise is going well.  That's a great picture of both of you on dressy night.

@HAL Sailer  Melisa, congratulations to your nephew on a great race.  I like the idea that your DB is thinking of unretiring for next year's race.  Sorry that DSIL is now positive.  It's nice that you can go get your DN and be careful on that long drive.

@luv4cruises  Hope you are staying cool.  This heatwave is one for the record books.  We don't remember 100+ days in June, and remember only a few in July.  I'm not looking forward to August.

@dobiemom  I hope you make it home today without any more drama.  The airline situation is a mess.




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